Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L31. A sticky monster.

(.16.) .

People are forced against their will to follow an object, person or animal (usually stick to it) that takes them far away or takes them far (usually into the water or into the sky).

(Wed. Western Europe. Irish {the text is most likely a fragment or excerpt from a story based on ATU 571, see motive K117} [the wife sends her old husband every night for news; he comes back, saying that she saw a goat; she says it is not interesting; on the third night, the Goat asks the old man what he is looking for; follows him, breaks into the door, everyone in the house sticks to her and to each other; The goat leaves, dragging the stuck ones; on the way they are touched by a man with a shovel, a carpenter with a hammer, they also stick; in town, the Goat disappears, people are left naked 50 miles from home]: Usher 1914, No. 28:233-234.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Pukapuka (Southern Tonga Islands) [children surf; the cannibal spirit turns into a log, the children climb it, the log takes them to the ogre's island, where it eats the children; for the third time among taken away by Vaetuaniu; convinces the ogre to allow him to depart to relieve himself from eating his excrement with his flesh; leaves the coconut shell and leaf torch responsible for themselves; only a bird matiku agrees to take V. home, but the cannibal forces her to throw him off; V. kicks the ogre, tearing off his head, but it grows; he breaks his head and body into pieces, calls the rest of the children, they interpreted ogre to dust]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi ["If a bell comes down from the sky and nivkh rips it off and takes it as a talisman, he will get rich. But does everyone know how to tear it off? If you try to tear it off with your hands, your hands will stick to the bell and the bell will rise to the sky with the person. So the nivkhs disappeared. If a bell comes down from the sky and hits it with a strong tree, it won't come off, but if you hit it with rotten, it will come off. Therefore, the nivh must hit him with a rotten tree, take it, wrap it in inau and put it on the bottom of the box. Considering his mascot, he will become rich "]: Kreinovich 1987:116.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiate: Frost 1971 (Kotzebue) [an orphan notices the light coming, but other children only laugh at him; he climbs under the ceiling, his fingers are pinched; a horned creature enters the house, the children are drawn to it like a magnet, the creature takes them to the mountains, they freeze; the orphan remains because pinched fingers hold it; parents find an old horn next to the dead children]: 77-78; Keithahn 1958 [the boys in the men's house dragged a girl there, abused her; she complained to her grandmother; she cut her body into blood, came to the mansion, walked around the floor in circles; boys in Horror followed her on all fours; she took them to the mountain, and the next day they were found frozen to death; only one stayed in the house and survived, because they put their fingers in the crack, and she pinched them]: 80-83.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [something lifts one person into the air, others stick to him, are also raised; all the villagers are carried to the sky, two women remain; one drinks tree sap, gives birth to a boy; when it is pulled up, it grows roots; it pulls it]: Swanton 1909, No. 13 [every day people play ball on the beach; something lifts one into the air; when Root pulls, something breaks to pieces] , 49 [A porcupine needle comes down from the sky, the boy picks it up, it pulls it up; the root breaks off the needle; the owner comes for it; the root returns it in exchange for people; they go back from the sky at night] , (cf. also No. 53 [a young man kills an opponent, runs in a boat with a slave; he leaves him on an island; the young man swims ashore in the shoes of a sea lion; enters the land of Eagles, marries, receives eagle feathers; his the mother is expelled; he carries her fish and seals; the inhabitants offend her, one throws a stone in her face; the eagle son grabs the leader, lifts her into the air; another man grabs the chief by the legs, followed by the others; the eagle takes a chain of people, throws them into the sea]): 41-42, 192-194, (198-206); Haida: Bringhurst 2000 [the niece of the main woman in the village was in the ritual hut on the occasion of her first period; the children played ball; a pen came down from the sky; one grabbed it, stuck, the others dragged it into the sky; the girl came out of the hut, blew her nose, wiped her snot under her arm, became pregnant, gave birth to a son; then eight more boys and one girl (from different objects); the feather came down again, the ones grabbed turned into 1) snot, 2) chips, 3) bird down, 4) cedar bast, 5) silt, etc.; the last one in crabapple tree; when there was only one root left in the ground, my sister climbed to the feather, cut it with her fingernail; everyone fell in the guise of people, the bones of the previously carried away too; the younger one spat - everyone came to life; the brothers went killed a groundhog, entered the house, there was a woman, it was her son, she told the doors to close; the youngest jumped ash through the chimney, revived the groundhog, the woman opened the door; after meeting other creatures, they remained in four brothers alive; came to the edge of the sky, the gap closes and then opens; two cut, two slipped into the sky, saw the Open Beak of the Day]: 181-187; Swanton 1905:330-332 (Skidgate) [children play with a wooden ball; a pen comes down from the sky; one boy grabs it, rises into the air; the other tries to hold it, comes up after him; all the inhabitants of the village stick to each other, disappear into the sky; a menstruating girl remains; puts feathers, a piece of wood, a piece of cedar bark, clay with the brothers' footprints under her clothes; gives birth to nine sons (one is a shaman) and a daughter; the children play, the pen again descends, the children begin to rise; the sister climbs on the brothers, cuts off the pen; the shaman revives the bones that have fallen from the sky; the brothers visit the sky], (cf. also Swanton 1905:271-273 [see motif K28; the uncle is jealous of his nephew for his wife; glues resin to a log, lets him into the sea; a log sails to the country of the Eagles; the young man marries the leader's daughter; he is given an eagle robe; he flies to his uncle's village, lifts one person into the air; the end is like the Tlingits in Swanton 1909, No. 53]); Hyda (Masset) [the brothers play, a ribbon comes down from the sky, then the pen that grabs him sticks, the others, the pen takes them into the air; the sister remains; conceives for some unknown reason, gives birth to a son; he asks why all the houses are empty, the mother tells; the ribbon goes down again, the boy grabs it, grows roots into the ground, the roots entangle the entire island, the ribbon breaks off; he is the son of the roots, the spirit of the tree]: Swanton 1908a, No. 65:640-644; tsimshian: Barbeau 1953 [monster swallows boats; good woman spirit calls monsters to holiday, they reduce the power of the swallowing; people stop being afraid, children play to disturb the heavenly leader; he sends a pen; children grab him, each other, the pen drags them into the sky; adults tie them they grab their children to different trees; trees are uprooted one by one; a girl who has just finished her period climbs through a chain of people and trees, cuts off her pen; everyone falls, they come to life; next time the heavenly leader sends rain, the flood floods the ground; the birds throw their feathers on the water, the waters come down]: 179-184; Boas 1902 [The sky is annoyed by the noise of children playing; it lowers feathers; one boy puts them on his head, begins to rise into the air; others grab him, stick, all the people of the village disappear into the sky; the menstruating girl and her grandmother remain; the girl puts three wedges of different types of trees, a grain grater, a knife on his stomach; four days later she gives birth to sons and (from a knife) a daughter; when they begin to climb, the Grater turns into a mountain; when the mountain begins tremble, sister cuts off feathers with a knife; they remain forever on his older brother's head; now his name is Rotten Feathers; bones fall from the sky; GP runs feathers over them, reviving the dead; {here at p. 100 the first part ends}; the brothers go up the river; the Great Goose old woman warns them of dangers; the old woman Knife-hand cuts off the heads of her daughter's grooms; GP on the way to her with magic feathers crosses a fragile bridge; at night she changes her hairstyle to that of his wife and vice versa; the old woman mistakenly cuts off her daughter's head; GP leaves, changes her name to Labretka; marries Sna's daughter, runs with her; the night pot warns the owner, he does not react; then a wooden hammer hits him, Sleep wakes up, catches up with the fugitives in his fast boat, creates a mountain in front of them, then throws a comb, that turns into a forest; Labretka makes a passage both times with her magic pen; Sleep stops chasing; his mask is used in rituals]: Boas 1902:94-100, 234-235; bellacula [sons of chiefs they play on the lake shore; a pen descends from the sky on one of them's head; a young man rises into the air; the other grabs his legs, unable to let him go; the young men stick to each other, disappear into the sky]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 358-359.

