L3. The husband becomes a demon. (.12.) .
The demon takes the form of a man and comes to his wife (less often another woman). Usually a woman (alone or with a child) runs and/or kills a monster - alone or with someone's help.
(Wed. West Africa. Kpelle [husband and wife went to the forest; after returning from hunting, the husband went to bed and died; his wife first called him, then went alone to town; her dead husband began to chase her; she hid in a cave, from there an antelope jumped out, her husband chased her, shouting why she did not expect him to eat it; in town, the wife talked about everything; people brought her husband's corpse from the forest, buried it]: Westermann 1921b, No. 2:372-373).
Sudan - East Africa. Somalis [the man brought the camels to the well to get water; at the well, the hyena in human form offered to fight, killed him, took his form, returned to his wife; when she came out, the werewolf threw away the food offered because he did not eat what people eat; asked his wife's parents to allow her to take her to his parents; on the way he tells his wife to get off the camel, sits down on his own, gnaws off pieces of camel fat, says that the camel is anxious because the woman's jewelry and skirt are ringing; she takes off her bracelets, but refuses to walk naked; sits on the camel again, notices the wounds; asks to drive up to the tree supposedly forgot something there; climbs a tree with a vessel of clarified oil (ghee); the hyena gathers other predators; the woman asks the crow to fly to her parents and tell her about the trouble; the crow demands that the woman first oil her feathers, deceives her, flies away; the same is an eagle; a little bird flies to the woman's brother, who does not understand anything, threw a stone, breaking the bird's wing; with difficulty flies to the woman's mother, she throws her head; to her maternal uncle; he realizes, along with others, she runs to wood, the predators have fled; the woman refuses to get down at the request of her parents, brother; uncle tells the branch to break, and the niece broke only her finger when she fell; so it happened; a lamb was stabbed to death in honor of the rescued one]: Hanghe 1988:198-202.
Melanesia. Imonda [husband and other men went hunting wild boars; told his wife to meet him in the garden, let one of the boys take her there; but no one went, the woman came by herself; spirit got up from the grave, took the form of a husband, came to the woman, ate, met her, left; the woman watched and saw him disappear into the grave; the husband came, asked for food, the wife replied that he had already eaten; talked about what happened; died; husband witchcraft killed boys who refused to accompany his wife; in the world of the dead, a woman married that deceased]: Seiler 1985:225; Santa Isabel (bugotu ) [the man split tree trunks in the mangroves, pulling out edible worms; the sliver bounced, pierced it; he took out his liver, intestines, heart, came back in the dark, told his wife not to light the fire, laid down his giblets on the leaves, told his son to give the fish he had brought (it was his penis), went to bed; the boy said that the fish was tough; after cooking and eating, the wife lit the fire, saw everything, ran away with her son; stuck in in the boy's teeth, a piece of penis screams to the pursuer that the fugitives are here; the mother picked up a piece, stuck it to the stump, the mother and son emptied their guts on the same stump; the stalker mistook this pile for fugitives, hit him, spray splashed into his face, he died; the woman happily married another]: Bogesi 1948:344-345; Maevo [husband died, wife took the child, went looking for him; found it, left him a child, became picking fish; heard crying, the husband replied that the child was bitten by a mosquito, but it was he who ate his finger; then ate everything; the wife ran away, leaving coconut palm branches behind her; the husband ate them, thinking it was wife; she climbed a tree, he followed her, she threw coconut at it; in the morning she saw only a crab on the ground]: Codrington 1891, No. 15:409.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khasi [only one family sheltered the wanderer; he leaves the animal; if you eat his meat, you will get rich; mother-in-law cooks meat, daughter-in-law enters, mother-in-law scolds and chases her; she accidentally eats it a piece; leaves the evil mother-in-law with her husband; the husband swims in the pond, is swallowed by the dragon U Yak Jakor; the wife finds her husband's clothes; the little son U Babam Doh cries with her, his tears turn in gold, because he has received the blessing of the wanderer; the boy has grown up, beats the leader's heir, wins his right to inherit; he says that UBD was conceived by his mother by a dragon; mothers I have to tell you about my father, she gives her son his clothes and a brass vessel; UBD lured the dragon to land, where he loses his strength, lured him into a chest, brought him home, forbid his mother to open it; she opened it, the dragon took the image of her husband, said that he would recover from the tigress's milk, but the one who brought the milk should not know what it was for; 1) the mother pretends to be sick, asks her son to go get milk; he treats the tiger cub, the tigress gives milk; 2) the same with the task of bringing fresh bear fat (the son catches and brings a live bear); 3) fresh python skin; the son spies, sees the mother open the chest, kills the dragon, tells his story, inherits the throne]: Rafy 1920, No. 23:140-160.
