Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L23B. Turning into a spindle. .28.31.

Trying to free himself, the captured character consistently changes his appearance. The last transformation is a small wooden object (usually a spindle that must be broken in half).

Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Moscow, Gorkovskaya, Perm, Voronezh), Western Sami, Lutsi, Setu, Karelians, Veps, Finns, Latvians.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 50 [a rich daughter, a poor son; the guy ran to that girl, she whipped him: well done, become a stallion; 40 such girls ride stallions, and in the morning they turn them into boys again; the stepmother asked me to tell me how it happened, gave me 6 bricks, a rooster, an awl and three iron pans on her head; while they are gone, sit on the floor, bricks along the wall, pans on the head, a rooster in one hand, an awl in the other; they fly off, the rooster must be poked, he will scream, they will jump out of the bathhouse, she will be left alone - hold the braid when she wraps in mice, rats and other creatures; when you become a spindle, you have to break it and say, "There is a red girl at one end, a pile of gold on the other"; slap the girl with a lash and say, "There was a girl, become a stallion"; he's on her he rides, and yet it is not clear whether he is riding her or she is on it; they sent a lame girl far away to bring the boy first, then the girl, unbaptized, unprayerful; the boy did not know, the girl said that he on her; the poor man's son hit the stallion with a whip: there was a stallion, become a girl; girl: now marry me, made me a man; wedding, the parents of the rich bride did not mind], 54 [the peasant has three son, he built a new house, sends his sons to sleep in it - what dream they will see; the older, middle see firewood - good; the youngest, like a fox jumped out from under the stove, and a snake bit off his leg from under the bed; refused to tell; the father sold it to the merchant, he did not tell it to the merchant; the merchant sold it to the king, the king put him in prison; he was going to marry; the king's sister: prisoners are being dismissed for the wedding; the boy was released; two are arguing because of the invisible kumka, speedboat boots, bread pickling tablecloth; the guy offers to run to the distillation, put on the invisibility, took everything, transferred to the ship on which the king sailed to the bride across the sea; the bride sends to pull the bow, Ivan Tsarevich {=tsar} is unable, the guy pulled invisibly, the bow broke; bride: we'll sew half a dress, you'll sew the same, otherwise your head off your shoulders; the guy stole that finished half, we had to sew a new one, I. has the same as the bride's; the same shoes, a ring; the guy returned wonderful items to the two, returned to prison; he was released to the wedding, the witch bride recognized, cut off his leg with a sword; guy to the king: here's my dream, your fox sister helped, and the snake bride cut off her leg; he's on one leg in the woods in the hut, and there's a blind, legless and a cooking girl; baba yaga tits come to her every day to suck; they grabbed Baba Yaga, made her give her living and dead water, bring her legs and eyes back, pushed her into the well, she died, and they were cured; he returned to the king, who herded the mares, they changed their dresses; the mares all ran to the stall; the king's wife is surprised: if the husband of every mare does not kiss under the tail, does not return, and then all the stalls were broken; the guy came, began to beat her, she turned into all sorts of creatures, and when he broke it with a rope - stand a pile of gold at one end, a red maiden on the other; to the king: now you will have a wife, and before there was not a wife, but a snake; from the king he went to his father, and he had a bull stands at interchanges, no one can even kill him; he killed him with his fist and never went anywhere else]: 172-174, 186-192; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the queen dies, the tsar marries Yagishna; Y. gives birth to a two-eyed and a three-eyed; stepdaughter Maria Tsarevna sends cows to herd; she bows to the cow in her right leg, full, dressed; Y. sends Two-Eye to watch, M. puts her to sleep; Three-Eye M. comes forgets to put the third to sleep peephole; Y. tells me to slaughter the cow; M. asked for a gut, a bush grew out of it, berries and birds; Ivan Tsarevich promises to marry someone who picks his berries; they are given only to M.; she gives birth to a son, goes with husband to visit her