Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L22A. People are going blind.

. (.19.22.) .

Breaking a ban, seeing an unusual object or a strange character, people fall asleep deeply and wake up in the morning blind. See motif L22. In cotton wool, ahem and trumai, the spirit eats out a person's eyes and he immediately dies without waking up).

(Cf. Melanesia. Cotton wool).

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Khmu).

Subarctic. Taltan; tagish; internal tlingits.

California. Shasta.

Mesoamerica Lacandons; chooh.

Llanos. Sicuani; cuiva.

Guiana. Varrau; lokono; makushi; kalinya.

Ecuador. Colorado.

Western Amazon. Koreguahe; Siona; Sekoya; Napo.

NW Amazon. Carijona [curare collectors sent one of them on the way back to kill the tapir, told him to leave his heart, liver and lungs behind; people found these parts tied by a rope and lowered into water; they told the captive Uitoto to cook; he hears the brew gurgling: eat me, eat me! (these words are like gurgling to carijona; the brew refers to whitoto because he, as a prisoner, was not supposed to eat meat and the pot wanted him to try at least broth); Wheatot told people, but he was accused of not wanting to give people meat; he did not eat himself; he wanted not to give it to a five-year-old boy, but he demanded and the prisoner gave him a piece; in fact, the man sent forward was not killed the tapir, and the demon put his own liver and lungs; when the people settled down for the night, Wheitoto tried to wake them up in vain; then he took the boy to put them on the roof of the canopy; getting closer oooh! - the voice of a demon who came with his wife; there was a hole in the demon's chest; he pulled out people's eyes, shoved them inside through the hole, and the liver reappeared; a piece was missing; then the demon found the boy He also pulled out his eyes; the demon's wife cut off the meat from the legs of the people, since then there were only bones; in the morning people woke up blind; Uitoto tried to put the fruits of the milpeso palm tree in their eye sockets, but they were too big; the fruits of the "baker's eye" came up; people saw the light, but when, swimming in a dolblenka, they began to approach the house, they began to turn into bakers; they ruined their own garden, abandoned the pillars of the little ones; on the backs The baskets in which they carried curare turned into big anteaters and the blowpipes into snakes; people killed one baker, others ran downstream, now it's Bralisia; from those bakers descended current; there are creatures in Brazil that are bakers above the waist and humans below, without hair; they are very ferocious]: Schindler 1979, No. 4:71-77; yukuna: Folclor 1974 [Lajmuchí with his own people built a house; The owner of Leaves gave a bag of leaves to cover the roof, people opened it on the way, now the leaves are in the forest; it takes night, otherwise people eat all the time; the Master of the Night gave a package, one person opened it on the way , night fell, people fell asleep; the Master of the Night turned into a bat, ate his sleeping eyes; one put bags over his eyes in advance, the Master took them away, not his eyes; L. and his nephews came to the mistress of the Yameru water; she gave a little bit of water from the leaves; she also had only wild pigs in her pen; one man opened the pen, the pigs ran into the forest; L. watched Hameru swim and eat fish; the water in the tree trunk, they cut it down, my aunt overgrows the felling overnight; {apparently they cut down a tree and extracted water, there is no last page of the text}]: 304-314; Hammen 1992 [the Karipulakena brothers lived with their aunt Amerú; There was no night, they came to the owner of the night; he gave a bag, told them not to open it on the way; Lamuchí (the youngest brother) opened; animal voices were heard - these are people who have become animals who the first night caught; the brothers fell asleep, but L. put pieces of carguero in his eyes; Tapurinami came, took out his brothers' eyes, and L. only took off his carguero; L. came to T., took his eyes and inserted them in to his brothers]: 286- 287; letuama; ufaina; bara; tucano; macuna [four Ayawa brothers went to the Master of the Night (Ñami bükü - Viejo Noche) to ask the leaves to cover the maloka ; he gave a vascular, telling him to open it after completion of construction; Bokanea (younger, naughty brother) heard sounds in the vascular on the way home; elder A. did not order to open it, but B. allegedly went swimming, opened it; it became dark, half of the leaves had time to return to the Master of the Night before the vascular was closed again; the maloka was reopened, but the leaves were only half enough; then I had to work on my own (so and now); came again to the Master of the Night after night; B. opened the vessel again halfway; jaguars, evil spirits, bats, thunders appeared; in the dark, the bird "el que quita ojos" took out everyone's eyes; to the Master of the Night they sent a non-venomous spider, it was B. himself; the spider brought a basket of eyes; all animals were given their eyes back; when six eyes were left, the left one was inserted instead of the right one, so the left one could see worse; the elder A. adjusted the night; went back to the Night Master to ask for sleep; B. came in without shamanic preparations, fell asleep, so dreams can be bad; if older A. did it, dreams would only be good; at first when they woke up, dreams became a reality, the elder A. corrected this; after completing the creation, the A. brothers rose to heaven; shamans rise to them]: Århem et al. 2004:472-479; yagua.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [husband went hunting; while he was away, the pregnant wife gave birth to a girl; heard a pu'u owl singing in the forest; the woman said that if she were a human being, she could help her bring firewood and make a fire; pu'u came out of the forest in the guise of a woman, gave the woman the firewood she had brought with her; asked her to spend the night; at midnight she put her finger into the little one's eye to the girl, replied that she was crying because she pulled a tick out of her age; when her mother fell asleep, she picked out the little girl's eye, ate it; then from a sleeping woman; the woman's little son climbed under the roof, from there I saw what had happened; heard his father return from hunting; when he went down and told him what had happened; the pu'e woman stayed in the house, put a stone in the hammock, and babysitted him as if it was a child; while going to get water, the man warmed up wax on the fire; asked the woman to let him paint her face to go to the party; tied two boards, told her to stick his nails between the boards, or he afraid of them, they are too long; threw boiling wax on her face, set fire to the house; dying, the pu'u woman said, Yo'uira choka, ma'ma' choka, ascho' choka, uyyouan choka; therefore, from her eyes after death tubers of whitina, sachapapa, sweet potatoes and uyyouan plants grew]: Shlyakhtinsky 2008.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana; chimane.

Southern Amazon. Vaura; (cf. trumai [the man was ugly and his mistress was beautiful; he came to her; Totsit (spirit) that pulls his eyes out; his voice could be heard from afar, but his lovers slept; he had a claw like a predatory birds, he ripped out his lover's eyes and he died without waking up; he was very greedy for sex (that's why it happened)]: Monod-Becquelin 1977:165-174); bororo.

Chaco. Nivakle; Engaite.