Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L19A. The number of goals is even. .11.-.13.18.-.27. .29.31.-.40.42.-.

A creature (any but ornithomorphic) with an even (but not more than ten) heads on one end of the body is described or depicted, except when such creatures are mentioned in a row others and the row ends with an odd number or more than ten.

Mbundu, Shauna, Ramba, Kikuyu, Swahili, Kpelle, Masai, Adelaide, NSW, Majprad, Marindh Anim, Keva, Manus, Palau, Rotuma, Uliti, Truk, Gilbert, Tonga, Lepcha, Ma, Sre, Banar, Telugu, Tetum, Clemantane, Tinghian, Bukidnon, Maranao, Visayas, Paiwan, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Macedonians, Romanians, Karachays, Scandinavians, Norwegians [10], Swedes [6], Estonians [6], Western Sami, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Altaians, Shors, Tuvans, Tundra Nenets, Nganasans, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Kets, Sym Evenks, Baikal Evenks, Dolgans, Western Yakuts, Northeastern Yakuts, Okhotsk Evens, Nanais, Udege, Ancient Japan, Ainu, Coastal Koryaks, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Quinolt, Tillamook, Menominee, Mandan, Chilula, Hoopa, Seri, Western Mexico, Aztecs, Otomi, Huasteca, Lacandons, Maya Yucatana, Costa Rica (Diquiz), Panama (Veraguas, Coclé), Bribri, Muisque, Sicuani, Piaroa, Warrau, Valdivia, Desana, Macu, Sican, Huarochiri, Machigenga, Chiriguano, Angaite.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu: Nekrasova 1975:41-46 [two sisters go to the old woman for a tutorial, their younger sister Muyongo followed them; she does not drink wine, hears and sees at night how the old woman turns into a two-headed monster; answers her that she will not give fire, pipe, etc.; the next night, the sisters fill the hut with brushwood, run away, climb a tree above the river; the imaginary old woman and other monsters burn the hut, they resort to a tree, gnaw it; a big bird takes the sisters to the other side for the promise of the middle one to go beyond it; turns into a human; three years later, again in the form of a bird, flies to his native country; a wife with they run after her with children, her husband decides to stay with them]; Knappert 1977, No. 17 [the skull offers itself as a husband to her older sister, she throws it away; the youngest agrees; he leads her to sea, turns out to be handsome - sea lord Kianda; the eldest marries a handsome man, who leads her into the forest, turns out to be a two-headed quiche; she gives birth to a normal child, then a two-headed child; runs, catches up with her, eats her and the baby]: 157- 159; mbundu: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975 [see motive K66; Sudika-mbambi gets a daughter, Kalunga-Ngombe, but she must be taken away from the snake thief; S. cuts off six snake heads (two of them are trees, one is the head of his dog, three heads roll {not entirely clear}), brings the girl; his father-in-law demands the return of the goats and pigs stolen by the crocodile, the crocodile swallows S.; the younger brother finds and revives him]: 169-177; Nekrasova 1975:69-70 [a woman cannot feed all her children, throws three into the river, two have escaped, have come to a six-headed monster; the old woman said his strength is in a clay pot; they broke pot, they cut off their heads; where they left them, there is a house, a road; they came to their native village, but rejected their parents]; shona (karanga) [the twins Shuau (elder) and Gyerre are indistinguishable; everyone has a dog and a bow, born with him; S. plants a plant that will wither if he dies, leaves; cuts off the heads of a four-headed snake living in the lake, which is left to eat the king's daughter; the king's son-in-law take credit for themselves, the daughter tells her father the truth; S. shows the snake's hidden heads, gets a princess; fights a two-headed snake, is killed, the dog revives it; the snake offers to tie the dog, kills both; the plant withers, D. comes to his wife Sh., she takes him for her husband, but he does not sleep with her; revives Sh. and his dog; the wife finds out that her husband has a twin]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1975, 120:290-294; remba [Leo and Ox became friends; came to an old woman to ask for water; she says that an eight-headed serpent gives water in exchange for girls; friends kill him]: Frobenius in Baumann 1936:194; kikuyu [ half of irimu's body is human, half of it is made of stone; it has two heads, one of them stone and one leg]: Werner 1933:175; Swahili [sultan orders to kill boys, leave girls; parents they hide Rubiya's son; he easily defeats genies, predators; the seven-headed serpent; gets beautiful brothers; the genie sultan hides his sword, he tries in vain to hit her with clay swords hanging in her house; she touches R. with a black stick, turning it into stone; the brothers see that the water is cloudy, the tree has dried up; they come to the sultan of the genies, she says that R. can be spoiled with a white stick; they they kill the Sultan, revive R.; he gives genies to everyone in the city]: Baker 1927, No. 6:195-202 (=Abrahams 1983, No. 13:78-83); Swahili: Baker 1927, No. 2 [women persuade Fatima to test love her husband Amadi, asking her for Pembi Miuri snake cloth; A. comes to an old woman, who gives him a cat pointing the way; A. consistently meets snakes with one to six heads and tails; a snake with seven heads and tails - PM; A. cuts off her heads, the cat puts her in a bag; revives A. when the poison hits his face; PM A. pulls cloth out of her abdomen; the wife is happy]: 187-190; Bateman 1901 {long text, summary not compiled}: 133-134.

West Africa. Kpelle [the king said that it is impossible to cultivate land in such a valley; but a man cut down the forest, cultivated the field, grew rice; 10 forest devils squeezed it; the man led the people to bring compressed rice to the village; with them was a boy born with an amulet bag; he asked the one-headed line who brought them to the field; he said two-headed; two-headed that three-headed; and so on to the ten-headed; boy put all the rice he had collected in his purse and was about to put the ten-headed one in there; the devils ran away, the man got the harvest]: Westermann 1924, No. 10:134.

Sudan - East Africa. Masai [a group of warriors raided for cattle; one of his sandals broke; they did not wait for him, the latter promised to leave a branch at a fork in the road; the wind carried the sign to another place; the person took the other road, met the Month, praised his appearance; he advised him to do what he would be asked to do every time; the man comes to the river of water, then to the river of milk, to the river blood; everyone asks to drink from it; he promises to do it by crossing the river, does not fulfill promises; fighting swords, axes ask them to separate them, sharpen them; he promises, passes, does not fulfill; A two-headed shepherd herds two-tailed cows; a person says he does not notice anything special about him; God's wife offers a choice of fresh or stale milk, a clean or dusty place to sleep, etc.; each time a person chooses what is worse, gets what is better; God's wife gives him herds of cattle and sends him home a different way; his brother decides to follow the same path; each time he acts differently from that man; he was not given cattle, only a sword and an ax he brought]: Kipury 1983, No. 29:107-110.