father; I turn her into a goose, passes her daughter off as her; an old servant calls flying geese, M. goes down, takes off his gooseskin, feeds the baby, promises to fly far the day after tomorrow; I. watches, burns the skin, grabs M.; it turns into a jump (?) , a lizard, a different reptile, a spindle; I. breaks it, throws his heel back, a sock in front of him, M. appears; I. says he will take the wife who jumps up on the gate; Yagushna jumps up, I. her shot]: Yefimenko 1874, No. 3:227 (=Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 101:152-154); Russians (north) [Ivan Tsarevich wounded a swan, brought it to the tent; someone cooks and cleans; for the third time I. finds and grabs girl; she resists, turned into a golden spindle, I. broke it, threw his heel in front of him (be young), and the tip behind her back (be a scarlet flower); they have a son; in spring a grandmother the backyard tells I. to guard his wife; swans are flying, everyone offers to throw off her wing; the wife replies to her father and sister that she has Ivanushka here; the mother tells her to shed her wing, his wife picked him up, but I. grabbed; she cried]: Karnaukhova 1948:173-177; Potanin 1891 [(after Afanasiev 1863); Dmitry Tsarevich brings his sister to Ivan Tsarevich; the nanny turns her into a duck, dresses her daughter in her dress; D. the deception was put in prison; the duck flies to him, leaves his wings at the entrance to the dungeon, I. burns them, catches the girl; she turns into different reptiles, he does not let go; turns into a spindle, he breaks it, throws it half forward (girl), the second back (birch)]: 153-154; Russians (a fairy tale from Afanasyev's notes) [the king tells three sons to shoot, marry a girl from home, where the arrow will hit; the elders take the daughters of the minister and the general, the youngest Ivan takes the frog (otherwise it will not let him out of the chisel); at night the frog takes off his skin, becomes beautiful; the king asks daughters-in-law 1) sewed him shirt on, 2) made gold-embroidered carpets; The frog orders the winds, they bring everything; 3) baked bread; The frog sprinkles the flour into cold water, puts it in an unheated oven, takes it out bread; other daughters-in-law do the same, nothing works out, they hastily melt the oven, the bread burns; 4) at the feast, the Frog is beautiful, pours and puts what they have not drunk, are undernourished by the sleeves, dancing, a lake with swans splashes out, then it disappears; other daughters-in-law imitate, drench everyone with scraps; I. burns frog skin, Vasilisa Premudraya tells us to look for it in the thirtieth kingdom; Baba Yaga teaches that when the VP arrives, you have to grab her head; she will turn into a frog, a toad, a snake, an arrow; you have to break an arrow; I. fires an arrow, the VP flies away; the same with BYA's sister, I. breaks an arrow, returns from the VP on a flying carpet]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 570:356-361; Russians (Vologodskaya) [after the death of his wife, the old man took a yaga baba; he has a daughter, yaga has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed; stepdaughter herds a cow, put her one-eyed to sleep, got into the cow's ear, ate, got drunk and dressed; the lordly son came, she talked to him; then again into the cow's ear, went out, woke up the one-eye; then But with a two-eyed; when the three-eyed went, the stepdaughter forgot to put her third eye to sleep; the stepmother slaughtered the cow, the stepdaughter asked for a horn; apple trees grew out of the horn; sir: whoever brings me apples, on that and I get married; apple trees are not given to the daughters of yagi baba, the master married his stepdaughter; while her husband is away, the yaga baba wrapped her wife in a trot; the babysitter told her husband that the lynx would come running, shed her skin, feed the baby she had brought ; the husband went by himself, grabbed and burned the skin; the wife became a spindle, he broke it, became a woman]: Smirnov 1917, No. 41:213-215; Russians (Moscow) [once upon a time Stroy, his wife died, a new one tells his stepdaughter flax is spinning, but does not give food; the cow chews flax, the yarn comes out of her mouth; the cow tells me to get into one ear, get out of the other - the girl has become beautiful and full; the stepmother spied, demands to slaughter the cow; the cow tells her stepdaughter to ask for a demand and legs, to bury her; a garden with golden apples has grown; the master married the hostess; the stepmother wanted to slip her daughter, but the rooster screams