L40. Reflection and shadow, R351. .12.14.-.17.19.-.30.31.33.
A character finds (rarely: he never finds) another on a tree or rock, noticing his reflection or shadow. See motif L39.
Baule, Soninke, Moroccan Arabs, Portuguese, Spanish, Galicians, Italians (Ticino, Abruzzo, and apparently everywhere, including Sardinia and Sicily), French, British, Syrian Arabs, Iraq, Kiwai, Wedau, Tanna, Bining, Yap, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, Samoa, Pukapuka, Chins, Lushi, Mao, Thais, Shans, Konkani, Tamils, Sinhales, Ngaju, Toraja, Tetum, Tangyan, Apayao, Miao, Koreans, Greeks, Slovaks, Russians (Ryazan), Rumeis, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Bukhara Arabs, Yagnobes, Yazgulyams, Estonians, Norwegians, Kazakhs, Altaians, Ancient Japan, Japanese (from Tohoku to North Ryukyu), Okinawa, Asian Eskimos, Kuchin, Helmet, Hyda, Bellacula, Nootka, Makah, Quarry, Puget Sound, Comox, Okanagon, Kordalen, Ne Perse, Klikitat, Tillamook, Menonym, Wyandot, Tunic, Catawba, Yurok, chiricahua, catawba, hopi, oriental ceres, mountain hills, lacandons, tseltal, chol mihe, embera, sikuani, maquiritare, sanema, warrau, lokono, sekoya, takana, iranshe, suya, kayapo, apinaye, cracho, ramkokamecra, sherente, chorote, nivakle, maca, mokovi, chiripa.
West Africa. Baule [the chief promises to give Maii's daughter to someone whose neck can withstand two blows of a sword; many suitors are killed; Kofi sees girls bathing, takes the dress alone; this is M.; 1) she tells me to name her when the father brings the sword; 2) the father tells you to grow beans overnight, cook beans; M.: say her name three times; 3) distinguish M.'s finger, stuck into one of the holes in the wall of the house, from the fingers of other girls (M. warns that she will cut his finger); the young run away, the mother catches up; M. throws an egg on the ground for the goddess Assie to help; M. has three eggs with her, her mother has two, the last word is for M., they run away; at home, K. goes to prepare a meeting, M. climbs a tree; two women see her reflection, take it for their own, throw their jugs, because such beauties should not work; one notices M. in a tree; she warns that the comb is dangerous for her; the old woman sticks the comb into her hair, M. flies away as a bird; the old woman claims that she is M.; brother K. catches the bird, the comb falls out, M. takes his form; the old woman was beaten to death]: Himmelheber 1951b: 127-134 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:169-180); soninke [the man went to look for a suitable bride; he gave alms to an old man; he taught him to find a tree in the forest , pick three lemons from him, and when he left, open one; a girl came out of the first one, asked for tobacco and bread, he did not have it, she returned to lemon; the same with the second girl; then the man bought bread and tobacco, the third girl stayed with him; he gave them a tree house; she gave birth to a boy and he went home to tell his family; Ginnia saw the beauty's reflection in the sea, decided that she was so beautiful, and hers sent for water, broke a jug; the third time she noticed a beauty in a tree, told her to go down, stuck a pin in her head, the beauty flew away like a bird; Ginnia told the man that beauties were from another world they change easily - now they are beautiful, tomorrow they are not; when they see the freak, people began to laugh at the man; one day the bird flew in, sat on the child's lap; the father took it, felt it and took out the needle; the bird became again a girl, and Ginnia died right away]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:96-103
North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [stepmother tells her husband to get rid of the children; he takes her son and daughter to the forest, but the girl throws bran along the way, finds her way home; next time the father takes them to the cave a ghoul; a ghoul woman feeds them with dates, hiding them from her husband; when he sees children, he rushes at them, but they push him into a hole, burn him; ask the ghoul woman to fan the fire herself, push him into the fire; every day, the brother goes to herd cattle, the sister climbs a tree to watch him; the sultan's man sees a woman in the river, thinks it's a siren, tells the Sultan; his people come, the girl asks them to give waters, they see her, pull her hair, lead her to the Sultan; he marries her, her brother lives with them]: El Koudia 2003, No. 25:126-126.
Southern Europe. Portuguese: Pedroso 1882, No. 2 [the girl is trapped in a tower; she lowers her hair, the prince goes up to her room; one day a witch saw it; she called the girl, imitating the voice of a prince ; the girl lowered her hair; the witch climbed and began to persuade her not to hang out with the prince; went downstairs and left; when the prince got up and the girl told him everything, he told him to run immediately; the girl said goodbye to all objects, but forgot about the broom and broom; took a glass of water and bags of pebbles and sand with her; when the witch came, the table and chairs replied that the girl was sick, but a broom with a broom they said that she ran away with the prince; the witch set off in pursuit; the girl threw sand (sand wasteland), pebbles (wall), poured water (the river, the witch stopped chasing); the prince told the girl to wait for him at a tree, and he would go prepare for their solemn arrival; a black maid came for water, saw the girl's reflection in the spring, took it for her own, broke the jug - why does such a beautiful woman need it; came a second time - the same; the third time with a brass jug, it did not break, she looked up, saw the girl, climbed to her, offered to comb her hair, put a pin in her head, turning the girl into dove; when the prince returned, the black woman said that she had darkened from the sun while sitting in the sun; every time a dove flies to the gardener and asks how the prince is doing with black Mary; the gardener told The prince, who told me to catch a dove with a ribbon snare; dove: you can't catch me in such a thing; the same is made of silver; when the snare was golden, the dove was caught; the imaginary wife asked me to kill the dove, but the prince refused; once she felt and pulled out a pin, the girl was reborn; replied that she would like to make steps out of the maid's bones to climb into bed and pull her skin onto the drum]: 6-9; Spaniards (everywhere , including Galicia) [the prince went to look for sea oranges; asked for an overnight stay; he was told that the snake had oranges; if his eyes were open, it slept; the snake was sleeping, he picked three from its tree an orange and ran away; opened one, a beautiful woman came out, asked for a comb and soap, he did not have it, she returned to her tree; the same with the second orange; the prince bought a comb and soap; to prepare for at the wedding, the prince left the girl over the spring; the maid came for water, saw the reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, broke the jug; so three times; the girl laughed; the maid asked her go down to look in her head, stabbed her pin (or rather horquilla), the beauty flew away like a dove; the maid pretended to be her, said that she was fool because of the wind; the dove talks to the gardener, who called king, he caught a dove, pulled out a pin, the girl was reborn; the liar was burned at the stake]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 408:227-231; Italians {the presence of the motive "notices the reflection" probably in all versions} (Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Arulia), Sicilians, Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 408:93-95; Italians : Kotrelev 1991 (Abruzzo) [the prince goes to look for a wife white as milk and rosy as blood; the old man gives three grenades, tells him to break it by the stream; each has a naked girl, the first two immediately die of thirst, He immediately sprinkles the third with water, she remains alive; he tells her to climb a tree, goes to get her clothes; the filthy sarazinka comes to collect water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, breaks the jug, leaves; the hostess scolds her; so twice; on the third, the girl laughed, the sarazinka asks her to go down, she will comb her hair; killed her, injected her with a hairpin in her ear; a drop of blood turned into a dove; sarazinka explains to the prince that while he was walking, the sun and the wind changed her appearance and voice; the prince marries her; the dove bites the crumbs, leaves the cook with golden feathers; he wants to take it to the prince, the sarazink kills her , a pomegranate tree grows out of a drop of blood; the dying who ate pomegranates have recovered; the last sarazink grenade wants to keep for himself, the prince orders to give it to the woman whose husband is dying; the woman's husband has already died, she she kept the grenade for herself; returning, she sees that the house has been cleaned; the confessor tells the old woman to see what will happen to the grenade; she finds the girl; the prince recognizes her; the sarazina herself says to be smeared with resin and burned in the square]: 118-122; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [the prince decided to find a fairy of three golden apples; the old woman ordered him to take with him a rope, a broom, a sturdy pole, a bag of bread, a bag of millet; he threw millet to an eagle, bread to wolves, gave a pole to people who supported the stone with their shoulders, a broom to wipe under the stove with their hands, a rope to take water out of the well; took apples, the witch chased, shouted to all those to whom the prince made gifts, detained him, but they refused; the prince opened one apple, a girl came out, she needed water, there was no water, she died and disappeared; the second prince opened it by the stream, but it was dry, the same; the third the well, the fairy drank water, stayed with the prince; he went to prepare everything for the meeting; the witch offered to comb the fairy's hair, stuck a pin in it, the fairy turned into a head; the witch took her place said that she became ugly because of hunger; a dove flies in the palace, prevents cooking; the prince takes the dove in his hands, takes out his pin, the fairy regains its former appearance; the witch runs]: 272-275.
Western Europe. The French (Dauphine) [the prince refuses to marry, cut his finger, dripped blood on the cream, he promises to marry the one who is like blood and milk; his father sends him to look for his wife; he sails to a barren island, where a Death woman lives, sends her to another, rich vegetation, Life lives there, she refers to Youth, she gives three lemons and a knife; you have to cut a lemon at the spring, it will come out girl, she must be given water right away; after cutting the first two lemons, the prince is so fascinated by the beauty of the girls that he does not have time to drink them before they disappear; the third drinks; goes to tell his father, in his absence, a girl climbs a tree; a black woman sees her reflection in the source, thinks that she is so beautiful herself; breaking a jug, she notices a beauty; she pierces a pin into her head, she flies away like a dove; a black woman tells the prince that an evil fairy has turned her into a black woman; a wedding is being prepared; a dove arrives, sings, a servant grabs her, cuts her, three drops of blood grow a lemon with three lemons; prince cuts lemons, the girls from the first two disappear, in the third his fiancée; they want to burn the black woman, the bride asks her to simply expel]: Joisten 1991, No. 16. 1:137-139; the British [the king has left, in this while the Queen gave birth to a boy, decided not to baptize, but to call Nothing; when the king went home, the giant offered to take him across the river, said that in return he needed nothing or nothing; When he returned, the king found out about his son; decided to give the giant the son of a poultry house; the giant carried the boy, asks what time it is; he replies that just at this time his mother is collecting eggs for the Queen for breakfast; the giant killed him; the next time he killed him (the gardener's son; the mother is picking vegetables for lunch); when the Queen carried, he replies that the king father was sitting down for dinner at that time; the giant's daughter fell in love with NN, helps him; the giant demands: 1) clean the stable (animals and birds have done it); 2) drain the lake (the fish drank water); 3) get 7 eggs out of the nest on top of a smoothbore tree 7 miles tall; the girl cut off her fingers and toes, made steps out of them; NN took out eggs, but one broke; the girl tells me to run, the giant catches up, she tells me to throw the comb (thorny thickets), the dagger (hedge), a bottle (wave, the giant drowned); leaving the bride, NN went to the castle alone; the poultry house bewitched him, he fell asleep, his parents did not know, the king ordered him to marry someone who could wake him up; the giant's daughter climbed in on a tree, the gardener's daughter saw a reflection in the spring, decided that it was her own and that she should try to marry a sleeping young man; the poultry house taught him to spell for a while; the gardener also saw his daughter a giant, brought to see his daughter's fiancé; he is sleeping, the giant's daughter is trying to wake him up; tells their story out loud, calling the young man NN; the king and queen hear, forced the gardener's daughter to spell NN; the poultry house was executed]: Shereshevskaya 1957:102-107.
