Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L44A. Give me your liver!

(.37.) .


demon demands that the person hiding in the shelter give him parts of his body. A person gives the demon parts of the body of the killed animal. The demon does not understand deception and dies, giving back parts of his body.

(Udege people), Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Shasta, Warrau, Carinha, Kalinha, Trio, Aparaí, Oyampi, Aguaruna, Mestizo Leticia, Cocama, Rio Branco, Middle Amazon, Munduruku, Tenetehara , spiking, urarine.

(Wed. Amur-Sakhalin. The Udege people [young Egdy tries to shoot back from the ogre Sontra-Mas, but he has a stone body, a metal chest; S. carries him in a boat, E. says to swim in the middle of the river dangerously, quietly jumps ashore; S.'s wife finds nothing in the boat, sends her husband to catch up with E.; E. killed an elk, cut it in half; says S. that she will throw her lower half into his mouth, throws an elk's ass ; upper half - throws the front of the moose; the horns steam S. stomach, S. dies; E. puts on his clothes, comes to his wife, tells him to cook the cauldron and knife; lowers the noose through the chimney, catches the witch by the horns, kills with an ax; helps birds, boys, fish on the way; marries a rich girl; father-in-law tells me to collect discarded oats (birds collect); 2) get a ring thrown into the water (they get the fish); 3) kill a fox with seven tails; foxes with two, three, etc. tails pass by, E. kills the seven-tailed; 4) bring an unending heat from the sun; E. helps a wild boar, elk, bear along the way; the old woman brings he has a fever wrapped in cloth; animals bring him home; father-in-law unfolds the bundle, burns]: Lopatin 1933, No. 2:241-246; Orochi {Arsenyev initially did not separate the Udege and Oroch texts; because a story about sailing on the sea, is it more like an Orochi?} [Sandul's stone man rode north by sea in a boat; towards Egda, his arrow and spear broke against S.'s body; S. invited him to his boat; E. says that S. has musk deer in his hair, a wild goat; S. replies that these are lice; at Cape E. became a cormorant, dived, became human again on the shore, killed the elk; asked S. to open his mouth, threw the back, then the front of the elk at him; both parts in his belly united, the elk came to life, tore Sandulya]: Arsenyev 1995 (1): 115).

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1928, No. 8 [ten brothers go missing; every two walk across the sea on ice, find freshly cooked meat, taste it, die (this is a human being); the fox promises to send them to their parents another son; an old woman gives birth to Methino; he asks him to make a big bow; swims across the sea in a boat, kills a seal, waits for forbidden meat; Wolf comes, demands that M. give him his liver, kidneys, eyes, intestines, heart; M. gives nerb giblets, pretends to be dying; the Wolf leaves, M. wounds him with a spear; steals clothes from the feathers of Wolf Eagle's neighbor, comes to the Wolf under the guise of an Eagle; does not heal him, but kills him with a knife, runs away; the Eagle returns, finds his blood-stained outfit in the Wolf's house, kills the Wolf's children; M. returns to his parents, who die soon; M. lives with deer, wolves, foxes; finally he is caught people; make moss, pieces of skin, etc. regurgitate food eaten while he was an animal; a year later M. is speechless, tells us who he is]: 330-332; Kozlov 1956 [eleven brothers one after another disappear; the twelfth Nono swims in a kayak, a giant overgrown with hair calls him from the shore; N. puts the heart and liver of the killed seal under his camley; the giant offers to hide (N. hides in his torbases); give each other her heart and liver; N. gives giblets seals, rips a giant, kills; kills two old cannibals who call the giant a son; puts on their clothes; yaranga leaned out of the floor hairy head, N. threw a harpoon at her; his head went to the ground, N. followed; he is mistaken for a doctor, the old woman brings a giant with a harpoon N. in his head; N. finishes him off with a knife, kills the old woman; returns to the ground; eats berries, the tundra begins to lean to one side to throw N. on knives; he pretends to be dead; the giant brings him home; the giant has gone to bed; N. strangled the watchman crows, the sea poured into the yaranga, the giant drowned, N. pretended to be a bull; returned home]: 39-44; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 84 [six brothers disappear; the seventh kills a seal, hides it under a raincoat, comes to Tannelen; he suggests eating each other's liver; T. pulls out the liver from under the young man's raincoat with a seal; the young man rips open T.'s chest, he dies; the young man is caught by the Spider, brings him home, leaves two crows to guard the prey until morning; a young man covers them with buckets, sets fire to the house, the Spider and his relatives die; since then, it has been safe to walk on the sea and tundra; translated into English. Dolitsky 1997, no.29:70-71)]: 296-297.