Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L47. An enemy killed backwards .

The hero's opponent approaches him upside down or backwards, giving the hero the opportunity to kill him or run away. See motif L46.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Maragoli [Girwang has 2 wives and 8 children; he steals food from the cannibal garden; is caught; pays off by promising to give one of the children; but he brings dog meat; cannibals like it, they demand more and more ; he hides his family in a cave, heats an iron pin, calls cannibals, tells him to enter the cave backwards; pierces the entire anus with told iron; takes cannibal property]: Kavaji 2005, No. 10:223-225.

Melanesia. Vogeo [a boy lets ants bite an old man's testicles; he makes them small, puts a gong in the crack, lets them into the sea; the gong nails to the coast of New Guinea; the cannibal gathers eat them; the youngest hides in a tree; answers the cannibal that he has climbed upside down; his nose is bleeding; a hawk saves the boy, brings him to the sky above Vogeo Island; he sees his mother, throws her coconut, a palm tree grows out of it; the boy's father wakes on it, forgets to feed two orphans, who climb a palm tree, reach the sky when they are old; together with the young man they go down to land, bringing ornaments, bananas, tarot, areca palm nuts (agricultural origin)]: Hogbin 1970:32-33.

Burma - Indochina. Karena [The hare comes to the Tigress's daughter, tells her mother that he is going to whip her with a stick; the Tigress chases the Hare and asks how he got into the bamboo thickets; he replies that backwards; The tigress gets stuck, the Hare beat her {maybe raped in the original}; next time the Hare replies that he is another hare, offers to listen to her grandfather's violin, the Tigress pinched her tail between two vines; the Hare invites the Tigress to go down to the well to listen to the frogs; tickles the Tigress, she waves her paws, throws the Hare away, he covers the well with stones; tells the white buffalo that the black wants it kill, black - what white wants to kill; buffaloes kill each other; The hare dances on corpses, runs into a horn, dies]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 182:492-494; shany [the youngest of the seven princes answers father, who marries only a fairy; the king tells him to bring his wife in seven days, otherwise he will cut off his son's head; he goes from one hermit to another; the latter orders at noon, when the cannibal guard is sleeping, to enter garden, pick fruit from the top of the tree; temporarily turns the fruit into stone, the young man into a parrot; the cannibal finds nothing, returns to the garden; the hermit tells not to cut the fruit before reaching the house; the young man cuts in the forest, a beautiful woman appears from the fruit; a young man leaves her in a tree, tells her not to talk to anyone, goes to get her clothes; a woman comes for water, sees a reflection, thinks she is beautiful, then sees a girl in a tree; knocks her down with a stick, kills her, hides her corpse, puts on her clothes, climbs a tree; tells the returning young man that fairies are stupid because of the heat in the sun; the prince marries her; a lotus grew up in the pond , the elderly couple brought him home; in their absence, someone cooks; they hide, see a girl coming out of the lotus, make him an adopted daughter; she makes paintings from petals, capturing the prince when He was a parrot, himself in a tree, and other episodes; for most, they were just garlands of flowers; the couple sold them at the bazaar, the prince saw them and ordered them to bring the girl; the liar wife said that this is a witch, the prince sent servants to execute the girl; they killed her, her eyes turned into two parrots, started a conversation, the prince heard the whole story from him; 7 days later he waited for the fairy by the pond; brought her to the palace, The liar was executed]: Milne 1910:275-282.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [two hunters killed a wild boar in the forest, but they don't have fire; one climbed a tree and noticed smoke; came to the fire, and a woman Alan (a forest creature with wings directed at him) is sitting next to him back with her toes and hands); A. gave fire and came to the place where the hunters left the wild boar; cut the carcass with her sharp nails, took out the liver and told the man to take the liver to her child; he came to A.'s house and threw the child into the boiling pot, returned; A. took the meat, carried it to her place, and the hunters climbed a tree by the water; when A. saw the child cooked, A. set off in pursuit; first saw a reflection in the water, tried to grab him; then looked up, asked how the hunters climbed the tree; they say that they were legs forward; A. climbed the vine with her feet forward; the hunters cut off the vine, A. fell, killed; Hunters found vessels with gold and beads at home A.]: Cole 1916:74-76.