South Asia. Nepali [the demon bewitched the bamboo cutter, left him in the forest, came disguised as him to his wife; fell asleep, she saw his feet with his heels forward; she put a pillow in her place and the blanket, removed the stairs, put a brazier on the ground; at night, the demon looked for a woman to eat, fell into the brazier and died; the woman put the corpse in the chest, left the door open for the night; the thieves stole the chest, opened it, saw a terrible demon, ran away in horror; the wife found her husband, brought her out of the trance]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:156-159.
Taiwan - Philippines. Bagobo [husband goes fishing for the night; buzo comes, says he didn't catch fish; wife leaves the comb to answer that she ran away; buzo leaves; husband brings fish in the morning; never left his wife for one night]: Benedict 1913, No. 2:43-44.
China - Korea. Koreans [a 9-tailed fox killed the groom, put on his clothes; the young man saw him cross the river without a bridge; after reading 3000 times the book of transformations, he came to the house where the werewolf took his wife; a werewolf turned into a fox, ran away; his wife had an abortion, throwing out the fox]: Choi 1979, No. 380:160.
Central Europe. Russians [AII's story type "terrible pregnancy" includes stories: A.II.1. Eternal pregnancy; A woman longs for her dead husband. The mythical creature, taking his form, goes to her. She can't resist him. She's getting pregnant. A knowledgeable old woman treats her. She remains pregnant to death (or an imp could give birth); A.II.2. Damn tortured the widow; the widow lives with a "black" who has taken the form of her husband. Even children do not see it (every time they sit down for lunch, they put a spoon for him). She's getting pregnant. Neighbors see a mythical lover flying to her (fireball). Dies before giving birth - hell tortured a widow (Could give birth to a "passion"); A.II.3. God's help; a dead husband goes to his wife after death. She's sleeping with her. She's getting pregnant. She has been pregnant for two years, no one can help her. He goes (to Lviv) for surgery. Operated, but died]: Kozlova 2000:25-26; Russians (Kostroma), Belarusians [A demon in the image of a husband appears to a woman: laughs at a neighbor's funeral because he sees devils pulling out from his intestines; a sorcerer helps a woman free herself from the demon]: SUS 1979, № -365D*: 126; Belarusians [Husband replaced by a feature: the devil tears a person and, taking his form, lives with him wife; takes off his boot in front of people, exposing his hooves on his leg, and disappears]: SUS, No. 365D**: 126.
Western Siberia. Keta [hunting, the old man whistles, imitating chipmunks, returns without prey; while the old woman is hunting, the old man asks his daughter to bring a stick to his height, puts his daughter on it, fries it, eats it, He tells his wife that her daughter has gone to visit; the same goes for her son; when she asks an old woman for a stick, she runs, he follows, she climbs a tree, turns into a squirrel (the origin of a squirrel)]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 21: 77-79.
SV Asia. Chukchi [seal hunter turns into kele; calls the eldest, middle daughter from home, eats; wife hides the youngest in a hole, fights with kele, swallows; kele eats a seal, is poisoned; daughter cuts his stomach, finds his mother and sisters; runs, hits himself with a stone to kill; another kele brings a seal home; his wife is the daughter of the Sun; helps the girl; she runs to the Sun, he hides her in his bosom burns Kela with a look, says it's her father]: Kozlov 1956:67-68.
The coast is the Plateau. The cannibal eats his brother, comes to his wife; she says that she will wash the child (alive or killed) before eating it, runs; the ogre is pushed off the shore, he falls into the water, dies. Vasco [a man makes an arrow, cuts his finger, sucks blood, liked the taste, he ate himself, leaving only flesh on his back, where you can't reach it; devours people, you can't kill him; wife with young son runs to tobacco people who feed on tobacco smoke; an old man pierces the heart of the skeleton with an arrow, which turns into a pile of bones; the boy grows up, knocks bags of tobacco off a cliff like local people; the old man gives him his daughter; he fires an arrow into the sky, reviving the dead]: Curtin 1909b, No. 3:246-248; coutene [a man cuts dried meat; accidentally cuts two pieces off his leg, throws it on coals, eats; eats on; devours her younger brothers, comes to eat his wife and young son; she says she will go out to wash the baby, runs away with him; people push the ogre chasing her off the cliff into the lake, he dies]: Boas 1918, No. 76:273-279; ne perse [the eldest of five brothers hurts himself while hunting, tastes blood, eats his flesh; each of the three brothers throws a lasso from his guts, eats them; the fifth steps on the lark, heals his leg, he teaches him to tie flints to his leg so that the lasso breaks; the wife runs away with a living child; the Crane pushes him off the cliff]: Aoki 1979, No. 5:36-38.
