Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L24. Smoke suffocation of demons.


Demons (or one of them) attack people and then hide. Humans destroy the demon lairs and kill all or most of them by spreading smoky fire around the demon hideout.

Melanesia. Vatut [three hunters caught a wild boar in the hunting hole; some were eaten, the rest was left on the platform; the spirit came, first ate the eyes of a third person, then left only his bones; the other two lit a fire (around the ghost hideout?) , they all burned down, escaped alone, sitting on a branch at that time]: Fischer 1963, No. 48:194; Vedau [the man found an edible waoi plant in the forest, but not yet ripe; tied a grass nodule on it, left; the leader of the spirits tore off the man's knot, tied his earthworm; when the man returned for waoi, the spirit leader demanded the plant for himself; they began to fight; the leader of the spirits summoned many of his subjects, they grabbed a man; he advised to tie him to a fragile stem; while he is being dragged into the cave of the spirit leader, the grass breaks every now and then, the stem breaks; in the morning, the spirits hide in the cave, leaving a man in the forest; he brings people from the village, they make a fire near the cave, the demons die; so you can collect waoi plants, otherwise the spirits would take them away]: Ker 1910:73-76; (cf. Gimi [the ogre killed and ate one of the brothers, hid into his cave; the second came and saw the ogre's daughter cut off his brother's head; killed her; killed her; one by one killed her brothers coming out of their caves, father; no cannibals since then]: Gillison 1986:58-59).

South Asia. The Veddas [Nittaewo were cruel forest savages with red hair and long fangs, covered with rough hair; they killed those who entered their part of the forest; people drove them into a cave at the entrance to which lit a fire, Nittaevos died]: Nevill 1886:67.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Flores (nage) [ebu gogo walked just like humans, but dugs of hair, faces like monkeys with protruding fangs; did not know how to use fire and guns; women threw their breasts behind their backs; with fifty ebu gogos lived in the cave; if they were given food, they swallowed it in the place with the coconut shell on which they were served; they stole crops from the fields, so they brought a lot of palm trees to the entrance of the cave the fibers were set on fire; after that, many larvae crept from there]: Forth 2008:12-13.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Swana [cattle disappear; Sedz sees a dragon dragging a cow into the hollow of a dried oak tree; S. tells people to cover the oak tree with brushwood, set it on fire; one snake jumped from the top of the tree into the river; snake grows up, promises to visit S.; S. leaves barrels of vodka at home; kills a dragon with a gun, harnesses bulls, who drag the corpse into the river]: Dzidziguri 1973, No. 14:104-105.

Subarctic. Atna: Ruppert, Bernet 2001 [the hunter disappears; another goes in search, sees tailed men playing with the victim's head; when it starts to rain, the tailed ones hide in their holes; shamans cause rain, people throw burning fir growths into holes, demons die]: 336-338; Smelcer 1997 [hairy and tailed demons devour people; one person sees them playing ball with their skulls; finds the caves in which they live; people make a fire at the entrances, throw green branches into the flame; monsters suffocating from smoke are finished off with clubs]: 83-85; upper tanana [Cetín (tailed anthropomorphic creatures) kill people; a shaman causes rain, C. hide in their holes; people light fires in front of burrows; C. die in fire, smoke, or are filled with clubs]: McKennan 1959:215; taltan [ a huge toad swallows one of two men; people cover the toad's house with wood, it dies in the fire]: Teit 1921a, No. 66:345.

NW Coast. Bellacula: Boas 1898:96-87 [someone takes the dead from their graves; one person pretends to be dead, relatives seem to bury him; Sneneik breaks the coffin, brings home an imaginary corpse, he clings to branches; at home he preys to cut prey; a man jumps up, grabs a harpoon, runs away; brings people, they set fire to S.'s house, covering it with cedar bark, whose smoke is poisonous, and pouring urine; all C. die, people take their wealth]; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [two war; hairy anthropomorphic monster Sninick kidnaps children, corpses and funeral gifts; the chief's son lies down in a coffin, pretends to be dead; S. takes him home in his basket; the young man grabs a knife over him, runs away; people throw burning resinous branches into S.'s house; S. and his relatives die in smoke and fire]: 437-441.

The coast is the Plateau. Cus [two cannibals live in a rock, kidnap children; a man finds a door in a rock; people bring children back while cannibals are sleeping; they cover their lair with wood, tar, and burn them]: Jacobs 1939, No. 13: 56-58.

California. Vintu [an old woman lives with her grandson; a cannibal kills her, drags her body into his cave; people make a fire at the entrance; the cannibal suffocated]: DuBois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 41:366-367.

