Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L28. Snake meat.

.19.22.-.24.26.43.-. (.59.) .

A person who eats unusual or forbidden meat or fish food, or touches something forbidden, turns into a reptile or fish.

{The parallels between Sumu and Shout texts were first noted in Rand 1954:79-81, between Hivaro and Plains Indians in Lowie 1940:422}.

(Baruya), Bukavak, San Cristobal, Maewo, Zyaray, Sinhalese, Ngaju, Tetum, (Nicobars), Chinese (Sichuan), Quarry, Puget Sound, Katlamet, Menominee, Western and Eastern Ojibwa, sauk, kickapoo, seneca, tuscarora, sarsi, assiniboine, grovantre, hidachy, crowe, teton, santi, mandan, omaha and ponca, arpahoe, sheyena, arikara, pawnee, kiowa apache, tonkawa, kaddo, tunic, choctaw, screams, Seminoles, Hichiti, Alabama, Yuchi, Navajo, Western Apache, Tarasca, Mopan, Sumu, Bribri, (kalinha), Kofan, Napo, Canelo, Shuar, Aguaruna, Macuna, Uitoto, Takana, Waura, Nivacle.

Melanesia. Maevo [the woman soaked the pandanus leaves, they turned into an eel; the men dragged him, only lying lame in the hammock; the eel told the lame not to eat it; those who ate became eels and went to water]: Codrington 1891, No. 7 (translated into Permyakov 1970, No. 55:139); Banks Islands (Gaua, Olrat language) [a man caught a small river eel, began to feed; a small reservoir became small; a man placed eel into a water-filled hollow of a tree of the genus Celtis; the tree turned into stone; the man fed the eel with pork manure; called the villagers to kill the eel and cook a feast; people went to tarot gardens; the owner's two children stayed at home; eel to the children: when everyone eats me, let your father not eat; but the father only laughed; the eel was baked in an earthen oven, the children refused to eat; those who ate people fell asleep and began to turn into eels, starting with their feet; when the transformation was completed, the children set fire to the house; some of the eels crawled from home into the lake, and some into the sea]: http://alex.francois.free.fr/AFtxt_select_e.htm. (The curse of the Eel); (cf. bukavak [two cousins go to the village of Kai people in the depths of the island; it's empty; the youngest finds pig insides hanging from the ceiling in the men's house, eats everything; the elder does not eat; does not after waiting for the owners, those who come leave; kai returns, the name of the pig, which answers from the belly of the eater; he turns into a pig, gives birth to piglets of different colors; the elder comes to his village, says about what happened; people take a pig with piglets and place them with other pigs]: Lehner 1931a, No. 8:54-55; San Cristobal [a woman does not give birth to a daughter, but a snake; she asks her mother not to be afraid of her; woman hides her from her husband; gives birth to another daughter; each time a snake daughter cuddles the baby, wrapping her rings around him; the husband sees this, cuts the snake into eight pieces; the snake causes rain, grows together, comes to life; swims banyan, it is too small for her; another tree; the third is big enough, the snake swims away on it; swims until her native places hide from her eyes; chasing the octopus that insulted her, finds a cave, hides in it; devours people passing by; people bring two cannibal dogs, who tear the snake into eight pieces; a woman and her daughter get a head; when the pieces start to fry, they cry from the smoke; the snake says that only they feel sorry for her, tells her not to eat her meat; the rest eat, take her bones to the sea, throw her bones away; at the bottom, the snake revives, causes waves, they sink boats, destroy the village; that woman and girl have a snake gives yams, pigs, returns to her native places, tells her to give her a home, takes care of local people; she is still revered]: Fox 1924:93-98); (cf. baruya [people saw a giant python in the garden, killed it, cooked it with taro and vegetables, ate the taro in the evening, and left the meat for tomorrow; the woman who got up first found that her bag was meat gone; the rest have the same; the snake was found whole in the oven; he is consistently asked what he wants - shells and jewelry; tarot; salt; the snake does not move; a woman? the serpent straightened up and looked up at the sky; a decorated woman was brought to him; he gave her a sign to go first, but she invited him to go first; hid a white-hot stone in her bag; going up to heaven, they found themselves in front of a big house; the woman again invited the snake to enter the house first; pressed down the door with a stone and began to descend the column of smoke she had previously climbed; halfway through she turned into Venus (evening and morning); the serpent turned around in the house and hit a stone with its nose; burning and screaming is thunder; the snake's actions also explain the rain and the rainbow]: Godelier 2007:154-155).