Plains. Wichita [the leader's daughter marries the Deer Lover; they live separately; he shoots a deer, misses, loses his luck; at night, his wife hears him cutting meat from his legs and eating; The sparrow advises her to run; gives her a ball and a stick to fly at them; deer hair, bush bark, red stones to throw behind her; abandoned objects turn into deer (the husband hunts them) dense bush, red plants (husband collects them); husband and wife come running to her father; he tells his daughter's story all night; at dawn, husband falls dead]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 35:234-239; tonkawa [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, lets his wife cook; she runs; the crane stretches her neck across the river like a bridge; pulls back when a one-legged man steps on the bridge; he gets to shores; The skunk hides the woman in his anus; throws a stream in the face of One-legged when he looks there; the giant eats turkeys raw; crumbles the One-legged into pieces; the woman offers herself to a giant as a wife , he refuses]: Hoijer 1972, No. 18:62-67.
The Big Pool. Western shoshones [a person sucks his blood, eats his flesh, becomes a cannibal; comes to his wife; she pretends to have diarrhea, runs away; the cannibal runs on his heels; the crane kicks him with his foot, he dies]: Smith 1993:69-73.
The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [while the husband is hunting, a man with a spotty body comes to his pregnant wife, rips his stomach open, buries one baby in the hearth, throws the other into the stream; the husband takes his wife's corpse to the cave, Domashny finds, he grows up quickly; the father hears the son talking to another boy who asks his brother to get his father's arrows; the father tells the House to grab and hold the Discarded One; that looks like a frog, it has long claws on its arms and legs; the father cuts them off; if he hesitated, the boy would turn into a spotted frog; brothers shoot up above the mother's corpse, tell her to run away, she comes to life; they go away, their bodies are torn to shreds by a hurricane; an old woman finds a bloody leaf, puts it in a pot to cook, a boy jumps out; while the grandmother is gone, he kills the Rattlesnake with an arrow; an old woman grieves, it was her husband; the boy leaves, receives eagle clothes from the big Eagle; both go up to the upper world; there the young man meets his grandmother and other people in the form of eagles; eagles are attacked by bumblebees and hornets, many are killed; a young man kills attackers, brings his grandmother their scalps; flies back to the ground, returns his plumage; shoots an eagle, a Coyote replaces his arrow; a young man returns to his parents; marries, His wife's sister also lives with them; Spotted kills him while hunting, puts on his clothes, comes to his wife and her sister; they make a fire, he is hot, they see that it is not his husband, they rip his belly open; people they find a cave where Pyatnisty's wife, children and other relatives live, cover them with grass and brushwood, and burn all demons]: Opler 1938, No. VIIIa: 374-381.
Mesoamerica Lacandons [a drunk falls asleep in the forest, a jaguar eats him; taking his form, comes to his wife, brings bloody cakes; a woman hides her older child under a vessel, climbs on the youngest child tree; in the moonlight, a jaguar sees the shadow of a children's hammock; a woman fights off with her weaving sword; people kill a jaguar]: Boremanse 1986:152-154, 324-325; tlapanecas [woman hears her husband's voice; the children realize it's Tsakhi, but the woman does not believe T. eats it; the children tell their returning father about what happened; T. takes the form of a woman {it is not clear whether eaten or otherwise}, wants to lie down with her husband, he pours boiling water on her, she runs away]: Relatos Tlapanecos 1995:91; chol [after leaving (to work) in the morning, the husband went to town in the evening, got drunk and killed by a jaguar on the way home, took his form; woman thinks that her husband has returned, but the daughter says that her father has sharp hair; when the person who comes to sleep, the wife sees that it is a jaguar; she slowly took her sleeping daughter, ran away, climbed a tree; the jaguar woke up and set off in pursuit; when he climbed a tree, a woman killed him with a grain grater]: Hopkins, Josserand 2016:130-135.
Honduras - Panama. Doraske [the family has many children; her husband is hunting every day; one day he returns staggered, his hair falls on his face, his wife doubts whether it is her husband; he says he will take his elder with him tomorrow son and eldest daughter and will take them to their parents; so every day, the youngest daughter and son and baby girl are left; Ushidó (it was him, an evil spirit who killed a man and took his form) brought them to perfume house; the girl saw the heads of her siblings on the stakes; they also tried to pull her hair out to eat her brain later, but she escaped and ran; her brother ran after her; she tore her necklaces and began to throw behind the seeds and dry fruits from which the necklaces were made; the Ushidó stalker picked them up and wasted time; the mother dug a hole in the house, hid her daughter in it, covered the big one with a grain grater; hid the boy in addition to corn; made a fire and put stones there; tired Ushidó ran, lay down in a hammock, fell asleep face up; the woman threw hot ones into his open mouth stones, and seeds in the fire, which made odorous smoke; hid where her daughter hid; other spirits that came running asked the parrot where the people were, but he only repeated "Karal, Karal"; the spirits were gone, not withstanding the smell of seeds thrown into the fire; the woman and her children ran to the clean river; the woman and the girl became a river old man, the boy became a stone in her upper reaches, the parrot became grass that makes the sound of "karal, Karal" when the wind shakes it]: Miranda de Cabal 1974, No. 6:23-24.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [a jaguar kidnaps a girl in the guise of her fiance]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 1; 467-476.
Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 142, 143:478-482
Southern Venezuela. Sanema [Jaguar kills a man, comes to his wife at night, lies down in her hammock; in the morning, the woman pretends to cook cassava soup, melts the resin herself, tells her daughter to run; she leaves a basket in her hammock; a woman pours resin on the Jaguar, runs away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 285:520-521.
Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 90 [Mayacoto fisherman has two wives, each with a son; when he returns home, he always plays the flute; Chebu (forest demon) Jajuba swallowed him, disguised as he came to to his wives, but did not play the flute; fell asleep, snored, then the wives heard the voice of the swallowed flute; the sisters took the children and ran away; the eldest put her hair off her head on the path, the youngest turned it prickly thickets; Guauta did not want to open the door for them at first, they pinched the children, they cried; when she found out that they were boys, G. let him in; invited Khahuba, who ran up, put his head under the door, cut it off with a knife; sent cassava sisters, at that time turned their babies into adult boys, their common name is Jaburi; told them to bring her fatty birds from hunting, and give skinny ones to women after urinating on them; the arrow of one stuck in a tree, he climbed after her; young otters passed under the tree, saw Haburi's bowel movements, said it stinks of crap from those who give mothers bad birds and Guauta good ones; they told the brothers everything story; they described skinny birds, gave it to Guauta; recognized their mothers; one of H. made a boat out of clay, it melted in water; from wax, the same; from the bark, they sailed in it; the supports of the house, the leaves on the roof shouted to Guauta that the women and the boys had run away, she did not understand them; understood the parrot, threw herself into the water, grabbed the boat, H. cut off her fingers with an oar; the women asked to take G. so that she would not drown; H. began to row the end oars, the bird shouted to row with a blade; H. knocked down a tree with a hive in the hollow; G. began to suck honey, H. knocked another tree on this tree, G. stayed in the hollow, called "son Haburi", told the boat to stand a rock when it reaches the sea; this is a rock near Trinidad Island]: 281-287; Wilbert 1970, No. 139 [an evil spirit kills a man, brings his meat to his two wives; they identify the penis; leave a deck instead their child, they run], 140 [as in (139); jaguar; women realize that this is not a husband by hoarseness voice and snoring], 141 [= (139)], 144 [= (139); two sons from two wives; identify the spirit by snoring and that he does not play the flute when he comes to home], 200 [the forest spirit comes to his wife in the absence of a person; she herself becomes a spirit without bones in her body]: 279-284, 289-296, 301-305, 463-464; pemon: Armellada 1973, No. 16 [the demon killed a man, took his form, came to his wife; she noticed that her husband's nose was too red, ran away with the children, the demon did not catch up with them; the woman's brothers made a smoky fire around the demon dwelling, everyone was killed], 22 [about (16)]: 64-66, 79-80; Kalinya [the hunter returns home; the elder wife notices that he has three toes on his legs and holes in his cheeks; the youngest lies down with him, is eaten; the eldest runs away, hides under a vessel; people find the demon's hollow, make a fire, throw pepper at it; first toads, lizards come out, then the forest spirit; his corpse is burned]: Magaña 1987, No. 8:236-237; Goeje 1943, No. d27:114; macushi [animals eat meat from a hunter, skeleton chases wife and baby]: Mayer 1951, No. 2:83-85; trio [husband turns into evil spirit, copulates with his wife using all the holes in her body; the woman pinched the child, he cries, she explains that the child needs relief, goes out with him, runs away, hides in a hole under like a tree; the stalker ran by, chased the deer, put smut in his ass, thinking it was a woman; the woman came to her relatives, died soon, but the child survived]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 42: 144-145.