Big Pool. The Northern Payut [the cannibal tribe attacked people at night, they also ate the dead, friends and foes; they tried to humanize the captured, but to no avail; they were finally driven into a cave, They piled up firewood and lit a fire; they all died]: Winnemucca 1883:73-75.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla: Goddard 191, No. 5 [the hero drains the lake where the monster lives; smokes it; swallowed people released]: 201; Opler 1938, No. VIIIa [while the husband is hunting, the man with a spotty body comes to his pregnant wife, rips his stomach open, buries one baby in the hearth, throws the other into the stream; the husband takes his wife's corpse to the cave, finds Domashny, who grows up quickly; the father hears his son talks to another boy who asks his brother to get his father's arrows; the father tells the House to grab and hold the Discarded One; he looks like a frog, has long claws on his arms and legs; their father cuts off; if he hesitated, the boy would turn into a spotted frog; brothers shoot up above his mother's corpse, tell her to run away, she comes to life; they leave, their bodies are torn to shreds by a hurricane; old woman finds a bloody leaf, puts it in a pot to cook, a boy jumps out; while the grandmother is gone, he kills the Rattlesnake with an arrow; the old woman grieves, it was her husband; the boy leaves, gets it from the big Eagle eagle clothes; both go up to the upper world; there a young man meets his grandmother and other people in the form of eagles; eagles are attacked by bumblebees and hornets, many are killed; a young man kills attackers, brings his grandmother their scalps ; flies back to the ground, returns his plumage; shoots at the eagle, the Coyote replaces his arrow; the young man returns to his parents; marries, and his wife's sister lives with them; Spotted kills him while hunting, puts on his clothes, comes to his wife and her sister; they make a fire, he is hot, they see that he is not his husband, they rip his belly open; people find a cave where his wife, children and other relatives live Spotted, covered with grass and brushwood, all demons are burned]: 374-381.

The Northern Andes. Ambera: Chaves 1945, No. 8 (chami) [the hunters are gone; others noticed that they were dragged into the hollow; people lit fire around the tree, threw hot pepper at it; cannibals came out, killed; The jaguar was the last to come out, killed, but the pregnant jaguariha ran away, new jaguars were spared; the girl was spared, left to look after the baby; she sucked his brain, then ate the man's brain and genitals; then she was killed]: 155-156; Pinto García 1978 [cannibals live in tree hollows; they are burned in their lairs, throwing pepper into the fire]: 140; (cf. Peñaherrera de Costales, Costales Samaniego 1968 [Cannibals live in a cave, killing children; one boy runs away from them, leads people to their lair; cannibals are killed with arrows, spears; some escape, they are the ancestors of Katio (they speak the same language as the rest of the Embera)]: 84-85; nonama: Wassen 1935, No. 9 [the fisherman saw the alpadi forest spirit take off his head, take out the insects, put them in place; told others, but they did not believe him; at night he heard ooh sounds; he could not wake up the sleepers; with their sharp fingers, alpadi cut people's breasts, took out their hearts; the man ran away, hid in the agouti hole; when alpadi put his finger in there, the man caught him with a noose; water rose in the river, alpadi drowned; people accused the man of killing his comrades, but believed him when they saw alpadi dead; decided to kill him wife; called her in her husband's voice ooh, killed; she had only one breast], 10 [tápurmía demons look like humans, but they cut and kill people with bracelets and headbands made of sharp beads; husband left for the party, the wife saw two beautiful people playing flutes on the boat, called them into the house, lay down with one of them; the other ate her youngest son at that time, the eldest hid; at night, both a woman and a corpse were killed carried into the hollow; the boy told his father; people made a fire around the trunk, killed those who jumped out; the last to kill the jaguar; the pregnant jaguariha escaped, the current ones from her; the dead have mouths like humans, but the second hole in the throat; when they drink, they don't get drunk, releasing chicha through it]: 137-139, 140-141; bari [uaiba approached bari's house; they started shooting, but the arrows did not harm him; then began to show him asses; uaiba started laughing; brought a man's body, entered the house, started cooking; people closed all exits, set fire to the house, throwing pepper into the fire; the cannibal died, the burning site was filled not with ash, but with sharp stones]: Villamañan 1975:15-16.

