Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L42g1. I can hear a knock, my father is gone. .14.-.16.23.27.-.34.

The father (stepmother) takes the children into the forest, leaves unnoticed. To make the children think that he is cutting wood nearby, the father hangs a board, pumpkin, etc. on a tree that knocks on a trunk in the wind.

Kabilas, Portuguese, Spaniards (variants from Oaxaca and mountainous Ecuador), Sicilians, Italians, Germans (Grimms), French, Punjabi, Konkani, Condas, Albanians, Romanians, Gagauz people, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Gorkovskaya), Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina), Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava), Belarusians, Luzhitans, Terek Cossacks, Nogais, Rutulans, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians, Uzbeks, Yazgulyams, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Kyrgyz, Yellow Uighurs, Mongols of Ordos.

North Africa. Kabila [the hunter brought a partridge to be used later as a coat; the daughter asked her mother to let her play with the partridge; she flew away; although it was late in the evening, the husband kicked out his wife and daughter from home - don't come back without a partridge; in the forest, a hare tells them to climb a tree, predators will come back soon; the girl's tears are dripping down; the hare explains that it's raining, but the jackal finds out that the sky is clear ; the lion sent an ant to check, the woman killed him; then the snake bit the woman, she fell, the animals ate her; the hare asked to leave her baby from her womb, kept it; when the animals went hunting, told the girl to go down, handed her a boy, his name was Hawthorn, that is, he was born among hawthorn bushes; gave her bone marrow to feed the child; the girl was sheltered in the village; she found a pot of gold, now they have enough to live; asks his brother what he would do with the money; would buy toys; in a few years: a horse; then: a house; so the brother became an adult and his sister showed him gold; he got married; wife envies Sister B. because she is more beautiful than her; she made an omelet from 7 snake eggs and gave it to her; B. believes his wife that her sister is pregnant; sister advises her to leave her sister in the forest; in the forest B. tells her sister to cut wood in one place, and he and his wife will cut in another place; all day the sister hears her brother's dog barking and the knock of his ax; it's dusk; the rider asks what the girl is doing alone in the forest at such a time; she tells him to go by, her brother and wife were nearby; the same second rider; the third led her to a place where the barking and the sound of an ax could be heard; there the dog is tied to a tree, and a mallet swings in the tree, which is hit by the wind about calebas; the girl went with this man; in the village, an old man advised him to feed the girl salty meat, not to drink for three days, then hang him by the legs over a trough of water; as the snakes crawled out to the water, a man killed them with a knife; married a girl; they have a son, their wife suggested the name Silver because he was born in wealth; he complains that other boys laugh at him - he has no uncle mother; father agrees to let the boy go with his mother, but warns that his uncles are forest animals; they come to B. disguised as beggars; agree that S. will ask his mother to tell the story; brother's wife does not wants to let me in, but B. himself allowed it; the woman pretends not to want to tell, but B.'s children are intrigued and asked to tell; as the story progresses, B. and his wife sink into the ground; at the last moment, the sister she grabbed her brother by the hair and pulled it out, and hit his wife on the head with a mallet, and she disappeared into the ground; the woman's husband came to them; B. married again]: Mammeri 1996, No. 1:7-24.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [the widower's daughter goes to school; the teacher persuades the girl to advise her father to marry her; he agrees if his hat and shoes wear out; the teacher asked the girl for them to bring her, destroyed her; the girl's father married her; she has three daughters - crooked, lame, blind; the father {apparently at the suggestion of her stepmother} bought nuts for his daughter and son and took her to the forest; they throw shells; father hangs an empty pumpkin on the tree: while he is knocking, he is in the forest; but the father is gone and the pumpkin is knocking in the wind; the children went on their shells, but it became dark and they lost track; the old woman brought them to her place; gave told the girl to put a bowl of water and flowers on the window, call the bird, she began to fly in, bring money; the stepmother's daughter is one-eyed; then limping; blind; then the one-eye comes again, throws it at the bird glass fragments; she falls into a bowl and dies; the old woman is powerless; the prince sees the girl, takes her as his wife]: Pedroso 1882, No. 12:49-53; Sicilians [widowed father marries a neighbor; she has an ugly one-eyed daughter; she tells her husband to take Maria and Peppa to the forest; M. leaves lupine seeds on the trail, then beans, then bran; each time the father hangs a pumpkin to knock in the wind as if he were cutting wood, himself leaves; the children return on the trail twice, but the bran was carried away by the wind; P. is thirsty; the first stream murmurs that the water that has been drunk will become snakes; the second - P. will be a rabbit; the third - M. will become beautiful, P. - lamb; P. drinks; M. and his lamb have been living in a cave for several years; the king finds them, takes M. as his wife; she is pregnant; stepmother comes with her daughter; stepmother pushes M. into the sea, swallowed by a shark; leaves her daughter instead of M.; the imaginary M. says that she is fool because of the lamb, tells him to kill him; by the sea, the lamb turns to his sister, says that they sharpen knives, cook cauldrons, want to slaughter him; M. replies that she is being held by a shark, she cannot even give birth; the servant tells the king; M. teaches to throw a hook into the shark's mouth, the king pulls it out; the stepmother's daughter's chopped head is sent to her stepmother under the guise of tuna; she finds out blind eye; stepmother cooked alive]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 20:130-137; Italians (Campania, Capri) [the widower married a nea widow; she told her husband to get rid of his daughter; he took her to the woods, said who would cut down trees; he hung a calebas on the tree himself; Calebas knocking on a trunk in the wind, and the woodcutter was long gone; the girl came to the castle; a table for 12 people in the refectory; she cleaned and cooked everything; The robbers came, began to search, found the girl under a pile of straw, called her sister, let her take care of the household; the stepmother sent the old woman, she put a poisoned comb in the girl's hair, the girl lost consciousness; the robbers buried her in a marble coffin; the prince's dog found him; a beautiful woman was in the coffin; the prince's mother took out the comb and the girl came to life; wedding; father and stepmother rotted in prison, robbers gave nobility]: Zschalig 1925:44-47 (translated into Estonian in Sutrop 2018:231-233); Spaniards (variants from Oaxaca and mountainous Ecuador with an episode of clearly Pyrenean origin): tequistlatecs [ the wife died, the new one tells her husband to get rid of his stepsons; the father took them to the forest, but they returned in the footsteps; the same second time; on the third, the father hung two empty calabasses on a branch; in the wind they knocked on each other a friend and children thought that the father was cutting wood nearby; realizing that his father had left, the boy climbed a tree, saw smoke in the distance; there was a house in it, an old woman in it; she fed the children well, washed them, then scratched them to get the blood she and her sons ate; once told the boy to boil water; he realized that the old woman wanted to eat his sister, broke the pot with a stick, the old woman scalded and died; {more Mesoamerican story}; children have come to town; there is an annual challenge: whoever can swallow hot coals will rise to the sky and become gods; the boy swallows, becomes the Sun; his sister swallows cooled coals with ash become the moon; the girl's dog remained on the ground, it's a coyote; the devil tried to hold the girl, grabbed the ribbon, the ribbon remained in his hand, became a coral snake, since then there is these snakes; on a moonless night, the sun and the moon together]: Carrasco 1960:109; Imbabura (mountain Ecuador): Chávez 1989:143-144; Jara 1987:81; Parsons 1945:131-133 [the widower has a boy and a girl, married on the widow, she also has two children; she persuaded her husband to take the children to a ravine with bears and jaguars; he left them and left unnoticed (Var. from Cayambe: hung the calebas on a tree, she knocked in the wind, children they thought that my father was still cutting wood); the girl carried her brother on her back, came to the house, there was an old cannibal Chipicha; she left the boy with her for the night; the girl asks why he was screaming - I wash him, he afraid of water; the next day C. went to her potato field; the girl looked for Manuelito, found bloody bones in bed; (var. from Cangahua: old woman and her husband, both Chifichas; tell the children (those both boys) that they are their father