The coast is the Plateau. Career: Jenness 1934, No. 5 [parents don't tell children to make loud noise while playing; they make noise; a white feather comes down from the sky; one boy sticks to him, others to each other's feet; a chain of children disappears into the sky; the girl remains in ritual isolation; her grandmother dies soon; the girl puts her snot, whetstone, crabb-apple fruit, feather on her chest; gives birth to three sons and a daughter every year; they play noisily; a pen with red paint on it comes down; the brothers stick but are heavy; the fruit grows roots into the ground; but the pen still prevails; then the sister climbs to the pen, cuts off the invisible thread; It rains at night, the bones of the dead fall from the sky; the girl revives them; she connects some bones incorrectly, so there are lame, blind; brothers and sister go to exterminate monsters], 26 (Hegwilgate) [two boys are orphaned; the chief killed their relatives with witchcraft; one dives into the lake, gets a pipe, one end of which kills, the other revives; orphans create (?) two eagles; one of them grabs the leader, picks up; people grab the leader's legs and each other's legs; a chain of people rises into the air; the orphan's grandmother also grabs; orphans want to save her, let the chains break; two eagles play with the chief's body, then throw it into the river; it is swallowed by fish], 33 (Fort Fraser) [Chief Ketlangai killed the boy's relatives with witchcraft; he becomes a shaman, creates (incarnates at?) a powerful hawk; hereinafter referred to as No. 26; all the inhabitants of the village are carried away, fall, turn into a hill]: 125-129, 175-177, 195.