Llanos. Sicuani [one hunter or fisherman sees the forest spirit taking out the eyes of dead monkeys or fish; others do not believe him, eat monkey meat or fish; when people fall asleep, the spirit takes away from him their eyes; blind people turn into partridges]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 111 [monkey hunters fell asleep by the tree in which the Yawiki spirit lived; in the morning he was alone to fry the monkey, heard Ya. hid on the roof of the canopy; sees Me taking out the monkey eyes with my spoon-claws; telling the returnees what he saw, they do not believe him; at night he cannot wake up his comrades, I take out the sleeping eyes ; the survivor leads them home; they are ashamed to return blind, they turn into tukuluwa birds; people lit a fire near the Ya tree, threw pepper into the fire; from there children, my wife, me myself climbed; two young people they brought them home, raised them, let them go, telling them not to dazzle people anymore], 112 [people went hunting, Firefly stayed at home; saw hiruhira come, took out the fish's eyes; those who returned did not believe they decided that Firefly took out his eyes, began to eat this fish; at night, everyone who slept, ate fish, took out their eyes; the blind turned into partridges; people made a fire near the tree x, threw pepper there, all x. burned down ; one man with claws like a bear pulled out his eye; a witchcraft was thrown at him, he turned into a deer], 113 [Kumo stayed parked, others were fishing; saw the giant Luiluiva changed the fried fish with her sleepy one; at night L. put the sleepers in a bag, but K. hooked it with a hook and she could not carry it away; in the morning she poured people out and left; he followed her way to the tree, where Her relatives lived; those who woke up accused K. of changing them in hammocks; the next day, hiruhira took out the fish's eyes; at night K. could not wake up the eaten, x. took their eyes out; then they returned again, tore people to pieces; K. was from another group, brought his own to a tree, lit a fire, x. burned down; one boy took out his eyes for himself]: 396-398, 399, 400-402; cuiva: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 133 [khurikhuri join the dancers; looked like people but did not have a body; at night they take out their sleeping eyes with their claws; one person hid and saw everything; people kindled Nora Khurikhuri fire; their men, women and children burned; one person, taking yopo, escaped when he flew out with a wasp], 134 [after dancing, people fell asleep; the eyes of the sleeping khurikhuri were taken out, one girl was taken away; one person hid on the roof of the canopy; the shaman released the girl, burned the khurikhuri in their hole]: 199, 200.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 249 [hasakoli woman came when an old woman, children, and a girl with her first period were at home; the girl ran away, killed the rest X., carried them away in the basket, She put three living children on top; one grabbed a tree on the way, ran away; people lit a fire at the spirit lair, threw pepper; the children carried away died, but the spirits did not], 250 [sinito perfume took the girl away; people They fired at the entrance to their lair, threw tobacco at them; some spirits died, others still exist]: 467-468, 468-469; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 247 [Yotenama interrupted bird-hunting children were carried away in a basket; the last boy was alive; people followed the cave, lit a fire with pepper in it; C. and the boy suffocated], 248 [Kreakrea killed the one in in ritual detention, a girl, sending her mother to fetch water; killed the children, took two alive to keep him; one of the boys grabbed a tree on the way, ran away; people lit a fire at K.'s lair, they threw pepper, K. died]: 462-465, 465-466; Yanomam [husband hunting, wife is menstruating; husband turns into an evil spirit, comes to eat his wife, kills her, takes her to the cave with her corpse two little brothers; the eldest boy grabbed the vine at the entrance and ran away; people come to the cave, hear the spirits sharing the meat of the victim; they make a fire at the entrance, throw pepper; all the spirits are dead, little boy too]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 246:458-461.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 25 [a monster with double knees and wrists comes, lies down in her husband's hammock, runs over him; the wife ran to the village; people locked themselves in the house when the monster slipped in there was a leg, they threw a rope over her, beat him, cut him, but his body was made of bone; he ran half alive into the hollow of a tree; people made a fire around him, but one of the monsters, who was on top of the tree, ran away; people found more traces, we decided that monsters live in other hollows; since then I haven't spent the night in the forest among large trunks]: 106-107; Wilbert 1970, No. 62, 63, 96, 202:157-159, 208, 468; pemon: Armellada 1973, No. 16 [ the demon killed the man, took his form, came to his wife; she noticed that her husband's nose was too red, ran away with the children, the demon did not catch up with them; the woman's brothers lit a smoky fire around the demon's home, everyone killed], 22 [about (16)]: 64-66, 79-80; carinha (Guyana) [people go to the party; two sisters are left alone; the forest spirit comes to them in the form of a man; one accepts him, he kills her, making love to her; another or others are hiding; people burn perfume in their hollow]: Roth 1915, No. 167:231; kalinha: Goeje 1943, № d27 [an Indian saw a man with Aguti's paws, he disappeared into the trunk seiba; salt and pepper were placed around the trunk, a fire was made; the burnt (this is a yololo spirit) came to the man in a dream, ordered him to come to the place of burning three months later; tobacco grew there; yololo taught him how to do tobacco infusion to get into a trance, to comprehend shamanic art]: 114; Magaña 1987, No. 8 [the hunter returns home; the elder wife notices that he has three toes on his legs and holes in his cheeks; the youngest lies down with him, is eaten; the eldest runs away, hides under a