Australia. Adelaide [The Sun is the wife of the Month; she beats her husband to death every month, but he is reborn; he has many two-headed tailless dogs]: Waterman 1987, No. 150:29-30; New South Wales [ 2.9 m diameter petroglyph; standing male figure with arms apart; two heads; facial features not shown]: Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.87.

Melanesia. Majprat: Elmberg 1968, No. 30 [Marik and Serefré chased the opossum, heard a noise in the mango trunk; S. cut a hole, people began to leave; Saréfi was the first to leave, to whom S.'s axe cut his head to blood; a two-headed man was the last to try to get out, but was driven back], 40 [Sesa people came out of the mango trunk; at night, a man and a dog heard a noise from a tree, opened the barrel with an ax; Sarombó sat above everyone else, the ax slipped over his head, he became bald; when people came out, he appeared two-headed, and below the other monsters, but the man closed the hole and pushed the double-headed back; their totem bird Urep also flew with humans]: 269, 274-275; marind-anim [two twins grew together with their backs, had one pair of arms and legs, but two heads; they were later killed]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 52:115; keva [the man accidentally cut off his finger, wrapped it in grass, his finger turned into a boy; he grew up; a terrible giant came and said he was the boy's father; the giant has two heads, two mouths, 4 eyes, and everything in the body doubled; the man hid the boy, and the giant wanted to take him away; finally he left, but stopped and shouted that he had forgotten his spear; he forgot nothing - the man took his own to him; and so on gradually all the property; then the boy said that he would go to the giant himself; the man tied a rope to him so that he could signal danger; two dogs went with him, the man took a shovel with him; a giant told the boy to climb a tree for possums; he: climb first; started shooting arrows at him, but they are like mosquito bites to the giant; the boy pulled the rope and ran; the dogs are trying to stop stalker; he ate one by one river and the other; taking a shovel, the boy ran up the hill and, when the giant ran up, hit him between two heads with a shovel; they fell off and turned into two mountains] : Slone 2009:58-62; Manus [there used to be the islet of Lep near Baluan Island; there were many fruits growing there, they sailed to the shore of Baluan; father and son, boy, sailed to find where they came from fruits; when we got to Lep, we ate fruit; we saw two women in the garden, and then their husband, a masalaya (spirit), who had 10 heads; they hid in the wood, they overturned, Masalai found them hidden, not caused harm and fed; women wonder why the food they bring is no longer enough; they mixed vegetable poison into their food; the man and son died immediately; the masalai screamed, the ground trembled, poured in heavy rain, the island disappeared under water]: Slone 2009:84-88.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulity (West Carolina): Lessa 1961, No. 18 [only the spirit of Iäluslep lived on Potangeras Island, had 8 heads, 4 mouths, 8 eyes, 8 arms, but one body, two legs; killed and ate those who came to the island for bird eggs; the ogre catches the fool and his companion (the fool screamed, hunting birds, attracted the attention of the ogre); they offer to play hide and seek, catch the ogre in a noose, promise to release it if he will magically cause yams and other food, burn]: 65-67; 1980, No. 51 [the first cannibal has one head, the second has two, so until ten; the pregnant woman feeds a thousand, she shows a log that opens by order You can hide in it; cannibals do not find her, they sail to another island; she gives birth to a strong son; he kills eight cannibals one time, each time rips off a part of their mother's body, the last of their head; kills the last two cannibals, returns to his mother], 52 [the leader of the island in a bloody sea - an eel with a man's head; his servants are cannibals with different numbers of heads; his sister lures victims to oh . Fais tells the girl that her parents do not love her, since they have not yet taken her to an island in the bloody sea; her parents are taking her unloved son to be raised even earlier; Eel ordered her father to be killed and fried (his name Yol), make a slave mother (Yath); the son finds out that the father is dead, cuts down a tree to make a boat; the spirit lives on the tree, he restores what was cut down three times; after learning what is going on, the spirit gives the young man a model of the boat, that brings him to Eel Island; he kills the multi-headed guards, the Eel, and the rest of the inhabitants with a stick; spares his mother who secretly fed him; revives his father, returns his parents to Fais]: 84-86, 89-91; Truk Islands [ 10 demons with 1 to 10 heads]: Krämer 1932:358 in Lessa 1980:88; Gilbert [while the father is fishing, the son watches the fire; one day the fire goes out, the son went to the northern part of the island, where 10 brothers, their names One, Two, etc., each has a name; they did not know how to fish and cultivate the land, they only collected shellfish and crabs; the young man speaks to One, who refers to Two, etc.; Ten offered to get the fire out of the earth furnace himself and pushed it into it; the father of the deceased came to Ten, fought him, broke all 10 heads one by one, avenging his son]: Koch 1966: 35-36; Palau [two-headed cannibal eats children]: Krämer 1917-1929 (4): 182-183 in Lessa 1980:88; Rotuma [Mataitiu's brother, sister Mataikuara; going to heaven, their parents do not tell them to open the back door of the house; they opened and entered the garden, where there were sugar cane and bananas; the mother came down, the children saw her, ran, there were ten giants on the road, one of them two-headed; tells me to look for lice in his head, put one head on the boy's knees, the other on the girl's knees; fell asleep, the children ran away, sailed away in the boat, taking pieces of pumice and heavy stone; the giant caught up with the boat, the boy tied pumice stone to his feet, began to dance on the water; the giant also wanted to; the boy tied heavy stones to him, he drowned]: Churchward 1938:228-220 (trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 97:219-221); Rotuma [two brothers marry two sisters; one has a child, she does not take the fish caught by her husband to his parents (apparently she eats it herself); these parents are two banana trees; in the absence of husbands and despite their warning, sisters pick bananas; husbands' parents turn into atua cannibal spirits; eat one sister with her child, then her husband; the other sister with their husband runs to a Tongan, he shows them where to live; they have a son and daughter; when fishing, a huge fish drowns, devours her husband; his knee remains, becomes an evil spirit, rolls to the wife of the deceased, she hears how it splashes in a vessel, runs; the children stay in the house, atua spirits with one to ten heads try to eat them; they make a terrible noise, say that they are weaving a net to catch one-, two-, three-headed atua; the spirit runs away every time in fear; the celestials take her brother to heaven; the sister cries at the top of the mountain, stays there; the brother breaks the ban on opening one of the doorways, pushes the mat away, He sees his sister below; to attract her attention, he throws down a branch of a mairo berry bush, an efu bamboo shoot, a pandanus fruit, a tarot tuber; she does not move; celestials bring him down, he finds him sister dead; returns to heaven, abandoned plants have been known on earth ever since]: Churchward 1937, No. 482-489 (Russian per. Polinskaya 1986, No. 8:58-69); Tonga [an eight-headed demon takes a girl to the underworld of Pulotu; her lover cuts the reeds that close the entrance; tells her to put the monster to sleep with caresses, runs with her]: Collocott 1928:14 in Blixen 1987:267-268.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [the seven sons of the king of the country between heaven and earth have a wife 'ayu rum mit pun dí (AR, "turquoise goddess queen"); su mu mung (SM, evil spirit) drinks her blood, cuts her blood into pieces; older brother (SB) cremates his wife's body, goes in search of SM, chases a deer, it turns into a cloud, SB into a storm, a cloud into a fish, jumps into the ocean, a storm into a sea monster, a fish into a rock, a monster into thunder breaks a rock, a rock into a two-headed mung, who promises to be a slave to the SB; SB wins and kills SM first, then his sister, the mung slave devours their bodies; a flower has grown at the site of AR's burning, in it revived AR, she is kidnapped by the 12-headed eldest of the 12 Mung brothers; the SB kills them, finds a flower, turns them into AR, revives other abducted from their incarnations; at this time, the mungues ravaged the SB Palace; SB killed them; he, his next oldest brother, and AR kill all the mungs on a narrow road; kill the chief mung's own sister in battle, then take possession of the treasures]: Siiger 1967, No. 8:230 -234.