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty: Pelikh 1972 [(Tomsk Region, "Summer-Kiev Yurts"; five options are known); Pyutchkali (Pyutkali) lived with his sister, they are birds; caught a pike; sister ate everything alone; P. decided to give her seven-headed line; flew to hell, ate his fat; hell began to fry it, P. promised him a sister as his wife; told him to enter the house with his pants off, backwards; stuffed a hot walk into it, began to burn the corpse; the daughter comes a devil, P. kicked her, she flew away; the same - sister devil, became a star; the other sister became beautiful, P.'s wife; her hut is light and beautiful; (one of the options in Lukina 2004, No. 1.14: 28-30]: 360-361; Soldatova 2008, No. 13 (b. Wah, 2008) [brother and wagtail sister lived (wagtail is the incarnation of Alva); brother caught a pike, drove it on sledges, sledges broke, he sent his sister for others, also broke down, sent for iron; he ordered houses cook, leave him the best parts; his sister ate everything, left the bones; the brother became a wagtail, flew to Sevs-Iki's house, fell into a pot of fat, fell asleep; SI found him, began to fry him, let him go for promising to give it back sister; A. came back, sister did not want SI; they dug a hole in front of the entrance, heated the foot, told SI to come in backwards, pierced the foot, burned it in a hole; the ashes from the head turned into lakes, from the hair into forests, from hands and feet into rivers; ash became midges, mosquitoes, SI: as people drank my blood, mosquitoes and midges will drink their blood]: 121-122; Chepregues 2015, No. 1 (p. Trom-Agan) [the bird lives with his sister; put his pants into the river, caught the fish, tells his sister to cook; she did not leave him a belly; he went to the menk to give his sister; menk is going to throw the bird into the stove, the bird Asks not to do this, promises his sister; they dug a hole with her sister, put hot iron on the bottom; it's hard for me to squeeze through the door; bird: backwards! Menk went backwards, fell into a hole, died]: 59-60; Steinitz 2014, No. 34 (Vasyugan dialect) [the sparrow tells his sister to cut the pike, leave the liver to him; the sister ate it herself; the brother flew furiously to Saves's house; when he went down the chimney, fell into a pot of fat; asks him not to shoot, promises his sister; he heated an iron spear at home; tells him to come in with his bare ass {and, apparently, retreating}; stuck his spear in the ass, Saves died]: 200; northern Selkups [Pÿna-Kos lives with his mother; finds a guy at home trying to hide in the form of a bird; grabs her, the bird boy promises to give his sister; arrives home before P. warns sister; she puts a plague with a small entrance, invites P. to climb backwards; brother and sister pierce P.'s ass with a hot face; P. predicts that his ashes will turn into mosquitoes and midges; brother and sister they burn P.'s corpse, the prediction comes true]: Tuchkova 2004:249-250.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [Lyybyra sails in a boat, jumps on a rock, paddle, arm, leg, etc. stick; Angaa Mongus carries him away in his pocket; L. ran away while he sat down to recover, his wife from She swallowed a needle and thread in anticipation of dinner, but found nothing, A. ripped open her stomach, found only a needle, cried; came back, brought L., hung her on the hook, left; L. relieved her small and great need, A. decided that it was dripping fat; L. promises them to make spoons, they release him, he cuts off their heads, cooks meat; A. ate the children; L. answers A. either from behind the wall or from the chimney; tells them not to climb under the hearth with his head and back, he puts a hot poker in his ass; he died, L. returned home]: Efremov 2000, No. 12:223-227; Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 13 (Megino-Kangalassky District, near Yakutsk) [y old Chaachahaan-Chaachahaan husband, daughter, two sons, a huge bull; he was stabbed to death while cooking if everyone died except HCH (daughter burned with fatty meat, son fell on ice, etc.); HC came to the eldest Angaa Mogus to help her eat the bull; he cannot eat, the middle AM too, the youngest ate, brought the HF herself, gave it to his wife; she gladly swallowed the needle and thimble; she gladly swallowed the needle and thimble; did not respond to her husband; he thought that she ate HH alone, ripped her stomach apart, there was a needle and a thimble, AM tanned; told 7 daughters, 9 sons to cook HF by his arrival; HC promised to make spoons if they showed them where the AM knife was; cut them off with a knife heads, cooked the eldest, put the rest and head as if to sleep; dug the exits out; AM eats, feels a relative; discovers the dead; HF hides from him inside the house and outside; offers go in backwards, otherwise he is afraid to look at him; kills with a knife; lives well]: 163-171; Ergis 1964, No. 39 (Olenek) [Charchahaan wants to pick the tree mushroom from the larch (it serves as a medicine); his hand, second hand, legs, forehead stick; Angaa Mogus takes him away, C. cuts through the bag, runs away, puts bark under his fur coat; AM finds him, kicks him, thinks his bones are cracking, brings him to the children, leaves himself; C. promises to do He tells them to give them a sharp sword, cuts off their heads, puts them on bed, cooks the meat, digs a way out; AM felt that it was the meat of his blood relatives, wanted to catch C., could not stick his head into move; C. offers to climb backwards, pierces with a hot foot; he orders to make oars from his two hands, make a boat out of his back bones, make a ankle with a pole in the booth, from the skull - a cauldron, from the eye sockets - cups]: 118-120 (=Ergis 1967, No. 84:177).