and mother; they are fattening; the fairy tells them not to listen to C. if he asks to get the coals out of the stove; they ask him to get him himself, close the stove, make a fire, run away; their old woman returned; "these two boys freed the world from monsters"); C. asked the girl to look in her head; she found a second mouth on the back of her head, meat between her teeth; C. ate the boy with this mouth when others talked to the girl; when C. fell asleep, the girl collected her brother's bones and ran away; (Var. from Cangahua: one of the boys looked for C. in her hair and how she ate with both mouths; told her brother; when C. fell asleep, they set fire to the house; the brothers collected C.'s ashes in a bag, told the man to throw it into the river; he opened it on the way, various insects flew out, ate the man to the bone); the girl got to people, got married] 133-134 [A nine-year-old girl went to the house of old Chificha, whose breasts were thrown behind her back; she asked to look in her head; told her not to touch the back of her head; C. fell asleep, the girl saw her a fanged mouth in the back of her head, pieces of meat between her teeth; the girl ran to the people who were building the house; C. ran, they offered to dance, gave her a drink until she dropped, locked her in the house, set her on fire; C. began to shout that turn into lice, fleas, blackberries, hornets; people collected their ashes in a vessel, told one person to throw it into the canal; he opened it on the way, the creatures flew out, ate it; on Aymara "blackberry" phichaca]; Canyar: Gutierrez Estevez 1985, No. 2:339; Howard-Malverde 1981, No. 14 [At the stepmother's insistence, the father takes the children to the forest; tells the Toad to sound like they are cutting wood; sprinkling corn kernels (to find the children came to where the sound came from, realized that their father had left; came home; next time they did not find their way; they saw the old woman's house from the tree; when she got there, the girl hid the egg; the old woman hid the children under with a roof; her sons come, smell it; the old woman feeds the children, they show a rat tail; they lose it, she knows they are fat; a chicken came out of the hidden egg; when the old woman got ready cook the girl, she pushed her into the cauldron herself; the rooster sang], 15 [after the death of his wife, a man marries a widow; she cares only for her children, asks her husband to take her to the forest; the father hangs on a tree Calebass; in the wind she makes a sound like he is cutting wood; she leaves herself; the children have seen a house from the tree; there is the cannibal Ahuardona; the boy stole a cake, the girl laughed, the old woman caught them; began to fatten them; they showed a rat tail, then lost it; pushed A. into the fire, ran to Skunsiha's house; she told her to pick up a hat full of beetle larvae; A. chases, rolling a ball of thread in front of her; Skunsikha hides children behind her cheeks, pretends that her teeth hurt; asks A. to remove a sand flea from her ass on the edge of the abyss; starts a stream, A. falls into the abyss, breaks]: 105-108, 110-113.

Western Europe. The Germans [under threat of hunger, the woodcutter agrees to the second wife's offer to take their children named Hansel and Gretel to the forest; the children heard the conversation; Hansel picked up white stones, threw at on the road; father tied a block of wood to knock in the wind - like the sound of an ax); the children returned home; next time Hansel threw crumbs and birds pecked them; the children came to the bread hut, gingerbread, candy; the half-blind old woman began to feed Hansel, but each time he held out her not a finger, but a bone; then the old woman tells Gretel to climb into the stove, but she pretends not to know how; the old woman began to show, Gretel pushed her into the oven, she burned down; the children collected treasures, the duck carried them across the river; they returned home and healed well]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 15:53-58 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:48-54); French (central France) [the widower has a son and daughter Furon Furelle; he remarried; his stepmother took the children to the forest, hung a wooden shoe on the tree to knock in the wind and the children thought that she was cutting firewood, she left by herself; the children came to the house; the devil's wife fed them and put them to bed; hell came back, promised to fry them; they heard, exchanged lines and rings with the children (y those are golden, and FF des soies des balai); the devil fried his children in the stove; when he grabbed, he chased FF; FF asked the laundresses to transport them across the river; they spread canvases on the water, the children crossed; when damn it, the laundresses removed the canvas, damn it drowned]: Delarue 1957, No. 327 A and B: 306-307.

South Asia. Punjabi [the queen died leaving her two daughters, the king took another; she hates stepdaughters; they find food at the grave of their deceased mother; the stepmother sends the cat to find out what is going on; tells them to dig up grave; a tree grows in this place, girls feed on its fruits; the cat reports it again; the stepmother tells us to cut down and burn the tree; get rid of the stepdaughters; the father took them to the forest, hung them on a pole a vessel wrapped in cloth; it knocks on a tree, the girls think that their father is washing his turban by hitting him against stones; when they saw this, the girls climbed the rock, noticed the castle, came to the giantess; she hid them from their cannibal son; in the morning the girls ran away, began to live in the forest, eating reindeer milk; Lal Badshah hunts; sent the vizier to fry the partridge; he sees his older sister in the tree, shocked by her beauty, the partridge burned down; the girl gave another, telling her not to be extradited; the king orders to tell the truth; the vizier does not confess, he is buried alive, but at the last moment he confessed; the king married the girl; the flower the younger sister withered; they realized that something had happened to her sister, followed her trail of mustard seeds; the courtiers were jealous of the king's new wife; they threw her child away, changed her basket with coals; The king asked his wife to go to prison; the younger sister raised the baby; he played with a wooden horse and told her to drink water; the king passing by: how can a wooden horse drink? My aunt teaches: next time, answer: can a woman give birth to a basket of coals? the king returned his wife, made his son heir, rewarded his wife's sister]: Swynnerton 1892, No. 81:331-342; konkani (Mulwanee dialect, Maharashtra) [the poor man decides to get rid of his five daughters; takes away they go to the forest, telling them to wait for him under a tree to cut wood; leaves, ties a deck to a branch with a rope; she knocks on the trunk, swaying in the wind; the poor man returns home; the sisters, after waiting for the evening, go to the sound; find a beautiful garden with a house; go inside, see a sleeping giant; the older sister lights a fire under a pot of oil; then the sisters pour hot oil into the giant's mouth; he dies; sisters They find gold and silver in his house, as well as a room where bran is stored; his older sister advises him not to hurry, but the other four take the treasure and go home; thieves rob them on the way; As a result, four sisters come home empty-handed; the eldest finds gems under the bran; puts them in a basket, covers them with cow manure on top; thieves let her in; she comes home, takes them away mother aside and shows what she brought]: Gangeyee 1975, No. 3:19-24; conds [poor man collects and sells firewood; he has 7 daughters; one day he and his wife decided, while their daughters are sleeping, to slaughter and eat the last chicken; but the daughters woke up and could not eat; another time the father found a fruit tree, but the daughters went with him and began to eat the fruits themselves; then the father took the daughters to (another?) to the fruit tree, and he walked away, hung the calebas on a branch and left; the wind whistled in the calebas, and the daughters thought it was the father who was whistling; when it got dark, the elders told the younger ones not to cry, or the tiger will hear; storks flew by in the morning; the older sisters decided that they were flying to the water, went in the same direction; reached the water; but as soon as the older sister touched the water, the water was gone; water: give the younger sister a ring , then I'll return the water; they threw the ring; when they got drunk and swam, the eldest tried to take the ring from the bottom and immediately failed; the youngest rushed to help her; the eldest came back and the youngest disappeared; 6 the sisters came to the tiger's house; the house was empty, but there was a lot of food; they cleaned everything up, prepared food, and when the tiger came, they hid; the tiger was surprised, ate, fell asleep; the sisters threw oil on his back; the tiger decided that he needed a second mouth on his back, because he could not reach it first; he asked the tiger to allow himself to be tied, made a hole in it with a hot rod and the tiger died; the king's servants found the house, the king came and married him the eldest of the sisters, gave the rest to the courtiers; took the tiger's wealth; one day the sisters saw their poor parents and the king took them to the palace]: Schulze 1922, No. 14:79-86.