Burma - Indochina. Mine [when other nations have long lived on the surface of the earth, my ancestors were still underground; decided to come to the surface through the hole with their pets; beauties began to dress up, were left behind everyone; but a two-headed buffalo got stuck in the hole, where he died, blocking the exit forever; so there are few beautiful women among mine]: Besnard 1907:87; ma , sre, banar [people came out of the Brah Ting underworld through a hole in the ground; a huge buffalo with two heads stuck in it; turned into a rock still visible]: Chesnov 1982e: 206.

South Asia. Telugu [Tenali Ramakrishna worshiped Kali; she appeared to him ten; offered him a choice of yogurt and milk, who drank both jugs; asked permission to ask a question; asked what K. does it with her 10 noses if she has a runny nose; she got angry, made him Mischievous]: Zograf 1976:339-340.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Clementan (Malanaus) [the deceased goes to another world by log; he is frightened by a double-headed dog {apparently throws ash in his face; another character does it, but apparently this means that the dog also does this}; to appease the dog, a valuable bead is tied to the right hand of the deceased]: Hose, McDougall 1912:45; tetum [at first only a tiny island in the waters; by God wanted a man to fall on him from the sky; asked for a friend; a two-headed man began to crawl out of the hole in the ground; the first man was frightened, threw a stone on him; then he went out a normal woman; this couple asked to make the earth bigger, God dried part of the sea; created the sun, the moon, and three stars - morning, midnight, and evening; humans and animals began to argue whether it should be It's always light, or light and darkness should alternate; the crow screamed, "Night 7 then Day 7", berliku, "Night 1", then Day"; humans multiplied]: Vroklage 1952:141.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [Aponibolinaen says he wants oranges from Gavigaven's garden (he has six heads); her husband Aponitolau asks, she calls a different garden each time; he bears fruit, tears it up; after hearing the truth, Aponitalau goes to G.; all the omens are bad; the spider leader carries him across the rampart to the village of G.; G. demands to eat the buffalo carcass (ants, flies eat); G. offers to climb for fruit, the tree has knife branches, A. is cut; before death he sends home a spear with strung fruits; the wife gives birth to a son Kanag; K. goes to G., all the omens are good; G. throws an ax, K. stands at him; blows down five G. heads with a spear; revives his father from the remains, who is unable to cut off the sixth head, K. cuts it off himself]: Rybkin 1975, No. 37:93-102; bukidnon [ At first there was a shining circle surrounded by a rainbow, with three creatures; one of them with ten heads; at the request of the one-headed, a hawk flew into one of the mouths of the ten-headed, brought earth from there; the one-headed created earth and sky]: Eugenio 1994, No. 33a: 85; maranao [there is a tree in the sky, with a name written on each leaf; when a leaf dries and falls, this man dies on earth; the eight-headed Walo guards the part of the sky where the vessels with people's souls are located]: Eugenio 1994, No. 34:89; visayas [the father has 8 sons, 4 blind people, he drove them away; one climbed a coconut tree, fell and crashed; followed by more two; the youngest realized that it was not the coconuts that fell, but the brothers; the spirits gave him the tail of a stingray, brought him out of the grove; the blind man met, carried the lame man; they came to the house of the two-headed giant; when he returned, they came they answered that they were giants themselves, showed the tail of a stingray, the giant believed it was hair, left; blind and lame stayed in his house]: Rybkin 1975, No. 95:226-227;

paywan [two went after tarot, towards a two-headed monster; he tells them to quickly collect tarot - in the evening they will die; they went home; one climbed through the window, the other went through the door, collided with their foreheads and died]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 48:215 .

