Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L46. Upside down. 12.-.14.19.-.


The character walks, goes up or down, or sees the world upside down.

West Africa. Yoruba [residents of the land of spirits stand in mortars on their heads and press yams with their heads]: Ellis 1894:244.

Sudan-East Africa. The Mbuti Pygmies [at night a man took his wife and children, left, leaving his legless mother alone; she came to them walking on her head; so twice; then he gave her honey, put a worm there, she ate it and died]: Turnbull 1959:52 (=1965:265).

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [in the lower world, demons are feet up, head down; because their mouths are below, they eat their own excrement]: Gahlin 2007:142.

Melanesia. Kamoro [the young man's mother has no legs or anus; he climbs a palm tree for coconuts; an old man comes up, climbs his feet forward; a young man puts a leaf in his anus; both come to the old man's house; there's a box, each with a bird in it , a young man plucks them, cuts them into lots of men, they beat drums]: Drabbe 1947, No. 2:168-169; vogeo [boys let ants bite an old man by the testicles; that makes them small, shoves them into the crack of the gong, lets them into the sea; the gong nails them to the coast of New Guinea; the cannibal is going to eat them; the younger one hides in a tree; answers the cannibal for climbing upside down; He bleeds from his nose; a hawk saves the boy, brings him to the sky above Vogeo Island; he sees his mother, throws her coconut, and a palm tree grows out of it; the boy's father wakes him up, forgets to feed two orphans, they climb a palm tree, reach the sky when they are old; together with the young man they descend to the ground, bringing ornaments, bananas, tarot, areca palm nuts (the origin of agriculture) ]: Hogbin 1970:32-33; marind-anim [snake Beer hung a basket with her children on a tree; Dema Capeher came up at night; the boys told him they wanted to climb a coconut tree; the elder climbed legs forward, failed; K. taught how to climb a palm tree with a loop, how to pick and peel nuts]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 13:49; awayama [as soon as the husband went for turtles and With dugongs, his mother asked her daughter-in-law, who had just given birth, to climb a tree for fruit; bewitched a woman to twigs; cut off her hand to eat; at night, the mother calls two older boys aim her milk, give her newborn a drink; the same the next night, when her mother-in-law cut off her arm up to the elbow; on the third day she cut off her chest, the woman died; the children realized that they would now be eaten, climbed on a tree, surrounded the trunk below it with wasps, snakes, hornets; the grandmother asks how they climbed; legs forward; climbs her legs forward, bitten; the next day - sideways; the same; head forward; bitten even worse; the father comes back, sees his children in the tree, they tell him everything, he cut his mother's throat; swam with his sons; the storm, the boat is heavy, threw the baby away; then the second boy; drowned with elder]: Seligmann 1910, No. 22:404-408; Vedau [children stone almonds, the last bunch of three tonsils on top of the tree remains; it has ripened, fell; one amygdala became a young man; he came to the shore, there is an old woman, asking her to get coconuts from the palm tree; advises her to go upside down, kills with her sword, eats it with her husband; the same is the second young man from the second amygdala; the third refuses go upside down, jumps, kills an old woman, cooks her meat, her husband eats his wife; a young man yells to him about it from a tree; a cannibal cuts a tree, a young man jumps to another; when the last one is cut down, a young man turns into a crab, hides in a hole; now these crabs always do this when a person approaches, because they are afraid that they will be avenged for the death of an old woman]: Ker 1910:86-97; Dobu [each of four sisters say who she chooses to be her husband; these are four brothers, they are tree leaves; an old woman offers to climb her coconut palm with her feet forward; three brothers fall successively, break; the fourth refuses to climb like this, revives the brothers, they burn an old woman, marry girls]: Fortune 1932:87-90.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ontong Java [brother and sister killed a pig but do not know how to cut it; the spirit came and offered to cut it, brother and sister promised him part of the meat; he took all the good, and the bitter and the bad gave it to brother and sister; they had to throw it away; they opened the spirit's earthen oven and took out the meat; knowing that the spirit would chase, the brother told his sister to climb the coconut palm, pick up meat and water there; around palm trees poked the stakes upside down, climbed the palm tree by himself; the spirit came to eat brother and sister; asks how they climbed; sister: upside down; the spirit cannot climb; brother: upside down; the spirit climbed, and the young man poured ash and water into his eyes; the spirit fell, ran into stakes, died]: Keopo 1981:37-38.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [two friends live in different villages; they both set up bird traps on the tree and decided to meet at this tree when one came, the tree did not have the other; the first one climbed the tree and began to take the birds out of their traps; then the second one appeared; in fact, it was a demon who ate the young man and took his form; asked how to climb the tree, began to try to climb his head upside down forward; he took out the head of the murdered young man and began to eat, calling it the root of a plant; to escape, the young man in the tree prepared three packages of different sizes from bird traps; first he threw a large one, the demon rushed, believing it was a young man; the smaller bundle was thrown farther away, the small one was farthest; while the demon was rushing after them, the young man came down and ran away; therefore, it is best not to make an appointment in a remote place ]: Gorer 1938:485-486.

