Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L48. Demons devour theirs.


A hero (usually somewhere on a hill - on a tree, rock, on the edge of an abyss or a well) kills and/or throws down one of his opponents. Other opponents do not recognize their friend and believe that the victim is the hero they are pursuing.

(Ambo), Irish, Bretons, Duffla, Toraja, Lisu, (Pashtuns), Ainu, Asian Eskimos, Tagish, Helmet, Southern Tutchoni, Beaver, Klamath, Modoc, Kickapoo, Steppe Cree, Blacklegs, Crowe, wichita, tunic, biloxi, yavapai, jicarilla, navajo, zunyi, mountain poles, Veracruza Nahuatl, tsutujil, cuiva, warrau, taulipan, pemon (arecuna?) , cariña Guyana, oyampi, colorado, shuar, aguaruna, kabiyari, letuama, cachinahua, charambet, nambiquara, paresi, botocudo.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Owambo [the mother of Enkembe and his younger sister is dead; Lufufu, the son of the same man's other wife, is ill, the sorcerer advises the victim; the patient's mother asks her husband to kill E.; sister warns his brother about this; he does not approach the cow in which (sic!) His father hides; kills him, changes his appearance with him; shares meat, lets L. eat his penis; takes on his real form; his mother tells L. not to eat the penis, but he refuses to throw it away, eats it]: Loeb 1951 : 310-311).