China - Korea. Ancient China: Riftin 1980 [mountain spirits - one-legged, one-eyed, three-legged, two-headed, etc.]: 655; Yangshin 1977:43 [Western Mountain Catalog; Mount Heng; Qiong demons live, each with one hand; the Yin River flows there; Heavenly God resides there; it looks like a bull, but has eight legs, two heads and a ponytail], 74 [Central Mountain Catalog; Mount Gucheng; no vegetation, sand and stone everywhere ; the god Proud Worm lives, looks like a man but with two heads; he is the Stinging Worm; it is actually a beehive], 101 [East Overseas Catalog; The Lord (Uncle) of the River lives north of the Rainbows; has The animal is yellow-green in color with eight heads (each with a human face), eight legs and eight tails; the kingdom of the Green Hills is north of it; the Fox has four legs and nine tails].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Gerion owned red cows herded by Eurytion, and guarded by the two-headed dog Ortre, born of Echidna and Typhon]: Apollod. Bibl. II. V. 10; Ancient Greece [{Kerber often has two rather than three heads in vase painting}]; Macedonians (near Ohrid) [demon lam ja is a two-headed monster that looks like a bear with a big mouth that lives in Lake Ohrid goes ashore from time to time and devours people]: Plotnikova 2004:78; Romanians [căpcăuni - people with a dog's head; with two heads, one of which is a dog; with two faces, one of which is like a dog; with a dog face on the back of the head; has four eyes located on the back of the head; swallows children and large pieces with one mouth human meat with bones, spits bones out of the other]: Sveshnikova 1979:210-211.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays: Aliyeva 1994, No. 53 [Debit wants to marry 19 sons to 19 sisters; host Bayrymkyz says that the Emegen family is ready to give 18 daughters, but starting with the eldest; emegenshi one-eyed, lips hang down to their breasts; each grabs D. and his sons, the youngest Alaugan remains; B. says that Mingi Tau has an eight-legged double-headed iron-hoofed huge horse; on this horse and with a sword the ancestors of the sledges A. will be defeated by Emegensh; he must marry his daughter Yu; at night he spies on his wife, who puts on eagle feathers, flies away, brings human being; A. kills her, makes B. say what should be done do; taking the sword of sledges and fat from the jug, A. flies with an eagle towards the Emegensh eagles, dazzles them with fat, cuts through the rocks that blocked the entrance to the cave with a sword, frees his father and brothers], 67 [Alaugan is so powerful that no woman can live with him; he comes to the Emegens, shoots a plane tree in the sun; when they see this, they marry him; she devours her children; mother A. Gommahan throws an emegenshe puppy, take the boy to the crevice of the glacier; A. finds him there, gives the name Carashahuay; K. notices that G. carries raw meat into a closed room; finds a double-headed Emegensha with only one eye in her forehead; against her father's request, kills her]: 396-399, 421-423.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Elder Edda (Waftrudnir's Speeches) 1963 [a strong daughter and son appeared under his arm, while Tursu gave birth to a leg and leg of a six-headed son]: 33; (cf. Younger Edda (Gulvi's Vision) 2005 [after falling asleep, Imir was sweating, and a man and a woman grew up under his left arm; one leg conceived a son on the other; hence his offspring, frosty giants]: 17); Norwegians [two brothers diverge in different directions; the youngest kills a 5-headed giant, then a 10-headed giant, frees the princess, then her sister; takes the youngest, calls his brother, gives him an older one]: Dasent 1970:131-149; Swedes (Värmland) [the queen is dead, the princess grew up beautiful; the king went to war; to keep his daughter innocent, built a tower in the forest, left food for his daughter there, and maids, forbade men to come close; those who wanted to get the princess sent a witch; she has two apples in her basket; the princess and her partner lifted the basket to the tower, ate an apple each and became pregnant; son Princess Silfwerhwit ("silver white"), son of Lillwacker's maid ("little guard"); both grew up strong and beautiful; after 7 years, the king returned and the boys' mothers had to bring them down from the tower to land and send him to the world; the princess gave her son a precious dagger; a big man met each, gave each a sword and three dogs; at the crossroads, the boys broke up; S. put a donated knife in the stream: if blood will flow, he is dead, let L. take revenge; S. came to a city where mourning; the king must give his eldest daughter to a sea troll; S. went to the shore, where the princess and the court; he mistook S. for a troll, ran away and climbed a tree; the troll emerged: let our dogs fight first; S.'s dogs bit to death the troll's dogs; then S. cut off the troll's head, he dived into the sea, and S. cut out his eyes and hid it; S. left, and the courtier forced the princess to say that he was the savior; the same the next day (three-headed troll, the king's middle daughter); on the third day he was six-headed; younger princess; S. came to wedding, presented the younger princess's ring and troll eyes; wedding; once a knock on the window: S., go out to talk; there's a troll whose brothers S. killed; S.'s dogs bit to death his dogs, and S. drove the troll into a tree; he promised a ransom, asked him to calm the dogs by throwing three of his hairs on them; the dogs froze; the troll came down and killed S.; seeing blood in the stream, L. went to save S.; in the city he was mistaken for S.; in bed put his sword between himself and the princess; knocking on the window and still the same, but L. threw hairs on the troll's dogs; forced S. to revive the dogs, give water to revive S. and the other one that makes them stick to the place; L. He stuck to the stone and burst at the first rays of the sun; when he learned that L. had gone to bed with the princess, S. cut off his head; after learning from his wife about the sword, S. returned and revived L. with that water; L. married another princess and shared the kingdom with S.; if they did not die, they are still alive now]: Hyltén-ñavallius, Stephens 1848:78-94; Estonians (Risti) [the ploughman plowed, and it turned out to be a lake; pike jumped out from there; a voice told her to give it to the maid to cook for her grandmother, only she should eat; the grandmother was a witch; the maid tried her ear, the dog and the mare swallowed the foam; the maid, the mare and the dog gave birth to a son, the dog's son's name is Juhan; they grew up, went to look for wives; the maid's son walks two miles at once, the mare's son a mile, Yu does not have a horse; the old man tells the maid's son where to get a horse under the stone, to take three miles in a step; they spend the night at the bridge, guard one by one; the maid's son defeated the one-headed line; the mare's son is frightened, instead of him Yu defeated the double-headed line, the next night six-headed; spent the night with an old woman, did not know that she was the mother of devils; left her; see her chasing them, one lip to the clouds, the other on the ground; swallowed the servant's son and the son of a mare; Yu. came to the forge; the blacksmith invited the pursuer to make a hole in the wall with his tongue, grabbed his tongue with ticks, Yu began to beat her with an iron club; she regurgitated the swallowed, she was alive, left herself; they took wives, come back; the mother of the devils calls them in the swamp, Yu hits her again; on the way there are soft seats, then beds; Yu does not let them sit down, lie down, because he heard that they are going to kill them when they fall asleep; the same is tables with food; married brought girls at home]: Järv et al. 2009, No. 15:85-89; Western Sami [two brothers look the same; separate roads, leaving a sword in the birch tree: if it rusts , the owner is in trouble; the first saves the princess, who was supposed to be given to the three-headed sea troll; then three princesses intended for the four-headed; one of them was married to the young man; underground residents envied his beauty and stole it; a local woman took his sword away from him, forced him to live with her; his older brother sees rust on his sword, follows in the footsteps of his younger; he is mistaken everywhere for the youngest; After finding out which direction the youngest went, when he disappeared, the eldest finds him; the underground wife is sleeping, the brothers pierced her with a sword; returned to the youngest's wife; she cannot understand who the real husband is; he explained, she believed]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:19-28.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [bai is childless, and then Alpamysh's son was born; grew up quickly; shook his bridle, looked at him by an inferior horse; grew up before our eyes, became a tulpar; the tsar will give his daughter to the one who wins Karabatyr (A. threw him to the sky three times and caught him), will shoot an arrow through the hole in the ring (A. fired him) and kill the six-headed Azhdakha; he came for the royal daughter; A. fell asleep with his head on her knees; woke up to her dripping tears; cut off all the heads of Azhdaha; wedding; A. fell asleep, K.'s people threw him into a hole and locked his horse in a stone barn; the girls heard A.'s voice, the wife lowered her hair into the hole, but they do not reach the bottom of the pit; A. tells them to find the key to the barn; the girls opened the barn, the horse lowered its tail into the pit, A. got out; invited K. to cook in resin; he cried, A. cut off his head]: Barag 1988, No. 4: 52-58.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [a man's daughter has been kidnapped; he turns to a teacher of 8 brothers; they know how to: 1) follow the trail in the dark; 2) see at a great distance; 3) cross the seas on a hat; 4) pull out prey from the bird's claws so that it does not notice it; 5) separate birds hugging in flight with a shot without damaging them; (the abilities of the two brothers are not specifically mentioned, but it is clear from the following); Thanks to their abilities, the brothers tracked down the double-headed eagle and snatched the girl out of its claws; but the eagle took it away again; the fifth brother separated her with a shot, the sixth caught her falling, and the seventh built the iron fortress in which they all took refuge; the eighth stamped his foot, they all ended up with the girl's father; he decides to give it not to their brothers alone, but to their teacher]: Sidelnikov 1964:39-41; Uighurs [ the shepherd's pregnant wife dies; a new shepherd notices that one goat goes to the cemetery every day; looks after her, she bleats, a child comes out of the grave, sucks milk; the old man advises leaving her at the grave lamb grandmother and doll; the child grabs the grandmother; next time the shepherd and the old man throw a carpet over him; when the young man grows up, he does any job overnight; when asked if he did it himself, answers, Not I know; the seven-headed dragon demands the eldest of the khan's three daughters; the old man gives the young man a horse, he kills the dragon; the Khan's commander takes the feat for himself, marries; the same with another dragon and middle daughter , she marries a herald; the khan promises the youngest and the throne to the one who will cure him of his illness; two sons-in-law come to the magic garden for grass, receive it from a young man, not knowing that it is the one who lives with the old man; the young man gives his seal on both his thigh; the khan recovers; the eight-headed dragon is given his youngest daughter; the young man kills the dragon, sends the girl home; a few years later she sees his ring on the finger of a young man who sleeps in the stable; demands that all grooms pass in front of her, chooses a poor groom; they have been accommodated in a stable, they have a son; at the feast, the young man shows three rings, which the khan's three daughters gave him after killing dragons, shows his seals on his sons-in-law, wears appropriate clothes; the khan gives him the throne]: Kabirov, Shakhmatova 1951:133-152.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [Tas-Beryuk Pleshivy swims down the river, finds himself in an ice house with sea people; a two-headed dragon with two tongues ate their sons, is going to eat their daughter; T. cuts off tongues with scissors, the dragon disappears; T. refuses to take the rescued girl, asks to send him home; on the way he sees giants fighting, kills a two-headed man with an arrow; it was the same dragon; the second the lord of snakes and monsters, brings him home, tells him not to talk about it; after drinking, T. violates the ban; the giant and monsters come to kill him; T. says it was not him, but Araka spoke; giant they get drunk with monsters, turn the plain into mountains]: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978:185-195; Tuvans: Vatagin 1971, No. 11 (Dzun-Khemchik District) [the boy raised two golden eagles, received two golden eagles from his father's friend dogs, began to understand their language; when I returned, I did not find a yurt; where my mother slept, I found a needle and a fragment of a crest, where my father was a whetstone; a six-headed mangys Kalchaa-Mergen came out from under the ash; cut off the boy's horse's legs; the boy threw a whetstone, a comb, a needle, they became a rock, a thicket, an iron poplar; K. climbed the rock, made his way through the thicket, began to cut poplar; the young man sat on top; axe flew to the side, K. fell asleep, the Frog threw his axe into the lake; K. drank the lake, began to cut it further; the fox offered to cut for it, hit the axe with the blunt side, threw it into the lake; K. drank the lake again, sharpened his axe; the boy asked the crows to call his golden eagles, who carried the boy on their wings to his father; he gave him the name Deer-Møge (Heavenly Strongman); Cher-Aldy Khan passes off his daughter as someone who will win archery, horse racing, wrestling; D. wins, kills K., marries]: 112-117; Gorbacheva, Solovyova 2006 [serpentine six-headed, eight-legged and two-eyed image of the Amyrga-eren dragon, made of felt (length 130 cm; collections 1903); above the main big head there are five small ones with open mouths; each head has three eyes from opaque beads; Amyrga-eren was a family guardian, made by or under the guidance of a shaman and hung from the yurt bars]: 84-85; Shors [the epic character Chelbegen is described in texts as having 2, 9 or 180 heads]: Funk 2005:316.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [the hunter comes to the iron plague; a forest giant and his two-headed wife live in it; they feed him, give him a silver bow, put a stone old man in his mouth, tell him not to shoot on the way headless monsters; he does not shoot, ends up in his own plague; kills many deer]: Labanauskas 1995:58-60; nganasany: Gemuev, Lucidarskaya 1992 [the image of the fire spirit (bed) was made of a split knot in the form of a two-headed woman (A.A. Popov); in Nganasan families, two-headed village figures of Satuo ("burnt head") were passed down from generation to generation (G.N. Gracheva); double-headed beds were depicted - the owner of the dwelling and the bed - the mistress of the fire (S.V. Ivanov)]: 35; Popov 1963 [the mistress's bed was made of a split willow knot in the form of a two-headed female figure; why two-headed, could not be established]: 124, fig.6; Popov 1936b [a special sledge contains the devil of fire, which is made about two heads from a forked tree trunk]: 54; Mansi [double-headed wooden idolchik (full face, figures are connected at chest level, arms and body are not depicted below the waist) from an iconic barn]: Gemuev 1990, Figure 120; Eastern Khanty: Gemuev 1990 [by Ivanov S.V. Sculpture Peoples of the Siberian North, pp.61-52; a two-headed figure from the Khanty sanctuary (Salym Khanty) depicts the brother of the main tongh 'a (spirit), his assistant in battles]: 136; Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 101 (p. Agan) [old Munk-iki lives in the forest, sometimes with two heads; one woman has two or three children, they are noisy; the other has one newborn; M. comes, sits at the doorstep, the woman asks for permission take the rotten people out of the cradle, hides the baby in his bosom, runs away; M. ate the other with the children; you can't make noise after sunset]: 92; chum salmon [sikti kaigan kaigusen { simplified spelling} - four-headed demon]: Donner 1933:88.