China - Korea. Lisu (Yunnan-Burma border) [an orphan girl and her younger brother live with her grandmother; went to chase birds to the site; someone mimics their words; grandmother does not believe it, she goes by herself; she does not mimic; children: tease so that the grandmother believes; now someone repeats the grandmother's words; the cannibal t'ishüma appears; invites the grandmother to look in her head; she takes ticks out ticks from the cannibal's head; the cannibal is the brain, ate the grandmother; the children saw it, ran home, locked themselves; the cannibal comes disguised as a grandmother; the girl repeatedly says that everything looks different for her grandmother; the cannibal consistently cuts off her shaggy, breasts, changes her complexion and tooth shape, dresses; girl: grandmother came carrying hemp yarn; trough; cannibal with yarn, then with a trough; this time the boy said the formula allowing her to open the door; pretending to be a grandmother, the cannibal sends the children to get water, then for fuel; the girl brings dirty water, raw branches, the boy brings clean, dry; at night, the cannibal takes him to herself; ate, crunches her bones, supposedly a crunch of magic beans that give immortality, which she chews; first the cannibal gives the girl beans, then her brother's finger; in the morning asks where to relieve her need; girl rejects all places (her mother or father did something there); you have to go to the mountain, she will let the ball down the mountain, where the thread runs out, relieve herself; and then wind the ball back; the girl tied the thread to a tree, ran home, found her brother's guts, wrapped it in cloth, took it with her, hid under the bridge; then climbed a tree; peed herself; the cannibal thought it was raining; the girl laughed; the cannibal: how climbed? legs forward; the cannibal climbs; not like this: throw your legs around your neck; then: bring my father's spear, hot in the fire, knock down the fruits for you, throw it in your mouth, open it wider; throw the spear, missed; bring a spear my grandfather with two points; the same; great-grandfather: with three points; the spear fell into the mouth of the cannibal, she died; the flood began; the girl consistently asks for deer, dogs, hunters, bushes, knife, leaves, people who carry meat, flies to drink water; everyone refuses, is busy with each other (cumulative story); a frog drinks for a promise to give her a needle; the girl pierced her stomach with this needle, the water spilled out again; the same is another frog, but the girl pierced her back; since then, the frogs have a stain behind them; the girl got off the tree, picked up the remnants of yarn that the women had thrown, began to weave them; the moon came down She does not know how to drink from the stream; girl: sideways; the grateful moon took her along with the tree under which she was sitting; you can see her weaving on the moon; if only half of the moon is visible, the moon drinks; people are mortal, for Can't eat magic beans anymore]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:409-426.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Potanin 1883 [according to South Russian belief, witches climb crosses upside down to shoot stars from the sky)]: 816; Chubinsky 1872 (Kholmskaya Rus) [the servant noticed how his mistress every evening the witch hides the porridge in the pantry; watches it; the witch comes to the cross in the forest, climbs it with her feet up, tells all the plants she sees to freeze at night, buries the porridge under the cross; it is very cold at night; next time the servant pulls the porridge from under the cross, puts the witch under the bed; the witch froze to death]: 30.

Baltoscandia. The Sami [the dead walk upside down so their feet are against our feet]: Holmberg 1927:72-73; Finns [in the underworld, Maahiisa spirits walk upside down the return surface of the earth]: Petrukhin 2003:81. (cf. Ainu).

