Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L42g3. The gingerbread house. .

In the forest or in the sky, the character sees a house that is fully or partially made of edible materials.

Spaniards, Catalans, Germans (Grimms), Bulgarians, Poles, Luzhitans, Northern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Estonians, Seto, Latvians.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Asturias, Extremadura, Cordoba, etc.) [after the death of their mother, Periquito and Mariquita live with their father and stepmother; she did not love children, their father took them to the forest; they came to a house with candy windows; there is a cannibal; locked P. in the chicken coop, M. ordered her to work; the cannibal feeds P., but he does not stick her finger, but her chicken paw; then the cannibal decided to invite guests and eat P. in any case; told M. to lie down in the stove; St. Peter and St. Pavel, they stuffed her into the stove herself; M. took out the keys, unlocked the chicken coop and left with P.]: Camarena, Chevallier 1995, No. 327A: 134-136; Catalans [boy and girl hear parents negotiate throw them in the forest; they throw pebbles along the way, come back; next time, crumbs pecked by birds; children come to the house made of sugar and chocolate; the cannibal puts the boy in a cage, She fattens her; he doesn't stick her finger, but chicken bone; she tells the girl to melt the stove to fry her brother; she pushes her into the fire herself; the children are saved]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 327A: 77-78.

Western Europe. The Germans [under threat of hunger, the woodcutter agrees to the second wife's offer to take their children named Hansel and Gretel to the forest; the children heard the conversation; Hansel picked up white stones, threw at on the road; father tied a block of wood to knock in the wind - like an ax); the children returned home; next time Hansel threw crumbs and birds pecked them; the children came to the hut from bread, gingerbread, candy; the half-blind old woman began to feed Hansel, but each time he held out her not a finger, but a bone; then the old woman tells Gretel to climb into the stove, but she pretends not knows how; the old woman began to show, Gretel pushed her into the oven, she burned down; the children collected treasures, the duck carried them across the river; they came home and healed well]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 15:53-58 (= Grimm, Grimm 1987:48-54).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [at the insistence of their stepmother or because of poverty, the father leaves the children in the mountains; the first time they return because they threw pebbles or sprinkled ash along the way; the second time they pour crumbs and birds they were pecked; the children came to a house with sugar walls, a roof made of rolls; the witch locked them, fattens the boy, who shows a bone instead of a finger; the witch is asked to show how get into the oven, push it there; the children took her wealth and returned home]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 327A: 126.