Western Asia. Syrian Arabs: Kuhr 1993:34 [The prince dreams of a beautiful woman, leaves in search; he hardly persuaded the captain to take him across the sea; there a woman tears off her leaves as soon as she tears off someone she dies; sends her sister to her sister, she sews dresses as soon as she sews it, a child is born; teaches that a beautiful woman in an orange must be cut, but immediately let her drink water; the prince took three orange; when I cut the first two, I forgot to cook water, the girls disappeared; the third time I got a beauty; left her on a tree above the stream, went to my father's palace to buy clothes; the maid saw reflection, at first decided that she was so beautiful; then asked the beauty to get down, stabbed her, she flew away as a bird, the maid took her place; the father says that the bride is evil and ugly, the son does not believe; the bird began to fly to the bedroom, the imaginary wife broke the glass, cut off the bird's head, and an orange tree grew out of drops of blood in the garden; when the prince cut the third orange, the beauty reappeared; to the maid the head was cut off], 218-224 [the merchant gave an apple to make the woman pregnant; she cut off a piece, the rest was accidentally eaten by a man; his ankle was swollen, nine months later a girl was born; she was carried away by a hawk, brought it to a palm tree, began to bring food, the girl grew up; the prince drove up to the spring to give his horse a drink, saw a reflection, the girl refused to go down; the prince returned home, the old woman offered to help; became pretend that she cannot fry scrambled eggs on the fire (either a frying pan upside down or pours fuel into the fire); the girl came down to show, the prince took her away, hid her in his chambers; tells her mother to bring double portions of food; goes to Mecca, the mother finds the girl, leads to the window, throws her out the window; below the black snake fought against the white snake, the girl wished black victory, she won, offered to fulfill any wishes; the girl wanted a palace with servants and a vineyard in front of the prince's palace; when the prince returned, her mother pretended to be his wife; he asks why she has different eyes, mouth, nose, etc., she each time she replies that because of fatigue, waiting, etc.; and the mother supposedly died; the imaginary wife pretends to be pregnant, asks the prince to send the maid for grapes; the girl answers who she is, tells her to scissors cut off the maid's tongue; the same with the second, with the third maid; the prince comes himself, everything is explained; he executed the mother, her long bones were turned into the crossbars of the ladder; when the prince's wife They climbed, they creaked]; Iraqi Arabs: Yaremenko 1990, No. 9 (Karbala province) [the shopkeeper and his son went to the Hajj, left his daughter in the care of the butcher; he unsuccessfully molested her; When the shopkeeper returned, he said that his daughter was leading a promiscuous life; the father told his son to kill his sister, but he only left her in the desert; the girl climbed a tree above the spring; the nomad saw her reflection, He swore that he would not harm her; she marries, she gave birth to three sons; the husband sends his wife and sons to visit her parents, gives her a slave as his companion; the slave harasses her, cuts off the heads of her sons, binds her a rope to a woman; she ties a rope to a bush, runs away, taking the heads of her sons; hires a shepherd with a lamb's stomach over her head and pretending to be a boy; comes to the father's house; they come to the same place her husband with a slave and a butcher; she tells her story; a butcher and a slave were burned alive], 23 [an infertile woman promises to fill one ditch with honey, another oil; gives birth to a son; an old woman reminds a boy of mother's vow; parents fill the ditches, the old woman comes last, picks up the leftovers; the boy accidentally broke her jug; she wishes him love for taranga and trange (TT; "sour lemon and bitter orange"); he grows up, goes to look for TT; the old man at the fork says that one road of well-being, the second is misfortune, the third does not return; the young man rides the first, falls to the giantess's chest, she teaches how to pick TT in in the garden, when the eyes of the monsters were open (which means they were sleeping); when trying to peel another fruit, a request was made for water, the fruit shrunk; the last young man peeled by the water, he became a girl; the young man went away, leaving TT in the tree; a witch came to the spring, took the beauty's reflection for her own; she offered to help wash the dishes; the witch got up to her, put a pin into her head, TT flew away as a bird; the young man said that she would be beautiful again in a year; the bird flew to the young man, the witch wife ordered her to be killed, otherwise she would not recover; a drop of blood grew yuyuba, her trunk was covered with pearls; the witch wife tells you to make it out she is the cradle for the baby; the baby is crying in her; the witch has given the cradle to a poor neighbor; someone is cleaning her house, she waits for the girl, asks not to return to the cradle; the witch asks for her return the cradle, calls the craftsmen to sew pearls on the dress; TT comes, tells his story; the husband leaves the witch, brings TT to her parents]: 54-58, 129-136.
Melanesia. Kiwai [Shido left only a bony piece of fish to his wife Sagara, then did not come to sleep with her; she left to leave a false mark, turning her legs into bird legs , crab, kangaroo, cassowary, pigs; the tree became low, she sat down on it to rest, it lifted it high; Sido saw its reflection in the water pit; rushed there after him; Sagara told him cut down the tree with an ax; it cuts, chips and pieces of bark became fish; she advised to heat the ax, then put it in the water; it split, so all the axes deteriorated; Shido knocked down the tree, causing wind; the tree fell, Sagaru fell at Meuri's home, became his wife]: Landtman 1977, No. 12:76-78; (cf. Vedau [Kapikoa's black cockatoo was the chief, ate betel himself, gave the servants only walnut shells; they sailed with him in a boat to some shore; went for a drink, muddied the water; offered to poke the boat while he went for a drink; because the water was muddy, he had to go far, the servants sailed away at that time; K. went, climbed a tree by the shore; the girl came to get water; he took a picture on the fruit, shed the fruit; the second time the girl noticed the image, invited K. to get down, they got married; the people of this country do not know fire, they warm their food in the sun; K. got fire by friction, taught his wife]: Ker 1910:97 -100); Tanna [Ramsumas ate everyone, left a group of boys to feed behind a stone fence; Matiktik (the name is known all over Oceania) broke the wall, told the boys that R. wanted to eat them, climbed in with with them on a tree that made first low and then tall again; R. sees the reflection of those hiding in the pond, dives; they laugh; he asks how they climbed; on his knees; on his back; R. just got hurt; M. lowered his vine, cut him off, R. broke; three follower birds fly into his wounds to make sure the ogre died, get red plumage; the body was cut into pieces, blew into a horn of shells, pieces turned into people eaten by an ogre]: Humphreys 1926:99-100; bining (Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain): Meier 1909, No. 1a [chasing a pigeon that escaped from his snare, a man sailed to the island , hid in a tree above the pond; women came for water, one saw its reflection, sent others away, returned for a supposedly forgotten apron (Schirm) brought the man into her house; others satisfied they considered themselves husbands with turtles; a woman gave birth, then her younger sister; the secret was revealed, the man had to get along with everyone; when his first son grew up, he found a hidden boat and returned home; his wife said that all the shell money was spent on his wake, and he lived with other women, killed him with an ax by cutting off his penis (paraphrase in Isis 1998:136; in Dixon 1916:140-141; the beginning of the same thing or similar text in Brown 1910:356)], 1b [as in 1a; a woman tells others that she forgot the water vessel; when she becomes pregnant, all women gather, welcome the man; he tells them to call turtles to eat them; women eat them; everyone gave birth to sons, and before that there were only women]: 85-89, 89-93.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a woman sends two daughters to fetch water; tells her not to follow the Makaran trail that leads to the cannibal, to follow the Makatar Trail; girls go to the Makaran Trail; the ogre calls to take it out from her insects; says that's not all, night falls; the cannibal goes out for food, propping up the door from the outside; the good spirit of Tivul (woman) comes, tells you to dig a way out under the wall, go out with rope and oil; girls put banana stalks on mats instead of themselves, climb a tree above the spring into which they have sketched thorns; the cannibal returns, does not believe that T. did not release her "crabs", beats her, kills her; the cannibal sees the reflection of the girls, dives into the spring, there are thorns; sees girls in the tree, asks how they got in; they oiled the trunk, it became slippery; they lower the cannibal's rope, let it go, she falls; so three times, it crashes to death]: Müller 1918, No. 54:566-567; Marshall Islands (Wotje) [two boys ask their father to bring them warbirds (the fighting birds {roosters?