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts (Votyaks) [during the thunder, the Votyaks drive the dogs out of the house, Shaitan hides in them; the Thunder pursues Sh., he teases him, climbs a tree, stands upside down, Inmar says naked ass; if I. does not get to Sh., he will burn a tree]: Potanin 1884:222 in Plesovsky 1972:44.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Zhitkov 1913:242 in Golovnev 1995 [Vylka sees that some people are half a person (1 arm, 1 leg, 1 shoulder, 1 eye); others walk upside down, others face in front and back]: 414; Lehtisalo 1998 [Vylka chased a polar bear, carried him on an ice floe, then on a drifting tree; 40 years later he crawled to the ground along the yellow ice; two giantesses brought him to their place in a mitten, cured; their old father went to drive thousands of deer to people; women teach V. to tell the old man that he took his eldest daughter; V. and the old man come to the plague; half people in him; some go up feet, others are naked, standing on top of each other, have faces in front and back; V. and his wife come to people who have bone shovels on their heads like deer antlers, they eat reindeer moss; two guys grabbed for V. a beautiful girl, began to strangle; V. asked to give her alive; she tries to escape, is afraid of fire; in another village, the owner strangled his wife for a treat and offered V. a fat piece; V. runs away, son the owner is haunted, V. stabbed him, others are happy to eat; V. returned home; the giantess wife cut herself into seven parts, became normal; cut the wild girl, she came to life, became normal; V. became a shaman]: 28-31; the northern Selkups [those who die in heaven walk naked there; a shaman who went to heaven for his brother's soul saw a naked woman, climbing backwards; in the lower world, the dead are dressed in torn clothes they put on when they are buried]: Tuchkova 2004:223.

Japan. Ainu [under our world Kanna Mosiri is the world of the gods Kamui Mosiri; good people get there after death; inhabitants walk upside down, touching their feet and feet people walking on the ground]: Simonova-Gudzenko 1980:53; Japanese [Monkey exchanges Crab's rice bun for persimmon seed; Crab's persimmon grows quickly and bears fruit; Monkey offers Crab collects a persimmon for him, collects a bag, prevents the Crab, throws a green persimmon on it; he says that monkeys used to be able to climb a tree with their feet forward; The monkey climbs its feet forward, the persimmon from its bags get enough sleep; Crab (or Crab's son, if killed by a fallen persimmon), along with Chestnut, Manure, Mortar, Bee, hide in the Monkey's house; The chestnut in the hearth bursts into the Monkey's eyes, the Crab stings the Monkey, when she leans to the water to wash her face, the Bee bites, the Monkey rushes to the door, slides on Manure, is killed by a Mortar that falls off the ceiling]: Ikeda 1971, No. 210:50-51.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Lowenstein 1992 (Point Hope) [people walked in their arms, snow was grease, seal fat was caribou fat; people chewed black soot and fat, it turned white resin; the old woman made her a Raven, he turned into a man with a crow's beak on his head]: 5-6; Ostermann 1952 [the first people walked upside down]: 225; Rainey 1947 (Point Hope) [first people walked in their arms, had no names, seal fat was like caribou black fat to them; a woman made a fat man with a bird's beak in his forehead; he came to life, walked on his feet, his voice was the voice of a crow; he got light, put people on their feet, turned snow into snow that can be turned into water, etc.]: 269; igloolik [when a person sleeps, his soul hangs upside down, adjacent to his body only with a large one toe]: Rasmussen 1930a: 93.

Subarctic. Taltan [see motif M45; Owl takes the girl away; feeds live ants; comes with her to watch memorial rituals on her; Owl sees everything upside down; asks the girl to dress up (?) her as the participants in the ceremony look like; the girl drives a stake in her head with a stone, the Owl dies]: Teit 1921a, No. 56:252-253.

NW Coast. The Tlingits: De Laguna 1972 [those who died in wars or accidentally go to heaven in the world of Spolokhov; closer to earth, there is the Sky of Dogs in the clouds; the souls of sorcerers, suicides, and those who killed fall there animals are aimless; they live there with the souls of dead dogs; men walk upside down, women walk on all fours]: 771; Swanton 1909, No. 59 [Killer whales kidnap a woman; her husband follows her to the bottom of the sea; Cod people are pale, walking upside down; he paints them with red paint; Sharks help him get his wife back]: 215.

