L43. The cannibal eats garbage.
The hero escapes from the demon's trap or continues to be unharmed in the shelter from where the demons try to get him. They eat the hero's excrement, insects, snakes, and stuff not intended for food, but think they're eating the hero.
Melanesia. Taupota [a little boy comes with his mother to the site, eats all the wild cucumbers; he feels bad for them, he is so heavy that his mother has to leave him on the site; he who has planted cucumbers comes the cannibal, takes the boy to eat, covers him with a vessel; the boy persuades the old woman and children who remain in the village to let him out (the children hope to play with him); leaves excrement instead ; cannibals cook tarot contents, eat broth; parents find a boy, he asks for spears, climbs on a coconut; cannibals climb after him, he kills them with spears one by one; they cut down a coconut, boy turns into a black cockatoo]: Seligmann 1910, No. 15:392-395
Volga - Perm. Komi [Alyoshka the fool got involved with his two brothers; they come into the house, there is a woman spirit, A. hit the whorl when the woman licked her, the whorl entered her mouth, she died; by evening the brothers they hear a noise, are afraid of a chase, they climb a spruce tree, A. drags the victim with them; a man and a woman sit under the spruce to eat and drink; A. pees and poops, they eat it all; drops the dead, the man and the woman run away in fear, to the brothers gets all the good]: Arista 2005, No. 37:47-51
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Buryats [Tyonehon stabs the bull, calls the crow, the magpie to eat meat; they say that they will bite their eyes, the scar; T. drives them away; calls the seven-headed mangathai; he eats everything, is not full, takes T. in a bag to him; hangs him over the fire, leaves his seven sons under supervision; T. urinates, they think lard is dripping, drinking; T. promises everyone an arrow and a bow, they let it out of the bag; he cuts off their sleeping heads, cooks meat, puts their heads on the bed, hangs their stomachs with blood around their necks, digs a passage under the wall of the dwelling; m eats the meat of his sons; calls T. hears his voice on the street or in the house ; T. runs away on the ice of the yellow sea, pours blood on the ice, m licks it, his tongue freezes; T. cuts off seven heads one by one, burns the body, dispels the ashes]: Khangalov 1960, No. 117:304-308; Mongols ( oriental khalkha) [old woman Tochikhan killed the bull, did not finish eating the rib, she goes and asks who will eat; magpie, the crow can't, Mangat eats, takes T.; she puts wood, stone instead of herself, he every time she catches up with her, brings her home; she leaves her children to fry; she defecates, they eat, they think fat; she asks them for a knife, frees herself, kills, cooks children; M. eats her children; T. runs away on the ice M. slides, breaks]: Amsterdam 1940, No. 2:36-38; Tuvans [the kid's seven mothers are missing; old woman Chylbyga is walking; he pretends to be dead; she brings him to her house, leaves them roasting above the fire; her children eat his feces and urine, believing that it is fat; he promises them the best if they release it; kills, roasts their liver and kidneys, digs a hole with two exits; C. eats children's liver and kidneys; rushes to one way out of the hole; asks how to kill him; Hit him with an ax; he jumps out, she hits herself in the crotch, dying asks not to cut her little finger; he cuts, there are seven native mothers there, he released them]: Samdan 1994, No. 18:361-364; South Altai Tuvans: Taube 1994, No. 30 [old man Daptamal, old woman Burshukbey, they have a boy Ottukbay, Gestickbey girl and seven goats; jelbege comes successively, swallows goats, children, an old woman; drags the old man, who leaves stone and turf in his place several times; she holds his hands, brings him children, leaves them to smoke, goes for a skewer; children eat his feces and urine; he promises them something better if they untie his hands; kills, cooks seven yellow jelbegyats, puts their heads on the bed; digs the way out of the house; when the jelbege rushes into the pit, D. scraps it with boiling water; finds three live goats, a living wife and children in his stomach], 47 [The fox pretends to be a poor orphan, childless old people take him to sons, let their seven goats feed; every day one disappears; the fox explains that the goats are left on the rock; the old man finds skins full of grass there; shouts to his wife to kill the Fox, who hears poorly; The fox explains that her husband tells her to bake a cake in butter for him, Fox; hits the old woman to death in the face with his tail, runs away; the old man's heart is broken; the Wolf sees the Fox regurgitating fat; he explains that you have to put the tail into the water, oil will fall from the sky; the tail froze, the fox brought the old man to kill the wolf, who took the Fox as his son; the fox killed the old man's horse, the old man hung it in the chimney, went to buy firewood; the old man's children began to lick the urine and feces of the fox, thinking it was fat; the fox said that sugar would flow from his mouth, asked him to bring a knife to cut off their sugar, killed both boys, cooked; the old man recognizes his sons, falls out of grief into a boiling pot; the fox tells the birds that he is a llama; a hundred birds take turns for blessing, he bites each wing, kills; jumps on a rabbit, is trapped by a hunter]: 238-240, 266-268.
