Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L41A. The stone in the basket .11.13.-.

The character runs away from the person who caught him, leaving a stone (or block, sand) instead. See motif L41.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Batanga.

Sudan - East Africa. The Arabs of Sudan [the fox can't catch a rooster; then he offers him a game: let the rooster spin on a tree branch, and he, the fox, on the ground; the rooster feels dizzy, falls, the fox plants it in the bag, falls asleep; the rooster woke up, gnawed through a hole, ran away, putting a stone in his place; the fox brought his mother's bag, ordered the water to boil in the cauldron; threw out the contents of the bag, the fox and his mother sprayed boiling water, they began to mourn their unfortunate fate]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 40:170-171.

North Africa. Kabila; Algerian Arabs [Ghoul keeps trying to catch Hadidouane, but he hides in his bronze house every time; promises to go with her for water and firewood, but let her pour it out first the water that is still there does not take ropes with her; he does not go to fetch water, Gulya cannot cook bundles of firewood; finally she caught H., carried it in a bag; H. recalled that Gulya missed the prayer time; gulya went to pray, H. filled the bag with stones, ran away; one day he found a coin, bought a fig tree, ate it, threw it away, a large tree grew out of it overnight; H. climbed a tree, began to eat fruit; gulya asks for not to throw it to her, but to pass it from hand to hand; Gulya grabbed him again and brought him home in a bag; began to fatten him, every time she felt her hand - whether she was fat, but H. sticks her hand not her hand, but a spindle; realizing the deception, Gulya went to call her relatives, telling her daughter to cook a "calf"; H. says that there is a dangerous louse around Guli's daughter's neck, she asks her to kill, H. cuts off Guli's daughter's head, cooks meat, puts on her clothes; while Gulya eats, H. runs away and shouts from afar that Gulya has his daughter; the cannibals covered H.'s house with firewood and set it on fire, but H. sat in a vat of water]: Belamri 1982:100-106.

Southern Europe. Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 37 (Friuli; the plot is known throughout northern and central Italy) [Pierino Pierone boy climbed a pear; a witch asked him to go down and give her pears; PP refused, threw a pear, it fell into a cow going into the horse droppings; then PP went down, the witch put it in a bag, carried it, stopped on the way and went to relieve himself; PP gnawed the rope, filled it the bag ran away with stones; at home, the witch dumped the contents of the bag into the boiling pot, which crashed, boiling water flooded the room; the witch put on a wig, came back to the pear tree; PP recognized her, but still went down; could not gnaw the rope, but at that moment the hunter came up, untied the bag, replaced the boy with the dog; when the witch untied the bag, the dog bit her and ran away; the third time the witch had a red wig; she brought PP home; left for a while, telling her daughter to cook it; PP pretends not to know how to put her head on a board for Margarita to cut it off; cut off her head, threw it into the cauldron; climbed on a shelf above the hearth; a witch asks how he got there; PP says he made a ladder out of a spoon, knife and fork; the witch tried it, fell into the fire and burned down]: 110-114, 723; Crane 1885, No. 85 (Tuscany) [ Buchettino found the money, bought a fig, climbed a tree and began to eat; the cannibal asked him to throw it off; one, the other fell into the mud; the cannibal asked B. to get down and hand it in his hands, grabbed it, carried it away in a bag, along the way stopped, walked away; B. cut the bag, filled it with stones, ran away; at home, the cannibal threw the stones into the cauldron, realized that he had been deceived; went back; B. on the roof, says that he climbed in with pans on top of each other, pots and other dishes; the cannibal did so, fell and crashed]: 265-267; Sardinians [the boy Pistirrincheddu steals grapes; the cannibal comes up, puts them in a bag and carries them away; P. made a hole, gets out , and filled the bag with stones; the cannibal caught him again and this time brought him home; (put him in a cage and fattens him); P. puts him a rat tail instead of his finger; (frees himself and climbs onto the roof); suggests that the cannibal put a chair on a table, a spit on a chair and climb like that; the cannibal fell down and crashed to death]: Aprile 2000:399; Spaniards [Perequín lived in one house with his grandmother and in another the giant with his wife Maria; P. climbed a tree for figs (higuines); the giant asked him to throw it off, P. refused; when the boy was crying, the giant put him in a bag and carried him home; on the way he went to relieve himself; P. filled the bag with stones and ran away; at home, the giant tells his wife to cook the cauldron, pours the contents of the bag into it, the cauldron split; the next day, the same (the boy filled the bag with straw); on the third day brought the boy, locked him in the closet, went to call the guests; P. persuaded M. to let him out - he would help chop firewood; cut off her head, put her in bed, climbed onto the chimney himself; the giant found his wife's head, and P. ran away]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 327C: 141-143.