Burma - Indochina. Zyaray [brother and sister work in the rice field, brother eats snake eggs, turns into a huge snake, looks for deeper water bodies, finally swims away; sister turns into a termite mound; The prince drives by, hears the girl's voice, pulls her out of the termite mound, takes her as his wife; a huge snake's head appears out of the water; the ropes break when they try to pull him out, only a lace from his sister's hair withstands; on the shore of snakes he turns into a young man again]: Dournes 1977:116-117.

South Asia. Sinhala [a peasant is widowed; an old woman comes to his daughter, asks for fire, eats everything; a peasant finds her, marries; she asks to cook soup from her stepdaughter's eyes; a father ties his daughter in the forest to a tree, pulls out his eyes; her little brother finds eyes on the shelf, finds a sister, returns his eyes; brother and sister meet the king, he takes the girl as his wife; goes to war; if the queen gives birth to a son, it must shake the silver chain; the stepmother hears it before the king, makes pies with snake eggs, smears the sleeping queen's lips, she turns into a cobra; when the brother rocks her child, she comes out of the anthill feed him, takes on a human form for a while; the tsar returns, cuts the cobra, the queen remains a woman; the stepmother and her husband are sent a box of snakes, they die]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 103:255- 258.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [the head of the village of Manumggul, the old warrior Andoh, orders you to load the boat with supplies and gifts, sail to another village for a holiday; on the way back, a storm-fallen banyan blocked the river; it could not be moved; the tree began to be burned and cut down, Spähne ran out of it, one fell into the fire, attracted by the mouth-watering smell of A. ate it; the tree immediately went under water; at night A. gradually turned into a huge water snake, Naga; crawling into the water, told him to sacrifice rice, he would help with any trouble]: Schärer 1966, No. 2:234-237; Tetum (Timor) [Ali-sou, the youngest of seven brothers, refuses to take water from the stream that has muddied the eel; the other brothers take water, kill the eel, cook it; A. hears a voice from the vessel saying we're both going to become eels; the other brothers don't believe it; everyone eats eel, portion A. remains raw; at night the brothers go swimming, A. turns into an eel with a human head; tells you not to eat eel meat, teaches songs and dances, and finally turns into an eel]: Hicks 1984, No. 4: 24-26; (cf. Nicobars [people picked coconuts, went home, one person stayed, all ate coconuts, turned into a boa constrictor on the third day; crawled to where women peeled the pandanus fruit, touched his tail His wife's legs, she and another woman fainted, swallowed them by the boa constrictor; they cut through his side with a knife, went outside, all praised them for their courage]: Roy 2001, No. 16:36-37).

