Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L17a2. A rival with an eye in her forehead .35.-.37.40.

Instead of a beautiful woman, a man takes a devil with an odd number of eyes.

Southern Selkups, central (?) Yakuts, Nanais, Aleuts.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups [the wife is dead, the devil forced the old man to marry her; the stepdaughter herds the cow, the royal son goes to her; the devil sends a two-eyed daughter, her stepdaughter put her to sleep; then sent three-eyed; stepdaughter poked her eye on the back of her head with a needle, but did not put her to sleep; stepmother ordered the cow to be slaughtered; stepdaughter begged her head and hooves, buried an apple tree; the royal son asks for apples, stepmother they are not given to daughters; the stepdaughter gave apples, the royal son asks her to be his wife; the devil locked her under a trough in the basement; instead of her she dressed Three-eyed; the rooster screams where the bride is; the prince in the basement, and the girl turned into a sparrow, flew away; I had to take the Three-Eye; a birch tree grew under the window, a bird on it, the prince feeds her from a golden plate, but does not sleep with his wife; the devil tells me to cut down and burn a birch tree; a spark fell to the seashore, a house with images of animals appeared; the prince's son, "wearing his native skin", flies, hears the conversations of his father (i.e. the prince) with a three-eyed eye; she blasphemes a miracle he had already seen, reports a new one; 1) a house with images of animals, 2) a killer whale on a birch tree, gold is falling from his mouth; the prince brings his son, he tells everything; he returned his true wife and son, tied the false one to two horses; she shouts: Where is mine blood will fall out, let the spike grow, where the pieces of meat are, the boyar will grow; whoever cuts his hand, my soul will feel good]: Lukina 2004, No. 2. 17:58-62.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [widower Oboruochchun and daughter Yuryumechchi Kuo ("beautiful moth") marries an old woman whose three daughters, in addition to ordinary eyes, have three, two, one on the back of her head; cow Yu tells her lie in the grass, become a silver bird, fly into her left ear to wash her face, eat in her right ear; the stepmother sends her daughters to watch Yu, she puts her eyes to sleep, but the five-eye follows unnoticed, spies; the cow tells her to take her eyes, ears, tail, hooves and skin when she is slaughtered and go east (these will include two milk lakes, the sacred Aal-Luuk Mas tree with eight branches, where souls hide people and animals, cattle, house); marry the first man she meets; Haradyiktay Mergen comes to marry her when she comes to see her father; her stepmother takes away her outfits and gives her a three-eyed; Seeing H. for the first time, Yu flies up in the guise of a bird, swallows his saliva, which is why he now gives birth to two boys, lives with them in his rich house (not with his stepmother); boys hide dishes and food, forcing their mother tell them who their father is; they come to him, his wife pushes an old stove on them, they are buried; Yu comes, tells the truth, H. hangs a three-eye; Yu pulls out living water as a bird, revives the children]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:210-224.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the pudin lives alone; as soon as he wants to eat, food appears; the mergen came, sat for three days, did not look at him; when he left, the mergen reproached her for not offering her all the time to eat for him; when he left, the pudin realized that it was the Mergen who was sending her food; looked into the barn: it was empty; but then the food began to appear again immediately; the mergan swam by: I should choose my wife, three years later I'll be back; three years later, a girl with three eyes swam in the boat, the third on the bridge of the nose; one night someone touched the powder's chest with a cold hand; she stabbed, lit a birch bark: someone went out leaving a trail of blood; the pudin followed the trail to the village, where her aunt's house; the pudin stayed there; often leaves: I go to bandage your husband's wound; one day a three-eyed saw pudin; Mergen came to beat the powder, but two Manchu maids protected her and then drove her away three-eyed; the pudin returned to her; the mergen comes three times, brings food, asks her not to be angry, but the powder hits and breaks everything; the third time, mergen killed her with a stick, left; but the pudin woke up; creating everything they needed, the girls went from the puddy to the wake; the mergan sent the souls of their mother and father to the boonie; at the wake, Mergen wants to treat the powder with wine, but the girls did not they give, drink themselves; they say pudin that they are the perfume of her parents, and she will marry the Mergen; they fly to heaven as birds; the mergen comes, he is prettier again, otherwise he was ugly at the wake; the powder pretended to be with a fresh corpse; next time with a decayed corpse; the third time she is alive again; asks the Mergen to bring her three-eyed eyes; he brings the eyes of the maids; then horses and cows; the third time three-eyed, pudin pierced them, they leaked out; wedding feast; many children]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 47:208-217.

The Arctic. The Aleuts (Unga) [the husband tells two wives to leave him dead near the kayak without burying him; they drop the kayak, one notices that the corpse is smiling; the other does not believe it; at night the husband goes to the woman with one eye to forehead; wives come to her in her husband's absence, she shows them how to eat soup without a spoon, wives shove it into a boiling pot; her husband is drowned in his kayak]: Golder 1909, No. 5:16-17.