Western Europe. French (Alpes-Maritimes; the author does not know any other French versions) [the Pitchin-Pitchin-Pitchot boy found a coin, asks his mother what to buy with it; she offers peppers, apples, dogwood, he agrees to buy figs; eats them, throwing bones through the window and fearing to go out into the garden: the cannibal will take them away; the next year a fig tree grew; PP climbed on it to eat figs; the cannibal came up and asked for it to him; figs fall to the ground; the cannibal asks to be handed over; shakes the PP into a bag and takes it away; left the bag and went for a drink; PP, cut a hole, filled the bag with stones, ran to the ogre's house and climbed onto the roof; at home, the cannibal opens the bag so that the prey falls into the cauldron, the stones break the cauldron; the PP laughs; the cannibal asks him how he got onto the roof; put all the plates one on top of the other, etc.; the cannibal did so, fell, the dishes were broken; PP: sit on a red-hot iron rod; the cannibal sat down and died]: Delarue 1957, No. 327C: 328-329; British.

Melanesia. Olo [the hunter fell asleep soundly; masalai (spirit) saw him, put him in his bag and carried him away; Masalai lived on an island and swam with a bag on his back; when he woke up, the man cut the bag with a bamboo chip, put it down A block of wood floated into it and reached the tree; the masalai saw that the bag was not game, but a log; the masalay returned to the shore; the man climbed the palm tree; the masalai cut it down with an ax, and the man moved to another; so several times; the stars noticed the man and lowered the stairs for him; the masalai asked him to go down too; they lowered the rotten one, it fell apart, the masalay fell and crashed; the stars brought the man to his at home; the man celebrated a party, warning that guests only he could see would come; when the stars returned to heaven, they lit the lights; they had not lit the lights before and they could not be seen at night]: Slone 2009: 110-112; Buka.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kirati [sand].