vessel; people find the demon's hollow, make a fire, throw pepper at it; first toads, lizards come out, then the forest spirit; his corpse is burned]: 236-237; curl [people go to the party; three sisters are left alone; the spirit of the forest comes, one of the sisters gives a jar of beer; laughs when he drops it; the spirit comes to her in the evening; eats; two other sisters hide; the spirit takes their heads into the hollow; people burn perfume in their hollow; the ashes grow banana, pineapple, coconut and other cultivated plants]; Roth 1915, No. 59:146-147; tops: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 10 [ten people went hunting, with them a shaman told them not to touch large deer; two hunters found fresh big deer giblets, brought their hearts, lungs, and liver to the camp; the shaman ordered take everything back, they did not listen to him, but he did not eat himself; at night, the big deer began to look for his giblets, the shaman failed to wake up the hunters, the deer sucked his sleeping eyes and left; the shaman traced the way to his lairs, brought people, they lit a fire; the deer came out, on its horns all kinds of wasps, which have now moved to branches; people ripped open the deer's belly, but did not find their eyes; the shaman suggested making eyes out of resin; the molten resin was poured blind into the eye sockets, but they went crazy with pain, went up to heaven, became thunders], 22 [ten people went hunting, with them a shaman told them not to touch large deer; two hunters they found fresh big deer giblets, brought his heart, lungs, liver to the camp; the shaman ordered to take everything back, they did not listen to him, but he did not eat himself; at night the big deer began to look for his giblets, the shaman did not managed to wake up the hunters, the deer sucked his sleeping eyes and left; the shaman traced the way to his lair, brought people, they lit a fire; the deer came out, on his horns all kinds of wasps, which have now moved to branches; people ripped open the deer's belly, but did not find their eyes; the shaman suggested making their eyes out of resin; molten resin was poured into the eye sockets blind, but they went crazy in pain, went up to heaven, became thunders], 22 [in the lake Uõtuká:IPü saw fish, called other fishermen; every day there were more fish and W. called more people; curupira (curupira on lingua geral, atáitéi on the top of the head) warned W. that he could fish, but he should not tell others; however, the rumor had already spread; people with women came, brought kashiri, and began to suppress the fish with poison, although the shaman did not warn to do this; at night, W. and the shaman tried unsuccessfully to wake up the sleepers; the Kurupirs came and killed them; the shaman and W. traced where the Kurupir's lair was, called people, lit a fire at the entrance, part of the curupir burned down, the rest were finished off with clubs]: 85, 97-98; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 49 [the father sent his sons to the forest for medicinal herbs for the sick mother; instead, the older brother persuaded the younger brother to go to spirits so that the mother died as soon as possible; they came to the old woman, she gave men; the youngest did not take it, the eldest ate; the old woman's husband returned from hunting, carrying the corpse of the brothers' mother; the youngest took the elder home, dead there mother; brothers returned to spirits, the elder eats his mother's meat, the youngest only pretends; the father defeated the spirits by conspiracies; together with his youngest son, he set fire to the exits from their home, the spirits together with the older brother died], 50 [the shaman and his friend do not hunt, kill people with witchcraft, eat their corpses; the young man went hunting with the shaman, who brought fried man and strange bananas; the boy's mother fell ill; next time the young man went with both sorcerers to the spirit house inside the mountain; there the mother of the spirits is a bat; one of the spirits was brought to the "monkey" by the mother of the young man who had just died; the spirits baked and ate her; the young man learned everything spirit trails; people overcame spirits by witchcraft, failed all exits, burned spirits]: 155-166, 172-173; Magaña 1987, No. 55:142; Oyampy: Grenand 1982, No. 65 [two brothers kill a monkey; this is a nephew spirits; they kill two brothers; people burn their hollow; take a boy and a girl into foster care; they kill their foster father, return to the hollow; people burn him again], 66 [people go to the party; two sisters stay at home; pregnant alone; the forest spirit pulls the baby out of the woman's belly; people burn the spirit in his hollow]: 385, 390.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [everyone but the shaman and his sister eat fish from the forest pond (not from the river); the shaman sees spirits weaving fruit baskets (=human eyes); juri-juri spirits are taken out by sleeping eyes, the shaman turns the blind into wild pigs; people make a fire at the huri-khuri hollow, throw pepper at it; all the spirits died except a one-year-old child in the roots of the tree; he was brought to the village; six months later For years he sucked the child's brain; the child's mother wanted to kill him, but huri-khuri climbed onto the roof, the wind clicked and flew away with it]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 14:103-106; coreguahe [the shaman has a skin disease, his wife He does not want to; he hears people saying in the hollow that they like to eat eyes; at home, his wife and all people do not believe the shaman; he takes his daughter, takes shelter above the ground; hears how spirits come at night, take people's eyes out; the spirits tried to reach the shaman and his daughter, brought a pole to climb, but their pole turned out to be a snake and could not be climbed; in the afternoon, the shaman brought people from another village, lit a fire at the hollow, throwing pepper in it; the perfume died, two cubs were brought to the village; they grew up; the woman left the child in the care of one of them, who took out the baby's brains; she pushed him into the