Western Europe. The Irish [Finn, Finn, chief of the Fenians, Fianna), is widowed and marries beautiful Grainne, Grania, daughter of the King of Ireland, in his old age. She goes for him against her will. At the feast, she sees Finn Diarmuid's nephew, who has a speck of beauty that makes all women fall in love with him. Graine sends Finn a cup of wine that makes him fall asleep. Graine tells Dearmaid to kidnap her. Dearmaid refuses because he had previously heard that Greine was ready to marry someone else from Finn's younger associates. He is forced to agree when Graine casts the spell. Graine leaves the fortress through the enchanted door, and Dearmaid stands on the edge of his spear and flies over the rampart. Finn and his fennias soon surround the fugities' tent. Dearmaid's teacher Angus, at his request, quietly takes Graine away, and Dearmaid again flies far away in his magic spear. Dearmaid and Greine are running on. A group of warriors overtakes Dearmaida. They're competing in agility. Each warrior takes turns standing on a heavy barrel, Dearmaid pushes him, and the warriors die one by one. Those who try to compete with Dearmaid in jumping from the spear point and walking on the blade of a sword also die. Despite Greine's reproaches, Dearmaid does not agree with her for a long time, placing a cold stone between them at night and leaving some raw meat; seeing this sign, following in the footsteps of the fugitives, Finn knows what Dearmaid keeps abstinence. Crossing the river, Greine says that the water is bolder than Dearmaid, after which his abstinence ends. Graine wants to enjoy the wonderful fruits from the tree guarded by the giant Searbhan Lochlannach. Dearmaid kills a giant (a baton falls from under Skarvan's iron hoop, which is destined to kill him: p.755). Graine and Dearmaid climb to the top of the Quicken-tree of Dubhros, where the desired fruits grow, and lie there on the giant's soft bed. Dearmaid gives fruit to two of Morne's descendants who buried the giant's corpse. These two are bearing fruit for Finn and he immediately realizes that only Dearmaid could get such a treasure. Finn sits under a tree with his hair dryers. He plays chess with Oysin, a friend of Dearmaid. Oysin has only one move that he can win. To suggest this move, Dearmaid throws fruit from the tree at the corresponding figure. This is how Oysin wins three times. Finn tells the fennias to form a circle around the tree and go upstairs. Dearmaid pushes down the person who has risen, and Dearmaid's teacher Angus, who arrives quietly at the tree, makes the fallen look like Dearmaid. The fallen man's head is brought to Finn, who sees a mistake. This is the case with nine fennias (pp.760-761). Angus carries Graine in his beautiful cloak. Dearmaid jumps on his spear, successfully fights fennias and, with the help of Osgar's friend, runs and meets Greine again. Because of her fears, the child that Greine is born is stillborn; then she gives birth to Diarmaida 4 sons and 4 daughters]: Smirnov 1973:718-792; Cook 1906:434-441; Gregory 2004 [1902 , 1904]: 232-260; Bretons [the poor have three sons; they go to seek a better life; at the fork they agree to meet in 7 years; the youngest Louis comes to a rich house; the owner cries: angry the old fairy, who was not given alms, took all the cows one by one and gave her friend the dragon; the owner promises Louis his daughter Mona if he defeats monsters; the good fairy teaches Louis to say to the evil fairy that he is looking for a magic flower; do not lean over the abyss where she will lead him, but invite herself to bend down, showing how to do it; throw off the old woman, she will be eaten by a dragon that thinks it is another victim; the dragon will fall asleep and can be killed; as it happened, Louis killed the dragon with a club; brought cows that gave more milk than before; Louis married Mona and 7 years later went to a fork in the road; the brothers were very impoverished, Louis brought them to his place and they began to work]: Orain 1904:29-49.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Dafla [Appa Pili (rakshas) lured two children into a cage, saying that he brought bananas home; put them to cook; the children blew bubbles, pretending that the water was boiling; they jumped out, stopped cooking AP children, put the dog in their place, ran away; AP began to eat what was cooked, the AP woman smelled her own; the children ran to the river, climbed a tree; the youngest admitted that they climbed the vine; AP- the man climbed, told his wife to beat whoever fell with an ax; the older brother cut off the vine, AP fell, his wife killed him with an ax, drank blood, then realized the mistake, began to cut down the tree; the children told him to fall on the top of his head across the river, they ran away, the tree was carried away by the river; AP asked the spirit of the river for help, he reached out like a bridge; when it was in the middle of the river, the spirit pulled back his hand, AP drowned]: Bori 1995:54-57.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja [parents tell their son Tandani and his brother to cook for their return when they go to work on the field; but they play all day; finally, the mother kept the children from entering the house, pushing T . down the stairs; the brothers ran away; the mother tried to catch up with them and asked them to come back; T. threw peas behind them several times, the mother collected them, wasting time; T. asked for "gaping rocks" {gähnenden Felsen: obviously the rocks} skip them, let the rocks pass; the mother of the rock was cut in half: one half became a goat, the other a pig; the brothers reached the fruit tree; T. climbed upstairs, began to throw fruit to his brother, to drive away the pig that came up; did not know that it was his mother; threw her a fruit with a sharp leaf stalk; the pig swallowed it and died; the brothers came to the old man and the old woman; T. spoke about the dead pig, asked for food for his brother; the old man smeared the boy's mouth with blood, took his meat, left his brothers bones; on the way to old man T. quietly put the meat into his basket, and put stones in the old man's basket; at home the old man began to dump the contents into the cauldron - it was flowing; the old man thinks that the bone has pierced it; so with all the boilers; then he noticed that there were stones in the basket; in the morning, the old men with two dogs rushed along the trail boys; they climbed a tree above the river; the old man noticed their reflection; climbed a tree, saying to his wife: if the "hrums" falls, it's me, and if the "flop", it's T., let the dogs down on him; T.: open your mouth, something I'll throw it; the old man opened his mouth, T. threw a hot stone at him, the old man fell, the wife thinks it was T., she let the dogs down, they bit to death the old man; she climbed herself, hurt herself against thorns and died]: Bezemer 1904:348-352.

