L37A. Find out the causes of misfortunes, Th H1291, ATU 460A.
(.11.) .13.-.17.21.-.38.
On the way to a powerful being, a person meets characters who ask him to ask him questions on their behalf (usually to find out the reason for their misfortunes).
(Luba?) , Sudanese Arabs, Kabilas, Berbers and Arabs from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Portuguese, Spanish, (Basques), Catalans, Italians (Tuscany, Campania), Sardinians, Ladins, French, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Grimms, Swabia) , Tyrol), Irish, Arabs of Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Mehri, Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, Lavrung, Toto, Kachins, Viets, Monks, Nepali, Pakistan, Himachali Pahari, India (Hindi), Muria, Baiga, Binjwar, Bhuya, Bengalis, Chenchu, Tamils, Java, Iban Islands, Kai Islands, Bukidnon, Chinese (Zhejiang, Guangdong; possibly other provinces), Chuan Miao, Koreans, Hungarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Romanians, Albanians, Greeks, Gagauz people, Slovenes, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Luzhitans, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver, Tula, Voronezh), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Verkhovyna, Pokutye, Chernigov, Kharkiv), Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Adygs, Abazins, Karachays, Ossetians, Ingush, Kumyks, Lezgins, Rutultsy, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Pamirs, Bukhara Arabs, Pashtuns, Baluchis, Turkmens, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Faroese, Icelanders, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Karelians, Livonians, Lutsis, Setus, Western and Eastern Sami, Veps, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurts, Komi, Kazakhs (Western Kazakhstan, Xinjiang), Kyrgyz, Dungans, Buryats, Oirats (Durbuts), Khalkha Mongols, Dagurs, Mansi, Ilimpic Evenks, Nanais, Japanese (North Ryukyu and South Kyushu).
(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba (?) [the text is unique to Sub-Saharan Africa and contains motives most likely borrowed from missionaries (whether a person will go to heaven or hell); the exact origin of the text is also unknown; two other references to Lambrecht 1963 (Nos. 3332 and 3762) have nothing to do with the plot: one of the animals goes to the deity to find out the name of a particular plant, and forgets the answer on the way back); accordingly, links to Lambrecht 1963 in Uther 2004 and El-Shamy 2004 are illegal]: Lambrecht 1963, No. 4175:297-298).
Sudan - East Africa. Sudanese Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 461A: 232-233; (cf. Malgashi: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A: 270; Uther refers to Hambruch 1922, No. 30, but it reprints the Dayak text from Hose 1912:144-147; Haring 1982's Malgash Index does not contain this story).
North Africa. Kabila: Dermenghem 1945 [the poor man goes to ask God where his happiness went; stays in the robber's house; he asks God if he will be forgiven - he killed 99 people, but let go and feed this poor man; the hermit in the cave, who has taken the best portion of food and the worst to the guest, asks him to know what place in paradise awaits him; a naked man in the sands: if God has more misfortunes, let him send him; the angel gives God questions, receives answers; the robber will be forgiven; the hermit's merits mean nothing; the man in the sands will get what he asks - the wind has carried away the sand and he does not there was something to hide; the poor man himself came back and was happy]: 95-99; Frobenius 1921b, No. 53 [like Dermenghem]: 272-274; Berbers and Arabs (?) Morocco, Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 460A, 460B, 461A: 229-230, 232-233; Tunisia: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 3 [The emir had a daughter and called a stargazer to predict it fate. He said that she would marry a poor man who was born with her on the same day, looked like her, and he lives near the palace. The Emir was upset, found it, bought it from his parents, put it in a chest and sent it to sail along the river. He was found by a farmer and his wife and raised as his own son. The Emir found it again and decided to get rid of it. He sent him to the palace and sent him a letter. When the young man stayed in the same house and fell asleep, the owner opened the letter and read: "Hang him as soon as he comes to you." The owner wrote: "Welcome him warmly." He was allowed into the palace, and the emir was already there. He decided to get rid of the young man for the third time. I sent him to get three hairs from Gulya's head, then he marries his daughter, otherwise he dies. He met a carrier across the river. Why did the boat sail slowly? Garden owner. Why did apples get bitter? A well. Why did the water disappear from it? The old woman ripped her hair out and found out the answers. The boat is a mermaid, you must sacrifice a bird on the river bank (!). Apples are tree roots. You should spray them with incense (frankincense). The well was filled with locusts. The young man did everything, he was rewarded, and he returned to the emir with three hair. He told him everything that had happened to him, and the emir decided to marry him to his daughter because this young man was the bravest and most worthy. "Bravery and high moral character are better than position and wealth!"] , 45 [the poor brother went to seek his Lord to find out why he was poor. On the way, he was asked by a woman to find out why she should not marry her 7 daughters; a palm tree on which not a single date grew; a man with a sparrow in a cage - why he was rich and did not know how to spend your money; the sea, why there are no fish in it. The poor man met an old man, who advised him to continue searching for the Lord, but the poor man replied that he needed to give an answer to a woman, a palm tree, a rich man and the sea, and he had forgotten about his need. The old man said that fish would appear in the sea when it swallowed a man who would come to him soon; a rich man should spend money on good deeds, such as giving alms or helping those who goes on Hajj; a woman must dig 7 gold bars under the threshold of her house, then her daughters will marry. The poor guy told me everything. The rich man gave him a golden sparrow, a palm tree a jug of pearls and precious stones, and an old woman gave him 7 gold bars. The older rich brother found out, also went on a journey, and on the way he found out that all three petitioners had found what they wanted; when he reached the sea, he talked to him, he swallowed it] to Korovkina MS.
Southern Europe. Portuguese: Braga 2002 (Algarve) [a wealthy merchant hired a soldier; he wanted to marry one of his daughters; the merchant made it a condition to go to hell, bring three curls of devil; on the way, one king asks the hell to know where the ring he lost is; the second is how to cure his daughter; at the fork, soldiers walk along the road where there are traces of people (on the other there are traces of sheep); the hermit gives three beads; they must be thrown at a carrier across a dark river; in hell, a mother hides a devil in a young man; when the hell falls asleep, his mother pulls out a bundle of hair from him, she wakes up, she explains that she had a dream about the king who lost his ring; hell: it's in the garden under a stone slab; next time: under the bed of a sick princess, a toad; on the way back, the bird gives beads to throw at the carrier; kings are rewarded for their help (the ring is found, the princess has recovered); the young man married the merchant's daughter]: 237-241; Cardigos 2006, No. 461 [the poor boy is destined to marry a princess; the king sends him to get three rings of the devil, or giant golden hairs, or valuables to pay for the bride; people you meet ask to know where the king's lost ring is, how to cure a sick princess, why a tree or spring has dried up, when the carrier across the river will be able to get rid of his job; the mother (grandmother, wife) of the devil or giant helps the young man get rings or hairs and find answers to questions; he tells those who asked them to marry princess; the greedy king wants to repeat everything, goes the same way; the transporter, as the young man taught him, gives oars to the king and he is forced to take his place forever]: 109-110; Catalans [king promises to give her daughter to whoever pulls three hairs out of the devil's beard; on the way he hears people complaining about the devil: he dried the lake of wine, ruined an apple tree with golden apples, put the princess to sleep, and she did not wakes up, etc.; the devil's wife helps the young man, he turns into an ant, pulls out hairs and hears the devil explain what needs to be done to solve problems; the young man corrects everything that the devil ruined, gets the princess]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 461:101-102; Italians: Basile 2018 (Naples) [seven brothers announce to the mother that if she gives birth to a boy instead of a girl this time, they they will leave; they wait on the hill for a symbol: if there is a son, the mother must throw an inkwell and a pen through the window, and if the daughter, a spoon and a spindle; the mother made a mistake; the brothers went to the forest and began to live in the house of a blind orc; for this, they served as his guide one by one; Chianna grew up and went looking for brothers; found and stayed with them; they warned him to give a share of any food to a cat; one day C. ate a bean without sharing it with a cat; she jumped on the fire, extinguishing it; C. went to the orc to get the fire; he began to sharpen his fangs because he hated women; C. locked herself in her room; the brothers promised to take him to the woman through the back door, pushed him into they buried a hole; they told my sister not to tear the grass where the orc was buried, otherwise they would turn into pigeons; one day a wanderer came in, injured by a cone that fell from a tree; C. chewed on the spot the orc's graves are rosemary, made a patch; the brothers turned into pigeons; said that only the Mother of Time knows how to restore their human appearance; the whale directs them to the upper reaches of the river and asks them to know what they need do it so that it does not hit the rocks; mouse: how to get rid of cats; ant: what should be done to make them ants live longer; old oak: how to regain honor (acorns used to be people's food, but now only pigs); C. met an old man she had healed; he carried Time rent from the field; he says that on top of the mountain, in the ruins of surrender, the mother of Time is sitting; her eyelids are so heavy that she cannot afford them lift; we must tear out the watch weights; for if the old woman calls her son, he will eat what has come, but if there are no weights in the watch, he will not be able to leave; C. promises the mother of Time not to give her away; hides, and the old woman asks her son questions; there is a treasure under the roots of the oak tree; a bell must be tied to the cat's paws; ants will live up to a hundred years if they give up the ability to fly; a whale (valena, j.r.) must be nice face and make friends with a sea mouse (mr. - some fish); pigeon brothers must make a nest at the top of the column of wealth; pigeons sat on the bull's horns, became young men (allusion to a cornucopia); brothers they dug a treasure from under the oak tree; they were attacked by robbers, took their money and tied them to trees; but the mouse gnawed through the fetters, and the ant showed the dungeon where the robbers took the treasures; the whale took the brothers and C. to their parents]: 426-439; Calvino 1980, No. 57 (Tuscany) [the sick king is told that he will be cured by an ogre's pen; one of the courtiers goes for the pen; the owner of the inn asks to bring the pen to him too; the ferryman asks for how long he will be at this job and also wants a pen; two well-dressed men at a dried spring ask them to bring a pen; the monk gives a candle to shine in the cave and advises come there at noon when the ogre is away; the ogre's wife promises to get feathers, hides the young man under the bed and intends to run with him; the woman pretends to be sleeping, pulls out her pen every time and speaks the cannibal that she dreamed of this and that; the monks must begin to do good deeds; then the devil that has come to them will be found and they will stop quarreling; the cannibal who returned began to sniff out the young man, but not I found it; you have to get a snake from under the spring, the water will flow again; the ferryman must jump out before his passenger, he will take his place; the owner of the inn misses his daughter - she is the ogre's wife; the young man settled everything, married the daughter of the inn owner, the king recovered; the cannibal rushed after him and remained working as a ferryman]: 185-188; Spaniards (Ciudad Real; also Castilla, Extremadura, Murcia) [when her husband went to war, the wife gave birth to three boys, and her two sisters sent a black man to throw the babies into the river; but the old woman asked to give them to her; the dog ran to the palace and took them away for the boys the best pieces; the sisters poisoned the food; the old woman put the dead boys and the dog in the troughs and went to Madre del Aire for a way to revive them; on the way, the river asks to know why it dried up; dove - why can't it fly; granao {pomegranate tree?} - why does it not bear fruit; Mother of the Wind hid the old woman; The wind senses the man, but his mother asks questions and he answers; there is gold in the tree trunk; there is a chain on the dove's foot; the river must swallow the old woman; The mother of the Wind begins to comb her son using different strokes; each one remains a hair; the tree has given gold, began to bear fruit, the dove flew up; the woman says about the old woman to the river crossing to the other side; the river began to fill with water, but the old lady ran away]: Camarena, Chevallier 1995, No. 461:332-336; Sardinians: Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 460A: 108; Ladins: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, Uffer 1973, No. 64 [Everyone tells the lumberjack that God will reward him for his work; he decided to go to God and get what he promised; the priest asks him to know how many masses God pleases he has served in life; the monks tell me why there are quarrels in their monastery; God crucified on the cross: let the priest see how many roses he has in his garden - so many masses; there is a sorcerer among the monks; there is a sorcerer among the monks; the woodcutter will receive reward when he returns; only one rose bloomed in the garden-only the first mass a priest ever celebrated liked God; the monks expelled the sorcerer and generously rewarded the lumberjack]: 324-325; [= Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 7:35-37; the priest says that the giver will be rewarded handsomely; the poor man told his wife about this, they gave the poor a handkerchief she had woven; without waiting for the reward, a man went to God; on the way, the garden owner asks to know why his tree no longer bears fruit; a woman, why God took their only daughter; the abbot: why his brethren are unhappy; God answers who comes that he does not have to worry about paying for a handkerchief; the garden owner must get rid of the evil dog that does not let the poor go there and give alms; God took the woman's daughter because she him; one of the monks is a sorcerer, he must be driven away; everyone to whom man conveyed God's words gave him a gift, as a result, the poor man received his retribution]: 265-267; (cf. Basques [the girl was stolen by a bear, she gave birth to a son; he pushed back the rock that blocked the entrance to the cave, killed the bear into the village; he is too strong; asks him to make a hammer, breaks him; the other, heavier, is good; goes wandering; meets and companions a man who supports a rock so as not to fall on a church; leveling mountains; they see a gap in the ground; one is lowered, he tells him to lift him back; then Juan Oso (Juan Bear, XO), breaks the door at the bottom, the princess is behind her; she tells you to choose a rusty sword if the devil offers a choice; XO takes a rusty one, cuts off the devil's ear; the companions are gone, there is no rope; XO bites his ear the devil appears, understands them to the ground; HO forgot his hammer below, the devil brings them; they come to the princess's village; she says she is cursed because she dropped the icon (? habiendo recibido al Señor y llevado en la boca del portico de la iglesia, lo lancé fuera); HO says that there is a toad under the portico stone, abandoned in her mouth; the princess got it, went beyond XO]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 29:108-112).
Western Europe. The Irish [the daughter of a rich man is seriously ill; a witch doctor says she will be cured by three feathers torn from the griffin's tail; a poor boy goes to get them; on the way, another man asks to know why his daughter unconscious; another - where did the key to his chest of money go; the carrier - why he can't leave the boat and when the shift comes; the griffin's wife hides the guy in the closet; when the griffin arrives and lies down sleep, she pulls out three feathers successively, each time asking one of the questions; the girl is unconscious because a lock of her hair has fallen into the swallow's nest; the key fell into a gap in the floor; the carrier must give the oars to another person; after receiving feathers, the young man explains to the carrier what to do after he is on the shore; receives money from the owner of the chest; teaches how to revive that girl; treats a rich man's daughter, marries her]: Danaher 1967, No. 37:119-12; Germans [the king drove through the village; he was told that the son of a poor woman was born in a shirt and was predicted to marry royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given to him; he put the child in the casket, threw it into the river; the miller caught the casket, raised the boy; 14 years later, the king visited the mill and found out that the boy was the foundling, understood who it was; asked to send the young man with a letter to the Queen; in the letter, an order to kill the applicant before the king returned; the young man spent the night with the old woman in a brothel of robbers; the chieftain read the letter replaced the order to marry the giver to the royal daughter; wedding; when the king returned, he demanded that his son-in-law bring three golden hairs from hell from the devil's head; on the way, the young man is asked to know why he dried up a fountain of wine in the city square; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples and even the leaves have fallen; on the river, the carrier asks when it will be replaced; the grandmother turned the young man into an ant, hid it in skirt; the devil falls asleep with his head on his grandmother's lap; she pulls out his golden hair three times, each time says that she dreamed of this and that (about a fountain, an apple tree, a carrier), the hell answers; under the fountain stone there is a toad; the roots of an apple tree are gnawed by a mouse; let the carrier give the pole to another; the young man gives news to the carrier only when he is on the other side; receives gold from the owners of the fountain and apple tree; tells his father-in-law that he collected gold on the river; the king went himself, the carrier gave him the pole, the king remained as a carrier]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 29:100-107 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:95-100); Germans [the royal daughter will recover if she eats an apple; the peasant's eldest son carries the apples; the man asks what he is carrying, the guy replies that they are frogs; when the basket is opened, there are frogs in it, the boy driven away; the same with the middle son (pork stubble); younger Hans and the little man are polite, the princess has recovered from the apples he brought; but the king requires 9 boats to walk on water and on land; the eldest and the middle brothers make boats, answer the little man that they are carrying wooden dishes; G. is polite again, sails to the palace in one of the boats; the king demands that a hundred rabbits be herded without loss; the little man gives a horn, to the sound of which they resort; the princess sends the maid - let G. give the hare urgently; G. demands that the princess herself come; she comes, gets the hare, he runs back to G.; the king demands griffin pen; on the way, the owner of one castle asks to know where he lost the key to the money chest; the inhabitants of another - how to cure the owner's daughter; the man by the river - how many more people he can carry to on the other side; the griffin's wife tells G. to hide, at night G. pulled out his pen; the griffin's wife says that the Christian really came in and told all sorts of nonsense; then asks questions and the griffin answers them; the key is under the threshold outside the door; the toad in the cellar made a nest out of the girl's hair; the man by the river must throw off the one he is carrying; G. took out the toad, found the key; seeing that G. was rich, the king himself walked along it in the footsteps; a man threw him into the river, and G. married a princess]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 185:482-485 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:382-387); Germans (Swabia) [the count became angry with the young servant and sent him to his wife with a letter ordering him to kill the messenger; the innkeeper replaced him with an order to marry the young man to their daughter; she was happy; when he returned, the count ordered the young man to bring a feather from the tail of an ostrich bird, believing that she it will be torn apart; the Countess asks to know where her ring is; on the way, the villagers ask to know why there is no water in the well; the ferryman asks how long it takes him to transport people across the river; the ostrich bird has an old woman hid the young man behind the bed; asks the ostrich to answer questions; the Countess's ring is under the threshold; the frog has closed the spring, we must pull it out, then the water in the well will appear; the ferryman must push the passenger into water and tell him to take his place; the old woman makes a promise from the ostrich, he has to give his pen; when he jumps out of the boat to the shore, the young man tells the ferryman what to do; the peasants take out a frog and they gave the young man money; at home, the young man indicates where the ring is, and the count is told that the ostrich bird is waiting for him to visit and gave him a golden pen; the ferryman left the count in his place, and the young man became the count]: Meier 1852, No. 79: 273-279; Germans (Tyrol, Zillertal) [the rich owner has a beautiful daughter Lisa (Liese); the handsome and brave son of a poor lumberjack fell in love with her, she agrees; her father demanded three gold dragon feather; on the way, a man asks the dragon to know how to cure his daughter; people gathered at the apple tree - why it no longer has golden apples; a fisherman - how many more people he needs to transport across the river; wife the dragon promises to help, hides the young man under the bed; the wife pulls the dragon's pen three times and, when he wakes up, asks questions: as if she dreamed it; dragon: you have to get the patient from under the bed a wafer hidden there; pull out a snake from under the roots of the apple tree; the carrier must leave his shuttle first to sit in it and run; after crossing, the young man shouted to the fisherman what to do; received gold and silver from apple tree owners and the father of a recovered girl; the young man married Lisa]: Zingerle, Zingerle 1980:71-74; the French [{very similar to the German version of the Grimms}; the king drove through the village; he was told that the newborn son of a lumberjack was predicted to marry the royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given him, gave him gold; he wrapped the child in a cloak and left it on the river bank; 16 years later, the king visited those places and realized that the peasant's adopted son was that boy; sent the young man to his wife, asking him to kill the bearer; the young man spent the night with the robbers, they they replaced the letter with an order to marry the young man to the king's daughter; when he returns, the king tells his son-in-law to bring three golden ecus features; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the fountain of wine in the city square has dried up; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples; on the river, the carrier asks when he will be replaced; the devil turns the young man into a cricket; the hell falls asleep, the devil takes his ecu three times, he wakes up every time the devil says that she dreamed of this and that (about a fountain, an apple tree, a carrier), the devil answers; under the fountain stone there is a toad; a rat gnaws on the roots of the apple tree; let the carrier give oars to another; the young man transfers news to the carrier only when he was on the other side; the king himself went to get gold ecus, the carrier gave him the oars, he remained working as a carrier]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 461:147-149; Germans (Swabia) [the king promises to pardon a person if he goes to the glass mountain dragon and finds out why the princess is sick and where the key to the treasury is; the ferryman asks for how long he still has transport travelers; the dragon's old wife hides the man behind the bed; wakes her husband three times a night, asking for an explanation of her dream, but in fact asking questions that a person should know the answers to; the dragon replies that the princess will recover when she marries; the king left the key to the treasury in seinem Sopha; the ferryman must let the passenger go ahead and leave him in the boat; the old woman gave the dragon feathers man: they will bring happiness; the princess married and recovered, the king found the key, rewarded the man, and the dragon feathers made him rich]: Meier 1862, No. 73:253-256; friezes, Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A, 460B, 461:269-272
Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [woman wonders in the sand: her daughter will marry her black servant; she refers him to Ayn al-Shams ("eye of the sun") to find out who her daughter should marry; servant along the way meets a shepherd (asks him how many more sheep he has to herd), a farmer (how long he will throw ripe and unripe ears into the water), fish (transports across the sea, but asks to know how long it takes for her still swim on the surface); Ayn al-Shams is responsible: he will marry you; the shepherd will herd sheep for the rest of time; the farmer is Death that reaps old and young; let the fish transport you back, then turn it over on her back, she will regurgitate a huge pearl, then she will be able to go into the depths; there will be two reservoirs on the sides of the road; after swimming in one, you will become fair-skinned, the other rich; former servant returned rich, handsome, got a woman's daughter; told his wife everything, but she asked others not to tell]: 172-174; Stevens 2006, No. 45 [a poor man whose wife lied to him and his children robbed him goes to the grave saint; on the way, Leo asks to know why he has a headache, fish why she can no longer swim in cold water, three brothers why their plot does not generate income, as their father promised them, although they they work hard for him; in a dream, the saint says that the brothers must dig up the treasure buried on the site, the fish must hit him on the head with a staff, the lion must eat the head of a fool; after that, the saint says that advice has already been given to the poor man himself; on the way back, the poor man refuses to take some of the treasure; after hitting the fish, he opens an abscess, a diamond falls out, the fish swims away; without taking it, the poor man throws it away into the water; a lion bites off a poor man's head]: 263-266; Yaremenko 1990, No. 22 [a rich woman wonders, finds out that a black servant is marrying her daughter; she sends a servant to the Sun to find out her daughter's fate; at the fork the elder says that the first road is called the road of regret, the second is the road to the secular world, and the third is the road of well-being; advises choosing the path of regret; walking along it, the servant sees an old man who mows yellow and green grass, and the mowed grass immediately blows away the wind; he asks the Sun to know how long it will take him to mow like this; another asks how long it will take him to climb the mountain and lower the empty car; fish at the bottom of the river - why can't she dive; she carries a servant across the river; on the other side, the servant faints; in a dream, the Sun tells him that he is the mistress's daughter's chosen one; what will turn white if dive into the river; that the grass is mowing Death, let him continue to work; that the old man with the wheelbarrow - Life, let him work too; there is a pearl in the fish's mouth; when the fish is transported to the other side, you have to hit it on the head take the pearl, the fish will sail away happily; that's what happened, the servant happily married the mistress's daughter]: 124-128; Palestinians, Arabs of Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia: El-Shamy 2004, No. 460A, 460B, 461A: 229-230, 232-233; Mehri [honest) and vicious (false) found a turban with money; the vicious one asked the righteous to go down to the well for water; took water and money, left; sitting in the well, the righteous heard two Ginny talking; one says that she has moved into the Sultan's daughter; to drive her out, you have to smoke donkey manure; the second: to get the treasure, you have to slaughter a cow and burn a wolfskin at this place; when Ginny left the rope, the man got out; the sultan promised his daughter to someone who would cure her; the man ordered to light donkey manure (the text breaks)]: Stroomer 1999, No. 68:178-179.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [grandson takes care of his grandfather; he endures to bask in the sun, he loses consciousness, the grandson goes to the mother of the Sun to find out why her son killed his grandfather; the shepherd asks to know what to do When the sheep's hair is so long that the sheep cannot walk; the young man meets the sheep, who carries him to the house of the Sun; the mother of the Sun feeds the young man, the Sun tells the shepherd to wash the sheep twice a year; Grandpa should be sprinkled with cold water, he will wake up; the shepherd is happy, grandfather woke up, lives on with his grandson]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:214-215; Mustang [sons of a king, minister, servant, beggar they leave home because the king and the minister wanted to get rid of the son of a beggar, who could have a bad influence on their sons; in one city, an elephant points to the prince when choosing a king, in another, at the minister's son; the servant's son marries the daughter of the elderly; the son of a beggar goes to look for Buddha; two spouses fight over an invisible hat, boys over a lash that carries any distance, children over a bag that gives, whatever you want; every time the son of a beggar invites the arguers to race, takes away objects; the elderly couple asks the Buddha why the corals they have in the morning disappear in the evening; the son of a beggar comes to Buddha; he pours sand into the bag of the poor's son, it turns into gold and silver; says that in his previous life, the couple was stingy - let them now give someone corals; the young man tells whip him to those spouses, they give him corals, he marries their daughter; wife and mother-in-law learn secrets, take magic objects, are transferred to another kingdom, where daughter marries king; son the beggar climbed into Garuda's nest, poured out the contents of one of the four eggs, climbed inside; Garuda, who arrived, sat on her eggs, her outer soul flew out in the form of a bee, the son of a beggar killed her, Garuda died, the son of a beggar brought three eggs, put them in warm sand, three chicks hatched; the chicks hatched, he fed one with bones, the other with meat, the third with bone marrow; tied the stone to the first, the bird flew, fell into the river; the same second; the brain-fed woman carried the beggar's son across the river, and then to the king's palace, which his ex-wife had married; on the way, the young man collected red and white flowers; threw it to the queen red, she died; under the guise of a llama, the son of a beggar said that three items should be given; after receiving them, he planted white flowers to the queen, she came to life, and he flew away; arranged the business of his three friends, stayed alive at the servant's son's house]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 46:255-264; lavrung [a poor old man goes to Buddha to find out why he is unhappy; a couple of birds can't fly off a tree, a deer can stand, a horse can't be with others; everyone asks to work for them; Buddha: gold must be dug from under the tree, buried by thieves; deer antlers must be removed from the antlers that fulfill the wish; the horse must find a master; the poor man takes a horse, takes off the deer's jewelry, digs up gold; realizes that he is now rich]: G.yu lha 2012:47-48; kachin [the sage predicts the peasant son to be king; the king throws the boy in the chest in the river, he is picked up; the king meets the young man, finds out, orders him to take the letter; it is ordered to kill the giver; on the way, the robbers replace the letter, the giver must marry the princess; the king tells his son-in-law 1) bring three golden hairs of the naga; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the spring has dried up, the golden tree does not bear fruit, how can a carrier across the river get rid of this work; an old woman (apparently nata's mother) pulls out golden hairs from a dormant nat, every time she says that in a dream she saw that the spring had dried up, etc.; nat replies that it is necessary to drive away the frog that sat on a stone near the spring, drive the rat out of the roots wood, the carrier must give the boat and paddle to another; the young man heard the answers when he became an ant; the greedy king himself goes for hairs, receives a boat and a paddle from the carrier]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 31:109-114; toto [Tendu's older brother is rich, Tawaye's younger brother is poor; the elder called people to work in the rice field, fed everyone, but his brother and wife are not; he has come to pull rice; voice: this is who spoils rice? it turned out that this was the luck of her older brother; said that the youngest's luck was three days away; on the way, the fish asked me to know why she could neither swim on the surface nor sink into the river; orange tree: why demons eat its fruits, but people cannot; king: why has he been unable to complete his house for many years; the old man replies that yes, he is good luck to Tawaya; Brother Tawaye burned down his house after he left; it is necessary moisten the ash with water, a new house will appear better than the previous one; there is a diamond necklace in the fish's belly; cut the fish's belly and take out the necklace, the fish will be able to swim; gold must be dug from under the orange tree, then people will be able to eat its fruits; let the king give off his daughter for you, then his house will be completed; Tavaye returned home with his wife, necklace and gold; revived his home; lived happily with his wife]: Majumdar 1991, No. 15:246-251.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta [a scientist who fails the exams and fails to marry complains to Heaven; on the way, the landlord asks to know why his daughter is dumb, the other why two oranges do not bear fruit, the fish carrying it across the river - how can it become a dragon; three celestials say that there is a gem stuck in the fish's teeth, a jug of gold under the oranges, the girl will remain silent as long as A learned husband will not speak to her; a scientist talks to her, the girl recovers, marries him, they have dug gold, a stone from a fish tooth helps her pass exams]: Nikulin 1990:39-41; monk [ a sick young man goes to an astrologer to find out the secret of healing; on the way, the banyan guardian asks why he cannot move to another tree; a snake crawl to another mountain; a crocodile (transports the young man through river) - cannot dive; the king's daughter asks for her horoscope (she was dumb, spoke for the first time, the king does not kill the young man, although he ordered to kill all strangers); the astrologer promises the young man that he will return home healthy and rich; the king must give his daughter to the one to whom she said the first word (i.e., a young man); the core must be removed from the crocodile's head; the snake guards the ruby, the banyan has a pot with gold; the young man married a princess, took out gold and ruby]: Zapadova 1977:184-188.
South Asia. Nepali: Aganina 1971 [the younger brother's field is without water; at night he waits for a girl who draws water to her older brother's field; she replies that she is the fate of the elder; the youngest goes to look for his own; on the way, the tree asks to know why its leaves are yellow from below, the merchant - why he can't complete the house, the fish - why it's cold in the water, the hot on land; falling asleep in a clearing , the younger brother wakes up at night, sees many girls, grabs one of them; she promises that there will be water in his field; says that the leaves are yellow with the shine of diamonds buried under the tree; the house is collapsing, when the merchant's daughter is debauchery; the fish is a pandit who hid his knowledge from everyone in his past life, let her share; the fish transports the young man across the river, gives him knowledge; the merchant marries him another daughter; under a tree, a young man finds diamonds; a fish becomes rich, that he rules to look for his own#]: 210-217; Sakya, Griffith 1980 [the six eldest sons of a wealthy merchant replied that they want to live him karma, and the youngest with his own; his father kicked him out; he spent the night under a tree, half of which was dry; the tree asks me why; brahmana: why does my body hurt and swell during the day, but not at night; rich woman: why does everything grow in the field but there is no grain; a hermit brahman: under a tree of treasures; a brahmana should share his knowledge; a rich woman should marry her daughter; a young man married this girl, a brahman He taught him everything; he dug treasures; this is how he found his karma]: 102-104; India (translated from Hindi) [the king awarded the old servant a gold bar; while he was swimming, the dog stole the bar; the old man decided to go punish God; a merchant asks to know why there has been no water in the pond for five years; a horse - why they haven't sat on it for 12 years; bhil complains that his five wives ran away because of his grumpy sister; god in the form of a fakir says that God was frightened and carried the ingot to the old man's house; the merchant must bury the ring at the bottom of the pond; let the old man sit on the horse himself, take it home; the old man must marry Bhila's sister, his wife will come back; that's how it happened]: Zograf 1964:293-295; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [a Muslim heard that for every coin given as alms, God will pay twice; every day a person gives one coin to the poor and saves another, but it turns out that what has been set aside has not increased - as much as he put, so much is there; a person goes to complain to God; the king asks to know why his kingdom prospers during the day and burns at night; a man and a woman in a dirty well ask that God either kill them or remove them from there; a dry tree: either revive it or cut it down; an angel gives it to God the man's questions and gives answers; the daughter of that king must marry; there are two great sinners in the well, we must throw a ball of clay there, she will fill the well and put a stone on top; under the roots of a tree a snake, there are two sapphires in its stomach; you have to let it smell the spine, it will regurgitate the sapphires, the tree will turn green; the king married his daughter to this man, the man brought sapphires and took it out of the well (which had previously been filled treasures with clay, as it was said]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 743:210-211; Muria (Bastar County, South Chhattisgarh) [a rich childless merchant decided to make friends with the poor man; gave him more and more rice, but he and his children ate everything quickly; then he gave a pumpkin filled with silver coins; the poor man did not know about it and gave it to the dancers who collected bribes during the holiday; the merchant said that God meant ( Vidata) took the data; the poor man went to look for V.; on the way, people ask V. and their questions; father and son plow in the forest: why don't ants eat clothes thrown on an anthill, and tigers - themselves; deceased: why his body has long since decayed, and his head is still alive and protruding from the grave; another dead man: the same, but his chest and right hand have also been preserved; blind raja and rani: will they see the light and why is the wall collapsing, which is being built to protect against wolves; V. meets halfway: I took your money because you are stupid; the tiger has already eaten those ploughmen, and the ants have destroyed their clothes; let the deceased tell me where he buried the money, or else his son is poor; the second dead is a magician, let him reveal his secrets; Raja and Rani must marry their daughter, then they will see the light and the wall will stand; the man married Raja's daughter, both dead They revealed secrets to him, he became rich; and that merchant went broke]: Elwin 1944, No. XI.I: 283-287; binjwar [the widow's son does nothing; she sends him to God to ask if he can ever earn money ; the young man leaves, turns to the hermit, to the rock - both are silent; to the elephant; he tells Bhagavan to ask; let the young man ask if the elephant will ever eat; shepherd: will he have clothes other than current rags; plowman gonda: the number of his oxen will increase or decrease; mango tree: will its fruits always fall and rot useless; in a dream B. responds to the spirit of a young man; you must live with your mother and work; if an elephant eats so much, it will not be able to walk; a shepherd grazes cattle on barren land, will lose his last clothes; a ploughman gonde torments animals with work, lose them; a mango tree is planted evil human, no good; young man went home]: Elwin 1944, No. XI.2:288-289; baiga [Raja awarded the old man a gold bar; while the old man was swimming, the dog took the gold away; the old man accused him of stealing Bhagavan, took an ax, went to kill him; Seth dug a pond, asking him to know why there was no water in it for five years; horse: why no one has been riding it for 12 years; the gonda had five wives, but they are gone, now with him only sister; B.: you will find gold in your yard; Seth must bury a ring in the pond; ride a horse and ride it to your house; take sister Gonda, then his wives will return; the old man married his sister gonda, found the gold left by the dog, everything is fine]: Elwin 1944, No. XI.3:289-289 (=1939:492); bhuya [the merchant has 6 married sons, and the seventh single only dances and beats the drum in front of the karam tree ; the brothers broke his drum, after which their father went broke; the young man goes to Bhagavan to ask him what to do; the old woman asks why the rice grinder hits her in the chest; the landowner: why the water in the pond dirty and wormy; garden owner: why his mango fruits are rotten; B. replied that Karam Raja was insulted by the merchant's sons; the old woman does not give rice to anyone, the pond owner does not allow others to use it, the owner mango does not give mangoes - let them not be stingy; the merchant handed everything over, the youngest son began to read the kurum tree again, wealth is back]: Elwin 1944:282-283; himachali plowmen [poor brother goes to find out why he is poor; the king asks why his palace under construction is collapsing; the turtle - why it is burning; the plum - why its fruits are bitter; fakir: the Raja must marry his daughter, the turtle - share his wisdom, a treasure is buried under a plum; the poor man dug the treasure, the turtle told him secrets, the king married him a daughter; he tells his rich brother that his fate was not always stay poor]: Dracott 1906:96-100; Natesa Sastri 1886 [Sundara wonders why, after his father's death, his mother feeds the poor even though she has nothing; the mother replies that helping the hungry is the highest virtue, and why, can only be explained by the god Ishvara; S. goes to look for him in the Himalayas; on the way, the hunter takes him to spend the night on his platform in a tree so that he will not be eaten by tigers; his wife is not going to shrink, the hunter lies down, falls at night, he is carried away by a tiger; his wife demands that S. return her husband; then the landowner asks to know why he cannot complete the reservoir; legless and armless the cripple asks to know what he is suffering for; the blind snake will see the light; the tree: why does it bear fruit all year, but neither birds nor animals come to eat its fruit; the deity answers; 1) why should be fed hungry, a baby who will be born to the king of one country will have to go there; to him with a question whether it is possible to bring the hunter back to life; 2) the reservoir builder must marry two daughters; 3) let the snake give the gem on its hood; 4) gold is buried under the tree; on the way back, S. received the gem, gold and the daughters of the landowner; the baby turned out to be the hunter who He was now born a prince for his hospitality, and his stingy wife, who died the next day, was born a pig; Sundara was presented with a palace where he lived with his mother and wives]: 231-241; himachali -plowmen [Bhinwa is a rich peasant and his brother Hinwa works for him for 4 dry cakes a day; B.: this is because your Destiny sleeps across the 7 seas; H. went to look for it; saw a snake crawling towards an eagle nest on a big tree; killed her; parent eagles flew in; a grateful eagle father agreed to take H. to his Destiny; before that, the Tree asks Destiny to know why its leaves are dry; upon arrival, H. woke up Destiny; the tree dries because a snake guards treasures under its roots: let him kill the snake and dig up treasures; upon learning this, H. returned to his land on an eagle; killed a snake, took treasures, a tree turned green; H. tamed and saddled a wild horse; found out that the princess was sick, cured her, got her as a wife; returned home with treasures and a wife; the brothers healed well]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 15:56-57; Bengalis [the king's daughter fell ill; healer: she must eat an orange; only one peasant grew an orange tree who brought it from afar; it should just bear the first fruit; the elder Jadu's son bore fruit; a man with a finger the size of a finger (Hüpf-auf-Meinen-daumen) asks what's in the basket; the young man replies that frogs; when he opens the basket in the palace, there are frogs in it; he was badly beaten; the same with Gostha's second brother (trichosanthes cucumerina, Schangenkürbis seeds in the basket); the younger fool Mānik is kind to the dwarf, replies that he brings oranges to the princess ; after eating an orange, the princess recovered; the king does not want to give her for the son of a peasant, comes up with new difficult assignments; 1) build a ship that moves on water and on land; I take an ax, answers the dwarf what the barrel makes; the barrel turned out; the same G. (it turned out to be a plough); M. is polite to a dwarf again, it turned out to be a peacock-shaped ship painted in appropriate colors; 2) Nāgapakshvara's dragon feather decorate the royal crown; the dragon lives far away in golden palace, easily swallows people; on the way, a rich man asks the dragon to know where the lost key to his iron chest is; another asks to know how his daughter can be cured; by the river a man who carries travelers on his shoulders, asks him to know how much more he must do this job without sleep or rest, which he has been doing all his life; the dragon's wife hides M. under the bed; the dragon I smelled a man, but believed his wife that there was no one; when he fell asleep, M. pulled the feather out of his tail; the wife tells the dragon that his feathers were just pinched; that a man came in asking for the key sick girl and carrier; dragon: the child put the key in the mattress; the toad bit off the girl's curl and sits in the corner of the house, she must be removed from her hole; the carrier must leave the one he carries in the water, and Let him go home himself; M. gave the carrier the words of the dragon after he was on the other side; as soon as the toad was found and the curl was taken away, the girl recovered; opening the chest, the owner gave M. gold; the king He gave his daughter for M., but envied the treasures he had brought from the dragon's land; he went there himself; the man by the river left him in the water and the king began to perform his duties]: Mode, Ray 1967:309-320; chenchu [two wives, both childless; the husband brings food, but it is not enough; maybe he eats the pot? I watched the cooking: everything seems to be right, but there is not enough food; decided to go to Bhagavantaru to ask; on the way I met my husband and wife; the wife is angry and greedy, and the husband shared bread; all three climbed for the night on a tree; husband fell asleep and fell, 7 tigers ate him; wife to man: it's your fault; man: how? Raja's daughter does not come to marry, her tears fill the pond, the Raja has to repair the dam every day; he asks the man to ask B. why the dam is constantly collapsing; in another village they ask why does the buffalo born not eat or drink; the old 12-headed snake: my head hurts immensely; let B. either heal me or take me home; she has a treasure and a ring that will take me where I need it; B. prepared to meet a man; he passed by, B. called out to him, named himself; in different rooms of B.'s house, the man saw 1) dead relatives; 2) still unborn; 3) evil spirits; B.: fallen from a tree will be born in your village; change into a midwife, sprinkle the baby with water, you will help each other, there will be plenty of food; let the snake give away the treasures and the ring, then die immediately; the owner's two wives the buffalo is constantly arguing, let them stop, the calf start eating and drinking; let the Raja's daughter marry, the dam will stop collapsing; the man received the snake's treasures and the ring, married the Raja's daughter, he gave him a lot of cattle; two wives stopped quarreling, the calf began to eat and drink; the man gave birth, the baby talked to him; the reborn wife of the man who fell from the tree repented, the man took her too, happy with three wives]: Fürer-Haimendorf 1943:212-216.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [half man (vertically) goes to the Sun to ask him to give him a full body; the Sun replies that the cloud is more powerful than him, let him turn to it; the cloud sends him to the wind, that to grief, to the porcupine that digs a hole, to the dog that the porcupine fears, to the man the dog is afraid of; the man says that it is necessary to ask the Lord; the half meets Haji, who has been sitting on stone and rubbed it; he asks to know where in paradise is prepared for him and how many gurias he is entitled to; meets a penitent robber, who asks him to know what place hell has in store for him; a man who cuts bamboo senselessly, he drives Half away; Half wants to pick pomegranates, but all pomegranates vied with each other, Half cannot choose, leaves; two ponds are full, and between them dry, fish they jump from one extreme pond to another without noticing the dry one; the Lord shows a place in paradise prepared for the repentant, a place in hell for the Hajji; at the entrance, scissors that cut a person entering hell into pieces; two ponds - rich who do not notice the poor; chopping bamboo does useless work; grenades are people serving rulers; tells you to walk without looking around a long bridge; Half reaches the ground, finds a full body; tells the thief and Haji what the Lord showed him]: Kratz 1973, No. 9:57-66; ibanas (sea dayaks): Ling Roth 1896 (Sarawak) [=Bezemer 1904 : 226-229; the women went for edible bamboo, people sat on a log, it turned out to be a huge boa constrictor; the men killed it and began to fry it; then it rained, water flooded the ground; a woman escaped on the mountain and a dog; after the flood, the dog began to rub against the creeping plant; looking at her, the woman rubbed the plant with a piece of wood, made a fire drill, got fire; she became pregnant from a fire drill, gave birth to a son named Simpang-impang; he is half a man (vertically); he took rice from a rat, began to dry it, the wind blew it away; he went to look for the Wind; on the way, people ask to know why banana and sugarcane, if plant, have only one stem; the lake asks me to know why it does not have runoff; a tree on the mountain: ask the Wind to drive away the birds that have stuck to my top; the wind offers tests; 1) who will dive deeper (for S. the fish dived, won); 2) jump over the house (the swallow flew over); 3) crawl through the hole in the wind gun (the ant crawled); but the Wind still does not want to pay for rice; S. took a fire drill and set fire to Wind's house; then he agreed to pay; he had no money to pay, and instead made S. a fat man; in order for bananas and sugarcane to grow, marital relations must be respected, a ban talk to my wife's parents; the lake drain covers the gold, it must be removed; the wind helped the tree itself; everything is fine]: 226-229; Dunn 1906 [someone is ruining the rice field; people are hiding in ambush; at midnight with A huge boa constrictor descends in the sky; a brave man cuts off his head; cooks and eats his meat in the morning; then a downpour begins; some people escaped the flood in the hills]: 17; Hose 1912 [people in the forest took a boa constrictor by the log, they began to cut down the collected roots on it; realizing what was going on, they cut and cooked the boa constrictor; rain flooded the ground with a flood; a woman, a dog, a rat and other small animals escaped on the mountain; the vine rubbed against the trunk, heating it; the dog noticed this, the woman got fire; married a vine, gave birth to a half boy (vertically) Simpang Impang; he took the rat's grain, which promised that the rats would eat people's grain; The wind scattered the grains; SI went to look for the Wind; on the way, the tree, whose buds are constantly eating birds, ordered the Wind to knock it down (so as not to suffer); the Lake asked the Wind to removed the piece of gold that covered the water runoff; sugarcane and bananas asked them to have branches like trees; the wind offers competition; 1) dive (the bubble immediately surfaced, diving instead of SI the fish won); 2) jump (the swift took off instead of SI); 3) go through the wind gun (ant); The wind does not give up; then SI called his father Fire Drill, set fire to the Wind House; The Wind admits defeat, in compensation for grain makes SI a fat man; as for other requests, Wind promised to fix the matter; but he won't give branches because people violate customs]: 144-147 (=Hose, McDougall 1912:144-147); islands Kai [a woman dries beans and lentils; then it starts to rain and then the sun again; she tells God that he probably wants to split people in half; gives birth to a half-son; he asks his mother to give him a bow and arrows he goes to God; people he meets ask for questions about their problems; 1) one goes to get water all the time, does not have time for anything else; 2) the second waits for palm wine to pour out, it still does not pour; half stays at the Raja, God comes there, becomes whole, tells his mother not to blaspheme anymore; wine must be poured through a pipe, water must be carried in a vessel]: Barraud 2005:51-53.