Central Europe. Poles [the poor man leaves his children in the forest; twice they return according to the signs left, the third time they have not found a way; they come to the gingerbread house, there is a witch; she is theirs they feed, they show a bone or wand instead of a finger; push a witch's daughter or cook into the oven, or change hats with the witch's children and she kills her children at night; children run away, leaving magic objects, a mountain, a forest, a river appear; a cannibal tries to drink the river and bursts; children have returned home]: Krzyżanowski 1947, No. 327A: 35-36; Luzhitsy (Upper Lusatia) [father and mother have many children; the father gave each a pea, Yanka and Ganka were not enough; the father tells them not to cry: tomorrow he will take them to the forest for berries; in the forest he hung a piece of almond tree and a baton on a tree; the wind knocks a piece of wood on with a baton, the children think that their father is cutting wood, and he is long gone; they came to the gingerbread house, began to break off pieces; old Vera grabbed the children for the third time, began to fatten; Yank instead of a finger, he handed her a pipe, and Ganka handed her a finger with a ring; then lost the pipe and ring; Vera cut her fingers, blood flowed; the children say they do not know how to sit on the shovel, ask Vera show; put it in the stove itself, stayed in a gingerbread house]: Romanenko 1962:126-128 (another translation to Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:170-172); northern Ukrainians (p. Listvin, Dubno District, Rivne Oblast, 1963) [grandfather and woman lived in a house in the woods; Christmas came, the wolf came to carol; in a rude voice he said: "And grandfather and grandfather have the first lamb, the second chick, the third woman. Come on, grandpa, a lamb!" ; the grandfather did not want to give them back; the wolf threatened to eat them, got a lamb, took it to the forest; came a second time, demanded a chick; took her to the forest; when he came again, demanded that the woman be given; dragged her into the forest, put the chick on a stump, began to eat up; the woman told the hemp to grow up; told the wolf to eat up faster and then start eating it; the wolf wanted to eat it, but saw that it was sitting high on the stump; began to chew on the trunk, broke his teeth; went to the blacksmith for iron; the woman told the hemp to grow down; he became small, she got down, went through the woods; saw a house made of cheese and butter; tore off the last and ate it ; went into the house, there was also everything with cheese and butter; ate, hid under the trough; wild goats, the owners, came; asked who was at their house and broke the door; no one answered; they left the goat during the day to guard the house; the woman, under the trough, began to say to the goat: "Sleep, goat, in one eye and the other"; the goat fell asleep, the woman got out, ate and hid back under the trough; goats came, slaughtered the goat for did not see; they left a goat with three eyes; the woman began to say the same thing; the goat's two eyes fell asleep and the third did not; the woman got out, the goat caught her; the goats came, wanted to slaughter her; she said that will serve them; the goats got used to her, stopped guarding her; the woman took cheese and butter, went to her grandfather; climbed into the attic and sat above the hole; the grandfather cooked porridge and sat down to eat it in the hallway on the doorstep; the woman threw him a piece butter; grandfather thought that something bad had fallen into the porridge and poured it into the bucket; picked up a new one; the woman threw oil again; he ate it and realized that the porridge was good; ate it afterwards and spilled; the woman ordered it to be removed from the attic; grandfather delighted, took it off; "the stench lives together, they make good money"]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 260:294-296; Belarusians [a pea fell from the table between grandfather and woman, sprouted, the grandfather dismantled the roof, the stem grew to the sky; the woman sent her grandfather to see what was in the sky; he climbed in, hid in a hut, where the stove, shops, a table of butter and cottage cheese; the grandfather ate and hid; the goats returned; the next day they left guard one-eyed; grandfather: sleep a peephole; then a double-eyed one, the grandfather put her to sleep; when three-eyed, the grandfather forgot about the third eye; the goats wanted to hurt the old man, but then ordered them to herd and milk them]: Vasilenok 1958:53-54; (cf. Russians (according to a native of Smolensk province; if there is no motive in other Russian traditions, data on the Smolensk province may actually refer to Belarusians) [the old man and old woman ate peas, one pea rolled, sprouted through the floor and roof to the sky; an old woman climbed, a hut in the sky, cake walls, a pancake stove, cheese tables, gingerbread shops, butter, cottage cheese and honey in it; the old woman ate, hid under the stove; three goats came, did not find the old woman, left a goat with two eyes to guard; old woman: sleep, peephole, sleep, another, close, ear, close, another; the goat fell asleep, the old woman ate again and hid; the next time the goats left the one with three eyes and ears; the old woman put everyone to sleep; then they left the goat with four; the old woman forgot about the fourth eye and ear; the goats let the old woman go and they gave food with them, but not with a foot more; at home, the old woman praised the hut to her husband; all three climbed: he, she and her granddaughter; the old man coughed, the stem broke off, they fell and no one else saw them]: Chudinsky 1864, NO. 9:54-58).

Baltoscandia. Estonians (southwestern Estonia, Tõstamaa) [husband and wife decided to go to the sky, planted peas and beans, they grew to the sky; husband climbed a bean stalk, wife climbed a pea stalk; halfway through the wife laughed and fell, and the husband reached the sky; there were houses and everything inside was made of sugar; the man bit off here and there, hid under the stove; seven goats came, one-eyed remained to guard, the man began to sing, "Sleep, peephole!" , the goat fell asleep, did not notice anything; the same with the two-eyed goat, the man put both eyes to sleep; when the three-eyed man forgot about the third, the goat saw him, the goats rushed and pushed him out of the sky; he fell on his wife, both came to life and are still living well]: Järv et al. 2015:57-58; seto [the boy lived with his mother, planted a bob, in five days he grew to the sky; the boy climbed into the sky, came to the house where sugar oven, bread walls, pancake benches, etc.; the boy tried everything and went to bed; 7 goats came; when leaving, they left a one-eyed goat to guard - who was in the house; the boy sings "sleep, peephole ", the goat fell asleep; the next time the two-eyed goat is the same ("sleep, peephole, sleep, other)"; the same with the four-, five-, six-eyed goat; when the seven-eyed boy forgot to put his seventh eye to sleep, came out from behind the stove, the goat caught him; the goats allowed him to go down and return with his mother; he put her in a bag and climbed, but the bean's stem was already dry and had to come back]: Normann, Tampere 1989 119-123; Latvians [ The witch has brother and sister. At the instigation of the stepmother, the father takes the children to the forest. They return home twice along a pebble trail. On the third evening, abandoned peas (breadcrumbs) are pecked by birds. Children come to the hut with an edible roof. A witch lives there, she takes the children: she puts the boy in a fence for fattening, and makes the girl work around the house. The witch makes sure that the boy is well fed, tells him to show his finger, the boy shows his wand. When the witch is finally going to fry the boy, she shows how to lie on the shovel. The boy pushes it into the oven. The witch's son is chasing children. Birds and animals help them]: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 327A: 277.