The Balkans. The Albanians [three sisters, the youngest Fatima is the most beautiful; the older ones ask the Sun who is the most beautiful; the Sun: F.; they smear F.'s face with mud, get the same answer; the sisters take F. to the forest for firewood, They hang a pumpkin on a tree to knock in the wind, go home themselves; F. climbed a tree, saw the light in the distance, came to the house of 40 thieves; they have a servant; he advised F. to cook dinner; The robbers liked it, left F. as a mistress, passing her off as that servant; the sisters found out that they sent the maid to hand over the poisoned necklace; when the robbers returned and removed F.'s necklace, she came to life; the sisters sent a sieve full of gold coins; the same; sent a ring; the robbers did not notice it; put F. in a coffin, which they hung from a tree; the king's horse refuses to drink; the king sees the reflection of the tomb in the water; the king brought F., left it in his room; the ring fell off his finger, F. came to life; everything is fine]: Dozon 1881, No. 1:1-6 (in Elsie 2001, No. 20, apparently the same text, but in a different translation); Romanians [at the stepmother her two children, she demands that her husband save her children from his first wife; the boy heard, said to his sister; they took ash and flour with them, poured them on the ground on the way; the father tied them to a tree an empty pumpkin, it knocks in the wind, and he does not cut wood, but is long gone; the children returned home in the footsteps; the same next time; the third time the father took the children further, and the rain soaked the flour and the birds pecked it; the boy made a bow, his sister got a fire rubbing, they began to eat birds; the fox told her not to shoot at her, gave her fox; then the same with the she-wolf and the bear; the children came to the palace, there for a steel a giant chained to the wall by a door; he asked for water; the boy did not give it and told his sister to unlock any door except the steel one; the sister opened the door, brought the giant three mugs of water, who broke the chains; sister ready to be the giant's mistress and kill her brother; to do this, you need to eliminate his animals; to do this, she asked him to leave them with her when he goes hunting - she is bored alone; they locked the animals in a room with with a steel door; the giant chases the young man; he climbed a tree; throws the giant's hat, one sandal, the second, each time singing, calling his animals, while the giant devours what was dropped; first only the fox, then the wolf cub, finally the bear cub hears; the bear broke the door; the animals decided to run like the wind, because if they thought they would be too tired to fight; the giant chipped in with a log, but the animals they ate him, and the young man took his heart and liver; he told his sister to cook them; left 9 barrels to fill them with tears and left]: Mawr 1881:52-56; Gagauz [stepmother tells her husband to get rid of his children are from his first wife; he took them to the forest, hung an empty pumpkin on the tree, which knocks in the wind as if he was still cutting wood; the children went to look for a home; the boy wants to drink from a wolf trail, sister does not says: you will become a wolf; he got drunk from a bull, became a goby with golden horns, silver hooves and tinsel hair; on the poplar by the well there is a golden swing, the girl climbed onto the poplar, sat on a swing; The prince sees her, she refuses to get down; he orders the poplar to be cut down; at night, the goby brings food to his sister, licks the felling; to lure the girl, the woman sifts the flour through the underside of the dough, puts the pot is upside down, the tripod is upside down, the firewood went down to show how to cook hominy, was captured, the prince married her; the goby went with them]: Moshkov 1904, No. 52:90-92.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [Dunya's mother is dead, stepmother has daughter Natasha; stepmother tells her husband to take D. to the forest, let the bears eat; D. spins in the hut; father hung a chip on the birch tree, the wind is pounding her on the trunk, D. thinks that her father is cutting firewood, and he left; the mouse asks for porridge, D. gave it; the bear brought a bag of gold, tells him to play blind man's buff, gave D. a bell; the mouse runs with the bell, the bear did not grab it D., left her gold; father takes D. home, the dog chaps: D. is going, a bag of gold is carrying; stepmother: no, D.'s bones in the bag are rattling; stepmother sent N., she did not give porridge to the mouse, blurted the bell herself, bear ate it; dog: Natasha's bones are being taken]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:149-151; Russians (Pskov) [stepmother told her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; he tied a plaque to the birch tree, she knocks on to the wind, as if he was still cutting wood, but he had left; a horse's head rushed, asking for food, putting to bed, the girl did everything; Frost gave the girl a fur coat, felt boots, horses and a chest of goodness; the dog barks: grandfather's daughter is going home; the woman sent her own daughter; she is rude to a horse's head; in the morning her head tells her to get into one ear, get out into the other; the girl is old; the frost froze her very much; dog: the grandfather of the bone lucky; the woman saw her daughter without wealth and cried]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 32:98; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [mother died, father took Baba Yaga; she orders to take Vanyusha and Masha to the forest; they collected firewood, came to the place where the father and stepmother were, and there a flask was tied to a tree, knocking in the wind; on the way to the forest, V. threw pebbles and the children went out to the house; Baba Yaga ordered them to be taken again, V. did not have time to dial pebbles, threw crusts, but their birds pecked; came to the hut: stand backwards to the forest and in front of us; the children hid in the closet; Baba Yaga and her daughter returned; the children are running, asking geese to move across the river, they transported; Baba Yaga did not send her stepsons to the forest anymore]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 11:181-183; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the widower marries a neighbor; she makes it a condition that he will get rid of the children - Ivan and Marika; he takes them to the forest, leaving the deck beating against the tree in the wind as if he were cutting wood; they returned home; next time their father took them away, the children stayed in the forest; they were baking wild horseradish, they lay down sleep with their heads in different directions; bear, wolf come, wonder at the outlandish beast, leave; in the morning good bread in ash; on sycamore there is a magic shirt, gun, saber; I. pulls them out, becomes a strongman; breaks into the robber's lair, there is a princess; kills 11 robbers, the 12th pretends to be dead, I. left the body, lets the girl go to her father, leaves; the robber asks M. to bring live water, pour it into keyhole; the door opens, the robber's severed ear grows, M. takes the robber as her husband; to destroy his brother, he pretends to be sick, asks for wolf, then bear and other meat; she-wolf, then the bear and other animals ask them not to kill them, gives them a wolf cub, a bear cub, etc.; the robber invites M. to send his brother to fetch water from a spring between the crushing mountains; at noon they stop, I. took out water; bring flour from mills that grind human bones, open every 12 years; I. picks up flour, manages to jump out, doors shut, his animals remain inside; M. bathes I. in fresh milk, he broke, she tied him with horsehair, the robber took his shirt with strength; they gouged out I.'s eyes, threw him into the well; people pulled him out; he wandered through the forest, fell his head into the swamp, there was living water, he saw the light; he bought good clothes, exchanged clothes with his grandfather; he gave him bottles of water, one was young and the other was old; he came to M. and the robber under the guise of a beggar; when they fell asleep, he took their own shirt, sword, gun; ordered to give him his pipe; began to play, the animals escaped from the mill, ran, tore the robber; left M. two barrels to cry, one to cry for him, the other for the robber; in the neighboring kingdom of snakes locked the water; I. killed him, freed the princess, whom the gypsy was carrying the snake, cut off snake tongues, the gypsy cut off a piece from each tongue, demanded that the king marry the princess; almost everything at home tears cry out for the robber; I. shows the king not the tips of his tongues, but the tongues themselves, the animals tore the gypsy, I. took the princess; M. came, poisoned I., locked the animals; they escaped, the Fox brought living water; next time M. locked her verey again, put I. pitchforks in bed; the same; the animals tore M.]