China - Korea. Lisa [a man married a girl from a distant village, not knowing that she was a spirit; at night her head left her body to devour the dead; her husband covered her neck with a cloth, her head screams, he threw off the cloth, her head grew up, the wife woke up; the husband told his parents about this; they told him to leave his wife: if he lived with her for three years, he would become a spirit; the husband returned for his things; the wife's relatives chased him; he climbed a tree with small leaves; by the end of the day, the spirits cut him down, he climbed onto a banana; the spirits decided that it would be more difficult to cut down a tree with large leaves than with small leaves, left; the man hid in porcupine burrow; spirits began to poke a vine to find out if the hole was deep; the man wrapped the vine into a ball; the spirits thought the hole was deep; they set a trap at the entrance, left their boy as a watchman; man offered him honey; the boy came up and fell into the trap; the man went out and climbed the tree again; each of the spirits came up screams which part of the victim's body he would eat; ate his own; the man screamed in a voice birds that spirits fear; they choked on their bones in fear, all died]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:615-617.

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Pashtuns [the vizier tells the padishah how the fakir pushed him into a well with snakes and scorpions, he clung to the board, the caravans pulled him out; the fakir meets the rescued man, cries that he is not felt sorry for his children, left him hungry; the man himself invited the fakir to bend over the well, pushed him there, he was eaten by reptiles; in response, the padishah says how he noticed that his horses were driven; watching his wife, she goes to the cave to a black man, a black man beats her because she is late; the wife promises to get him the head of the padishah; the padishah cut off the head of the sleeping black man, showed his wife at home, offering to take a watermelon; the wife jammed turned him into a dog; he came to the witch, who disgraced him, let him throw a handful of land into his wife; he turned his wife into a mule, put him to work]: Lebedev 1972, No. 4:19-21).

Japan. Aina [if a marten hunter meets a lynx in the mountains, he must climb a tree, pick up a rope with a knot at the end and pull it up and down; lynxes multiply by a hundred and everyone tries to jump; they fall and devour each other, thinking that it is the hunter falling; then their remains are fused together and come to life; if the hunter does not use this technique, the lynxes cut down the tree, breaking the roots, eating the hunter]: Onuki-Tierney 1996:66.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [The Creator sends animals to get the sun from the Great Turngarak; the Raven agrees, but the Creator rejects it, fearing that he will forget everything when he sees the sewage; sent Hare; an old man makes sledges at the dugout; The hare asks me to see his hatchet, cuts off the old man's head; in the house, the old man's children scream, I will eat my head, I will eat my leg, etc.; The hare kicks the sun ball from the dugout, it is made light; putting a hare fur coat on the old man's body, throws it into the dugout; the old man's children devour him; the wife gets a penis, she recognizes her husband's penis; (informant: this is a Chukchi fairy tale)]: Bogoras 1913, No. 11:431.