Western Siberia. The Nenets [there is one fool among the three Khanty; the brothers sent him hunting, he killed him, brought a Russian; the brothers decided to run away, climbed the cedar, the fool dragged the Russian there; the pursuers divorced a fire under the cedar; the fool relieved their cauldron, they thought that resin was dripping; dropped the corpse, the cauldron overturned, the Russians died; the fool was left to cook her moose head; fat splashes, he thinks that the head spits, hits her, the cauldron turns over, the plague burns; the fool stops in the plague, calls the mistress his sister, he is left to babysit the baby, he squeezes out his brain, says that the baby cried because an abscess; in another plague, he pulls out the baby's penis, says he had a growth; the girls go to get water, the fool spat on the leader's daughter, she fell ill; the fool promises to cure her, blows on her head, the girl recovers, he gets it without dowry; returns both killed babies to women; becomes a deity of river tops, giving people deer]: Labanauskas 2001:214-219; Kets [Dotot fishes; one of the two hunters shoots him; he turns his neck, roasts him; the secretions fall down, he eats them for fat; the second person kills D. by driving a hot palm tree (walking) in his ass; wife D. Dotodam went to kill people, walking with one foot on one side of the river and the other on the other; people put loops, she fell, the larches parted, tore it]: Dulzon 1966, No. 19:57-59.
The Arctic. Inupiat (Northern Alaska?) [four brothers disappear one of the other; when conceiving a new son, their father carves sparks that fall into his wife's bosom; lets the newborn swallow hot stones; the young man grows up, goes to look for the brothers' murderers, meets strange creatures; the gluttonous chases him; he hides in a tree, fills his underwear with branches, throws it into a trap; the gluttonous freshens this scarecrow, prepares to fry it; the hero tells him to cut it Throat and throw yourself into the fire; the gluttonous does so]: Ostermann 1952:234.
Subarctic. Atna [The fox fills his clothes with moss and grass, leaves the Wolf in the trap; she cuts and roasts the scarecrow; chasing the Fox, dies from the cold; the fox cooks its meat, leaves it to her brothers, who eat meat sisters]: Smelcer 1997:47-49.
Plains. Assiniboine [a giant catches a man; leaves him in a tree to call his family; a man puts dirt and rotten wood in his place, runs away; a giant cooks and eats what he has left behind; a man kills him with a spear]: Lowie 1909a, No. 14:164-165.
California. Maidu [Coyote's excrement advises him to cover his stomach with a layer of resin; the ogre suggests eating each other's fat; cuts and devours tar; the Coyote cuts the cannibal's stomach, he dies]: Dixon 1902, No. 10 : 85-86.
Big Pool. Utah (ancompagre) [at night, the cannibal puts her hand in the hut; the girl touches her, the cannibal pulls her out; at home, the cannibal finds excrement in the basket and eats it]: Smith 1992:47.
The Great Southwest. Oriental ceres (Sia) [see motif L42; the twins are unharmed in the cannibal's oven; she eats the excrement they leave behind]: Stevenson 1894:49-50.
The Northern Andes. Kogi: Preuss 1926, No. 9 [Niuálue came down from the sky, began fishing with poison, went downstream, and when he returned, he saw that Taimú had eaten the catfish he had already picked up; he ate them raw - with his mouth and backwards and (S. 85) he had a second set of eyes on the back of his head; N. climbed one of the four trees nearby; T. asked the fish where N. was silent, he ate them; finally, one looked at the tree; T . began to gnaw trees, a day later he knocked down two out of four, butterflies flew out of the trunk, worms crawled out, T. ate them; he could no longer gnaw, broke his teeth; called squirrels, mice, hedgehogs and other animals, those they knocked down the third tree; N. tied the last tree with 9 threads to the sky; when the trunk was gnawed, it did not fall; asked the eagle for help, which carried it to his nest to watch the chicks; the tree, meanwhile, fell, T . ate butterflies and worms that fell with him, thought N. was eating; N. decided that the eagles smelled bad, threw them on the ground, went down and ran away; the eagle asked his sister Saumá (a female forest demon, crazy) catch N.; she put T. in her bag, N. started playing with her, so twice; the third time she carried the bag, but put it down and walked away; N. tore the bag and ran away]: 194-201; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2 ), NO. 10:53-55.
