L42k. The ogre regurgitates his axe..34.35.39.
The demonic character regurgitates an axe (Teslo) to cut down a tree.
Buryats (Mongolia), Eastern Khanty, Northern Selkups, Kets, Forest Yukaghirs.
Southern Siberia. Buryats (Hentei aimag of Mongolia) [the lama tells old people that their daughter is a cannibal; parents drive her daughter; the horse brings her to rich places on a wooded mountain; servants tell the Khan that she is on the mountain a handsome man has settled in, but they don't know whether a woman or a man; the horse tells you to pretend to be a man so as not to become Khan's daughter-in-law; she wins horse racing, wrestling and archery; but the astrologer determines that she is a girl; she marries a khan's son; in the absence of her husband, she gives birth to a boy with a golden breast, a silver ass; that lama replaces letters both times, the khan's subjects are ordered to bury their daughter-in-law with as a child into a hole; daughter-in-law's horse tore his fetters, dug a hole, took the woman and child to the mountain, but did his best; when he died, he turned into a house and 4 sandalwood; Sholmos appeared {is it the same llama?} , a woman with a child climbed a tree, he began to cut it down, the wolf offers to chop it for him, throws away an ax; Sholmos regurgitates another - the same thing, the fox throws it away; the last tree is left, two come running dogs; sholmos urinates, a hole forms, he hides in it, dogs behind him; they say that if red foam rises, they are defeated, and if white foam rises, they win; there is red and white, then dogs come out- winners; run away; Khan returns, executes messengers, returns his wife and son]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 3:61-85.
Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Wah) [(Quail from Shatilov 1982:79-81); Alvali hit a teal with an arrow; cannot pull an arrow out of his body; hits with a bow, the bow sticks; etc., until his head sticks; the teal was Savs's trap -iki; he brings A. home; he asks him to feed him first, then sends him to bring a larger pot; A. persuades his daughters to let him go, promises to make spoons to sip his soup; kills both cooks, puts meat on sticks along the path; climbs a tree with sand in his shoes; S. eats meat; vomits axes, cuts wood, axes break; remains alone; A. asks S. to open his mouth to jump there; sprinkles sand, kills it with an ax, burns it, the ashes turn into mosquitoes]: Lukina 1990, No. 34:134-136; the Kets [when Baba Yaga comes (translated by the narrator), Casket and Totabol are hiding for olatin and under a focal chock; Kleinitsa gives them away, B. puts them in his pants, carries them to his daughters; tells them to eat more; K. fills his sleeve and falls them out, T. eats, becomes fat; while B. hunts bears, K. asks her daughters to give him a drill, drills a hole in the wall of a stone plague; kills daughters, hangs their meat, runs away through the hole; T. gets stuck, K. takes his head away; B. mistakenly eats meat his daughters; pursues K., who creates larch trees, climbs to the top of his head; B. regurgitates an ax, cuts the trunk; The hare calls to help; puts chips back while B. sleeps; when she wakes up, K. asks her to open her mouth and eyes: "First (now) lie down at the butt of the tree and expand your eyes with chopsticks!" ; throws sand in his eyes; goes down, kills with a horn, burns; puts T.'s head, he comes to life]: Dulzon 1966, No. 5:23-27; northern Selkups [Icha goes to the taiga to hunt, leaves his grandmother in plague. Shoots at teals on the water, misses. When you try to pull an arrow out of the garbage heap, it falls into the trap of the devil - it sticks with its hands and feet. The damn old man calls Icha "a bird, a Kuksha chick," and brings his daughters to his chum. Icha says the pot is too small to cook. The hell goes for a big pot. Icha promises to cut a patterned spoon for her damn daughters to slurp his fat. A tree amuses a tree outside, calls to look, kills both with a blow in the middle of the forehead, cooks them in a cauldron, hangs pieces on their pins, puts their heads under the cauldron. He cuts off the socks of the damn old man's pims, fills him with ash, lets two forty into the plague. Attaching a hatchet to his belt, he climbs onto the larch. The hell comes, eats her daughters' meat: "Ooh! It's like it smells like meat!" He takes forty votes for talking to her daughters. He finds heads in the cauldron. He finds Icha on larch, cuts it down. A bear comes, asks for help cutting an ax, leaves with it. The devil brings another one. Wolverine comes, also offers to help cut, and also carries away an ax. The hell remembers that in the old fashioned way, when he swallowed the whole city, he also swallowed Teslo. He regurgitates him. A fox comes, offers help, takes away the Teslo. The hell's trying to vomit again. Icha shouts: "Grandpa! When you vomit your insides, what are you breaking again? You lie down on your back (dosl. "fall down"), your mouth, your eyes, your nostrils, your anus - crucify everything in two with chopsticks." That's what the hell does. Icha comes down, covers the devil's eyes with ash, kills him with the butt of an ax, and burns him at the stake. Sparks make mosquitoes. Icha speaks to his grandmother]: Prokofiev 1935:101-103; the northern Selkups [Ichkycha, who lives with his grandmother, sails into the forest on a shuttle, falls into the dung trap of hell. The hell calls it a "baby bird". Ichkycha gives his daughters a colorful spoon, kills them, cooks them, lets the chicks into the house, and the devil eats the meat. A hare, fox, wolverine, wolf, bear