Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L18. The many-headed bird. .12.20.-.23.25.-.27.29.-.

A bird with two or more heads in descriptions or images.

West Africa. Kono [the girl wants a groom without any scars on her body; every time she sends a fly to examine the applicant, they all have scars caused during initiation; the monster goes to the girl, takes it along the way the smooth skin of the earthworm, the complexion is from the centipede, the hair on the head is from herbs; the fly reports that the groom is perfect, the girl leaves with him; the youngest of her six brothers follows her in the form of a lizard; ways the monster distributes what he has taken, does terrible; crosses the river dry, throwing black powder into the water; the younger brother picks up the powder that has woken up to the ground, follows; they also overcome the fallen tree, mountain; in a monster village they all have a head like an iron bell, their feet are flat, they eat meat raw; in the morning they are woken up by a rooster with 7 heads; their brother throws him grains, runs away with his sister, overcoming obstacles with the same powder; brother and sister spend the night in a tree, monsters, without noticing them, make a fire nearby; a young man throws fruit at him, sparks burn one monster, he blames the other, all start fighting; brother and sister come home]: Holas 1975:158-168.

Polynesia - Micronesia. Samoa [Pilopo threw a stick at a 9-headed pigeon and killed it; cooked the meat and threw the giblets away; they turned into a rock]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (2), No. 31:22

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibet [round metal badge (?) in the form of a full-face bird (eagle) with two heads on two necks facing in opposite directions]: Yu.N. Roerich in Korenyako 2002, fig. II-2.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [hardworking poor That San learns from a magician; merchant Lee Thong invites him to his place, makes him a younger brother, uses his labor; LT's turn to sacrifice Boa, TS is coming instead of him, Boa kills; LT says that the Boa belonged to the king, advises the TS to flee, brings Boa's head himself, the king makes him prince; Princess Quin Nga is carried away by a three-headed eagle; TS sees in the mountains he is wounded with an arrow, reports LT; he lies to the king that he wounded the eagle; leads the army to the abyss; the TS descends, finds the princess, sends her upstairs; LT sends her home, throws stones down; TS kills an eagle leaves a cave in the Land of the Sea, kills a monster; the local king rewards him, but he returns to his native village; the dead shadows of the Eagle and Boa put the gold stolen from the palace in the vehicle; TS they grab it, but he tells the king everything; LT is expelled, killed by lightning; TS marries KN, defeats enemies, inherits the throne]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:28-39 (=Nikulin 1970a: 42-47).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Groot 2006 [when the haze falls, the "demonic chariot" bird flies around and screams; it can fly into homes and steal human souls - hun and breath ; she used to have ten heads, but one was eaten by dogs; where her head was, blood constantly trickles, and if it spills on a human home, there would be trouble; when the residents of Jing and Chu (Prov. Hunan and Hubei) hear her scream in the night to drive her away, turn off lights, knock on doors and twist the ears of dogs because the "demonic chariot" is afraid of dogs (Chen Jiangqi, first half 8th century); the "demonic chariot" bird used to have ten heads, could carry human souls - hun, but one of its heads was eaten by dogs (Duan Chengshi, 9th century)]: 214-215; Yuan Ke 1987:196 [in the country one-legged birds in the west were birds with two heads and red-yellow plumage], 206 [there were double-headed birds in the Land of the Hardworking]; Yangshina 1977:29 [Catalog of the Southern Mountains; Mount Main (Ji); found a bird that looks like a rooster, but with three heads and six eyes, six legs and three wings], 38 [Western Mountain Catalog; Kingfisher Mountain; There are lei birds that look magpies, but black and red, have two heads and four legs], 45 [Western Mountain Catalog; Mount Ivan; there is a bird that looks like a crow, but with three heads and six tails; knows how to laugh], 105 [Catalogue of western lands within the seas; animal The opening light is like a huge tiger with nine heads, each with a human face; standing at the top of Kunlun, turning east; south of the Opener, there is a bird with six heads]; Chinese (province not specified) [a nine-headed bird takes the princess, the king promises her savior; a young man notices a failure where the bird has disappeared; he is lowered on a rope, the princess bandages the bird's wounds ( the tenth head was bitten off by a heavenly dog); the bird fell asleep, the young man cut off her heads; the princess advises him to get up first; the young man refuses; she gives him half a hairpin, half a handkerchief; a companion leaves the young man in the dungeon; the young man frees the fish nailed to the wall, the son of the dragon king; the dragon takes him to the ground; he finds a turtle shell full of pearls; these pearls open a passage in the water and fire; he goes to the bottom of the sea; the saved son of the dragon tells his father to ask his father for a calebasa who fulfills wishes; the young man returns on the princess's wedding day; marries, the false groom is punished]: Wilhelm 1921, No. 7:13 -16; Chuan Miao [there is a dangerous, miserable, 9-headed bird]: Graham 1954:222-223.

South Asia. Panchatantra 1962, book 2, story 1 [bharunda ("scary") birds lived on the lake; each had one belly but two necks; one neck took out nectar, did not share it with the other, she ate the poison, the bird died]: 210; Maldives [a man came to cut down a tree; woke up the tiger, he was going to eat it; the man called the tiger king of animals and offered to build a house for him; the tiger agreed; when went inside, the man locked the door, brought his wife, and she poured boiling water over the tiger through a hole in the roof; when she saw a man deceive and brutally execute a tiger, a double-headed bird sitting in a nearby tree called other two-headed birds and explained that it is impossible to live in the same world as an intelligent and cruel creature like humans; all two-headed birds flew to the upper world and have lived on the dagas tree ever since; one grows from our world and reaches the top]: Romero-Frias 2012, No. 26:94-96.

Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [a Valaka bird with a hundred heads and a hundred eyes carried people away; they put bamboo and trees, put a mortar with hot coals in the middle, disguised them with clothes, put them around a spear; V. went down, ran into spears]: Egli 1989, No. 91:263.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the double-headed eagle - leader of hail clouds]: Gura 1997:611; Ancient Greece [among the ivory relief fibulas found in the sanctuary of Artemis Orfia in Sparta, there are a heraldic image of an eagle with two heads from one neck (approximately the first half of the 7th century BC)]: Andreev 2008:89-90 (Figure 29.2).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush [the prince has a copper tree with golden leaves; at night someone kidnaps them; the eldest son goes to guard, is frightened by the clouds and the wind, says that he saw nothing; the same middle son; the youngest became cut the cloud with a sword, cut off his black finger, followed a bloody trail in the morning; met and accompanied an arrow pulling trees, drinking the sea, which catches a bullet fired by him; the prince's son descends into a hole in the ground; a girl at the spring says that she and her two sisters were carried away by a three-headed eagle; so that they would not be bored, she brings them golden leaves; yesterday he returned without one head and without a finger; the prince's son teaches you to ask the eagle what his death is; over 7 mountains there is a huge ram, there is a hare in it, a duck in a hare, there are 3 chicks in the duck with his soul; the prince's son caught the chicks, the eagle died; the prince's son sent the girls upstairs; the youngest gave ring; 3 horses will appear at noon; if you touch white, you will find yourself in the upper world, red - you will stay here, black - you will go to the lower world; at the top, the brothers decided to take the girls home, they threw the rope down; the young man touched the black one; in the lower world, the Sarmak blocked the river, gives water for the girls, it is the stepfather's daughter's turn; the young man took water several times, then killed Sarmak by nailing him with a sword: no one can pull it out except the one who stuck it; everyone tries, but only the young man pulled it out, gives half the kingdom and a daughter to the padchah; the young man refused: he needs to go upstairs; the stepfather: the snake eagle eagles are eaten by a snake; the young man cut the snake, the chick hid it under its wing so that the eagle would not kill him without understanding it; the eagle tells him to cook bulls' carcasses and barrels of water; supplies are over, the young man cut off the meat from his left game, right games; left hand; hands; right hand; no more meat; the eagle threw off the young man, caught him, carried him to the ground, put his muscles, they grew; dressed as a shepherd, the young man came to the wedding of his companions with rescued girls; the youngest recognized her ring; the prince killed insidious friends, the young man married his youngest girl, married her sisters as his brothers]: Tankieva 2003:153-159 (=Malsagov 1983, No. 1:23-29); Dagestan [drawing on a wall in Derbent, copied by D.K. Kantemir in 1722; a pigeon-shaped bird in profile; a second neck with its head facing back extends from his shoulders]: Lavrov 1979, Figure 8; Georgians (Imereti) [The 9-headed eagle asks the hunter not to shoot him, but to heal him; after recovering, he carries him to his sisters; they are married to the kings of the White, Red, Blue (younger) Seas; only the youngest gives a box; The eagle orders not to open it along the way; the man opens, from there the city appears; the Eagle orders that it be removed from his land; agrees to put it back himself if the person gives what he does not know at home; the young man grows up, goes to Eagle; the old man says that the eagle's three daughters will come to swim, taking off their copper, silver, gold feathers; we must hide the golden ones, the youngest; she helps the young man by summoning spirits fulfilling her father's tasks; 1) build a church; 2) grow a garden: 3) build a sand bridge; 4) recognize the bride among three eggs (she will swing the right one); they are running, the Eagle did not catch up]: Bogoyavlensky 1894a, No. 2:8 -18.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens of the Middle Amu Darya (Arabachi, Choudors, Salors) [carpets and (more geometricized) chuval wall bags depict double-headed eagle-like birds in a heraldic pose with wide-open wings and fluffy feathers, mirrored (vertically)]: Tsareva 2004:220.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [the aged king learns that there is a mirror that makes him young; sends two eldest sons to pick him up; the youngest fool walks by himself, finds the brothers in the tavern, they refuse to take him to companions; comes to the forest hut, the old woman sends him to her older sister, she to the eldest sister, who convenes her family, i.e. animals, birds, no one knows about the mirror; the two-headed eagle is the last to arrive, says that the mirror in the princess's heads carries a young man there; he puts two bear guards to sleep, throwing them eagle feathers; contrary to the eagle's prohibition, he hesitates, eats and drinks, removes the ring from the finger of the sleeping princess; On the way back, the eagle plunges the young man into the sea three times, says that he, the eagle, was just as afraid when the young man hesitated; the brothers are still sitting in the tavern, taking away the younger one's mirror, advising his father to kill the fool; he lets him into the sea in a shuttle; the shuttle sails to the island; the young man pulls out a broom, scissors, bread received from old women; a city appears, all people are dressed and fed; the princess sails in search of her rings, she must marry its owner; a young man marries her, rules the island]: J.Kunder in Põder, Tanner 2000:47-61 (=Raud 2004:160-170).