that the girl is under the trough; the master took the girl and the garden went to pick them up; a son was born; when he was six months old, a young lady went to visit her stepmother; she took her to the bathhouse, turned her into a lynx; the nanny carries the child; cow shepherds answer that the lynx the herd is far away; the sheep are close; Stroeva's daughter ran out of the herd, took off the skin, fed the child; the master spies, burned the skin, grabbed his wife; she turns into a snake, a toad, a spindle; he broke the spindle , threw an end in front of him, his heel behind him, "Be behind me a white birch tree, and a former princess in front of me"; they began to live happily ever after]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 48:106-107; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [ when she dies, Alyonushka's mother tells her husband to give her a black cow; her stepmother has two daughters; she tells A. to herd the cattle and at the same time spin and weave; the cow tells her to climb into her right ear, get out of her left ear; while cows and sheep weave, spin, whiten, roll canvases; stepmother sent her own daughter to spy, she fell asleep; but the second daughter only pretended to fall asleep; stepmother tells her husband to slaughter a cow; where A. she buried her head, there was a well, where the tail grew a birch tree, where her legs were apple trees; Ivan Tsarevich asked him to pick apples; branches rose from his stepmother and her daughters, and bent over to A. with a well (when the stepmother tries to get water, the water disappears); I. took A., the well, the birch tree and apple trees followed; a boy was born; the stepmother turned A. into a lynx; I. learned by ear, brings the child, the lynx runs up, sheds his skin, feeds it, but then pulls the skin again; the servant teaches you to throw the skin into the fire; it will turn into a spindle, it must be broken and burned too, and A. hold it; stepmother was executed]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 93:232-237; Russians (Perm, Okhansky University, d. Kryukova) [A tsar lives in a certain kingdom, a certain state. He hears that there is a polished shield in the serpent kingdom - it warms instead of a stove during the day, it shines instead of the sun at night. Sending messengers to find out if anyone would agree to take away the Serpent's shield. But even powerful heroes are afraid to go to the Kingdom of Zmievo. The Sparkle worker comes to the king and asks for 12 fellows, 13 sables and 13 falcons. Well done with I. sit on a sable, let falcons in, and go to the Kingdom of Zmiev. The palace is surrounded by a 7-mile embroidered wall. When it gets dark, falcons fly over the wall, open the gate, let I. in with a great job. I. sees a shield on the wall, takes a storage sword and tells the fellows to sleep, and he will stand on guard. He hangs a fly - if it turns red, then go to the rescue. At midnight, Serpent Gorynych arrives home, tries to eat I., who cuts off his head. The fly turns red, well done people do not wake up. Three heads grow, I. cuts them. The fly turns red, well done sleeping. Five heads grow, I. cuts them. Nine heads appear and Sparkle cuts them. The fly burns like a fever, well done sleeping. Instead of 9, 12 heads grow back, I. cuts them and thinks it's over, but the serpent is dead. Well done: now it's their turn to stand on guard and he will sleep. Well done, they think that once the Serpent is killed, you can sleep. Before sunrise, Pehtimko comes running and takes his shield away. I. tells me to sit on a sable, they go to P. There is a hut in the Pekhtimkov forest with three corners. I. unlocks the door: Pekhtimka sits in one corner, and rests his feet on the other corners. A shield is hung on the wall under the ceiling for beauty. I. takes off his hat and says hello. P.'s eyebrows hang like hay thickets; he can't see anything. He says to his wife, "Raise my eyebrows." The wife raises them with a pitchfork. P. sees the guest, finds out. I. asks Pehtim Ivanovich why he took the shield away. P. laughs: you don't have to sleep long, finally agrees to give it back - he doesn't need it, he was brought to women for beauty. But for this we must bring him a bride, the daughter of King Yundel, Marfida Yundelevna. I. agrees, goes alone, leaves 12 of his fellows with P. On the way, he meets and takes with him people who are eager to eat bread and all kinds of food, drink any drink, take a steam bath in the bath, shoot with a pestle. It does not allow killing bees and extracting honey from a hollow, ruining a crow's