Taiwan - Philippines. Juan Pikas ("The One-Sided") is a half-boy (vertically); went to God to see if he could become a normal person; along the way, a well-fed horse asks why he is tied for such a short rope; then a skinny horse: why am I skinny, although the rope I am tied to is long; the man at the crossroads feeds everyone who passes by; asks if he will be saved by doing it; another, whose house above the waterfall kills everyone passing by; asks if he can escape; God told Juan that he wanted to test him, and now gives him a full body; the first horse is righteous, the second is not; the distributor the food will be saved, the killer will not; when Juan told the person who distributed the food, he replied that, of course, he would; for his arrogance he is now doomed to death, and the murderer will be saved]: Demetrio 1972, No. 2: 8-10.
China - Korea. Riftin et al. 1977 [Eberhard refers to 20 variants in China]: 450-451; Chinese: Tishkov 1954 [Prince Lan Dan throws a gold ball, whoever finds will become a son-in-law; finds a shepherd, the prince demands bring three hair of the Sun; a shepherd walks, meets people who ask him to find out why 1) the fruits of a tree can no longer raise the dead; 2) the living water in the well has dried up; 3) no one has dried up for 60 years comes to change the carrier boatman; the mother of the Sun hides the young man in the chest; pulls her sleeping son through the hair three times; each time she says what she dreamed, asks for an answer; The sun explains what is under the tree a snake has settled, a frog has settled in the well, whoever takes the old man's oars will replace him; the young man says all this on the way back (after telling the old man, he runs away so that he does not give him an oar); the young man has been gifted, prince gave him his daughter; he went to the Sun himself, got oars, remained a boatman]: 32-35; Eberhard 1937, No. 125 (7-8 warants in Zhejiang, 2 to Guangdong, 2-3 not localized) [a man goes to heaven to ask Buddha important question; on the way, other people and animals ask for questions about their affairs; a person receives answers, but cannot ask his own question; by solving others' problems, he also solves his own; options for questions: neighbor - why the daughter is dumb; the dragon - why he can't go to heaven; the monk - why don't they visit the monastery; etc.]: 183-184; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:233 [the beggar goes to Ye Seo to find out why the rat ate his last rice; on the way, a hermit asks him to know why he has not become immortal in several centuries; YS tells the hermit to dig jugs of gold and silver from under his house, give them to the poor, then he will go up to heaven; the hermit gives jewelry to the beggar; he lives well], 237-238 [the man answers the poor sister that he will give his daughter for her son if the groom has gold and a beast with a horn, directed at the sky and red hair on his head; the old man advises the young man to go west; on the way, people ask to know 1) why their 9-year-old does not speak, the 9-year-old dog does not bite; 2) why the 9-year-old peach does not bear fruit, 3) the dragon asks why, after all the work and fasting, he still cannot rise to heaven; the answer is heard from the cloud; 1) the dragon's horns are too heavy, let him throw off one; 2) it is buried under the peach gold; 3) the boy's red hair must be pulled out of his head; the young man gets a horn, gold, red hair, gets a wife for them], 248-249 [the orphan goes to find out why the emperor's wife is sick; the eagle, then the dragon, then the goddess Kuanyin is asked why they cannot go to heaven; Ye Seo replies from the cloud that gold and silver must be dug from under G.'s feet, 5-6 pearls should be removed from the dragon's head, and leave one, take three bunches of immortality grass from the eagle's nest; the young man gets rich, heals the Empress, is appointed first minister]; Koreans [the poor young man goes to India to Buddha; on the way he enters the house, there a beautiful woman asks why her husbands are dying; the owner of another house asks why a pear does not bear fruit in the garden; a serpent is transported across the river, asking him to know why he cannot become a dragon; Buddha explains that a woman must marry the owner of the wishing-jewel treasure; a snake has two of them, let him give one, become a dragon; under the pear there is gold and silver; the young man receives treasure from the snake, part of the dug gold and silver, marries a beautiful woman, brings her to her parents]: Cho 2001, No. 95:168-170.
The Balkans. Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 14:278-292; Shustova 1994 [Queen Janko, against his father's will, goes to look for a bride, marries the Golden Flower; a faithful servant hears the conversation of crows (evil king will cut the bridge), pigeons (send an enchanted carriage), eagles (will send robes that will burn those who wear them); whoever tells will petrify; the servant does not allow crossing the bridge, cuts the carriage, tears the robes; houses , having learned what the servant has done, the old king tells him to hang him; the servant explains everything, he is stony; I go to seek Happiness and Good Luck to revive the servant; on the way, the miller asks to know why he is poor, three girls, why them they don't get married, the river, why there are no fish in it; Happiness and Luck tells me to revive a newborn son petrified with drops of blood, someone must drown in the river (I must cross first, then say so) , girls should not take revenge on garbage in the face of the Sun (i.e. when it has already risen), the miller should not be stingy, angry; a horse thief drowns in the river, girls get married, the miller is getting rich; the old king dies of fear , seeing how the servant came to life]: 158-168; Moldovans [boyar Marcu Rich had a feast; the poor old man was driven away; he spent the night in a poor house; the hostess hears someone asking him several times at night about the fate of another newborn; the third says that he will get all the MB's property; the woman reports this to the MB; he finds the house where the woman gave birth to her 13th child at this hour, convinces give him a newborn, throws him into the thickets; a childless farmhand picked him up; after learning about this, MB bought a baby, lowered him down the river in a barrel, he was picked up by workers in a cloth mill; MB asks who does such a good cloth, he was told a story about a foundling; MB sends a young man with a letter to his home, ordering him to burn the giver; the bee asks to drive the bear away, replaces the letter with an order in gratitude marry the applicant to his daughter; when he returns, MB sends his son-in-law to the next world for the ring of his deceased mother; on the way, a man sitting in the river and thirsty asks to know how long to suffer; from one barrel wine pours over the edge, the other is dissolved; in the ravine, pop asks for food, a snake comes out of their mouths; at the table, the hungry cannot carry food to their mouths, ask Beelzebub the Ancient how long they will suffer; soldier at the gates of hell asks him to know how long he should stand; the old woman hides the young man, asks Beelzebub; he promises to bring a ring; the thirsty was a cruel and greedy rich man, to suffer forever and ever; the same pop Kalach is a cruel and greedy profanity; kegs: there are poor and rich; hungry at the table should feed each other; the guards of hell will soon replace MB; the young man is back, MB went to check the limelight, became Hellguard]: Moldavian tales 1968:346-360; Albanians: Lambertz 1952 [a poor man saves a snake from the fire; she orders a wonderful fern to be planted in the yard, the poor man has become rich; a rich neighbor promises give half of her business if she guessed what kind of plants they were; didn't guess, I had to give it back; his wife told the wife of a poor ex-man that her husband was going to leave her; husband denies everything; next time his wife demands that the husband swear the name of the magic grass; when he recognizes him, he brags to the rich man's wife, she tells her husband; the snake advises to bet: if the sun rises from the west, the rich man will have to give all his property and leave; the snake sends the former poor man to the mother of the Sun; on the way, the pear asks to know why it does not bear fruit; the snake - why it can't crawl away; the water in the pond - why it is not flowing; the princess - why she is not getting married; the mother of the Sun promises that her son will rise from the west tomorrow; let the princess sweep the yard before sunrise; a man must drown in the pond; the snake must grab someone; from under the pear dig up a weight; a man gives advice (to the pond and the snake after going a distance), digs gold from under the pear; in the morning he leads the rich man to the snake, which grabs him, drags him into the pond; the former poor man comes to the princess becomes her husband; sent his former wife and rich man's wife to the pond, they drowned in running water]: 138-144; Pedersen 1898, No. 2 [translated to Serkov 1989:55-57; poor man goes to God to seek fate; Wolf asks to know why he is hungry, the fish why he is thirsty, the owner of the inn why the garden and melons do not bear fruit; the angel tells the poor man to go back, because his fate is already decided, the wolf must try human beings, you need to extract a gem from the fish, dig a treasure on melons; the poor man refuses to take half of the treasure, shakes a stone out of the fish, but does not take it, eaten by a wolf]: 9-10; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № *461A* [the poor man grows a tree out of snake bones, on which, instead of ordinary fruits, gold; the owner of the inn (merchant, moneylender, king of the Turks ) learns the secret of the tree from the poor man's unfaithful wife, makes a bet, gives the right answer to the question of what the tree grew from, gets all the loser's property; a person goes to the Sun to ask how he is will be able to recover what has been lost; on the way, an apple or pear tree is asked to know why it is barren or no one eats its fruits; a muddy or bloody river - why no one drinks its water; a girl - why no one drinks it marries; the Sun promises a man to rise from the west; let him bet with whoever deceived him and return everything; a treasure must be dug from under an apple tree or a pear tree; someone must drown in the river , then the water will be clean; the girl must get up early, wash herself, comb her hair and not take the garbage towards the sun; the person digs up and takes gold, wins the bet about the place of sunrise] 461A [A widow goes to the Sun to find out why her daughters can't marry; on the way, the river asks her to know why she has half water, half blood; the snake is why she is half in the ground; a tree (apple, pear), why does not bear fruit; with the help of the Mother of the Sun (who turns her into a broom and hides her behind the door), the widow learns the answers; her daughters must get up early, wash and comb their hair; the river will clear when drown a person; a snake will crawl out of the ground when it bites someone; a tree must kill someone; on the way back, the widow gives the answers to the Sun, her daughters marry], 613 [two brothers (brothers) they argue whether good is true or wrong; decide to ask the first person they meet who loses will take out the other's eyes; the devil meets in the form of a priest, an old man, etc., says that nothing is true in the next world not worth it; a crooked man takes out his brother's eyes, robs him; or one brother gives another food in exchange for his eyes; or a person is robbed and blinded by his companion (sister); at a spring, lake, etc. blind overhears the conversation of devils, animals or birds; learns secrets from it; 1) the water of the source restores vision, the blind sees the light; 2) heals the princess, marries her; 3) gets a treasure; 4) repairs the water mill; 5) brings water to a city suffering from water; 6) helps to complete the bridge that had previously collapsed; meets his brother (sister), tells him everything; he goes to the meeting point devils or animals, they find and kill them]: 162-164, 164, 223; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994:; Macedonians []: Tsenev 2004:35-36; Greeks [a person goes to ask Fate ( Chance), why he is poor; the fish transports him across the lake, asks him to know why her back hurts; the young king - why he is unlucky in the war; the plowman - why he does not harvest; Fate told to return, she will send three cases to get rich; cereals do not sprout because treasures are buried in the field; the king is actually a woman; the fish has a thorn in his back; the plowman asked the man to help dig up treasures, but he did not wait; refused to marry a woman to become king himself; saving the fish from the thorn, refused the offer to bring him treasures from the bottom; he lay down at home and waited for the promises of Fate riches]: Megas 1978, No. 46:143-148; Gagauz people [the widow king tells three sons to fire arrows where they fall, fate is there; the elders fell against the girls, the youngest to the turtle; he brings the turtle home, returning from hunting, finds food cooked; he hides, grabs the girl, throws away the turtle shell; the king father wants his daughter-in-law, tells his son to bring a wedding ring from the dead deceased mother; wife teaches to go to the sea, shout into a hole, her mother will come out, give the key to the earth's castles; he opens the land, walks, sees a fat herd in a dry meadow, a skinny herd in an abundant meadow; on the way, the sea asks the guy to ask God why there is no fish in him, the sea; a man is sitting by the water, black and white sheep are burning, coming out, everyone wants to extinguish the flame, they fight, and the person lights up again; asks to know why he burns; in the Sun Palace, the sun mother says that the ring is near the Sun will return and give; the Sun gives a ring, cries, because people in the city go for need secretly, but in the field openly; the guy goes back; the old man explains that obese cattle gave alms, and thin cattle did alms when they looked around; a burning man was one who judged righteously and the other unrighteously; the boy gave the ring to the king, he immediately died]: Moshkov 1904:39-41; Serbs [two brothers shared property; one became rich, the other became impoverished; one day the poor went to a rich man; next to the sheep he saw a beautiful woman spinning a golden thread; she said that she was his brother's share; when he returned from her brother, the poor man went on a journey and came across a sleeping old maiden; she called himself Dolya; he beat her, she disappeared, saying that she gave everyone his share Fate; the owner of the inn asks why his guests eat any supplies instantly; the poor man sees that the guests throw supplies behind the stove and they are drowned there by an old man and an old woman - parents who look like shadows owner; elsewhere, people ask them to know why their cattle do not breed; the river - why it has no offspring; the hermit shows the way to Destiny and tells her not to ask her anything, but to repeat everything after it she does; Fate sits in the palace at a golden table, then went to bed; the one who came did the same; at night, a voice: what were born? Fate throws gold coins; this is repeated at different times; gradually the palace turns into a hut, and scraps of rags are thrown to those born; then again the palace; Fate tells the poor man to take his daughter with him rich brother Maritsa, thanks to her good fortune, his own will also recover; the inn owner must feed his parents well, then the guests will not eat much; cattle will multiply if Saint's day to slaughter not the worst, but the best animals; the river must drown someone; the river followed, but the man ran away; teaches those who asked him; the brother agreed that Milica live with the impoverished; the impoverished man became rich; one day a passerby asked him whose wheat was; he replied: mine; the flame immediately burned the field; the man rushed after the passer-by: no, Milice! the fire went out, the man lived in contentment and happiness]: Karadzic in Wratislaw 1890, No. 44:231-238 (=Eschker 1992, No. 17:90-100); Romanians []: Bîrlea 1966:424-425; Bosnians, Croats , Slovenians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A, 460B, 461:269-272.