The coast is the Plateau. Lillwat; Puget Sound; ne Perse.

California. Shasta [the young man and the Coyote lock themselves in the house from the grizzly attackers; ask them to come in backwards; the door takes turns clamping the bears; they are killed with hot stones (apparently thrown into the anus)]: Farrand 1915, No. 6:216; Southern Mountain Mivok [Deer is Grizzly's husband's sister; she has two sons, the Grizzly has one; the Grizzly invites her to look in her head, kills, brings her liver home; Reindeer they find and recognize her; play with him, they strangle the Bear in a hole with smoke, put it as if he were sleeping; they ran to the other side of the river; the Grizzly asks how they got there; Backwards; the Grizzly goes backwards Reindeer roll a hot stone on her; they make a belt out of her skin, climb into the sky; there they meet her mother; she drowns in a spring; they go back; so deer live on the ground, not in the sky]: Merriam 1993:103-109; central mountain mivok [Grizzly kills Olenikha, locks her two sons in the house, intending to kill them too; they close the house from the inside, the Woodpecker brings them fire, they heat the stones; The grizzly climbs through the chimney, they tell her to go backwards so as not to break her neck; they burn her on hot stones]: Merriam 1993:111-112; coastal mivok [The bear invited Olenikha to look for her in her hair, gnawed her neck, ate it; two Deer noticed a piece of venison in the house; when the Bear left, they killed two Medvedzhats with clubs, put them in the steam room on both sides of the chimney; ran away; crossing the river , they ask the Bear not to talk about them; they climbed the sequoia, heated the stones there; the Bear found the dead Cubs, rushed in pursuit; asked the Deer how they got in; they replied that they were upside down; killed the Bear by throwing hot stones into her anus; they saw her mother in the sky; the elder shot, the mother caught an arrow, pulled her son out; the youngest shot, followed the arrow into the sky; the mother told the children how the Bear killed her]: Kelly 1978, No. 20:36-37.

Guiana. Varrau; lokono; kalinha; carinha.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo; kachinahua; sharanahua.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi; paresi.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (Pau d'Arco).

Chaco. Mokovi.