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Guangxian) [Wen Peng's boy, the son of a poor widow, caught an unusual fish; she asked her to let go and spit out the pearl; if put in a container, it is filled with rice or money; seeing that the widow with they became rich as a boy, the landowner accused them of stealing gold from him; a search began; the boy held the pearl in his mouth and swallowed it; he became thirsty, he drank all the water in the house, and then half the river; became a dragon and flew into the sky; his mother called him 24 times and a shoal formed on the river in the same way; a terrible storm began that took the landowner and his people]: Riftin 1957:175-179.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [cousins return home; on the way they kill the monstrous queen (bear-like, looks at the victims); one eats his meat despite the other's warning; at night it turns into a queen; it dives into the lake, it overflows its banks; when the queen hides in the water, its level drops; the satellite leads to the lake of Zaniltse's relatives ; he comes out of the water, admits that he is to blame; reluctantly agrees to spend the night with relatives on the shore; people are found dead in the morning]: Jenness 1934, No. 32:194-195; Puget Sound [ older brothers catch salmon in a stream flowing out of the pond; the youngest refuses to eat it; those who eat are terribly thirsty; dive into the water, turn into newts]: Ballard 1927:73; catlamet [wife He digs and bakes the roots of the fern, the husband loves them very much; the wife finds a huge root, does not tell me to eat it; the husband eats; at night he turns into a big snake, the face is like the moon; the other roots turn into small snakes; snakes crawl into the ground; the wife shows this place to her husband's relatives; they burn down her son's house]: Boas 1901a, No. 11:225-230.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 41 [the hunter finds two raccoons in an empty stump; his companion finds two catfish there; eats them, is terribly thirsty, drinks directly from the river, turns into catfish, starting from his feet; asks to tell his relatives to come to him], 42 [a person is not allowed to eat porcupine meat; others put this meat in his bowl; he is terribly thirsty, turns into catfish; goes into a stream, turning it into a huge lake; sends commercial animals to his father]: 474-475, 476-477; Western Ojibwa [father envies his youngest son because he is good hunter; sends him to kill a giant, a cougar, a horned water snake, an elk; a young man kills them all; puts on a moose, it freezes, he cannot free himself; his sister turns into a wolf, finds Brother, makes a fire, freeing his brother; he lets his father and brothers eat the meat of a horned snake; they themselves turn into snakes; the young man cuts them to pieces; the pieces turn into toads, snakes, frogs]: Radin 1914, No. 35 : 67-70; Eastern Ojibwa (southern Ontario)] [two families lived together; a boy from one and a girl from the other got married; the girl's mother does not like the young man, left a bone on the trail, he injured his leg, was ill for a long time, He and his wife lived far from the others; the girl's father noticed fish in the ice-hole; when the young man's wife went to visit the family, there were only snakes; her mother still had a human head; it was not a fish, but a snake; the young man shook, saw only big snakes at that place]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 27:19-20; soup: Skinner 1928, No. 15 [two young men fast, build a hut on the edge of the swamp; roast a raccoon; agree not to drink before eating; one is thirsty; sends a friend to fetch water to the stream; then drinks from a stream, turns into catfish; his body still shows ear ornaments; creates a large lake; tells him to organize a holiday, where a dog is sacrificed to fish; predicts future resettlement to Oklahoma; people throw catfish tobacco], 3 [two young relatives go to steal horses; fish (jackfish), discuss whether it is possible eat it; one reluctantly agrees if the other cooks buckets of water for him; eats, is thirsty, turns into the same fish himself; his father comes ashore, his son swims to him]: 154-155, 160; kickapoo [father is jealous of his youngest son's hunting luck; tells the Deer, Moose, Bear, Water Monster to kill him; the young man sticks to the Monster's horn sticking out from under the ice; the father tells people to leave his son ; sister stays with brother, brings him his witchcraft; he kills the Beast; gets a lot of meat; other people are starving; brother and sister give monster meat to the Raven to feed her children; people come back; father and his older sons eat meat, turn into frogs]: Jones 1915, No. 8:55-67.

Northeast. Seneca, Tuscarora [while her husband hunts, his wife catches fish in a stream, eats half; drinks insatiably from a stream, turns into a snake; asks her husband to watch her fight in the lake with another giant snake; defeats her; the husband makes a copy of his wife out of wood; in a dream he is told not to touch her for ten days; on the last day he breaks the ban; the wife turns into a piece of wood again]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 14:111-112; seneca [despite a friend's warning, one of the two hunters catches, roasts and eats trout in a hollow; he is terribly thirsty, drinks from a stream, turns into a huge fish; says people can come ask him for fish; turns into a monster, kills fishermen; his ex-friend drives him out of the pond, chases him; he agrees to leave the country]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 32:169-172.