Central Europe. Ukrainians [Journey to God for a reward: the hero heard that God returns alms in ten; goes to God and receives the reward after learning the answers to the answers given by the people he meets road questions]: SUS 1979, No. 460:136; Western Ukrainians [the king is lost, spends the night in the attic of a coal miner, whose wife gives birth; hears angels predict that the boy should marry the king's daughter, who was born at the same hour; the coal miner's wife died during childbirth, the husband gave the baby to the king, who threw him into the river, caught him by a fisherman, called him the Swimmer; the king found out; the king gives P. a letter with ordering to kill the giver, orders him to take it to the Queen; on the way, the Mother of the Sun replaces the letter with an order to marry P. to their daughter; the king tells his son-in-law to bring three golden hair from Grandfather Vseved; on the way 1) people they ask to know why there is no water in the well, 2) the carrier - how long does he have to be a carrier, 3) people - why he will not give birth to an apple tree; the mother of the Sun hides P., her fiery son enters; she pulls out his three times hair when asking questions; it is necessary to remove the frog that has closed the water, the carrier must put another in its place, remove the stone from the root of the apple tree; the owners of the apple tree and the well give gold and silver, the carrier P . reports lime after he moved him; the king also goes to his grandfather Vseved hoping to get rich; the carrier throws him an oar, reserves it for himself]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:272-277; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky district) {the story, especially the second half, is confused and crumpled} [Rich Marco (hereinafter referred to as king, then Rich Marco again) tells the servants not to let anyone in: the Lord will come to him; unrecognized, the Lord has come , Peter and Paul; asked them to enter the kitchen; BM was angry with his daughter and she also spent the night in the kitchen; hears an angel fly in and asks the Lord what he would give the baby; Lord: BM property; BM went to the village where the baby was born, bought it, threw it into the snow and went home; the king picked it up, put it in a barrel and threw it into the water; the laundress picked it up; the king decided to take him; sent him with a letter to the queen, in it the order to kill the applicant; the counter asks to show the letter, the guy just took it out, and the words in it changed to an order to marry the giver; the king sent the boy to the snake; the birch, the army, the fish ask where he goes; the guy replies to find out who is richer in the world; everyone asks to remember him as well {specific requests are not mentioned}; the snake mother hides the guy under the pillows, says he is the richest BM; the snake has arrived, his mother asks about a birch tree; a snake: Ivan Ivanovich, Mark's rich son-in-law, will take her away; on the way back, the guy told the fish that she should lie down until the end of the world; took gold from the army; the steamer transported him; the guy tells him not to transport BM when he arrives; seeing how much his son-in-law brought, BM went to get the gold himself; the steamer did not transport it, he drowned]: Malinka 1902, No. 23:291-293; Western Ukrainians (Pokutye) []: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 93:455-460; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [The rich brother agrees to give the poor bread only if he allows him to poke out his eyes, the poor man agrees. A rich brother cuts off the poor's ears, arms, legs, gouges out his eyes, the poor man rolls and falls into a fox hole. At night, he hears Yuri (it is not clear who it is), who ran to hunt for foxes, predicts that any patient, including the royal daughter, will recover in the morning dew, calls the stone under which water flows (in a kingdom where there is no water). The poor man rolls through the dew in the morning, becomes the same, heals the princess, tells people what stone the water flows under. He is generously rewarded, he becomes richer than his brother, who asks him for bread, asks him to gouge out his eyes, cut off his ears, legs and arms, the former poor man gives bread for free, but his brother insists, asks to take him to that same fox hole. My brother fulfills the request. Cripple, a former rich brother, hears Yuri angry that he was overheard, "bald dog" points to a cripple, animals tear him apart]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 163:177-179; Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Lebedinsky's boomers, c. 1878) [Parents and son come to plow in the field, the boy is carried by an eagle to his nest. Three brothers living in the forest find a child, calls Trem Son Boris. The boy grows up, asks for a little horse and sets off. A shiny firebird feather is found in the forest, the horse asks to leave it, but the boy takes it. In a foreign kingdom, he is hired by the king as a groom, he is placed to look after ordinary horses, he combs them with a pen and puts his horses in the royal stroller. The grooms ask him and peek him, report to the king that TB is boasting that he can catch a firebird, and the king orders him to do it. The horse asks to dig a hole, pour vodka and peas into it, the bird arrives, drinks and eats, lies down, turns its legs upside down - they grab it and bring it to the king. He rewards Boris. The grooms tell the king that TB is boasting that he can catch a beautiful girl at sea, and the king orders her to do so. The horse asks for nets, mirrors and dresses. Nastasya comes out of the sea, tries on all her outfits, is caught in the net and brought to the king. She demands to get her 12 necklaces, which she tore and threw into the sea. Beef is laid out by the sea, crayfish crawl up, the boy takes white crayfish and demands that the whole necklace be brought to him, and then promises to let go of the cancer. Crayfish find the pike in which the necklace was kept, the white crayfish is released. The princess asks why the sun is red in the morning when it rises, and then white. Boris rides a horse to the sun, garden guards are asked to know why the garden used to feed the whole world, but now he cannot feed the watchmen; soldiers: how long should they stand chained; husband and wife on an oak tree: for a long time whether they should catch pigeons; cabatchica: how long should she pour water from a well into a well; whale fish: how long will people ride on it. TB walks into the sun's old mother's hut, asking questions. She hides him, tells his questions to the Sun in the morning, as if she were telling her dream every time. Sun: the garden will bear fruit when robbery money is dug up in it; soldiers will be free when this money is distributed to the poor; people will catch pigeons while the sun is shining, because when they were young they killed their own children; a woman will pour water while the sun is shining - she overflowed or underfilled in her youth; the whale fish will be free when it spits out the swallowed ship. The sun turned red - shy when his girlfriend came out of the sea, now she is gone - the sun is white, it gets up and sets late. Boris comes back, giving answers along the way. The Tsar gives him half his kingdom, treats him like a brother]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 76:285-290; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Journey to the Sun: Hero goes to the next world for happiness or to find out what is being done in the world; on the way, the people he meets suffer various torments and ask him to know when this torment will end; he carries out all the errands returns happy]: SUS 1979, No. 460B: 136; Belarusians (Orsha District, Stary Tolochin, 1888-1891, from peasant Maxim Fedosov, 42 years old, illiterate; Russian retelling to Vasilenok, etc. 1958:94-109) [Grandpa and woman live, no children. My grandfather dreams that he needs to collect bird eggs in the forest and get the children out of them. He does this, finding 31 eggs on 30 birch trees. Baba is incubating them, and three weeks later their sons left. Pop baptizes everyone, gives everyone different names, but the youngest doesn't get a name. He is called Little Baby (MM). After a year, they get big, asking their father for a job. The father buys 30 braids, the youngest does not get it. He goes to watch his brothers mow. The brothers leave 2 pieces unmowed. MM breaks the oak tree and mows the remaining 2 parts with it. They collect 31 sheaves. On the first night, 10 brothers are on guard, one sheaf is stolen. On the second night, the other 10 brothers are on guard, stealing the sheaf again. Same for the third night. On the fourth night, MM. is sent. He asks his father to forge him a bullet at 30 pounds. He checks her, throws her up, she splits against his forehead. He asks for a bullet of 35 pounds. He's going to guard. A mare and 31 foals come running, MM jumps up on the mare, hits her, she asks her to let her go, gives MM foals. He takes them to their father's house, sons divide stallions among themselves, MM gets the worst. They arrange a good farm. After three or four years, the sons go around the world, and MM stays with their parents. A year later, she buries her father, then her mother, rents out the farm, and goes to pick up her brothers. It catches up with them in three months. They go together, they come to the forest. There is a hut on a chicken leg, Baba Yuga has 29 daughters, and she sends her brothers to her sister, because there are not enough daughters for all the brothers to marry. The next Baba Yuga has 30 daughters. The third one has 31. The third Baba Yuga feeds her brothers, they choose a daughter and go to bed. The stallion tells MM that Baba Yuga wants to kill them with a self-sword, advises brides to wear hats and impose scarves on brothers. MM does just that. The sword cuts the heads of daughters, the brothers run away. Baba Yuga has three goats, the first one catches up with MM with her brothers, MM wins, kills the goat. The brothers went to the service of the king, MM made everyone the main thing. The brothers are jealous and tell the king that MM can get Baba Yuga's self-sword. MM steals the sword, Baba Yuga catches up, MM kills the second goat. The king gives MM a new rank. The brothers are jealous and tell the king that MM can get Baba Yuga's samogula. MM steals harp, Baba Yuga catches up, Baby kills a third goat. The king gives MM a new rank. The brothers are jealous and tell the king that MM can find out why the sun stood in one place for three hours. MM goes to the sun, and on the way he meets the miracle of Yuda Fish Whale, on which everyone rides across the sea. The fish asks to know how long it takes to lie like this, promises service. MM comes to the dugout, where for a month or a month he tells you to put on a fur coat and hide behind the stove so that it's not so hot. The sun comes, says that it stood in one place for three hours, looking at Panenka Bagpipes, and the fish can sail away if they spit out the 40 ships they swallowed. MM returns to the king, gives the fish an answer on the way, they spit out the ships and sails away. The king gives MM a new rank, orders that Panenka Bagpipes be brought in. The stallion advises to take fruits and drinks from the king. MM does this, going to the seashore, opens a buffet. Panenka Bagpipes swims up to his tent, buys a glass of sweets, asks him to put it on the paddle. He comes back, buys a stronger glass, asks him to put it on the paddle. He returns, buys a glass of the strongest, asks to put it on the paddle, MM refuses, because it is expensive, passes it in his hand, grabs the panenka and takes it to the king. The king gives MM a new rank, lives with his father for two days and is going to marry. Panenka demands her chest from the bottom of the sea. MM throws a sword into the sea at small fish, Whale Fish swims out, orders them to find the chest. The chest is found, MM drives 300 miles away, catches the chest, and takes the king. The king gives MM a new rank. Panenka demands gold keys to the chest from the bottom of the sea. MM launches a self-sword at medium fish into the sea, Whale Fish swims out, orders them to find the keys. They don't find the keys, Baby puts a self-sword into the sea at big fish. They find the keys, MM drives 500 miles away, catches the keys, and takes the king. The king gives MM a new rank. Panenka Volynka demands to build a cathedral across the river, a bridge made of gold and silver, plant grapes along the road, dig a ditch around the cathedral, light a fire in the moat, and hang a cauldron with resin. The king tells MM to do this. The stallion advises asking the boy to take pity. Panenka Bagpipes tells him to go to bed and sweep the bridge the next day. The king gives MM a new rank. MM goes through the cauldron and the king has failed. MM and Panenka are getting married]: Romanov 1901, No. 32:286-297; Belarusians (Chaussky district, Radoml vol., d. Chernavtsy, 1888-1891, from a peasant Gavrila Minin, 60 years old, illiterate) [An old man and an old woman live. They have thirty-three and a half sons. They are given 33.5 versts for mowing, they collect 33.5 ricks. A mare and 33.5 stallions from across the sea are used to it, and none of the sons can catch them. Only half of the ricks remains, her youngest son, the True Half (PI), goes to guard her, asks his father for three twigs of three poodies, jumps up on the mare with a fly, quilts it with twigs and drives her and everyone stallions to my father's house. They share horses: a mare for his father, 33 stallions for 33 brothers from older to younger, and half a stallion for PI. The king calls 33 sons to his service, and they are leaving. PI cries, his stallion comforts and catches up with his brothers. PI sleeps three days, brothers leave without waking him up. The stallion is catching up with them again. PI sleeps for three days again (same). PI sleeps, his brothers wake him up, and they reach the king. The king makes all brothers bosses and PI a groom. He wants to send someone to God to find out why the sun has faded for three days. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets two crows stuck in oaks, a fish that everyone takes across the sea, a man and a woman rolling a hot stone to each other, a man holding an iron gun, a woman who pours water from a well into a well. They all ask PI to ask God how much more they have to suffer. PI comes to God. God answers the questions: the sun does not shine because the girl gave birth to a son and drowned him, crows will be able to get out if they live according to the Gospel, the fish can free themselves if they spit out a ship that swallowed, a man and a woman committed adultery when they were going to Christ, the man said how he would die, so even though they could help them, the woman stole milk, they would all suffer until the light changed. PI returns to the king, giving everyone God's answers along the way. The king praises him, plans to marry him, wants to send matchmakers. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI again with an assignment. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets three people who want to go with him and promise to help. They come to the fortress, the first person breaks the gate, the second defeats dogs. The king gives them plenty of bread and tells them to eat it overnight, and a third person eats everything. The king gives them plenty of wine and tells them to drink overnight, and the third drinks everything. The daughter sends PI to her grandmother for the harp. PI steals them, runs away from Baba Snake. The king orders to dig a hole with fire at the gate and cover it with a badge. The groom must cross this hole. The tsar himself steps on the badge, the princess pulls out the plaque, the tsar falls, the princess and PI get married]: Romanov 1901, No. 31:276-286; RussianUkrainians, Belarusians [Marco Bogaty: Rich Man it is predicted that his heir and son-in-law will be the son of a poor man; a rich man tries to destroy him, sends him to the next world; on the way, people he meets ask him to know how long the oak tree will stand, how long to take him to the carrier; the hero carries out errands and returns with wealth; predictions come true]: SUS 1979, No. 461 = 930:136-137; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [two peasants agreed that if children are born of different sexes, then let them marry; the poor has a son, a rich daughter; the bride: I will go if you find out that there is a happy day, the night is not happy; on the way, the king asks to know where his daughter went three years ago; the other why his daughter has been ill for three years; the third is why gardens do not grow; the guy came to the girl; she turned him into a pin, let him listen, and the missing princess is her; the husband flew in, fell asleep; the girl wakes up, supposedly she has dreams, asks for an explanation; husband: gold and silver under the gardens; the princess will recover if you take raw milk from three cows and wash it; happy day and night with us: you fight to sleep all night you don't give it; they leave together, because my husband will now sleep for three days; he set up wells, tables, beds - you can't drink, eat, go to bed; they got to the garden owner, who rewarded him with a cane that creates a fleet; the queen was cured; that girl's father married her boyfriend; at home, the daughter of a wealthy peasant was married to a tavern gol; the guy took his parents and went to his wife to be king]: Balashov 1970, No. 45: 151-155; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, year of recording? Lapin parish, peasant woman) [Poor parents had a son, named Poor Boy. The mother does not know how to feed him and wants to sell it. A visiting wanderer orders not to sell his son, because he becomes the princess's husband, but this cannot be talked about. The mother tells her neighbors and the king learns about the prediction. He offers his parents two hundred rubles, they can't resist and agree. The king puts the boy in a bag and throws him into the water. The bag is nailed to the miller's doorstep, who pulls out the boy and raises him to the age of 19. The king comes to the miller and asks where he, an unmarried man, has a son. He talks. The king writes a note to his wife and asks the boy to carry her. In a note, the king orders the boy to be killed The boy loses his way and goes to the robbers's hut, they feed him, give him a new note saying that the boy should marry a princess. In the morning they escort the boy to the road. The queen marries him to his daughter. The king is angry with the queen and orders the boy to snatch three golden hair from the cannibal hero. On the way, the boy meets a man who asks why the well is empty, a woman who asks why apples dry, and a man who asks why he can't transport people across the river step ashore. The boy promises to answer on his way back. He comes to the hero's house, he is met by a hero, he asks her to answer questions from people he meets, she hides her husband in a chest. The hero returns and senses the Russian spirit, the hero replies that after flying across Russia, he brought his spirit with him. He asks to "look in his head," she looks for and pulls out three hairs, each time she says she fell asleep, that's why she pulled it out, three times she dreamed of a man with an empty well, a woman with dried apples, and a man not setting foot on the ground. The hero explains that in the first case you need to kill a frog, in the second case, a mouse, and in the third, give another man a ruble and a steering wheel. The hero gives the boy his hair, he tells the people he meets what to do, they promise to thank him. The boy gives his hair to the king, refuses to continue serving him and refuses his daughter. A man and a woman give the boy a cart of money, the tsar and princess beg him to return and the boy returns to them]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 16:17-19; Russians (Arkhangelsk or North Karelia) [childless old man caught a box, a boy in it; they called it the Water Finder; the king hunted, stayed in the same house for the night; two women came: grandmother and godmother; she says to V. that he will marry the princess and sit on royal throne; the king bought V. from the elderly, raised; he wants to marry the royal daughter; king: go to Grandfather Vseved, bring three golden hairs; on the way, the carrier asks what should be done to stop being a carrier; gardener, why did the garden dry up; man at the well, why there is no longer living and dead water in it; V. came to his godmother, she lives with Grandfather Vseved, and this Grandfather is the sun; she successively pulls out by the hair and asks questions; let the carrier jump out when someone gets on the boat; there is a frog under the roots in the garden; the well should be deepened; V. received an award from the owners well and garden; when he returned and told the tsar, he went himself; became a carrier, and V. married his daughter and became tsar]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:50-54; Russians (Pskov)) [the boy was born in a shirt saying that he would be happy with Mark Bogatov; MB found out, bought the baby, left him in the snow; he was picked up by peddlers and brought to the same MB; he forgave them their debt, took the baby and let him into the sea in a barrel; she sailed to the mill, the miller raised the boy; when he was 15 years old, MB found himself at the miller, understood from a conversation who the young man was; sent him to his wife ("to the nobleman", "to the elmozhi") with an order throw the giver into the cauldron at the distillery; the young man stopped by the old woman, the robbers came there, replaced the letter with an order to marry the giver to the MB's daughter; when he returns, MB sends his son-in-law to bring three the hair of an ogre snake; on the way, a person asks to know why water has disappeared in the well, the carrier - how long it takes to transport him; at the cannibal snake, the old woman turned the young man into an ant, hid it in the fold of clothes and ordered listen; when the serpent comes and falls asleep, the old woman consistently wakes him up and asks him to solve the dreams she supposedly had; the snake explains; there is a toad in the well; the carrier must give the oars to another; the old woman the snake also pulled out three hair, gave it to the young man; the owner of the well took out the toads, rewarded the young man; he replies to MB that he took the gold across the river; he hurried there, the carrier gave him the oars; MB is still working by carrier]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 15:32-36; Russians (Nizhny Novgorod) [in winter Mark baptizes a child and throws him into a ravine; merchants found him and brought him to M.; he borrowed the child from them for a debt, gave it to his wife Anastasia the Beautiful; M. threw him in a barrel into the river; the monks picked him up and raised him, his name was Vasily Beschastny; M. sent a letter to his wife to push him into a bubbling pot at a soap factory; the old man on the way changed the content {by order to marry his daughter}; M. sends the WB to his friend Tsar Serpent to take tribute for 12 years; then about wonderful meetings and questions (oak, river carrier, whale fish); the girl hides the WB , finds out the Serpent's answers to questions; the WB returns with wealth; MB himself goes to the Serpent, remains a carrier forever]: Sumtsov 1894:10-11; Russians (Voronezh) [two spent the night with Marco Bogaty wanderer; his little daughter overheard what they were saying; after a while Ivan Beschastny was born, M. was called a godfather; he asked to sell the child to him and left him in the field in a ditch; he was immediately picked up and brought M.; he threw the child in a barrel into the sea; the monks picked up and learned information security; M. found out, bought it, sent a letter to his place with an order to cook the giver in the cauldron; towards him, the old man blew at the letter, it gave an order to marry his daughter; M. sent him to the magician; on the way, the oak tree asks him to know how long he will stand; two men in the boat, how long to be ferrymen; the whale that people ride on, how long still lying; the wizard's wife tells you to hide under the bed (otherwise the husband will eat it), asks questions herself; the oak will fall if you kick; whoever is left in the boat instead of herself will become a ferryman; the whale must regurgitate 12 ( swallowed) ships M.; IS kicked an oak tree, treasures under it, he loaded them onto ships; M. ran to the wizard himself; ferrymen left him instead]: Pukhova 2006, No. 9:63-64; Russians (Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Tverskaya, Tula), Ukrainians, Belarusians [Godson of God (Christ): he goes to visit God, receives questions on the way, and brings answers to them on the way]: SUS 1979, No. 471=AA*803:139; Czechs: Němcová 1990:34-52 [the wealthy merchant has a daughter, Svatava; the shepherdess Chestmir is 4 years older than her; they are children, playing together; Father S. takes C. sends to distant lands; after 10 years he returns; father finds C. and S. together; promises to give his daughter only for someone who brings 3 golden feathers of a huge bird; C. comes to a city where people complain: the healing well has become poisonous, it is a stench, let C. ask the bird why; from the other king, the apple tree bore gold fruit, and now the king's daughter has almost dried up and withers at the same time; the carrier through the sea asks to know how long it will be a carrier; overseas, the old woman hid C.; she is the bird's servant; the bird senses the human being, but the old woman denies everything; when the bird falls asleep, the old woman consistently pulls out three gold feathers from her; each time she says that she dreamed of a dry well, an apple tree, etc.; a bird: people have forgotten God, he has placed a spider in the well; if they sacrifice to God, they will kill spider; the king put his daughter's lover page in prison, she buried a stillborn child under an apple tree; must be dug; the carrier must jump off the boat before the passenger, he will take his place; C. jumped ashore, from the shore, handed the words of the bird to the carrier; the page was released, the princess recovered, C. was awarded; victims were made, the spider was killed; C. gave his feathers, married S., her father handed him the management of affairs] , 128-131 [shepherd Hans asks a noble man for the hand of his daughter named Hanushka; he asks the Sun why the night is not as warm and bright as during the day, and the Month why it is not as hot and bright like the sun; people where G. stops ask to know at the same time why the pear does not bear fruit, why there is no water in the spring; the Sun replies that if it shines like during the day, the earth will burn; The Month says that his task is to send fertile dew; at the spring there is a toad under a stone, it must be killed; under a pear, the owner's eldest daughter buried an illegitimate child, he must be buried, and her story under a cap {extradite get married?