South Asia. Nepali; northern India, Balundshahr County, Hindi [a potter's son climbed a tree for fruit; the cannibal asked for fruit; when he went down and handed her the fruit, she grabbed her put the boy in a bag, took it away; on the way he got out, put stones and thorns in his place; the next time it happened again, but the cannibal carried the boy home; told his daughter-in-law to cook it; she He wonders how beautiful the boy's eyes and the shape of his head are; he says that his mother pierced his eyes with a hot needle and treated his head with a pestle; the boy blinded her, crushed her head, put her to cook, put on her clothes; when the ogre was eating, she also gave it to the cat; he told her to spit it out: she was eating her daughter-in-law; the cannibal did not hear, the young man (disguised as a daughter-in-law) said that he would explain now, ran away; more to that tree did not fit]: Crooke 1895, No. 540:193; ho; oriya; Sinhales [clods of earth].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja: Teselkin 1959 [Pottori Tondon tells her husband that if a lizard living in the house screams, he must run; she screams herself, the husband comes running in panic, hits his wife on the head with a dagger, she rushes into the river pool; every day her daughters come to the shore, she gives her youngest breast; the eldest explains to her father that she fed the youngest mulberry; he follows, tries to grab the PT, she slips out; sisters they leave, the eldest climbs the mango, puts a knife in one fruit, throws the boar that comes up, he dies; when she goes to look for fire, the eldest comes to the witch Indo Orro-Orro; she makes her confess that fire is needed fry the wild boar, divides the meat so much that she takes everything for herself; the sisters follow, quietly replace the meat in the witch's basket with stones; she brings the basket to her husband, he scolds the IOO; the sisters eat wild boar meat, the IOO finds them , fattens; the lizard warns the sisters that the IOO wants to eat them, tells her to leave a louse, a bug, a flea in the house to be responsible for themselves; the sisters climb a palm tree, tell it to be tall, throw it where their mother is; fall east; the PT does not recognize them, gives them a pig talker; they see a dagger scar on her head, they cry, everything turns out; PT is married to a boa constrictor; PT tells daughters to throw nuts off the roof, says it mice; the boa constrictor stops paying attention, falls asleep, PT throws it under the house where buffaloes trampled on it]: 23-31 (=Braginsky 192:138-144); Adriani 1915 in Bezemer 1904 [(bare toraja); going to work for field, parents tell their son Tandani and his brother to cook for their return; but they play all day every time; finally, the mother did not let the children into the house, pushing T. down the stairs; the brothers ran away; the mother tried to catch up with them and asked them to come back; T. threw peas behind them several times, his mother picked them, wasting time; T. asked the "gaping rocks" {gähnenden Felsen: obviously, the rocks} to let them pass, the rocks they missed it; the mother cut the rocks in half: one half became a goat, the other a pig; the brothers reached the fruit tree; T. climbed upstairs, began to throw fruit to his brother, drive away the pig that came up; I did not know that it was his mother; threw her a fruit with a sharp leaf stalk; the pig swallowed it and died; the brothers came to the old man and the old woman; T. spoke about the killed pig, asked for food for his brother; the old man smeared the boy's mouth was filled with blood, took the meat for himself, left his bones for his brothers; on the way to the old man, T. quietly put the meat in his basket, and put stones in the old man's basket; at home, the old man began to dump the contents into the cauldron - he is flowing; the old man thinks his bone has pierced; so with all the cauldrons; then he noticed that there were stones in the basket; in the morning, the old men and two dogs followed the boys; they climbed a tree above the river; the old man noticed their reflection; climbed a tree, saying to his wife: if the "hrums" falls, it's me, and if the "flop", it's T., let the dogs down on him; T.: open your mouth, I'll throw something; the old man opened his mouth, T. threw the dogs at him hot stone, the old man fell, the wife thinks it was T., let the dogs down, they bit to death the old man; she climbed herself, hurt herself against thorns and died]: 348-352.

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao: Wilson 1947b: 51-54 [two brothers killed a wild boar; it's too heavy, they don't have fire; one went to the giant for fire; said he wanted to fry grasshoppers, crabs; giant every time says that this is his favorite food; he takes almost all the meat for himself; the brothers offer to compete in diving, replace meat with stones, climb a tree above the river; at home, the giant pours the contents of the basket into the cauldron, the stones pierce it, the fire goes out; the giant sees the reflection of the brothers, cuts the tree; the brothers tell the axe to cut his legs; the giant's wife takes the axe - the same; the brothers return home], 76-79 [five brothers cut down a tree, everyone hears a voice, Don't break my house; only the youngest Ingqui-it is not afraid, gets a butt, a beautiful woman comes out of it; the brothers, out of envy, pushed the youngest's log into the river; walking after him, he ends up in the cave of the cannibal Guissurab and his wife; an insect makes an exit for him in the cave wall, he leaves a mat with stones in his place; G. throws it into the cauldron, breaking it; G. and his wife they chase I., brothers kill them with red-hot spears]; bagobo.