The coast is the Plateau. Lillouette [enemies kill a woman by splitting her head with an ax; her spirit comes to her sister; she hides in a tree; the spirit sees everything upside down; her sister tells the spirit to climb her tree upside down ; the spirit tries unsuccessfully, leaves in the morning]: Teit 1912b, No. 26:331; quinalt: Farrand 1902, No. 1 [The converter sees various people walking upside down; one lice is dragged into the water, y others are too short spears and digging sticks, others use their heads like hammers; he puts them all on their feet, gives them a comb, tells others to eat oysters and fish, and others give real hammers], 2 [see motif H12; Blue Jay comes to the world of the dead; they dance with their feet upside down, rubbing deep holes with their heads]: 83-85, 100-101; quileut [Converter sees people walking with their feet up; puts them on their feet]: Andrade 1931, No. 27 [Kweti; people keep their heads between their feet]: 83-85; Farrand, Mayer 1919 [Kweeti travels; first meets the White Man, tells him to have only one wife; Beaver sharpens the stone tip, replies that he is waiting for K. to kill him; K. puts a point to his ass, turns it into a tail; The deer sharpens the shells, replies that he is waiting for K. he makes his ears out of his shells; on the Kvitz River, K. spits on his hands, throws mud spools into the river, they turn into Quetzush Indians (made of mud); Hoh Indians walk in their arms, holding nets between his legs; K. puts them on their feet; in Kvileuti he turns wolves into people, tells them to fish; in Osette, he creates Indians from two dogs; in Nii Bay, he teaches people to fish]: 251-252; lummi [cf. H12 motif; a young man follows his beloved into the world of the dead; dancing, they jump and land on their heads]: Stern 1934:122; Puget Sound [Skunk mistreats wives; their brothers take them away, they hide on the rock; he asks how they got in; feet forward! The skunk climbs his feet forward; women throw hot stones in his ass; his iron falls out]: Ballard 1927:64; upper chehalis: Adamson 1934:27 [see H12 motif; Blue Jay goes to guests to a dead sister; burns on the way back; those who are burned go to a place called the second death; they sit upside down; so children are born upside down], 46-52 [see motive J12; the girl comes to marry the chief and marries Skunk; his master tells him to bring meat; the woman realizes that her husband is a servant; suffers from the stench; the owner sends Skunk, runs with the woman to heaven; Skunk sees their reflection, lets a stream into the water; then looks up, asks how they climbed; feet forward; the owner throws hot stones at Skunk's ass, his iron falls out]; colitz [ like the upper chehalis, pp.46-52]: Adamson 1934:198-200; lower chinook [the deceased sister realizes that her brother who comes to her is also dead when he sees him dancing on his head]: Boas 1894a, No. 15:171; ne Perse: Phinney 1934 [see J12 motif; five sisters come to marry the Eagle; The Skunk takes them for himself; the Eagle learns about the deception, runs away from Skunk to the top of the cliff with his wives; advises him to climb backwards; throws a hot stone into his anus; Skunk's iron falls out]: 251-259; Spinden 1917, No. 18 [Grizzly sees a Raccoon on the tree, asks how he climbed; backwards; she climbs backwards, asks Look for him in her head; her lice are frogs; he pierces her ear with a needle, she dies; his grandmother scratched her thighs, the Raccoon says she has her period, sends her home; pretends to have come she eats all the meat herself, leaves her grandmother only the skin; she puts it on, turns into a Grizzly, kills it]: 196-198; kordalen [red dwarfs are the first inhabitants of the country; they always climb trees head forward]: Clark 1966:115-116; Teit, Boas 1930 [red dwarfs carry their children upside down]: 180; kalapuya [Coyote makes daughter out of marmot giblets; she marries Raccoon, Skunk, she will return home both times; she doesn't like the cougar either; he makes berries that tickle in her throat, she chokes, dies; Coyote follows her to the seashore; calls the boat, they can't hear him; she sighs, dead they send a boat; the Coyote and his daughter sail to the other side of the sea; at night the dead dance on their heads; the snail is an elk for them, but after freshly harvesting a lot of meat; the dead take only bones (on this ends)]: Gatschet et al. 1945:199-203.