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:232-243; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina): Zinchuk 2006a, No. 91 [stepmother tells her husband take stepdaughter and stepson to the forest; for the first time a girl sprinkles ash; father hangs a piece of wood on a tree, she knocks in the wind as if he were cutting wood and left; brother and sister returned on the trail; in the second since there was not enough ash, the girl took dust, the wind blew her away; the boy noticed fire from the tree; brother and sister came to the fire, there were two loaves and two eggs; then they came to the house; there were 24 robbers, 12 came at night, 12 in the afternoon; the boy cuts off everyone's head as they put it out the window; only one is wounded, asked the girl to bandage his head, takes him as his wife; to get rid of his brother, the sister pretends what is sick: wolf's milk will help; now live water is needed; old woman: water beyond the mountains, you have to run back; the old woman tells her to leave living water, and take the water she gives; sister: you need sea pig; old woman: he is also over the rugged mountains; leaves him, tells his sister to take the simple; sister: let me tie my fingers if you can tear it; the robber came in, chopped the young man to pieces, put it in a bag, threw it into the forest; the old woman's horse picked up the bag and brought it to her; she folded her body, revived it with live water; cooked the pig, let it eat, the young man felt great strength; the old woman turned it into a bird, he flew to the robber, sat on a tree; the robber climbed to pick the bird, leaving a sword on the ground; the bird flew off, became a young man, he chopped the robber; put a bag on the horse, his sister tied her alive behind the horse; the horse dragged her, trampled the remains of the robber], 220 [the grandfather's daughter is spinning, the woman is walking with the guys; when she approached the house, the woman took the spindle from her grandfather, said that she was straining everything herself; the stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest, gave him not flour, bread and cream, but ash, clay and coals; on the way, the well asks him to clean, the apple tree to break off dried branches, the shepherds to get cows, sheep, goats, stove - grease it; the father left his daughter in the hut, hung a mess on the tree himself, she knocks in the wind as if he was cutting wood, although he had left; the mouse, then the second, third ask them to feed them, give them a drink; there is ash in the bag and etc., turn into flour, etc.; some people came at night, music started playing, mice were dancing with them; on the way home, the oven gives bread, shepherds give cattle, an apple tree apples, a well of water; the dog barks: grandfather's daughter goes; stepmother sent her own daughter; she refuses to comply with the requests of the people she meets, does not feed the mice; she dances with the guys herself; they killed her, nailed her to the wall; at home a dog: the woman's daughter is nailed to the wall; the grandfather went and sees: she is hanging in a nailed hut]: 267-272, 367-372; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky y.) [Grandfather's daughters and grandmothers go to "scrolls", grandfather spins, Indian daughter walks. On the way back, they climb over and the second one helps hold the yarn first, then shows it in the house, says that she worked and her sister was walking. The grandmother orders her husband to take his daughter to the forest, he leaves her in the forest house to cook porridge, he leaves as if to cut firewood (he bandages the "breakers" at the pulp in the wind, they knock as if firewood is being cut). In the evening, a "mare's head" comes to the house, asks you to open it, move it over the threshold, comb its head, feed it, and give it a drink. Get to bed. The girl does everything. The head orders to lie next to her and look into her ears - one "wowing", the other - silk and jewelry, the girl returns home, the dog reports the girl's wealth to her grandmother, she asks her grandfather to take her daughter in the woods. In the forest house, an Indian daughter does not follow the orders of her head, "did you not listen and jizzila??" The next day, my grandfather arrives and finds her bones]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1475:6-7; Ukrainians (Poltava, Gadyachsky, p. Sar, c. 1878) [Baba does not like her grandfather's hard-working daughter, accuses her of laziness, asks her husband to take her to the forest. He leaves his daughter in a forest hut, walks away as if to buy firewood, ties a peg - in the wind he hits the tree like an ax. At night, a mare's head appears, asks you to move it across the threshold, feed it, put it to bed, then look into her right ear (she sees wealth there), look out of her left ear (she becomes beautiful). The girl marries a rich man, then comes with him to visit her father. Baba asks her husband to take her daughter to the forest as well. She does not comply with the requests of the mare's head, looks into her right ear - there she is torn apart, bones remain. The dog tells the woman that her grandfather's daughter is a pannochka, and the woman has only bones left, the woman beats her. She sends her husband to the hut, who brings her daughter's bones]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 21, 65-67; Ukrainians (Poltava, p. M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky, ca. 1878) [Stepmother makes her stepdaughter do all the work, her own daughter is resting. The grandmother tells her husband about his daughter's laziness, sends both girls to spin for gatherings. A woman's daughter plays with boys, her grandfather spins, a woman unwinds a thread from her ball when she gets distracted, and her ball grows bigger. On the way back, the woman's daughter offers to hold her sister's ball while she climbs over the fence, runs into the house without waiting and shows her parents threads. Grandma says that her daughter works for two, she is afraid that she will become lazy, the grandfather takes his daughter to the forest, leaves her in the hut, hangs a deck there, she taps like he is cutting wood, the daughter listens - determines which side the father is from. Without waiting for him, she collects firewood herself, heats the stove, cooks dumplings, treats the mouse from the oven. The mouse warns her not to dance when the mare's head forces her to dance. We must set a condition that she will dance when she gets the shoes, and after receiving them, ask for a dress, etc., list everything she does not have until the rooster sings: her head will disappear, but the gifts will remain. Mara (vision, hell) and a mare's head come into the house, ask to dance, the girl acts on the advice of a mouse, comes home with new clothes. Grandma orders her grandfather to take her daughter to the forest too. She cooks dumplings, refuses to treat the mouse. When a mare's head asks a girl to dance, she immediately says everything she wants to get. Having received it, she dresses up, her head pulls her kerchief, ties her bones and hangs her on a peg]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 14:63-67; Belarusians (Virovlyanskaya vol., Vitebsk Gubernia) [Grandpa and woman lived, they had 3 daughters. Baba died, my grandfather married a young princess. She tells him to take his daughters to the forest, water or open field, or she threatens to kill them from the light herself. The grandfather tells his daughters to take the baskets, takes the ax himself and goes with them to the swamp. There he tells them to pick berries on one "borovinka", and he goes to the other "cut a splint". He walked away, took a pine board and tied it to a white birch tree, and went home on horseback. That board claps on the birch tree, the daughters think that dad is cutting a splint. The sisters picked berries until night, went where the board was clapping - no dad. They cried. - Our death has come! - says the eldest. The middle one calls them under the pine tree of bread to eat and keep going. They eat and cry - they cry so much that rivers from that place have flowed in all directions. And one river reached the "royal state" house. The king tells his servants to walk along the bank of this river all the way to its source, and to lead whoever they find there to him. Servants bring three sisters to the king. They've told him everything, and he wants to marry "the one who's quicker." The eldest says that if they give her a grain of wheat, she will feed the whole kingdom, the middle one promises that she will dress the whole kingdom in silk on one thread, and the youngest will give birth to the king 12 sons. The king marries the younger one and gives wealth to the other two. They live for 3 years. The queen is pregnant, the