Subarctic. Tagish [Mountain Sheep leads Beaver to the edge of the cliff; the Beaver pushes him down; Baran's wife kills her husband with an ax, mistaking him for another victim; the Beaver turns her into a sheep, tells her to eat with grass, not people]: Norman 1990:113; helmet [Mountain Sheep pushes people off a cliff; his wife downstairs barks a dog, lures people, finishes people off with a club; Beaver persuades Ram to bend down first over a cliff, confronts him; his wife mistakenly hits her husband with a club; Borb kills her by throwing a stone at her; therefore, the heads of wild sheep are small; their tongues are black because they used to eat people]: Teit 1917a , No. 1:430; southern tutchoni: Cruickshank 1992 [the old man gives his daughter to Beaver; asks his son-in-law to push a mountain ram off the cliff, intends to push his son-in-law himself; he confronts his father-in-law; mother-in-law thinks it's a son-in-law, kills her husband; Beaver and his companion Raven let the old man's daughter go, make her a bear]: 291-292; Workman 2000 [Äsúya (Beaver, clever) walks on the ground, correcting animals that ate people; spends the night in the woods with Wolverine; he offers to dry his moccasins; Ä. quietly changes moccasins; at night Wolverine gets up, pushes her own moccasins into the fire, not Ä; in the morning Ä. goes on the ice lakes; Wolverine chases but freezes; Ä. throws a corpse into the water, says wolverines will no longer kill people; Ä. comes to a huge Bear; he turns his daughter into a pretty girl; offers to hunt a grizzly that takes and eats any prey; gives Ä. arrows with sedge tips; grizzly is the Bear's daughter; sedge arrows bounce off her, Ä. hits her with her flint arrow, but she is only injured; Ä. turns into a beaver, hides in the middle of the lake; she tells Kulik to drink water, looks for a beaver in the mud with her Bear Father; Ä. asks yellow legs (yellow-legged snail, Tringa flavipes, long-legged bird) to hole Kulik's stomach; Ulitus asks Kulik to allow him to collect worms for his kids, holes, water pours out, The Bear and the Bear are drowning; (the eagle episode - p. 85-96); Ä. comes to the nest of cannibal eagles; asks the chicks which one is the biggest talker; the female and male nod at each other; Ä. knows that the male lies down, pierces him with a sharp stick; the eagle arrives with snow; the female chick replies that her brother has a headache, he went down to look for cold water, disappeared; that a foreign smell is half a person brought by the mother; Ä. pulls the Eagle down, kills; The eagle arrives with hail, the same; Ä. teaches the female chick to eat rabbits, partridges, etc., no longer eat humans; ( tendon extraction - p. 97); Ä. asks the Mouse where to get the tendons for the bowstring; she shows a huge animal lying in a clearing; Ä. asks to climb from below, gnaw the hair on his chest; Ä. hits the beast with an arrow into this place, takes its tendons; a huge worm in the mountains kills hunters; Ä. lures it out of the lair, cuts it apart with a spear, throws it off the mountain, the blood turns into ocher; The cannibal invites hunters to hunt mountain sheep, leads to a cliff, collides, his wife below finishes them off with a copper stick; Ä. confronts him, his wife mistakenly finishes off her husband; at night Ä. comes to her plague, kills her]: 91-100; beaver [Tumashale comes to the beaver dam; a girl cries there; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given it; T. kills Beaver with an arrow, cuts it into small pieces, from which the current beavers emerge; T. puts a trap, the Sun falls into him; it becomes dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; others animals also fail, only the Mouse gnaws through their fetters; T. meets an old man who eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T. ; in the morning, T. gives him one moccasin from his pair; the old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, finds himself in the sky; the old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, a rope falls; in fact, he is in a big nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother will rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish; T. comes to a woman, she says that inside her three daughters there are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (without details), marries girls; father-in-law consistently orders to bring different materials for making arrows, the old woman warns of dangers every time; 1) bring saskatoons (probably reeds) to make poles (there are snakes, T. wears stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of a cliff, an elk man throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off the Moose himself, the wife takes the falling for a stranger; T. kills and with her stick, brings a stone; 3) bring arrow feathers; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring the tendons of a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning of an approach humans; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws hair from the bison's chest (shoulder), pierces it in this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it's between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone mittens, brings resin; 6) hunt bears; father-in-law turns his daughters into bears, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, he jumps into the water; T. tells Pelican drink the lake; father-in-law drowned; T. meets an old man who turns out to be his younger brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916:232-237.