The Midwest. Ojibwa; Jones 1919, No. 1 [a deceased young man walks along a dusty road, unable to catch up with a dead baby struggling to carry the board he was tied to on his back; a young man approaches a turbulent river , a trembling log is laid across it; dogs are guarding this bridge on both sides; a vine with wild cucumbers hangs over the bridge; when you touch it, the fruits rattle, the dogs rush at the passer; the young man passes, without reaching the fruit, without waking up the dogs; comes to the village of the dead, enters the sigwam at a distance; the owner of the dead says that the young man has come here in the flesh, it is not time for him to die yet, let him return; explains that dogs push those who treated dogs badly during their lifetime; the dead are seen only at night; the young man sees his grandmother, she eats a rotten tree, offers him, he refuses; at night the dead they dance, some have no head, arm, leg, some upside down; those who lost arms, legs, etc. in the war remain so; on the way back, the young man does not meet the river; tries to talk to people he meets, she cannot grab them; she sees the fire, rushes at it, wakes up; tells his mother about the seat; his deceased grandmother explained to him that the northern lights are the dead dancing]: 3-23 (spirits dance down head: p.17).

Northeast. Delaware [the man took the boy hunting; the tornado took their hut with the boy; The tornado is in his arms, his legs are in the air, his long hair is dragging along the ground; the hunter grabbed him, threatening to kill him, Tom had to get the boy back]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 75:46.

Big Pool. The Northern Shoshones [The Eagle is Skunk's younger brother; while he hunts, ten Rabbits marry him and ten Frogs marry Skunk; Skunk takes the Rabbits for himself, puts the Frogs under Eagle's bed; the Eagle is surprised that the Skunk eats so much that he laughs; the Frogs tell the Eagle how the Skunk took his wives; the Eagle leads Skunk to hunt, pretends to have forgotten his gun, comes back runs away with the Rabbits to the top of the cliff; the Skunk sees their reflection, streams into the river; notices a rock; the Eagle replies that he has climbed forward with his feet; throws a hot stone in the ass of the Skunk; the Skunk falls, his his ass floats along the river; the Skunk walks asking if anyone saw his ass; the Skylark replies as an orphan throws him into the air, he's like a fireball; the Skunk grabs his ass, runs away, kills people he meets, cutting off their heads and taking their jewelry; five Wolves easily kill Skunk]: Lowie 1909b, No. 19:208-270.

Mesoamerica The Aztecs [demon descends upside down from heaven to earth to devour people]: Codex Vaticanus 1931:164-165; Thompson 1934:230-231; Kekchi [hero climbs a tree upside down and so does descends; his enemies, the Chol Indians, only know how to descend; he turns them into trees]: Thompson 1930:152; chol [The sun rises upside down the pillar of the dwelling, then into the sky]: Whittaker, Warkentin 1965, #6:43