Plains. Sarsi [two hunters spent the night in the cave; in the morning one saw something lying in front of the entrance, warned the other not to touch it, but he touched it slightly and then put his fingers in his mouth; the next evening he began to turn into a snake ("a whale", but really a snake), asked his companion to take him to the river; said that if he did not get out a man for the fourth time, the snake would lie like a bridge over the river along which the descendant can cross to the other side; let him donate a red flannel; a friend was frightened three times and returned, crossed for the fourth time, told people]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 32:41; assiniboine: Clark 1966 [see motif K31; brothers return home from overseas; burn the road in a huge fish-like monster; eating meat turns into a sea monster]: 299-300; Lowie 1909a [ turning into a snake begins at the feet; the serpent crawls into the river], No. 25a [brothers see a snake on the path, make a fire on it; the thunder tries to kill the snake, but only affects turtles that have arisen from spots on snakeskin] , 25b [find burnt snake meat; younger brother helps Thunder defeat the enemy; for this, Thunder turns the snake first into a turtle, then a human again], 25c [as in No. 25a; the snake brother requires that from now on passers-by threw gifts into the river; Thunder cannot kill a snake, but turns it into a turtle; younger brother creates frogs, they kill a turtle]: 181-183; grovanter [two friends travel; enter cave, enter the world of giants; they are attacked by eagles, cutting their arteries with blades attached to their legs; friends hit eagles with clubs, easily killing them; giants are grateful, friends go back; in the cave a water monster lies in their way; they burn the path in it; one warns them not to eat its meat, the other eats; at night, when they leave the cave, horns grow on his head, and he turns into a monster below his waist; predicts wealth for a friend; tells him to sacrifice only animal giblets; hides in the river; a friend becomes a leader]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 39:115-116; hidatsa [two young men return from the campaign; the serpent lies on the path; they burn the way through it; one of the young men eats this meat, turns into a snake himself; the companion throws it into the river; he gives him military luck]: Clark 1966:295-297; crowe: Lowie 1918 [two young men return from a campaign; a giant snake lies on the way; they burn a passage in it, one eats roasted meat; turns into a horned and hairy snake; asks a friend to carry it him into the river; demands that he throw his girlfriend at his wife and bison; gives him military luck and makes any ford small for him]: 214-216; Simms 1903, No. 14 [the bisons are gone; the hunters follow them into the cave; giants live in that world, bison are their horses; their enemies are insects, small birds and animals; even a scratch in battle with them is fatal to giants; hunters kill animals; grateful giants help drive the buffalo to the ground; on the way back, young men see a sleeping monster ("long otter"); light a fire around, one eats meat, turns into a monster himself; asks to take him to the lake; brings good luck to their two comrades, they become leaders]: 295-297; teton (oglala) [three old men and one young man go on the warpath; they kill a bison; the young man notices that he has the tail of a rattlesnake, tells him not to eat this is meat; old people eat; both they and the bison turn into snakes; people celebrate at this place (Snake Butt), worship a young man]: Beckwith 1930, No. 17:417-418; santi [girl agrees to go out for a young man if he proves to be a brave warrior; a young man with six comrades goes to war; they find no enemies; five climb a hill near the lake shore, stick to him with their feet, the monster carries him away them into the water; by the river, the young man reluctantly agrees to eat the fish that his friend offers him; a friend promises to bring him plenty of water if he wants to drink, but the young man drinks so much that his friend gets tired; the young man drinks from the river, turns into a huge fish; it blocks the way for boats; his lover arrives, leaves him tobacco and feathers; the fish sinks into the depths, the river is free]: McLaughlin 1990:23-28; mandan [see motif G15, motif M1; the wind carries two hunters to the island; a horned serpent carries them back to the mainland; their path is blocked by the body of a huge snake; they burn a passage in it; one eats meat; in three days he turns into a snake, crawls into the river; a companion throws him corn and a skunk hat; finds good luck in war; people often give the snake the same gifts when crossing the river]: Bowers 1950:198-200 ; Omaha, ponka [twenty warriors meet bison; the chief shoots, the bison turns out to be a huge snake; warriors, except the servant boy, fry and eat its meat, turn into snakes; ask for a servant take them to the hill; the boy returns to the people; people bring the horses they eat to the snakes]: Dorsey 1890:322-323; arpahoes: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 76 [boys follow the buffalo inward caves coming from the other end in bison land; the monster's body will block their way back; they burn