Volga - Perm. Perm animal style: Moshinskaya 1953, Table XI.7 [deer antler waist hook in the form of a rectangular plaque with a hole in the middle and a protrusion in the head of two opposite sides of the heads of a bird of prey on one neck]; Schmidt 1927, Table 1.6 [Glyadenovskoye settlement, Perm Uyezd; bronze pendant in the form of a full-face two-headed bird with an anthropomorphic face on the chest; heads on individual necks, both turned to the right; end of the 1st millennium BC].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Kendebay grew up as a hero, came out of the womb of a mare killed by a wolf, called Kergul; the boy tells how enemies captured his parents; K. lives with boy; 6 swans arrive, the boy answers them that he is K., they beat him with their wings; K. changes into his clothes, swans fly in, K. manages to grab one leg, remains in his hand women's shoes; goes in search of the boy's parents; the horse says that the devil's khan lives on the river island, his daughter lives swans; the key to Zindan, where the boy's parents are, is at the bottom of the sea; we need to change with clothes with a slave herding the khan's cows; to burn Kerguly's hair - he will come to the rescue; in the evening, the cows stop by the river; the youngest daughter of the khan asks why the shepherd does not tell the river to disperse, as always; K. orders, goes dry; the winged foals of the khan's mare disappear after birth; he tells two sons to guard the tenth foal; K. sees a cloud carrying the foal, grabs the foal by the golden tail, he breaks away; Khan sends sons and K. (imaginary shepherd) for a foal; K. burns a hair, Kergula takes it to the island across the Sea of Fire; there are 10 foals, one of them without a tail, drinking water from a golden gutter; on poplar, a two-headed nest Samruk birds, it will arrive in 6 days; during this time, you have to go around the sea (foals can't fly over it), take a gutter, the foals will follow him; on the way, K. kills a seven-headed giant, a huge lion, a witch, hides a giant's eyes, a lion's fangs, a witch's head in a bag, shows the khan; the grateful khan frees the boy's parents, marries K. to his youngest daughter; explains that he set everything up to K. destroyed monsters; (=Tursunov 1983:131-138)]: Daurenbekov 1979:79-86; Potanin 1916-1917 (Cossack-Kyrgyz and Altai Traditions, Legends and Tales; JS 2-3 (1916), 4 (1917): 114 in 1972, No. 6 [the most the big bird is Samruk, which has two heads; one speaks human, the other sings like birds]: 61, 303 (note: Samruk (Samuryk Kus) is borrowed from Iranian mythology); Sidelnikov 1952 [Ashken, Moshken and younger Zhumageldy leave his father's house; he does not tell him to spend the night in the forest, on a lonely grave, in a cemetery; they spend the night; every night the brothers sleep, J. kills a seven-headed bird, a seven-headed dragon; goes down underground, eats meat from more than 60 giants, kills each one at a time, cuts off their ears; all three brothers go down to that country; the local khan is grateful that the bird, dragon and giants are killed; J. renounces the khan's daughter and the throne, leaves A., moves on with M.; M. says he can drink the sea, J. says that his heart is in his dagger; the snake eats a girl and a ram every day, it has come Khan's daughter's turn; J. lets herself be swallowed, rips the snake open from the inside with a dagger; runs away, the edge of the robe remains in the girl's hands; everyone is called to a feast, J. is identified, gives the girl and the throne to M.; kills three giants, marries their sister; the khan is jealous; the old woman asks his wife to ask J. where his soul is, throws a dagger into the sea, takes the widow to the khan; A. and M. see blood dripping from the star, M. drinks the sea, they get it dagger, revived by J., who exterminates the khan and his men, returns his wife]: 213-228; 1971 (1) [see motif K38; Er-Tostik kills a boa constrictor crawling to the chicks; a double-headed eagle (one human head, the other is a bird ) takes it to the ground]: 7-33; Kyrgyz [there is a birch tree next to the old people's yurt, it gives them food; old people want a son; a beautiful woman comes out of the birch tree, promises a hail of fire; then a black one will appear in the clearing a stone will split, a gold-haired boy will come out of it; he grows fast, a great hero; he demands a horse from a birch tree, he takes him 70 miles away, he puts a bridle on a half-alive foal, which turns into a heroic horse; the old woman saw a golden cradle in the lake, wearing a silver girl with golden hair; the hero tells me to take her back, the old people are angry; she is a one-eyed hero, a one-armed, one-legged witch in an iron coat; the hero cut her ear for the first time, the second cut off her finger; the old people do not believe, tell his son to clean; the hero fights with the spirit riding a two-legged, one-eyed, iron horse; last episode: the hero takes the form of a falcon, the spirit takes the form of an eight-headed eagle; a falcon kills an eagle; a woman on a liberated beauty; when he returns to visit his parents, finds them in a hole everything around is burned; the beauty in the birch tree has become an old woman; the hero forgives his parents; kills an evil spirit sister and her husband]: Muchnik 1944:75-87.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas: Butanayev 2003 [the silver trunk and golden crown of the sacred birch tree rest against the upper world, and the roots go back to the lower world; at the top sits a golden cuckoo the size of a horse's head; under the birch tree there is a source of living and dead water; on Mount Sumeru, a pair of Khan Kireta birds nest on three sacred oaks; the two-headed Khan Kirets have golden plumage, copper beaks and legs with steel claws]: 107; Butanayev, Butanayeva 2001 [during the flood, only argylang (mammoth) and the three-headed eagle Khan Kireti refused to enter the ark; the bird was tired, sat on tusk a., he plunged into the water and she was with him]: 58-59; Tuvans [poor Baldir-Beezek abandoned by his older brothers; he is assisted by old Ak-Mergendey from the underworld; he marries Kurbustu Khan's daughter in heaven, crosses the boiling water Kalchsaa-Kara-Dalai Sea, cuts off six heads of the Khan-Hereti bird with an arrow, kidnapping foals, marries]: Vatagin 1971, No. 10:106-111; Oirats (Derbets, Ulaangom, 1908) [near the lake, which contained a swan with four yellow heads (the only son of Tengria) and a big goldfish (the only golden dagini, the daughter of the dragon king), a little boy was found in cradles; Derbet noons of Kobdinsky District are its descendants]: Vladimirtsov 2003:19.

