Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L30. Those who eat a snake are thirsty. .26.43.-.

A person who violates the food ban is terribly thirsty and drinks huge amounts of water. See motif L30.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Guangxian) [Wen Peng's boy, the son of a poor widow, caught an unusual fish; she asked her to let go and spit out the pearl; if put in a container, it is filled with rice or money; seeing that the widow with they became rich as a boy, the landowner accused them of stealing gold from him; a search began; the boy held the pearl in his mouth and swallowed it; he became thirsty, he drank all the water in the house, and then half the river; became a dragon and flew into the sky; his mother called him 24 times and a shoal formed on the river in the same way; a terrible storm began that took the landowner and his people]: Riftin 1957:175-179.

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [older brothers catch salmon in a stream flowing out of the pond; the youngest refuses to eat it; those who eat are terribly thirsty; they dive into the water, turn into newts]: Ballard 1927: 73.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 41 [the hunter finds two raccoons in an empty stump; his companion finds two catfish there; eats them, is terribly thirsty, drinks directly from the river, turns into catfish, starting from his feet; asks to tell his relatives to come to him], 42 [a person is not allowed to eat porcupine meat; others put this meat in his bowl; he is terribly thirsty, turns into catfish; goes into a stream, turning it into a huge lake; sends commercial animals to his father]: 474-475, 476-477; sauk: Skinner 1928, No. 15 [two young men fast, build a hut on at the edge of the swamp; they fry a raccoon; agree not to drink before eating; one is thirsty; sends a friend to the stream to get water; then drinks from the stream, turns into catfish; his body still shows ear ornaments; creates a large lake; tells to organize a party where a dog is sacrificed to fish; predicts future resettlement to Oklahoma; people throw catfish tobacco], 3 [two young relatives go to steal horses; catch fish (jackfish), discuss whether it is possible to eat it; one reluctantly agrees if the other cooks buckets of water for him; eats, is thirsty, turns into the same fish himself; his father comes to shore, son comes to him]: 154-155, 160.

Northeast. Seneca, Tuscarora [while her husband hunts, his wife catches fish in a stream, eats half; drinks insatiably from a stream, turns into a snake; asks her husband to watch her fight in the lake with another giant snake; defeats her; the husband makes a copy of his wife out of wood; in a dream he is told not to touch her for ten days; on the last day he breaks the ban; the wife turns into a piece of wood again]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 14:111-112; seneca [despite a friend's warning, one of the two hunters catches, roasts and eats trout in a hollow; he is terribly thirsty, drinks from a stream, turns into a huge fish; says people can come ask him for fish; turns into a monster, kills fishermen; his ex-friend drives him out of the pond, chases him; he agrees to leave the country]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 32:169-172.

Plains. Santi [a girl agrees to marry a young man if he proves to be a brave warrior; a young man with six friends goes to war; they find no enemies; five climb a hill off the coast lakes stick to him with their feet, the monster carries them into the water; by the river, the young man reluctantly agrees to eat the fish that his friend offers him; a friend promises to bring him plenty of water if he wants to drink, but the young man drinks so much that his friend gets tired; the young man drinks from the river, turns into a huge fish; it blocks the way for boats; his lover arrives, leaves him tobacco and feathers; the fish sinks into the depths , the river is free]: McLaughlin 1990:23-28; tonkawa [two hunters cannot meet deer; one catches rabbits, the other first snake, then fish; eats this fish, is terribly thirsty, runs to the river, turns into a huge fish; warriors turn to it when they go camping]: Hoijer 1972, No. 23:84

Mesoamerica Mopan [the hunter shot the snake; said he tried different meats, now he wants a snake; they tried to dissuade him, but he ate, became thirsty; ran to the river, where Mom took him away, forever enclosed in the mountain; snake meat is forbidden]: Thompson 1930:146.

Honduras-Panama. Sumu [husband and wife eat turtle meat and eggs, are thirsty, and become giant cannibal snakes]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (1): 2-3

Western Amazon. In addition to cofan: boa constrictor kills, roasts and eats in the forest; drinks until it bursts; erupted water causes a flood or forms a river. Kofan [the hunter only collects snail eggs; once takes sons with him; kills, roasts, eats monkeys; feels terribly thirsty, drinks a stream; tells sons to escape on the mountain; bursts, forming big lake; turns into an anaconda floating in it]: Barriga Lupez 1988b: 199-200; napo [the older brother burned the tree in which the evil boa spirit lived; there are snake eggs; the elder tells the youngest not to eat them; he ate them, is thirsty, drinks, bursts, a lake appears in this place]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. D8:111; canelo [two brothers in the forest find a snake in the hollow; burn a tree; the youngest ate baked meat, thirsty; drank, burst, the flood began; the elder climbed a tree, threw seeds down to find out if the water was deep; found the younger one, he turned into a snake; first handmade, then ate the eldest son; he wanted to kill a snake, was swallowed; cut his heart with a knife and went out; he went bald, died soon]: Coloma et al. 1986:77-79; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [two brothers hunting; living in a snake steals their meat; they burn a tree; one of them tastes snake meat; when he returns home, he is thirsty; asks his brother to move away and climb a tree; brother hears an explosion, water floods the area, then falls; the brother goes down, finds a snake, puts it in a vessel; she grows, now lives in the river; swallows his brother's children and wife; he allows him to swallow himself, cuts the snake from the inside; the snake asks the bird to cure it, it refuses; the snake is thrown ashore against its former home; the man goes out by side; dies, violating the ban on approaching the fire]: 57-59; Karsten 1919 [flood]: 328- 329; 1935, No. 10:532-534; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 6 [without a flood]: 4-5; 1993 [flood]: 151-152; Rueda 1987, No. 39 [without a flood]: 168-170; Wavrin 1932 [flood]: 128-129; Aguaruna [two hunters spend the night in the forest; someone steals meat; a punk snake crawls out of a dry trunk; hunters burn a trunk; one eats a baked snake that tastes like a fish; thirsty, drinks, bursts, turns into a river; the other finds a punk egg with snakes in it; he puts one in a hole with water; the snake grows with the hole; goes out to swallow dogs, then eats the baby; the child's father puts a clay pot over his head, takes a flintlock knife, lets himself be swallowed; cuts punks from the inside; Tsunki (a snake or fish with a human head) tries to heal a sick person; a person hurts the heart, punks pop up dead; a person goes out, cutting a hole in sideways; C. says he will die as soon as it dries; the man's meat began to fall off his bones and he died]: Guallart 1958:66-68; the band is not listed (aguaruna?) [two brothers hunt, some steal their prey; they find a snake crawling out of the hollow; they make a fire, a snake falls into the fire, one of them eats its roasted meat; is terribly thirsty, drinks from lakes; turns into a frog, a lizard, finally a snake; tells his brother to run to the mountain, take a calebasa; the lake grows, floods the ground; people do not believe his brother, they drown; he himself experiences a flood on a tree on the mountain; after the flood, he finds a snake brother, carries him to a calebass from the lake]: Farabee 1922:124.