The Northern Andes. Ihka [people live high in the mountains without arms and legs who walk on their heads]: Bolinder 1925:122.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 93 [the monkey hunter has spent the night in the forest; the Musimo forest spirit is walking through the woods, screaming, Hoo Hoo Hoo! Approaching the hunter's hut, he says to eat it; he replies that if M. sees him, he will die of fear; M. suggests that the hunter stick out his finger to make sure he is terrible; the hunter shows him the finger of the killed monkey; so he takes turns showing all his fingers, then the monkey's head; M. faints, then leaves in fear; the hunter climbs a tree; a lot of mussimo come, cut the hut with knives, they find only a monkey carcass inside; it is said that the monkey is dead, but the hunter was alive, spoke; they notice it on a tree; their axes and machetes break against the barrel, the gun does not shoot; one calls his relative Jotomo Jaburu, who knows how to climb trees with his feet forward; he climbs, the hunter kills him with an arrow, the spirits devour Hotomo, believing that they are eating a person; they think that H. is licking blood on a tree; they identify him head; the spirits leave, leaving a trap under the tree, the hunter falls into it; smears himself with crap, the spirits decide that the game has rotted; in the morning the hunter leaves, sees the skull, puts an arrow in his eye socket; the skull jumps on his eye socket his neck, refuses to get off, promises to eat, the hunter promises to hunt for him; asks him to get down while he relieves his need, his crap stinks unbearably; his arrow is stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; quietly moves to another, runs away, crosses the river; the skull chases, asks how the person crossed, he says he's on the vine; when the skull is in the middle of the river, the hunter shakes vine, skull falls, sinks; poisonous ants rise to the surface]: 299-302; Wilbert 1970 [because of the protruding brow arches, forest spirits can only look up when they stand on their heads; in this position one of them climbs a tree where the hero is hiding; he throws him down; others beat or devour a friend; the hero runs away], No. 186 [see motif L44, text (185) for the beginning; the shaman climbs a tree in the forest, the gathered spirits began to cut him, their axes and arrows break; they call the spirit Muse ("the one who sees"), M. could not climb; then even more powerful Webuoni; a bird sits on his forehead ( she eats scorpions); V. clutched a broken arrow between his heels, climbed his legs forward; the shaman stabbed this arrow in his ass, shouts to the spirits to catch the prey, runs away himself; the spirits eat V., then everyone makes excuses as if he didn't eat; half-spirit (vertical?) scoops up the river with the skin of his scrotum; the shaman fires an arrow at it, he grabs it, puts it in a hollow; the shaman gives him a cigarette, he lights it with his fiery hand, he likes it, he takes the shaman as a friend; half-spirit roasts a crocodile, a shark, tells me to bring a pot, a plate, the shaman sees only snakes there; half-spirit brought a pot, a plate; two jaguars came at night, half-spirit killed them easily; half-spirit gives the shaman caught fish in a small bag, sent him across the river when the bird sings "dry, dry"; the man sees only a deep river, comes back; half-spirit carried him half dry, turned back; man barely managed to run to the other side, the river was filled with water again; the shaman reached a house, hung up a hammock; the spirit came out, cut off his calf, blew a whistle; did not like it, made the second one out of another caviar ; told the man where to go; on the way he meets jaguars with 1, 2, 3, 4 heads and tails; returned home], 187 [Kororomanna killed a monkey, got lost in the forest; at night, chebu forest spirits began to hit trunks with sticks; K. began to hit the monkey's stomach like a drum; one of x. asked him to show his arm, leg, face; K. shows parts of the monkey's body; blows the winds; x. hears a sound, asks to pierce his anus; K. pierced him with a bow; x. promises that other x. will take revenge for him, disappears; K. hides on the Euterpe palm tree; x. beat the corpse of a monkey, thinking that it is K.; he laughs; big eyebrows x. interfere with them look up; one stood on his head, saw K.; x. trying to cut down a tree; their turtle axes, pod knives, break; the biggest x. climbs the tree with his feet forward; K. pushes him down, shouting the words that x. promised to shout, the other x. kill him, thinking they were killing K.; K. ran away; hid in the hollow, where the woman said that her snake husband would come; but in the morning the hawk sang, K. said that it was his uncle, the Serpent was frightened, let him go; K. found a fallen tree on the path with the baby in the hollow; it was child X., K. killed him, hid him; the woman. wrapped the ground in a bundle with K., walked away; K. replaced it with earth with her own trail; the woman threw the parcel into the fire, burned down herself; K. went on the path, his leg stuck, it was an x trap; they put it in the basket, walked away, K. ran away; let him go an arrow in the skull; he ordered him to be carried (in corn tape, as women carry a load) and feed it; the skull became fat, the bark was torn from weight; K. asked him to wait until he found another bast, ran away; the skull mistakenly rushed after the deer, killed him, and began to count his fingers - two, not five! The man laughs from the other side of the river; the skull jumped into the water, drowned, all the ants came out of it; the other x scoops the pond with his scrotum; K. poked him with an arrow, x. thought it was gadflies, then stuffed K. into deck; K. gave x. tobacco, became friends with him, he gave him a small package of fish, he brought it to his mother, there were a lot of fish; on the way, various animals told K. about his mother, carrying different fruits that K.'s mother gave them (rat - yam, aguti - cassava, paka - yam, deer - cassava leaf, tapiriha - pineapple (episode with perfume climbing legs forward, p. 426)], 204:419, 424-430, 472; curl, kalinha [as at warrau; a man kills a forest spirit and his wife]: Goeje 1943, no. d 35:126; carinha (Guyana) [the man is trapped in epo (dangerous forest spirits); the bird advised him to smear himself with crap; epo all put it equally in the basket, carried it; on the way, the man ran away, climbed a tree; the Epo began to cut the trunk with axes from the turtle shells; they sent ants, the man threw them off; one of the epo climbed his feet forward; man pierced it, threw it off, demons ate it for a man; man goes on, falls into a hollow, there are snakes, man is smeared with crap again; snakes blow the wind, ask what they smell like; man big answers like a deer, a small one like a rat; he sees a snake-eating hawk, "uncle" addresses him, he answers, calling the person "nephew"; the snakes are frightened, trying to crawl away, the Hawk pecks them out eyes, man finishes them off]: Gillin 1936, No. 7:196-198; vapishana [turtle husband climbs a tree behind his wife with his feet forward, falls]: Farabee 1918:157.