Guiana. The hero runs away from the basket, the forest spirits devour what he left behind. Taulipan [wax from his quiver, thinking it's fat]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 9:45; vapishana [like taulipan; when they feel the bitter poison of poisoned arrows, they think it has burst the urinary bubble]: Farabee 1918:115-116; oyampy [the forest spirit caught the man, put it in the basket, brought it to the tree he lived in, put the basket on the ground, went to tell his wife; the man left it in the basket the log and his excrement, ran away; the spirits ate it all]: Grenada 1982, No. 63:373.
Ecuador. Imbabura [devils drink and eat the urine and excrement of a man hiding in a tree]: Chavez 1989:115.
NW Amazon. Carijona [the hero escapes from the demon beetle's basket, who makes a sauce from tree sap and excrement, believing it's the victim's juice]: Schindler 1979, No. 15:129-130; andoque [Estuary Heron (CU lived with the daughter of the Sun; she warned that the father sends every new son-in-law to cut down a taice tree (a large tree that remains uncut down after burning), a fruit falls from the tree, kills; shelter must be made; hid, cut down a tree, but it was tied {to the sky?} ; Tsu sent a monkey to cut off the fetters that kept the tree in the center, and the gadflies to bite those who held the vines; the tree fell; the TSU went swimming; the Sun came, saw a termite mound that was on the tree and was crushed when he fell; thought it was his son-in-law, ate him; Tsu came back, brought fish, let his wife cook]: Pineda 1975:452-453; yukuna [the hero hangs by the leg trapped in the forest spirit; pretending to be dead, she stains herself with excrement; the spirit brings home and eats excrement; on the grill, the spirit's daughter replaces the hero with a deer, brings the hero into the house]: Jacopins 1981:135-138; kabiyari [ Yedjia turned into a forest chicken, trapped in cucarron (Mutu is a cricket?) ; smeared with sewage, M. thinks that the excrement is a laid egg, ate it, took it to his children, they also ate; Y. ran away, hid at Yapuri, he replied to M. that he did not see Y.; Y. stayed with Yapuri; he hid kept his daughters in a box; Y. became ill, did not go with the owner to the site, opened the box, sisters Krakhmal and Cassava came out; Y. killed their father, took the sisters to him]: Correa 1989, No. 4:76-77.
Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 33 [Peresuatpë went hunting with his older brother; he went into the bushes; P. shot the tapir, missed it; this brother took the form of a tapir; his grandmother advised him to the next time pull the tapir inside through the ass; the hand is stuck, the tapir ran, P. pulled out his hand when the tapir relieved himself; along with the tapir P. ended up on the right bank of Tapajos; local people killed the tapir, cut it into pieces, P. saw it while sitting in a tree; those people mistook him for a bee nest, began to poke his pole, on the advice of a parrot, P. described the pole, the Indians began to lick urine, thinking it was honey; to cross back over Tapajos, P. called a caiman named Uàtippanpàn'a; first smaller caimans sailed out, P. rejected them; on W.'s back was grass and trees; the caiman regurgitated, P. compared the aroma to the smell Uruku; once on the shore, he shouted that W. stinks, he was furious, dived, the palm tree on his back broke; at night, the jaguar called P. by name, he asked what he wanted, fell asleep; woke him up the next night inumbu chicken, P. broke all her eggs, three left, since then Inambu has laid three eggs; the next night P. sleeps in a hollow; Jaguar wants to bite off his finger, P. gives him the finger of a dead monkey; so Jaguar got and ate all his fingers, then the liver; left; the next night, the Jaguar promises to bring a stone; P. leaves his bowel movements in the hollow, climbs a tree; sewage is responsible for P., Jaguar throws into the hollow a stone, finds crap; the next night the caterpillars prevented sleep, P. handed over half, now these caterpillars are few; P. sees two girls in the palm grove; agrees to marry; they ask not to be afraid of their father; he came, P. ran away; P. sleeps with Jaguar's wife; in the afternoon he replies that he did not see her; running away, he screams that he had slept with her; Jaguar accidentally rushed not at P., but at the Anteater, who scratched his eyes; Jaguar's wife made him new eyes out of resin, since then Jaguar's eyes shine; P. asks Rain Mother to drop his bananas; she throws the peel; he threatens to shoot, replies that he will cover himself from the rain with a banana leaf; he shot, it started raining, P. got wet; the Inambu woman plays the flute, her hammock had fire; he refused to lie down with her, she flew away, taking the hammock and the fire; P. took the bone out of Jaguar's throat, who showed him the way home; his mother painted