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks [a man cuts off the heads of a two-headed cannibal; that, Ruby again; - No; the same with three or four, five-, six-, seven-, eight-, nine-, ten-headed]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 53:72-73; Baikal Evenks (Ingarigdov, Barguzinsky Range) [the eight-headed sister gave three brothers drunk, let them raft along Lake Baikal; three years later, the youngest woke up, woke up Burcoltun, then woke up the third; found a farce, killed his sister]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 51:67; dolgans [wild deer disappeared on Pyasin; three years later, a man came to the cape on the sea; there are countless deer there; there is a two-headed deer, their owner, their heads are turned north; the man asked him to turn south; one head turned; some of the deer separated, returned to the people]: Popov 1934:125; Western (Vilyui) Yakuts [it happens to find a bunch of frogs in the meadow; you can find a frog with two heads below; it must be thrown into an anthill at sunrise; ride off on horseback so as not to hear her screams, you can die from them; in three days, two bones can be found at this place; hook-shaped and slingshot; they must be sewn on the inside of the sleeves: first to the right, the second to left; after that, if you touch a person with your right hand, you can win over him, and with your left hand you can alienate him, confuse the enemy's witnesses; in summer, the bones are removed, placed in the hollow, because they are going to all nearby frogs]: Popov 1949:284; northeastern (Indigiri) Yakuts [old man Lyybyrda catches fish in a silver boat with a silver net; hears his name three times from the forest; each time breaks the boat and oars (then they recover), goes to look for who called him; for the third time he kicks the horse's skull, consistently sticks to it with all limbs and head; eight-headed Alaa Mogus brings him home; L. persuades him to fatten himself first; three years later he sends A. for a sharp knife; then a series of episodes, each neighbor sends A. to another; you need a whetstone to sharpen the knife, bring a whetstone, a horse to catch up with a bull, a bridle to catch a horse; it is on the other side; old man Alanay advises A. to tie stones to his legs, arms, neck; A. drowns; tells L. to follow from his knee bone a pestle, a stupa from the skull, a bowl from the cervical vertebrae, a hipped booth from the back bones, property and cattle will take for themselves]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:132-136; Okhotsk Evens [every time her two brothers they leave, a man comes to the girl, asks him to marry him; she promises to ask her brothers, but every time she forgets; asks him to wait for them to return; leaves the house, disappears; brothers (elder - Nulgini, Jr. Delkini) go in search; they are attacked by a man in iron clothes and a two-headed man; brothers kill them all at their camp; friend N. Geakchawal shot through the eagle's neck and cut off all three of his heads at once; then he also killed a two-headed man; Ostatlan's arrow tells N. in half and returns to him; G. cuts O.'s heads, puts the body on larch]: Weaver 1986:225-251.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanai people [carved image on one of the faces of the home pillar: a snake with an arrow-shaped figure on its tail and two heads (both at one end of the body); length 88 cm]: Ivanov 1954, Figure 121-1; Udege people: Ivanov 1954 [image of a two-headed dragon snake on a shamanic skirt], fig. 207 [on a shaman's skirt], 226 [on a shaman's birch bark rug]; Lopatin 1933, No. 4 [a poor man kills a rich man, takes it his possessions are running out, he is poor again; a shamanite, his old woman gives birth to a son, five years later he is a young man; he is traveling; the youngest of seven brothers and seven sisters gives him a white dog; he kills with an arrow a bird with iron feathers, makes armor; cuts off both heads of a two-headed giant with a sword; he turns into a black dog, accompanies the young man; he comes to the stone giant, the owner of the two-headed ; he gives the young man a white horse, whose manure is gold; the young man marries that girl, returns with her to his parents]: 250-253.