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 75 (Chaplino) [four brothers go to sea, into the tundra, disappear; the fifth Akhakhanavrak remains; his father does not want to give him a kayak; he kayaks, sails to a giant sitting on the shore; he offers to play blind man's buff; then eat each other's liver; A. hides a seal under his clothes, the giant cuts out its liver; A. cuts the giant, kills, cutting off his heart; swims further; a tugnygak comes out of the ground, tells him to give him intestines, lungs, heart; A. gives giblets of seals, throws a harpoon into his mouth, t.; he runs underground, a float on the ground; the old woman is ready to treat T.; A. suffocates her, puts on her skin; they come for her; the shaman (i.e. A.) tells everyone to sing and scream, putting out the fat seeds; finishes it off with her harpoon; runs away, sails to her parents], 91 (Naukan) [=1988, No. 33:160-162; four brothers disappear one by one; the fifth kills a seal, enters an empty dugout; an ogre comes, demands that he eat intestines, liver, stomach and kidneys, and the human heart; he gives parts of the body seals; now the cannibal wants the whole person; he pierces him with a harpoon; comes to an old woman who is about to go to treat the ogre; puts on her skin, pretends to be a healer, pierces the cannibal's heart with a knife, runs away; other spirits in they chase the image of wolves; stop persecution]: 166-168, 210-213; Rubtsova 1954, No. 5 (Chaplin) [as in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 91; the cannibal requires a heart last]: 86-92.

California. Shasta ["hell" eats everyone; the Coyote covered his chest and stomach with a mixture of crushed plants and resin, told Badger to be ready; hell came, Coyote said he was hungry too, offered to eat each other; hell cut off Coyote's chest with what he smeared himself with, hardly finished eating; Coyote cut out hell's heart and lungs, grabbed him, ran out of the house; hell drove him around the house, Coyote threw his heart and lungs into the smoke hole, Badger covered them with hot coals; the devil fell dead; when the heart exploded, the line was heard all over the world]: Dixon 1910a, No. 34:369-370.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 93 [the monkey hunter has spent the night in the forest; the Musimo forest spirit is walking through the woods, screaming, Hoo Hoo Hoo! Approaching the hunter's hut, he says to eat it; he replies that if M. sees him, he will die of fear; M. suggests that the hunter stick out his finger to make sure he is terrible; the hunter shows him the finger of the killed monkey; so he takes turns showing all his fingers, then the monkey's head; M. faints, then leaves in fear; the hunter climbs a tree; a lot of mussimo come, cut the hut with knives, they find only a monkey carcass inside; it is said that the monkey is dead, but the hunter was alive, spoke; they notice it on a tree; their axes and machetes break against the barrel, the gun does not shoot; one calls his relative Jotomo Jaburu, who knows how to climb trees with his feet forward; he climbs, the hunter kills him with an arrow, the spirits devour Hotomo, believing that they are eating a person; they think that H. licks blood on the tree; identify him head; the spirits leave, leaving a trap under the tree, the hunter falls into it; smears himself with crap, the spirits decide that the game has rotted; in the morning the hunter leaves, sees the skull, puts an arrow in his eye socket; the skull jumps on his eye socket his neck, refuses to get off, promises to eat, the hunter promises to hunt for him; asks him to get down while he relieves his need, his crap stinks unbearably; his arrow is stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; quietly moves to another, runs away, crosses the river; the skull chases, asks how the person