fire; the second returned from hunting with the woman's husband; seeing what happened, he ran into the forest]: Jimenez 1989, No. 36:78-80; Kofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 17 [people find a peach palm; not knowing that demons planted it for themselves, eat fruits; one person was warned by a chameleon not to eat; when people fell asleep, biting ants of one, another, a third species, scorpions, snakes, jaguars came; then the demon vaho came; snakes had already killed people, and the demon strung them on a spear and took them away; ate everything people touched; noticed something on the palm tree, but the chameleon replied that it was just his chameleon's smelly ass; the demon plunged his spear into the palm tree, but could not tear out the tree, left; the man got off the palm tree, came to the village; people went to take revenge on the demons; they covered the kapper tree with firewood, on which the demons who had eaten, rested; they burned down first turning into babies, but people shoved them back into the fire; one demon did not eat human beings, moved to another tree, escaped; this is the demon bakers; when a shaman takes ayahuasca, first is the demon vaho, and then the demon bakers], 22 [a Quechua Indian killed intindi birds; the demon intindi in the guise of a big bird came and ate him; his son ran to the village; people made a smoke fire at the entrance to the hole; intindi went out, his they killed, found pieces of human beings in their stomach, buried them]: 253-275, 358-364; Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 51 [people find a peach palm full of fruit; alone does not eat, hides in a tree; they come at night first the animals of the forest, then their owners are vakho demons (they resemble dogs); they devour sleepers; people burn demons in their hollow; one does not burn, looks like a child; he is adopted, left to look after as a baby; he eats his eyes, inserts fruits into his eye sockets; he is burned], 52 [about as in (51)]: 100-105; for example: Davila 1920, No. 7 [hunters find a hollow in which juri-juri live; breed there is a smoky fire around, throwing pepper at him; one girl asks her to spare, she is brought to a village of people, married to a bachelor; looking for insects in children, she quietly sucks their brains out; kills them in the same way in the way of her husband, runs away into the forest, gives birth to a son, they are divorced again]: 464; Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [hollow]: 92; Mercier 1979 [supai takes the form of a woman's little son; at night he cries like an ant bites him on the penis; his mother invites him to lie next to the baby; then lets him beside her; when she falls asleep, he pierces her with a penis whose tip comes out of her mouth; a pet parrot bites off the tip, since then the parrot's meat has been black with blood; the woman's husband is following a bloody trail to the cave; people make a fire at the entrance, throw pepper; one girl was spared, told to watch the children; the devil sucked baby brain, ran into the forest]: 126-129; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 66 [people found a hollow of huri khuri demons, lit a fire, throwing pepper at it; the last huri-khuri took the form of a girl, she was taken to village; children began to disappear; people watched the devil suck the children's brains; they rushed to beat her, but she ran away, so the khuri khuri did not disappear]: 129; shuar: Pelizzaro 1961, No. 19 [cave]: 12- 13; 1980 [hollow]: 102-108; 1993:237-240 [cave], 248-250 [hunters brought a baby monkey, which is crying, bullied, killed, eaten with laughter; when there was only one woman in the camp, he came the man with his feet back; this is a huri; told the woman to hide in the hollow; when the hunters were sleeping, the huri-khuri ate them; people lit a fire around the hollow huri tree, threw pepper into the fire; escaped one female, one man married her; she does not let her look for insects; the husband feels pain in his head, although his wife has his back to him; on the back of her head she has two knives like a parrot's beak; she ate her husband, ran away, from her current huri huri]; Wavrin 1932 [Iwanchi stole girls and young men; people found his cave, lit a fire in front of the entrance, threw pepper; night butterflies and owls began to fly out of the cave, immediately fell; they were transformed women; only girls captured by I. recently had not yet turned into owls and butterflies; they were saved]: 131-132; 1937 [Iwianchi kidnaps girls and boys; people make fires around his lair is a hollow tree, pepper is thrown at it; butterflies and owls fly out and fall into the fire from there; long-abducted women also turned into them, but the recently abducted ones were rescued]: 626-627; (cf. Barrueco 1988 [hunters leave a woman to watch who steals meat; she sees Apaches (two-faced, same word for white people), they warn that they will come at night and eat everyone; people are not afraid ; A. they are put to sleep, eaten; a woman runs away, tells others; people surround A.'s cave, but only cougars manage to destroy monsters; other A. kill people]: 18-19); achuar [khuri-khuri spirits kill sleeping hunters; people burn their hollow, throwing peppers into the fire; one pregnant female escapes]: Mowitz 1978:55-56; aguaruna [the evil spirit of Iguanchi came to the house, put his hand between the poles of the wall, became satisfy the sleeping woman with his hand; the next night the husband tried to stay awake, but fell asleep; then he took tobacco, grabbed his hand, tore it off; smoked his hand; the parents went to the garden, I. came and asked for the children return his hand; the elder kept silent, the youngest replied that there was a hand; I. wanted to pull out the elder's hand, but saw the boys' father approaching, pulled out the youngest's hand, ran away; people drove the spirits into the cave, threw tobacco and termite nests into the fire, producing suffocating smoke; first a morpho butterfly flew out, then I. came out; he was tied naked in the sun to be bitten by insects and forced to lick women's urine; he asked him to let go, didn't touch people anymore]: Guallart 1958:84-85.