Japan. Ancient Japan (the legend about the founding of the Koyasan Buddhist temple complex) [After two years in China, Kukai (the founder of Shingon Buddhism in Japan), while on the shore of Mingzhou, turned to praying to receive instructions on where to establish a religious community in Japan; threw wajdra into the sky, she fell on Mount Koya (about 900 m high, south of Hashimoto); arriving in Yamato in 806, K. met a hunter 2 m tall with a red face leading to two dogs, white and black (var.: two-headed dog); the hunter said he knew the place where Vazdra fell, the dog brought it there; a woman was sitting there - the owner of these places, the hunter's mother; then the dog led to a pine tree on which the wajdra fell; this woman is Nutsu Hime Myojin from Amano, and the hunter is Kariba Myojin]: Koyasan 1992:15; Ancient Japan: Kojiki 1994, ch. 14:59; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1:140-141; Kogoshui (?) [An eight-tailed eight-headed serpent swallows one of the eight daughters of an elderly couple every year; Susanoo tells him to cook eight kegs of sake; the snake drinks, falls asleep, S. cuts off his head; inside A sword finds a tail, gives it to his sister Amateras; marries a rescued girl]; Aina [see motif K77; a monster with six heads arrives; one head cries, the other sings a lullaby song]: Saito 1994:73-74

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 111 [Yinyeanit leaves his bag on the ground; finds deer bone marrow on it, eats it, gives birth to a boy; when reindeer people come, her Father Big Raven (Kikkynyaku) tells the boy to point his finger at his father; but he does not point at anyone; later the Earth Worker comes, confesses his paternity, marries J.; she falls ill; he visits the Overseer, the father of the Cloud Man; finds out that he should have sacrificed a double-headed deer from his father's herd; brings him, his wife recovers], 128 [Ememkut rises to the Sun, defeats him by running and pulling stones; the Sun says he still won't be able to get the daughter of the five-headed Kamak; E. comes to Kamaka, who swallows him five times, but E. goes out every time. through the anus; kills Kamaka, takes his daughter; her feces are beads and copper rings; E. gets rich]: 299-302, 323-324.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [an old man dressed in dog skin named Kingalik puts loops on ducks; someone steals loot, he watches, chases two boys, they resort to their father- shaman; shaman starts fire after K.; K. takes off his mittens and other pieces of clothing one by one, throws him back; each time thrown turns into a dog, fights fire until he dies; the last - pants, turn into a double-headed dog; K. manages to rush into his duck pond; the fire follows and goes out]: Keithahn 1958:44-46.