crossed, he says he's on the vine; when the skull is in the middle of the river, the hunter shakes vine, skull falls, sinks; poisonous ants rise to the surface]: 299-302; Wilbert 1970, No. 185 [the eagle carries away children playing; the shaman fastes, tells him to tie himself up and leave him in the square; the eagle carries away him into the nest; the shaman frees himself from fetters, kills three chicks with a hatchet, then their arriving parents, then three more adult eagles; goes down a rope, picks up monkeys killed by eagles, for the night puts up a hut; the cannibal comes, the shaman replies that his name is Scorpio; the ogre wants to feel the parts of his body, the shaman sticks the body parts of the dead monkey, warning him not to move his hand against his hair, bites him, says that he was bitten by Scorpio; the cannibal runs away, screams that he was bitten by a scorpion (he does not understand what this name is); the shaman falls on the path from weakness, an evil spirit takes him away in the basket, puts it in a hollow, closes it branches; the shaman wants to get out, but the branches have turned into snakes; the shaman asks the hummingbird, then the coitora bird to turn to him as if he were the nephew of a bird; the snake says that "your uncle is smaller than me", that "yours Uncle red eyes"; when a person turns to the snake eagle, the snake believes that he is his nephew, lets him out; the shaman climbs a tree; an evil spirit comes, begins to cut him, the ax breaks; more see motif L46, text (186)], 187 [Kororomanna killed a monkey, got lost in the forest; at night, chebu forest spirits began to hit the trunks with sticks; K. hit the monkey's stomach like a drum; one of x. asked him to show his hand, leg, face; K. shows parts of the monkey's body; blows the winds; x. hears a sound, asks him to pierce his anus; K. pierced him with a bow; x. promises that other x. will take revenge for him, disappears; K. hides on the Euterpe palm tree; x. beat the corpse of a monkey, thinking it was K.; he laughs; x.'s big eyebrows prevent them from looking up; one stood on his head, saw K.; x. trying to cut down a tree; their axes made of turtle shells, knives made of pods, break; the biggest x. climbs the tree with his feet forward; K. pushes him down, shouting the words that x. promised to shout, the other x. kill him, thinking that kill K.; K. runs away; hid in a hollow, where the woman says that her snake husband will come; but in the morning a hawk sang, K. said it was his uncle, the Snake was frightened, let him go; K. found a fallen tree on the path with a baby in a hollow; it was child H., K. killed him, hid him; the woman. wrapped the ground in a bundle with K.'s trail, walked away; K. replaced it with earth with her own trail; the woman threw the bundle into the fire, herself burned down; K. went on the path, his leg stuck, it was trap x; they put him in the basket, moved away, K. ran away; threw an arrow into his skull; he ordered him to be worn for it (in coryum tape, as women carry a load) and feed; the skull became fat, the bark was torn from weight; K. asked to wait for him to find another bast, ran away; the skull mistakenly rushed after the deer, killed him, began to count his fingers - two, not five! The man laughs from the other side of the river; the skull jumped into the water, drowned, all the ants came out of it; the other x scoops the pond with his scrotum; K. poked him with an arrow, x. thought it was gadflies, then stuffed K. into deck; K. gave x. tobacco, became friends with him, he gave him a small package of fish, he brought it to his mother, there were a lot of fish; on the way, various animals told K. about his mother, carrying different fruits that K.'s mother gave them (rat - yam, aguti - cassava, paka - yam, deer - cassava leaf, tapiriha - pineapple (episode with perfume without anus, p. 425)], 204:415-417, 424-430, 471; carinha (Guyana) [hunter sleeps in a hollow; Agnatwatimepu comes up, requires him to show his head; a man exposes the head of a wild pig he has killed, asks A. to stick his head into the hollow; forest spirits can't see well because of the protruding eyebrows; man A. kills, piercing the back of his head with an arrow; the next night, the Turtle's voice: Would you rather have a day to eat fresh meat; a man hacked her; in the next nest of ants asks: Are you sleeping? He bounced, the nest falls where he was lying, he cut it; the next night the Serpent: I wish I could eat a man a day; he cut it, the pieces became frogs, he burned them; the next night Hummingbirds: I wish I could suck my eyes out a day; he hacked him down; the next Dove: I would rather peck gravel on the trail for a day; so the house is close, the Dove showed the way; mother is happy at home]: Gillin 1936, No. 8:198 -199; kalinha: Magaña 1987, No. 6 and 7 [the hunter spends the night in the forest under the roots of a tree; Kurupi tells him to show his body parts; he shows the body parts of the dead monkey and bakers; when K . sticks his paw under his roots to show what he looks like in response, the man wounds him with an arrow; K. runs away], 58 [the hunter spends the night in the forest under the roots of a tree; Kurupi tells him to give him parts his body; a person gives parts of dead animals; in response, K. cuts himself; dies by cutting out his liver]: 236, 247; 1988a, No. 87, 92, 93, 95:172-173, 178-180; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 40 [hunter sleeps in a hollow; the spirit demands to give him his liver; he gives the liver of a dead monkey; the same with other parts of the body; the hunter cut off his hand of spirit, killed him with curare poison; climbed a tree; other spirits are trying cut the trunk with axes from turtle shells; they ran away when they heard an eagle scream and decided that the person was being helped]: 139-141; Magaña 1987, No. 47 [the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit wants to eat it; he gives him the liver and hand of the killed monkey instead of his own; wounds him with a poisoned arrow; runs, hides in a tree; other spirits try to cut the trunk with turtle axes; the owl drives away spirits]: 140; aparai [the hunter kills a monkey; spends the night in the forest in a hut; the forest spirit of Ashipolia wants to eat it; he gives him parts of the monkey's body; after all, his head, asks A.'s head in return; A. cuts off his head, dies; after a while the person returns, knocks on A.'s skull, he comes to life; leads to himself, marries a daughter; the man leaves her, returns to people]: Rauschert 1967, No. 15:189- 190; oyampy [the hunter sleeps in a hollow; the forest spirit demands that he let him eat parts of his body; he gives the body parts of the dead monkey; asks the spirit for his liver; the spirit gives, dies; returning to this place, the hunter finds his skeleton; takes his jaw, the spirit comes to life; leads to him, gives an arrow that kills the game itself; tells him to remain silent about it; relatives solder the hunter, he speaks, an arrow expires]: Grenada 1982, No. 67:393-394.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the hunter gets lost, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit Ivianch demands that his head, leg, and other parts of his body be given to eat; the hunter gives the body parts of the dead monkeys; lets winds, I. wants too; the hunter pierces his anus, I. dies; the hunter returns to this place, sees I. lying on his back trying to take his teeth, he jumps up; in martial arts, a person throws three times to the ground of I. and other spirits; I. leads him to his house; asks why he has a shiny top of his head; the man takes off I.'s scalp, runs away; ambushes birds on a tree; I. climbs there, his man pushes into a ravine, I. dies]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 77:637-639.

NW Amazon. Mestizos (Leticia) [the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; the Mistress of the Forest comes; he gives her a leg, the heart of a murdered monkey, demands her heart in response; she dies; the hunter returns in half a month ; the corpse is firm; he tries to pick up a tooth, she comes to life, thanks him for waking her up]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 8F: 105-107; cocama (? Upper Amazon, west of the tupi) [the hunter spends the night in the forest, Korupira comes, demands to give him a hand to eat it; the hunter gives the hand of a killed monkey; the same is the second hand, the heart; he demands from K. heart; K. cuts himself with a knife, dies; a month later, the hunter returns to take K.'s blue teeth for the necklace; K. comes to life from the blow; gives the hunter a bow and an arrow that does not miss; tells him not to shoot at the bird pack ; the hunter violates the ban, the birds kill him; K. revives him, tells him not to eat hot; the wife gives the hunter a hot cake, he ate and melts]: Teschauer 1906:28.