NW Amazon. When punishing an opponent, the hero tells... Bar [opossumu bear fruit by going upside down from the tree]: Pereira 1980 (1): 235; chikuna [brother go upside down for the fruit and pick the fruit with his feet]: Nimuendaju 1952:129.

Central Amazon. Parintintin [Anyan-Pian (forest spirit) and Tandav-u hunts coati; T. climbs a tree, AP tells him to go upside down, makes the trunk thick; he falls, AP carries it to basket along with game and leaves; T. runs away on the way; AP kills his family; T. kills AP children; AP kills T., who turned out to be a weaker shaman]: Pereira 1980 (2): 605-606.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [a young hunter finds rain in the forest, he hides in a hollow; this is the home of Simsy's forest spirit; he comes and asks where the guest has beautiful hair; the young man several times sends him to bring a sharp tooth; scalps; tells him to sit on the water for an hour; runs away; first trees, then the Aguchi woman hides it; Aguchi sends wasps to S.; he rubs his penis against pubic hair, gets fire drives wasps away with smoke; later comes to a tree where the young man ambushed birds; climbs a tree with his feet forward; a young man kills him with an arrow; two weeks later people come to this place; the corpse does not rotted, but overgrown with mushrooms; when people cut off S.'s lips, he comes to life, thanks those who woke him up, disappears]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 6:354-356; cachinahua [forest dwarfs shomani steal from hunter's prey; he invites them to dance before eating, pours hot broth over them; paints his head, says that in order to become as beautiful, you have to scalp yourself; scalps off one of the fish; the hunter's arrow gets stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; they see him, cut down the tree with their axes from crab shells, then with an ax from a turtle shell; they cut down a tree, but man moves to a palm tree; its trunk is stronger, cannot be cut; sh. climb forward on the finger, the person pushes them down with a stick; falling comrades sh are mistaken for a person, killed and devoured; at dawn a person descends, runs away; sh. take a deer trail as his trail, but a deer also leaves them; a man hides in a battleship's hole; sh. they make a fire at the entrance - two leaves are set on fire; they put a log - a vine into the hole , which a person can easily break; a flying bird screams yuha, yuhoo; sh. think that a person has come to help, they run away; the man returns to his wife, goes hunting with her brother; the brother does the tree is ambushed to shoot parrots and monkeys; sh. get there earlier, cut off the head of the climbed man, throw his wife's brother; people cut down a tree, sh. turn into white monkeys (the origin of white monkeys)]: d'Ans 1975:266-275; sharanahua [the man went to the forest for the fruits of the genipa; the forest spirit led him to the tree, offered to climb the tree; spirits gathered, climbed forward with his feet; man killed them one at a time, stabbing a stick in the ass; the spirits brought axes from the shoulder blades of deer and battleships, began to cut them; the tree fell, the man hid in the battleship's hole; a deer ran by, the spirits rushed after him; but the man stuck his head out, the spirits saw him, grabbed him and ate him; the deceased's elder brother also went to the forest; when the tree fell, he moved to another place where the wild turkey's nest; he ate meat and fruit there in the morning tears, his spirits grabbed him; the tree fell, the turkeys scattered, the spirits rushed to grab them; the man escaped]: Siskind 1973:152-153.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [a hunter with his young son goes to the forest to hunt for a battleship; a jaguar kills him, takes his form, brings his wife his head disguised as a battleship; the son warns his mother that On the road, the father spoke in the voices of nocturnal animals; a woman and her son run, asking a tree frog for help; he lifts them up a tree in a basket; a jaguar asks how to climb; Legs forward; a jaguar she climbs forward, the frog kills him with a spear, takes the woman as his wife; she brings the frog to her mother's house, hides her husband in a bamboo flute during the day; the mother opens the lid, the frog returns to the forest]: Mindlin 1995, No. 8:28-31; the chacobo [Mawokuría climbed the tree with his feet forward to cut it, fell off, his head fell off, rolled back; the woman saw it, told others; the head grew, M. climbed onto another tree, fell again, the same; father-in-law began to cook M., ate the surfaced fat; but M. was alive, the cauldron burst, filled his father-in-law with boiling water; M. lay down with rotten nuts; the wasp told the vultures, those took the baskets, filled them with meat; one of the vultures noticed that M. opened his eyes, others did not believe; M. grabbed a good basket, brought it to his father-in-law; from this model, the women learned to weave baskets; while The Bat was fishing with poison, M. stole his wife, settled with her in a house without holes; the Bat gnawed a hole; his wife woke M., he did not wake up; the Bat bit off his hands, and when he bit off the septum in his nose, M. died]: Kelm 1972, No. 5:231-232.