king goes to fight, as he leaves, she gives birth to 12 handsome sons. The older sisters want her and her sons to die. They bribed the midwife grandmother, but the servants did not let her see the queen. The messenger's servants sent a letter to the king. The messenger goes before dark, gets to his older sister. She takes him to the bathhouse, and she writes to her middle sister - she suggests writing a false letter to the king that "he did not have a beetle, a toad, or a frog - he does not walk, crawl, squeak, sing." The next morning, the messenger goes on, and by night he gets to his middle sister. She sends him to the bathhouse, reads a note from her elder, burns a real letter to the king and writes a false one, as her sister pointed out, adding "your wife gave birth to such a muck that you can neither slow down in a fable, nor in a fairy tale, nor show people!" The next morning, the messenger goes on and gets to the king. The king reads a forged letter, is afraid, and writes in response that whoever is born, leave him until the royal return. On the way back, the messenger goes back to his middle and older sister, they burn the present again and replace the letter - they write to immediately execute the good fellows, and the eldest adds that 11 sons should be sewn up in a leather bag, and the queen and her youngest son were put in a resin barrel and let in the blue sea. People in the city marvel at the royal decree, but they comply with it. God had mercy - the bag with the brothers did not drown, but sailed to the thirtieth kingdom. There, on the seashore, there was a "Dorokhway oak for 12 boxes", in which there was a large hollow. The older brother calls others to tear the bag apart. They bless each other, push, the bag breaks, go ashore, climb into the hollow. The queen sailed with her younger son for three days and three nights. On the fourth, my son says that they have come to the island, and we have to get out of the barrel. She asks his mother for a blessing - she blesses him three times, he hits the barrel, she flies away, they go ashore to Budaya Island, and his son is building a city in China. He tells his mother that his brothers are sitting in the hollow of Dorokhway oak and cannot get out of there - a bird is waiting for them there, that eats people, wants to eat them, but cannot get into the hollow. She asks her mother to bake 12 times out of her milk, bless him and goes in search of her brothers. He arrives in the thirtieth kingdom, sees Dorokhway oak and a large bird bigger than an oak. A bird fights a bird, hits it against an oak tree - 12 females fall from an oak tree, hits it on the ground - a bird dies. He calls whoever is in the hollow to go out. Eleven fellows come out asking him for food. They eat 12 times and recognize him as a brother, and go with him to China. Merchant sailors traveled through that city to their father's kingdom. The little boy boarded the ship with a fly and came with them to the king. He asks what the merchants saw. They answer - they were in the thirtieth kingdom, there is Budai Island, and there are 12 good fellows on it, in that city there are 12 good fellows - "voice to voice, hair to hair, gait to gait, say in a saying, face like one; the knee is in gold, waist-deep in silver, in the forehead is a clear month, on the back of the head there are stars, and the sun is red on the temples." The king realized that they were his sons. The older sister says that these are not his children, otherwise there will be his children, who in the thirtieth kingdom will get Valdai the cat from Dorokhvey's oak tree: "He goes down - fables bait, he goes up - the fairy tale says." And the little prince hears everything. He returned with the merchants and told his mother and brothers everything. Well done, they asked their mother for blessings, "they went out into the open field, into green meadows, into protected forests: they shouted, garbled in a heroic voice, and they had everything overnight" (i.e. a cat with an oak tree appeared). The merchants again drove through their city of China to the kingdom of their father, and the smaller one clung to them again with a fly. Upon arrival, the king asks the merchants what they saw, and they say that "on Budai Island, in China, there is Dorokhvey oak for 12 boxes, and the Valdai cat walks on that oak tree..." The king marvels - that's right, his children live there! The eldest again for her own is not a miracle, she is not his children, but those who in the thirtieth kingdom will get "a silver apple tree, a golden apple tree; a silver apple, a golden apple; a golden apple; a silver twig, a golden twig." The Tsarevich heard everything again, returned with the merchants, and handed it to his mother brothers. The same thing happened again: they asked their mother for a blessing, went out into the open field, and the next morning they grew up an apple tree. Merchants go to the king again, and the smaller prince flies with them again. Everything repeats itself: merchants talk about an apple tree, the older sister comes up with a new miracle - there is, she says, "in the thirtieth kingdom, one bridge is silver, the other is golden, and when you walk along it, it is in front, but not in the back!" The prince and his merchants return home and in the same way, with a mother's blessing, they and his brothers reach the bridge. As the merchants told the king about that miracle, he decided to go to them - my children, says. The older sister did not say anything, so she followed him. They arrived at the bridge - it has a bridge, but there is no bridge for it! The king comes to Budai Island, to the city of China - and he still shines with his sons. The king recognized the queen, she showed him his 12 handsome sons, they had a feast all over the world, and tied the sisters to their ponytails and let him into the open field]: Romanov 1901, No. 18 (17): 163−169; Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [father and mother have many children; the father gave each a pea, Yanka and Ganka were not enough; the father tells them not to cry: tomorrow he will take them to the forest for berries; he hung a piece of almond in the forest wood and a baton on a tree; the wind knocks a piece of wood on the baton, the children think that the father is cutting wood, and he is long gone; they have come to the gingerbread house and began to break off pieces; old Vera for the third time grabbed the children, began to feed her; Yank handed her a pipe instead of a finger, and Ganka handed her a finger with a ring; then lost her pipe and ring; Vera cut her fingers, blood flowed; the children say they don't know how to sit on a shovel, they ask Vera to show her; they put her in the stove herself, stayed in a gingerbread house]: Romanenko 1962:126-128 (another translation to Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:170-172).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Terek Cossacks (art. Naurskaya) ["In the old days, when rivers were still flowing with milk and honey, and sheep grazed with wolves, when there was quiet and smooth everywhere, and God's grace, in a certain kingdom, an old man lived in a certain state with their old woman"; the old man and the old woman live in poverty, so they decide to leave their three daughters in the forest; the old man tells them to pick berries; says he will cut firewood; ties a block of wood to the tree, which swings in the wind and makes a knock; sisters think that the father is cutting wood; after a while they go in search of him; find a block; they reach the sea on which the king and his squad are traveling; older sister: "If only I was a royal wife, I would have given birth to a hero son for the king"; middle: "If I were a royal wife, I would give birth to three daughters for him: Hope, Faith and Love"; youngest: "If I were the king's wife, I would give birth for the king three sons: elbow length in gold, knee-length in silver, month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king marries the youngest, takes the rest of the sisters as her assistants; goes on a campaign; the queen gives birth three sons: "gold up to the elbow, silver knee-deep, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; midwife Baba Yaga kills babies, puts three puppies instead of them; writes to the king that puppies have been born; he is angry; the queen gives birth to triplets again; BYA replaces them with puppies, tells the king; he promises to punish his wife if everything happens again; the queen gives birth to three sons, hides one of them in the folds of her dress; BYA kills the other two, puts puppies instead of them and writes to the king; he tells him to leave the puppies until his arrival; BU manages to kill one of them; when he returns, the king sees a puppy and a son who does not have a moon on her forehead, no stars on her body (the queen erased these signs when she hid it from the BU); according to the king's decision, the