nest, and shoves pike lying on the shore into the sea. They come to see King Yundel. His yard is surrounded by a palisade, each stake has a human head, one head is missing. Yu receives matchmakers well, tells the bathhouse to be heated. You can't even approach her, but a person who knows how to steam makes the fire in the stove go out and the water in the tub freezes. Yu is surprised, he tells everyone to eat lunch and drink wine. There are whole bulls and sheep on the table, barrels of beer and wine. Y.: All this must be eaten and drunk, and if they don't respect it, head off your shoulders. Those who are too much to eat and drink clean the entire table. Y. is surprised, asks I. why they came. I.: marry his daughter Marfida Yundelevna for Pekhtim Ivanovich. Y.: If she indicates where she lives in the house, she will give her for P. Shows 7 identical houses. A crow arrives, sits on one tower and croaks. I. guesses. Seven girls are sleeping in the tower, all the same. The king tells us who Marfida is. A bee sits on the cheek of one of the beauties. I. guesses. The king tells us to collect the dowry. M. gathers 7 cities, 160 towers, 500 herds, gold, silver, silk, velvet, puts everything in eggshells, takes it in his hand, hits the damp ground, becomes a gray duck, rises beyond the clouds, turns into an asterisk. I. asks who can shoot a pestle with a bow. He goes forward, kneels down, aims, hits the star with a pestle. A star is rolling from the sky, falling into the sea. Tsar: How can we get it now? I. comes to the sea, the pike carries a golden spindle in its teeth. The sparkle breaks it in half, throws one half for herself, the other in front of him, tells him to have a white birch tree grow behind him, and the princess of Manchester United in front of him. MU cries, says goodbye to his parents, goes with I. to P. Tom doesn't feel like giving up his shield. He is preparing an abyss with the fire over which the perch is thrown: if I. did not offend his fiancée M. on the road, he will safely cross the perch, but if he offended him, no. I. suggests that he move on himself to prove that he did not offend his fellows. P. agrees. When it comes to the middle, MU kicks the perch, P. falls into the fire. His wives rejoice, they are all royal daughters, leaving for their kingdoms. MU is marrying I. I. goes to his king with fellows and sables, carrying a polished shield. The old king died during this time. I. reigned, held a feast, invited Tsar Yu.]: Serebrennikov 1928:128-131; Russians (Voronezh) [A dying wife predicts that her husband will soon marry again and forget about her daughter. She gives her a cow as a dowry, forbids her to eat, and if slaughtered, she orders her to collect the bones and bury her. The father remarries, the new wife brings her three daughters. They're hurting their stepdaughter. Her stepmother sends her elder daughter, one-eyed, to herd cows and scratch linen, her stepdaughter puts her stepsister's eye to sleep and gives the cow flax, who chews and spits out yarn. She wakes her sister up and they come home. The stepmother scolds her own daughter for not bothering anything. The next day, he sends a two-eye with his stepdaughter, everything repeats. On the third day, the stepdaughter walks with three eyes, puts her two eyes to sleep, and forgets about the third. The three-eye tells the mother what she saw, and she convinces her husband to slaughter a cow. The stepdaughter does not eat cow meat, collects bones, buries them in the place where the apple tree later grows. The daughter asks her father to bring a golden saucer out of town. An apple on a saucer shows distant cities. The master asks to pick an apple for him, the tree branches fall when his stepdaughter comes up, and the sisters are not given. The master takes his stepdaughter as his wife and takes her away. She comes to visit her father and stepmother with her child. The stepmother turns her into a pigeon, sends her stepdaughter's two-eyed child to the master, passing her off as his wife. The two-eyed man lives with his master, regularly goes out with the child into the field, his mother calls him (refers to a pack of pigeons, "The lynx is young, the lynx is good, feed your child"). The master watches his wife, sees a pigeon descend, takes off its wings and feeds his child, the husband burns his wings, the bird cannot fly away. It turns into a stake - it cuts it, it breaks it into a spindle, and dips it into a good fellow. Stepdaughter finds her appearanceStepdaughter finds her appearance]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 16:94-96.