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [the forest spirit asks the hero how he got in; he: feet forward! The spirit gets its feet forward, the hero kills him with a stick]: Pereira 1995, No. 17:76-77; nambikwara [evil spirit to Vadndis (tornado) moves upside down the ground; two young men are having fun dragging each other's legs upside down; after that, many evil spirits appear]: Pereira 1983, No. 36:54, note 36:1; Iranian [see motif H12; three brothers rise to heaven into the world of the dead on anaconda skin; see their dead nephews having fun going down the tree upside down; thunder sounds]: Pereira 1985, No. 8:73-74; paresi [the mother of frost came from the south, began to catch fish is poison; for her, fish is firewood, Erone eats fish, she is frightened; E. met the forest spirit of Toloa; he does not like to be seen from behind, his gut sticks out there; E. shouted from a distance what he saw, did a deer, T. thought it was E., took it home; E. killed people who were frying fish, left the old woman; went out on the road of lost souls; they wanted to eat it, he says that he is salty, they go to the river to drink, he hides in a tree; How did you get in? - Feet forward; he killed the first arrow, screams, Here E falls, they ate theirs; E. came to people without an anus, defecate through their mouths; put fried fish under them, saying it's crap; asked them to make anuses; E. pierced them with a stick, they died, the old woman remained; one blind man in the tree pulls out honey, the other below; E. catches honey, gives wax to the lower one; the upper one threw an ax down, E. his took it away, threw it into the water, he became a fish; E. met a tapir family, his daughter was sick; sent his parents for edible leaves, cooked and ate his daughter; tapir and tapiriha chase E., hides a nightjar under his body, the pursuers look into his mouth, tearing him up, now he's big; the female saco-boi swallows E., tells the tapirs she has a sore throat; the tapirs are gone, E. stayed overnight with the woman saco - boi, burned the man's boat; in the morning he was chasing; E. to a tree, telling him to grab the fruit, hit the head, killed; at the house cabore-do-sol hid in shallow water, covered himself with a piece of bark, like fish, children they shoot arrows, throw them at fish and onions, E. took it all away, in the evening he came to this house, the children recognized the arrows, E.: No, these are mine; they go swimming, the children wash it, everyone says, My hand, leg, ass and etc.; Father will come, kill you with this spear, we will eat; E. swapped spears (one hits, the other always passes by); killed the owner who came; the same episode with spears in the turtle house; into marten houses ( irara), they went for honey, ordered them to look after the children, did not order them to untie the parcel; E. untied it, the children died, their parents revived them; the owner of the forest came, E. turned the fruit into stone, threw it from the tree, killed her baby; she wants to spray milk from her chest into him, but E. does not look at her; called for other spirits, but E. did not get it; E. returned to his mother, was absent from April (when it was frozen) until September]: Pereira 1986, No. 17:261-282 (upside down: 267).

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (pau d'arco) [(Nimuendaju MS); the fisherman stepped on the stingray, his leg rotted, he asked him to be left in the hut with enough food; he burned his leg in the fire, sharpened his bone; his wife came for him, put her back for him to climb, he pierced it with his sharp leg; kills many people; when a man climbs a tree, he climbs his head upside down, pierces him with his foot; asks two women, whether he has already reached the top; they all say not; one of them pierces him with a piece of bark, he falls dead]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 133:408-409.

Chaco. Mokovi [The fox flees in a tree from his Uncle Jaguar; roasts turtles there or cooks their eggs; says he has climbed forward with his feet, calls Jaguar to climb to him in the same way; pours him in the ass hot fat or boiling water; scalded Jaguar runs away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 73, 84, 85, 86, 91, 149 [Jaguarundi instead of Fox]: 105, 117-119, 124, 189.