}) ; he catches, brings, tells them not to go with these birds to the north side of the island; they go, meet a demon, he plants their birds with his own, they defeat the demon birds; the demon took the boys away, became to fatten; the older brother does not eat, but weaves a rope of coconut fiber; the brothers show the demon their hands that are still thin; the elder throws the rope on the tree, climbs, raises his brother in the basket; the demon I came to eat them, did not find them, saw in the sink where the boys specially poured oil, their reflection, rushed there; then I saw them on the tree; the brothers said they had climbed the roots; on the rope; the demon did not maybe; then they lowered his basket, picked him up, dropped him, the demon crashed to death; the brothers returned home, took the demon's food]: Kelin 2003:21-27; Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966 (Onotoa, Western 1963-1964) [y Nei Ikuiki has three daughters; the mother does not tell them to come close to the old woman's house in the forest; the girls go for flowers, the youngest is deceived by the old woman's kind words, comes in, eats, falls asleep, the old woman kills her, eats her; the same with her middle sister; the older woman accuses the old woman of killing her sisters, fights with her, runs out of the house and climbs a tree; the old woman sees her reflection in the pond, dives there; dives again and hits her head against the bottom; girl returns to her mother]: 37-38; Koru, Gullivan 1986 [{the text seems to be authentic, but most of the other texts in the collection are of European origin}; all three sisters were named after their mother - Ikuiku; parents live in the south of the island, they don't tell them to go north; they go, they come to the house of old Atutababa; she tries to put them to sleep by removing insects from their heads, then decapitating them and eating them; the eldest is the first to understand the danger; A. does not let the girls out, otherwise she will kill them immediately; they ask them to let them go to the beach to relieve themselves; A. goes with them, also relieves themselves, asks them to bring leaves to wipe themselves off; this time, the sisters run away, climb a tree above the water; A. sees a reflection, dives, then hears laughter, notices the sisters; sings to cut the trunk and the tree fall; the youngest I. pees and sings her song the tree recovers and grows taller; next time the tree restores the middle I., then the eldest; A. tells the heron to shake off the sisters from the tree with its tail; the heron is forced to obey, the eldest falls, rushes to run, runs to men; they tell A. first to listen to their song, lift it high into the air with a song, throw it on the rocks, it crashes; the heron brings two younger sisters; all happy]: 81-93; Tuvalu (Niutao) [11 boys were collecting shells to play (they are put in a bowl); one found a nice stone bowl; the boys carried it with them, but it got heavier and then rolled away into the forest; the boys followed her, there was the cannibal Taukinotoe; he went for firewood, the boys climbed the tree; T. noticed the boys when they saw their reflection in the water; grimaced to make them laugh, but they did not laugh ; began to cut the tree with an ax, but one of the boys immediately overgrown the felling; the boys asked the birds to carry them away, but for the youngest the bird was too weak to pick them up; T. caught him, began to fatten him at home; the boy asked for time off, refusing to relieve himself in the house; T. tied a rope to him, the boy tied it to a tree; the bird brought him home; the parents are happy]: Koch 1966:72-73; Samoa (Savaii) [the couple has a daughter, Tapuitea; eats every subsequent child (three girls and a boy); parents flee to the forest, where the boy Toiwa is born; hides on a pandanus by the pond, T. sees his shadow on a stone, gnaws on a stone; he reproaches his sister that she is an ogre; she says that she will now turn into a star called the Red Eye in the evening and called the Red Eye at dawn star of light]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 35:120-121; Pukapuka (Southern Tonga Islands) [the cannibal Wawine-mata asked the Tulekaleka woman to watch over her baby; she tore off his arm, pulled out his liver, baked it; V. advised her returning not to wake up the child, but rather to eat delicious food; when T. began to break coconuts, V. turned the child around, rushed in pursuit of I.; she climbed a tree above the well; V. dived there, T. shouted that she saw her vulva; V. climbed a tree, T. threw her off with her legs off; the second time her arms; the third time she fell, crashed to death]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Pileni [ The heron asks the two brothers for food, they don't give it; she says their grandmother's ass is dirty; the grandmother teaches how to make glue, the Heron sticks, the brothers beat her to death, bake her in the oven; the giant demands to give it to him; they ask to wait, eat a heron, throw garbage into the oven and poop there; hide their grandmother, climb a palm tree; a giant sees a reflection in the water, dives several times; finally looks up; brothers throw one by one another bunch of fruit, they cut off the giant's leg, arm, he falls, dies]: Hovdhaugen, Næss 2006:69-75.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Chyna [Tom Singh finds a green egg, asks if there is an equally beautiful girl, her father says it's Ral Don; TS comes for her, takes her away from home; returns for the necklace she has forgotten, and with a cup; RD climbs a tree above the river, the witch takes its reflection as her own; RD laughs, the witch pulls it down, swallows it, puts on her clothes and jewelry, pretends to be RD; a drop of blood RD falls to the ground, a mango grows with one fruit, RD takes only a seed, hides it under the roof; someone cleans the house; TS spies, finds a real wife, kills a witch with a sword; grows out of it banana; TS does not tell his wife to pluck its leaves with her hands; RD picks, touches the leaf with his tongue, becomes dumb]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 16:68-72; best [Tlumtea brothers rejected; he himself helps the rat, snake, they help her father-in-law carry out her father-in-law's errands, Tl. Marries Vanchung; she says she has forgotten her comb and rod, Tl. Returns for them, tells her to sit in a tree, not laugh, not cry; Tonulawki sees V.'s shadow, takes it for her own, but is surprised that the other necklaces and bracelets; V. laughs, T. tells her to go down to look for each other in her head; T.'s lice are huge, V. pretends to bite through them, only clicks his teeth; then T. looks in V.'s head, swallows her, puts on her clothes; replies to Tl., who returned, that her fingers are sharpened, pointing towards him, her eyes narrowed, looking for him; people They meet Tl. And his wife, but they see that he brought T.; she regurgitates V.'s bracelet, the old woman tells me to put it in the pot for seven days; T. confused it, decided that for seven months; V. secretly leaves the pot, cooks for T., prepares reindeer manure for T.; T. waited for her, lay down with her; T. came back, hears laughter; they killed her; a saichu tree grew out of her chest; her husband sent V. to wrap rice for leaves, told all residents answer that they have no leaves (for her to go around the village and everyone can see its beauty); V. tried to take the leaves of the saichu tree, could not tear it off, began to bite off, s. cut her tongue, she died]: Shakespear 1909:404-409; mao [Dziilimosiiro's first woman (Dziilimosiia) was lying with her legs apart under a tree in Makhriifii (Makhel); it is believed that Mao, Angami, Poumei, and Chakhesung are in this place finished wandering; a cloud covered her, water entered her vagina, she conceived, gave birth to Okhe (tiger), Orah (god, spirit) and Omei (man); when she was old and ill, her brothers took turns caring for her; Tiger lists all the parts of her body, each time saying how she will eat them after her death; she feels worse; when the Spirit stayed, it got worse; The man gave her pepper soup, hoping that she would die without suffering, but the soup made her she recovered altogether; when her mother finally died, the man buried her under the hearth, putting the focal stones in place, and dug up the ground in various places; the Tiger tried to find the corpse there, but did not look under the hearth; Since then, people have been burying relatives under the hearth; the Tiger tries to eat the Man; he sleeps high on the roof; the Tiger sees his reflection and rushes into the pond; the Man asks what the Tiger is afraid of; he answers like thunder; The man tied a pumpkin with pebbles to his tail, strangled him, the Tiger disappeared into the forest; the Spirit went south, where the sun was hot; otherwise, his mother put three menhirs (or a ball of grass): who will run faster, inherit the land; the Tiger was the first to run, but his mother said that he started running ahead of time; taught Man to make a bow and shoot an arrow at his target to ensure his victory; or brothers competed after the death of their mother and the Spirit taught Man to shoot an arrow]: Mao 2009:10 (also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Naga).
Burma - Indochina. Shana [the youngest of the seven princes replies to his father that he marries only a fairy; the king orders to bring a wife in seven days, otherwise he will cut off his son's head; he goes from one hermit to another; the latter tells at noon, when the cannibal guard is sleeping, to enter the garden, pick the fruit from the top of the tree; temporarily turns the fruit into stone, the young man into a parrot; the cannibal finds nothing, returns to the garden; the hermit tells you not to cut the fruit before reaching the house; the young man cuts it in the forest, a beautiful woman appears from the fruit; the young man leaves it in a tree, tells her not to talk to anyone, goes for clothes; the woman comes behind water, sees a reflection, thinks she is beautiful, then sees a girl in a tree; knocks her down with a stick, kills her, hides her corpse, puts on her clothes, climbs a tree; tells the returning young man that fairies they get stupid from the heat in the sun; the prince marries her; a lotus grew up in the pond, the elderly couple brought it to their place; in their absence, someone cooks; they hide, see a girl coming out of the lotus, make a foster home daughter; she makes petal paintings, capturing the prince when he was a parrot, herself in a tree, and other episodes; for most, they were just garlands of flowers; the couple sold them at the bazaar, the prince saw, ordered the girl to be brought; the liar wife said she was a witch, the prince sent servants to execute the girl; they killed her, her eyes turned into two parrots, started a conversation, he was a prince I heard the whole story; 7 days later he waited for the fairy by the pond; brought him to the palace, the liar was executed]: Milne 1910:275-282; Thais [poor Non took 12 bananas to the monastery (option: 7), he was born 12 ( 7) daughters, he has nothing to feed them, he took them to the forest, they came to the cannibal Santaman; the older sister found a pile of human bones, the girls ran, asked them to hide their elephants and bears, tigers, horses, other animals; climbed the banyan; the king's humpback maid went to fetch water, saw a reflection, thought it was her, returned, breaking the jug; the king gave her a silver bucket, she and his broke it, she could not break the leather one; one sister laughed, King Raja Sith married her sisters; Santaman took the form of a girl, met the king, he fell in love with her, she pretended to be sick, she demanded the eyes of 12 queens; pulled out both eyes of eleven and one of the youngest, sent the eyes of her daughter Kang Ri; blind queens were walled up in a cave, each gave birth to a child, they ate them; the youngest hid them the meat, then gave it to others, keeping her son Raja Sen; he grew up, began to leave the cave and bring food; began to play backgammon with the king, who recognized his son; to get rid of RS, S. orders to bring his daughter, a mango that yawns, and a lemon that screams, gives a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the hermit replaced the letter with an order to marry RS; after marrying the Kyrgyz Republic, RS found the eyes of the queens, took talismans, set off to flee; KR catches up, he throws talismans, fire, mountains, forest, desert, river appear; KR dies, asking her to make her human in the next incarnation; S. also died of grief, and RS restored sight to his mother and aunts]: Kornev 1963:14-21.
