Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L1c1. Flight to Heaven .37.46.50.

Fleeing from demonic characters, a group of male relatives of the girl ascends to heaven and stays there. See L1C motif.

Nanai, Orochi, Udege, Sarsi, Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Grovantra, Sheyen, Arikara, Pawnee, Kiowa, Wichita, Hicarilla.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanai [the seven Mergen Brothers have a younger sister Pudin; the brothers say that flocks of cannibal squirrels will now arrive, hide P. in a hole near the hearth, lubricate all household items with wild interior fat beast, forgot a torn fishskin sneaker; a bag of beast blood is placed on the sisters's chest; throwing arrows one in the tail of the other, they make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; the sneaker gives out to squirrels, where P., those they pierce spears at the hearth, one is bloody, they think they killed P., they leave; P. harnesses the dog into sledges, leaves; the sledge turned its bump, the Frog came out from under it, P. asked to spend the night; complains that frogs interfere, the Frog replies that they are her relatives; two Mergen come, P. did not have time to put on her robe, turned into a red branch; the eldest M. sat on the Frog's can, the youngest took a red branch, began to cut, blood flowed; the eldest took the Frog, she put on P.'s robe; P. remained to tie the wound; the younger M. forgot the knife, came back, married P., they caught up with the Frog and the elder M., P. took his robe, gives her fish skin; before that, the Frog asks hazel, reddened, bird cherry, everyone says that she is ugly in any robe; The frog replies that he will make them kindling, toys for children, cleaning chips; Mergen's parents cover the floor with silk, the Frog walks on it, P. turns so as not to get dirty; father-in-law wants to warm up, the Frog heats the stove, sparks fly to his father-in-law; P. asks send the brothers good firewood, the bundle falls from the sky, the father-in-law is happy; The frog serves the father-in-law frog caviar, P. - porridge and butter that the brothers threw off; the father-in-law wants to see the relatives of the daughters-in-law, Frog brings frogs, brothers to P., give silk and fur clothes, return to heaven; The frog swallows spoons, ladles to simulate pregnancy, she is driven away, she jumps into the lake; P. gives birth to a son- heir]: Hodger 2011:67-77; Orochi [knocking down pegs (a type of game) with a stick, seven brothers accidentally injure a squirrel that comes to play with them; she promises revenge by bringing other squirrels; brothers they hide their sister under the hearth, putting a bag of blood on top; they shoot arrows into the sky, they pierce each other's tail, forming a chain; they climb into the sky, the youngest is the last, picking up arrows; the old boots give the squirrels how the brothers left, where the sister is hidden; the squirrels pierce the wineskin, think they have killed the girl, leave; the sister goes to look for brothers, comes to the Frog; she takes her clothes, puts her on; the girl hides inside a stick; two brothers come, the eldest sits next to the Frog, the youngest by the stick, scolds her with a knife, blood comes on her; the eldest leaves with the Frog, the youngest returns for a knife, finds a naked girl, she does not have time to hide in the stick again, tells her story; in her older brother's house, the Frog shows his brothers' father-in-law â€" they are frogs; he drives away his daughter-in-law; the girl calls his brothers, Enduri sends them from heaven; they give them rich clothes, visit for three days, return to heaven; the girl is recognized as the wife of her younger brother]: Margaritov 1888:29 (quail in Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:403-405, in Sanghi 1989; 285-287); Udege people: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 31 [when the squirrel army approaches, seven brothers hide their sister Bele under the hearth, themselves go to heaven; smear various objects with bacon, forgot to smear their flip-flops; they told the squirrels where the girl was; squirrels hit the hearth with spears, see blood on their spears that the brothers had sprayed there in advance; they left; Bele harnessed her sledges, they caught on a marsh hummock; there Emende, her relatives were frogs; began to live together; two brothers came, b. became an angelica; the older brother married E. put on a silk robe b., left her fishskin clothes; the youngest cut the angelica with a knife, saw blood; returned from the road for a forgotten knife, saw b., married; the brothers' father asks to make a fire, cook porridge, show relatives; e. burns lilacs (sparks fly to father-in-law), cooks sand, brings frogs; brothers B. cook ash firewood for her, give millet to cook porridge, come to her; they say that married seven stars, fly back to heaven], (cf. 107 [(Arsenyev's manuscript); hunter Egda broke the squirrel's leg, she promised to come for an answer; he hid his sister under the hearth, pouring blood on top He smeared oil on the whole tree in the house, fired arrows into the sky, which pierced one another, went up to heaven; when he saw the blood, the squirrels thought they had stabbed his sister; she came to Gilenyt, he wanted to marry her, she drove off on the ice with a shovel; the frog invited her to live with her, she gave her her jewelry; two brothers came, she became grass, one took the Frog, the other cut the grass, noticed blood, came back for a knife, took the girl, the Frog had to give her her jewelry and clothes, take his own; The frog tramples on his father-in-law's expensive bed, the girl folds it; The frog cooks sand, brings crackling firewood, brings a lizard, a snake, a frog are their relatives; seven brothers give their sister a chumiz, cut good firewood, show themselves to their father-in-law; the frog is expelled to the swamp]): 227-235, 474-476.

Plains. Sarsi [a girl's six brothers turn into a Big Dipper]: Simms 1904:181-182; blacklegs: Michelson 1911b, No. 2 (piegan) [the girl's seven brothers turn into Big Bear]: 244-246; Spence 1985 [the girl's seven brothers turn into the Big Dipper]: 182-184; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 7 [the girl's six brothers turn into the Pleiades, the younger brother into (Polar?) Star]: 68-70; Assiniboine [the girl's four brothers turn into Ursa Major]: Lowie 1909a, No. 23b: 179-180; grovantre [the girl's six brothers turn into Ursa Major]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 27:105-108; Crowe [girl's six brothers turn into Ursa Major]: Lowie 1918:205-210; Shayens: Curtis 1976 (19) (Southern Shayens) [girl's seven brothers turning into Pleiades]: 143-144; Grinnell 1926:220-231 in Gibbon 1964 [the girl's seven brothers turn into Ursa Major]: 237; (cf. arpaho: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 105 [a girl plays bear, becomes a Bear, kills people; people run away, leaving two children tied to a tree; they are freed by a black dog; The bear chases them; the boy gives the ball, every time they follow the ball; the ball tells them to throw it to the sky; brother and sister follow them, turn into three stars (brother, sister, ball?)] : 238-239; Voth 1912, No. 13 [the older sister turns into a Bear, makes her youngest her slave; people are fleeing; the younger sister meets three hunters; they give her a rabbit; they kill the Bear with arrows; give Little sister Bear's leg bone; if the bone is lost, the Bear will respawn; the girl loses her bone three times; each time the Bear appears on the horizon, but the girl manages to pick up the bone; people return]: 49); arikara [the girl's four brothers turn into Pleiades]: Park, No. 7:146-152; Pawnee (kitkehahki) [six brothers kill the girl's stalker (she is not their sister); turning into Pleiades]: Dorsey 1906, No. 30:119-122; Kiowa [girl's six brothers, becoming stars]: Parsons 1929a, No. 3:9-11; wichita [female brothers, turning into Ursa Major] ]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 9:69-74.

The Great Southwest. Jicarilla [a girl's father with five other men, turning into the Pleiades]: Opler 1938, No. C1:113-116.