Western Siberia. Ob Ugrians [Ust-Poluan culture, 4th century BC - 12nd centuries AD (p.227), testifying to the advance of the Ugric peoples to the north of Western Siberia (p.238); deer antler waist hook in the form of a plaque with a hole topped with two birds (eagles?) heads on one neck looking in opposite directions]: Chernetsov et al. 1953: Table XI.7; Ob-Ugric peoples [February and March are consecrated as a two-faced eagle - Kurk iki]: Golovnev 1995:371; Oban Ugrians (Kholmogory treasure, 3rd-4th centuries, bronze cast frontal images): Ivasko, Kardash 2004, fig.4 [three-headed bird with a human face on its chest], 5 [three-headed bird; birds the heads on the sides are shaped to the sides; the central head is full face with a human face]; the Kets [the first Yenisei shaman Doh learned to shamanize from an eagle with two heads; this eagle lived with D., never parting with him, protecting him from enemies, and helping him fight them, and together with D. went to heaven; I could not get a satisfactory explanation of why the eagle is depicted as double-headed; the explanations were that with two heads he "had a lot of intelligence", "he looked in different directions and saw everything", "he was watching well, one head was sleeping, the other was watching"]: Anuchin 1914:54-55; northern Selkups: Ostrovskikh 1931 (Baishinsky) [among the attributes of the "big" shaman there is an iron staff with a two-headed bird]: 179; Prokofiev 1949b [on the reverse side of the shaman's tambourine on the handle a double-headed loon is depicted]: 353, Fig.16; Selkups (group not specified) [1) an iron image of a two-headed bird among shaman costume pendants (heads on separate necks); 2) for the purpose of healing The sick shaman made an iron image of a two-headed loon, which was then hung from a pole outside the home]: Ivanov 1970:120-123 (Figure 109:2); nganasana [the second hat of the shaman's costume the upper world is made of yellow copper; at the top in the center there is a round copper plate, on which an iron image of a two-headed llama bird is fixed; the bird is bisexual - male and female together; when flying shaman up she finds a heavenly hole]: Popov 1984:127-128, Fig.38.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans: Efremov 2000, No. 14 [on an oak tree from ground to sky below the middle of the trunk in the nest, an eight-headed huge yoxeku bird, the hero secretly takes a woman out of her nest]: 233-259; Popov 1937 [The eight-headed yokshökyu bird took a man to her house; there Ë., his wife, children in the form of human beings; all naked, without hair or clothes; the man's hair and skin were ripped off; while YE. is not, he bent his moose rib and made a tambourine, hit him, and YE.'s children fell unconscious; YE. asked him not to do this anymore, took the man to his house]: 37-38; Vasiliev in Haekel 1958 [in front of Aia Toyon's house a tree grows with eight branches, on which people's souls live in the form of birds; when shamans rise to the sky, they bring souls from there; at the top is God and his wife in the form of a double-headed eagle] : 68; Ergis 1967b, No. 55 [an eight-headed exeku bird lives underground, hunts moose; if he takes off her clothes, he becomes human; once she brought a man into her house; he bent his moose rib, made a tambourine, began to beat, E.'s children fell unconscious; E. asks not to hit a tambourine, for which he promises to return it to the ground; he woke up at his home]: 171; Yakuts: Alekseev et al. 1995, No. 22 (central, Nizhneamginsky Nasleg of Amginsky Ulus) [king of birds - double-headed eagle]: 183; Burykin 1991 [öxökě, öksokě is a legendary shamanic bird, usually represented with two or two three heads, king of the winged; the word is derived from the verb base öksöy - "go up" with the suffix =kě]: 144; Yemelyanov 1980 [a three-headed bird with eyes flew in and with claws like a foot; threw off her skin, turned into an iron hero abaasa with one leg, one hand and one eye]: 23-24; northern Yakuts are reindeer herders [the lower world was considered land Allaraa-Ogonnyora, as the head of the lower spirits, Arslan-Duolai, was called in the north; various monsters, including the three-headed eagle, also lived here]: Gurvich 1977:194; Okhotsk Evens: Weaver 1986:162-171 [Helergun turned into an eagle with four wings, four claws, two heads (Burykin 1991:144: the name of this ugseki bird is translated from Yakut); flying up to a heavenly hole, killed Chibdewell's man, who had also become a bird before; H. turned into a larch beetle; C. flew in the form of a hawk, became himself, went to a woman; she told him to move on the bed, he fell into the dungeon; at the bottom of Nivsanda says that it was the same with him; the heroes of the sun hit the larch with lightning, a thunderstone, but H. is unharmed, takes the stone; on the second larch The Fox is sitting, also unharmed; Nirani and his sister pull C. and Neve by the chain. out of the hole; Neve. becomes a spider, finds and brings a spider woman who has pushed them into a hole; she explains that her brothers told her to do so, and marries Neve. ; in the north, H. fights a double-headed eagle with four wings, four claws, iron feathers; when an eagle flaps its wings, fire breaks out; when it claps, thunder thunders], 242-244 [ Geakchaval shot an eagle in the neck and cut off all three of his heads at once; then kills a two-headed man in the same way]; Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky) [Torgandun and his younger brother Chanikol live alone, not born a woman; T. realizes that he did not come down from the sky (otherwise there would be dew on his neck), did not rise from the lower world (he would have left a footprint), but grew up like grass; C. 35 years old lies in the mud in the plague; two girls from the upper world flew in, washed C., cleaned everything up; the same for the next two days; C. has to tell his brother everything; T. tells him to grab the girls tomorrow, and he himself will be ambushed; hides under a pile of chips; the youngest swan girl feels T., does not go down, the eldest Gakhantyma decides to go down even if she has to marry T.; C. grabbed the swan girl, she tried to fly away, but T. grabbed them both, took away their clothes, hung them on top of the horse riding; one day T. went hunting, G. asked C. if he would like him to cut down the horse riding; he asked for a tendon cauldron in the evening cut down the horse riding; G. knocked over a boiling pot on C. died, and G. flew away wearing her swan clothes; the crow does not know where to look for G., sends him to a crow sitting on a horse riding tree; the raven asks T. to kill for him, a deer, indicates deer that can take T. to a mountain on the edge of the world; next to a larch with a three-headed eagle's nest; you have to kill deer, kill an eagle with an arrow, pretend with an eagle, the eagle raises it to the nest, will feed it; you must make a tambourine out of reindeer skins; prevent the eagle from sleeping; and when he falls asleep, tie himself to his feet, hit the tambourine; with fear, the eagle will carry him to the meadows upper world; there are many deer in the upper world; G. in clothes through which you can see the body, bones through her body, and brain through her bones; she is served by 33 brass and iron boys; they hit the deer with T.'s foreheads in front of with his eyes, T. lost consciousness; when he woke up, he followed in the footsteps; the same again at the house of beautiful Solkokchon; T. meets a teal to the female, who is lurking child G.; younger sister G. again does not tell her to go down, but G. goes down to feed the child, T. comes out of hiding, tears her swan clothes, finally marries; their son grew up quickly, his mother gave him the name Ewulchen; I. grabs a female deer by the leg, she flies with him to the mountain upper world; says that he is destined for the daughter of the master of the upper world, Gevan the old man, who rides seven stars; leaves his giant brother with him, who first tries to kill I. by throwing him up, then offers competitions; 1) raise a cast-iron ball frozen in the ground, 2) jump with balls placed at a great distance from each other (I. does everything); the hero of the upper earth Cholbondor (" riding Venus") is satisfied, gives I. to his sister; (hereinafter about the struggle of the heroes of the upper world and the exploits of his son I.)]: Myreeva 2013:41-839; Western Evenks (Yenisei Gubernia; the group does not indicated) [metal image of a two-headed bird among pendants on the inside of a shamanic tambourine (fees 1908)]: Gorbacheva, Solovyova 2006:206-207; Evenks on the See River [Torganay hunts, his younger brother Chanykoy is at home, dirty; T. is surprised that he has become clean; C. admits that two swan girls wash and comb him; C. grabs one, T. hides her clothes, takes it in wives; three days later, his wife with her clothes and C. disappear; a three-headed eagle tells him to go west, catch a wild deer with a broken horn, a silver bridle; on it T. comes to the foot of the mountain, turns a deer in a stump, himself into a child; the eagle brings him to him; T. ties himself to his leg, so he gets to the top of the mountain; finds his little son, he is nursed by Chirkumai; his mother and her sister they go down, T. cuts his wife's plumage with an ax, his sister flies away; their son Huruguchon wants to marry the daughter of the Sun; she is guarded by a one-legged, one-armed Awasi; he eats half a berry with half a spoon; H. flies in with a fly ( the text ends)]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:185-191; Noglik Evenks (literary works; self-taught author, father - Sakhalin Evenk family der founded by the Yakuts, mother of a non-gidal): Nadein 1982:24 [hero Abdanykan fights a man who jumped out of the two-headed bird Vinegar wins], 37 [birds choose the double-headed Vinegar bird as their owner, which is often mentioned in fairy tales]; Urmia Evenks (Khabarovsk Krai) [Kodakchon, leaving his sister at home, goes to wander; a girl flies over him to escape from the Avaha demon, the three-headed eagle; followed by the Avakhi himself; K. defeats him, kills him, burns him; marries a girl]: Vasilevich 1966, No. 1:178-185; Upper Zean Evenks (Algoma) [the old woman finds a boy on her bed; this is Hurugochon; he fights with the visitor from the lower earth with a Salontour, who has one eye, one arm, one leg; defeats him, S. falls into her world; a woman promises to marry H. if he gets the ring she has lost; he comes to the nest three-headed eagle, hides eggs, returns them by the ring; kills an elk for an eagle]: Vasilevich 1966, No. 6:234-241; Evenks (Far Eastern?) [younger sister Unyaptuken turns into a squirrel, examines the boat, it turns into a hero, he takes her as his wife, she gives birth to a boy, he is kidnapped and raised by a double-headed eagle]: Varlamova 2004, No. 3:136 -146.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais: Ivanov 1954:216 [Nanai women's household art features up to four dozen animals, including a double-headed eagle, a poultry dragon and poultry fish], 222 [a floating double-headed eagle - Fig.96-4, according to Laufer 1902, fig.10 - close to similar images of the Evenks]; Wilta: Petrova 1967, No. 7 [Western 1949; the wealthy couple has a girl Manuncan and a boy Deloni; D. chased three with vazhenki, they flew into the sky; the father warns that they are heavenly heroic women; the mother gives D. a two-headed swan, he flies away on it to get his wife; one day a bird appears in the hole above the door, tells her to give her daughter, otherwise she will kill her; the daughter is happy to marry a hero; 8 years have passed, but D. is still gone; (text is cut off)], 8 [western 1938; a huge bird takes the leader's daughter; Gavhatu sees how it happened; the chief gives him a soldier, tells him to find his daughter; he is lowered into the hole on ropes; the woman hides him, her cannibal husband falls asleep, G. cuts off his red hair, he dies; G. rings the bell, the soldiers raise his red hair woman; when G. is raised, the rope is cut off; in the house, G.'s devil finds vessels with white and red water; red water is healing, revitalizing; he revives the child hanged with a feature; the child's parents give G. two-headed sevon (?) , he takes G. upstairs; the leader does not believe G.; his daughter and her husband come in, says that G. saved her; he marries her]: 144-145, 148-150.