NW Coast. Eyak [a two-headed bear gives the test bear a bad fish, takes a good one for himself; a father-in-law bear tells two hunting brothers that his son-in-law's heart is between his eyes; brothers kill a young bear, marry his widow; bears kill his younger brother in spring; the elder bear and the test bear revive him]: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938:279-280 (=Johnson 1978:30); Tlingit: De Laguna 1972 [four brothers kill a two-headed human bear; his heart was between his two heads]: 876; Swanton 1909, No. 3 [bear (one head on top of the other) catches salmon; four brothers come, their dog kills him], 51 [a cannibal with seven heads demands that the leader's daughter be eaten by him; a boy who comes from salmon bones cuts off his head, marries the leader's daughter]: 23, 198-199; haida [a wooden pole in the shape of a two-headed anthropomorphic figure on a shaman's grave]: Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.89.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinolt [the girl dreams of the mighty Sepaka; she comes to his house; mushrooms hang from the rafters; when S. speaks, the mushrooms echo; they are his wives; now he has a real wife, and he throws them away; the wife gives birth to a two-headed boy, then a normal girl; her five brothers come to her one by one, S. kills them; a woman throws flint into the fire; a shrapnel falls into her a little daughter, who immediately gives birth to a boy; a woman pretends that she gave birth herself; Flint finds the corpses cut in half by her uncle; kills S. and a double-headed boy; he, his little mother and grandmother returns to people]: Farrand 1902, No. 14:124-125; tillamook [a two-headed cannibal keeps the girl like a slave; the young man comes three times, the girl replies to the cannibal that these are her footprints; the young man fights with a cannibal, killed, she hangs his body to smoke among other bodies; the victim's younger brother comes; the girl tells him that the cannibal's vulnerabilities are her eyes, nipples and vagina; he kills the cannibal, burns, marries a girl; leaving the body in the house, goes in spirit to the land of the dead to return his brother; on the way he meets people who are parts of a funeral boat; a sparrow transports him across the river; brother agrees to return even though he has two dead wives; the dead cast the fog, but the Sparrow carries the brothers back; both return alive]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 29:96-99.

The Midwest. Menominee [see motive F34; the wife takes the Bear as a lover; the husband burns her and the Bear in the hollow; the Bear's relatives take her husband to heaven and torture her; the son of the carried away marries, he has two sons; brother his wife marries a young man's sister; they have a son with two heads; he asks where his grandfather is; he goes up to heaven with his cousins, kills bears, brings his grandfather back to earth]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II2:305-311.

Plains. Mandan [see motif K27; Bisonicha mother-in-law opens a hole in the ground; bisons come to the ground; son-in-law does not let those with two heads (on two separate necks) in]: Beckwith 1938, No. 4:76.

California. Chilula [a two-headed cannibal kills three brothers one by one; the fourth receives a magic belt from his grandmother, kills the ogre and his wife]: Goddard 1914, No. 16:364-366; chupa [two-headed the monster takes from the Owl his prey - deer; the Coyote cuts the monster to death with a sedge (cut off with a knife, heads grow); kills his wife Frog and children]: Goddard 1904, No. 5:167-168; karok [ two-headed Triton steals a hunter's game; Coyote cuts off one head with an obsidian blade, which grows back; kills, cutting off both at the same time; turns him into newts; kills his wife]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, NO. II33:184-186

The Great Southwest. Seri [drawing on the sand; standing figure of a two-headed creature with an anthropomorphic body; the lower body is in profile, the upper body is full face; two heads on separate necks are full face; each topped with a pair of horns and has big ear (Deer?)] : Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.87.

NW Mexico. Western Mexico [ceramic figure of a two-headed woman sitting with both hands holding a bowl placed on her legs outstretched]: Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.81.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs: Birhorst 1992 [Codex Chimalpopoca; cf. Krickeberg; both deer are double-headed; both deer are two-headed; the second woman chases M. for a long time; a cactus descends from the sky, she attacks thorns, gets stuck, M. kills her]: 151-152; Krickeberg 1928 ( Shochimilko) [two deer came down from the sky, one of them two-headed; Shiuhnel and Mimic began to chase them; they turned into women; S. lay down with her, she gave him a drink of blood, ate him; M. understood , that it was a cizimitl, shot her, she took on its true form]: 24; Garibay 1965 (Chalco) [Camashtle hit a rock, from there four hundred chichimecs, whom we call otomi, came out, who lived here until how the Mexicans conquered these places; a double-headed deer descended from the sky; K. ordered the residents of the village of Cuitlahuac to honor him as a god; they fed him rabbits, snakes, butterflies for four years; the Chichimecs led with K. war, took away the deer, thanks to which he won]: 36-37; otomi [silhouette anthropomorphic paper figures: devil; master of the dead]: Galinier 1990:645, 572-573, 667; Huastecs [ anthropomorphic kramic figure in the form of a naked (navel shown) of a two-headed person; no sexual characteristics]: Leyenaar et al. 1993, fig.62; southern lacandons [two-headed jaguar at noon brings the Sun its food]: Boremanse 1986:188; northern lacandons [no one can kill a huge double-headed jaguar; if an arrow pierces it, it breaks into two jaguars; K'ak' (lord of fire, "courage") killed him with two arrows, tore out and ate his heart, bleed his clothes]: Cook 2019:223-228; Maya Yucatana (Uxmal) [stone sculpture in the form of a double-headed jaguar]: Baer 1984: 360-361.