Ecuador. Colorado: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985 [[Ilusun ate the hunter, came to his house instead, brought his liver, said it was a trapped guanta, the jaguar ate the rest; when the liver is brewed, tells the children, I am your father; the mother sent her sons for pepper, they ran away, came to the village where the holiday is; I. asked the victim's wife to look for lice from him, she saw a second bloody mouth on the back of her head, he ate they have people; the woman said that she would go after her sons, ran away to the same village, leaving her bowel movements to answer for herself; I. came in the morning, he was given an intoxicating drink; the widow of what he had eaten was dressed up as a man, cutting off his hair and making a penis out of his cob so that I. would not recognize her; they blew pepper into his nose, threw him into a fire pit; his wife came in his footsteps, she also got drunk; she managed to suck the child's brain; she was told dancing around the pit with fire was also pushed into the fire; the shaman collected their ashes in a rubber bag, ordered them to be thrown into the water without opening it; curious people discovered flies, horseflies and other bloodsuckers on the way; now there are a lot of them in summer]: 108-118; Calazacon, Orazona 1982 [the forest spirit kills the hunter, takes his form, comes to his wife, cannot eat peppery food; a woman escapes by sailing away in a boat; people they find the corpse of a hunter]: 78-82; prov. Imbabura (canton of Otavalo) [the man went to the forest for firewood, was grabbed by Chificha, ate his heart, took on its shape, came to his wife; she began to comb it, noticed a second person on the back of his head; went out and set fire to the house; when C. was on fire, she shouted "I'm going to be fleas"; this is how fleas appeared]: Lamadrid 1993:34.
Western Amazon. Koreguahe [jaguar] Jimenez 1989, No. 29:63-64; cofan: Borman, Criollo 1990, No. 9 [the hunter heard the demon's voice, asked who was screaming; he caught up with him, ate him, wrapped his heart in leaves, stepped on him, took the form of a man, brought him dead monkeys to his wife; she saw that he was putting his wind gun upside down, that his eyes were red; in the evening, the demon killed the woman, hung him by the legs to collect blood; a guest came in, refused this drink - supposedly from palm juice; brought people, killed the demon with spears, his blood turned into a toad]: 125-135; Califano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 48 [demon eats man, comes to his wife in his guise, gives her his giblets under the guise of a tapir's insides; she runs away with her son to her brother; brother solders the demon with drugs (yazhe), people kill him with spears], 49 [as in ( 48); people themselves must drink yazhe before they can kill a demon], 53 [as in (48), but only the beginning; a woman realizes that she has a demon in front of her when she sees his eye burning like fire]: 97-99, 105-106; for example : Mercier 1979:116-119 [a woman and a child heard the sound of falling trees, thought someone was her own, shouted, Grandfather, bring firewood; grandfather came, but his leg was like a grain grater; began to bother her; she replied that she had not washed herself yet, ordered her vessels to be filled with water, water should be carried with a basket; while supay was busy, she ran to her mother; threw her husband's necklaces into the ravine, supai chased them to the noise; birds hid the woman in a vessel; people made a fire in the pit, the supai failed, burned down; the monkey (machin) told the ash to be thrown into the river; he opened the parcel, the ashes turned into stinging insects], 121-124 [supai asked the hunter about his family and habits, killed him, turned him into a deer, took his form himself; hid the deer from his mother-in-law; mother-in-law realized that it was not his son-in-law when he saw bats in his hair; he let his wife cook deer, meat from the cauldron says, I am your husband; when leaving, mother-in-law put grass in the cauldron that will swell her stomach; supai asked his wife to lie with him; she refused on the pretext that her son was crying; the supai burst; a woman with a child ran to her mother; the supai began to turn into a headless baruchi snake; the demon's head was buried away, the snake's body was covered in a vessel; if the head hadn't been hidden, the baruchi snake would eat people] 141-142 [kukuyu supay took the form of a hunter he had killed, brought his wife his meat disguised as game; she recognized her husband, but the soup still told him to cook; the meat from the cauldron says to one of her sons, I am your father ; while the cannibal was eating, the mother told her son to cry; took him to wash, ran to his mother's house; people hid the woman in a vessel, gave the demon a drink and threw him into the fire in a hole; he burned down]; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 53 [a forest demon killed the woman's husband, took his form, brought his wife his meat; the woman recognized the demon by her huge legs, ordered him to bring water in a vessel of unburned clay; when the vessel split, she took two children, ran to the Toucans; they hid the woman, killed the demon who had come, burned the corpse; told one to throw a parcel of ash into the river; he opened it on the way, the ash strangled him, turned into mosquitoes] , 62 [the demon ate the hunter, took his form, brought his heart to his wife under the guise of the heart of a wild pig; asks to remove insects from his head; a woman notices a toothy mouth on the back of his head; her husband's heart speaks to his wife from the cauldron; his wife hides him on the river, runs away with the child; the demon pursues; the woman throws her necklaces, the stalker rushes to the sound; the woman runs to her parents, who hide her in a vessel; people killed the demon