it; one young man doesn't listen to friends warning him not to eat grilled meat; his body turns white, he himself turns into a monster; asks his brother to take him to the water; when he goes to war, his brother always leaves something for him and returns victorious], 78 [like Voth; turns into a snake; wading across the river, people must throw him animal giblets]: 145-146, 150-151; Voth 1912, No. 10 [two young men find two big eggs; the youngest cooks and eats them; turns into a crocodile at night; tells the eldest to call friends; to call it out of the water, you have to hang down; hides in the waters]: 47; sheyens [two young men are wandering; find two big yats; one refuses to eat them, the other cooks and eats; at night it turns into a snake with two horns on its head; feels good only in water; a companion drags him to Mississippi; he is now the patron of the river; tells his companion to tell people to throw him the inner meat of the bison and tobacco, then they will be blessed]: Marriott, Rachlin 1968:51-55; Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 21 [the son of poor parents received power from the gods of the four sides of the world; the Tree Rats gave him a bow and arrows, he kills game easily; he goes west; in a dream, two Thunderbirds carry him to their nest on a rock; there are four chicks; their mother says that the monster from the lake eats chicks, he does not have lightning scary; promises power over birds for help, lightning will fly out of his eye, mouth, joints; he descends, kills, roasts deer, feeds thunder chicks; their parents are happy; the two-headed snake crawls out from the lake, lightning is powerless even when it hits its mouth; the young man hits both the monster's heads with arrows; all the birds are pecking meat; two young men in the village are hunting birds; one shoots at something like a white mushroom, one goes up and down; both find themselves on an island in the sea, from where the sun rises; the old woman invites them to her place, gives them five corn tortillas, one for them, four for their grandfather, who will transport them through the water; we must reject the three snakes that will offer the crossing one by one, to sail on the fourth; give him cakes; collect and give him his lice, freshwater turtles; jump ashore only when he rested on him; the undrained one jumped earlier, swallowed; the other asked the serpent to open its mouth, pulled out his comrade; on the way along the path there was a long serpent; the stupid young man cried out to him, ate a piece; in four nights it turned into a snake, told him to take it to Missouri; the young man who helped the Thunderbirds chased the snake with the birds; he carried it to the bottom, made him regurgitate with all his strength, received from Thunderbirds, except for lightning from his eyes; let go; the young man closed his eyes all his life so that lightning would not sparkle; the serpent gave people songs and healer rituals], 22 [two young men see on the trail a long snake blocking it; one is a fool, offered to burn the passage, ate snake meat; turns into a colored snake; tells him to move it to one lake or another, but the fish are dissatisfied; then in Missouri; when crossing the river, people should turn to him, leave cornmeal, dried bison meat; warriors going on a campaign always leave gifts]: 73-78, 79-80; Parks 1996, No. 15 [two hunters return from hike; a giant snake killed in a steppe fire blocks the way; they spend the night with her, eat baked meat alone, it looks like fish; turns into a snake, asks to take it to Missouri; if people want cross the river, they must throw him corn balls; he will emerge and become a bridge]: 206-209; throw off the pawnee [two brothers return home; see dead bison eaten by coyotes, kill a squirrel; the youngest eats a fried squirrel with bison bone marrow; at night turns into a snake; asks the elder to throw it into a hole on the hillside; the elder ties captured horses and a captured woman at the hole; snakes crawl out of the hole, devour horses; the snake brother gives the human brother good luck]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 80 [return after visiting another tribe]: 293-294; Grinnell 1961 [return from the campaign; human brother made chief]: 171-181; kiova-apache [two young men return from a hike; by the lake, one refuses to eat unknown eggs, the other considers them goose, eats; turns into a snake-shaped water a monster with big eyes and big hairy horns; tells a friend to throw him four captured enemies; tells his relatives not to cry for him; a friend brings an enemy child four times, throws at eating a monster]: McAllister 1949, No. 35:101-104; tonkawa [two hunters cannot meet deer; one hunts rabbits, the other first snake, then fish; eats this fish, is terribly thirsty, runs to the river, turns into a huge fish; warriors turn to it when they go camping]: Hoijer 1972, No. 23:84; wichita [{the episode of the transformation itself is missing, but assumed}; going hunting or at war, the young man disappears; four others find him in a cave; from the waist he has turned into a snake; they report it to his loved ones; parents and sister come to see him for the last time before he will completely turn into a snake; he is angry]: Curtis 1976 (19): 104.