} ; G. gives everything, receives gifts and a horse; marries H.]; Poles: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 461 (a very popular story) [the king tries to destroy the contender for his daughter's hand by giving him stubborn assignments; the hero must bring three hairs from the beard (head) trait; find out who is the strongest (wiser) in the world; along the way he helps people, and they ask them to ask their questions and the line; why a tree does not bear fruit; how long a river carrier will do this work; how to cure a sick queen; why has the spring dried up; where is the missing queen; how to find the missing key; why a girl cannot marry; how much does cattle die; the wife hides the hero; the devil smells him, but believes his wife that there is no one; the wife pretends that she dreamed of something, asks questions, hell answers; A treasure is buried under the tree; the carrier must hand the oars to someone else; the queen will recover when they find the swirka dragged away by the rat; the stone must be removed from the source; the missing queen and there is a wife trait; in conclusion, the devil tells what his life is; the hero returns with hairs and receives an award from those whose questions he received answers to; in particular, he tells his father kidnapped queen, what needs to be done to return her; the hero gets the princess; her father follows his path, becomes a carrier]: 143-145; Shcherbakov 1980 [in winter, the pan in the fur coat freezes, and the soldier in tattered clothes - no; pan tells him to change clothes; freezes completely; having received the fur coat back, promises the soldier an estate; sends a letter to his wife to drive the giver with a stick; forgives for the promise to bring two gold a feather from a glass mountain; on the way, the king asks to know where his missing daughter is; the townspeople why the water is gone; in another city, why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples; two standing in shallow water and a man overgrown with seaweed - how long can they stand; the soldier climbed the mountain, in the palace, madam; promises to do everything; hides the soldier under the bed; the serpent flew in and fell asleep; his wife wakes him up every time pulling out a golden pen; says she had a dream, asks one of the questions; snake: the missing queen is you; the water will go if you remove the stone; a dog is buried under the apple tree; thieves are standing in the water, stand still a thousand years; a soldier was killed by a snake, they took treasures from the royal, went to their country; received an award from the townspeople; a wedding; the narrator hid from the rain in a gun, started shooting, they were shot, now here flew in]: 55-59; Luzhitans [the miller's beautiful daughter suddenly fainted; a young worker who liked her went to the dragon to ask why this happened; on the way, people ask to know why not the water in the well is drinkable; the ferryman - how long does he still have to transport people; the woman hides the young man; she pulled out the dragon's pen at night; she dreamed that the miller's daughter was beautiful, became ugly; the dragon; the priest dropped the cloud, Padde {toad?} I swallowed it, we need to find and get a wafer; next time, a well; we must get and kill Padde, which is at the bottom; third time: the carrier must push the person he is transporting into the water; in the morning, the woman is all told the young man and gave him three dragon feathers; on the way back, the young man answered the carrier and the people at the well, received an award; took out a wafer from Padde, gave it to the girl to eat, she became beautiful; old the miller went to the dragon himself, the carrier pushed him into the water and he drowned]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 13:237-240; Slovaks [the boy worked in the king's kitchen, became friends with the princess; when they grew up, the princess refuses all the suitors, she only needs her friend; the courtier advises sending the young man to the sun to find out why it rises in the sky in the morning and descends in the afternoon; along the way the blind king asks the sun to know why he has gone blind; in the sea, a huge fish asks why it cannot dive, but only swims on the surface; for promising to know this, he transports a young man; overseas the desert and the end of the world; the sun replies that his mother gives birth to him again every morning and buries him old in the evening; so he first rises like a growing man and then descends; the king is blind because he wanted to be like God and built a star-decorated sky out of glass; if he destroyed it, he would see the light; the fish would sink into the water if they ate human beings; the young man answered the fish only when was on the other side; the fish became furious, the water poured in after the young man, but he managed to escape; the king broke the glass sky, saw the light, gave the young man half of his kingdom; the young man returned home when the princess is married; he went to church and wore a dress given to him by the sun; the princess rushed to him; wedding]: Wenzig 1857:36-41.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks []: Basangova 2017, No. 10:45-51; Abkhazians [the hunter tears flowers behind the fence, brings flowers to his sister; they satiate; in his absence, his sister is taken away by the flower owner, the dragon Agulshap; he falls asleep she asks God to save her, she finds herself in a room; a young man gets up from the coffin, goes back to the tomb for a day; when he died, God was able to resurrect him for his father-king only at night; the husband sends his wife give birth to his father; a son is born, bites his mother's nipple, making her say who comes to her at night; a young man sends her to the end of the world; husband and wife lie on a hatchet, others push on a wide skin; a skinny bull is among the best food, obese without food; a deer suffers - one horn rests on the ground, the other against the sky; a young man climbs its horn into the sky; the mother of the Sun and Moon hides the young man from them, gives water to which they they washed their face, he will resurrect his father with it; the deer killed animals, promises not to do so, is released, the young man is lucky; the obese bull did not complain about work during his lifetime, the skinny one was dissatisfied; the friendly spouses are not cramped during his lifetime on a hatchet, grumpy in his skin; a young man disguises himself as a shepherd, resurrects his father; a general feast]: Bgazhba 2002:121-128; Abaza [every year someone steals millet crops in the Ishak field; eldest son Hajibekir goes to guard, falls asleep; the same middle Mhamat; younger Solman roared the stallion, the leader of the herd; he gives for himself three horses, hairs, if burned, will come to the rescue; S. horses are bought for a lot of money; the prince calls him to him, S. summons his magic horse; on the way, despite the horse's warning, picks up an eagle's pen; the prince likes S.; the envious adviser suggests that S. gave him a pen; then to 1) bring that eagle; the horse tells him to dig a hole, pour grains, all the birds flock, S. catches an eagle; 2) the golden tail of a ram living in the river; the horse teaches him to lure the ram with salt, cut off the tip of the kurlyuk; 3) a puppy of a female who is between two seas; the horse teaches you to throw pieces of cloth to the bushes, saying that it is for them on their pants and shirt, how to walk across the bridge over the bushes, pick up the puppy; 4) daughter The sun and moon, living in the womb of a whale; she leaves the whale to watch the goods brought by S., he brings it to the prince; 5) the chest of the daughter of the Sun and Moon; S. climbs into the whale's mouth when he returns a day later, takes out the chest; 6) the bride makes it a condition to bring her the golden ring of her Sun Father and Mother Moon; the horse advises what to do; the fish is a bridge over the sea; agrees to walk along it if S. asks how much longer does she have to hang like this; Summer and Winter fight, let them pass between them if S. asks how much more to fight; the moon first hides S., then shows her husband; they say that Summer and Winter will be to fight forever, the fish always hang as a bridge; S. gives answers to those, passing between Summer and Winter, across the fish bridge; the bride tells the groom to swim in boiling milk; the prince tells S. to swim, the bride gives him his ring, he comes out of the cauldron unharmed; the prince is cooked; S. marries the daughter of the Sun and Moon, becomes a prince]: Tugov 1985, No. 47:131-138; Kabardian people [lazy Shadulá went to the sage to find out why he is poor; skinny wolf asks to know why he is not full; apple tree - why apples are bitter; fish - why can't he close his mouth; sage: a lazy man must work; the wolf will be cured by eating a lazy person; under An apple tree is a jug of gold; a piece of gold is stuck in the fish's mouth; S. refuses to take gold out of the fish's mouth and from under the apple tree: the sage said he would get rich without it; the wolf ate it]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:18-21; Karachays [the stingy brother went on a journey with a good one; got on his horse, left; the good one spent the night in the cave; heard a fox, a wolf, a bear talking; a fox: playing with a golden doomed; wolf: stealing the sheep of a blind shepherd; he does not know what he will see by anointing his eyes with the fat of a gray lamb; bear: I eat one woman at a time when they go to get water; they do not know that water is nearby in the village, they must dig a hole; the shepherd takes a fox hoop, heals the shepherd's eyes, who gives half the herd; digs a well, gets a lot of money; when he finds out, the stingy brother went to the cave; animals say that someone recognized them secrets, found a stingy man and tore it apart]: Borovkov 1938:9-11; Ossetians: Byazirov 1971 [in old age, Aslan decides to test his sons; the eldest, middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A. says that he went there in a day; younger Kaurbek pulls out a horse and heroic weapon from under the mound; meets his father's brother, who fought with the army of Donbettyr's daughter; K. wounds her, kills a horse, makes him out of him skins belts, goes down to sea; the old woman teaches to change blood vessels with living and dead water; K. wins D.'s daughter, gives her to her uncle, revives the horse with living water; takes out the sword stuck in his grandfather's skull; he teaches to hit the khan with it, not to strike a second blow; K. kills the khan, takes his daughter; in the Khan's country there is eternal night; K. comes to the sea, across it a whale bridge; K. moves along it to the house of the Sun; his mother hides K. asks the Sun Son questions so that K. overhears the answers; the Sun does not illuminate the khan's possessions because he tried to kidnap his daughter; the whale lies on the bridge because he swallowed the ships; K. goes back, tells the whale he releases ships, is released; K. takes the daughter of the Sun, the light spreads in the khan's possessions; the Sun sends fire-breathing cannibal mares with steel jaws to the kidnapper of the daughter, K. their horse destroys; the daughter of the Sun insidiously tells K. to milk the remaining mares, swim in boiling milk; the horse advises K. not to rush into boiling water, but to walk along the crossbar on which the cauldron hangs; the daughter of the Sun believes , swims herself, comes out unharmed, the darkness above the ground dissipates; Zaliag Kalm in the sea (!) does not give water to drink, demands a boy and a girl a month; K. kills him, blood turns the sea yellow, now the sea is called "Yellow"; older brothers kill sleeping K. and his horse; daughter The sun sends Donbettyr's daughter to revive K. with live water; K. forgives his brothers, gives one Donbettyr's daughter, another a khan's daughter, washes his father with living water, he is getting younger; K. decides to marry Khadija; with difficulty defeats the warrior; the hawk says that this is H., she will lose her heroic power if she is kissed; K. kisses, brings H. to the wife of her fathers; the older, middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A.], No. 15:156-173; Dzagurov 1983, No. 120 [a man goes to God; answers the wolf that angels are waiting for him at the trial of angels; he asks to know why he is always hungry; tsar: why he loses warriors; man, serving as a bridge over the river: how long will he be in this position; plowman: why his plowed and manured field does not bear fruit; angels tell him to go back: everything you need is at home; the wolf must eat a fool; let the king be a woman, let him hand over the throne to a man; who serves as a bridge, let him put someone in his place; gold must be dug on the arable land; a man crossed the bridge, but refused to become the queen's husband and dig up gold; the wolf ate him]: 506-509; Ingush [the man goes to look for Happiness; the Wolf he meets asks what will save him from scabies, the gardener - why one of the two does not bear fruit apple trees, padishah - how to find peace if you have everything; Happiness says that the padishah is a woman, must marry; an apple tree will bear fruit if you dig a treasure from under it; The wolf will be cured by eating a person without who knows how to use the goods that come into his hands; a man refuses to marry a padishah, take a treasure, is eaten by the Wolf]: Malsagov 1983, No. 85:242-243; Kumyks: Alimova 2013, No. 75 [poor man went to look for the owner of his happiness; the bear asks to know what medicine will relieve him of his headache; one peasant - why ears are without grains, the other - why potatoes are small; the old man replies that he is the master of happiness; says that the poor man's happiness fell like sand, everything depends on him; let the bear eat the brain of a fool; gold under the wheat field, copper under the potatoes; man refuses to share, tells the peasants that his happiness is already with him; the bear decided that he could not find a greater fool, he ate his brain]: 333-335; Bagriy 1930 (2) [the man lost his inheritance, went to look for his own happiness; a blind bear asks to find his happiness; a khan, who has more troops than the enemy, asks to know why he is losing battles; a person sees an old man lying on the ground, this is happiness; the old man tells him to tell the bear that he must eat the brain of the biggest fool; the khan loses because he is a woman, let them choose a man; the man went home, told the khanate what was going on, left, told the bear everything; he decided that he would not find a greater fool, ate his brain]: 44-45; Lezgins [the man is dissatisfied with fate, came to the place where they give happiness; he was told to go to the Khan's field, where bread will not be born, to dig it up; someone is already plowing there, they began to plow together, they found 7 jugs of gold; the man came again to ask for happiness; he was told to go to the Arabs, they choose the shah on whose head a falcon will sit down; a shabby wolf he meets asks to know when his hair will grow; the fool was chosen, but he renounced the throne, returned to learn about the wolf; they answered that the wolf should eat the fool's brain; his wolf ate and overgrown with hair]: Khalilov 1965, No. 83:259-260; Rutultsy [the poor man went to Allah to ask for a full life; a shabby wolf asks to know what to do to cover himself again; plowman - why the field does not produce crops; the padishah - what is his fate; Allah replies that he has already given the poor wealth; the padishah is a woman, let her marry; let the plowman dig up the treasury, let the wolf eat the brain of a fool; padishah He discovers that he is a woman, offers himself, the man says he is in a hurry home because Allah gave him wealth; the ploughman dug a treasure, but the man refused his share; the wolf ate the human brain, thinking that he was more stupid than him he won't find anyone, he was covered with wool]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 73:319-321; megrels (p. Chogi Zugdidsky University) [the poor brother of two rich brothers goes to ask God why he is poor; along the way, the wolf asks to know why he is not full; fish: why its head hurts so much that it must hit its head against a rock; gardener: why are grapes bitter; God answers in the forest; let man go home and get everything; the wolf must eat the donkey; there is a diamond in the fish's belly, a treasure is buried in the vineyard; the man refused to take the treasure dug and a diamond, since God promised to help him; the wolf decided that he would not find a bigger donkey, ate it]: Petrov 1894:73-78; Georgians: Bogoyavlensky 1894, No. 4 (Imereti) [=Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 120:233-235; The poor man goes to God to find out why he is poor; along the way, the Wolf asks why he keeps running, the oak tree why the branches turn yellow; the fish why it does not go into the depths; God says that man will get what he wants when he returns; fish must spit out pearls; there is gold in the oak hollow; the wolf must eat the stupidest man; man does not take pearls and gold because he believes in some other reward; the wolf eats it], 7 (Imereti) [angels the girls say that her three brothers will soon die: the eldest is hunting, the middle one is fishing, the youngest on the wedding day - a snake will crawl out of her new shoes; if her sister tells, she will turn into a pole of salt; the eldest was killed while hunting by a deer, the middle one drowned in the river; before the wedding, the sister throws her brother's shoes into the fire, the monster screams; the brother's wife considers his sister a sorceress, the sister says she is stony; brother goes to look for a way to revive her; on the way she sees a thin bull grazing on the juicy grass; a woman with bread in her hands, but screaming from hunger; another woman sweeps rubbish and the wind brings it back into the house; A deer, which has one horn in the clouds and the other has entered the ground; he tells its horns to climb into heaven, comes to the old woman; she promises to ask the angels about the fate of the young man's sister and those he met by ways; the bull did not work well, let him get drunk from the spring; the woman did not let the poor give out all her bread; the other did evil, we must take the garbage out the back door; the deer killed his older brother and others people, let him put his upper horn behind his back, then pull out the lower one; the young man sprinkled his sister with water, which the angels used to wash her feet, she came to life]: 23-30, 56-65; Jaliashvili 1970 [mother found three grains, three sons three fields were plowed, the bread was ugly, but the thunderer Elia hailed the youngest's field; he came to the rich man, promised to collect his bread in a day if he gave half the harvest; he did not have time to tie the last sheaf when The sun has set; an unlucky man is hired for three years to herd a deer for half a flock if all the sheep are intact; on the last day, a wolf carries one sheep; three heavenly girls go down to swim, Unlucky grabbed one, married; the ring of the heavenly maiden fulfills his wishes; the king tells the servant to fry the pheasant; the servant sees the Unlucky One's wife, gets stunned, the pheasant is burned; the king sees the beautiful woman himself, sends her husband for with the milk of a ferocious buffalo, he brings her; the king orders to take a jug of buffalo milk, go up to the plane tree, go down, the milk should become yogurt; the wife tells you to dip the ring in the jug; the king commands marry him the eldest daughter of the Sun; the unlucky one goes for the ring; the fish asks to know why it is so inflated, the plowmen why the share breaks, the shepherds why the sheep are dying; the unlucky one climbs into heaven by poplar growing on the head of a deer; the Sun and the Moon are the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Unlucky; he beat Elijah and the wolf; the Sun apologized, promised to help; the fish must be hit - there is a bag of money in his belly; change the share from wooden to iron; sheep must be sheared in spring; the king should be told to turn into a hare, the viziers into wolves; this is what happened]: 22-30; Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 88 (place of recording is unknown) [the poor man's son leaves to be hired as a laborer, a rich merchant volunteers to go with him; offers to eat the poor man's supplies first; throws him in the forest; he spends the night in the mill; the fox takes his remaining three khachapuri, gives him the Bear and Wolf, does not tell them that there is a young man here; tells them that a mouse lives in the mill, she has money; Wolf says that black sheep liver can cure a blind king; Bear says that by cutting down a poplar, you can open water , save a waterless kingdom; a young man kills a mouse, takes money, buys a black sheep, heals the king, he pays in gold, cuts poplar, gets treasures; at home he tells the merchant everything; he goes to spend the night to the mill, the animals ate it]: 107-112; Stepanov 1893 [a servant sent to the Mother of the Sun to find out why the mistress cannot be born; on the way, the ploughman asks why his cattle are so difficult to drag iron plow; Sheep entangled in thorns - how can it free itself; shepherd - why his sheep run away; Wolf - why shepherds catch up with him and beat him; Deer supporting the sky with horns (that's why he can't move) , tells him to ask him to be rid of such horns; allows him to rise to heaven by her horns; so that the Sun does not destroy a person, the mother of the Sun turns him into a needle; answers her son that the human spirit comes from land; The sun tells the mother about the unusual, explains that 1) the woman in labor should be put on hay, surrounded with a goat hair rope, put iron things next to him, call the man who freed the frog from the snake's mouth, he must tell the mother and child to separate; 2) the plowman must make a plow out of wood, leaving the cutter and rod with iron; 3) people must shear sheep so that they do not have long hair entangled in thorns; 4) the shepherd must sprinkle the herd with black sheep blood, the sheep will stop running away; 5) The wolf must kick, splashing mud on the shepherd, he will stop running so fast; 6) The deer must rub their horns every three years, they will fall off, new ones will grow up; the mother of the Sun tells the man to first go down the antlers, then only give advice to the Deer; the person gives advice; the shepherd who has fallen on his feet the mud has become a kneecap, and since then the legs have bent less than before]: 129-135; Dirr 1920, No. 3 []: 9-13; Armenians: Ioannisian 1968 [the king gave shares to three sons, but the elder squandered everything; went to God to find out for what sins; on the way, the bear asks to know why he is in scab and ulcers; the owner of the garden why he does not bear fruit; the king is why his country is in mess; the angel meets: come back and you will receive wealth; the bear must eat a man; there is gold under every tree in that garden; the king of that country is a woman, let her marry; the man returns and gives the angel's answers; the woman offers to be her husband - no, I have to go home, I will get wealth there; the garden owner offers a daughter, then my son-in-law will inherit everything; he refuses again; bear: here I eat you; after that, the bear healed]: 156- 161; Tumanyan 1984 [a poor man goes to God to ask him how long it takes for him to toil; a wolf asks him how long to starve; a beautiful woman why she is unhappy; a tree above the river why it is dry; God promises the poor send him happiness, answer other questions; gold must be dug from under the tree, and the girl must be married, but the poor man says he has no time; the wolf must eat a fool; the wolf says he is more stupid than a man he will not find it, he eats the poor man]: 78-80; Khachatryants 1933 [the snake tells her to cut off her head, leave it in the hut; a pomegranate tree grows there, bearing fruit with jewelry; the poor man becomes rich, becomes king; others found out, took away a tree; he goes to God with a complaint; on the way, two women ask to know why they suffer from a headache, three horses ask why they are plagued by scabies; old man god: women must go out marry, horses to serve people; they must be taken; the man who took the grenades will bet again; we must bet that the sun will rise from the west; this is what happened; man regained his kingdom, but left to the opponent his wife and children]: 246-252; Wingate 1910, No. 1 [the poor man dreams of his Luck grieving on a mountain; goes to look for it in the morning; the lame Leo asks to ask Good Luck when he recovers; winegrower - why his grapes are bitter; a rich woman in the palace, why she is not happy; a man finds Good Luck, she answers the questions asked; a woman must marry; gold in a ditch makes grapes bitter; if Leo eats a fool, he recovers; when he learns that a man rejected a woman's hand and refused gold, Leo ate him, recovered]: 220-222; 1911, No. 5 [a person gives a coin to the priest all his property, Each time he says that the Ten Thousand (D.) will pay him a thousand; the man asks for a little money back, the priest sends him to D.; on the way, the robbers ask if they will go to heaven; the walls from which gold falls, will it stop falling; the gardener - why does the garden dry; the man in the wall - when free; the person does not take their gold, goes to T.; he answers questions; the person in I must tell the wall that he is sinful; he refuses, falls into the ground; the gardener breaks the wall, let the people in (the garden is green); whoever has gold falls, thank God, it has fallen even more; robbers must stop stealing; a man digs a jug from a fig tree, as T. ordered; there is gold; neighbors stole land at night, but there is land in the jug; they throw it back - even more gold]: 77-80; Kurds [ a peasant goes to Allah to learn how to irrigate his garden from a river flowing into a deep gorge; people he meets ask for their questions; old man: why are the ears in his field empty; wolf: how get rid of scab; Shah: how to defeat enemies; the old man says that the peasant will not reach Allah, that water has already flowed into his garden; that the jugs in the stream are filled with poison, poison wheat; the wolf must smear himself with the blood of a fool; the Shah is a woman in disguise, let her marry; giving answers, the peasant refuses to marry the shahina, hurries to his garden; the wolf did not eat it, but covered himself with blood from it veins]: Farizov, Rudenko 1959:95-99; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [poor Sheydulla went to Allah to ask for help; on the way, the wolf asks to know if his abdominal pain will subside; apple tree - will it bear fruit; fish - when it stops stabbing in the throat; in the burning bush, the voice of Allah: take a gem out of the fish's throat, dig a jug of chervonets from under the apple tree, eat a stupid man for a wolf ; S. refused to take out the stone, dig a jug; the wolf ate it like a fool]: 206-210; Bogoyavlensky 1892c (Elisavetpol Gubernia) [the rich merchant Aziz bought the black slave Mirza; the angel ordered his daughter to be married to him; A. decided to destroy M.; sent him to his brother Zorab with a letter asking him to kill the bearer; his wife gave M. her gold ring; on the way, a bare tree asks Z. why leaves do not grow on it; a rock - when the stream gushing from it, i.e. her tears, dries up; Z. felt sorry for M., ordered him to swim in the fountain, M. turned white handsome; treasures must be dug under a tree and under a rock; M. dug treasures, returned in the guise of a prince, bringing A. a letter from Z.; it says "You can't escape from fate"]: 297-301 (retelling Sumtsov 1894:16-17); Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 125 [the padishah learns that his heir will be the son of poor people who live nearby; buys and throws away a baby, but finds it; the padishah meets and finds out a young man, sends a letter ordering the death of the applicant; the robber's daughter replaced the letter with an order to marry the padishah's daughter as a young man; this is what happened; the padishah adjusts the young man to be trampled on horses; he escaped death, and the horses trampled on the padishah, who went to see if the young man was dead; var.: the padishah sends a young man to bring three golden hair to the line; along the way, people ask why from the spring wine has stopped flowing; why has the tree dried up; why do those who sit on a chair stick to it; the wife pulls out her hairs and gets answers from the devil; the padishah sticks to the chair himself], 127 [the impoverished young man goes find out why he is poor; a wolf (lion, bear) asks to know how to get rid of a headache; two brothers - why they are so poor; padishah - why subjects disobey; Fate answers: padishah - girl, let her marry and hand over the throne to her husband; the brothers' father buried gold for them and their sister; the wolf must eat the fool; the young man refuses to marry the queen, take gold from his brothers; the wolf ate him like a complete fool]: 141-143, 145.
Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 2 [when he dies, the father refused to give his son the property; he left, turns to Allah, Allah sends Ilya to fulfill the wishes of the young man; he sends him Wealth and Happiness; he goes, does not see them; a dry tree asks Wealth and Happiness if it will turn green again; whether the wall will be rebuilt, the emir's daughter will marry at the age of 12, the fish will die from the fire burning in her; the fish sent him, Wealth and Happiness sat on his shoulders, said that seven jugs of money should be removed from under the tree, he would build the wall himself, marry a 12-year-old daughter emir, will take out two burning lamps from the fish; the emir gives his daughter for these lamps; the young man dug up the money, the tree has turned green; rebuilt the wall, building a large house], 6 [to the generous Tait Hatim (pre-Islamic poet) three come; one asks 1000 teneg, the second wife, the third to find out if God will give him; TH gives money, his wife tells him to give it back; along the way, those who took his wife and money kill each other; the wife refuses return to TX; understands the conversation of two snakes; one lies on treasures, the other crawled into the emir's son, you need to drink a bowl of vinegar; a man heals a young man, gets an emir's daughter, digs up money]: 20-23, 54-56; Pashtuns [the man went to look for his happiness; on the way, the Tiger asks him how to recover; the horse - where he is going; the tree - why it dries; the man finds happiness, scolds him for lying in to the forest, happiness says that he has no mind; The tiger will be cured when it eats a stupid man, the horse will become strong, when it finds a master, you need to remove the treasure from under the roots of the tree; the man says to the tree, that he will not dig up the treasure, since he has already found his happiness; for the same reason he does not take a horse; the Tiger ate it]: Lebedev 1972, No. 20:187-189; Turkmens [poor man meets something; met replies that it is his Happiness, tells him to come in three months; a person walks, meets people and animals along the way, everyone talks about their misfortune, asks them to know what needs to be done; the lion has a headache; The padishah sometimes hates and sometimes loves his warriors; the old man does not have fruit in the garden; Happiness replies that the lion must eat the fool, the padishah must be a woman, the treasure is buried in the garden; returning, the person refuses pick up the treasure (he already has happiness), marry a padishah woman; he is eaten like a dead fool by a lion]: Stebleva 1969, No. 39:200-204 (about the same in Lebedev 1954, No. 2:115-119); Persians : Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 19 (Kerman) [the two brothers shared the inheritance equally, but the youngest is harvesting a good harvest, and the older one does not grow anything; the brothers change land, but the elder is again without a harvest ; comes at night to steal some wheat from the youngest; in the field a stranger is the luck of his younger brother; he says that the elder's luck is asleep and he must wake her up; the elder goes in search of luck; meets a lion, he asks to ask good luck why he eats but does not get full; the old man asks to know why his land does not bear fruit; the king why his kingdom is in desolation; a big man sleeps on the mountain; the elder brother wakes him up, gets answers; the king is a woman, let her marry; she offers her older brother to marry her, but he refuses - he is waiting for a harvest in the field; let the old man dig a treasure; the old man wants to give him away daughter for his older brother, he refuses again; the lion must eat the fool; lion: you can't find a bigger fool, ate his older brother]: 113-117; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 48 [Akhund went to ask God to give him money to life; on the way, the lion asks to know why he is not full; the gardener - why the garden does not bear fruit; the king - why he does not feel the pleasure of life; Lord: the lion must eat a stupid person; under The garden ditch has 7 treasures; the rider is a girl, let her marry; the king girl offered Akhunda marriage, he refused; Akhund - those treasures and daughter - refused again; when he found out about this, the lion ate Akhunda and was full]: 239- 241; Bakhtiyars [a poor brother sees a man in a black burka herd herd of a rich brother; the shepherd replies that he is the luck of the rich, and the poor's luck sleeps in such a cave; the gardener asks to ask good luck, why the garden does not bear fruit; the king - why don't they listen to his orders; the wolf - why he is starving (have nothing to live on); the camel thorn collector - what he deserves to do; the poor man wakes up his luck , asks her questions, gives her answers: it is necessary to dig a treasure buried in the garden; the king is a woman; nothing will change in the life of a thorn collector; the poor man refuses half of the treasure, the offer of the queen on the throne marry her; the wolf must eat the fool; the wolf tells the poor man to count the stars in the sky, rushes at him and eats him]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 44:293-296; Baluchi [the peasant did not water his land, dry land did not produce crops; he went to seek his happiness; the camel asks to know why the owner drove him away when he wiped his back in blood; the king - why his army loses to anyone to the enemy; the whale fish crossed the river; she has something stuck in her throat, asking to know when deliverance will come; the man saw how happy his happiness wanted to go down to the well; asked to go with him; Happiness says that the camel must eat the brain of a stupid man; the king loses because he is a girl; the whale must be hit on the back; the man hit, the pearl pops out, but the man did not take it; refused to marry the maiden king, because his happiness woke up; after listening to the man's story, the camel killed him, ate his brain and his wounds healed]: Zarubin 1949, No. 2:29-35; Tajiks, Pamiris: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A, 460B, 461:269-272
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [people get sick or die in the same house; a person sees/finds a toad under the floor, kills it; people can move on]: 289; Löbite 1965 [old lady speaks to retired a soldier that he will be hired by a black master in a glass castle; on the way, an apple tree asks him to know why it does not bear fruit (men want to cut it down), two (interpreters?) mountains, how long do they stand guard (they let a soldier in), the river - why there are no fish in it (takes the soldier to the other side); the black master of soldiers has been herding sheep for a year; he says that the river should drown man, mountains - crush a person, gold must be dug from under the apple tree; soldiers shout an answer to the river and mountains from a distance, passing them; digs gold]: 126-129; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 460B [ The seeker of happiness. The guy is unlucky in life, he goes to God for happiness. The fish tells him to ask God how to cure a sick eye; the tree - why its branches dry; the wolf - how to regain health. God answers questions. The fish promises the guy a gem that is in the sore eye, the tree is the money under his roots, but the guy refuses everything. It is eaten by a sick wolf], 461 [Three beard hairs are a trait. By God's command, the poor man's son should marry the king's daughter. The king wants to kill the child, leaves him in the forest, throws him into the water, but the boy is saved every time. Finally, the king sends him to the palace with a letter demanding his execution. An old man who meets on the way replaces a letter, and the young man marries a princess. The king, trying to free himself from his unwanted son-in-law, sends him to hell for three hairs from the beard of the devil. On the way, the young man is asked questions: why there is no water in the city, why the apple tree does not bear fruit, and who will replace the eternal ferryman. The devil's wife pulls out three hairs at night and finds out the answers. The king, wanting wealth, also goes to hell, but becomes a ferryman]: 288; Danes: Cramer 1919 [Hans asked a rich and evil peasant for his daughter Karen; he told him first go to the end of the world; on the way, the father of three daughters asks why no one marries them; the garden owner why the tree does not bear fruit and the leaves on one side are red and white on the other; the king is where his daughter, who was kidnapped 7 years ago; a soldier on guard for 400 years says that the sorcerer's castle at the end of the world is on the other side of the Red Sea; asks when he will be replaced; the ferryman has been taking people across the sea for 700 years, also asking when she will be replaced; the kidnapped princess warns that the one who enters the castle will not go back; turns Hans into a broom, leaves her in her room; She snores so much that the sorcerer comes to wake her up every time; she says she dreamed of this and that, gets answers to Hans's questions; asks her to remember every time; father of three daughters must leave half of the door ajar to the inside and the other to the outside, there will be no end to the suitors; under the fruit tree, a chest of gold and a chest of silver; the soldier will hear Satan fly over him, he must be told to stand on the clock for all eternity; the old woman must break a Christian's neck and drink three drops of his blood; the sorcerer's daughter got on the boat with Hans, but only answered the old woman by getting out on on the other side; the soldier told Satan to stand in his place, he still stands today; the king wanted to give Hans his returned daughter and half the kingdom; he did not agree, but received the money and the carriage; the owner of the garden dug up treasures, half he gave to Hans; the father of three daughters also wanted to give his daughter; Hans returned rich and married Karen]: 109-118; Holbek 1987 [father makes and sells sieves, but drinks everything; son goes to sell Sieves instead of him, got lost in the forest; sees a portrait of a beauty on a tree, but cannot reach it; a horse appears, tells him to obey, then the portrait falls into his hands; in the castle, the young man was hired by a groom; his the purse himself is filled with money, and his doodles turn into portraits; the servant sees a portrait of a long-missing princess - the one found in the forest; the king does not believe that the young man did not see her since he has her portrait, sends to get it; the young man goes to the phoenix bird; on the way, the horse turns into a dog; the people he meets ask to know 1) why the pear does not bear fruit; 2) where the missing princess (another); young man throws meat to two struggling snakes; millet to two struggling swans; they let it through; at the lake crossing, the ferryman asks him to know how long he will stay as a ferryman; in the phoenix house, who is in the portrait) hides the young man under the bed; asks the phoenix questions on his own behalf; in the morning, the young man and the princess, taking gold, run away; after crossing the lake, the young man says that the ferryman should tell take his position to the one he is transporting; a phoenix in the form of a dragon pursues but attacks the nails that cover the ship; swans bring the princess (the one they asked to find), she was in the castle, hanging in the air; the young man tells him to dig a huge toad from under the pear, is generously rewarded; when the young man returns, the princess from the hanging castle visits him; this is told to the king and he tells him to get the castle, for the princess misses it; swans raise snakes into the air, they snack on gold chains, the castle falls on the ship, is delivered; the servants continue to slander the young man, he and his dog gather burn; the dog tells you to take the dragon fat that the young man has kept on the fire; when smeared with it, the young man and the dog do not feel the heat of the fire; both turn into handsome; the servants themselves throw themselves into the fire, but burn; the young man marries a princess from a hanging castle and his assistant marries the one who was kidnapped by a phoenix; the king objects and goes to the phoenix; remains a ferryman]: 567-568; Norwegians [the rich man refuses grooms daughters; goes to the stargazers to find out who she will marry; they are responsible for the son of a miller, who is now born; a rich man buys a baby, puts him in a chest, lowers him down the river; another miller finds him, adopts; the rich man goes back to the stargazers, who confirm the previous prediction; the adopted man has already grown up, the rich man buys it; sends it to his wife with a letter asking him to burn the one who will bring it; the young man spends the night in the house of the robbers, they replace the letter, the new one says that the wife must immediately marry a daughter to the young man, give the young cattle and property; when he returns, the rich man sends the young man to bring three feathers from the dragon's tail; he stays with the king, the king asks to know why there is no clean water in his well; another king asks to know where his daughter has gone; in the third castle, the queen wants to know where lost golden keys; the hunchback carrier - how long he should carry travelers across the river on his back; the dragon's castle across the river; the princess in the castle gives him a drink of strong water, tells him to hide under the bed; when he goes to bed with the dragon, he asks him, saying that he dreamed of the question; the first king must pull the rotten stump from the bottom of the well; the missing daughter of the second is the dragon's wife; the queen has forgotten the keys when she was lying in the bushes at her known hour; the carrier must throw another rider into the water, saying that now he will carry people until someone frees him; the dragon fell asleep, the young man cut him off head, took feathers, jewelry and the princess; the transporter heard the story, asked about himself when the prince and the bride were already on the other side; the Queen is grateful, but told me to remain silent about it; father the princess gives her to the young man as his wife; the first king takes out the stump, rewards the young man; the rich man goes for the dragon's remaining treasures; the carrier drops him, since then he is the carrier himself]: Dasent 1970: 199-213; Swedes [it is predicted that a poor baby will be the heir to a rich man; he buys a child and leaves him in the forest or descends the river in a box (or leaves herds on the way, on the road and etc.); the child is saved and brought up; after identifying the young man, the rich man sends him home with a letter ordering him to be killed, but the letter is replaced by an order to marry his master's daughter; then the father-in-law sends a son-in-law with an errand, hoping that he will be thrown into the oven; but by coincidence, the rich man himself or his son is thrown into the furnace; or the father-in-law sends his son-in-law to bring three hairs from the beard of the devil; on the way, the young man promises find answers to the questions he is asked; why does the tree not bear fruit, the water has disappeared in the well, when the suffering of a certain creature living in the water ends, how to cure the princess, when the carrier will be released from his duties; the woman in the house pulls out his hair and receives answers to questions asked; the father-in-law goes along the son-in-law's path and remains working as a carrier]: Liungman 1961, No. 461:107; Faroese, Icelanders, Veps: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A, 460B, 461:269-272; Finns [a rich merchant and two stopped in the hut of a poor man with many children healers; the hostess gives birth; the merchant hears the conversation of healers; the boy born will be the heir to this rich man; in the morning, the merchant bought a newborn, saying that he wanted to adopt him; left the baby in to the forest; the hunter picked him up; named him Antti; he was given the nickname Bitch; when A. grew up, the merchant stayed at the hunter's house, heard a story about a foundling, asked A. to send a letter home; in a letter order to hang the messenger on a birch tree; on the way, A. fell asleep; two schoolchildren replaced the letter with an order to marry A. to the merchant's daughter and hang the old dog on a birch tree; when he returned, the merchant ordered A. to go to the hostess Pohyela Louhi and ask where a person can find happiness; on the way, a giant asks to ask why the fruits of his garden are covered with mold; another giant: where is the key to his palace; the third giant sits on a dry tree and asks how long he will stay in this position; an old woman in a boat: how long has she been a carrier; Louhi's daughter hides A., asks her mother questions herself; a person will find happiness by uprooting forest and cultivating land; in the garden between snake stones; a key under the upper step of the porch; a giant sitting on a tree must hit the ground with an alder stake; the old woman must leave the traveler in the boat herself be the first to jump to the ground; on the way back, A. received gold from the giants; the merchant decided to go to Louhi himself, but remained a carrier]: Konkka 1993:130-141 (=1991:182-195); Estonians (Tarvastu) [ the princess rejects the prince grooms; the king comes to the miller from time to time to chat; the miller has a young assistant; the king is told that he is destined to marry the king's daughter; the king writes a letter ordering the applicant to be killed is given to the young man; the robber replaces him with an order to marry the young man to the princess; when the king returned, he drove him away, but promised to recognize him if he brought three hairs Satan; the young man set off; the sailor asks to know why his ship has not moved for 7 years; the owner of the birch tree - why juice does not flow from it anymore, although milk used to flow; old man - why the water has disappeared in the well; the damn mother tells the young man to hide, and she pulls her son's hair three times and asks questions; the captain of the ship must lure the king at him, and jump ashore himself and ask throw him a rod; the king will remain on the ship and the ship will sail away; the birch tree must have a rotten root; at the bottom of the well there is a toad; the young man told the owners of the well and birch tree what to do, returned, king married him to his daughter; then he went to that ship himself; the ship sailed with the king, the young man reigned]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 65:176-181; the Livonian [king sleeps in a house; dreams that his wife gave birth to a daughter, and the poor housewife gave birth to a son, and that these children would get married; the king bought the baby for 300 rubles, put it in a box, lowered him down the river to the mill; the miller caught him, called Kaarel the naydysh; he quickly grew up; the king started talking to the miller, understood everything, asked permission to send the foundling to