Baltoscandia. Western Sami [Njávešeadnidattera met the prince, he loved her; the ugly Háhcešeadnidattera tried in vain to seduce the prince; before the wedding, the king: will receive a son the one who would pick the berries faster; H. filled the basket with stones, put berries on top; but the king exposed the deception and chose N.; N. and his brother sailed on the ship; H. bent from the shore to the ship, sat down between N. and her brother; brother tells her sister to dress well; N. does not hear, asks again; H.: brother tells you to dress and jump into the water with a duck; H. cut off her legs, then she was able to put on N.'s shoes; crow: why does blood flow? H. was brought to a dark room, but it was not light; H. complains that the bed was hard; the prince ordered to bring the softest underwear; H.: sticks, etc.; then said it was soft; but the prince could not lie on it, and the bride smells bad; the brother said that H. is not his sister; the healer tells me to play the violin on the shore for three evenings; the mermaid raised N. above the water; she asks for closer - water in her ears, the sound of the sea in her ears; brother grabbed the girl; she turned into different objects and creatures; when she became a spindle, my brother broke it, threw half into the sea, and the other became N.; N.: I will not return to the castle until H. is burned; H. almost extinguished the fire with her urine, but it was burned and there was no trace left; N. was brought into the room, it was lit up]: Pollan 2005, No. 15:76-79; Lutsie (West 1893) [parents died, three brothers left on business, the sister is home alone; the devil comes, seduces her to go with her, feed her pancakes; the cat asks not to listen or go anywhere; the devil broke the cat's legs; next time she tore off her ears; on the third once she pulled out her eyes; the cat is over; when the devil came for the fourth time, there is no one to protect the girl; the devil threw her into the coffin and burned her, put on her shadow; the girl's shadow turned into a bird, flies to her brothers towards him, sings to the elder: to whom he will give earrings, to whom pearls; the elder brother drives away the bird; the same middle brother; the younger one listens; at home, the brothers feel substituted: the sister is rude, dissatisfied; the youngest goes to the healer ; he tells you to catch the bird and hold it; it will turn into snakes, lizards, bears, wolves; only when it becomes a spindle, put it under the bed and cross it, will become a girl; call the devil to the bathhouse give beer, throw it into the pot and cover it with a lid; that's what happened]: Annom et al. 2018:178-181; Lutsie (West 1893) [Mr. Coachman's boyfriend; painted a portrait of his beautiful sister; the gentleman asks her bring it; by the lake, the brother offers to walk along the shore, and the sister - like in winter, across the lake; on the lake, the devil makes her give up all her clothes, turns her into a duck; the brother did not notice the change, and the master sees that the bride is far from the picture in the portrait, put her brother behind 12 locks; every night a duck flies to a woman, becomes a girl, asks how the master and wife live; a woman: like a cat and a dog; girl: so be it, since my brother is under lock and key; after each visit, one castle flies; a woman goes to a healer; they tell me on the last night (after the 12th visit, my sister would remain a duck forever) throw feathers into the fire and grab the girl; she will turn into a snake, a lizard, a larva, a bear, a wolf, a dog, a cow; when she becomes a spindle, break it, put it to bed; it happened in the morning in bed girl; brother comes out of prison, shows the master his real sister; the gentleman asked the hell what kind of beer she wanted; from horse manure; offered to try, pushed her into a boiling pot and closed it cover; brother, sister, her husband began to live, still live]: Annom et al. 2018:188-191; Lutsie [mother sent three daughters for berries; only the youngest collected hard and her mother praised her; for the third time envious sisters killed her, said that the wolf ate; her brother went to the forest to make a cantele; the birch tree asks him to cut it for this purpose; the knowledgeable (tark) explains that the birch tree is his sister; tells him to play for himself first, then give it to father, mother, older