Southeast USA. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 38 [one of two hunters kills a big snake, cooks and eats its meat; turns into a snake in the morning; asks a friend to carry it to a hole on the hill; when people go hunting must leave offerings, it will help them; one day lightning kills this snake], 39 [a talking dog tells the owner that his wife goes to a tree, whistles three times, copulates with a crawler out of the hollow snake; the husband calls the snake with the same signal, cuts it to pieces, lets his wife eat under the guise of a fish; the wife turns into the same snake, crawls into the same hollow]: 65-66, 66-67; tunic [(two options); man quarrels with her mother-in-law; cuts off the tail of a sea serpent, lets it eat instead of fish; the mother-in-law turns into a snake herself (more precisely, the snake crawls out of her navel, and the mother-in-law's body becomes small); the son-in-law and daughter cut off the snake; the snake crawls, making one of the Mississippi ducts (bayou)]: Haas 1950, No. 11:87-89; choctaw [contrary to common sense, a person eats a drug that turns into a snake; makes a big snake, begins to live in hole, his wife brought him food; people told her to call a snake, killed]: Mould 2004:109-112; screams [two men hunt or fish; a preserved human form brings a transformed comrade to pond; when he brings his relatives there, they have a huge boa constrictor in front of them in a large body of water]: Swanton 1929, No. 23 [violates the ban on eating a mixture of black snake brains, black squirrel and turkey], 24 [male squirrels and turkey; elk horns on the snake's head], 25 [eats fish swimming in the water hole on top of the tree; relatives who come are carried away by the stream; probably also turn into horned snakes], 26 [eats fish from a puddle under a uprooted tree], 27 [eats an egg found on the lake shore]: 30-39; Seminoles [at rest, one of the two hunters roasts the deer they killed, the other picks up fish on the lake shore; the first advises to throw it into the water, but he eats it; at night it turns into a huge water snake; asks to call his relatives, tells me not to approach this lake anymore, goes to the bottom]: Gallagher 1994:23-25; hichiti [one of two hunters eats fish caught in a tree hollow; becomes a snake; a companion brings him to the pond; a snake's mother comes to see him]: Swanton 1929, No. 17:97-98; alabama [despite her husband's warning, a woman roasts turtle eggs with bison fat; becomes a snake, crawls into the water]: Swanton 1929, No. 42:154; yuchi [two hunters see a tree hollow full of water perch; contrary to the warning of a friend, one of them cooks and eats them; turns into a snake; young women feed him soft tips of corn kernels, he does not want any other food; teaches him medicine spells; crawls into the water, people go into the water with him; one woman ran after a forgotten ridge, stayed on the shore, petrified]: Wagner 1931, No. 16:67-70.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [two brothers hunt; the elder kills and eats the snake, becomes a snake; the Fire God threatens the Great Serpent, who returns man to his former appearance]: Yuinth-Nezi, Hatrali 1957:2-3; Western Apache (White Mountain) [one in two men eats a porcupine; turns into a huge water snake; the Eagle, the Sun, other gods find it underwater, turn it back into a human]: Goddarg 1919:135-136.

