Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L3A. If I asked for help, a demon came. (.21.) .61.66.

Left alone, a woman carelessly calls someone to help her with the housework; a demon comes and kills a woman or her child.

(Mizo), Napo, Canelo, Kandoshi, Shuar, Aguaruna, Chayahuita, Amouesha.

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mizo [three girls went for firewood and agreed that if one of them could not carry her load, the others would not help her; one could not; heard the sound of a flute, called for help; player warned that she might be frightened of him; when she approached, she squinted her eyes and saw that there was a hole in her stomach in place of her spleen and that leaves were crammed into it; he carried brushwood, but warned that would kill her if she told her what she saw; that she would penetrate any hole; when the young people gathered, the girl told her to plug all the holes in the house; and the big hole went unnoticed; entered The spirit of Thinlanoa, dragged the girl out, stuck her head into the ground so that her skirt fell and everyone could see her genitals]: McGall 1949:91-92).

Western Amazon. Napo [the woman and the child heard the sound of falling trees, thought that someone was her own, shouted, Grandfather, bring firewood; the grandfather came, but his leg was like a grain grater; began to bother her; she replied that she had not yet washed herself, ordered her vessels to be filled with water, water to be carried with a basket; while supay was busy, she ran to her mother; threw her husband's necklaces into the ravine, supai chased them to the noise; the birds hid the woman in a vessel; people made a fire in the pit, the supai fell through, burned; they told the Monkey (machin) to throw ash into the river; he opened the bundle, the ashes turned into stinging insects]: Mercier 1979:116-119; canelo [the dying husband promises to return; the pregnant wife gives birth; tells the bird that if the husband were alive, he would bring firewood; the bird disappears, the forest spirit Aya appears; brings a bunch of bones; woman says that the child needs relief, leaves the house, resorts to people celebrating the trophy head festival; she is hidden in a basket under the roof; Aya is involved in a dance; a woman is given a basket of hot with coals, she pours them into Ay's eyes; in the morning there is a bird's corpse at this place]: Hartmann, Oberem 1971, No.B1:695; 1987:159-160; Kandoshi [the widow regrets that her late husband did not bring her firewood before she died; his spirit brings human bones instead of firewood; her baby cries, his spirit throws him into a boiling pot; a woman runs to her brothers, who are just celebrating; the spirit haunts her, but her brothers hear cries for help, they run out with spears (and kill the spirit?)] : Hinson Cannon 1976:46-47; shuar: Pelizzaro 1993 [husband was crushed by a fallen tree; widow has a little daughter, gave birth to a baby; she hears Owl's voice, says, If you are my husband's spirit, bring firewood ; in the evening a skeleton came, brought a pile of bones, invited his wife to lie down with him; she told the girl to pretend she had diarrhea; her husband's spirit began to wonder what taboo he had broken (he ate the wrong mushrooms, the wrong fruit, the meat of the wrong birds?) , since the daughter had a stomachache (all diseases from breaking the taboo); took the baby, scratched it; the woman left the burning smut responsible for her, ran away with her daughter to her parents; they hid them in a basket under the roof , they put ash and pepper in their hands; the husband's spirit was tired of waiting, put the baby's head in boiling water, chased his wife; on the way he dressed up and joined the dancers (at this time, the manufacturing festival sloth tans; from this spirit people learned songs); poked into his wife, who threw ash at him, he ran out, died; shuar now makes their own on the model of his jewelry; in the morning they found a dead owl at this place; her the head is covered with moss, and wood mushrooms, "tree ears", stick out of the ears; since then it has been known that owls (buhos) are the souls of deceased relatives]: 233-234: Rueda 1987, No. 53-53a [a person dies leaving a pregnant woman wife; she is still in bed, and the others have gone to the party; hears the voice of the Owl; says, When he was alive, he promised that the dead would bring me firewood; the owl fell silent; Ivian came and brought own bones; the woman tells the child to say that he has diarrhea; I. began to play with him, invited the woman to make love; but she went out with the child, who allegedly has diarrhea; the youngest child I. threw away into a vessel of boiling corn soup; the woman and the eldest run to where the holiday is; she was hidden under the roof; when I. came, she threw ash in his eye; in the morning they found a dead owl; var.: I. dances, his they push into the fire, calebasses grew up in this place]: 226-232; Aguaruna [the widow has a baby and an older child; hears the voice of an owl; thinks it is her dead husband; says, When he died, he promised and bring me firewood after death; the owl fell silent; Ivianch brought his own bones; asked his wife to take out his lice; there were many of them; tells me to eat them; the woman pretends to eat, snaps herself with his nails; I. decided to feed a crying baby; (gave him a penis instead of a breast?) , began to pull out his nails; the woman whispered to the eldest to pretend to go out of need; left the burning smut in the latrine to answer for them; ran with the child to people, there was a holiday; Ivianch was told that his wife was in a cassava trough (or he ran in, a trough was dumped on him and stayed under him); they left him there; a fox was found there in the morning; she was burned]: Chumap Lucía, García- Rendueles 1979, No. 79:641-642.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: Anonimo 1993 [a woman hears the voice of an owl, calls him; the spirit kills her and children except the elder; he runs to meet her father; they send the spirit to bring water in an unburned clay vessel ; they kill him]: 238-240; Shlyakhtinsky 2008 [husband went hunting; while he was away, a pregnant wife gave birth to a girl; heard a pu'u owl singing in the forest; the woman said that if she were human as a creature, she could help her bring firewood and make a fire; pu'u came out of the forest in the guise of a woman, gave the woman the firewood she had brought with her; asked her to spend the night; at midnight she launched her finger in the eye of a little girl, replied that she was crying because she pulled a tick out of her age; when her mother fell asleep, she picked out the little girl's eye, ate it; then from a sleeping woman; little son the woman climbed under the roof, saw what had happened; heard his father return from hunting; went down and told him what had happened; the pu'e woman stayed in the house, put a stone in the hammock, became babysit as if it were a child; while she was fetching water, the man warmed up wax on the fire; asked the woman to let him paint her face to go to the party; tied two boards, told her to stick his nails in between the boards, otherwise he was afraid of them, they were too long; threw boiling wax on her face, set fire to the house; dying, the pu'u woman said, Yo'uira choka, ma'ma' choka, ascho' choka, uyyouan choka; therefore, after death, tubers of whitina, sachapapa, sweet potato and uyyouan plants grew out of her eyes]; amuesha [during the ancient sun, the husband was killed hunting by enemies; the wife speaks to the bird so, if she were human, she would tell her where her husband is; the bird turns into a man, talks about her husband, agrees to take her to sanerr (the country of the dead); tells her not to bite through her husband's lice, not saying that she came from home; there are not lice in her husband's head, but worms; the woman's child asks for a drink, the husband offers drinks from the heart, liver, kidneys; in other vessels, a blood drink (fermented blood); a woman tells her husband that the child has diarrhea, runs away with the child to the forest, the huancañcho'ch bird hides it on the papaya; the husband comes to his wife's site, asks the plants where she is; only a silly yam tries tell the truth, but his speech is incomprehensible, the dead man hits him with a stick, returns to the dead; the dead drink a bloody drink, dance, women sing; the woman spies; in the morning the dead turn into vultures , fly to heaven; the woman actually has four children, two boys and two girls; they memorize the songs, measure the flutes; the to'to bird takes them all home; they make a drink from corn, sing, they dance, play the flutes, this is how people learn to sing and dance; a woman and her children cannot eat, everything turns to blood for them; at their request, the woman's brother kills them all]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 2:36- 38.