SV Asia. Yukaghirs (tundra) [A monster woman makes a man marry her; he finds another wife coming out of the ice-hole to him; the monster puts him to sleep, goes to the ice-hole, shoots an arrow at the woman; the husband dives, finds his wife near death; she orders to ask for help from three Cranes; the husband approaches them, becoming a shrew, grabs the youngest by the leg; the Cranes agree to follow him; the youngest extracts an arrow from a woman's heart; a double-headed Eagle takes a woman; the youngest Crane takes away his prey; the couple are happy, have many children]: Bogoras 1918, No. 7:21-24.

(Wed. NW Coast. The Tlingits [coats of arms depicting a double-headed eagle, Russian influence probably]: Smith Sweetland, Barnett 1990:179).

The coast is the Plateau. Lower chinook [the girl is taken away by the Bear; she gives birth to a son and daughter; her four brothers take turns coming to the Bear's house; his son asks to remove his lice, kills young men; the younger fifth brother does not shoots at a pheasant on the way, does not enter the bear house; together with the Bear's daughter, burns the Bear and his son in their house; the Bear's wife revives the brothers; dives into a lake, turns into a monster; on the Bear's daughter Chief Blue Jay marries; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he gets on all fours in the forest; laughs, devours all men; her husband's legs below his knees disappear; she keeps him in a basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go, find the bones of people their mother regurgitated; find a basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, a father is placed under water; they go on a journey; they see a double-headed swan on the lake {perhaps a swan with heads at both ends of the body}; the younger one shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the elder throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips open the bellies of all monsters; in the latter he finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; the man dances with an oar, while into his boat fish jump; his brothers taught him how to catch with a net; another man shoots in the rain because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, make people out of it, blow it on them, people have come to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix things; brothers turned him into a deer, tying his knives to his head, these are horns; a woman throws people into the abyss on sharp flints; brothers throw herself, they cut her body to pieces, throw it in different directions; Indians who live where their legs fall have strong legs; those who live where her hair has fallen have long hair; etc.]: Boas 1894a, No. 1:17-21; catlamet [like chinook; older brother Puma, younger brother Mink; found in newt's belly]: Boas 1901a, No. 14:107-109.

Southeast USA. Crab Ochard Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky [engraved shell disc depicting a full-face double-headed eagle; heads on separate necks face in opposite directions; in style - hopewell, but a connection to the mound complex is presumptive (purchased from a local)]: Young 1910:240 in Phillips, Brown 198:158-160, fig.214 upper right; Late Branden style, Missouri, 1200- 1400 AD, Malden, Baldwin Farm [copper plate depicting a double-headed falcon; heads in profile on very short necks facing in opposite directions]: Townsend, Sharp 2004, fog. 25.

The Great Southwest. Southern Arizona (mimbres ceramic painting) [in heraldic pose; no obvious signs of a predator]: Fewkes 1924, fig.34; Leblanc 1983, pl.ix.

NW Mexico. Huichol: Myerhoff 1974 [Tatea Verika's female character is associated with the sun, often depicted as a two-headed eagle]: 90; Hahn-Hissink, Dorner 1964 [wool painting, glued to plywood: double-headed eagle (?) in a heraldic pose; each beak has a rattlesnake]: 47; Straatman 1988 [images of a heavenly deity, a double-headed eagle in a heraldic pose, vérika wimári, Eagle girl}]: 41 [drawing figures], 76-77, Abb.25, 26 [two paintings made of colored threads].