queen is put in a barrel with her son and puppy and allowed into the sea; the king marries the daughter of the BU; the barrel swims on at sea, the prince asks permission to turn over from one side to the other; the queen does not allow it; the barrel is stranded near the island, the prince turns, the barrel crumbles; the puppy brings bones, the prince makes them a house; elders passing by say they are going to remember the queen; the prince asks to take him with them, they refuse, agree to take the puppy; tell the king about the house on the island; the king wants it to see, but the wife dissuades: "Well, this is not a big wonder; that's a wonder: in a certain kingdom, eight falcons are sitting in a certain state, singing royal and sovereign poems"; the puppy talks about this to the prince; he brings falcons; the elders going to the wake again refuse to take him with them, but take a puppy; tell the king about the house on the island and the 8 falcons; he tells him to saddle horses, but his queen holds: "Well, this is not so wonderful; this is so marvelous: in some kingdom - in some state there is a pig - a golden bristle"; the puppy talks about what the prince heard; he brings a pig golden bristles {no details}; the elders agree to take only a puppy with them; tell the king about what they saw on the island; the wife tries to dissuade him from going there: "Well, it's not so amazing; in in some kingdom, in a distant state, there is a golden horn deer, stubborn in the sky"; the king does not give in to persuasion, goes to the island; the puppy warns the prince and the queen; she tells her son that the tsar is his father, and 8 falcons are his siblings; the prince manages to bring the deer golden horns; the king recognizes the queen as his wife and the prince as his son; 8 falcons turn into princes "elbow-deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, a month on his forehead, stars over the body"; the king returns with his family to the capital; BYA and her daughter are tied to the tails of wild horses that carry their bodies through forests and mountains; "Was feast like a mountain, I was there sometimes, I drank honey, a burner: it flowed down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth. The fairy tales are over for you, but I have a korets honey"]: Vostrikov 1904, No. 2:74-80; Nogais [the old man has three daughters; they all refused to treat his lower back - there is a lot of work; the old woman agreed to help; when the old man he undressed, apples fell out of his bosom, his daughters picked them up; he told them that he would take them to pick apples tomorrow; told his wife to give bags of holes; in the forest he hung two sticks on a tree, they knock in the wind daughters think that their father is cutting wood, but he is long gone; night has come, the girls came to the house of four elmauys; the youngest girl also noticed a girl with golden claws; climbed into the attic and lit the wick, so that the light falls into the house; estyrnak and elmauyz are helpless in the light; in the morning, the elmauyzes say that they will go to the wedding; let the girls slaughter and cook one of them, feed their estyrnyk daughter; the girls killed and they cooked the Elmauyz daughter, attached her head to the doll, ran away; finding golden claws in the cauldron, the Elmauyzes rushed in pursuit; the girls throw the comb, a thorny bush appeared; the Elmauyz ask how moved; stripped naked, climbed; they climbed; the girls threw the mirror, the lake, the Elmauys drowned; the girls returned home and listened to their parents]: Kapaev 2012:165-168; Rutultsy [new wife the fisherman says that there are not enough fish for everyone; he takes his son and daughter to the forest, hangs an ax to knock on the trunk in the wind, leaves; his sister warns his brother not to drink from a mutton's horse's hoof, he drinks from another, becomes a bull; they return to her stepmother; one of her daughters does not notice anything, the other sees her stepdaughter eating butter from one ox horn, meat from the other; the stepmother tells the bull to be slaughtered; the girl's slipper is carried away by the river, the padishah's son finds him, looks for and finds the owner; wedding]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 47:425-428; Azerbaijanis [the fisherman has an adult daughter Fatmajykh and a little son Kiyavyzhykh; the mother died, the fisherman took the fanged Bashkhanum; she gave birth to a bald boy and girl; ordered her old children to be taken to the forest; the father tied a board to the tree so that she could knock, and the children thought he was cutting wood; left; K. is thirsty, F. does not tell me to drink from the spring - you will become a horse; then a dog; K. got drunk from the third, became a bull; said that he would now feed his sister with honey and oil, which are in his horns; took his sister; although the father and stepmother moved, the bull found them; F. said that the brother was run over by a bear, and she came by bull; she was sent to scratch her hair, the bull fed her; the wind carried the tow away; F. ran after her ran into the hut; there Baba Yaga, with snakes and centipedes in her hair; F. asked her tow, the old woman asked her how she liked the hut; F. praised the cleanliness; the old woman blessed her; told her to wake her up, when white, red and black water runs; washed with three waters, F. became white, eyebrows and eyelashes black, cheeks and lips red; gave the tow; stepmother sent her own daughter; she called the old woman ugly; from three waters, her body turned black, her eyebrows and eyelashes white, and a red spot appeared on her forehead; then her stepmother pretended to be sick, asked for the bull's meat; he tells her sister to collect his bones and throw it into the well, there a beautiful outfit will appear; the stepmother and daughter went to the Shah's meeting, and F. ordered to separate the millet from the ash and fill the bowl with tears; the rooster and the chickens were separated, the rooster advised to prepare salt water; wearing the dress that was in the well, F. came to the palace, showered everyone with flowers, and her stepmother with ash; when she ran back, she lost her slipper; Tsarevich Mamed ordered to look for the owner; the rooster shouts that F. was in the pit, tied up hand and foot; M. married F.; stepmother's daughter pushed her into the sea, put on her dress; in the morning the rooster screams: her sister was drowned in the sea, swallowed her catfish, she carries the sky under the Shah's heart and for salvation asks; the fishermen caught the catfish, took out F.; M. asks the liar if she wants a golden knife or a seven-year-old mare; she did not understand whether she wanted a mare; she was put in one bag, and the puppy and pot in another; frightened by the roar, the horse rushed, the body scattered across the valleys; M. stayed with F.]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:3-19; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 59 [at the insistence of his stepmother, father of a poor girl took her to the forest, tied a pumpkin to the tree so that her daughter thought that her father continued to cut wood, left himself; the girl drops the needle, cries; the ground opens, from there the old woman throws it away, giving the girl beauty and ornaments; she comes to a house where only cats (or cat, dog, rooster; or snakes are the giantess's children; etc.), is affectionate with them, feeds and waters them; gets a bag that must open at home; cat stops as a young man, marries her; or a girl finds beauty by washing herself in special water; (and other options); an angry woman (girl) does everything wrong, gets a bag from which they crawl out scorpions and snakes (the origin of snakes), they kill her; or after washing, she becomes an ugly black woman]: 65-67; Dmitriev 1967, No. 42 []: 241-247.