his wife with a letter; the young man was stopped in the forest by robbers; the chieftain read that the letter ordered the boy to be executed; replaced the boy with a letter ordering him to raise and teach; six years later, the king returned, was surprised that the letter had a handwriting like his; told the young man to bring four hairs or scales from the devil's back; ask why does one king have apples on one side of the tree and pears on the other; on the way the young man goes through three kingdoms; the first king asks the devil to ask why three castles fell into the ground and how to return them back; second: during communion, his daughter's wafer fell to the floor, disappeared, the daughter began to dry; the third king: the wife gave birth, the daughter was stolen, where is she; every king sends an army to help the young man; by the turbulent river the young man finds a paper, which instructs: call the shuttle, he will transport it; the shuttle transports, the army remains on the other side; in the devil's house, the girl hides the young man; tells the devil that the smell is she who has burned hair; the sleeping devil consistently pulls out four hairs, each time replies that she allegedly had a dream about castles that have gone into the ground, etc.; the devil gives an explanation and falls asleep again; 1) under the threshold the keys, you have to get them, the locks will return; 2) the toad took the bread under the floor, we must get it, let the princess eat the wafer; 3) the girl herself is the kidnapped princess; 4) on the side where the pears are buried silver, where apples are gold; the young man and the girl ran away, crossed in a shuttle, the devil could not; the third, second kings promise the young man a daughter and half the kingdom, the third gives him the returned castles; the fourth, who refused to dig apples and pears himself; the young man took gold and silver almost everything for himself, abandoned the princess; married a kidnapped by the devil, gave the chieftain of the robbers the one who had lost her wafer , gave the robbers wealth and castles; the city of the king who tried to destroy him ravaged]: Setälä in Kippar 2002:54-61; Lutsie (told in Latin in Russian) [father kicked his son out of the bride in the forest, they live in a poor hut, no one is around; the husband goes to look for a godson for the child; an old man meets; scattered coals around the house and around, cattle and a wealthy farm have appeared; parents came to the guests, the son put them away, and the old man is nearby; the furious father left; the old man invited the man to his place, promised to send a gray horse for him; the man is riding, the sheep are grazing on the bare ground, but happy and full; they ask: you are going to God, ask if we still have so much fun to live; other sheep in thick grass, near water, suffer from thirst and hunger; the snake fights the toad; the toad asks to know how long they have been like this to fight; a woman pours water from a full well into an empty one: how long? the godson, that is, God, explains; fractional sheep are poor, suffering from fat grass are greedy rich; the snake and the toad are your parents; the mother gave onions to the beggar, and her father began to scold her; the woman of the K5 people did not topped up vodka in the tavern; the first night the godson left the man to spend the night in a room with knives and needles; he did not sleep well; then conditions improved every time; when the pillows were soft, he slept without waking up, and then, when the rooms were luxurious, he could not fall asleep, because he looked at the treasures; the godson told him not to go into one room; the man came in, there his father was covered in resin; he pulled his hair, but only tore off his hair; the godson all He knows, I had to admit that I came in; godson: tell my father - if he does not improve, he will be in that room; the rooms in which the person slept belong to his father, mother, himself, wife, son; a man persuaded his godson to let him sit on his throne; saw the whole world from there; saw an old woman stealing milk from a poor widow; hit her in the face with a staff - there was thunder, the whole city burned down, including widow; God sent him to earth, telling his father to distribute property to the poor; when he returned; the father repented, distributed property; all five (parents, son, daughter-in-law and grandson) rose gold stairs to heaven]: Annom et al. 2018:39-44; Lutsie (1893) [a beggar and his wife and a merchant spent the night in the same hut; the merchant hears angels asking God what happiness the child will be; God: will inherit the merchant's goodness; the merchant bought a baby from a woman in labor, wrapped it up, hung it in the forest for the branch; the king hunted, found the boy, raised him; he is smart and growing fast; the merchant bought the boy again, tied him to the wing of the mill; the miller started the mill: he does not move; he saw what the boy was holding, took the merchant bought the young man again, brought him to his place, the merchant's daughter fell in love with him, they got married, but the merchant wants to destroy his son-in-law; sent him to hell for good; the islanders ask to know why they are plowing- they sow but bread does not grow; on another island: why do apple trees not bear fruit; on the third: why there is no hay; hell has a captive princess: there are fences of the head on iron stakes, only one stake is empty for your head; turned the young man into a needle, stuck it in her hair; says the line that he brought the smell of man with him; at night she pretends to wake up three times when she dreams, hell explains; on the first island, residents must cross on 4 sides; white stone must be dug in the apple orchard; hay harvesters must also be baptized; the young man took the trait's treasures, then received gold from the islanders; merchant gathered drunks, ordered firewood to be burned; whoever comes first in the morning, throw him in the heat; but the son-in-law talked to his wife, the merchant went to see, burned himself]: Annom et al. 2018:79-83; seto [the rich man drives out of the house two beggars, after giving them some bread; his little daughter hears how to eat, one tells the other that Ylm-ynnõlda Vassil, who is now born to a poor family, will inherit all the rich man's wealth; the rich man sends him in search, finds a large family in which the boy was born, but he cannot find a godfather, promises to become a godfather and take the child into foster care; takes him to church, the priest gives the boy The name is ylm-ynnõlda Vassil; on the way home, a rich man leaves his child in the wasteland; soon travelers come and say they have found a baby; a rich man puts the baby in a barrel, lets him into the sea; people overseas find he is raised; when EVE 18, a rich man accidentally comes there on business, hears a hated name, offers to marry his adopted daughter, but Eve himself does not say anything yet; sends EVE to his wife with with a letter ordering him to kill the bearer; on the way, the old man opens the letter, tears it up, draws up another with the order to immediately marry Eve to his daughter; when he arrives, the rich man finds out that EVE has become his son-in-law; he decides get rid of Eve by sending him to hell with an assignment to find out who is richer: he or the lord of hell; along the way, a thousand-year-old oak tree asks for how long it can stand, it finally wants to die; three people plow, each alternately acting as a ploughman, a horse and a plow, the furrow behind immediately disappears; they ask how long they will suffer; the fish that serves as a bridge over the river and the carrier across the other river each asks when he can be free; Eve comes to hell when the lord is not at home; the young woman he kidnapped and married hides Eve behind the stove; looking in the hair of the returning lord, the wife does seems to be dreaming and asking what it means every time; 1) the rich man is richer than the lord of hell; 2) the lord buried gold under the oak tree; 3) the ploughmen were stingy, they changed between, they suffer forever; 4) the fish swallowed let the ship and the crew burp; 5) the carrier was a thief, let him find a replacement; Eve tears off the gold, the oak immediately dried up and fell; told the carrier what to do; told the fish to regurgitate the ship, he sailed away; the ploughmen were left to suffer; when he saw the gold brought, the rich man softened, but did not believe that the lord of hell was poorer than him; went to ask; the carrier jumped ashore and left the rich man in the boat for himself]: Sandra 2004:182-192; Karelians: Evseev 1981 [a merchant meets a priest who is going to baptize a child; he says that the child will become the merchant's son-in-law; the merchant buys the child from his parents, goes down the river to trough; the miller picks him up; after 17 years, the merchant visits the miller; realizes that this is the same boy; buys him, sends him to his home with a letter to his wife to kill the giver; halfway the old man asks The young man shows a letter, replaces another with an order to marry the applicant with the merchant's daughter; the merchant decides to lime his son-in-law; sends him to a distant city to ask if he has a lot of money; on the way, the young man is asked to know why does the oak dry; where did the keys to the barn go; when the carrier is free from his job; the woman hides the guy in a chest, asks her husband questions; he says that the merchant has only half of that money what is on the ground; the oak dries because the girl gave birth and buried a child under it, it is necessary to serve a prayer service, sketch out the land; the keys in her pocket are at the very line (which gives answers); let the carrier say "Vo the name of the father and son and the holy spirit", will push the boat away, that man will become a carrier instead of him; the soul is a feature in the egg, in the bird, in the box, in the chest, in the stone; the guy gets an egg, the devil dies; the carrier says that the guy is the first to return, learns from him how to get rid of his duties; the guy gives the keys, tells him how to revive an oak tree, returns rich; the merchant goes for his money, remains a carrier]: 287-291; Onegin 2010, No. 51 (Kalevalsky district) [a rich merchant stayed overnight in a poor man's house; in a dream the old man tells him that at night the hostess will give birth to a son who will be yours happiness; the owners have many children, the merchant bought a newborn and left him in the forest in a tree; another merchant picked up, named the boy Antti Puujuara, who grew up; the first merchant came to the second, what happened, asked the AP to send a letter to his wife; he fell asleep on the way; two soldiers changed the order to hang the letter's applicant by ordering him to marry his owner's daughter and hang Hurtt's dog; merchant returned and, in order to get rid of his son-in-law, sent him to Pohyela's mistress, Louhi, to ask him how a person can achieve great happiness; on the way, the giant asks why he cannot get off the tree; the other, where the keys to his castle, where he can't go; an old woman transporter across the river of fire - how long does she have to do this job; daughter L. hides AP from her mother and asks her questions herself; to be happy, you must work hard; the giant will go down and give two bags of gold if someone spears the pine tree he is sitting on; the keys to the castle under the bottom of the three steps at the gate; when the old woman is to transport a man, let him push the boat away with his left heel and tell the man to replace it; on the way back, the AP taught the old woman, helped the giants, one gave the best stallion, the other gold; the merchant himself went for good, remained a carrier instead of an old woman]: 457-462; Stepanova 2000, No. 112 (northern, Tunguda district) [The Savior spends the night in the merchant's house; they knock at night, the woman gave birth to a child, they ask the Savior what share he will give; he tells the child to live his share; next time, the share of the owner of the house; the merchant bought the child and threw it into the snowdrift, another person picked it up, the merchant bought it again for a lot of money; raised it; let him go to sea in a barrel; The young man sings, he was nailed to the monastery shore, he began to sing in the monastery; the merchant recognized him, bought him, sent him home with a note to be killed at home; the Savior changed the note to marry the merchant's daughter; the merchant tells his son-in-law to find out where his wealth is; on the way, the bridge asks him to know how long he still has to serve; the carrier - how long to work; the oak tree - how long to stand, he is already rotten; the son-in-law comes to a house without doors, a woman picks it up through the window, hides it; her damn husband comes; she seems to casually ask questions; the husband replies that when he hits the bridge with a rod, it will turn into ships, an oak tree - will become gold; let the carrier leave the one in the boat when he was transporting him, he will remain in his place; the woman's husband promises to greet the merchant's son-in-law, gave him a staff; the son-in-law filled the ships with gold, gave advice carrier; at home, the merchant tells the workers to kill his son-in-law when he goes to give the horses hay; the son-in-law lay down, the merchant went himself, he was killed instead of his son-in-law, his son-in-law became the owner]: 186-188; Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [Rich Piera learns from a witch that his daughter will marry his shepherdess when he grows up; P. lets the boy down in a barrel into the river, fishermen find him, he grows up; P. finds out about him, sends him home home, gives him a letter; on the way, the young man falls asleep in the robbers' house, who reads a letter saying that the applicant must be killed, replaced by a letter asking him to marry the owner's daughter; the young man marries daughter P. he goes to look for Stallo (it is clear from the following that P. sent him to bring three hairs C.); on the way, one king asks the young man to find out why he has no clean water in his well, the other where to find the lost the queen is the keys, the third - where his daughter, the ferryman - how many more people he has to transport across the river; S.'s girl hides the young man, pretends to dream, each time S. tells S., asking the relevant question; he replies that rotten driftwood should be removed from the well, the keys under the bush where the Queen was with the king, the kidnapped queen is her, the ferryman must throw into the water who transports; the girl tells the young man to drink strong water, cut off the head of the sleeping S., pulls out his hairs; they give the ferryman S.'s answer by jumping ashore; at home P. finds out that S. has a lot of gold left, goes there, the ferryman dumps him into the water]: 47-54; Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 14 [a man goes and answers to the people he meets where exactly; they hear that he is coming from hell; everyone asks Satan to know something important; 1) where the key to a church that cannot be opened; 2) how a mermaid can find holiness (welche Weise eine Meerfrau selig werden kann); 3) where two royal daughters have disappeared; a young man falls into an underground dwelling, there girl; she hides it under the bed; Satan comes, falls asleep; the girl pretends that a person came and asked, and now she thinks about answers; Satan answers every time; the key is under the stone at church; a mermaid must drink Captain Per Kremer's blood; one missing princess is the girl herself, and the other is the doorposts in the room; Satan leaves in the morning, the man and the girl pick up the jambs, run away; in the Christian land, shoals turn into beauty; a person brings daughters to the king, tells the mermaid about blood, finds the key, and gets rewarded for everything]: 99-104; Eastern Sami: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 269 (Skolty, Neiden) [the man went on business, went into the house, there was a little boy; the woman said that this boy would inherit what he had; he bought a boy left him on a birch tree and left; another man found him, raised him; the one who bought him found the young man and sent him a letter to his home; on the way he fell asleep; two clerics read the letter, ordering him to hang let the dog rejoice; they replaced him with another: hang the dog and marry the owner's daughter; when he returned, he decided to lime his son-in-law, sent him to ask the giantess what the job is the easiest; along the way, a giant who breaks through a locked door unsuccessfully asks to know where the key is; a person who burns a fire by a tree when he can leave; a carrier across the river - how long he still has to do this job; the young man came to the giantess, her daughter is at home, she asks his mother and the young man listens; the easiest job is plowing; the key is under the threshold; you have to cut the tree into three parts and burn the middle one; the carrier must stand on the bow of the boat, be the first to jump ashore and tell the person he is transporting to take his place; the young man received money for advice; the owner decided to go himself, so far works as a carrier, and the young man started plowing]: 73-79; Kharuzin 1890 (Notozero, Arch Gubernia, Kola Uyezd) [A very poor man goes to the sun. He wants to cross a deep river, a dried whale will cross it, and they cross the river like a bridge. Keith asks the man where he's going and asks him to ask the sun why he's dry and can't move. A man meets two women, they ask why they have been drawing water from an ice-hole for three years and cannot scoop it out, meets an old man with an old woman, why they have nothing to eat or drink for 3 years. A gray-haired old carrier with a white beard asks why he has been transporting people across the river for 3 years. The poor man crosses the river, finds himself in a hut in the forest, a girl with big breasts (bigger than her) feeds him and gives him a wand that will lead him to the sun. She comes to the hut, a girl with her bare side (no clothes on her side) gives him a horse and a sleigh. In the next hut, an old woman with big breasts gives a ball. He brings him back to the girl with his bare side, now he is "burning like a fever", she leads him to the sun, leaves him in a dark room. For a while, the room gets hot and light, then it gets dark and cold again. The girl comes with a man, says that she is the mother of the sun, so she is hot, says that the women who helped him are her middle and youngest daughters. He explains that the old carrier was punished for sticking ashore aft, the old man and the old woman stole a lot of money, women diluted milk with water and sold wine, the whale swallowed a lot of people, carbas and schnyak (?) , if he finds them, he can sail away. A guy tells people what they're being punished for. Keith finds everyone he swallows and swims away. The man returns to his parents, they bless him to marry, he marries a poor girl, they start a shop and sell]: 463 (=Burtsev 1897, No. 22:101-106).