Mesoamerica Otomi [silhouette anthropomorphic paper figures; double and four-headed eagle; accompanies the sun and protects the villagers]: Galinier 1990:596-597, 643; Mexico City (Aztecs?) [flat ceramic print with a silhouette image of a two-headed bird full face; heads facing in opposite directions]: Enciso 1953:99, fig. VII; Veracruz (Totonaki?) [flat ceramic print with a silhouette image of a two-headed bird full face; heads facing in opposite directions]: Enciso 1953:99, fig. IV; Teotihuacán [double-headed relief images of Quetzals on ceramic vessels; heads in profile on one neck, looking in opposite directions; torso not shown]: Séjourné 1966 fig.175; Calixtlahuaca (matlazink?) [flat ceramic print with a silhouette image of a two-headed bird full face; heads facing in opposite directions]: Enciso 1953:99, fig. VIII; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, from which the Sun and Moon were born; every day she went to feed the deer with corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer father twins; when I came back, the house was a mess; once I sent them to feed my father themselves - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); mixtecs [codex Magliabecchiano (Nuttall); double-headed eagle; heads with beaks wide open looking in opposite directions; each beak looks out of a human face in profile]: Nuttall 1975 , sheets 16, 19; chinantecs [the sun and moon fall on the rock where the double-headed eagle lives; the sun kills it]: Weitlaner 197:54; the Masateks [double-headed eagles live in the lake, preying on children; mothers put baskets on their children's heads (the word basket, chiquihuite, comes from the name of the village); people drain the lake, monsters disappear]: Jamieson 1977:177-179; tsutuhil: Mendelson 1958 [ a two-headed hawk helps six or twelve brothers kill a huge Negro (without details)]: 123; Orellana 1975, No. 17 [in ancient times, the two-headed bird Cual -Koj lived in the temple of Atitlán; When robbers attacked people, she lifted robbers high into the air and threw]: 861; kakchikel [The double-headed Eagle is constantly found on Indian fabrics. An Indian from San Juan Zacatepec said that nobles wore (fabrics with) cabiloks in his village and that he depicts a Great God with two faces, one looking forward and the other backward, one for good, for other things for evil." When I showed him the fabric for sale, he laughed and said that "this is not our double-headed cablee eagle, but a bird that came from other countries", which means that Charles V's eagle, often who met on Spanish clothes right after the conquest. I heard a similar interpretation about the meaning (a double-headed eagle) on a wedding huipil from San Juan. "In the past... only married women were allowed to wear an overseas bird"]: Osborn, Osborn 1965:113; quiche [women from Chichecastenango usually use this figure (the two-headed eagle) to decorate wipiles, but they call it a cat (eagle on quiche). They interpret it as "one head looks up at the sky and the other head looks down at the ground." The interpretation of this symbol is always the same]: Osborn, Osborn 1965:113-114; (Osborne, Osborne 1965 [Indian weavers were exported to Europe, so the double-headed eagle as the Habsburg emblem and the cross has become especially popular; however, both are ancient local symbols - connections to the deity and emblem of the cornfield]: 102-103); Copan (painted relief) [from the belly parrots (guacamayo) protrudes the mouth of a feathered serpent, in which a bitten off hand (probably Hunahpu's hand, cf. Popol Vuh 1959:18-23); in addition to the main head, there are 4 more parrot heads on each side]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a, fig. 5, 6; Teotihuacan (wall painting and relief on a ceramic incense burner) [parrot with extra heads on wings]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a, fig. 7a, 8; Tahin (image drawing in Edificio de las Columnas) [parrot with extra heads on wings]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a, fig. 7b.

Honduras-Panama. Northwest Costa Rica [full-face double-headed jade pendant; split tail; eagles (?) the heads on the common short neck face in different directions]: Devlet 2000, Figure 35.2; Costa Rica, prov. Dikis [gold pendants in the shape of a two-headed daytime bird of prey; heads on two separate necks facing forward]: Emmerich 1965, fig.136; Lothrop 1963, pl.34b; mountainous Costa Rica - western Panama (prov. Chiriqui) [ceramic whistles in the shape of a bird (dove?) with two heads; if not otherwise: on two separate necks, facing forward]: Holmes 1888, fig.255 [Chiriquí; heads on separate necks, looking forward]; Lothrop 1926 (Costa Rica), figs.269 a, b, 271c, 272a [ the neck is not highlighted, the heads are facing in opposite directions]; mountainous or Caribbean Costa Rica (Linea Vieja) [gold eagle pendants (?) ; two heads on separate necks, facing forward]: Emmerich 1965, fig.149; San Isidro General, Costa Rica [golden eagle pendant (?) ; heads on separate necks facing in opposite directions]: Lommel 1978, No. 202; Panama, Prov. Veraguas [harpy eagle; heads on separate necks facing forward]: Lothrop 1950, fig.118a and d [golden bells], 72b and 131 [gold pendants]; Azuero (Panama's Pacific coast) [ double eagle tumbagi pendant (tails and partially torso fused); full-face heads on separate necks; formerly AD 500]: Falchetti 1993, fig.36.

The Northern Andes. Sinu culture [tumbagi pendants in the form of double-headed eagles, full-face heads on separate necks]: Falchetti 1993, figs.27, 28; tyrone culture [double- and three-headed tumbagi pendants eagles, full-face heads on separate necks]: Falchetti 1993, figs.4, 69, 70 [three heads]; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1988 [gold pendants or tumbagi in the form of four-, six- and seven-headed eagles; heads on separate full-face necks], figs.110 [seven], 111 [four], 112 [six]; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1988, figs.105 [like Falchetti, two heads], 106 [like (105), but heads in profile, looking in opposite directions]; Central Colombia (Popayán style?) [gold pendants or two-headed bird cupboards]: Olsen Bruhns 1994, fig.53.13 [full-face heads on two separate necks; the bird has male genitals, ear and nose ornaments]; Jones, Watson 1988 , pl.3 [pair of pendants; two heads facing each other in profile on separate necks]; muisca culture: Falchetti 1993, fig.96 [six-headed eagle tumbagi pendant; heads on separate full-face short necks (same as Falchetti 1989, figs.15, 16; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1988, fig.112)]; Long 1989 [stone mold for casting double-headed eagle metal pendants; heads in profile facing each other; genuine matching shaped pendant in Falchetti 1989, fig.13]: 47.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [Mavish cannibals destroy makiritare; Karakaradi vulture descended to eat corpses, brings vulture chief Madiyavana to heaven; shaman Yarakuna, the elder brother of the murdered chief Makadiha, kills the vulture, takes its form, comes to his older brother; he cries; I turn him into a vulture; asks the chief of vultures Suhui's dagger-like weapon is supposedly to kill people; he gives; brothers return home, turn into people again, celebrate, call cannibals; the leader of those wants to see Suhui; I. shows, killing him and the rest of the cannibals; vultures go down to peck corpses, take Suhui, but people now know how to make them]: Guss 1989:112.