Northeast. Delaware [twelve criminals or vagabonds meet a huge turtle; climb it; it goes to the big water; they stick, only one manages to jump off; people go to Shawnee for A witchcraft; it is used to conjure near the water; first cancer comes out, then a miracle snake, and finally a turtle with humans; they can be saved]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 93:50-51.

Plains. Blackfooted [two young men go to steal horses; they see a huge turtle by the lake; one climbs it, sticks; the other can't tear it off; the turtle hides in the water]: Josselin de Jong 1914:108; Crowe [young men come back from a campaign; climb a big turtle, which carries them; two warriors warn not to climb; young men stick to a turtle, it hides in the lake; thunder drains with lightning; people find and kill a turtle]: Lowie 1918:218-222; santi [girl agrees to marry a young man if he proves to be a brave warrior; a young man with six comrades goes to war ; they find no enemies; five climb a hill near the lake shore, stick to it with their feet, the monster carries them into the water; by the river, the young man reluctantly agrees to eat the fish offered to him by his friend; friend promises to bring him plenty of water if he wants to drink, but the young man drinks so much that his friend gets tired; the young man drinks from the river, turns into a huge fish; it blocks the way for boats; his beloved comes, leaves him tobacco and feathers; the fish sinks into the depths, the river is vaulted]: McLaughlin 1990:23-28; teton [no details; a man climbs a huge turtle, sticks to it; she hides with him in the lake]: Dorsey 1889:136; Shayens: Kroeber 1900, No. 21 [four warriors climb a turtle; it takes them to the lake, they stick to it; Thunder saves them by killing the Turtle with lightning]: 184; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [50 warriors return from the campaign; they see a huge turtle, climb on its back, only the leader stays on the ground; the warriors stick to the turtle, it takes them to the lake; coming through year, people don't find a lake; there's a bone hole here]: 41-45; arikara [warriors come back from the campaign; all but one climb a giant turtle, stick to it, it hides in the lake ; one tells the rest that when he goes to war he must come here and get good luck]: Parks 1996, No. 19:228-230; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 73 (throw it off) [like Crowe; the youngest of the boys is not climbs a turtle; a priest causes a thunderstorm by spraying water on the flints]: 273-274; 1906, No. 116 (kitkehahki) [warriors go on a campaign; they see a huge turtle, climb on it and stick it; one remains alone, he is asked to tell about what happened at home; a turtle with its glued hides under water; the remainder dreams of his companions in an underwater dwelling; comes home; comes back to the lake, falls under water, where the Turtle, the animal leader, tells him secrets; at home, people envy the strength of the young man; scoop out the lake in buckets, find only the bones of the dead, not the Turtle; angry animals take away the young man has his power]: 426-427; wichita [Thunderbird is the leader; the leader of another village calls him to play ball; the Thunderbird comes, sits on something and sticks; it's a snake, he dismisses A bird into the lake; two brothers throw hot stones into the lake, it dries up; a piece of flesh is found in the snake's stomach on its bones; the brothers' grandfather revives the Bird in the steam room]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 13:102-106.

Southeast USA. In addition to caddo: several hunters or warriors stand on a huge turtle; one warns not to do so; a turtle takes people to the lake; people summon the inhabitants of the lake one by one. Caddo [people mistake a huge turtle for a flat rock; they set up a dance floor on it; when everyone converges to dance, their legs stick to the turtle, it crawls into the lake]: Dorsey 1905, No. 47:81; Shawnee [the servant asks not to climb the turtle; reports in the village that the turtle has taken the warriors to the lake; shamans call aquatic life one at a time, find them in the morning, revive them, let them go; The last is a horned serpent; it is cut into pieces and amulets are made out of them]: Trowbridge 1939:43-45; yuchi [five people stick to a crocodile that hides under water with them]: Wagner 1931, No. 52: 234-237; screams [the turtle comes out last; it gets killed]: Swanton 1929, No. 24 [hunters; they make a potion out of the turtle's body], 25 [warriors; take the shell for a rock]: 31-38.

