Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L36. A woman attacks when a man is in a tree.


The moment a husband climbs a tree or descends from a tree, the wife (or her brother) kills, maims him, or becomes a demon stalking him.

Wappo, Maidu, Embera, Yanomam, Warrau, Carinha na Orinoco, Tamanak, Akawai or Carinha Guiana, Arekuna, Taulipan, Palicur, Chamakoco, Tereno, Chorote, Nivakle, Sanapana, Maca, matako, toba. mokowi.

California. Wappo [The deer husband and the bear wife go for acorns; the deer climbs the oak tree, the bear eats the acorns that have been thrown; the deer asks what they will bring home then; the bear says he is hers insults, demands that he cry, devours him, hides his head in a basket under clover, brings him home; says that her husband was killed by enemies; his reindeer sister mourns; brings deer to his children (this is the eldest and younger brothers) clover; The bear tells her to take her to the place where the clover grows; Olenikha predicts the children that the Bear will kill her (the murder itself is not described); Deer are placed in different places charcoal stirring sticks, run away; sticks are responsible for them; Gopher woman says that the children have run away; children ask the Crane to stretch his neck like a bridge, cross the river; when the Bear runs up, the Crane cleans his neck; brothers spend the night at the Crane's steam room; the youngest sees the light, goes to the world of the dead, where their mother is; they go to suck her breasts, die, are cremated]: Radin 1924, No. 8:47-49; Maidu [y the girls are the first period; she does not go to the hut, but goes with her husband for cones; he climbs a pine tree, sheds her bumps; to find out if they are mature, she splits the cone with a stone, hits her finger she licks the blood; she likes the taste, she devours herself from foot to waist; the husband jumps quietly to the ground, leaving his voice responsible for it, runs away; the girl hits the pine tree with thunder, then catches up with her husband, strikes thunder again; the husband is thrown into the air, he falls dead; both rise to the sky, turn into thunder; when Mosquitoes bring blood to the Thunder woman, they say they extracted it from oaks; so a thunder woman hits trees, otherwise she would kill people]: Curtis 1976 (14): 176.

The Northern Andes. Ambera [husband climbs a tree for fruit; wife sees his genitals from below, starts laughing; takes off his head, holding it in her hands, takes out the lice; the husband begins to throw the fruit away to get down in time; runs away; people clean the stairs after him, preventing the pursuer from entering the house; they lure her to the rock, remove the stairs; the woman dies]: Pinto García 1978:265-266.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [at her first period, Teremë's mother tells her to keep her hands clenched; she keeps them open, her hand turns into a sharp claw; she sharpens it; kills her sister's child, when she and her husband climb a tree for fruit; her sister runs away; the husband hesitates to get down; when he gets off, T. kills him, drinks blood, brings pieces of meat in the basket under the guise of meat to bakers; people find out human; they arrange a holiday, throw T. into the fire, it burns]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 251:470-472.

Guiana. Warrau [Roth 1915, No. 210:263-265; Nohi-abassi climbs a tree to watch for animals going to the watering hole; the cannibal Nahokoboni comes; takes two fish out of the river, eats one immediately, puts the other in a basket; she has a calebass on her head, which she throws into the water from time to time, forcing her to spin; next time, NA's younger brother asks for permission to climb the tree and him; the cannibal sees his reflection, catches it in the water; her movements make her younger brother laugh; the cannibal sends ants, the brothers have to go down; she kills the youngest, brings the elder home; he her two daughters like her, the youngest becomes his wife; she hides a crocodile or shark under the boat, who ate her mother; the couple is running, the eldest daughter sharpens a knife, chases; they climb a tree, the pursuer manages to cut off ON her leg; the leg turns into the spirit of the Maam bird (Tinamu sp.) and the Orion Belt; the wife into the Pleiades, the NA into the Hyades]: Wilbert 1970, No. 188:431-433; carinha in Orinoco [ two hunting brothers hide in a tree above the pond from the cannibal Tarunmio; she grimacing, one of the brothers laughs; T. causes the wind to break the branches; one brother falls in a seed, T. eats it; the other is a frog, T. brings him home; her daughter takes him as her husband; he creates piranhas by throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to devour fish, they devour it themselves; the head remains, it rises in the sky turns into the Morning Star; the wife avenges the mother; the husband tells objects in the house not to chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and the wife catch up with him; the baby in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb a tree to get a flower, at which time he cuts off his leg; he turns into Orion's Belt ("Someone Without Legs"); the woman turns into voletolo]: Civrieux 1974:87-89; tamanak [ the wife cuts off her husband's leg, he turns into the Pleiades (Ursa Major?)] : Lehmann-Nitsche 1925a: 103-104; Akawai or Guyanese Cariña [Wawaya (wawa means sister or wife) takes Tapir as a lover; he promises to take her there where heaven meets earth; her husband Serikoai (sirikio means star) climbs a tree for fruit; when he begins to descend, she cuts off his leg with an ax; his mother cares him; he walks east on crutches in the footsteps of lovers; kills Tapir with an arrow, cuts off his head; V. and Tapir's spirit run to heaven, S. after them; V. turns into the Pleiades, Tapir's head into Hyades (Aldebaran - eye), S. in Orion]: Brett 1880:191-200; Roth 1915, No. 211:265-266; arecuna [mother-in-law feeds Jilijoaíb fish, sitting on a calebasa and pulling fish out of her womb; J., a shaman, learns about this she scatters sharp flints covered with leaves on the shore, her mother-in-law stumbles, the flints devour her, jumps into the water, turns into piranha; her chopped liver turns into an aquatic plant with red leaves ( the heart is the heart-shaped seeds of this plant); the hero kills his mother-in-law, who feeds him fish from her womb; his wife asked J. to make a sword out of palm wood, cuts off his leg when he climbed a tree; the bird informs brother J. (Does J. turn into the Pleiades?)] : Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 19:60-61; taulipan [unfaithful wife cuts off her husband's leg, he turns into Pleiades]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 18:55-57; palicur [wife and her brother exhibit tied husband for the night under mosquito bites; husband kills his wife, roasts, gives her liver to his brother; when he finds out what he ate, the brother cuts off her husband's shin when he climbs a tree; the husband shoots into the sky, climbs into the sky a chain of arrows, turns into Orion]: Nimuendaju 1926:90.

Chaco. See L20A motif. Chamakoko; tereno; chorote; nivakle, No. 171; sanapana; maka; matako; toba; mokowi; chorote [husband climbed for honey]: Wilbert , Simoneau 1985, No. 63:114-115; mokowi [the old woman calls her husband to go for honey; kills, cuts to pieces, brings meat home; grandchildren find their grandfather's head in the bag; the victim's brothers tied her to horses, torn]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 201:246-247.