The coast is the Plateau. Klamath [the hero kills Leo or Lao, the head of the cannibals; throws parts of his body down the cliff like Marten's body (Here his legs are falling! , etc.); then tells the truth]: Barker 1963, No. 10 [the hero is Marten; his younger brother Laska helps him]: 75-77; Clark 1953 [cannibals kill the hero, play with his heart; Deer, Antelope, Wolf, Eagles, The dove steals the heart, revives the hero; body parts devour Shrimp and other spirits living in the lake]: 56-58; Curtis 1976 (13) [all fish in Crater Lake are children of the monster Lau; he sends his daughter to Marten; she and Marten's wife both spit beads; Marten kills L.'s daughter, throws her body parts into the lake, screaming, Here Marten's leg falls, etc.; L.'s children devour their sister's flesh; when Marten throws his head, he shouts to them about it; runs home, doesn't pick up objects on the trail, each of which can devour him; L. sends a one-eyed daughter, she fights Marten, throws him into the lake several times , covering the surface with ice, but he breaks through the ice with a knife; finally pierces and carries Marten's heart, L.'s people play with it; Marten's younger brother Laska asks Kamukamts to place him in his shoulder, they take their hearts away; one-eyed chases them, K. throws a rope (tump-line), it turns into a river; L.'s people stop persecuting; they die on land, now there are no fish in the lake]: 212-213; modoc [Norka is a leader and a good hunter, married to Tick; his younger brother Laska never catches deer; the old man tells Norka to fight him, takes the form of a horned animal, is going to cut him into pieces and throw them off the cliff to his children; Mink cuts him, throws pieces with words, Here Mink's shoulder falls, etc.; the last head falls; the monster's children throw knives and blankets on the path, beads; if Nork picks them up, he dies; he picks up the last knife, but manages to throw it away; returns home; the monster's daughter comes, spits out beads; Mink's wife spits out more beautiful beads, kisses the night fights with her; by morning, the monster's daughter overcomes, takes Norka, who is sleeping, also becoming a horned animal; is going to throw pieces of his body into the lake to her sisters; Mink cuts her into pieces, throws them into the lake (the episode is similar to the first one)]: Curtin 1912:294-299.

The Midwest. Kickapoo [see motive K1K; the chief has two wives; one does not love the other's son; he shot a bird; a woman puts it between her legs to scratch it; complains to her husband that the young man wanted her rape; the husband tells everyone to sail across the sea, leaving his son alone; the young man climbs a tree; the cannibal comes up with his dogs; these are cougars; he climbs after the young man, he collides him, shouts to the dogs to grabbed prey; cougars devour the owner instead of the young man]: Jones 1915, No. 10:75-89; Steppe Cree [people compete, devour losers; girl and younger brother run; brother grows up, makes a flute, comes to a village where Visaketchak became the chief's adopted son and brother of the chief's two daughters; these girls live in a nest in a tree; V. promises them to marry the Flutist if he climbs on tree; all former suitors died, because the longer you climb, the taller the tree grows; The flutist gets to the nest, throws one sister on the ground, then the second; V. thinks that the victim is falling; finds out girls; chases the Flutist; he sends his moccasins to run to leave traces; he turns into an arrow, into a woman, into an old man in the house; V. stops the persecution]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 20:169-177.

Plains. Blacklegs [the son-in-law takes all the meat from the parents of his three wives; they cook a clot of bison blood, it turns into a boy; the son-in-law is told that a girl has been born; the boy immediately becomes adults; kills her son-in-law and two older sisters, leaves the youngest, she was kind to her parents; comes to people from whom everything was taken away by the Bear and the Bear; kills those by throwing hot stones in their mouths; a snake with a horn in its forehead took everything from old women in another village; a blood clot cuts off her and other snakes's heads; kills the Witch Doctor who lured people into his house; the Ballplayer (woman); another woman asking everyone to fight her; another one, rocking people on a swing above the lake; a blood clot asks her to swing first, cuts off the rope, she falls into the water, fish and aquatic creatures devour it]: Josselin de Jong 1914:76-80; crowe [The red woman makes her brother a water animal; he takes the girl as his wife; the old woman teaches her how to escape; the husband tells her to dress the skin (ants do it for her); stand on the bison's skull by the river; moles dig; she pushes her husband, he falls into the river, his fathers devour him]: Lowie 1918:204-205; wichita [Elk takes Chief Puma to his cave; Puma pushes him down; Moose's children Vultures think that their father's prey is falling, devouring it; Puma returns home; see motif B27]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 34:229-233.