Central Amazon. Rio Branco [the hunter gets lost, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit of Curupira demands that his hand, leg, heart be given to eat; the hunter gives the body parts of the dead monkey; asks K. for him heart; he gives, dies; a year later, the hunter comes to take K.'s teeth as an amulet; takes a jaw, K. comes to life; gives a person a snake arrow that kills game itself; tells him not to tell anyone; people traced, an arrow was stolen; it hit the target and returned, killing the boy; he died like a snake bite; people left the place]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:32-34; Middle Amazon [like Rio Branco; people killed a man, cut him to pieces; K. revives him, waxes the pieces, tells him not to eat hot; his wife gave him hot food, he died again]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:38; munduruk: Kruse 1949, No. 33 [Peresuatpë went hunting with his older brother; he went into the bushes; P. shot the tapir, did not hit; it was the brother who took the form of a tapir; his grandmother advised him to pull the tapira out the inside next time through the ass; the hand got stuck, the tapir ran, P. pulled out his hand when the tapir was relieved; along with the tapir, P. found himself on the right bank of Tapajos; local people killed the tapir, cut it to pieces, P. saw it, sitting on a tree; those people mistook him for a bee nest, began to poke his pole, on the advice of a parrot, P. described the pole, the Indians began to lick urine, thinking it was honey; to cross Tapajos, P. called a caiman named Uàtippanpàn'a; first smaller caimans sailed out, P. rejected them; grass and trees on W.'s back; the caiman regurgitated, P. compared the aroma to the smell of uruku; once on the shore, shouted that W. stinks, he was furious, he dived, the palm tree on his back broke; at night, the jaguar called P. by name, he asked what he wanted, fell asleep; the next night the inumbu chicken woke up, P. broke all her eggs, there are three left, since then Inambu has laid three eggs; the next night P. sleeps in a hollow; Jaguar wants to bite off his finger, P. gives him the finger of a dead monkey; so Jaguar got and ate all his fingers, then his liver; left; the next night, the Jaguar promises to bring a stone; P. leaves his bowel movements in the hollow, climbs a tree; the sewage is responsible for P., the Jaguar throws a stone into the hollow, finds crap; the next night caterpillars prevented sleep, P. handed over half, now these caterpillars are few; P. sees two girls in a palm grove; agrees to marry; they ask not to be afraid of their father; he came, P. ran away; P. sleeps with his wife Jaguar; during the day she replies that he did not see her; running away and screams that he had slept with her; the Jaguar accidentally rushed not at P., but at the Anteater, who scratched his eyes; Jaguar's wife made him new eyes out of resin, since then Jaguar's eyes shine; P. asks Rain Mother to drop his bananas; she throws the peel; he threatens to shoot, replies that he will cover himself from the rain with a banana leaf; he shot, it rains, P. is wet; the woman- Inambu plays the flute, her hammock has fire; he refused to lie down with her, she flew away, taking the hammock and the fire; P. took the bone out of Jaguar's throat, who showed him the way home; his mother painted him uruku, P. died of strong smell]: 642-646; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo is his nephew, Karujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. cannot kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill them tapir with his hand in his ass; tapir - K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapajos, frees him, emptying his stomach; advises choosing a third crocodile with those growing on his back to cross the river trees; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on a big one; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping ashore, shouts that it stinks; at night Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then the Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is Jaguar's lair; he demands that P. give him parts one by one his body; P. gives the monkey's limbs and liver; leaves excrement responsible for himself, climbs a tree; Jaguar devours excrement instead of P.; P. spends the night with a man whose leg bones are deprived flesh, pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces the tree, P. ties it with a bowstring; frees it in the morning; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into an battleship, Scratches Jaguara's eyes out; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, since then they shine; P. spends the night by the Inambu fire; refuses to lie down in a hammock with her; she flies away, carrying fire; P. hits both with his hands and feet into the hunter's trap; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; the ant, the bee, the wasp, the monkey free P.; the hunter beats the old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to her grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [after killing the guariba monkeys, the hunter spent the night in the forest, made a hut tightly covered from mosquitoes; Kuruφira (corresponding to Kurupir from the Tupi; the spikes themselves say they borrowed this one from them story; φis pronounced as a middle ground between b, p, f) called him to his place, the man refused; K. asked him for a piece of hand, he gave a piece of monkey paw, K. ate it; the same with all parts of the body, the last - heart, tongue (K.: Are you still alive? Are you still talking?) ; the man ran, put up K.'s leg, he fell, could not get up, his knees did not bend; when he returned with people, the man saw the corpse of a deer at this place; people took it and ate it, suffering from diarrhea; the hunter did not eat]: Nimuendaju 1920:1037-1038; tenetehara [author heard the same myth from tembe]: Nimuendaju 1920:1037.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [after shooting monkeys, the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; Asage's forest spirit asks for his liver, then his leg; the man gives the monkey's liver and leg, he eats them; asks for A. to give him his liver; A. rips his stomach open, dies; in the morning, the hunter hits A. in the face with his machete to knock out his teeth (they are like a jaguar); A. jumps up alive; in gratitude that he was woken up , gives a person a bow and arrow that always hits game (without continuing)]: Dean 1995:304-305.