L42A. A cannibal steals corpses.
Acannibal steals fresh corpses from graves.
Kpelle, Khmu, Fox, Aleuts, Kodiak, Netsilic, Caribou, Baffin Land, Polar, Angmassalik, Bellacula, Chilcotin.
West Africa. Kpelle [when someone died, a forest demon would come to people, ask them to give him the corpse for burial, devour it; the boy prepared twigs and when the demon came, he began to beat him with them; the demon ran away]: Westermann 1921b, No. 13:387-388.
Burma - Indochina. Khmu [mother died, then father; the boy hugged his father, tied himself to his body; the demon took the body, flew to him; the demon's son wants to eat, the mother sends prey to eat his eyes, the living boy opens eyes, the demon child is scared; next time the boy says that he both slept with his father, and now demons have killed his father; demons are frightened, give the boy wealth, return him to earth; when he finds out, the son The manager poisoned his father, tied himself to his body; the demon carried them, the young man shouts to him to be more careful, the demon throws the prey, the young man crashes]: Lindell et al. 1978, No. 10:94-96.
China - Korea. Lisu [father, mother and two daughters decided to move to a new location; it started raining and they stayed in the village of Lahu; suddenly the eldest daughter died; the father found the grave dug up, the corpse disappeared; then the same with the youngest daughter; with the mother; the father pretended to be dead; the lahu was taken to be butchered; it was said that he weighed more than his wife and daughters; girl: he opened his eyes! a man jumped up and killed everyone]: Dessaint, Ngw√¢ma 1994:621-622.
The Arctic. The Aleuts (Commanders) [people die one by one; Igah pretends to be dead; a giant pulls him out from under the funeral boat]: Vdovin 1994:368-370; Kodiak [young man - good hunter; contrary to his mother's warning, goes to a certain place; pretends to be dead as if the corpse was thrown away by waves; a giant carries it to his home, on the way the young man clings to the bushes; the giant's family got ready for a meal; the baby wants meat, the wife cut off the boy's toe, gave it to the baby; while the baby sucked it, the young man ran away, grabbing the rope with which the giant tied him; the giant promises to pay for the young man did not give the rope anything else; owning a rope, he was a good hunter]: Golder in Lantis 1938:150; netsilicone (Fr. King William) [Glutton spirits steal the dead from their graves; the Puagssuaq shaman tells them to bury himself alive; the glutton tears up the grave, brings loot to the family; the wife goes for firewood, the children say the prey is alive; the Glutton just in case, P. stings, he jumps up, tells the Gluttons to fall through the ground; goes to look for Glutton's wife, pokes her with a knife, but she is so fat that she feels nothing; chases P., he goes over the river, tells her to become wide; the woman asks how he crossed, P. explains that he drank water; the woman drinks; P. asks what it sticks out of her vagina; the woman bends down, bursts, drunk water turns to fog]: Millman 2004:24-25; caribou [A bear in human form carries the dead and the living; a man goes to the grave, pretends to be dead; a Bear's wife pursues her husband's murderer ; he draws a line on the ground, creating a river; the pursuer tries to drink it, bursts; the water from her womb turns into fog]: Rasmussen 1930b: 80-81; Baffin's Land [corpses disappear from graves; the living lets himself be buried; the cannibal Narrey takes him home; N.'s children notice that the prey has opened their eyes; the man beats N., runs away, N. pursues him; man creates berries behind him, N. them eats; creates a river; advises N. to drink it to cross to the other side; he drinks, bursts, turns into fog]: Boas 1901b, No. 12:176-178; polar Eskimos [corpses disappear from graves; alive gives bury himself; the mountain spirit takes him to him; on the way, a man clings to a willow tree; at home, the spirit falls asleep, his children notice that the prey has opened their eyes; the man runs away, the wife of the spirit pursues him; he does the mountain behind her is higher, the river is faster; advises the stalker to drink the river; she drinks, bursts, turns into fog; var: a woman spirit carries a man home; he kills her children]: Holtved 1951, No. 42:186 -193; Angmassalik (eastern Greenland) [the corpse of a deceased child disappears from the grave; the father lets himself be buried; the mountain spirit takes him to him; on the way, a man clings to stones; children of the spirit notice that the prey has opened his eyes; the man kills the spirit, his wife Kooopayek pursues him; asks how he crossed the river; he offers her a drink of the river; K. bursts]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 222:423- 425.
NW Coast. Bellacula: Boas 1898:86-87 [someone takes the dead from their graves; one person pretends to be dead, relatives seem to bury him; Sneneik breaks the coffin, brings home an imaginary corpse, he clings to branches; he prepares to cut prey at home; a man jumps up, grabs a harpoon, runs away; brings people, they set fire to S.'s house, covering it with cedar bark, whose smoke is poisonous, and pouring urine; all C. they die, people take their wealth], 88-90 [the girl begs her mother for mountain sheep fat, cries; her mother threatens to expel her from home, let Sneneik take her away; the girl calls S.; she promises her fat, puts it in a basket, takes it away; in S.'s house, a woman with a root from her back explains that S. will not give mutton fat, but lard from the dead, not berries, but insects; if you eat this, a root will grow from the back and grow into the ground ( this happened to the woman); while S. goes after the girl's younger sister, the woman tells her to put a mountain ram horn on each finger, clench and unclench her arms and shout Yi! ; S. rolls down the slope in horror; the girl burns the corpse, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the woman gives the girl baskets with meat, grease, blankets; shows where the bast and dance masks are hidden; the girl easily brings it all home, there are a lot of men unable to lift their baskets; bast and masks are now used for winter dance]; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [two var.; father says to his crying daughter: Shut up, or Snik will take you; S. pretends to be the girl's grandmother, takes her to the cave; there is a woman sitting there, her roots grow from her body; she tells the girl not to eat S., gives her gloves S.; when the girl moves with her fingers, pointing her gloves at S., she falls into the abyss; the girl cuts off her breasts, cooks broth; sons S. (it's Wolves), eat it, die; girl comes home]: 446-450.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [Esteneikot carries and eats corpses; Loon pretends to be dead, E. carries him to his house; he clings to branches to make E. tired; when E. is going to slaughter him, Loon screams, jumps up, runs away; people cover E.'s house with brushwood, burn his whole family; one child escapes, now kills babies at night]: Farrand 1900, No. 31:47-48.