Mesoamerica Taraska [two priests send their two sisters to fish; they can't catch fish, they catch a snake; all four eat it; they turn into four snakes, swim on the river, then hide inside the mountain]: Krickeberg 1928, No. 22:196-197 (also Relacion 1989); mopan [hunter shot a snake; said he tried different meats, now wants a snake; they tried to dissuade him, but he ate, began to suffer thirsty; ran to the river, where Mom took him away, imprisoned him forever in the mountain; snake meat is forbidden]: Thompson 1930:146.

Honduras vs Panama. Sumu: Conzemius 1932 [one of two brothers catches and eats unusually big fish; turns into a snake, climbs a tree; a flood begins]: 130-131; Houwald, Rener 1987 (1) [husband and wife eat meat and turtle eggs, thirsty, turn into giant cannibal snakes]: 2-3; 1987 (2) [as in Conzemius]: 7; bribri [old anuk lives in tree crowns; man foolishly asks her bring him atol corn drink; gets scared when she brings it; anuk touches his penis; the penis turns into a long snake, then the whole person becomes a snake, swims in a pond that formed under his hammock; destroys the shore of the pond, crawls away]: Bozzoli 1977:74-75.

(Wed. Guiana. Kalinya: Jara 1986:167-168 [the old man tells his son-in-law to bring something from the hunt he would like; the son-in-law is puzzled: the father-in-law has already tried everything; a man brought him to a seiba over a pond; c The aramari snake hung its branches; the man cut off several pieces from it; when they fell into the water, they turned into anyumar fish and ordered them to be taken to their father-in-law, but the hunter himself, his wife and children should not eat; but they did not listen, the fish was very tasty; at night, those who ate this fish turned into wild pigs; at first people did not eat them, but then they ate them], 169-170 [mother-in-law sent her son-in-law to hunt; he did not eat anything for a long time he found it; his spirit took pity and led him to the seiba, on the branches of which the giant great-grandfather of all Aramari snakes; the spirit cut off the snake's head and cut it apart; ordered him to take it home, but he, his wife and children should not eat ; they disobeyed; everyone who ate turned into wild pigs]).

Western Amazon. In addition to cofan: boa constrictor kills, roasts and eats in the forest; drinks until it bursts; erupted water causes a flood or forms a river. Kofan [the hunter only collects snail eggs; once takes sons with him; kills, roasts, eats monkeys; feels terribly thirsty, drinks a stream; tells sons to escape on the mountain; bursts, forming big lake; turns into an anaconda floating in it]: Barriga Lupez 1988b: 199-200; napo [the older brother burned the tree in which the evil boa spirit lived; there are snake eggs; the elder tells the youngest not to eat them; he ate them, is thirsty, drinks, bursts, a lake appears in this place]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. D8:111; canelo [two brothers in the forest find a snake in the hollow; burn a tree; the youngest ate baked meat, thirsty; drank, burst, the flood began; the elder climbed a tree, threw seeds down to find out if the water was deep; found the younger one, he turned into a snake; first handmade, then ate the eldest son; he wanted to kill a snake, was swallowed; cut his heart with a knife and went out; he went bald, died soon]: Coloma et al. 1986:77-79; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [two brothers hunting; living in a snake steals their meat; they burn a tree; one of them tastes snake meat; when he returns home, he is thirsty; asks his brother to move away and climb a tree; brother hears an explosion, water floods the area, then falls; the brother goes down, finds a snake, puts it in a vessel; she grows, now lives in the river; swallows his brother's children and wife; he allows him to swallow himself, cuts the snake from the inside; the snake asks the bird to cure it, it refuses; the snake is thrown ashore against its former home; the man goes out by side; dies, violating the ban on approaching the fire]: 57-59; Karsten 1919 [flood]: 328- 329; 1935, No. 10:532-534; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 6 [without a flood]: 4-5; 1993 [flood]: 151-152; Rueda 1987, No. 39 [without a flood]: 168-170; Wavrin 1932 [flood]: 128-129; Aguaruna [two hunters spend the night in the forest; someone steals meat; a punk snake crawls out of a dry trunk; hunters burn a trunk; one eats a baked snake that tastes like a fish; thirsty, drinks, bursts, turns into a river; the other finds a punk egg with snakes in it; he puts one in a hole with water; the snake grows with the hole; goes out to swallow dogs, then eats the baby; the child's father puts a clay pot over his head, takes a flintlock knife, lets himself be swallowed; cuts punks from the inside; Tsunki (a snake or fish with a human head) tries to heal a sick person; a person hurts the heart, punks pop up dead; a person goes out, cutting a hole in sideways; C. says he will die as soon as it dries; the man's meat began to fall off his bones and he died]: Guallart 1958:66-68; the band is not listed (aguaruna?) [two brothers hunt, some steal their prey; they find a snake crawling out of the hollow; they make a fire, a snake falls into the fire, one of them eats its roasted meat; is terribly thirsty, drinks from lakes; turns into a frog, a lizard, finally a snake; tells his brother to run to the mountain, take a calebasa; the lake grows, floods the ground; people do not believe his brother, they drown; he himself experiences a flood on a tree on the mountain; after the flood, he finds a snake brother, carries him to a calebass from the lake]: Farabee 1922:124.