and middle sisters; then grab the kantele and don't let go; it will turn into a snake, lizard, wolf, bear and everything else; when it turns into a spindle, break it , put half under your pillow, the other at your feet and go to bed; every time Kantele sings that envious sisters killed her; in the morning her live sister sits on the bed; older sisters are tied to the horse's tail]: Kallas 1900:357-359 in Haavio 1952:154-155; Seto [two married brothers decide to get rid of their sister; tell wives to send her to their woods to bring dinner; wives feel sorry for the girl, they carry food themselves; brothers they insist that her sister come, lock her in an oak tub, leave her in the forest; the brothers' wives call her to the bathhouse; the youngest hears a weak voice - I'm in an oak tub, the lid is filled with rowan rod; from this mountain ash grew up, there was only one bunch on it; a guy from a forest farm picked it up, brought it home; now someone cooks and cleans the house; the guy finds a girl, she turns into a threat, a bird, spindle, he doesn't let go; he gets married; they visit his brothers, so embarrassing]: Normann, Tampere 1989:53-57 (=Põder, Tanner 2000:161-165); Veps [dying, the old man tells his son to marry the one who will be the first to meet her; the first is a bird, the guy took her into the house; the neighbor's grandmother tells her to give her canvases and tell her to sew a shirt and pants; she sewed it; the grandmother tells her to take the twigs and watch under the door; the guy I saw a girl, began to quilt her with twigs; she turned into a snake, a wolf; when she became a spindle, the guy broke it, put it under a stump, said "There is a golden mountain behind, a young wife is ahead"; Baba Yaga's maids found out about the girl, persuade the king, who tells Vanya to bring a baby bag; his wife teaches me to go where they plow on a gray horse, pull out three hairs; where the ground is shaking, throw the ground hairs, the earth gives a chest of sums; the king tells you to cook the royal dinner; the wife has cooked; the king: you know how to make live geese; the wife gives her husband a letter, tells her to take two old women with her; they come to the old woman, she replies that her sons make geese; the old woman's sons ask to be shone; the first old woman went, dozed off, she was killed; the second one; the guy went, started dozing; replies that he did not sleep, but thought - more damp or dry land, more damp; they went to measure, it turned out that it was really more raw; next time the guy replies that he did not sleep, but took a handkerchief from his pocket; they read it - it's their son-in-law! they said that the wife was stolen, everyone was waiting for a feast; one: I'll take it in an hour; the second in half an hour; the third in a moment; when she saw her husband, the young woman told the geese to play; they started playing, turned the tables over, killed many people, king asks to stop geese; guy: first appoint me tsar; tsar appointed]: Onegin, Zaitsev 1996, No. 14:81-85; Karelians: Concca 1959 (Kalevalsky District, 1937), No. 2 [dying, old man and old woman command son and daughter not to marry or marry; the brother promises the prince to persuade his sister to marry him; she sets the condition: I will not go out while the stove is standing; the millstone is intact; the threshold has not been worn out; the brother breaks the stove, the millstone, He cuts down the threshold; takes his sister to the prince; Syuvatar asks to take her from the shore; the sister does not allow her, but the brother takes it for the third time; S. makes sure that the sister does not hear her brother's words; reports as if he tells jump into the water, become a black duck; seeing that the woman was ugly, the prince ordered her brother to be locked in a stable; at night, the duck calls the dog, told her to hand over a towel; then a tablecloth; the prince transfers his brother to bulls; to sheep; the widow teaches the prince to grab a duck when it comes for the last time, to break everything it turns into, to throw it behind him (it turns into a viper, a worm, a rolling pin, the prince does not released); S. was pushed into a pit with burning resin]: 13-18; Schreck 1887, No. 9 (Russian Karelia) [husband and wife went to search for the missing sheep; the witch turned the woman into a black sheep, took her form, the husband