South Asia. Konkani (Goa) [the young man fished his golden hair out of the well and decided to marry the one who owns it; the mother sent the maid to search, but she returned to no avail; the hair belonged to his sister young men; parents decided to marry them; the cat tells the girl that such a marriage is a shame; she does not understand anything, asks her neighbor; the neighbor says, gives a seed; it will grow out of it at the well a tree, it must hide in its branches; in the morning the maid went to get water: this is my shadow in the water, this is the shadow of a tree, and whose third is it? she broke the vessel, brought another; when she broke the third one, the girl in the tree laughed; the brother climbed after her sister; she turned to the month: take me to the sky, I will be your bride; a month threw her a rope ray and the girl disappeared into the clouds; a lavish and cheerful wedding in heaven; 10 years later, the wife of a month remembered her parents and cried; a month let her down; she came to the house disguised as a poor man who repairs mats; the maid suspected her, poured water on her, white skin under soot; but the girl managed to escape and picked her up a month ago]: Rodrigues 2020:125-130; Tamils [Raja has no children for a long time; finally a son was born with with a bow in hand, who knows the secrets of magic; the bird sat on the old woman's hump; the prince shot the bird and the old woman's hump is gone; she is angry; now the daughter-in-law will force her to work; let the prince free Peacock Princess (PP) from behind the 7 seas; on the way, the prince rescued a cobra and then a frog caught in the hot sand; the cobra built steps to get over steep mountains; PP princess asks for her to get out the pond has a braid of hair 16 feet long; the young man dives - you can't reach it; the frog got it; having received a braid, PP approached the young man; gems fall from her lips, when she cries, the flowers bloom, and when she goes, they appear jewelry; at rest, a sadhu stabbed the prince and was about to take PP away; she invited him to dig a deeper grave for the prince first; saw one monkey heal another monkey's broken legs with grass; invited the sadhu to go down to the grave to measure it; covered it with earth, revived the prince with grass; the next time they spent the night with the blacksmith; in the morning he said that PP had already rode away, although he simply hid it; PP I agree to give myself to him, but only six months later, and on the last day let him feed everyone who comes; the prince also came and saved her; stopping under a banyan by the pond, the prince put PP on a branch and went to cook the wedding ceremony; the potter saw the PP's reflection, took it for her own; the PP laughed, the potter raised her head; the PP came down, the potter pulled out her eyes, pushed her into the water, put on her clothes and jewelry; the spouses carrying brushwood pulled out the PP; after settling it, the couple began to pay a lot of money for the brushwood; PP gave them two pearls and ordered them to give them to the one who would give her eyes in exchange; the potter's mother gave her eyes , PP saw the light, and the potter's pearls faded; at the prince's wedding, there was only dust from under the bride's feet, when she smiles, black teeth were visible, worms in her hair; the guests ran away, the prince was horrified; PP saw from a distance She told him to bring him home from the terrace of her new 7-story palace; now a real wedding; while PP went to the wedding platform, the ground was covered with pearls]: Blackburn 2005, No. 94; Sinhales [seven The brothers tell the youngest eighth to marry; he refuses; they order Princess Mahiyallegam to marry her; he climbs the stairs to her, falls, breaks to pieces; people from the city of Avulpur gathered them, from The city of Handi has been glued together, a young man has been revived from Upatt; he comes to M., agrees to sit only on her couch, eat only from her golden dish; he marries; they go to town; he goes to get a horse, leaves M. in a tree; a woman from the blacksmith caste sees her reflection in the well, thinks she is so beautiful; notices M., asks her to get down, wash herself, pushes her into a well, puts her clothes on, climbs a tree, the prince takes her for M., takes her away; the blind takes M. out of the well, she makes him sighted, leads him to his palace]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 136:322-324.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Ngaju [in the Kundja forest, he came across the village of Peres, the owner of the disease; Perez tells the servants to put K. in a cage so that he does not see them doing crafts; P. asks if K. sees anything Or he replies that he sees everything; the same in a vessel wrapped in cloth; planted at the top, replies that he does not see; learns blacksmithing, weaving, wood carving, etc.; pretends not to know that they are going to kill him, runs away at night, climbs a tree above the river; P. notices the reflection, tells his servants to dive; not finding K., sends everyone to look for fish poison, K. at this time moves across the river, returns home, teaches people crafts]: Schärer 1966:35-40; toraja [(bare toraja); when they go to work in the field, parents tell their son Tandani and his brother to prepare food for their return; but they they play all day every time; finally, the mother kept the children from entering the house, pushing T. down the stairs; the brothers ran away; the mother tried to catch up with them and asked them to come back; T. threw peas behind several times, the mother collected , wasting time; T. asked the "gaping rocks" {gähnenden Felsen: obviously, the rocks} let them through, the rocks missed them; the mother of the rock was cut in half: one half became a goat, the other a pig; the brothers reached the fruit tree; T. climbed upstairs, threw fruit to his brother, drove away the pig that came up; did not know it was his mother; threw her a fruit with a sharp leaf stalk; the pig swallowed it and died; the brothers came to the old man and the old woman; T. spoke about the killed pig, asked for food for his brother; the old man smeared the boy's mouth with blood, took his meat, left his bones for the brothers; on the way to the old man, T. quietly put the meat in his basket, and the old man's basket put stones; at home, the old man began to dump the contents into the cauldron - it was flowing; the old man thinks that the bone has pierced it; so with all the boilers; then I noticed that there were stones in the basket; in the morning, the old men and two dogs followed the boys; they climbed a tree above the river; the old man noticed their reflection; climbed a tree, saying to his wife: if "hrums" falls, then it's me, and if the "flop", it's T., let the dogs down on him; T.: open your mouth, I'll throw something; the old man opened his mouth, T. threw a hot stone at him, the old man fell, the wife thinks it's T., let the dogs down, they bit to death old man; climbed herself, hurt herself against thorns and died]: Adriani 1915 in Bezemer 1904:348-352; tetum (East Timor) [younger single brother asked an older married man for a fishing hook; Na'I Lou, the island's chief's only daughter, turned into a loli, grabbed the hook, went with it into the water; the older brother demanded that the hook be returned; the youngest threw the net, she brought it to the island like a boat; the young man climbed on a tree; there was a spring nearby, guarded by crocodiles; two maids came to the spring; the young man chewed the fruit, spat; they first thought they were birds, then they saw the reflection, thought they were their own, that they were very beautiful; when they saw the young man, they told him to go down without fear of crocodiles; they said that the princess was suffering from a sore throat; the young man took it out, hid his hook, replaced it with a bamboo fake, then removed it , showed; he was married to NL; he sailed home, gave the hook to his brother, returned to the island, the chief handed him the throne]: Sá 196:44-64.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tangian [two hunters killed a wild boar in the forest, but they don't have fire; one climbed a tree and noticed smoke; came to the fire, and a woman Alan (a forest creature with wings directed at him) is sitting next to him back with her toes and hands); A. gave fire and came to the place where the hunters left the wild boar; cut the carcass with her sharp nails, took out the liver and told the man to take the liver to her child; he came to A.'s house and threw the child into the boiling pot, returned; A. took the meat, carried it to her place, and the hunters climbed a tree by the water; when A. saw the child cooked, A. set off in pursuit; first saw a reflection in the water, tried to grab him; then looked up, asked how the hunters climbed the tree; they say that they were legs forward; A. climbed the vine with her feet forward; the hunters cut off the vine, A. fell, killed; in At A.'s house, hunters found vessels with gold and beads]: Cole 1916:74-76; apayao [two brothers killed a wild boar; it's too heavy, they don't have fire; one went to the giant for fire; said he wanted to fry grasshoppers, crabs; the giant every time says that this is his favorite food; takes almost all the meat for himself; brothers offer to compete in diving, replace meat with stones, climb a tree above the river; at home the giant pours the contents of the basket into the cauldron, the stones pierce it, the fire goes out; the giant sees the reflection of the brothers, cuts the tree; the brothers tell the axe to cut his legs; the giant's wife takes the ax - the same; brothers returning home]: Wilson 1947b: 51-54.
China - Korea. Chuan Miao [the woman was eaten by the witch Na Bo Ntsong; her two daughters went to the forest and called their grandmother; the NBN answered her voice; when she came, she sat on a vessel, not on a chair, to hide her tail; said that she would sleep with her granddaughter who did not have lice; the eldest specially poured sesame seeds into her clothes; shook her clothes over the fire, the seeds cracked, the imaginary grandmother decided to sleep with the youngest granddaughter; the eldest in the attic hears the witch devouring the youngest; she replies that she is eating beans; when asked to give it to her, she gave her younger sister's finger; in the morning the witch noticed the eldest's shadow in the well, found her sitting on a pear tree; she says that the witch will be able to climb the tree wearing leather shoes that are at home; she could not climb into them; the girl asked for a spear to knock down pears for her; the girl asked her to open her mouth, pierced her with a spear; the witch turned into a thicket of blackberries that surrounded the tree in a ring; fabric merchants were passing by, and the girl promised to marry someone who would help her descend; the merchant covered the thorns with a cloth, lowered the girl]: Graham 1954:276-277; Koreans: Cho 2001, No. 78 [a woman returns at dusk, carrying tortillas to her children; a Tiger meets her on every hill, consistently demanding that she give her cakes first, then her garments; there is nothing more to give away on the last hill, the Tiger eats the woman (apparently takes her form); her three children do not open the door at first, for they do not recognize the mother's voice, they see a rough paw; the imaginary mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; asks for a younger one; sister and brother spy, see her eat it; they hide in a tree in the yard; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well, then looks up; the brother explains that they climbed in with sesame, castor oil on the trunk; but the sister says what they did on the trunk notches; at the request of his brother, a strong rope comes down from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks God to lower his rotten rope, believing that he will do the opposite; it broke off, the Tiger fell into the millet field, Since then, the roots of the millet have been red; at first, brother became the Sun, sister Moon; but my sister was afraid to walk at night, so they changed; to avoid staring at her, the Sun Sister dazzled those who looked at her] : 118-122; Park 1991 [a woman returns at dusk, carrying roasted beans to her children; the Tiger ate her, put on her clothes; her three children do not open the door at first, because they do not recognize their mother's voice, they see a rough paw; imaginary the mother explains that she is hoarse, her hands are rough from work; the children unlock; while the sister and middle brother are eating beans, the Tiger climbs under the blanket, eats the youngest; the children ask for more beans, the Tiger gives the boy's fingers; the sister asks for permission to go out of need; in the yard she climbs the willow with her brother; the Tiger first sees their reflection in the well; the brother calls out to him, he looks up; the brother explains that they climbed with grease the trunk with soybean oil; then he says what they did on the trunk of the notch; at the request of his sister, an iron chain descends from the sky, the children climb it; the Tiger asks him to lower the rusty chain, she breaks, the Tiger fell stubble, since then the roots of corn have been red; sister has become the Sun, Brother Month; to prevent them from staring at her, the Sun Sister throws needles at the looking needles]: 46-51.
The Balkans. Greeks: Megas 1970, No. 38 [a childless woman asks the Sun to give her a child, promises to give her when she is 12 years old; gives birth to a daughter; the Sun appears to the girl, tells her mother to remind her; mother tells her daughter to say what she forgot to say; then she does not let her daughter fetch water; finally, the Sun takes her away; she misses her mother, scratches her cheeks, tells the garden to wither; replies that they are roosters, cats scratched, she scratched herself on the rose hips; the sun lets her go to her mother; asks lions and foxes what they will do if they get hungry along the way; they say that they will eat the girl; the deer replies that will graze; puts the girl on a cypress tree, grazes; three dragon daughters come for water, see a reflection, think they are beautiful; the youngest looked up; the girl tells the dragon first cook and bake bread, then eat it; the deer comes back, they run away; the mouse agrees to answer the stalker indistinctly; she catches up when the deer runs into the girl's mother's house, tears off the deer's tail ; the girl's mother sews it on]: 113-119; Paton 1900, No. 9 (Lesbos) [the woman bought the apple from which children are born, left it on the table, her husband ate it, his thigh began to swell, he went to the doctor through the bush, the abscess broke through, a girl fell out, he did not notice it, decided that he had recovered; the eagle raised the girl in his nest in a tree above the spring; the prince's horse came to drink, noticed her shadow on the water; The prince sent an old woman to lure the girl out; she pretended to be blind, began to pour water into an inverted pot; the girl went down to help her, the prince grabbed her, married her; in his absence, his mother dressed up his wife as a shepherdess, sent geese to herd, told her son that his wife was dead; the prince heard her song in which she told her story; brought his wife back]: 335-336.