NW Amazon. Uitoto [a person wants to become a sorcerer; when breaking the fast, he eats fish; turns into a snake, crawls into the water, grows into a huge anaconda; takes his wife and children with him, they come from them anacondas; now anacondas eat humans]: Wavrin 1932:135; 1937:548; macuna [wife found an egg, husband thought he ate the bird's egg became a huge anaconda; people got scared, went somewhere else; he again became a man; became a fruit tree, its four roots were his two hands and two eyes; told people to pick fruits carefully, but they simply cut down the tree; one came back and saw blood; the tree man called the flood, turned relatives into parrots]: Århem et al. 2004:518-520.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn, 1961, No. 62 [man has no luck hunting; his wife's father, mother and brothers decide to destroy him; lured him to the Mahuí tree, under the roots of which the snake Ha Bacua (Ha - macaw parrot, Bacua is a snake); they said that there was a nest of parrots in the tree; the hunter climbed the vine, father-in-law cut it off by climbing a neighboring tree; hit the root, calling a snake; the hunter called the owner of the forest Chibut; he killed the snake, fired an arrow, a vine appeared, along which the hunter descended; gave fat from the snake's neck, ordered her mother-in-law to be fed, she first turned into a parrot, then a snake, and began to live under the roots that tree; the same with his wife's brothers; C.'s father-in-law turned into an anteater; C. taught the hunter and through him his son and daughter-in-law the rules of hunting, fishing, wearing clothes, pottery, spinning, weaving, etc.] 67 [16 options: San José, Ixiamas, Tumupasa, San Buenaventura, Tana); the man cultivates his plot well, he has corn, cassava, etc., but he is unlucky to hunt; his wife's brothers do not work in a field, but they have a lot of meat; one of them brought a man into the forest, asked him to get the chicks out of the macaw's nest; when a man in a tree cut off a vine, hit the roots of the tree, the Ha Bacua snake crawled out, could not crawl, but was ready to bite; the owner of the Deavoavai forest killed the snake with an arrow, let it into the branch on which the man was sitting, until the vine he was able to descend immediately grew; D. led the man to the tree , pushed back the root, inside the tapira, wild pigs, forest chickens; tapiriha, D.'s wife, gave the man a drink of cassava chichi; he drank, he got out of fear, he became a good hunter; D. wrapped fish in a bag , greased with the fat of the killed snake, ordered both brothers to give his wife and mother-in-law; for a man he put tapirs, monkeys, etc. in a small basket, ordered not to open it on the way; the man opened it, fell out of the basket a mountain of roasted meat; D. folded again, escorted him home; his wife's brothers and mother-in-law ate fish with fat, first turned into macaw parrots, then Ha Bacua snakes; D. killed them, took the meat]: 165-178, 180-185.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [man's brother is his wife's lover; a man puts two lizard tails with the fish, gives it to his wife, she gives it to his lover; after eating the tails of lizards, the lover will turn into an anaconda; mother and others people come to see him; he crawls into the river]: Coelho 1988:522-526; (cf. vaura [Arakuni became pregnant with his own sister when she was on her period and was in a ritual hut; his parents beat him; he made himself "clothes", dyed like snake skin, told a friend that he would become a snake, let him not be afraid of him; he crawled into the water, swam farther and farther until he found really deep water; then everyone heard a rumble]: Barcelos Neto 2000:142-143; calapal [woman and her the husband sends her younger brother to get honey from the tree; they leave; the tree frog saves the young man, gives him magic paint (uruku); after rubbing it, the sister and husband turn into a rainbow and its reflection]: Basso 1973:95-96).

Chaco. Nivacle [a man gives his wife's sister honey mixed with anaconda eggs; she turns into an anaconda]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 129, 130:295-297.