with spears, burned it, told the young man to throw away the ashes; on the way, he made a hole in the bundle to see what was inside; mosquitoes, gadflies and other insects flew out, killed the young man, and since then peace with them full]: 106-108, 119, 116, 121-122 {pages 119-122 are confused, out of order}; canelo [the dying husband promises to return; the pregnant wife gives birth; tells the bird that if the husband were alive, he brought would be firewood; the bird disappears, the forest spirit Aya appears; brings a bunch of bones; the woman says that the child needs relief, leaves the house, resorts to people celebrating the trophy head festival; her hidden in a basket under the roof; Aya is involved in a dance; a woman is given a basket of hot coals, she pours them into Aya's eyes; in the morning, a bird's corpse is at this place]: Hartmann, Oberem 1971, No.B1:695; 1987:159-160 ; kandoshi [the widow regrets that her late husband did not bring her firewood before she died; his spirit brings human bones instead of firewood; her baby cries, the spirit throws him into the boiling pot; the woman runs to brothers, they are having a holiday; the spirit haunts her, but the brothers hear cries for help, run out with spears (and kill the spirit?)] : Hinson Cannon 1976:46-47; shuar: Pelizzaro 1993 [husband was crushed by a fallen tree; widow has a little daughter, gave birth to a baby; she hears Owl's voice, says, If you are my husband's spirit, bring firewood ; in the evening a skeleton came, brought a pile of bones, invited his wife to lie down with him; she told the girl to pretend she had diarrhea; her husband's spirit began to wonder what taboo he had broken (he ate the wrong mushrooms, the wrong fruit, the meat of the wrong birds?) , since the daughter had a stomachache (all diseases from breaking the taboo); took the baby, scratched it; the woman left the burning smut responsible for her, ran away with her daughter to her parents; they hid them in a basket under the roof , they put ash and pepper in their hands; the husband's spirit was tired of waiting, put the baby's head in boiling water, chased his wife; on the way he dressed up and joined the dancers (at this time, the manufacturing festival sloth tans; from this spirit people learned songs); poked into his wife, who threw ash at him, he ran out, died; shuar now makes their own on the model of his jewelry; in the morning they found a dead owl at this place; her the head is covered with moss, and wood mushrooms, "tree ears", stick out of the ears; since then it has been known that owls (buhos) are the souls of deceased relatives]: 233-234: Rueda 1987, No. 53-53a [a person dies leaving a pregnant woman wife; she is still in bed, and the others have gone to the party; hears the voice of the Owl; says, When he was alive, he promised that the dead would bring me firewood; the owl fell silent; Ivian came and brought own bones; the woman tells the child to say that he has diarrhea; I. began to play with him, invited the woman to make love; but she went out with the child, who allegedly has diarrhea; the youngest child I. threw away into a vessel of boiling corn soup; the woman and the eldest run to where the holiday is; she was hidden under the roof; when I. came, she threw ash in his eye; in the morning they found a dead owl; var.: I. dances, his they push into the fire, calebasses grew up in this place]: 226-232; Aguaruna [the widow has a baby and an older child; hears the voice of an owl; thinks it is her dead husband; says, When he died, he promised and bring me firewood after death; the owl fell silent; Ivianch brought his own bones; asked his wife to take out his lice; there were many of them; tells me to eat them; the woman pretends to eat, snaps herself with his nails; I. decided to feed a crying baby; (gave him a penis instead of a breast?) , began to pull out his nails; the woman whispered to the eldest to pretend to go out of need; left the burning smut in the latrine to answer for them; ran with the child to people, there was a holiday; Ivianch was told that his wife was in a cassava trough (or he ran in, a trough was dumped on him and stayed under him); they left him there; a fox was found there in the morning; she was burned]: Chumap Lucía, García- Rendueles 1979, No. 79:641-642.
NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1979, No. 8 [husband goes for curare; tells his wife that when he returns in a month, he will hit a tree trunk to warn his wife; Uitoto killed her husband, he turned into an evil spirit Imo; he came up at night and hit the tree, but the woman understood the deception, because her husband's body was ripped open, peppercorns hung in front (it was cooked and eaten with pepper); in the evening the woman said that the child had diarrhea, went out with him, dug a hole, hid, covered herself with a maloka door; in the morning I. went to look for his wife, saw a deer at the site, caught up, thought it was his wife, copulated while the deer did not die; then he realized the mistake; deer meat has tasteless since then], 9 [2 similar options: the wife yells to her husband to catch frogs in the lake while she cooks cassava; the husband goes with a torch, one frog turns into a Jaguar, eats it; comes to a woman in the guise of her husband; she hears the clanging of her teeth, puts a leaf in a hammock, wraps the ground in it, runs, climbs the Anona squamosa tree, rips off the bark from the trunk; Jaguar chews a leaf, then chases a woman, cannot climb a slippery trunk; the woman's brothers, father and uncle return from the holiday; the Jaguar turns into a frog, hides in a hole: they find a frog, cut into pieces]: 92-95, 95-99.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [the monkeys ate the hunter; one of them carries his leg in the basket, comes to his wife; she runs with her daughter]: Kruse 1949, No. 10:618; Murphy 1958, No. 34:112.