NW Amazon. Vakuenai [while the men were hunting, the Bats came to the village disguised as humans; told the women to cook kashiri, began to dance with them; the old woman noticed a claw on the finger of one of the dancers, the women did not believe her; the Bats took the women three by three to the forest, ate them; the young man who remained in the village saw where the Bats had gone; the returning hunters covered with brushwood and set fire to the tree in the hollow which was the home of the Bats; male and female escaped, they are where today's bats come from]: Hill 2009:37-38; Tarian: Aikhenvald 1999, No. 7 [husband left for beer, promised to come back late, let the wife and children light the fire when he comes; after getting drunk, the husband did not come in the evening; the evil spirit began to speak, the wife lit the fire; the spirit came, sucked the woman, leaving only her skin, and left; children they watched the spirit disappear into the tree; when the husband returned, he covered the tree with brushwood, threw peppers into the fire; the spirits coughed, climbed outside, the husband killed them with a club; the woman's murderer, the husband, the last to come out killed him too; this man was a toucano, began to cry for his dead wife]: 123-132; Brüzzi 1994 [a woman with children in the house; the demon Waxti came, carrying his long penis in the basket; at night he began to copulate, the woman died; when V. left, the sons watched him escape into the hollow; told his returning father; went with him to the tree, lit a fire, began to throw pepper; demons came out and died; the last to the woman who killed the woman came out with his wife; her husband cut him into pieces; washed and fumigated his wife, she came to life]: 193-197; cubeo [there was an old woman with two children in Maloka; the cannibal abúhuwa came in, the children hid under the roof; he crushed the old woman between her hands, sucked it like a banana; returning people found the whole Abuhuwa family in the house; they lit a fire at the entrance, threw pepper there, and finished off the runners with clubs]: Goldman 1963 : 110; letuama [the girl began to swim when she was in her first period; she was taken over by the Bat; was accepted by her son-in-law; killed his wife's brother while hunting, said that he had killed a jaguar; killed her second brother on a fish catching; never laughs; third brother tells his sister to sit down and spread her legs; when he sees the vagina, the Bat laughs, everyone sees hair on his teeth; people burned a tree with bats; two children have escaped , people took them home; the Bat girl sucked a child once; his mother threw her into the fire; a trustnik grew up to be made of flutes]: Palma 1984:157-161; macuna [Murcié lago tigre) married; his wife has three brothers; he goes hunting with one, kills, eats, says that he was killed at night by an animal; the same with his second brother; the wife sits down with her legs apart, the Bat laughs, the wife He sees human hair in his throat and on his teeth; his last brother goes with him to the forest, feeds him with fish, the bone gets stuck in the Bat's throat; pulling it out, his brother sees his hair; hits the Bat with a stone, with which he killed others; the bat turns into a bat; people wooded a tree with bats, burned it; two cubs remained, came to a woman with three adult sons and one baby; they were left to watch the baby, they sucked blood through his fingers, he died; the female was burned, flute reeds grew from her ashes; the male turned into a terrible eagle, killed people, he was killed with arrows]: Århem et al. 2004:509-517; Uitoto: Preuss 1921, No. 11:345-353 (=1994:116-117) [while parents were in the gardens, the children were playing, jokingly called hanai (forest spirits), maybe sitting in this hole; A long-armed hanai woman with big claws appeared; lay down in a hammock, told her to light a fire under her, when the adults came back, hit her leg; they hit her, she scattered fire, all traces were gone; mothers do not understand where the firewood has gone, the children do not talk; the next time on a full moon, the woman again persuaded the children to burn all the firewood under her, but not to touch her staff; the boy pinched off a piece of the staff it turned out to be like a yam; they told the parents, they told them to break the staff next time; it fell apart, people ate it; the old woman came, drove the children from house to house, put the basket, shoved the children into it, took it away; one boy grabbed the leaves of the roof of the house, escaped; people followed a bloody trail to the cave, made a fire at the entrance, threw pepper at the entrance; caught battleships and others coming out in the net at the exit animals; the animals' mouths stank because they ate children with giblets; two hanai ran away]; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 9B: 108-109; chikuna [noo (demons) lived in a cave in the mountains: storm, tree araparyrana, a monkey, a butterfly woman, their leader čukítu; decided to get meat for the holiday, surrounded a maloka chikuna, killed everyone, dragged them into the cave of the body; var.: people went to visit, spent the night in in the forest; one woman gives birth; the hunters did not kill anything; suddenly they heard chomping, killed a giant paka, her meat was not eaten only by a woman who had just given birth and her husband; in the morning the two of them stayed in camp; noo came, said that Paka was his son, told him to hide in a tree for the night when they heard the sound of horns; people did not believe the woman; at night, demons took everyone but the woman, her child and husband; the shaman ordered to fill one entering the demon cave, making a fire at the other, throwing pepper; uneaten men came out: čerine, playing a drum from a turtle shell; two butterfly women, they tried to extinguish the fire with their own huge breasts; a wet woman trying to extinguish with her body; those who ate human life died; a servant, a Yagua Indian, was the first to enter the cave, he died because some noo are still alive; the cave was fumigated again; people examined the corpses, made costumes, reproducing the appearance of demons they saw]: Nimuendaju 1952:80-81; (cf. carijona [people went for curare, saw a peach palm tree in the forest; one warned not to eat fruit - why suddenly there was a palm tree in the forest, whose it was; they did not listen to him; animals came at nightfall mameravai, like a dog and a monkey; but not eating fruit escaped on the roof of the canopy; little meters crawled through the ass, eating out their insides, large ones gnawed at their legs; in the morning, who did not eat fruit, reached m caves, began to kill those who came out with a bow, destroyed everyone]: Schindler 1979, No. 5:77-80).

