Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L41B. Resin basket. 43.48.


basket in which the cannibal puts people is smeared or filled with resin. See L41, L42 motives.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [L42]; twana [L41]; clallam [L41]; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:103-104 [snail woman collects children in a basket, roasts them at home; a humpback boy along the way runs away, grabbing a branch; other children push the cannibal into the fire; children turn into small birds], 104-105 [The snail woman's basket is smeared with resin from the inside; then becomes a snail shell; the Snail puts a hunchback in the basket, mistaking him for a child; he pushes it into the fire; it explodes, pieces of body turn into jellyfish]; lummi [L41, L42]; upper chehalis: Adamson 1934, No. 77 [giantess- the cannibal grabs XWαnä'xwαne and the Crane, when they were swimming, takes them away in her resin basket; at home, washes them from tar, fattens them, tells them to bring skewers to fry them alive; Crane makes all the sticks crooked; after the fifth time, the cannibal agrees that S. and the Crane show their shamanic art, they put her to sleep, cover the house with resin, burn her; S. orders that from now on no one disturbed the bathers], 78 [after bathing and picking berries, the Crane and three others fell asleep; Xwán wakes them up four times, screaming as if a cannibal was coming; then he fell asleep, and the cannibal carried them away in a resin basket; Three paths grab the branches and run away, and the cannibal brought S. and the Crane home, began to fatten them; they pretended to be sick, they were allowed to shamanize, they put the cannibal and her sisters to sleep, burned them together with the house ; Sh. and Crane: Let no one else bother people resting after picking berries]: 143-144, 145-146; quileout [L42].

California. L41. Chukchansi yokuts; chumash; kitanemuk; salinan: Mason 1918:83 [man throws people he meets into his basket; Falcon and Raven threw him himself, burned him; where hot resin dripped, mezcal has grown], 109 [Chahe has a basket of boiling resin on her shoulder, this is her stomach; she throws people at her; Falcon and Raven meet her, she throws Raven (since then black) into the basket, his Falcon pulled it out, revived it; they set fire to that woman; she ran north; where the burning resin was dripping, mezcal grew].