The Great Southwest. Lipan [see motive J26; A Changing Woman gives birth to an Enemy Slayer (aka Son of Water) and a Wise One; they exterminate monsters; stick to the Turtle, but easily detach; if she dragged them to waters, they would die]: Opler 1940, No. 2a: 24-25.

Honduras-Panama. Bribri [Shibyo sends monsters to exterminate those who commit incest; the water snake has a sticky body; if bathers have incest, they stick to it, drown]: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas, Constela Umaña 1983:25-26.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [there were no cultivated plants, people ate rotten wood; hunters see a snake in the forest; touch it, showing where each piece sticks; the snake crawls with them into the river, people they eat piranhas; those who remain in the village find a snake in the forest, burn them; cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, etc. grow from the ashes.]: Nimuendaju 1920:1033-1034; juruna [people catch anaconda, sit on it rest, stick; it crawls into the river, swallows the adhering ones; others burn it when it crawls into the area cleared in the forest; cassava, sweet potatoes, corn, yams, pumpkins, peppers grow from the ashes; the bird explains how to grow and prepare crops]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:243-245.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [the young man comes out of ritual confinement, goes with others to a party with his neighbors; on the way back he catches a snake; sticks to it, it grows; people stick to it one by one; The snake reaches gigantic proportions, crawls down the river, eats the stuck ones; the rest say in the village that it took them to heaven]: Münzel 1973:273-275.

Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamekra [a ball of cotton descends from the sky to the village square; people whistle to each other, gather, enter the cotton ball; it begins to rotate, takes them to the sky; before that, three ( var.: four) the brothers went hunting, telling their three sisters to go to the garden; the sisters heard a whistle, but did not return to the village; when they came with their brothers, they found only an old man who said that he would also come in in a cotton ball if she were young; the older sister invites the sisters to marry brothers, since there are no other men; they did so]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 20:50-52.

Chaco. Caduveo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 30 [three children always play late; a painted vessel with flowers in it comes down from the sky; children climb after them, the vessel begins to rise; the mother clings by the last boy's leg; the leg comes off; blood stains the sky, since then there is a red stripe on the horizon (at sunset); white birds come to swim in a pool of blood, take on color; Vulture does not withstands the heat, wipes himself off with coals, turns black], 31 [children play late, then lie down in the yard; the old man shouts to others that the beast (bird?) descended from heaven and takes children away, parents do not pay attention; children sing when they get up; the old man grabs the creature, sticks to it; parents grab the old man's leg, it comes off; they collect blood in vessel, birds are called to swim; Vulture cannot bear itching, falls out in burnt grass, turns black; other birds acquire colorful plumage]: 55-56, 57-58.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [the anaconda asks the boys to paint it; they climb it, she crawls into the lake with them; the man hears voices, sees the children in the water; they say they are happy with their new life, that fathers, but not mothers can come to the lake; one woman makes her penis out of wax, comes; penis melts in the sun, woman laughs; men turn into vultures, death becomes final]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 3:121-123.

The Southern Cone. Yagans: Wilbert 1977, No. 54 [Milvago chimango is rejected by a girl, she and the rest of the people at the camp laugh at him; they bring him sausages not with guanaco blood, but with their own, extracted from his nose; this food withers away; two women told Hawk what they were feeding him; he asks them to paint it, returns to his parents' camp; on the way he makes fires; his mother does not believe at first that her son has finally returned; his shaman father dreams of a dead whale; pieces of whale meat eaten rush to the carcass, dragging people with him; people stick to the whale, which comes to life and swims away in sea; people become parasites on the whale's skin; only two women who felt sorry for the shaman's son are left on the shore], 55 [a son-in-law, a man married to two daughters, mimics him in the morning, responding to "good morning" "crooked morning"; the youngest daughter tells her father about this; he incarnates in a dream as a dead whale (more precisely, a big dolphin); the son-in-law finds a whale, brings home meat, it grows, he has to leave parts of the meat along the way; in the morning everyone goes to slaughter the whale; the shaman's little grandson climbs onto the carcass, his grandfather from the inside of the whale tells him not to cut deep, the boy is frightened and returns to the shore; the rest When they return to the camp, they perform a ritual to mark the death of the shaman (they think he is dead); the whale meat they eat pulls them back, the shaman leaves the whale, it comes to life and swims away; the whale's dorsal fin (i.e. dolphin) is a son-in-law; the shaman's family ate for a long time the pieces of meat that the son-in-law left along the way]: 159-162, 163-165.