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920:1012 [people found a hollow with a lot of Našipá (thunder and lightning), smoked, making a smoky fire and throwing pepper into the fire, killing them when they went out; left them in a living little boy; he has black skin; with a mass resembling uruku, he drew red stripes from his armpits to his hips, hit his body with his elbows, there was a slight thunder, and a little rain fell; but with drought came when the rest of the lightning were killed; one day Nashipa made a flute, lay down in a hammock, began to play sadly - his grandfather is dead, it has not rained for a long time; when people went to the gardens, Nashipa was killed the turtle, mixed its fat with his uruku, smeared his hair; hit his elbows again, the lightning flashed more powerfully, it rose to heaven, since then it has rained again], 1033-1034 [there were no cultivated plants, people ate a rotten tree; hunters see a snake in the forest; they touch it, showing where each piece sticks; the snake crawls with them into the river, people eat piranhas; the rest of the village find a snake in the forest, they burn; cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. grow from the ashes.]

Montagna - Jurua. Kashibo [the forest spirit invites a woman to cut her hair; scalps her; the husband reveals the deception of seeing a woman eat crabs raw; she hides in a hollow; people burn a tree with all the perfume; burying a real wife]: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 2:30-31; pyro: Alvarez 1960:64-69 in Sebastiani 1990 [giants destroy pyros; those have almost no edible plants and animals on which hunt; when giants talk, thunder, rain; a man climbs a tree, a giant kills him; the boy Capiripi runs away from the giants; tells people that in July and August they sleep with themselves in a hollow (there are no thunderstorms at this time), sometimes they wake up in September-October, rain and thunderstorm; people cover a tree with a hollow of giants with brushwood, set fire; from there various animals and birds, partly burn (the origin of color); cultivated plants grow from the bones of giants; the child gives them names, asking his mother, I want sugar cane, I want potatoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, melons, etc.]: 275-280; Baer (in print) [Shishia kills people, kidnaps women; lives in a tree hollow; people avenge the death of a young man, set fire to Sh.'s lair; Woodpecker punches a hole in the trunk, when a tree explodes; from there all commercial animals come out and spread through the forest; S. burns; medicinal herbs grow from its ashes]: 8-14; marubo [a man killed a jaguar eating leaves young corn on his plot; while the man was fishing, the victim's brother came, ate his wife, took her form, lay face down in her hammock; the husband understood the deception when he saw the imaginary wife eat fish with her mouth and back; The jaguar ran down the hole; the man started a fire, the jaguars suffocated, but the three Jaguarichs ran away, then returned to revive their husbands]: Melatti 1984:157-158; cachinahua: d'Abreu in Koch-Grünberg 1921, No. 93: 259-260.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [an evil spirit sleeps during the day, kills people at night; a shaman sets fire to his home; his pets (wild pigs, deer, etc.) burn, some run away into the forest; he builds a new clay a house that can't be set on fire; it lives there, Esheti-echo, the spirit of the Sun]: Chavarria Mendoza 1984:46-48; chacobo: Bossert, Villar 2002 [as in Kelm; people save boy and girl life; boy continues to call them "wild pigs", he is killed; a girl teaches women how to make fabrics, baskets and pottery]: 371; Kelm 1972, No. 6 [those who lived underground mainá went out to hunt people; one of two brothers climbed a tree for the shot monkey; m shot him; the other fired arrows at m, but they bounced off his body; the brother walked a m to a hole in the ground; people lit fires at the entrance, they strangled everyone with smoke; left one girl, but it was difficult for her to get used to animal meat; bakers called people]: 233-234; moseten [the village was ruled not by leaders, but by a woman - "our mother"; picked up a crying baby, he began to suck her breast; when she fell asleep, Opo became an adult man with a long cock wrapped around his waist; he raped a woman, she died; on the trail a penis dragging along the ground (or a snake around O.'s belt), people came to the cave, lit a fire at the exits, threw pepper at it; people, normal and freaks, threw freaks into the fire; also animals that O. held captive came out]: Caspar 1953b: 168-171; (cf. guarazu [at the entrance to the cave with arrows]: Riester 1977, No. 16:250-251).