Guiana. Royal vulture. Varrau [a man goes to heaven with vultures; their leader has two heads]: García 1993, No. 5 [to become a shaman, a young man fastes for 10 days, smokes tobacco; lies half-fainting by the river ; a female vulture descends to him, turns into a woman; gives him bird clothes and wings, goes up to heaven with him; the father of a vulture woman named Burecuamana gives his son-in-law tasks; 1) cut down a tree , the trunk is hard as a stone, four different birds appear in the guise of people, cannot cut down, the Woodpecker appears fifth, cuts down; 2) scoop the pond out of cloth; water pours into holes, the bird lowers the vessel into the pond, it dries up; 3) catch fish (the man did not catch anything, the birds caught anything); 4) make an image of the father-in-law out of wood; the son-in-law turned into a lizard, but the father-in-law heard, disappeared; then into an ant, peeked that the vulture father-in-law has two heads, cut out the image; 5) build a house at the entrance to heaven; caballito del diablo warns that the father-in-law will kill a man, tells him to run with wings; when he descends on tree crown level, the vulture wife asks him to return; when refused, says he will eat him when he dies; soon the man died, the vultures ate him; since then they have been eating corpses]: 39-42; Wilbert 1970, No. 45, 78, 149 [a man harpooned a fish; a two-headed female vulture, the daughter of the vulture king, came down from the sky; he caught her, she became his wife; offered to visit her father; giving him feather clothes, helped take off; says that her father does not want to see him, asks 1) bring firewood, 2) bring water in the basket (he asked the old woman, she picked it up while he did not look); 3) make a dump boat; around rocks, the wife says they are trees; an old dwarf cut down a boat from them with an ax while the man looked; his wife called his father to look at work; a double-headed vulture came; a man demolished his heads with a stone club, put on feathers, flew down; his wife did not catch up with him, otherwise she would kill him; said that vultures would now eat human corpses]: 118-119, 181-182, 315-319; kamaracoto: Simpson 1940:588; 1944:270-271; taulipan: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 27, 28 [Atitö's wife's brother is unhappy that he is a bad hunter; A. found an otter calebasa; if filled with water and poured out, fish from there; while Otter picked up fish, A. took the calebass; his wife's brother found it, dropped it into the water, pirandira swallowed it, it became a fish bubble; A. stole a paddle from another Otter (stick it ashore, the river dries up, pick up fish); brother He found his wife again, lost it, swallowed the crab, the paddle became the crab's claw; A. sees Zalimang shooting into the air, all the birds fall; took the arrow; his wife's brother found, Z. took the arrow while he was picking up the birds; The battleship rattles with a rattle, all the animals immediately come; A. took it away, began to call the game, kill it; his wife's brother stole the rattle, the pigs took it away; A. ordered his iron hook to dig into his wife's brother if he would take it; the hook pierced all the thief's members, he died; the victim's mother told his shadow to become reindeer meat, which A. should eat; A. avoided several such traps, but ate bananas in which The wife's dead brother turned into; the more he ate, the more acute the hunger; asked for fire; swallowed his wife with a torch, mother-in-law, everyone who brought, became a spirit that eats everything; jumped on the man's shoulder, ate all his food; one day, while eating fish, a man ran away, crossed the tapir path; ate after the tapir, ate his shoulders, ate the fruit that the tapir was trying to get, and the tapir starved to death; vultures flew; ate, jumped on the shoulder of the royal vulture, the father of vultures; he is glad that he now has two heads (Atitë is left)]: 85, 89, 92-98; curl: Coll 1907-1908 , No. 2 [twelve heads]: 483; Goeje 1943, No. b30 [twelve heads]: 53; Roth 1915, No. 303:344; waiwai [boy is missing; father dreams that he was stolen by vultures (Kurum-yenna); smeared with Brazil nut liquid, pretends to be dead; the two-headed vulture is the last to descend; the man grabs it when he takes a knife to cut the prey; the Vulture says that if he is killed, the sky will fall; the man lets go of the Vulture, taking his knife, water vessel and feather clothes; in the absence of a person, Vulture in human form comes to his child, who gives him a knife, feathers, Vulture flies away with his knife]: Fock 196:86-89; Wapishana: Wirth 1950:192-193 [a man smears himself with crap, pretends to be dead; the Vulture Chief's daughter sends a fly, she confirms that man dead; Vulture's daughter comes down, a man catches her, brings her home; at night she turns into a woman, invites a man to take him to her father; he tells 1) to build a house on a rock; cavalo-de-cão does, warns that his father-in-law is going to eat it; 2) make a bench in the form of his head; a osga defecates on Vulture's head, who asks his wife to bring fire, and osga sees that Vulture has two heads; a man made a bench, stayed in the sky with vultures], 193-196 [a man catches the daughter of the Royal Vulture on the lake, brings her home; she is a woman during the day, a bird at night; mother-in-law is unhappy that she stains the floor with her excrement; the wife decides to leave; the man sits on her, closes his eyes, they find themselves in the sky; the father-in-law asks 1) to take the sand flea out of his leg, pulls his eyes out, hides it in a vessel; The rat finds and returns his eyes; 2) climb the miriti palm tree, throw fruits down; makes the trunk fat, the person falls; the father-in-law thinks it has broken; at night the person comes to life, comes back; 3) do a bench with the image of his head; a lizard defecates on Vulture, who takes off his handkerchief from his head, you can see that there are two heads; pinicapau makes a bench; 4) build a house on a rock (birds do); 5) prepare a plot for a vegetable garden; ants make it in six days; Vultures set fire to the plot, the Spider saves a person by inviting him to climb into his hole; lowers the basket to the ground to his mother], 196-197 [friend the young man does not give him feathers for arrows; he smears himself with crap to attract vultures; catches the royal vulture, brings him home; in his absence, he turns into a girl, cooks kashiri; a young man spies on a bird, grabs a girl, gets married; she offers to visit her parents; carries it on her back to heaven; her father has two heads and four eyes; he demands 1) to dry the Pleiades Lakes (Sun dries, son-in-law brings rotten fish to his father-in-law); 2) build a house on a rock; minhoca helps to do this; 3) make a bench in the shape of his head; ant tells a osga to pump on the head of the vulture; he lights a fire to wash himself, the son-in-law sees what he looks like, makes a bench; the father-in-law enters his new home, dies of fear; the mother-in-law tells his son-in-law to be killed; he runs away, returns to his mother]; makushi: Roth 1924, No. 601 [Maichoppa wanted to see the vulture chief; the inhabitants of two community houses quarreled, killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; vultures flocked- urubu, took off her feathers and wings, M. took possession of their outfit, but could not fly off by himself; the Spider tied one end of her thread to the top of the tree, and gave the other M.; lengthening the thread, lifted M. to the mountain of vultures for clouds; M. wants to marry the daughter of the vulture chief; he demands 1) build a house on a bare rock (an eel drilled holes, animals and birds have built a house); 2) make a bench with his image; the young man climbed onto the web, relieved himself on the vulture's head; he ordered to bring fire to understand what had fallen on him, M. saw two heads; the bird and ant were carved out of the bench; the daughter of the vulture sent the karaka bird to grab M.; he runs from house to house, runs to Spider, she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top seiba, lets go of the web, does not know how to get to the ground; sits on the lizard's back, which is going to eat it, runs down and up the trunk; M. manages to jump to the ground; M. comes to Aguti, at home his wife, all cassava was stolen from M.'s garden, Aguti's wife says she made it especially for him; M. is happy, returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died from illness, stayed young man; urubu vultures ate rotten meat; a young man rises to heaven, marries the daughter of a vulture chief; father-in-law demands 1) to dry the lake (battleships took water, birds caught fish), 2) build house (birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone bench with the image of his father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on his head, he asked his daughter to shine, the young man saw two heads, the termite and the woodpecker were carved bench); Urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat on the bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; Urubu's sons rushed in pursuit of the young man; he hid in a basket in Spider's house; a Caracara bird cut the thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; there lived a lizard, she offered to sit on her back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped over to another tree, returned to earth]: 92-94; oyampy [the man had a pet jaguar; the man's younger brother went hunting with this jaguar, the jaguar ate it; the man killed the jaguar, vultures flocked, the man killed everyone; the two-headed vulture was the last to fly, brought a man to heaven, married a daughter; demands 1) build a house (termites help), 2) burn the forest on the site (the spider hides the man in its hole from the fire), 3) make a bench with the image of a father-in-law; a dove lowers a man to the ground]: Grenada 1982, No. 53:305-314.