did not notice the substitution; the witch wife asks to slaughter the sheep; the daughter knows that it is the mother; the sheep tells her not to eat her, collect her bones and bury her bones; a birch tree grew in this place; the witch wife also gave birth to a daughter, became tyrant the stepdaughter; the king calls everyone to the feast; the stepmother tells the stepdaughter to separate the barley from the ash; the mother's voice from under the birch tree tells her to take a birch branch, she does the work; the girl becomes beautiful, she wears a luxurious dress, a horse next to her; the queen seated the girl next to him, and the witch's daughter gnawed her bones under the table; the queen smeared the door with resin, the girl's ring stuck; at home she leaves her dress and a horse by a birch tree; next time, the task is to separate the hemp seeds; the same, a golden hoop for the girl's hair sticks to the door; the third time the witch pours milk into the ash; a golden shoe sticks to the door; the queen gathers everyone to try it on; the witch squeezes her daughter's finger, head and leg into a ring, hoop and shoe; the queen must marry a freak; he takes both girls from the witch's house; crossing the river, he throws the freak like a bridge, crosses it, marries a beautiful woman, but everyone thinks that she is the daughter of a witch; the freak remains lying on the bridge, she grows into a cicuta; the witch wants to cut her off, hears her the daughter's voice makes her human again; comes to the young queen, turns her into a deer, leaves her daughter instead; the royal baby cries; a widow teaches the Queen to give her a baby, to take him to the forest; the deer queen comes to feed him; says it will be like this for three days, and then she will go away forever with the deer; for the third time, the widow offers to clean the queen's head; she takes off deer skin; the hidden king throws his skin into the fire; the queen turns into a spinning wheel, a laundry mallet, a spindle, but the husband destroys these guises, the queen remains woman; the queen orders to cook a resin pit, light it, cover it from above, calls the witch and her daughter, they fail, burn; the witch manages to stick her finger out, says that (from her) worms will appear in earth, mosquitoes in the air to cause people to suffer]: 63-74; Finns [the cannibal turns the heroine's mother into a sheep, takes her place, slaughtered the sheep; birch grows from the collected seeds; imaginary mother tells heroine 1) to disassemble the grain, 2) collect the spilled milk (for this you have to wave a birch branch crosswise); magic dresses; they come to the party; the cannibal's daughter is kicked when she is under she gnaws her bones at the table; her arm, leg are broken, her eye is knocked out; the heroine runs away from the holiday three times; a resin trap in which her ring, ear ring, shoe remain; marriage to the one that fits these objects; the cannibal's daughter has an artificial arm, leg, eye; the prince takes the heroine and the cannibal's daughter to the castle, pushes the cannibal's daughter into the river to make a bridge, rides along it with the bride; from the daughter's body the cannibal grows up a hemlock, the cannibal cut it off; the prince and heroine have a son; the cannibal turns the heroine into a deer, sets it up as a liar; the deer goes out to feed her child; the prince is enough a wife, she turns into a spindle, rolling pin, etc., then back into a woman; when the cannibal is executed, she promises that she will produce worms, snakes, and harmful insects]: Salmelainen 1871, No. 8:59-67 in Cox 1893, No. 95:38; Latvians [brother and sister run away from stepmother; sister does not tell you to drink from a cow, horse, sheep trail; brother drinks from sheep, becomes a lamb; master marries a girl, leaves; she gives birth to a son, her stepmother throws lynx skin on her, replaces her daughter; the lamb asks the servant to tie the baby to his horns, brings her to the forest; the sister trots her skin, feeds the baby; after the third time a woman will trot forever; the servant calls his master, he grabs his wife, she turns into terrible animals, he does not let go; turns into a branch, his master breaks him, leaves him, sees him wife; when the witch and her daughter were killed, the lamb became a boy again]: Aris 1971:216-218 (=Skrīvele s.a.: 113-114).