Central Europe. Slovaks [the elderly king asks his son to marry; the old woman tells the prince to go to the glass mountain and pick three lemons; the prince came to the lead castle, in front of Jezibaba Castle (the incarnation of winter) leans on a lead staff; she does not know the way to the glass mountain, hides the young man; son J. did not eat him, advises him to go to his brother's silver castle; eats lead cakes at dinner; the young man came to to the silver castle, there is another Yezibaba (all the same, but the objects are silver); then there is a golden castle; its owner shows the way to the mountain, there is a tree on it, there are three lemons on it; only those who can pick fruits intended; at first, the prince cannot climb the glass, but decides to throw away the metal pies that each of the cannibals gave him; they turned into steps; he picked lemons, and then the tree and the mountain disappeared, he found himself in the middle of the plain; on the way home he cut one lemon; a girl appeared, but when she found out that the prince had not prepared food, drink and clothes for her, she disappeared; the same with the second; the third allowed them at home, the girl got everything, the prince married her and reigned after his father's death; when he went to war, he left his wife on a throne that others could only ascend to if his wife lowered their silk rope; under the throne in the garden there is a pond; the gypsy maid came for water, saw a reflection, decided that she was so beautiful, broke the jug; then realized her mistake; the old woman advises the gypsy woman to ask the queen lower the rope so that she can comb it; put a pin in her head, it will turn into a white dove, and let the gypsy woman put on her clothes and sit on the throne; that's what happened; when the king returned, the imaginary wife explained that she had changed from suffering, waiting for him to return; a dove flew in, the king stroked her, groped her and took out the pin, the wife was reborn; the maid and the old woman were burned; the king is still reigns happily ever since if he is still alive]: Wratislaw 1890, No. 10:63-74; Russians (Ryazan) [dying, the wife tells her husband to marry someone who fits her ring; the husband did not find anyone, put the ring on a window, her daughter put it on, her father wants to marry her; daughter: I need to order a bed; ordered to make it with a secret drawer, sat in it, my father did not find it; they began to sell the bed, Ivan Tsarevich bought it, put it in his room; someone eats the food he had brought him; for the fourth time I. hid, grabbed the beauty; put a dress on her - a transferable miracle; told his mother to feed the beauty with what she eats herself; leaves he was hunting; his mother forgot the miracle; it was in the corner in the room; he was not fed; the girl took off her dress and ran away; climbed into an oak tree near the well; there was a virgin with three daughters nearby; the eldest comes to the well, sees a shadow (reflection), thinks that she is beautiful, she does not need to go to fetch water; the same with her middle daughter; with the youngest; the mother went by herself, saw a beautiful woman on the oak tree, told her to get down, her mother took her to virni; I. came home - there is no beauty; bored, sick; the portable miracle found out about it; baked a prosfira for I. and squeezed out her monogram with a ring; sent it with a woman; I. ate it - it became better; asked for more , the woman brought it for the second time; I. noticed the monogram; went for a walk, went for a walk, went to the virgin; show me what that monogram was squeezed out; they brought the ring; asked the owner of the ring to take it out; I. recognized her, married]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 14:80-82.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei (a handwritten text in Rumei, kept in the library with. Yalta, Pershotravnevy district, Donetsk region) [the old woman walked and held a pot of water in her hands; the prince threw a pebble and broke the pot; the water spilled; the old woman said: "Love for three oranges"; the prince grew up and always remembered these words, they did not give peace to him; when he became a young man, he decided to go in search of three oranges; people said that they were very far away and well guarded; the prince found and took three oranges {without details}; on the way home I decided to cut one of them; a beautiful woman came out from there, said: "Water, water," and then turned into a bird and flew away; the prince cut the second orange, the situation repeated; the prince came to the well, cut a third orange; a girl who was more beautiful than the first two came out; she asked for water, the prince gave it to her; the girl said that she was his fate; the prince told her: "Climb a tree, I I'll go home, gather my matchmakers and come back for you"; the royal maid came for water; looked into the well and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the water; the maid said, "Put your hair down, I I'll see them, you've been sitting here for so many days, I guess you've worn them up"; the girl let her hair loose; the maid climbed upstairs, stabbed the girl, put her clothes on and sat in a tree instead of her; the girl turned into the bird flew away; the prince returned with his matchmakers, mistook the maid for an orange girl; asked why she had become ugly; the maid replied: "You have been gone so long, I turned black in the sun"; the prince believed her, married her; the bird began to fly in and sit on the trees; the tree she sat on dried up; all the trees were so dry; the maid knew she said to the prince: "Catch this bird, kill it, I'll kill it I'll cook it and we'll eat it"; he did it; the wife took the bones and buried them near the threshold; a tree grew out of them; when the king, queen or prince came out into the yard, it hugged them with branches; when the prince's wife - her branches were beaten and burned; she told the prince to cut down this tree; he did it; the wind picked up one branch and threw it by the road; the old woman picked up this branch, brought it home, put it behind the icon; when the old woman left from home, the branch turned into a girl and did everything around the house; the old woman decided to find out who it was; hid and saw the girl; she told her everything; the old lady said, "I'll go to the king, get their shirts, and you You will sew them"; the girl sewed shirts for the king and queen that it was not clear that their hand had touched them, and sewed their daughter-in-law's shirt with stubble from a pig; the old woman took the shirts to the king and told them who sewed them ; the prince came to her house, recognized the girl and took her with him; then asked the maid: "Wife, what do you want - forty knives or tie you to forty horses?" ; she replied: "Forty horses"; the prince tied her by forty horses; where her body hit, there were beams and hills; the prince married an orange girl; "They still live and reign"]: Intervalskaya et al. 2001; Azerbaijanis [the prince fell in love with a pomegranate girl; the vizier says that she is from divas; bought sakyz (pistachio resin), came to the house where the old woman, the lower the lip crawls on the ground, the upper one reaches the sky; the vizier threw tar into her mouth, she chewed and did not eat it; he became an awl, hid in the cracks; the old woman's sons came and believed her that there was no one; in the morning the old woman showed the way west; there the second old woman (the same episodes, the vizier became a piece of carpet); the third (the vizier hid as a fly) pointed out a tree with three grenades at the top; becoming a mosquito, the vizier carried away grenades; the first two have nothing, the third is beautiful; asks for clothes; the vizier left her at the top of the plane tree, went to the city; the vizier's maid saw her reflection, pushed the girl into the well, took her place; she got out, turned into a rose bush; the prince married a liar, is surprised that she is black; the vizier cut the roses, sent it to the prince's wife, she threw away the bouquet, he became a plane tree; wife ordered her to be made a cradle for the baby; the old woman took one board, brought it to her place; while she was leaving, the board became a girl, cleaned and cooked everything; the neighbors advised me to see if the girl stayed with old women; the prince is going to Mecca, distributing horses for fattening; the girl told the old woman to take one, she was sworn, the girl's best horse; the women are going to embroider the prince's dress; a pomegranate girl folds pearls with a song, sings about what happened; a wedding of 40 days and nights, a liar tied to the tail of an immense horse]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:83-94; Turks [stepmother wants throw children into the oven; boy and sister go to their mother's grave; a voice tells them to take a comb, brush, soap; stepmother sent soldiers in pursuit; the abandoned comb became thickets of thorns, the brush covered the earth with snakes, the soap by the sea; the children walk along the steppe, the boy is thirsty; the sister does not tell me to drink from a reindeer, he drinks, turns into a deer; the girl climbs the poplar, shahzade sees its reflection; tells cut; felling overgrows overnight; the old woman begins to bake bread, putting the pan upside down; the girl goes down to help her, shahzade picks her up and the deer, marries; while swimming, the arapka pushes her to deep place, puts on her clothes, says she turned black waiting for her husband to return; asks to slaughter the deer; the deer brother tells his sister how knives are sharpened to slaughter him; the sister replies that she is in the stomach fish, her son is at her chest; people hear, shahzade overhears, the sultana and the child are taken out, the arapka is tied to the tails of 40 mules]: Stebleva 1986, No. 33:131-134.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the padishah has 40 wives, all barren; he promises to fill one pool with honey and the other with oil if a son is born; the fortieth wife has given birth, the boy is 18 years old, the padishah fills the pools, so that everyone could take honey and oil; the old woman leaned down to get oil, the padishah's son shot her with a pebble from a sling, the bowl broke, the oil poured out; the old woman cursed him: let him go get the girl Pomeranian; mother to prince: there is a garden on the mountain, where girls are in Pomeranians, but do not return from there; the old man shows the way; the diva tells you to change the horse to a tied black, throw the game to the dragon, take the Pomeranians, not paying attention to the divas, rushing back, returning the horse; a girl comes out of every Pomeranian, asks for water or bread, dies; a diva woman: asks for bread, give me water; the last girl left, prince went to get her clothes, the girl stayed in the tree; the black maid saw her reflection; first she thinks it's hers, then hears laughter, looks up; cuts off the girl's head, takes her place, answers the prince, who turned black in the sun, was carried away by the wind; an orange tree grew out of Pomeranz's blood, the prince transplanted it into the palace; the imaginary wife tells him to make a board out of it; the old woman took the branch and made a spindle; someone cleans her house; an old woman finds a girl; a doctor advises wearing a mirror chain around the prince's neck; a Pomeranian girl says she can do one; tells her story showing everything in the mirror; everything is fine; the liar is offered a sword or horse, she chooses a horse, she is tied by her braids to a horse, allowed into the steppe]: Rosenfeld 1956:164-174; Bukhara Arabs [father betrays daughter for a son; she runs away into the reeds; goes out only to her younger sister; both leave, the youngest drinks, makes a gazelle; the maid sees the reflection of her older sister who has climbed the tree in the pond, takes it for her his own; the emir cuts down a tree, the girl climbs another; gets down when he promises to marry her, feed the gazelle from the golden feeder; the emir's elder wife pushed the new one into the pond, she was swallowed by fish , she gave birth to Hassan and Hussein in her; the eldest wife pretends to be sick, tells her to slaughter the gazelle; the emir watches the gazelle as it talks to the swallowed one by the pond; takes his wife and children out of the fish, executes his eldest wife]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 9:69-71; Yagnobtsy [the young man promises to marry a girl who looks like his sister; does not find it, decides to take the sister herself; the sparrow tells her about it, gives her a magic a stick, the girl flies away on it; refuses to return at the request of her mother (she is now her mother-in-law), her younger brother; but then takes it with her; they go, the sister forbids the boy to drink from different rivers, for he will become a marmot, a bear, a pig; he drinks from a river that turns half into a goat; a sister climbs a tree above the water; the maid thinks she is so beautiful, refuses to carry water; the old woman persuaded her to go down, the king married the girl; while he was hunting, the other wives persuaded her to swing on a swing, cut off the rope, the girl fell into the pond; another wife says she is sick, asks to be slaughtered a goat; a goat asks permission to go to the pond, sings that Bibi-Mo (i.e. his sister) has Hassan and Hussein (newborns) in the arms, let the knife turn around and prevent him from slaughtering; the maid tries to slaughter the goat, hurts himself; the tsar hears, orders to bring cattle, they drink water, the pond dries up; feast; other wives are tied to horses]: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 45:206-210; Yazgulyam [Tsar Toshron has a son Toshbek; to him Gulkurbon saw his face; in a dream he saw that her portrait was in his father's chest; T. and his squad went in search; only he and his dairy brother managed to cross the river; they climbed the willow; one, the second maid sees their reflection; the third raises her head, T. puts his ring in her bowl; at night G. calls T. to him, they sleep together; G.'s fiancé comes with an army, but T. kills him; wedding]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 29:293-3-2.