The Balkans. Hungarians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Dargins.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians; mountain Tajiks; Yagnobs.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians; Western Sami (Lyngen, coast of northern Norway) [children were skiing late in the evening; Stallo put up a bag, they were in a bag, S. carried them; left them for a while; the eldest boy got out of the bag and released the others, put stones in the bag; S. brought the bag home, ordered to make a fire under a large cauldron; emptied the bag through the hole above the house; the stones fell into cauldron, it crashed, S.'s wife scalded]: Lagercrantz 1958, No. 342:28-29; Eastern Sami: Volkov 1996 [children ride down the mountain, Taly (Bear) puts up a bag; carries, leaves out of need; children they cut the bag, put stones, left alone; T. shakes the bag over the cauldron, the boy bounces off, sings that his father, mother, brother, etc. are a sorcerer; T.'s wife tells me to take the witchcraft boy back; to boy T.'s house is grabbed, hung on a spruce tree]: 65; Yermolov 1959 [the guys were riding down the mountain; Talla the bear put up his bag, carried the children, lay down and fell asleep; the children got out, put stones in the bag; one boy stayed to answer the bear; at home T. tells his wife to cook the boat; the boy sings: my father is a sorcerer, my mother is a witch; T. decided that the children have turned into stones; he was frightened and carried the boy back; he tells me to carry him all the way; in the evening, people ask whether to hang a bear on a pine tree or on a Christmas tree; he cries; now you can see tears dripping and freezing on the Christmas trees; it's resin]: 46-47; Zaikov 1997, No. 8 [children ride down the mountain, The bear puts the bag in; carries it, leaves it on a tree, goes out of need; the children cut the bag, put stones, left a one-eyed girl; the Bear's wife pours the contents into the cauldron, the stones break the cauldron; the girl is taken as a cook; she cooked cubs, ran home; Bears ate cubs]: 192-193; Karelians [the elderly have a son and a dog Golden Tooth; old woman Xueyotard enters the hut and asks the hostess where she is son; she replies that she went to the forest with his father; S. says she wanted to give him a golden knife; the boy jumps out of the stove; S. tells me to take the knife out of the bag, takes the boy in the bag; while resting, the boy put stones there, returned home; the same twice more (gold scoop; gold watch); brings home for the fourth time; S. tells his daughter to fry the boy; he says he does not know how to sit on a shovel, the girl shows that he puts her in the oven; puts on her clothes; when S. comes in, he kills her by throwing stones at her]: Evseev 1981:263-264; Latvians [Machatyn cooked porridge in the cauldron, removed the cauldron from the fire, the same boils, the master believes that the cauldron himself, buys it; M. tied his calf intestines with blood on his back; the master ordered him to be beaten with a baton, blood splashed, the master believes that he killed M.; tells him to throw the corpse into ice-hole; while they were walking for the ax, M. got out of the bag, put stones in it, drowned the bag; M. throws bumps at the master's dogs; says that there is a lot of money at the bottom; the master jumped into the ice-hole and drowned]: Alksnite et al. 1958:463-464.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Kumandins; Khakas; South Altai Tuvans: Taube 1994, No. 30 [old man Daptamal, old woman Burshukbey, they have a boy Ottukbay, a girl Gestikbey and seven goats; jelbege consistently comes, swallows goats, children, old woman; drags the old man, he leaves stone and turf several times; she holds his hands, brings him to the children, leaves him to smoke, goes for with a skewer; children eat his feces and urine; he promises them something better if he gets his hands untied; kills, cooks seven yellow jelbegyats, puts their heads on the bed; digs a way out of the house; when jelbege rushes into a hole, D. scraps it with boiling water; finds three live goats, a living wife and children in his stomach], 48 [The fox tells the Mountain Goat that he wants to eat what is between his legs; he replies that the Fox is stupid ; The fox offers to crush him against the rock, dodges, asks the Goat to close his eyes, otherwise it's scary, the Goat breaks, the Fox eats his scrotum; belches in front of seven wolves; they are amazed, not like seen; The fox teaches to sit with its tails down the ice-hole and fall from the sky; the wolf's tails are frozen, the fox sends an old man to them; Wolves tell the old man that they will die if they hit between the tail and the ice; they fall, he puts them in a bag; he rests seven times along the way; each time one wolf gets out of the bag, puts a stone in his place; the old man's wife hurries to his response, swallowed a needle and a thimble, says that there are stones in the bag; the old man accuses his wife of eating wolves, ripping open her stomach, there is only a needle and a thimble; the fox sees the old jelbega woman, she lies on one ear, covered herself with the other; asks to light a fire, lies down by the cliff; at night, the Fox asks him to move, otherwise the fire will burn his fur; the jelbege falls off the cliff, breaks]: 238-240, 268-269; Shors [Mashmoruk lives alone, Chelbegen lives with three children; C. asks M. to come look in his head, put it in a bag, brought it to the children; poured it out - there was only dry rotten in the bag; next time he did not want to rest (so that M. did not run away along the road, but apparently , still stopped); there was only ice in the bag at home; M. brought him the third time; C. left, M. asked his children to show their father's sword, ordered them to lie down to find out which of them was beautiful, cut their throats, chopped the meat, began to cook, covered his heads with a blanket; C. began to eat, called the children - they did not answer; C. found their heads, began to call M., who was in the basement; C. down, and M. at that time up; so several times; M. called out to C., poured him into face boiling water; advised me to rub yourself against the cedar bark; the skin was torn off; M. went across the river; C.: how did he cross? M.: collected the full hem of the stones and made a bridge out of dry hogweed; C. drowned]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 6:227-231.

