Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L42H. Those gathered for a feast eat the host .11.13.20.


cannibal catches the hero, invites other cannibals to a feast. The hero runs away, and the cannibals eat the person who invited them.

Xhosa, Tonga (Zambia), Douala, Maragoli, Kalenjin (kipsigis), Masai, Uliti

Bantu-speaking Africa. Scythe: McCall Theal 1882 [the old man sees seven extraordinary birds, tells the chief; he says they will replace his seven sons who died in the war; tells his dumb son Sikulume and six others the young men catch them; they catch them, come to an empty house where the fire is burning; S. hears the ogre thinking out loud about who he will eat; S. is speechless, tells his comrades; wakes them up the next night they run away; the cannibal brings other cannibals, they see that the prey has escaped, they eat the cannibal himself; S. forgot his bird, decides to return; if his assegay trembles, he is killed, if he falls, he dies; S. grabs a bird, runs; an old woman gives it fat; he throws it on a stone, cannibal pursuers begin to fight for this stone, one swallowed it, others killed it and ate it; the same again; S. abandoned his the cape, she ran the other way, the cannibals followed her, S. returned to his comrades; the old man turned the stone into a hut, the young men disappeared into it, and for the cannibals it was a stone; they gnawed at it, broke their teeth, returned; only an old woman at home; everyone was swallowed by a person living in the inabulele river; S.: if the water shakes, then I let myself be swallowed, if I stained with blood, then I killed I.; S. kills the monster from the inside, he swallowed go out; S. tells his sister to make a cloak out of his skin; goes to marry his daughter Mangangezulu; no one returned from there; the mouse tells her to kill her, throw in the skin, the skin tells M. to enter the house with on the wrong side, do not sit on a new mat, do not spend the night in an empty hut; M. tells the cattle to herd, the storm begins; S. pulls out his cape, it turns into a stone canopy, the young men drive the cattle to intact; M.'s wife turns S. into an antelope, but daughter back into a human; they run; the girl throws an egg (fog), a wineskin of milk (water), a pot (darkness), a smooth stone (rock); M. stops the persecution, S. houses are chosen as chief]: 74-83 (=Held 1904:1-11), 125-128 [the girls went for red clay; on the way back they swam, went again; the leader's daughter remembered that she had forgotten the decoration on the shore; the rest refused to return with her; she came to the pond, grabbed her, put her in a bag by a one-legged cannibal; began to carry her to the villages, ask for meat, ask for the "bird" to sing in response, but did not open the bag; the girls said to the chief that his daughter had begun her period and they left her in a ritual hut; the father had a party; the cannibal came to the girl's village; first her brother, then her father recognized her voice; the father sent the ogre for with water with a leaky vessel, took out his daughter, put snakes and toads in there; the cannibal brought the bag home, called the guests to eat the girl; when they saw what was in the bag, they ate the ogre himself]; Tonga (Zambia) [ little boy Câmundari is followed by a group of girls who have gone fishing; they chase him but he doesn't leave; they don't listen when he warns that the path to the house they've entered is too much wide, the door is the same, this is not a person's home, but Sizimwe; at night he does not sleep, does not allow S. who came to eat the girls; the next night they heard for themselves, saw for themselves; when S. went to call snakes to the feast, leopards, lions, dogs and hyenas, K. put the girls in his drum and left; beats the drum, the leopards dance, K. leaves; does not see the prey, the invited animals ate S.; the children did not immediately open at home; in their honor was stabbed to death by a bull]: Torrend 1921, No. 4:159-163; duala [7 girls went to catch crabs; saw water in the water; ran into the forest and came to the woman's house; the dog told them not to eat but they were hungry and ate; whoever ate will lose his eyes at night; the woman pulled out the sleeping eyes, but in the morning the dog put them back in; the girls and the dog ran away; at this time the woman went to call the animals to the feast; when they saw that the meat had run away, the guests demanded that the hostess feed them her meat; she began to cut off parts from herself, but then the animals ate everything]: Lederbogen 1902, No. 7:74-76; maragoli [5 the friends went for the fruit; agreed to collect them with their eyes closed; 4 immediately opened their eyes and picked ripe fruits, and the fifth honestly kept her eyes closed and picked the unripe ones; returned; the friends promised throw masatsi leaves on the trail so that she can find her way home; the ogre overheard and poured leaves on the way to his house; left the girl, put her in a pot to eat later; went to call others cannibals; the girl ran away; the old woman gave her a drum; when she meets cannibals, the girl every time says that she goes with a drum to her mother's funeral; she got home; the cannibal boiled water, but the girls in the pot It wasn't; disappointed cannibals cooked and ate it himself]: Kavaji 2005, No. 11:226-228.

Sudan - East Africa. Kalengin (kipsigis) [Marindany decided to slaughter a goat for his wife where there are no flies; together with his wife and two children, he found an empty house; sent his son to fetch water; the bird does not tell me to take water - the cannibal ate 10 man, you will be eleventh; the same with the second son; with his wife; M. goes by himself, does not listen to the bird, takes water; when the meat is ready, the ogre came and demanded food; when the meat was over, he broke down the door ate one of the boys and their mother; M. offered to fight, the cannibal defeated him and also ate him; the second boy hid; when the ogre found him, beg him to leave him as a servant; the young man grew up; secretly weaved a flying the basket; the cannibal decided to eat it, called other cannibals; the young man flew away in the basket, and the cannibals decided to eat the one who invited them, then ate each other, leaving only one big cannibal]: Chesaina 1997:89-91; Masai [three girls go for berries; the older ones suggest picking them with their eyes closed, but only the youngest does so; the older ones have picked ripe berries, the youngest ones are unripe; she returns to the forest to pick them ripe; Mbiti brings her home, feeds her, calls monsters to a feast; the crow asks for a piece of skin with meat, promises to tell her something; the girl throws a stone at the crow twice, then feeds her; the crow teaches you to run, wearing a skin sprinkled with ash, to respond to monsters that she is just a walking skin in ash; the girl meets several groups of monsters, the last one by M. herself; she doubts, but also misses the girl; M. realizes that the monsters who have come to the feast will now eat her, digs an underground passage, hides; the little child of one of the visitors asks for a breast, promises to tell him something; mother finally gives; child: over there the kauri worn by M.; monsters dragged M. out, fried, eaten]: Kipury 1983, No. 11:49-52.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulity [the cannibal spirit Limatchawalchawal took the image of a handsome man, went to another island, came to dance, chose a girl, she agreed to go with him; he left her in his lair under a rock, went to invite other spirits to participate in the cannibal meal; L.'s mother is not a cannibal; gave the girl a coconut shell, putting her hair from her head and pubis there and spitting there; told her to run; L. caught up twice the girl, but she threw her hair with saliva, L. picked it up, took it to her mother; the third time the girl reached her island, people drove L. away; the invited spirits saw that the girl was not there, ate L. himself]: Lessa 1961:60.