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 10 (Kerman) [father asks three daughters to make a sorbet; girls cook, eat their share; at night, two older sisters eat their father's share, fill a bowl with mud and garbage; the father does not say anything, leaves his daughters in the desert; when he leaves, he says that he will wash his hands, hangs his wineskin so that water slowly flows out of it; when it all flowed out, the girls came up, there is no father; the prince met them, brought them home, made the youngest his wife, tells her to serve the eldest; they envy; they replaced the golden-haired boy born by their sister and the moon-faced girl with puppies, a box with children thrown into the river; the prince orders his wife to be tied at the crossroads to a stone pole that passes by to spit on her; the healer caught the box, raised the children, sent her to school to the mullah; passing by the woman, the children throw at she is not stones, but pink petals; she cries for the first time: these are my children; the prince finds out, the midwife confirms her words; he asks the older sisters what to do with the evil woman; they think that talking about their sister; sew an angry dog in his legs and tie a horse to the tail; the prince did this to them, returned his wife and children]: 58-62; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 35 (Shiraz) []: 166-177; Uzbeks: Ostroumov 1892, No. 16 [stepmother hates five stepdaughters and stepson; father takes them to collect mulberry trees; climbs a tree, tells them not to look up, otherwise the branch will fall on his head, gets off himself, leaving the mallet hanging, hitting by wood in the wind; the older sister does not tell you to drink dirty water; younger girls drink, turn into a monkey, wolf, fox, tiger, run away; the younger brother becomes a kid, follows his sister; their king meets and marries a girl; in his absence, 39 wives threw her into the water, replaced her with another woman; at the bottom of the pond, Peri picked up a drowned woman, serve her in a silver house; the imaginary wife asks her husband slaughter the kid; he calls his sister, asks her to teach her how to escape death; the sister replies that she has two golden cradles, Hassan and Hussein in them, she cannot go out; the king hears, tells her to scoop up the pond, returned his wife with children, tied other wives to the tails of horses]: 95 (also "Sart Tales in Russian", 1906 in Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900:90 and in Ethnographic Review, 1907, No. 1-2:229); Sheverdin 1967 [ The stepmother tells her husband to take Zumrat's stepdaughter to the forest; he leaves her on a stone, hangs an ax on a tree so that his daughter can hear a knock, leaves; Z. comes to the old woman, the birds tell her that Z. is good; Z. works at home, gets a red chest with expensive things; the stepmother sends her own daughter Kimrat, who is rude, lazy, gets a chest of dragons; at home, the dog mutters that the chest is full of snakes; stepmother and K. open the chest; dragons eat them, fly away]: 35-39 (=1984:140-144; =Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:311-315); Yazgulyam [at night the daughter gets up, eats all the food, puts dung in the cauldron; mother tells her husband to take the girl and her brother to the forest; the father hangs a snuffbox on the willow so that the children think that he is still sitting in a tree, going home unnoticed; the children come to the wonder, the boy kills him, buries him under floor; they live in a diva's house, brother tells her sister to pour dirty water out the door; she pours it on the floor, hears the diva's voice; she pulls it out after the diva promises to be not her sister, mother, brother, but husband; sister gives birth to a boy, divas offers to put him on the road so that his brother can pick him up; he grows up, hears how alive and his mistress agree to kill her brother, the divas will become a snake; the boy asks the uncle takes him to the back, prevents the diva from biting him; the next day, the div-snake hides under the threshold, the boy undertakes to carry his uncle himself; the snake climbs into the boot, the boy changes boots with his uncle, hits his sock in addition; rata, divas will become a snake; atom, and husband; c; father hangs on Ivory Coast, snake crawls out, turns into an eagle, attacks, boy hurts him; divas and mistress agree to poison both, boy changes food, they die themselves; the nephew decides to go right, uncle to the left; the uncle stops by the old woman, sees at night that half the world is having fun, half the world is crying; the old woman explains that today is the king's turn give the daughter to the dragon {apparently those whose turn does not come are having fun}; the uncle cuts off all seven heads of the dragon, gets the king's daughter; the dragon's brother kills him; the nephew sees blood on the bullet left by his uncle, comes, puts his sword between himself and his uncle's wife (both outwardly indistinguishable, the woman takes him for her husband); makes the dragon revive the victim, both kill the dragon together; the uncle kills his nephew when he learns that he slept in his house; his wife puts a spinning wheel between her and her husband; the husband understands everything, revives his nephew; makes him king]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 25:258-266.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; he hangs a board to knock in the wind, as if he is chopping wood, leaving; the bag is not flour, but ash, not lard, but a head; the girl enters hut, the Bear asks to open the door even with a ray; she opens her hand; feeds the Mouse; ash porridge, but delicious; makes the Bear a bed of stones, logs, millstones; The bear tells him to run around the room, ring keys; Mouse runs, Bear throws stones, girl sits under the stove; Bear tells him to blow in his ear, pies fall out, a carriage with horses fall out; the dog barks that the old daughter is coming with gifts; stepmother sends her own daughter, she does not feed the Mouse, the Bear kills her, burns her, six sparrows bring a tub with ashes, the dog barks about it; the stepmother burst angrily, the father and daughter are eating pies]: Lyobite 1965:221- 225.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Evseviev 1964, No. 19 (Erzya) [the mother is dead, the daughter invites her father to remarry, the stepmother tells her husband to take his stepdaughter to the forest; he leaves his daughter in a forest house, hangs two boards on the tree, as if he is cutting a tree to get honey, he leaves himself; the girl calls the forest fathers and mothers to sleep with her; Viryava brought beads and beads, tells me to string it; the caress asks for a bead, for this it will help; advises hide, put a lime tree stump instead; at night Viryava bites a stump - oh, tough meat; in the morning the stepmother sent her husband to bring the bones, he brings his daughter in a rich outfit, the dog barks about it; stepmother sends her own daughter, she caresses, Viryava ate her (sweet meat), the father brought bones, the dog barks about it, the stepmother died of grief]: 157-160; Markelov 1922, No. 14 [after the death of the mother, the son and daughter advise father to marry again; stepmother tells her husband to lose children; he took them to the forest, tied a tree stump to the knot, he knocks in the wind, the children think that the father is cutting wood; the children cry, they call: forest fathers, forest fathers mothers, come to bed with us; Babya Yaga came on a horse song, on a cart deck, a whip in her hands; she brought a kid to her; in the morning, instead of her brother; he cries: axes, knives are sharpening, asking for my neck; the sister took the kid away, met the merchants; Baba Yaga's daughter told her husband to buy a kid to finish it; (text ends)]: 160-161; Paasonen 1941 (Erzya) [mother died, children tell father to marry again, the stepmother tells her husband to take the children to the forest; he leaves the log to knock in the wind, leaves; the brother and sister have come to the house of the blind witch; she tries her fingers - are they fat; the sister gives the spindle, the brother gives the finger, the witch decides to fry the boy, the sister tells her to spread his legs, let the witch show her how to sit down; they push her into the oven, take away the treasures and steal the sheep; the brother forgot the girdle, the sister tells her not to lick fat witches; brother licks, becomes a lamb, sister leads him with a girdle tied; stepmother tied a stone around her stepdaughter's neck, pushed him into the water, told her husband to slaughter the lamb; he asked for permission to drink water He sings, addressing Alyonushka that the cauldrons are boiling, knives are sharpening, they want to slaughter him; the same again; the boyar's son saw, pulled out Alyonushka, took the lamb, treasures and the herd that they stole from the witch]: 230-236; Chuvash: Chuvash tales of 1937 [the mecha tyrannizes her stepdaughter, tells her husband to take her to the forest, hang a log on her branch, let her swing in the wind, and the girl will think that her father is still cutting firewood; realizing deception, stepdaughter climbed into the haystack; 12 goats are coming; she sings: one horn is golden, the other is silver; the goats sketched her gold and silver; the stepmother sent her own daughter; she sings: one horn in feces, the other in urine; goats she was cared for]: 156-159; Eisin 1993 [stepmother tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest; he ties a block of wood to the tree, he swings in the wind, knocks, the girl thinks the father is near; at night she hears voices 12 pigeons, praises them, they throw her jewelry, she comes back; the stepmother leaves her own daughter in the forest, who wakes up to the scream of 12 kites, scolds them, they fill her with twigs, the stepmother hardly dug up; sends her stepdaughter to the bathhouse to be eaten by Ye; she gets out from under