offer him to help cut down a tree from Ichkyc and take every axe that the devil, thanks to the city eaten in the past, regurgitates. Ichkycha suggests: "Grandfather, how long are you going to mess around like this? Grandpa! Crucify your eyes and everything related to them, your mouth and everything related to it with sticks. I'm going to fall in your mouth." He covers his face with ash, kills him with an ax and burns him, cursing that in some years there will be a lot of ash (mosquitoes), while in others there are few]: Kuznetsova et al. 1993, No. 5:15-17, 54-57; northern Selkups ( Krasnoselkupsk) [Ichakychika lives with her grandmother. goes fishing with a net, quarrels with damn dung cake, sticks. The damn old man calls him "bunny" and leaves it to his daughters. I. promises to forge a spoon, invites them to sit on his knees, kills their father with tools, and cooks them. A hare, fox, wolf, under the pretext of helping, take an ax from the damn old man, who regurgitates axes swallowed along with seven cities. I. suggests: "Grandfather, you go ashore, crucify your eyes and your nose, your mouth with bars." That's what the hell does. I. throws ash into his mouth, kills him, breaks his dugout, burns him. Ash particles will now eat people at the behest of the devil]: Kuznetsova et al. 1993, No. 6:17-20, 57-60; Osharov 1936a [Damn it, this is his trap; Ichekochko stuck; asks the Devil not to eat it, but to carry it daughters for toys; asks him to untie his daughters, he will cut out spoons for them; killed the girls with a knife, cooked them, placed fried pieces on sticks on the way to the plague; ran away, leaving small birds in the canopy like girls having fun; Damn ate meat, released the birds, found the heads of his daughters; counted the stars, missed the grains of sand, realized that I. ran away on the ground; I. climbed a tree, the hell began to cut, the Hare offered to cut for him; when the Devil fell asleep, hit him with the butt of an ax, as if the forest had fallen, ran away with an ax; the devil vomited a new axe (he swallowed it once, swallowing seven cities); the same episodes with wolverine; with a bear; I. suggests that the Devil close his eyes, open his mouth, he will jump there; threw sand, killed the Devil, burned it, mosquitoes, spiders, midges appeared out of it]: 101-105; Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 1 (zap . G.N. Prokofiev) [Icha lives with his grandmother; shot teals, they flew away, I. cannot pull out the arrow; consistently sticks to his limbs and forehead; devil: the Kuksha chick was caught in the mouth; brought it to his daughters; I.: I need a big pot to cook me; in the morning the hell went to get the cauldron; I. promised the damn daughters to make a spoon to eat his fat; killed them, cooked them in a cauldron, put two forty in the canopy, poured ash into the pima line, climbed onto the larch; the devil ate the meat of his daughters, opened the canopy, from there magpies; lay down, a seven-eyed grain of sand, thinks the seven-eyed star, I. does not see; finally he sees on the larch; began to cut; the bear offered cut, took away the ax; hell took another; wolverine is the same; hell once swallowed the city, now he regurgitated a new ax; the fox came to cut - the same; I.: lie down and open your mouth and eyes; poured into face ash, cut, burned; sparks became mosquitoes], 2 (Krasnoselkupsk, 1971) [Ichkycha lived with his grandmother; shot a line into the manure heap; cannot pull out an arrow; consistently sticks with his legs, arms, head; hell I. ("bird") in a bag, brought it home to two daughters, hung them by the heel; left the next day; I. promises his daughters to make a colorful spoon, they lowered it; he killed them, cooked them in a cauldron; put two in the canopy chicks, poured ash into the bacaries, planted the meat of his daughters on sticks along the path, climbed onto the larch himself; the devil ate the meat, opened the canopy, the chicks flew out; found skulls in the cauldron; lay down, counted the grains of sand - seven, everything is there; the stars are seven, everything is there; I. from the larch: I'm here; the devil began to cut; the hare offered him to sleep, he will cut him himself, took the ax; the devil regurgitated another, swallowed in the ruins of the city , cuts again; the fox came; the same; then the wolverine, the wolf, the bear; the devil climbed on the larch; I. told him to open his mouth and eyes, poured ash, cut it with an ax, burned it; hell: in some years my ashes { i.e. gnat) even if there is a lot, some are not enough}]: 24-26, 33-39.
SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky District) [the old man drinks water from the ice-hole, the fabulous old man (SS) grabs his beard, lets him go when he promises to give him his two children; the old man and the old woman run away, hide their children under the floor; only the jar answers the UK where they are; he asks the children to remove his lice; these are mice and ermines; the foal takes the children, the SS regurgitates the ax, throws it, kills the foal; next time children takes the calf away; tells him to kill a louse, he will die, make a fence out of his skin and hooves, lie in the middle; brother and sister wake up in the house, there are also two dogs on an iron rope; brother hunts with them, the sister takes the SS as her husband, hides it in the house; both think how to kill her brother; the SS promises to spit in the food to poison him; the dog hears, warns the brother; the dog kills the SS, the brother kills the sister with an arrow]: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 25:79-83.