Honduras vs Panama. Costa Rica (Dikis?) [stone figure of a two-headed man; hands on his stomach]: Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.65; Costa Rica, prov. Dikis (gold pendants): Anton 1974 [two-headed male character holding a snake with heads at both ends of his body in his arms], Taf.99; Bray 1981, pl.89 and Lines, Lines 1976, No. 30 [double-headed an anthropomorphic character (genitals beaten off, but apparently male) holds a long object and a rattle in each hand (Lothrop 196:101 considers objects to be flutes); the ends of objects are respectively in the left or right mouth; in similar but mono-headed images, instead of the character, the character is clearly holding a snake or snake-like object (e.g. Lines, Lines 1967, No. 35)]; Fernández Equivel, Faith Jiménez 1991, pl.3 [a two-headed anthropomorphic character (genitals are beaten off, but apparently male) holds a long object in each hand, probably a snake; the other end of each head in the mouth]; Panama, prov. Veraguas (gold pendants): Emmerich 1965, fig.126 [a two-headed male monkey holds its tail above its head], 127 [a two-headed and two-tailed turtle holds a long object in both mouths and paws (flutes or snakes)]; Lothrop 1950, fig.1c and 90a [as in Emmerich, fig.126], 82a [two-headed and two-tailed predator (jaguar?) holds a snake in both mouths and paws]; bribri [the two-headed first king lives in a long house; when someone comes in, rattles sound, the king throws a spear at the incoming person, killing him; sees the king is only the one who manages to throw his spears back; one man came in without hitting his rattle and killed the sleeping king with a spear]: Bozzoli 1977:183; Panama, Prov. Coclay, Citio-Conte: Lothrop 1937, fig.108 [gold helmet relief: standing full-face anthropomorphic figure with two crocodile heads facing left and right], 179 [Bat monster with three legs, two full-face heads on separate necks; arms or wings end with monster heads in profile]; 1943 [a ceramic bowl on a pallet painted inside in the form of a standing anthropomorphic figure in the form of a full-face anthropomorphic figure; two heads on two separate necks], fig.92.

The Northern Andes. Muisca [a tumbagi figure in the form of a two-headed man standing holding a rod with a forked upper end; both branches have a human face; the figure stands inside a round fence facing the entrance; two small figures on both sides]: Falchetti 1989, fig.74; "kimbaya" [ceramic figure of a two-headed man; probably masculine (genitals beaten off)]: Schuster, Carpenter 1996, fig.78.

Llanos. Sicuani (Únuma communities on the outskirts of Puerto Gaitán, Department of Meta, Colombia, and Walabó on the banks of the Meta River further east) [a flying two-headed jaguar; also called Maakoko (also known as Maakoko called the giant nightjar, it appears in one of the myths); Maakoko shaped still makes tapi stools (heads are located at different ends of the body); the descriptions of the head contain one in the usual place, the second on the stomach; no wings; the chest is red, the back is darker than the chest, the back of the body is spotty (tapi are not colored for traditional use); lives in the clouds; wants to fly down - exhales forcefully with his upper head, upwards with his lower head; appears on the ground with a strong wind; kills livestock (zebu cows); can be dangerous to humans, as he is very strong and brave]: Andrey Shlyakhtinsky, personal e-mail, 03.06.09.

Southern Venezuela. Piaroa [Kuemoy is an ogre and has two heads]: Costanzo 1977:148, 160.

Guiana. Varrau [jaguar]: García 1993, No. 12 [a man sees a jaguar bite a manatee in the river, could not pull out the carcass, called another, the two of them could not either, called a double-headed The jaguar, he pulled him out; the man went for the jaguars, came to the Caribbean village; the good Caribbean let him spend the night, took him home; the evil ones were ready to eat, they were the ones who turned into jaguars], 14 [two brothers went to the palm grove for edible larvae; spent the night in an abandoned house, hanging hammocks under the roof; a dead man came, began to break his fingers and limbs in turn; every time the older brother feels pain like his dicks are breaking; dies when a dead man twisted his neck; a double-headed jaguar came, knocked down part of the house, ate a corpse; younger brother returned to the village; Imaoto (night bird, became human) told the deceased's dog about the incident, whom he left tied in the village; together they killed a double-headed jaguar; the dog ate a jaguar, came to the village, threatened people, ate the child; the dog was sold to Europeans; from it, European dogs, sailors drowned the dog itself]: 63-65, 70-74; Wilbert 1970, No. 51, 148, 186 [two and four heads]: 113-136, 314-315, 423.

Ecuador. South coast, Valdivian culture, period 3 [double-headed female ceramic figurines]: Lathrap et al. 1977, No. 84, 86:77.

NW Amazon. Desana [a young man grows a second head; the daughter of the Sun frees him from her]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968, No. 5:200; Macu [the two-headed jaguar calls and eats people]: Silverwood-Cope 1972:256 .

The Central Andes. Sican (lambayeque) culture, northern coast of Peru: Zevallos Quiñones 1999:30 [throat of two ceramic vessels shaped like a sitting two-headed man], 31 [ceramic vessel in the form of two human heads on one neck]; Warochiri (dep. Lima) [see motif L37; a noble man is sick because a double-headed toad hides under his grain grater; the hero lifts a grain grater; the toad goes to live in the spring; those who come to him disappear or go crazy]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 5:56-57.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [a huge two-headed jaguar lives in the sky; at the end of the world it will descend, multiply innumerably, devour everyone]: Baer 1984:250.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [twins chase the double-headed Jaguar; the moon hides him under his clothes or bag; he eats the moon, causing eclipses; at the end of the world he will come out from under the moon's clothes]: Cipolletti 1978:51- 52; Nordenskiöld 1912:271, 294-295.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [after falling out with the rest of the men while playing ball, the Zumizoré and Zonewa brothers left the village; each left two sons, raised by their grandmother Alawrir; brought by them the meat disappears somewhere; the brothers find a dwarf hidden in the basket who wants to eat them; they try to kill him, he dies only in the anthill of the hottest ants; A. pretends to be upset about the loss spindle; at night she revived a dwarf or made a new one; the brothers hear A. talking to herself about their dead parents; they force her to confess that Jaguar and Jaguariha ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle all women; Jaguariha opened her mouth, people entered it; brothers train archery, you need reeds to make arrowpoles, Otyueré owns it; A. taught you to take it from an battleship first a new knife; they took it while the battleship was lying with his wife; the blind old woman Yualoreroawsé took the knife away; they made her sighted, rewarded her with a knife, dazzled her again; O. and his cunhado (wife's brother or sister's husband) Alalaymaré smeared the branches with glue to catch bats; the brothers turn into bats, consistently cut off O.'s limbs, throw them down from the tree, scream that they are falling branch, second, etc.; O.'s body turns into a nest of honey bees; his head clings to A.'s shoulder, who became a forest spirit with two heads (whoever hears him howling will die); the brothers killed with arrows Orla; for the full text see motif J42B]: Pereira 1986, No. 8:149-169.

Chaco. Angaite [a two-headed man gets stuck in a heavenly hole]: Cordeu 1973, No. 2:201.