the stove, leeches and snakes in her hair; the girl replies that the guest looks better than many; Y. asks to look in her head, wake her up when white, black and red water flows; water pours, J. bathes the girl in white, runs her black eyebrows, red over her lips and cheeks, the girl returns beautiful; the stepmother sends her own daughter, she calls the old woman dirty, she bathes her in black water, runs her white through her hair and eyebrows, red on her forehead; her stepmother is strangled, her daughter is drowned]: 300-302; Tatars [father, new wife, son and daughters from her stepdaughter decides to lime her; her brother takes her to the forest for berries, hangs a club that the wind hits the tree; the girl thinks that her brother is cutting firewood; in the evening he does not find him; asks everyone she meets, not have they seen her ball rolling away; herd, cow, sheep, goat shepherds each answers what they saw, ask to get the herd for a day, for which they give a horse, a cow, etc.; comes to the witch's house on on the edge of the village; she asks her to push, pull her hair, etc.; the girl does otherwise, affectionately; does not take the gold she sees in the witch's hair; in the bathhouse; she gives her a chest, at home the girl finds it in it jewelry; dogs bark that those who go to death return rich; their own daughter does not herd the herd, says that she does not need a horse, etc.; literally does what the witch asks; takes gold, it falls to the floor when the witch asks her to dance; gets a black chest; dogs bark that the one who goes to get rich returns to death; a snake from the chest strangles the girl]: Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900 , NO. 3:24-29.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [an old man and an old woman have seven goats and three daughters; the old man is angry with his daughters: they drank all the milk from the goats, he and the old woman did not get it; he tells the old woman to get rid of their daughters; finds currant bushes, brings home a few twigs with berries; daughters eat, want more; the old man offers to go with him for berries, tells the old woman to make three leather buckets without a bottom; takes daughters to currant bushes, suggests filling the buckets with berries as long as the brushwood is chopped; fits the ratchet like an ax sounds, leaves, migrates with the old woman and goats; one of the girls discovers the absence of a bottom in the buckets, patches up with branches and grass, the buckets fill; the girls go to the sound of an ax, find a ratchet, hurry home; in search of parents, they search the neighborhood, stumble upon a house, who is an exhausted girl; he explains that the old cannibal woman ate everyone and keeps her to drink blood; the girls run to the station, find their father's whetstone there, throw it, the whetstone becomes a rock; the cannibal chases, overcomes the rock for a long time; the girls find a comb on the stand, which turns into a forest; then the mirror turns into a lake; the cannibal asks how they ended up on the other side girls; swam across, tying trousers on her ankles and filling them with sand; the cannibal follows the advice and drowns; the girls are found by a childless khan with 40 wives, asks what skills they have; the eldest: maybe feed many people with a handful of oatmeal; medium: sew clothes from one sheepskin and dress many people; youngest: to give birth to her husband a boy and a girl with golden heads and silver tasks; Khan the youngest, marries the youngest; when the wife is about to give birth, the khan goes hunting, demands to send him a messenger with news; 40 wives hire a witch, who throws the children in a box into the river, replaces them with puppies; two messengers arrive to the khan , the first talks about the birth of children, the second speaks of puppies; the khan orders his wife and puppies to be sealed in a bucket and hung in a tree; the girls' parents live on the bank of this river; the old woman discovers that goats come with empty udder, accuses the old man: he killed his daughters, and now he drinks all the milk; the old man watches the goats, they take turns falling to a drawer, children suck goats in the box; the old people bring children to They slaughter one goat with joy; children grow up, the old man plants barley for them, life is getting better, they are setting up a golden pillar in the yard; the old khan, hunting, stumbles upon old people with children, complains that even lonely old people have children, but he does not; he is sad at home; 40 wives suspect that this is not without reason, accuse the witch, demand that she deal with the children; the witch comes to the children, tells the young man that It would be good for a golden pole to tie a golden horse; the sister dissuades the brother, he is stubborn, then the sister teaches how to master the horse; the brother gets it; the khan meets the children again; the witch advises find the Sapan-Tash stone that makes wishes come true; then you can get subjects, form a khanate and make the young man's old father a khan; the sister again first dissuades, then teaches his brother; he takes possession of a stone and the girl he marries; with the help of a stone, the twins have subjects, a khanate is created, an old goat herd becomes khan, and across the river, a khan with 40 wives is built into the possession of a khan with 40 wives golden bridge; brother and sister visit Khan, bring him a cart of gold, ask for a bucket hanging on a tree in exchange; Khan, who has already forgotten what is in it, gives it to his twins; in the bucket is the half-dead mother of the twins, hers they bring him to life; the khan comes to visit, intending to ask the young man for permission to adopt his sister, recognizes his wife, he is told everything; the khan tied 40 wives to immense horses, and also executes a witch; a young man with a golden head and a silver ass becomes the khan of two khanates]: Ruslan Doutaliev, personal message. May 17, 2020: retelling the audio recording of the fairy tale "Zheti Echkilu Abyshka Zhana Kempir" (Old Man and an old woman with seven goats) performed by J. Alymbayeva, Department of Manuscripts and Publications of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, date of recording September 10, 1984, inventory No. 1a (2), recording duration 31 minutes); yellow Uighurs (1913) [the poor old man decided to get rid of his five daughters, took them to pick their jigda berries; took one skin and a baton with him; said to his daughters: "Don't look up, I'll throw you [berries myself ], and you, looking down, pick [them]"; began to throw berries, daughters picked them; "the skin was spread out (?) near a tree, and [father] tied a stick (?) to the skin" {probably for her to knock}; the old man ran away; when the sisters looked up; he was no longer there; in the morning they set off, came to the old woman; she hid them from her cannibal son; he fell asleep in the old woman covered the cauldron with a lid, ordered to start a fire; in the morning there was blood in the cauldron; they poured it out, a tree grew, corals grew on it; they were put in a chest; one day the merchants came and stayed overnight; at midnight they took the chest, drove away; on the way they found a dead body; fell down the mountain, crashed; the sisters took their horses and mules, came home with gold and silver; the father and mother were at home, and the door was locked; they had no food, they lay exhausted; the sisters climbed onto the roof of the house and let three pies go through the smoke hole; the mother wondered if they had received that share from their five daughters; father replied that he left them in the feather grass, and I think they died; added: "This share is probably from heaven"; then the parents opened the door, the sisters came in and called out to their mother; she went out, the sisters were beautiful dressed up; when the father came out, they attacked him and killed him; then they took his mother and went to live in the house of the old woman (i.e. the ogre's mother)]: Malov 1967, No. 102:101-102.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Ordos) [old people have 7 daughters, each with a goat, they do not want to slaughter them; the old people decided to eat one goat without telling their daughters; to do this, the old man led his daughters to yuba; promised to throw them off The fruits from the tree above the cliff - let the daughters pick them up; he left himself, leaving a leather jacket on the tree {which probably knocked on the tree in the wind}; the sisters got lost and came to the mangys house; They watched him go to bed in an iron pan; put heavy millstones on the lid, started the fire; the mangys burned down when they could tell me where the silver was; in the morning the sisters met a neighbor, who took them home got one goat; parents took silver, everything is fine]: Mostaert 1937, No. 21 in Solovyov 2014.