Baltoscandia. Estonians (Otepää) [brother and sister went to pick berries, got lost, climbed the Christmas tree, saw a house; peninukid live there; the old woman began to fatten the children, although her brother let them go would be too thin; the old woman told me to show her finger; the boy showed a stick, and the girl once gave a finger; the old woman swallowed it; the cannibals left, leaving the old woman to cook the children; the boy pretended that she did not know how to sit on a baking sheet; the old woman testified that he shoved her into the oven; the children put her bast shoes backwards, ran to the lake, climbed the spruce tree; the cannibals returned, ate the old woman, found no traces fugitives, but noticed their shadows in the lake; thought the children were in the water; tried to drink the lake, burst]: Järv 2016:21-24; Norwegians [poor man cannot pay godchildren; unfamiliar lady undertakes be the godmother of his daughter; the girl lives with her; she does not tell her to open one room; she opens, a star flies out from there; next time the moon, then the sun; after the third time, the goddaughter drives away speechless; the girl sleeps in a tree above the stream; the prince's maid comes for water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, throws the jug, for it is not good for such a beautiful woman to be a maid; the same with the second; The prince himself goes, sees the girl, marries; when the wife gives birth, the goddaughter puts the servants to sleep, takes the child, lubricates the mother's lips with blood; everyone thinks that she ate the child; after the third birth, the prince's wife is led to the fire; goddaughter, because St. The Virgin, bringing her three sons, is speechless; it was a punishment for violating the prohibition; St. The virgin was as upset about what happened as the prince's wife at the disappearance of her sons; everyone is happy]: Dasent 1970:188-193; Norwegians [after the death of her parents, three brothers went on a journey; The elders did not want to hire the younger one, but the Kapechnik, came to hire the same king; it turned out that he was doing a better job; the brothers, out of envy, told the king that Z. could get it for the king the most beautiful princess instead of his deceased wife; Z. set off, sat down on a spruce tree, shared food with an old woman who came up; she promised to help him; as soon as he got up and went, he saw a pipe; picked up, blew, dwarfs appeared: what do you order? sent to the troll castle, where three princesses take on any shape; became three lemons; Z. took them to refresh themselves later; cut one, a girl appeared, shouted, "Water!" , and since there was no water around, she died; the same with the second lemon; when he opened the third one, he managed to run to the pond and bring water; gave the girl a cape, she climbed the tree, and he went to the king; at this time the cook came to get water and saw the princess's reflection, took it for her own; decided that such a beauty did not care about carrying water; but when she saw the princess in the tree, she threw her into the pond, put on her cape and climbed on her place; the king did not like the girl, but he believed others that she should be the most beautiful; when she became queen, the cook caught a silverfish in that pond and told them to burn it; pieces of silver in the ash; told me to bury it; a linden tree with silver leaves grew in this place; the Queen ordered it to be cut down; the maids picked up the chips, but they were like silver; one sliver turned into a child, and he quickly grew and became princess; she told Z. everything, and he told the king; the king married her, and the cook was placed in a barrel of nails and rolled]: Stroebe 1922b: 15-20.
Turkestan. Kazakhs [khan promises to make his son-in-law someone who finds the ring lost by his daughter; finds the girl's brother, the khan is preparing the wedding of his son and daughter, the daughter runs away to the cave; the entrance to it closes and opens at her will; she does not open it to her father, mother, brother, opens her older sister that wolves can eat; both sisters run on, maralikha hides them under a stone from her father's nukers; creates a spring , hitting her hoof; the younger sister drinks from it, turns into a maralenka; the eldest hides in a tree by the well; Mystan-Kempir sees her reflection, tells the local khan; the viziers are trying to get the girl, they fall and see that she is in a tree; she agrees to marry the khan's son if he takes care of the maralenka; during the wedding, the maralikha turns the maralenka back into a girl, she marries the neighboring khan ]: Tursunov 1983:210-213.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the gentleman does not want the son to marry the daughter of a poor man; the hero and heroine are running out of provisions on the way; the hero goes to Karata Khan to ask for provisions, leaving the bride for a birch tree by the river; the khan's maid sees the reflection of a beauty, takes it for her own, complains that she is so beautiful alone; the girl on the birch tree laughs; the maid deceives her, pretends to be her; the heroine escapes, catches up with the hero and the imaginary bride, turning into a cuckoo, a flower, a birch tree; the false bride asks to pick a flower, shoot a cuckoo, cut down a birch tree, but every time they approach, they disappear; the absence of the hero, the heroine comes to his house, takes revenge on her rival, takes her place; the khan sends her son to the hero's house for a maid; seeing a beautiful woman instead of a maid, the khan's son wants to take her away; the khan invites the hero to himself, gives difficult tasks; the hero, with the help of his wife, does everything, takes half of the khan's wealth according to the condition]: Demchinova 2003:157-158.
Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 333A (from Tohoku to North Ryukyu) [the cannibal comes to the woman, eats all the food, then the woman herself, takes her form, goes to her children; they ask them to stick them in the hole hand, it is said that the mother's hand was softer; the cannibal returns, rubbing her hand with tarot leaves; the mother's voice was softer; the cannibal drinks butter (honey); the children let her in; she goes to bed, eats the baby; one of the children asks for food, gets a finger; the children say they need to go to the yard, untie the ropes that the cannibal tied to them, climb the tree; How did they get in? - After dousing oil on the trunk; 1) she falls, breaks; the children take the living mother out of her belly; 2) she sees their reflection in the pond, tries to drink it; the children ask the gods to lower the rope from heaven, they rise, turn into stars; the cannibal asks too, her rope is rotten, it breaks, it falls, breaks, her blood stains the roots of the millet]: 91-92; Markova 2000, No. 17 [father died, mother went to the grave, told the children not to unlock strangers; the witch knocks, the children ask her to show her hand, she is hairy; the witch shaved her hand, sprinkled it with buckwheat flour, but her voice is hoarse; then she drank a bean broth, her voice became like that mother; two older brothers sleep separately, the youngest with the mother; they ask what she gnaws, she says the roots; they ask for them, they see the child's pen; the brothers climb a tree above the pond, the trunk is poured with oil; the witch tries to catch their reflection with a net; then looks up, climbs the trunk, slides; began to make notches with a sickle; the brothers ask God to lower the chain from the sky, climb the gold chains; god lowers a rotten rope to the witch, she climbs it, the rope breaks, her blood stained the roots of buckwheat; the elder brother became a month, the younger brother became a star], 25 [the youngest son goes for mountain pears; mother tells you to follow the path where the bamboo rustles, Go; the son goes where it rustles, Don't go; climbs a pear above the water, the owner of the pool of the nusi sees his shadow on the water, swallows it; the same with the second brother; mother gives the elder Saburo a sword; he manages to hack the nousi, frees the swallowed brothers, gives a drink of water from a red bowl found on the way, they recover]: 71-73, 103-105; Ikeda 1971, № 470C [2 modern versions and Kojiki; the fisherman brother and the hunter brother change their fishing and hunting gear; the hunter loses the hook, the fisherman demands that it be returned; the old man on the shore explains how to get to the palace king of the sea; at the gate, a young man hides in a tree above the well; the maid sees his reflection, tells the princess, she falls in love, the young man marries her; three years later he wants to return; the king collects subjects, the hook is stuck in the mouth of the fish (red snapper), she is sick from it; the young man with his wife and gifts (jewelry that controls the tide) returns to the ground; returns the key to his brother and curses him; good luck leaves him, he obeys his brother; the husband violates his wife's prohibition to watch her give birth; she turns into a crocodile and swims away]: 121-122; Kojiki 1994, ch. 33-35 [Hoderi no mikoto - lucky fisherman, his younger brother Hoori no Mikoto, is a lucky hunter; offers to exchange fishing/hunting gear, caught nothing, missed the hook; makes 1000 hooks with his sword, but the older brother demands back His own; Shio-tsuchi-no kami (God Spirit of the Sea) takes him by boat to Wata Tsumi no kami (God Spirit of the Sea) palace, tells him to sit there on a katsura tree, and the daughter of a sea god will notice him; her maid goes to fetch water He sees a shadow in the well, notices the young man; he asks for a drink, throws a pearl into the vessel; the daughter of the sea god Toyotam-bine (Virgin of the Abundant Pearls) finds her, her father passes her off as a young man; he lives with her three years old, remembers the reason why he got to sea; the sea god calls the fish, who say that the Thai fish (perch) complains about a thorn stuck in his throat; the sea god hands his son-in-law a hook, promises to ruin his brother; sends him home in a crocodile; with the help of a pearl, the young man drowns and saves his older brother (floods his fields); the wife comes to give birth to land, does not tell him to spy; he spies, sees a crocodile, the wife returns to sea forever, leaving her son, the father gives him to his younger sister]: 90-96; Okinawa [Akana is a character who lives on the moon; "they" - the category of demonic creatures"; A. and O. go fishing, A. has a wooden boat and a rich catch, O. has a clay and poor catch; A. advises O. to urinate on the boat, it falls apart; A. believes that O. is his eats, runs away; O. catches up and asks why A. has red pepper in his hand; A.: "If you wash your face with this, you will see China and Yamato (Japan)"; O. believes, washes his face (infusion) of pepper, sneezes and temporarily goes blind; A. climbed a tree at the edge of the pond, O. sees its reflection; enters the water, catches shrimp and fish, ties them to all parts of the body; A. laughs, O. notices him, climbs a tree; A. promises God to wear for salt and water; if God loves him, let him lower the iron staircase, if he does not love him, the rope ladder; God lowers the iron ladder; O. climbs after A. and has time to gnaw off one leg from A. sky]: "Tales from Ogimi Village", 1998. The text is "Akana and Them"; translated and reported by Yoko Naono Fukasawa on April 25, 2016.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 39 (Naukan) [same in Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 1:23-40; father lets his young son kayak into the sea; he ends up in the country of Orlov; two girls raise him, their father gives him eagle plumage; he grabs a fire-breathing whale, which drags it under water, the Eagle sisters help lift the whale into the air; the eagle wants human; the young man brings his father to eat him ; mother brings, she lives well with the Eagles]: 88-93; Bogoras 1913, No. 7 [a man always beats his wife; she turns a bucket of water into the sea, a bag of meat into a boat, sails away with her young son; sails to to an old man, that daughter; at night an old man sends his long penis scratching the baby's neck; a woman avoids copulation; runs away, turning a bucket into a lake; throws a piece of his hair, it turns into forest; climbs a tree; an old man sees her reflection, dives three times; hears her laughter, sees her in a tree; cuts a tree with his penis; a woman jumps on another; a fallen tree has crushed an old man to death; a woman gets to another old man, who has five daughters; the old man stretches the baby's dicks, turning him into a young man; shows the woman a scar around the young man's neck from being hit by a penis, she recognizes her son; the old man and his daughters They show him how to wear eagle clothes; in the form of an eagle, a young man tries to raise a mammoth, his claws get stuck; the eagle sisters help him; he brings whales and humans for an old eagle who eats human ; mother tells her son about his evil father; Eagle son takes the boat with his father into the air, throws it, brings the mother's father's corpse]: 426-429; Van Deusen 1999 [husband beats wife; grandmother {apparently husband's mother} tells her to run, creates a barrel, puts a woman and her baby there; she is nailed to the shore, the woman comes to a house with meat supplies; the owner returns, asks her to be his wife; the woman stings the baby, says that he used to sleeping outside, goes out, runs away, climbs a tree; a man chases, sees her reflection in the lake, throws himself into the water; a woman laughs; he notices her, saws a tree, it falls on him, he crushed to death; a woman with a baby comes to a yaranga, throws sand on the coating; an old woman in yaranga tells her daughters to know if it is raining; they see a woman; the old man tells her to be driven away if the baby is girl, invite if a boy; a woman first gives the baby, then enters herself, sees a healthy young man; this is her son, who immediately becomes an adult, he shows his mother a mole on his body; these people are eagles, they give the young man an eagle robe, teach him to fly; he brings whales and deer; flies to Chaplino, brings a kayak with a man from there, throws it, the man in the kayak crashes, it was that cruel husband, the father of a young man- eagle]: 94-97.
Subarctic. Kuchin [Jateaquoint kills the daughter of the Bearman, hides in a tree; the Bear sees his reflection, tries in vain to kill him; D. laughs, the Bear notices him; goes to look for a long pole, D. runs away]: McKennan 1965:106; helmet [Beaver sees a giant approaching; undresses, smeared with white powder, freezes; the giant puts a finger in his ass, sniffs, thinks it smells like game; but because the game does not move, it leaves; the Beaver hides in the tree; the giant dives for a long time behind its reflection in the river; the Beaver laughs; advises the giant to go make a pole with a loop to catch him; runs away while the giant is busy doing this]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:422-423.