Eastern Amazon. Tupi (Lower Amazon) [the Kurupira forest spirit killed the hunter, took out his liver, took his form, came to his wife, told him to cook the liver; lay down in a hammock, told him to give him their baby; woman she put a log, ran away with the baby, the frog Cunauaru extracted a secret from his body, turned it into a vine, picked up the woman, hid her in his hollow; then the Frog lowered the Curupire rope, who stuck with hair {not clear}, died; woman with baby returned home]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:63-64.
The Central Andes. The mountains of Peru between Huaraz, Puno and Arequipa [condenado type stories]: Arguedas 1953 and 1960-1961 in Lammel 1981:132-133; Morote Best 1958:799-800.
Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: Anonimo 1993 [a woman hears the voice of an owl, calls him; the spirit kills her and children except the elder; he runs to meet her father; they send the spirit to bring water in an unburned clay vessel ; they kill him]: 238-240; Shlyakhtinsky 2008 [in the forest, the hunter heard the scream of a huankynya tree frog, which has a bright green body and red eyes; began to make fun of her; a man appeared who was as a frog, killed the hunter with a knife, picked up his basket, and after sunset he came to his wife; she found her husband's legs, arms, head and other parts of her husband's body in the basket; she ran to the people; they cut down a tree in a hollow found a frog, its mouth was full of human hair; it was killed and burned]; amuesha [during the ancient sun, the husband was killed hunting by enemies; the wife tells the to'to bird that if it were human, then I would tell her where her husband is; the bird turns into a man, talks about her husband, agrees to take her to sanerr (the country of the dead); tells her not to bite through her husband's lice, not to say that she came from home; in her head the husband is not lice, but worms; the woman's child asks for a drink, the husband offers drinks from the heart, liver, kidneys; in other vessels, a blood drink (fermented blood); the woman tells her husband that the child has diarrhea, runs away with as a child in the forest, the huancañcho'ch bird hides it on papaya; the husband comes to his wife's site, asks the plants where she is; only a silly yam tries to tell the truth, but his speech is incomprehensible, dead hits him with a stick, returns to the dead; the dead drink a bloody drink, dance, women sing; a woman spies; in the morning the dead turn into vultures, fly to heaven; a woman actually has four children, two boys and two girls; they memorized the songs, they measured the flutes; the to'to bird takes them all home; they make a drink from corn, they sing, dance, play the flutes, so people have learned songs and dances; a woman and her children cannot eat, everything turns to blood for them; at their request, a woman's brother kills them all]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 2:36-38; machigenga [shaman with son and son-in-law successfully repels daily kashibo attacks in the forest; the niece asks her son for her husband, the shaman says he is still young; the niece feeds leftovers to ants; the shaman dies; the dead man comes home; the wife tells all plants and utensils not to tell that she has prepared a shelter for herself and her children in the hollow of a tree; lets the tuber of a red sachapapa pass; he says where the woman, his dead man, disappeared pulls out, comes to the hollow; ants reply that they are the only ones who live there; the dead man tries to light a fire, but his blood floods him; at dawn he flies into the sky with a comet; a mother with three daughters (married, girl , girl) return home; the youngest misses her father; when she hears the bird scream, the woman asks her to show her husband, for whom his daughter is crying; the man comes out of the forest, tells her to close his eyes; when a woman she opens, she finds herself in the sky; her husband's hair does not have lice, but worms; she rises to the ground]: Baer 1984, No. 14:463-469.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, Nos. 78 and 223 [(main text and Rev. 3); man caught frogs at night, peeled them alive and ate; they turned into humans, ripped him off themselves; he brought skin home to basket; var.: ate children at home, leaving only their heads; the wife spat in the calebass, left him responsible for herself, ran away; hid under the waterfall; the monster asks Cancer, the Snail, they answer, but he does not understand their tongue; Crushes Cancer, now he has bulging eyes; the monster did not find a wife; crossing the stream, burst; var.: went to the land of the educi (spirits), became the frog of the kind he hunted], 223, var.1 [too good cultivates the garden, but a bad hunter; brings some frogs, which he rips off alive; one day he returns bloody, throwing his skin behind his back; at night, the wife and children run away; ask for Stork, Cancer does not say where they ran; the stalker promises to eat the fugitives, kicks Cancer to death; the old woman hides the fugitives in a vessel, the pursuer does not find them, leaves; the woman and her children come to the village, they talk about what happened], 276 [the husband takes his wife and two sons to live to the shore of a great lake; sails away