Central Amazon. Tapajo (santarem ceramics) [stuck in the form of figures of double-headed royal vultures on the corolla of vessels; from different angles, each head looks human or bird; in from the same perspective, one is always human, the other is birdy]: Gomes 2001:137, fig. 5.37.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [urubu man and woman (anthropomorphic) had two heads each; the man hit, smashed one head; the woman told him so; the man was angry, broke one head to his wife; she did not could eat (both heads had to eat at the same time); was thirsty; squeezed the juice out of the hot pepper, drank it; when the juice reached the second head, she felt a burning sensation, a terrible thirst; a head hanging on broken neck, separated from her body, began to fly in search of water; lost her body, called him, could not return (because, apparently, the woman died); the tapir covered the female, her head clung to the tapir; ate all his food; he starved to death; vultures flew, his head stuck to the urubu-ray; he rose to the sky, now he is double-headed; he eats a lot, because his second, female head, must be satisfied first]: Ribeiro 2002:598-600.

The Central Andes. Lambayeque Valley [in the Sanya Valley, close to the foothills, a few leagues from the village of Oyotun, there is a double-headed granite eagle looking west; it flew and, unable to find a place to sit, began to approach to the sun; because the eclipse happened, he decided that it was eternal night and descended to Mount Cerro de Aguila]: Toro Montalvo 1989:635-636; [images of birds full face; heads looking (except for the Nazca) at opposite sides; paracas birds in Ubbelohde-Doering are falcon type, the rest are schematic, identification is not clear]. Pachacamac (central coast, dep. Lima) [cloth from the Middle Horizon burial (3rd quarter. 1st millennium AD); two bird heads on two necks]: Benson 1997, pl.5 (a similar image is published as "chimu", not a decree, in Lavalle, González García 1993:277); Chavin painting on tissues from the south coast [animals and birds, including double-headed birds, full face; heads are adjacent to each other, facing in opposite directions]: Stone 1983, fig.5; Paracas Peninsula (dep. Ica): Bird, Bellinger 1954, pl.28 [embroidered full-face figure of a heraldic bird; two profiled bird heads facing opposite directions form an anthropomorphic face with a wedge-shaped recess in the middle forehead]; Isacsson 1994 [embroidery detail on the funeral robe, last centuries BC; images of double-headed birds of different sizes; heads placed directly on the shoulders, without necks]: 29; Ubbelohde- Doering 1952, fig.154 [paracas necropolis fabric (early AD) embroidered with birds; heads on separate necks]; dep. Ika, a vessel of early Nazca culture painted in the form of a full-face bird of prey; heads on separate necks face each other]: Blasco Bosqued, Ramos Gomez 1980, pl.15-1b; dep. Cusco [stage A bone plate of Marcavalle culture (late 2nd millennium BC), topped with two bird heads converging to one neck]: Mohr Chávez 1982, fig.34; Colonial Incas period [polychrome full-face image of a heraldic eagle on a wooden Kero cup; probably reproduces the Habsburg coat of arms, but could be understood on the basis of traditional ideas]: Gusinde 1966:304 -305; mountainous Bolivian aymara [full-face embroidered images of double-headed eagles on fabrics (p.346: Quechua does not have any)]: Nordenskiöld 1906, Abb.2.

Southern Amazon. Royal vulture (urubu-rey). Vaura: Barcelos Neto 2001, fig.8 [see motif A24; after the first sunrise, those creatures that inhabited the earth before humans appeared turned into animals, sacred objects, monsters; one of monsters (pencil drawing 25 x 30 cm) - a bird with two heads on separate necks, heads facing in different directions; the species is undetectable]; Schultz 1966 [in the forest, a fisherman is caught by a lunar eclipse; turns into a stone figure of a double-headed vulture sitting on a bench]: 42; kamayura [bird leader]: Agostinho 1974, No. 10:200 [eating people's souls in the sky; killed by a living person who came to heaven after the deceased friend], 201 (note 37) [master of heaven]; kuikuro: Carneiro 1977 [chief of the birds with which the souls of the dead fight in the sky]: 9; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [there was no fire, Kanassa is looking for him, carrying firefly; curasso (Crax daubentoni) made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it grew, now curasso is always wearing this outfit; met a little caiman (the same, a cassava brazier stuck to the tail); with her relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; Duck has a bark boat; K. offers to change, assures that the corysh boat is fragile; K. and saracura sail to measles boat; clay sinks; Duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that Urubu-rey owns fire with two heads; K. drew a deer in the sand, hid under it; Urubu-rey ordered the vultures raise the carcass on his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-ray came down with light with him; K. caught him, ordered him to bring fire; he told his son (a small black bird) to bring coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouths; a little was left, K. inflated again; while flying away, Urubu-rey taught me to get fire by friction, to make torches; to to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, they lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto carried it; K. gave her cassava drink and manioc cakes]: 105-110; trumai [The Sun and the Moon hid in a dead tapir; a three-headed vulture came down, they grabbed him, began to torment him; birds bring various feathers as ransom, but they give little light; finally they bring day, light; The Sun and the Month release the vulture]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 6:53-56; shinguano (band not specified) [wooden bench in the form of a double-headed vulture; heads on separate necks, parallel]: McEwan 2001, fig. 7.6.

Chaco. Tereno [a mighty shaman argues stars, causes a storm, summons double-headed birds from the sky]: Baldus 1950, No. 4:222.

The Southern Cone. The Araucans [figures of double-headed eagles crowned the central pillars of communal houses during the conquest era]: Downing Desmadryl 1973, fig.1; Latcham 1927:72; Zapater 1978:56.