NW Coast. Hyda [an unknown person comes to the house of five brothers; the older child cries, the unknown sucks his brain; he is rushed at, but he kills four brothers; the youngest runs away, hides in a fork in a tree above the lake; an unknown person sees its reflection, dives into the water; a person sings, the water is covered with ice, an unknown person freezes into an ice-hole, notices a person, asks to pull him out; a man makes a fire around a frozen person's head; ashes fly away, turn into mosquitoes]: Swanton in Thompson 2000, No. 72:193 (=Waterman 1914:42); bellacula: Boas 1898 [boy playing with girls; chewing tar, fits Sneneik; girls ask for resin, S. throws everyone into his basket; the boy cuts a hole with a knife, everyone gets out except one girl; her mother cries, snot turns into a boy, he grows up quickly; hides in a tree above the river; S. takes his reflection as his own; then he sees a young man, asks him to be made just as beautiful; he says that to do this she will have to cut off head; kills S.; in her house he revives dried children, brings them home; marries, he has a son; he tells his wife that his name is the Son of the Sun; rises to the sky on eagle fluff]: 83-86; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [children play; the cannibal Snik puts them in her basket, takes them home; the children cut a hole with a knife, run away; one girl can't get out; her mother cries, the snot turns into a young man; he hides on a tree above the river; S. sees his reflection, dives behind him; then decides that this is her own reflection, admires it; having learned the truth, asks the young man to make her just as beautiful; he breaks her head between stones; burns a corpse, ashes turn into mosquitoes; a young man finds a girl in S.'s house, brings her to his mother; returns to his father himself (not named)]: 441-444; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. XIII.9 [cannibal seals the children's eyes with resin, takes the children in the basket; some run away along the way, the cannibal smokes the rest; women cry; one blows her nose, a boy emerges from the snot; hides in a tree above the water; The Resin Woman sees his reflection, thinks it's herself; he drops a leaf; she asks him to go down, make her beautiful; he breaks her head between stones; comes to her house; the pot screams, calls the hostess; the cannibal comes to life, comes; her heart hangs on the wall; the young man pierces him with an arrow; the woman dies; he revives the children, they return to their parents]: 114 (=2002:267-268); 1916, No. 6 [as in Boas 1895; Forest Woman; three boys run away; cannibal asks Snot to be her husband]: 903-907; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 21 [as in Boas 1895; Resin Woman; One girl runs away]: 89-97; Carmichael 2006 [The girls in the boat sailed to the shore where a cannibal (chehah) named E-ish-so-oolth lived; she covered their eyes with resin, threw them into her basket; two clung to the overhanging branches, ran away; the rest in the village were mourned; one mother's tears formed a puddle, turned into a boy Eut-le-Ten; his mother told him about his sister's fate; he went to save her; climbed a tree; the cannibal saw him reflection in the water; she told him to go down, promising to feed him and shelter him; he explained that he was handsome because his parents put his head on a stone and put another stone on his forehead; the cannibal asked To do the same to her, the boy killed her; came to her husband; he split logs with a wedge; dropped a wedge, asked her to pull it out; the boy climbed in, the cannibal pulled out another wedge; the boy again turned into a puddle of tears went into the ground, got up as a boy; the cannibal wants to try it too, crushed by a log; in the cannibal house, the boy frees the girls from the cage, washes their eyes from the resin]: 27-35; poppies [like a chickpea; The cannibal herself reports that her heart is hanging at home; leads Snot there, he pierces her heart with an arrow; without a watchman pot; see motif J58, motif K27]: Densmore 1939:211-213.
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [a cannibal seals her children's eyes with resin, takes it away in a basket; one runs away, talks; parents cry; a woman's tear turns into something alive; she puts it under her clothes, gives birth to a boy; he goes to look for a cannibal; climbs a tree; the cannibal takes his reflection for her own, enjoys his beauty; he laughs; she promises not to eat him, but to make him a husband, leads him to herself; he promises make it beautiful; to do this, you have to put your head on a stone, hit others on top; he kills her; revives the dead from their bones; in the village he shoots arrows into the sky, they form a chain; he climbs on sky; then the arrows fall down]: Jenness 1934, No. 17:164-165; Puget Sound [The skunk makes two sisters live with him; they run away, hide on a rock by the river; he streams into theirs reflection in the water; they laugh, he sees them, climbs a rock; they throw hot stones at him]: Ballard 1927:63; comox [A deer killed Chief Wolves, made his son a slave, tortured him, threw him into the water; he hit the son of the Deer, the Deer killed him; Wolves killed the son of the Deer, he climbed the tree himself; Wolves see his reflection in the pond, dig the ground; a passerby points them up; each of the Wolves sings what part of the Deer's body will he eat; The deer is so angry that it fell off the tree and was eaten]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.7:80 (=2002:202-203); Okanagon [Skunk and Fishing Marten (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk) and a Tyrant Bird (Tyrannus) to climb under Marten's clean, tidy bed, Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he spoiled the air, Skunk heard, made an indecent sound again, the girl laughed louder, Skunk found the girls in the chest under Marten's bed; says he's the head of the house, hides them in his chest; Skunk Replies to Kunitsa who comes that he is the chief, Marten is forced, contrary to usual, to cook for himself; everyone puts food in his chest, Marten sees Skunk taking out an empty plate; The next day he sends Skunk for the dead deer, finds the girls, sets fire to the house, flies with them to the rock above the river in a column of smoke; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, realizes the mistake, He lets him up, gets into Marten's toe, he dies; the sisters pretend to be happy with Skunk; he copulates with them all day, falls asleep; they return to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; a small hole remains, the Skunk disassembles himself piece by piece, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron away; the Skunk comes to people playing ball with iron, grabs it, kills people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148- 150; kordalen [Skunk and Fisherman Marten (Fisher; KR) live together; hunt deer; Skunk tells him to give him only giblets and meat and fat at the tail; Chief Eagle sends his daughters Chipmunk and The squirrel should go to the Kyrgyz Republic; their mother warns that the Skunk eats garbage and the KR eats good meat; the sisters hide in the house, hear the Skunk approach, blowing the winds every step of the way; the chipmunk giggles, the Squirrel tells in vain keep silent; Skunk heard, hid the girls behind his bed; when the Kyrgyz Republic brings deer, he says as if it were him (telling him to give him ribs, not giblets); Skunk offers to feed their pillows, KR I'm surprised that the plate of meat for the "pillow" is soon empty; prevents Skunk from extinguishing the fire at night, although he tries to do so; the next morning the KR pretends to leave; waits for the Skunk to leave too, finds girls in Skunk's bed; tells them to set fire to the house, take the meat and go with it; when Skunk sees smoke, he thinks that it was the Kayuz who attacked the kordalen, but then runs home; not finding the girls' bones in the coals, begins persecution; drinks water under a rock, sees a reflection of KO, demands the girls back, streams into the water; when he looks up, sees fugitives on a rock; streams into the eye of the KR, makes the sisters go down, tells Belka to lie under his head, the Chipmunk under his feet; in the morning the sisters leave pieces of wood for themselves, run away; Skunk comes to people; says he ran away from the cayuz, they captured his three sons; kills everyone with his stream; she also makes two blind old women see; they agree to take him in a boat for this, he tells him to be treated like a leader; they swim to the village, honor him, raise him in their arms; everyone is changing (perhaps turning into stars)]: Reichard 1947, No. 23:158-162; ne perse [see J12 motif; five sisters come to marry Eagle; Skunk hides them in his bed; Eagle discovers deception, hides with his wives at the top of a cliff; Skunk sees their reflection in the river, lets a stream into the water; looks up; the eagle advises him to climb backwards; throws a hot stone into his anus]: Phinney 1934: 251-259; clickitat [the old woman sends her grandson Wild Cat to the Old Man to ask what month it is; he asks me to tell you that the month of Copulation; the old woman is angry, puts on jewelry, goes to The old man; he invites her to sit on his penis; they copulate; the Wild Cat spies on them, sets fire to the house, they die; the Wild Cat comes to the water, drinks, his teeth fall out; picking them up, he comes to a Grizzly woman; she takes his teeth, gives him grizzly teeth, sleeps with him; he goes to the Bear; runs to the Grizzly, throws him his teeth, takes hers; now the Bear takes his teeth, gives her own; episode It is repeated when he comes from the Bear to the Puma, from the Puma to the Otter; the Wild Cat comes to five female mice; they dig an underground passage, run away with it, the Grizzly chases them; one by one, kills four; the fifth with the Wild Cat hides in a tree above the lake; the Grizzly sees their reflection, then raises her head; climbs a tree; asks the Mouse to look for toads instead of lice; looking for a Mouse in her head, kills her ; kills Wild Cat]: Jacobs 1934, No. 12:24-27; tillamook [Wild Woman's raccoon grandson ate all the roots in her basket, left his excrement; for this she burned his tail (stripes so far); he left; she feels sorry for him, she follows him; people think she wants to kill him, they hide that they saw him; on the river bank, a woman dives behind his reflection, then notices her grandson in a tree; he throws her berries, asks you to close your eyes; kills by dropping females; her flesh turns into tree mushrooms]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 19:70-72.
The Midwest. Menominee [The raccoon promises women that their babies will grow up right away if they are put in an ice-hole; one has a son growing up; others die; a raccoon hides in a tree above the river; women hit with axes According to his reflection, they blunt them against stones; when they notice a Raccoon, they cannot cut down a tree with blunt axes; they leave]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II36:416-420; (cf. Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [Wī sahkīcāhk picks up a beaver, puts it in a hunting bag, leaves it, goes looking for a skewer; when he returns, the beaver splashes in the lake; V. asks him to throw him his hunting bag; the beaver throws; V. sees it at the bottom, dives for a long time, finally notices a bag on a tree, and a reflection in the water]: Brightman 1989:35-36).
Northeast. Viandot [The raccoon hides in a tree above the river, the fox sees its reflection, rushes into the water; the raccoon asks if he started swimming early; the fox makes a fire around the tree, falls asleep; the raccoon goes down, smears his eyes with clay; the clay dries up, the Fox cannot open his eyes; the Woodpecker cleaves the clay, slightly injures the Fox; he paints the Woodpecker's crest with his blood in gratitude]: Walker 1995, No. 4:37- 50.
Southeast USA. Tunic; catavba [Opossum advises the Deer to get the fruit by hitting a tree with a run; The deer dies; the Opossum is looking for a knife, the Wolf hears it, takes the meat; The partridge frightens the Wolf, helps The opossum carries the meat to the tree; the wolf sees the reflection of the Opossum in the water, dives; the Opossum laughs, his drools down; the wolf asks him to drop the meat; he throws larger pieces; throws the bone, The wolf swallows it, exhales]: Speck 1934, No. 115:87-88.