in a boat every day; returns saying that he did not swim to the other side with little food; in the house Pigeon and Parrot live; The parrot tells the woman that her husband is swimming in the middle of the lake to the anaconda, will return and eat them; her husband grows claws, his eyes turn red; you must kill the Pigeon, he is dangerous, his blood is impossible spill into the lake; the woman takes her youngest son in her arms, the eldest runs behind, the parrot is flying nearby; the youngest has to be left on the trail, the husband devours him; with the eldest she reached the village]: 196-198, 356-357, 419; chiriguano [The battleship plays the flute well; two sisters sound her, the youngest marries the Battleship; the fox kills him, takes his form, wearing his skin, comes to the women; the eldest the sister says that the husband has come; the youngest, seeing him eat the second portion (the Battleship was modest to eat), doubts; takes out his sleeping lice, sees a seam on the back of his head; the sisters kill the Fox with a club]: Nordenskiöld 1912:285-286; surui [a hunter with a young son goes to the forest to hunt for a battleship; a jaguar kills him, takes his form, brings his wife his head under the guise of a battleship; son The mother warns that on the way, the father spoke in the voices of nocturnal animals; the woman and her son run, asking for help from a tree frog; he lifts them up the tree in the basket; the jaguar asks how to climb; Feet forward; the jaguar climbs forward, the frog kills him with a spear, takes the woman as his wife; she brings the frog to her mother's house, hides her husband in a bamboo flute during the day; the mother opens the lid, the frog returns to the forest]: Mindlin 1995, No. 8:28-31.
Southern Amazon. Iranshe [husband, wife and little daughter go for honey; expanding the hollow, the husband injures himself with an ax, turns into the spirit of Aan; the woman grabs her daughter and runs; 1) Anaconda lies down a bridge over lake, other snakes form a rope to hold on, the woman crosses; when A. crosses, Anaconda throws it into the water; snakes kill him, Anaconda swallows; 2) Kunahuaru tree frog hides the woman in hollow; A. climbs after her, K. kills him with an arrow]: Pereira 1985, No. 21:109-112; nambiquara [the hunter took his wife and children with him; at rest, the wife noticed huge lice in her husband's hair, kept silent; husband began to dig up the battleship's hole, disappeared into it; the wife told his son to dig after him; he said that fire could be seen in the hole, and the father became the evil spirit of Siuitiahlus (his knees did not bend, thick beard); the mother told her son to push her younger sister to cry; said loudly that the girl was crying and they went; the Kunaouara frog hid them in his hollow, blocked the entrance with a wooden sword; with the battleship under his arm, S. followed the trail; the Frog offered to get in to see; when S. put his head in the hollow, the Frog killed him with a sword in the neck; sent the woman and children home, giving them his sword; them ordered to kill Sister S. because she is now on her period and she can turn into Siwila.Kuluse and kill them; the woman did so]: Pereira 1983, No. 37:54-56; Rickback [after death, the husband turns into evil spirit]: Pereira 1994, No. 111:265; paresis: Pereira 1986, No. 12, 34:210-224, 369-374; 1987, No. 66 [not knowing that his wife is menstruating, the husband goes to the forest; he is devoured by an evil spirit, takes his form, pursues his wife's sister], 73 [the forest spirit ate her husband, took his form, ate one of the sisters (the man's wives), the other escapes]: 506-507, 521-523.
Araguaia. Karazha [people catch too many pirarucu fish; the old man tells me to stop fishing, the fishermen do not listen; they disappear; fish in their guise come to their wives; looking for her sleeping husband in her head, the wife notices needles from fins; runs with children; tells the parrot to be responsible for her; Pirarucu pulls out his feathers, the parrot admits that the woman hid in the Heron's goiter; the Heron replies that she is fat because she is full fish; Pirarucu checks Heron's excrement; woman runs farther, loses her way, suffers from thirst; Electric Eel gives water when she agrees to lie down with him; another Eel deceives, he doesn't give water ; the child turns into a bird out of thirst; Unze asks what the woman painted her (second?) baby; - With melted wax; - Paint me too; the woman scalded Unze to death; the woman's sister put Unze fat in the hollow; contrary to warning, she comes back twice, eats fat, herself turns into Unze; a woman throws her into a tree; asks Cayman to transport her; promises to surrender to him on the other side, runs away herself; Cayman guides the pursuer in her footsteps; she throws in chasing hot coal; then salt, a large river forms; Pirarucu cannot cross it, stops chasing, returns to his lake]: Ehrenreich 1891, No. 8:43-45.
SE Brazil. Botokuds [the spirit of a husband killed by enemies comes to his wife; she dies when she sees worms in his head]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 108.
Chaco. Nivacle [a jaguar comes to two women; one hides, the other runs to the men's camp, they kill a jaguar]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 88:216-217.