him uruku, P. died of a strong smell]: 642-646; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo is his nephew, Karujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. not can kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill tapir with his hand in his ass; tapir - K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapazhos, frees him by emptying his stomach; advises him to cross the river back choose a third crocodile with trees growing on its back; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on a large one; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping on the shore, screams that it stinks; at night, Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then the Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is the Jaguar's lair; that requires P. to give him parts of his body one by one; P. gives him the limbs and liver of the monkey; leaves excrement responsible for himself, climbs a tree; Jaguar devours excrement instead of P.; P. conducts night with a man whose leg bones are devoid of flesh are pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces a tree, P. ties it with a bowstring; frees it in the morning; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into a battleship, scratches Jaguara's eyes; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, they have been shining ever since; P. spends the night by the Inambu fire; refuses to lie down in a hammock with her; she flies away taking away the fire; P. falls into the trap of the hunter with both hands and feet; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; the ant, the bee, the wasp, the monkey release P.; the hunter beats the old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to his grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.
Montagna - Jurua. Amuesha [jaguars set fire to a house and devour insects jumping out of the fire, believing they might be heroes]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 3:56; shipibo [several people walk by demon Nisho's traps; one touches her, caught; the rope turns into a poisonous snake; N. comes, carries prey home to fry; man urinates, flooding fire; N. thinks that fat is pouring, watering cooked cassava with urine; goes to bring firewood; the man tells son N. that he needs to recover; he frees him, he runs away; the woman hides him, lets him on N. wasps; the man returns home]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 7:356; kashibo [man picks fruit from the tree; the forest spirit knocks down the tree; the man turns into a deer; the spirit puts it to fry; the deer runs away after urinating; the spirit takes urine for fat]: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 7:44.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [monkeys try to fry a hunter; they drink his urine thinking it's melted fat]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 190:318.
Southern Amazon. Rickbackza [the hero is trapped in a jaguar; Jaguar's servant Owl tries to fry it; drinks and eats the hero's urine and excrement, believing it's fat]: Duas lendas 1982:71; Pereira 1994, No. 5:68; kayabi [the bird asks the Jaguar to open its mouth, defecates into it]: Pereira 1995, No. 18:77.
Chaco. Nivakle [Stavuun (royal vulture) kills people, his children play with their bones; Ajti't'a trains to run fast; the sky used to be in the place of the earth and vice versa; the sky wanted to be clear, and the earth decided people wouldn't get it dirty; they swapped places after two menstruating women wiped their anuses; now they're two spots in the sky {Magellanic clouds? Coal Sacks?} ; The Milky Way is a place where S.'s children played with bones; A. killed S.'s children; when S. approaches, the sound {thunder?} , it's raining; A. hides with his wife S., asks to send S. alternately to four directions of the world; S. returns each time and hurries in a new direction; finally notices the hole in which A. hid; digs it up, he releases the butterflies he has taken with him, S. eats them (thinking that A. ate?) ; finds a snake, shows it to his wife, asks if it is A.; meanwhile A. runs away through another exit; successively turns into a tree, into another plant, into a flower; S. does not recognize him, flies by; A. wants to hide in a bottle tree, it replies that it can't hide it, suggests hiding in Palo Mataco; he hides; when S. tries to penetrate the same hole, the tree pinches him; animals and birds came to share his flesh; the deer was well suited; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, leaving only specks, others kept their red color]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 164:388-391; toba [The battleship climbs a tree; the Jaguar takes it for a nest of bees, pokes it with a stick; the Battleship urinates, the Jaguar drinks urine, mistaking it for honey; leaves]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, #164:237