California. Yurok [Pilukhu-Kerrek converter (P., "far downstream sharp buttock"; he has a really sharp ass) travels; ten brothers take turns offering tubes with everything with stronger tobacco; P. puts a flute through his throat and body, blows smoke on it, is not poisoned; in a hot steam room, he tells an invisible assistant to pour water, does not burn; turns brothers into ordinary people; the old man asks to install a wedge, knocks it out; P. slips through a log to the ground; asks the same old man, knocks out a wedge, the old man dies; the husband of two women kills everyone passing by; P. places his heart between his toes; arrows do not harm him; P. removed a tip with a deadly fiery poison from his body, ordered the bird to crush it; the fragments were grabbed by the Rattlesnake, Hornet, Scorpion, Spider, and became poisonous; two blind women crush seeds, hand each other flour; P. sprinkles ash on their palms; they close the door; he promises to make them eyes; they release it, he burns them with the house; a man throws a hook into the forest, catches P., brings him home in a bag; his children cannot find an eye-breaker; while the old man is looking for it himself, the children open the bag, P. runs away, hides in a dry tree in the middle of the lake ; the old man sees the reflection, dives after it; goes to rest; P. catches him on his hook, kills him with a club, burns his two sons with the house; other episodes follow (not recorded by Curtis)]: Curtis 1976 (13): 185-187.
The Great Southwest. Chiricahua [A turkey flies up a tree; a Coyote sees its reflection, dives into a river; looks up, cuts a tree; a turkey flies to another, flees from the Coyote]: Opler 1942, No. 50:67-68; Navajo : Baylor 1976 [The Coyote caught the Partridge, cut off its feathers, told him to go to his Rabbit Wife and tell himself to cook; the partridge says Coyote told me to give her corn and cook porridge for himself by putting it in her moccasin; his wife tells Coyote that the food is ready; he eats, finds a moccasin; runs after the Partridge, sees a reflection in the water (Partridge eats corn on the tree), dives; tells his wife to tie it in a blanket and tie a grain grater; sinks]: 67-70; Matthews 1994 [the twins receive lightning from the Sun; they approach the lake from which the cannibal giant Eitso drinks; he almost drinks it; sees them reflection; throws lightning at them, the twins dodge, standing on the rainbow and arching it; kill E. with their lightning; pieces of his armor fly around the world (apparently turning into flints)]: 114-115; hopi : Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 6 [Kachina Pongoktsina lives with her grandmother, marries a beautiful woman from Oraibi; Grandma P. has many kachin relatives, they send rain, give game; the young move live with his wife's parents; they have two sons; a man from Kiisiwu kidnaps a woman, takes her away on a flying shield; P. and his sons (they are still young but accompany him) go to look for a wife; the old woman teaches what to do; when P. finds his wife, returns with her, sends the children forward, he puts her to sleep after copulation, kills her with a knife, runs away; she chases him; in a kiva in the east he is made small, hidden under dice; the deceased is about to find him, he runs to a kivu in the west, becomes one of the dancers; in another kiva in the West, the ritual participant hides it in his flute; in the fourth kiva, P. hides in a sunflower flower growing in the middle of the pond; the dead notices its reflection, rushes after it, drowns; P. observes rituals for several days; the wife is reborn as a normal living woman; he is not warned look around until he and the next wife from behind reach a certain milestone; P. looks around, the wife rushes to run; the wife and P. turn into two stars, one forever chasing the other]: 30-54; Voth 1905, No. 14 [girl rejects suitors; marries kachina; gives birth to twins; goes to another kachin, leaving children; husband and children follow her footsteps; kills by piercing her throat with a wand; husband with children returns to her mother; his wife's skeleton pursues her husband; women hide him under pottery clay; in another kiva he is given a tambourine, disguised as one of the dancers; in the third, a woman puts the fugitive on her lap, hides under the tray that he does; in the fourth person hides in a sunflower flower that grows in a spring; the skeleton sees her husband's reflection, jumps into the water after him, disappears; later at the festival returns to in the form of his bride; both turn into stars, one always chases the other]: 65-70; oriental keres (Cochiti) [a man climbs a tree; a cannibal sees his reflection in a plate of water; shamans kill her]: Benedict 1931:103.
Mesoamerica Mountain poles [like the Masateks, motif L39; sees first the reflection of an egg in the water, then an egg on a tree]: Elson 1947:195-196; lacandons [a woman with a child hides from a jaguar in a tree; in the moonlight, a jaguar sees the shadow of a children's hammock; a woman fights back with her weaving sword; people kill a jaguar]: Boremanse 1986:152-154, 324-325; tseltal [Opossum pretends to flatten stone his testicles, gives Puma fruits under the guise of testicles; the cougar agrees to flatten his own, dies, the Opossum calls two more, they eat Puma meat; invites two Puma, who understand that they ate their older brother; Opossums hide in a tree by the pond, Cougars see a reflection, try to drink water, are slightly alive; Possums run, hide under a rock; Cougars do not recognize them, agree to hold the stone for a while; Possums run away ; Cougars jump out, the stone does not fall; the opossum muddies the river, tells the man that it is deep, offers to move it to the other side; at this time, the other takes his wife; the man and wife come back, that the river is shallow]: Stross 1977:19-23; chol [The Jaguar is going to eat the Opossum; he asks the Jaguar to hold the rock while he goes out for food; hides in a tree; the Jaguar leaves the rock, it does not fall ; Jaguar sees the Opossum reflection in the water, tries to drink water, dies]: García 1988:50; Mije Oaxaca [husband and wife see two eggs in a spring near a cave; try to catch them; then realize that eggs lie on a rock; they are brought home; one is born from Conda, from the other a snake; K. wanders, fights Montezuma; the snake crawls into Mitla and dies there when the bishop blesses the palace]: Paredes 1970, No. 3:7-11, No. 2 (reprinted in Miller 1956, No. 23).
The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [a man was born from a woman's leg; too bright the moonlight prevents him, he climbed, pulled out the moon's eyes, now her light has faded; someone has cut off the vine, the person has fallen into the underworld; there people without anus; the man pierced the child's anus, he died; someone was walking, a man climbed a tree, the person who came saw his shadow, began to catch it, then looked up, told him to go down, brought home; the man ran away, hid at the Old Partridge; she drove the pursuer away, showed the way home]: Zuluaga Gómez 1991:97-100.
Llanos. Sicuani [Munuani (Munuane, Munuanë) catches fish, notices the reflection or shadow of a fisherman who has climbed a tree, hits him with an arrow, takes him home by raft or boat to eat; on the way, a person slips into the water unnoticed and runs away; arrows do no harm to M.; when he learns that M.'s eyes are on his knees, a person kills M. by hitting the knee with an arrow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 115-118:404-412.
Southern Venezuela. Makusáni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it galloped away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell touch her; M. tried to get along with her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; Otter (perro de agua) took him home, promised to take him home if he did not look forward or back; M. looked through his fingers, the Otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married him two daughters; sends for firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (Sun); N. looks for M., W . says that this was not the case here, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; the wife also wanted look, both were on the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at S.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959: 119-120 (=1980:119-120 {pagination is correct!}) ; sanema [Colchester 1981:72-74; the young man went to the otter people, fell behind them; met a tinama girl; she invited him into her hammock, but flew away when he tried to have sex; told him to wait three days, but he left, climbed a tree above the river; the Month came, saw the reflection, began to catch; the young man spat, the Month looked up; brought him home, told his wife to bake cassava for meat; the son of the Month ordered the young man to run, showed three roads - to the stars, to the vultures, to the Sun; the young man came to the Sun; when the Month came for him, the Sun baked it with its heat; now there are spots in the month; the Sun gave a sarbakan, told him not watch; the young man looked through him, flew out with a dart, fell outside his house; his mother did not recognize him, wanted to copulate; he said who he was, she was happy]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 324:568-570.
Guiana. Varrau; curl.
Western Amazon. Sekoya [a young woman hides in a tree above a river; a jaguar sees her reflection, catches it; when a drop of her saliva falls into the water, it makes her go down]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 42:192-193.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [at the foot of a tree with an eagle's nest at the top, the hunter sees the reflection of a girl carried away by an eagle]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 189:316.
Southern Amazon. Iranshe [young man goes to look for a wife; climbs a tree above the river; Mae-do-Sol (Euchroma gigantea) takes his reflection for his own, wonders how beautiful she is; the young man says she is ugly; she leads him towards her, gives chicha from his excrement; he goes away; see motive A1]: Pereira 1985, No. 4:45-46.
Eastern Brazil. If not otherwise: the jaguar notices and tries to catch the shadow of a boy who is on a rock or tree and cannot go down; tells him to drop the chicks he eats, then commands and helps go down, brings me to his house. Suia (beiso de Pau): Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 37:109; Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 62-64:177-184; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 40, 42:126, 132; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 60, 61:169 172; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 57 [Schultz 1950:72-74; only Pud and Pudleré have fire (Sun and Month), they have risen to heaven; people bake meat in the sun, eat puba wood; sister's husband a 10-year-old boy told him to climb a rock to get a mako parrot from his nest; removed the stairs and left; the boy suffers from dirt in the nest; the Jaguar sees his shadow, tells him to jump, catches, leads him to him, washes, gives him food cooked on fire; his pregnant wife frightens the boy; the Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot if his wife threatens again; the boy shoots her in the paws, runs home; people they take fire from the Jaguar]: 160-163; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 39 [Melatti 1978:325-327; the fire was owned by a jaguar (Rópti); people ate raw meat dried in the sun; the man told his wife's younger brother get the mako parrot out of the nest; the parrot is not given, the boy is afraid of it; the sister's husband threw away the stairs, left; the boy has been living in the mako nest for two months; the Jaguar notices his shadow; tells him to drop the mako, eats them, tells the boy to jump, catches him, leads him to the stream to wash, brings him to him, does not tell his wife to eat it; she shows the boy's claws; the Jaguar makes him a bow, tells him to shoot his wife if she starts threaten; boy shoots, runs home; his father and others took Jaguar's fire]: 122-124; frame camera: Wilbert 1978, No. 58:164; sherente [men notice a woman's reflection, sitting in a tree (women's origins)]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 21:52-53.
Chaco. If not otherwise: a girl who decides to go to a jaguar hides in a tree; a jaguar sees her shadow; offers to go down and marries her. Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 130:247; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 133:300; maca [The rabbit tells her husband that they have few Nandu eggs to eat, goes to marry Jaguar; climbs a tree, swings on a rope, a Jaguar sees her, tries to grab her; she says she wants to marry him; takes him as a husband, he brings her bird eggs, she gives birth to a Jaguarenka, with her husband and son returns to the village; Yaguarenok kills a boy who enters their house; the boy's father kills Jaguarenka; the Jaguars kill everyone in the village; the spouses who were visiting his wife's relatives at the time were saved; the husband builds a log house, kills incoming jaguars one by one; a pregnant jaguariha has escaped, and the current jaguars come from her]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 43:120; mokovi [a werewolf jaguar notices The shadow of one of the people hiding in a tree; killing them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, #208:253.
Southern Brazil. Chiripa [see motif J8; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under the clay in a pot, both met her; NG went to the plot, came back, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found him path; from the womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, she hid her under the pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to eat, but neither cook nor bake it; K. considered the old woman to be a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell them to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; Urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid Approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated them; K. made sugarcane, I. imitated, a snake came out; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, I. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (episode on p. 34).