Volga - Perm. Komi [the wanderer tells the poor spouses that their newborn Ivan will become king; the wife talks to her neighbors, the king buys the child, puts it in a bag, throws it into the river; he catches the baby, raises the baby a bachelor miller; the king asks him, understands everything, sends a young man with a letter to the queen, telling I. to kill; in the forest, the robbers read the letter, replace him; after reading the letter, the queen passes her daughter off as I.; The king tells his son-in-law to bring three hairs from the ogre's beard; on the way, a digging well asks why there has been no water for ten years; bird cherry why it dries and does not bloom; the carrier why he works carrier; in the cannibal's house, his wife hides I.; consistently pulls out the hairs of her sleeping husband; he tells a dream about a digging well (you need to remove the frog from the well), bird cherry (kill mice under roots), the carrier (you have to give the paddle and the whole one to another, jump ashore yourself); on the way back, I. sets up the merchant, who is made by the carrier; kills mice and a frog; these three were brothers old woman; she is grateful, gives a ring; the king orders I. to be executed, he tells the ring to send an ax to kill the guilty; the ax kills the king, I. reigns]: Doronin 2004:27-32; Marie [Marco Rich: a rich man is predicted that his heir and son-in-law will be the son of a poor man; a rich man wants to destroy him, throws him in a barrel into the river; the poor man's son is brought up in a monastery; the rich man meets him again and sends him to his wife with a letter; a letter ordering to kill the poor man's son is replaced by an old man, and the poor man becomes the rich man's son-in-law; the rich man sends him "to the next world", on the way he meets ask him to know if the whale fish will soon move from places; how long does it take to carry the carrier, etc.; the hero carries out errands and returns with wealth; predictions come true]: Sabitov 1989, No. 461:29; Udmurts [to get rid of the employee, merchant sent him to hell to repay the debt; on the way, the peasants ask him to know why the grain died; in another village, where the girl went; why the water was gone; the wife hides the devil in the chest and asks herself questions when her husband comes back - as if she dreamed of this and that in a dream and she wants to know the answers; you have to turn the stone, the water will flow; the hell ate the girl himself; in the middle of the field there is a birch tree, she must be burned, fertilize the field with ash, cereals will grow; for his information, the worker received a lot of money from the peasants, brought it to the merchant; he went to hell and ate it the hell]: Wichmann 1901, No. 16:90-92; Kazan Tatars [Karundai's younger sister fell ill, he put her in a bathhouse; he also sent a poor old man to spend the night there; he gave the girl medicine; someone asks whose happiness to give to the newly born the son of a peasant; old man: Karunbaya; the recovered sister told K. about this; K. bought a newborn, hit the ground and left him; brothers Ibrahim and Yakub picked him up; got rich, the boy grew up; K. them met, talked, understood everything; bought a young man from them, supposedly to marry his daughter; tells him to bring gems from an overseas mountain; a carrier across the sea asks him to know how long he will be in this job; the old man in the cradle: how long should he hang like this; the diva came to his daughter, she turned him into a needle; the diva returned, she asked him; those old men will be free if they cast the spell three times and spit; while the divas sleeps, his daughter sends the young man to the mountain; on the way back, the young man teaches the carrier to read the spell: whoever he is transporting will take his place; K. himself went to pick up the gems; turned into a carrier; the young man married his daughter, inherited wealth]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 32:256-261; Chuvash: Uther 2004 (1), No. 460A, 460B, 461:269-272.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kanbal Shal 1985 [the eldest son goes fishing in Astrakhan, the middle son goes fishing to Tuzken, the youngest to seek happiness; 1) the camel asks to know why he cannot raise his head, it hurts so much; 2) old man - why does his apple tree dry; 3) khansha - why her army is defeated; an old man in a white robe tells the young man that he is his happiness, tells him to return home; a camel should become a good friend a man to dig gold from under an apple tree, a hanshe to marry; a young man rejects a hansha's offer to marry her, refuses to stay with a rich old man; the camel says that the young man has passed the test, goes with him, the young man and his brothers became happy and rich]: 172-174; Lin Lin, Ustin 1959 (Xinjiang) [Khan learns that the son of a peasant is predicted to marry the khan's daughter; tells him to leave the boy in a box in the river; the miller finds the box; Ada reaches the age of 18, the khan sees him, sends him with a letter, it says to kill the bearer; the robber replaces the letter with the command to marry A. to the khan's daughter; the khan demands three hair from the head of the king of genies; the city guard asks why the spring has dried up, another city why the apple tree has dried up; the boatman crossing the lake to the city of gins asks why he is not being replaced; the king's grandmother A. turns genies into an ant, hides them in his sleeve; pulls a hair from his sleeping grandson three times; says three times that he had a dream, in dreams questions from those whom A. met; gin: under the source a toad, under an apple tree a mouse, a boatman must hand the steering wheel to a man in a red coat; A. kills a toad and a mouse, tells the khan to wear a red robe to take treasures across the lake; Khan becomes a boatman]: 299-305; Sidelnikov 1962 [Khan traveled incognito around the khanate; in one village he was told that the boy who was born would become Khan's son-in-law; the khan persuaded the poor man to sell his son, ordered him to be thrown into the river in a box; the miller picked him up and raised his name Ada; when he arrived there by chance, the khan understood who the young man was and sent a letter to his wife; in the letter an order to kill the messenger; at the night, the robbers replaced the letter with an order to marry the sent to Khan's daughter; Khan returned and sent his son-in-law to bring three golden hairs from the head of the prince of giants; on the way, in one place, the guards ask to know why the spring has dried up; in another, why the apple tree is no longer brings golden apples; the carrier on the lake - when he is on his shift; the old woman turned A. into an ant, hid it in her sleeve; wakes up the sleeping giant three times, each time pulling out her golden hair and asking a question; giant: there is a toad at the bottom of the spring; the roots of an apple tree are gnawed by a mouse; the carrier must hand the paddle to the man in red clothes and leave; on the way back, Ada received an award from the owners of the spring and the apple tree; khan said that there is a treasure by the lake, but you have to come for it in red clothes; the khan became a carrier]: 36-42; 1964 [the elder brother explains to Kadyr that his happiness is most likely sleeping under a Karaganda resident, and his elder brother explains to Kadyr that his happiness is most likely sleeping under a Karaganda brother is working; K. goes to look for his happiness; the lion asks to know how to get rid of abdominal pain; the old man - why his field does not bear fruit; khan - why does he miss; K. saw happiness that had slept, began to beat; it says that idlers are not happy for the future, but according to answer questions; Khan is a woman, let her marry; a korchaga with gold is buried in the field; the lion must eat the most stupid person; K. refuses marry a khansha, get gold as a reward; when he found out, the lion rushed at him, but hit a stone and died; K. decided that he was now happier than anyone else]: 23-28; Kyrgyz [dying, a rich man tells teach a wife to her son, maintain good relations with people, find a worthy bride for her son; but the woman squandered cattle, and those who enjoyed her generosity refused to give her daughter to an impoverished young man; woman advised her son to go to a man living in a black cave; spends the night with the elderly, they ask them to ask how their beautiful daughter can see the light; garden owners - why he does not bear fruit; transported through the river is a fish - why does it not grow; the man in the cave agrees to answer only three questions; there is a gem in the fish's throat, it must be removed; a gold bar is buried in the garden; as soon as the girl becomes bride, she will see the light; the guy took out a gem and a gold bar and married a ripe girl]: Sabyr uulu 2008:146-150; Kyrgyz [before death, the old man asks his son to clean his bones, take it to the west and bury it there; on the way, the girl asks magician Kadyr which of the two heroes will win and become her husband; lamb: will he recover, although he sucks 40 mothers; mullahs - Is there a place for them with the saints; robbers - where will they go after death; an exhausted horse grazing in the fat grass when it recovers; will a blind horse be healed? the stork asks Kadyr to heal him; the son gave his father's bones to the gravediggers and turned back; towards Kadyr; only the young man remembered the requests; Kadyr: scare the stork, he will regurgitate the gem; the horse let him live where it is cold in winter and warm in summer; robbers will find a place everywhere; the blind man wanted to be a thief before birth, so he is blind; let the young man blow in his left eye and send him on the road to the right; the heroes will not fight each other, and the girl will marry someone whose face is white and his nose is long; having healed in his left eye, the blind man picked up an onion; Kadyr blew the blind man in the right, he saw the light on both; Kadyr: give something for me! the blind man assures that he has nothing; K. found an onion from him, tells him not to steal anymore; let the lamb suck one uterus; the girl recognized the young man as someone with a white face and a long nose, and went with him]: Muchnik 1944:88-90; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 22 [Shinchon goes to the sage to learn how to become rich; stays in the house, the owner asks why his daughter is dumb; the garden owner why the apple tree has stopped bearing fruit; the fish transports across the sea, asks to know why small fish bite it; you can only ask three questions, S. decides not to ask for herself; the girl must see her fiancé, You need to dig gold from under the apple tree, extract two gems from the gills of the fish; S. gets jewelry, gold, the dumb talks to him; everything is fine], 23 (Linxia, Gansu) [=Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:107 -110; grandfather lost consciousness in the sun, grandson Ismar goes to the mother of the Sun to find out why the Sun her son did this; people he met ask 1) is it possible to plow differently than a wooden plough, 2) what to do with long sheep hair; the ram carries I. to a mountain by the sea; after hiding I., the mother of the Sun asks her son; he promises to take his cloud sister with him, advises planting an iron share, sheep, on the plough twice a year cut; I. comes back, teaches people]: 149-154, 154-157.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1973, No. 1 [=1993, No. 2:37-61; an orphan earned a horse, it was eaten by wolves; undertakes to cut four fathoms of firewood in a day; there is not much left, the orphan asks the Sun wait, but the Sun goes down; he works again for a year, gets seed grain, in the fall his harvest has been broken by hail; he goes to the sea to fish and catch animals in the snare; sees seven swans fly in, take off their clothes, became girls, started swimming; the poor man hides the most beautiful clothes; she asks for her back, promises to recognize the kidnapper as a father, if he is old, a husband if he is young; the orphan returns her dress, keeps her dress handkerchief; everyone admires his wife; so that her husband does not get bored, she paints his portrait for him; the wind blows him away, the soldiers bring it to Abaahai Khan, who tells him to find a woman; they go into the orphan's house to fry a bird; not they take their eyes off the hostess, the bird is burned; the hostess makes her unburnt, tells her not to tell what they saw; the bird satisfies the hunger of AH and three soldiers; AH tells her to stay in these places; the next day soldiers do not look at the woman, fry the bird, she tastes normal, AH beats them, making them tell everything; locks the orphan and his wife in an iron barn; tells the orphan 1) to bring an angry yellow dog from the east; the wife gives the hook, the orphan pacifies the dog with them; 2) clear the bottom of the hot hell; the wife gives a red thread to get out of hell; it is impossible to cleanse hell, but the orphan offers AH to check for himself, go down; 3) bring tribute from the son of the Star and the son of the Sun; the wife gives a thread to climb into heaven, show her handkerchief to her mother, she recognizes her as a matchmaker; then the guard climbs, the orphan shakes him off, he falls; after resting with his mother-in-law, an orphan comes to the wife of the son of the Star, she hides him in a hot cellar; when the son of the Star comes, everything cools down; the son of the Star sends him to the son of the Sun; on the way 1) two roosters ask him to know why he is fighting; 2) a woman - why is she sitting on the horns of a cow; 3) another woman - why is she lying, water flows into her mouth, flowing out from behind; the wife of the son of the Sun hides an orphan in a cold cellar; he begged the Sun's son to send him to the day's journey on Altan Sharga's horse instead of himself; at noon he must dine on an 88-legged silver table; the old man lying face down replies that he is looking at his seven dogs on the ground to point them out cattle they can eat; an orphan breaks his arm, knocks his eye out for giving wolves to eat his horse, for which he worked for a year; another old man replies that he is trying to blow back stone hail and rain that pass through the heavenly doors; an orphan beats him, breaks his arm, knocks his eye out for destroying his crops; in the evening, the son of the Sun gives the orphan a golden cane for AH; speaks that a woman lying on the ground did not give mothers milk for newborns; another beat a cow that was milked in honor of the Eastern bunts; roosters should be swung at their cane, they would turn into gold and silver; AH wants to kill an orphan, he swings his cane at him and his warriors, they fall dead; the orphan was chosen khan, the daughter of Tanegari was chosen as hansha]: 43-53; Eliasov 1973 [the eldest sons married, the youngest Mergen Zorikto is strange, goes to look for Burhan; on the way, a woman asks to know why her daughter is dumb; King Soronzon why his land is dry; fish why she is motionless; she lets her down her back cross the sea; Burhan promises that the girl will speak when she sees the groom; gives a magic horse; water will appear if elephant bones are dug up at the source of the river; the fish will move if pulled out of her mouth gem; tells you to take, break this stone, distribute it to the people; animals and birds help break the stone, carry pieces; the king rewards the Ministry of Health with gold and cattle; taking the girl and her mother, the Ministry of Health, who speaks goes home; the Ministry of Health asks the fishermen to give him one fish, drops him into the water; the sea king invites him to his place, for saving his daughter gives him an invisible hat, clothes that cause rain, and a hammer that can be created golden house; ME returns triumphantly to their parents] (quail in Dachshund 1988:5-17); the Oirats [llamas do not come to the poor old man; finally arrived alone on a huge white verlude; not a camel in the morning, not a llama; the old man went to look; came to a two-horned snake; she gave one horn: show Burkhyn-Bakshi - for which he punished me with a couple of horns, they interfere in the hole; the llama on the rock asks if his prayer will end ; three cannibals ask B. for them; B.: the snake has no forgiveness, did a lot of evil; the lamé also prayed only for himself; the cannibals were forgiven; gave a box; at home the old man and his wife became young, around yurts - four types of cattle]: Potanin 1983, No. 54i: 272-274; Khalkha Mongols: Egupova 2012 [Mongol Ardyn Ulger, ed. P.Horloo. Ub., 1969:131; a poor young man goes to a wise lama to ask about his fate; a poor man asks him how to get out of poverty; a rich man why his 18-year-old daughter does not speak; a snake: why he has already reached 1000 years old, but never turned into a dragon; llama: let the poor man dig a trough of jewelry from under the elm tree; the girl will speak when she sees her betrothed; there is a magic stone in the snake's head, it must be removed; to questions The lama himself did not answer: he answered only three questions a year; when the young man removed the stone, the dragon flew to heaven, and Janosha became rich and educated; when she saw him, the rich man's daughter laughed and spoke, married a young man; the poor man dug up jewelry; everything is fine]: 34-36; Mikhailov 1962:50-55 [brothers Nomyn-Bayasgalan (elder) and Erdeniin Bayasgalan cannot cut down a dry tree; father goes with them, they knocked down a tree, a gold box underneath it, a chicken in it; the lumberjack's wife died, he took another one; he is dying himself; tells his sons to eat the chicken's brain (the one who eats will become khan) and the heart (will become an important official); lama advises her stepmother to pretend to be sick, and he will say that she should eat the chicken's brain and heart; but the brothers guessed it, ate the brain and heart, left, began to live with the woman in a white yurt; she suggests N. marry; the bride's father demands gold, etc.; E. goes to the llama for advice on how to get treasures; the snake asks why she has been lying in one place for six years; the tree - why the foliage flew around it 9 years ago; fish - why has been lying on the shore for 13 years, monks - why did the monastery become impoverished; llama: silver must be dug from under the snake, gold from under the wood, bronze from under the fish, topaz from under the monastery wall; E. did everything, brought treasures, got married; the wife herself wants to take possession of the bird's heart; the llama advises to vomit E.; the wife swallowed the bird's heart, and N. began to wither away; smelling the black flower, he became a kid, smelling the yellow - again a man; let his wife smell black, she became a goat; regurgitated her heart, N. swallowed it again; feeling sorry for his wife, restored her human appearance; after the death of the old khan, the wise men made E. new, and N. - Minister], 137-141 [=1967:161-166; childless Khan Solombo Lama predicts that his property will go to a poor boy; S. takes the child into foster care, buries him alive in the snow; found him old woman, he grew up, got married; S. found out, told the young man to bring the soul of the deceased out of hell; the wife gives her a bag of eyes (give it to crows), a bag of veins (women), salt (a cannibal camel); on the way, the woman asks why does she have horns; people - why does the temple they build collapse; man - why does he stick to the boat; gives his eyes, veins, salt; passes between the golden and silver mountains; the master's wife turns out to be kidnapped by the young man's sister; hides him in a hole under the hearth; asks the returning ruler why those people were punished (the woman did not give milk to the poor man, the temple builders used to be robbers; the boatman profited from transporting people); you can take some gold and silver from the mountains; in the morning Vladyka left, his sister told me what he had learned, gave the soul of the deceased; he brought S. gold and silver; S. himself went to hell, torn to pieces on the way]; Dagurs: Poppe 1930 [peers tell the orphan that his parents are dead and has no predestination; he goes to Buddha Amitaba to learn about his predestination; along the way, the master one house asks why his daughter is silent; another, why three white chickens don't rush; the third, why don't leaves and petals bloom on three elms {?} ; turtle - why can't it get out of the water; she takes the orphan to A.; A.: the girl will speak when she sees an orphan, call him husband; the roots of elms must be freed from gold and silver; from chicken wings three feathers must be pulled out; two stones must be removed from the turtle's feet, they satisfy hunger; an orphan settles everything, gets wealth, rewards, wife]: 51-55; Kevin et al. 1994 [before, when old people lived to be 60 years old, they were rolled off the roof and crashed; one man in the king's service hid their father in the cellar; a spirit walks in the royal palace at night; the king orders to guard, no one can find out anything, the servants are executed; when It is the turn of the man who hid his father, who teaches his son to go south to the deer, which has horns to the sky; to go up to heaven by horns, to ask for a remedy; the deer asks to ask when his horns will fall off; Having received two boxes, but without asking about the horns, the man descends, promising the deer to say later; from the ground he shouts that the horns will fall now; they immediately fall like two trees; the man opened one box, not When he reached the house, an animal jumped out from there, ran away; carried the second box; went with it to the palace; a spirit appeared looking like a donkey; the man opened the box, the cat jumped out of it, rushed at the spirit; he became a rat, the cat killed her; rats used to be huge; since cats appeared, rats no longer become rat spirits; the king ordered an explanation of how man managed to carry out the task; he told about the father; the king forbid killing old people]: 80-81.
Western Siberia. Mansi (Konda) [three girls decide not to sacrifice to patron spirits; one hears spirits negotiating to kill them; when the spirits come and hide, the other two spirits are eaten; a girl comes to old people, becomes the wife of their son; when she gives birth to a child, that spirit takes away her mind, she puts the baby on a stick, puts her in the hearth; the husband tells her parents that he will not do anything, until the wife gave birth a third time; the second time, the third time, the same; the husband buried his wife chest deep in the ground; she had a crow under her arm, dug it up at night, carried it across the river in its beak, and they began to live in a hut; he hunts successfully; a ship has sailed, the crow suggested: if I guess, all the goods are mine, and if not, your worker for life; he guessed everything, took the goods; became a fly, flew to that old spirit; shipbuilders tell him about a rich man (i.e. a crow); old man: my mother has three birch trees, with three black grouts on them, when earrings bite, silver and gold fall; when the squirrel runs up there, he sings, and when he goes down, he tells fairy tales; the crow found birch trees, transplanted them to his house; the same with two ships; the ragged old man (apparently that spirit): my aunt has a bull, he has a bathhouse in his ass, one-legged in her will be washed, whole, one-eyed will be seen in both eyes; three nightingales sing in his ear; the crow has found a bull, brought it to him; the same is three ships; old man: the owner of the lower world has a golden cuckoo who will get her, will become rich; a crow has passed through a hole into the lower world; sees people suffering there, everyone asks to know when the torment will end; 1) three men run backwards, three girls behind them; 2) a person runs around the house, the body is frostbitten and injured; 3) the man is tied to a millstone; 4) the man is pouring milk; 5) the man is glued to the boat; the owner of the lower world is lying, his son is writing on paper, the cuckoo is at the hole boxes; the owner answers questions; 1) during his lifetime, they thought a lot about sex, they will be released; 2) did not let people into his house, he will be released; 3) did not allow the use of the millstone, will be released; 4) mixed milk and water, when separated, will be free; 5) stole hay, which people put on the bottom of the boat to sit, will not be free; the crow threw the cuckoo into the box, grabbed it, ran, told everyone suffering from what awaits them, returned home; again the episode with the ship that sailed; again a fly to the old man spirit; there the ex-husband of the crow's mother promises to come to see what the sailors saw; comes, son He tells him everything, takes his house and wealth, moves with his mother to his father; the old spirit was torn apart by two horses]: Kannisto 1951, No. 49:114-127.
Eastern Siberia. Ilympic Evenks (village. Chirinda) [a kind guy came to a lonely plague, where a woman complains that her husband is dead, she is ill; on the shore, the taimen says that he was thrown out by a wave; at home, the guy's father tells him to go to the Sun, find out what's the matter; The sun replies that the woman and her husband loved to sleep, they scolded him in the morning; Taimen ate a fish playing in the Sun; the Sun tells Taimen to be thrown into the water, the woman must bow to the Sun in the morning; Taimen came to life, swam, the woman recovered]: Yermakov 1988:26-27.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [Mergen had a bad dream, went to the shaman to solve it; on the way, the birch tree asks to know why it dries on one side; the seagull - why it can't fly; Kaluga - why it can't swim in the middle of the river; the girl - why does the kana furnace in her house smoke; the mergen came to the shaman girl; his dream: the moon and 9 stars fell to him; her tambourine was stone, the mallet was a piece of granite; the shaman hits him a tambourine, says that Mergen saw on the way, gives answers; a wedge hammered into the trunk must be pulled out of the birch tree; a hook from the seagull's body; a tackle hook dug into Kaluga's side; a piece lies in the girl's chimney happiness; you have to take it out, marry a girl; she will give birth to 9 boys (9 stars) and 9 girls (9 months) {months have not been mentioned before}; Mergen married both girls and took their residents with him villages; Kaluga promises that Kaluga meat will always be on his table, seagull will always be poultry meat, birch tells him to take that wedge, it will split everything; that girl gave birth to 9 boys and 9 girls, and a shaman only shamanil]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 55:262-267.
Japan. Japanese (south Kyushu and north Ryukyu) [the spirit of the tree eats the breakfast of a boy who comes for firewood; advises going to India, or to the top of the mountain, or to Edo (if the hero is an adult man) for happiness; pilgrim routes ask to find out 1) why a dumb son does not speak, a sick rich man's daughter does not recover, 2) why a snake at the bridge (or an old woman at the crossing) can't go to heaven, 3) why a person luck left; answers: a live frog is buried at the base of the pole, a treasure is buried under the tree (it must be dug up, given to the hero, the tree will bear fruit), the snake (old woman) must give the hero treasures, gold Buried at the entrance to the house, the spirit of gold is offended by being stepped on; the hero marries the healed daughter of a rich man]: Ikeda 1971, No. 460B: 115-116.