L17. The face on the chest.
(.12.) .24.26.-.
Themouth and eyes of an anthropomorphic creature are on the chest, no head.
(Matakam), Ancient Rome, Bali, Ancient China, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Russian written tradition, Zoroastrianism (Bundakhishn), Nenets, Ents, Northern Selkups, Evenks ( Upper Aldan), Chukchi, Copper, Heiltsuk, Fox, Cubeo.
(Wed. West Africa. Matakam [a lazy man with his wives and children stays with a beauty who is feeding him; wives see her bathing, her mouth is grinned on her chest; they run away with the children; the husband refuses for Follow them, the cannibal eats it]: Lembezat 1950:58).
Southern Europe. Ancient Rome [Pomponius Mela "De Chorographia" sive De situ orbis I.20: Blemias have no heads and facial features on the chest; Plinius Caius Caecilius Secundus "Natural History" VIII.2. Vol.3. p.520: Not far from these troglodytes, back to the west, there are some [tribes] who have no necks and no eyes on their shoulders; he also repeats everything in the V book of Natural History said by Mela].
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [amulets against demons depicting themselves; one of the amulets depicts a headless man with his face on his chest]: Covarrubias 1956:346.
China - Korea. Ancient China [drawing from the Book of Mountains and Seas {there are no drawings in the Russian edition}: images of a headless man with his face on his chest and a man with huge hanging ears]: Birrell 1999:54, fig. 21; Koreans [in Korea believe that outside Korea there are people without heads and eyes on their chest; there are lands inhabited only by women; they lie down in the south wind to become pregnant { probably based on reports from Matthaus Eiboken and other Sperwer crew members who lived in Korea in 1653-1666}: "Als zy de Hollanders benoemen, zeiden zy die te zijn Zuidermannen, en geloofden in't eerst, datze onder water konden leven, en vermits zy geen wyder kennis hebben als van Japan, Sina en't nabuurschap van Tartarye, zoo hebben zy veele beuzelachtige gedachten, van die ke verder woonen, als dat 'er menschen zijn zonder hooft, met de oogen in de borst; dat 'er gewesten zijn die alleen met Vrouwen bezet zijn, welke als zy teellust krygen, zich open leggen tegen de Zuide wind, die hen dan met doorwaeyen bevruchtigt, en diergelijke meer"]: Witsen 1785:57.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Herodotus IV, 191: It is home to huge snakes, lions, elephants, bears, venomous vipers, horned donkeys, dog people and completely headless animals with eyes on their chest (at least Libyans say the least) "]: Herodotus 2001:298.
Central Europe. Russian written tradition ("The Tale of the Unknown Man in an Eastern Country and the Language of the Different", late 15th - early 16th centuries) [In the same country, this is the case: the duty is like h (e) l (ov), but without heads. Their mouths //l. 76/ between their shoulders, and their eyes are in the crowd. And their heads are raw. And if they are, and ωni of the heads of the omeglenya inject themselves into the mouth on the shoulders, and on the droughia d (e), the bones will be replaced by themselves. But he doesn't talk. And their shooting is as follows - the trubka is yellow in the rts, and in the other hand the strelka is yellow. Yes, strelkow tow contributes to trobcow tow, and hits with a hammer, to strelkow tow. And they don't have any goods]: Pliguzov 2001:.
Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism (Bundhah) [Seven couples descended from Mashya and Mashyan, one of these couples, Fravak and Fravaka, and from those 15 couples, each of which became a race; of these 15, nine passed to the other Kishvars, and six remained in Hwaniras; of the 25 races descended from Mashya and Mashyan, there are some that live in the ground; in water; those with ears on their chest; those with eyes on their chest; one-legged; with wings, like a bat; forest; tailed; and those with a hairy body; various people live in Hwaniras: span tall; chest eyed; dog-like heads and whose eyebrows look like human; who eat tree leaves and drink goat milk]: Chunakova 2004:156
Western Siberia. Nenets (tundra?) [one fairy tale says that there were people who once lived next door to the Samoyeds; when winter came, these people climbed trees and, with their arms around a tree trunk, died until spring; in spring they came to life ; these people's mouths were placed on their chest because they did not have a head; another fairy tale says that a young shaman girl married the spirit of death; he took her to his land and killed his wife there; her spirits resurrected and taken to the moon; the wife of the main spirit was headless, with her mouth on her chest; when he killed his headless wife and married a shaman girl, they had a son; the son grew up, returned to earth and lived with Samoyeds]: Elders 1930:25; Ents [a Somatu man hunts wild deer; he is surrounded by little Egete people with eyes and tongue on their chest; he runs away by crossing the river (they are afraid of water); comes to ulayga enchio (also "little people"); they are going to eat a woman, but give her somata as his wife; he hears them going to eat both of them; runs, a big shigio man sits by the fire, grabs somata, swallows it whole, he cuts a hole with a knife, comes out, shigio dies, somata takes his bow; kills ulaiga enchio out of it, takes his wife; this somata is the ancestor of the Sovalov]: Dolgikh 1961:114-117 ; northern Selkups: Tuchkova 2004 [olykytyl kup - a headless man with eyes and a huge mouth on his chest]: 226; Pelikh 1998 (northern?) [olokoti-kum are headless people with eyes, nose and mouth on their chest; live in the first underworld; dead and queli live in it, but in other territories (former people who are frightened of white people and gone underground)]: 73.
Eastern Siberia. Evenks (Upper Aldan; West from Shaman M.P. Kulbertinova) [Robbeck et al., MS; at first only water and sky; winged ones flew and sat on the crests of the waves; then a creature without a head appeared; the headless had eyes on their chest, their mouths just below their eyes, put their hands, food in their mouths; there were many headless people, no one knows where they lived; apparently, they lived on pile decks or on rocks; a friend said friend: they decided to dig rivers; the water began to decrease, land appeared; they made large rivers, seas; rivers carried stones with the flow; headless: let it be called "stones", when there are many people, everything they will give names to what they have done; the earth has dried up, vegetation has appeared; headless: now real people will begin to appear, they will begin to come from somewhere, they must be born from something; the headless lived like people: when it snowed, they made skis for themselves, they knew everything about everything; one day huge, shiny winged ants flew to that land; headless: they would make real people those with heads will appear, they will hunt like us; ants are divorced very much, tall - in the middle, thin in the waist; later they turned into huge people; headless: beware of these loggerheads necessary; and those with headless heads were also afraid]: Dyakonova 2014:67-68.
SV Asia. The Chukchi ["Mountain Echo" (enm-taa) lives in the mountains; he has a stony body, eyes and mouth on his chest; she also appears to be an agile woman running across the mountains; in one of the fairy tales, she goes out marry a man; her former wife kills her, she turns into Mountain Echo; "Forest Echo" (ott-taa) lives in poplar forests; he has a wooden body without arms or legs, like a tree trunk]: Bogoraz 1939:40 (=1907:329).
The Arctic. Brass: Jenness 1922 [there's a tribe of people who have their mouths on their chest]: 180.
NW Coast. Heilzuk [two brothers and sister catch salmon a day; the dog howls, the sister advises her to make the river big; she does, now there are a lot of fish; someone steals the fish hanged to dry; the elder The brother remained on guard; Masmasalaniq came at midnight, a man without a head with eyes on his chest; firing four arrows, the young man chased him to his house by the lake; for M. and his men, people's arrows are invisible, all they think that M. fell ill; the man left the house, called the young man to cure the leader; he took out his arrows, got the leader's daughter as his wife; they have a son; four years later they decided to return to the young man's homeland; he made a boat, his wife wrote, a river appeared, he put a blanket over his head, the boat brought them home; the younger brother, sister and dog died during this time, the older brother's wife revived them; warned her husband not to scold his son; one day he scolded the boy, his wife grabbed his son, got on the boat, disappeared]: Boas 1895, No. XXI.4:237-238 (=2002:489-490).
The Midwest. Fox [two brothers go defeating and destroying monsters; they see three women who have no head but eyes on their chest and mouth on their stomach; the brothers almost died from the stench that came from them, but they still killed them with merchants]: Owen 1904:13
NW Amazon. Kubeo [the ancestor of Hömänihikö had two brothers; the eldest (only called chief) is Mianíkö töibö, he has no head, eyes on his chest with nipples]: Koch-Grü nberg 1910:162.