Southern Amazon. Nambikwara [husband went to another village and wife went to the lake to hunt toads (Leptodactylus sp.); they rush to lick her, she dies, they fry her, eat her; her husband finds their hole, breeds them there is fire at the entrance; they go out one at a time, it kills everyone]: Pereira 1983, No. 50:84-85 (=1974:35); Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 31 [the ogre (jakolo) invites a man to his village; he meets Black Monkey Road, Callicebus Personatus Monkey, Maned Wolf, Dusicyon, Possum (Conepatus semistratus amazonicus) gives them peca flour; everyone asks where he and his companions are going animals join; animals stay in the forest, a man enters the village; an old cannibal gives him her two daughters; they offer themselves, are refused; they answer the mother that the guest said he never copulates; at night, a person puts the ogre to sleep with stories, leaves a deck in his hammock, runs away; goes home with the animals; cannibals throw the hammock into a boiling pot, but only break a cauldron in a deck; now the man's younger brother comes; does not give food to animals, copulates with both girls; falls asleep himself, is thrown into the cauldron; the older brother goes to take revenge, meets the same animals again, gives them torment, everyone joins him; humans and animals make a fire at the entrance to the cannibal hole, kill them with smoke; let the Turtle go, because it did not eat human beings, but only sucked on the bone]: 57-58; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 9:191; 1987, No. 120 [a woman goes swimming during her period, an evil water spirit eats her, her entrails float along the river; a good water spirit makes an evil fire at the entrance to the house, throws pepper there, the evil one dies]: 610-611.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 133 [Oliveira 1939:91-92; Cupêndiepe (people with bat wings) lived in a cave, cut the throats of animals and people with their half-moon axes; people spread the entrance to the cave was smoky fire, the elders died, the boy was caught, brought to the village, he died; moon axes and jewelry were picked up in the cave], 134 [Nimuendaju 1939:179-180; Kupé-Dyeb lived in the cave ( dyeb - bat) with a human body and bat wings; killed people with their half-moon axes; the boy saw his father killed, said in the village; warriors began to smoke monsters smoky with fire, but they flew away; when the smoke cleared, people picked up many axes and found a six-year-old boy; he was carried on a crossbar, behind which he hung upside down; soon the boy died, but people learned from him coupe dieb dances and songs]: 325-326, 327-328; kayapo [(Banner 1957:60-61); Kuben-niêpre are creatures with a human body, legs and bat wings; one K. tickles a person when he comes to collect water; this is the first laugh (the origin of laughter); takes him to the cave; K. continues to tickle the person, he loses consciousness; returns to the village; people set fire to dry leaves at the entrance to the cave; K. They escape through another hole, people catch one kid; and now laughter and tickling are considered unworthy of a male warrior, it's up to children and women]: Wilbert 1978, No. 135:329; (cf. kayapo [hunters stop at the lake; one sees monsters in the water, advises everyone to run; only his relatives leave, the rest are killed at night; people throw hot stones and monsters into the lake dying]: Wilbert 1978, No. 131 [dog people], 132 [frog people]: 323-324; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 129 [pau-d'arco; jaguar people], 130 [shikrin; piranha people]); kayapo [beat monsters who have clubs eyes on legs]: Wilbert 1984a, No. 125-126:392-394, 403-404; sherente [beat bat monsters with clubs at the entrance to the cave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 127:394-395).

(Wed. Chaco. Pilaga [kanomi spirits were invisible during the day, they collected honey in the forest at night; the young man stayed in the forest for the night, climbed a tree between two k, passing honey to each other, and began to take it for himself; k. He was killed and eaten; people collected a lot of honey in one place to lure everyone to.; killed them with arrows, killing them all]: Idoyaga Molina 1996:143-144).