Eastern Siberia. Western Evenks (Turukhansky, Chunya River, western 1925) [The bear set up a sticky trap; Tanina swam along the river, hit the trap with an oar, then stuck with his pole, fist; the Bear carried it in his bag, T. put stones in it, ran away; the Bear's children found stones; the Bear set up a trap again, brought T. to the children, went to get fish; T. told the children to give him a knife to make spoons so that they could eat it; killed, cooked the cubs, ran away; the bear ate the cubs; did not catch up with T., he legs cramped, bears became clubfoot]: Osharov 1936a: 57-59; Sym Evenks [Murivul kills a bird, eats, defecates; feces says you didn't kill me; M. shoots him, arrow sticks; hits, sticks successively with his hands, legs, head; The ogre puts it in the bag, carries it; stops; M. fills the bag with stones, clings to a branch; at home, the cannibal's wife finds alone in the bag stones; the ogre rips her belly, thinks that she swallowed food alone; there is only a thimble; he heals his wife, returns to M., brings her home; leaves with his wife; M. asks the Ogre's children to let him go, promises make onions; kills, cooks; parents eat them instead of M.; he hides under bed, pierces both with an awl, they die]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 46:62-64; Evenki Pribaikalia [little man Tagalchikan meets Mangi, throws meat into his mouth; the meat runs out, M. puts T. in his bag, brings him home to eat, stops; T. offers to look in his head, puts him to sleep, puts him in his bag stones, hides; M.'s wife and children find only stones in the bag; M. comes back, puts T. back in his bag, brings him home; he tells him to cook him in a new dish carved from wood growing ten mountains away and rivers; M. and his wife go to make dishes, tie T. to the middle pole in the plague; M. promises to make onions for the children if they untie it and give their father's knife; kills children, cooks their meat, puts their heads on bed; M. and his wife eat their children; find their heads, chase T.; he throws bubbles of children's blood on the ice; M. and his wife lick her, freeze their tongues to the ice, T. cuts off their heads]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 12:39-43.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nanais.

Subarctic. Inhalic.

The coast is the Plateau. Vishram.

Big Pool. Utah.

The Great Southwest. Navajo.

Central Amazon. Munduruku.

Araguaia. Tapirape [Vare kills a coachi tree; when he descends, the forest spirit hits him and puts him in the basket; on the way, V. wakes up, puts a stone in the basket, runs away; the son of the forest spirit finds a stone instead of game; the forest spirit comes to V., kills his mother; V. kills everyone in the forest spirit village]: Wagley 1977:182.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye.

Southern Brazil. See motif L39. Caigua; apapokuwa; mbia.