Southeast USA. Tunic [uncle left his orphan nephew to fast in the house; sister brought him food; uncle's wife vainly lured the young man out of the house to kill the white squirrel; then asked him to kill the squirrel through the hole in house; the young man pulled out the squirrel's claws, one did not notice; the woman scratched his body with it, told her husband that the young man went out and did it; the uncle demands to bring 1) arrow reeds (dangerous creatures live in reeds; the rabbit pulls out), 2) the feathers of a dangerous fishing bird (the young man climbs into the nest, the eagle gives him feathers and one chick, ordered him to be released at home; the chick takes his uncle's child); 3) the uncle takes the young man hunt deer on the other side of the fresh ocean, sails away in a boat himself; a young man wanders through the forest, curses owls, woodpeckers; a woodpecker asks not to curse, brings him to his house in a hollow; for the young man to get up, does a mushroom ladder; a cannibal brings her dogs (cougars, jaguars, wolves, raccoons) to the tree; climbs a tree, the mushroom step breaks, she falls, shouts "This is me", her "dogs" almost bit to death; young man goes to the water, climbs a tree; two women catch his reflection; he spits, they see him, they take him home as husbands, give him a mirror; these women were stolen by a cannibal as a child; when she came in, the young man let the bunny go with a mirror, the cannibal liked it, she did not kill him; the young man and his wives ran to the shore, began to sing; sends turtles, catfish, garfish, agrees to swim on a crocodile; lets him go ahead arrows; a crocodile swims up to them, bites; a young man throws skins, cakes, a crocodile swallows them; the last arrow falls at the shore, the young man and his wives have time to jump off; the sister recognizes his brother's arrow; the nurse uncle's child; threw it into boiling water; uncle told two people to kill her with batons away from home; brother threw lightning, people turned into vulture and possum, their batons (paddle and pestle) with their tails; brother began to go up to heaven, told his sister to grab his leg, she failed, became a forest night chicken, singing before dawn; brother thunder]: Swanton 1911:319-322; biloxi [Uncle Tuhe tells him to be in ritual isolation in the house; his uncle's wife asks to shoot her squirrel; T. shoots through a gap in the wall; his sister pulls out the squirrel's claws, forgets alone; the uncle's wife scratches her body with it , accuses T.; his uncle tells him to bring special arrowpoles, white turkey feathers, deer tendons; Rabbit, Deer help T.; he kills the evil Old Man who unfastened him; the uncle asks the Eagle's chick, for the baby to play with them; the eagle gives the chick, which devours the baby; the uncle takes T. to the other side of the sea to burn grass, leaves it; the woodpecker lowers T. his tongue like a rope to climb a tree when he approaches cannibals; An owl makes a ladder out of tree mushrooms, one mushroom attaches weakly; a cannibal climbs mushrooms, falls, her dogs rush at her thinking it's T. {this episode on p.103}; they let her go in the morning; T. comes to her, marries her daughters; she tries to kill him; he falls into her trap; she asks where to strike; he replies that in head; she does not believe, wants to hit her ankle; he hits her with an ax, cooks her body; she comes to life; her daughters put hot iron into a hole in her head, she dies; T. and his wives swim across the sea to crocodile; T. throws him food, then fires arrows in front of him, then flies ashore with his arrow; tells his sister to throw his uncle's baby into boiling water; kills his uncle's people; turns into thunder, sister - into a snipe; toads sing in the rain as T. told them]: Dorsey, Swanton 1912, No. 28:99-107.

The Great Southwest. The cannibal's children are devouring their father. Yavapai [a man sits on the edge of the path; throws those passing into the abyss with a kick; the hero throws him off; a group of women below devours a corpse]: Gifford 1933a: 361-362; hicarilla [ sitting by the trail under a rock throws his victims into the river]: Goddard 1911, No. 8:202-203; Navajo: Haile 1938 [hero turns children into owls and hawks]: 125; Klah 1960 [dumps into the river; hero kills cannibal children, turns two into a crocodile and a turtle]: 15; Matthews 1994 [the monster lies by the path on a cliff, pushes those passing by his foot into the abyss; the hero kills him with a knife, but his body does not fall; then cuts off hair that has grown like roots into the rock; hears how the monster's children torment the fallen body, screaming which part of the body someone will get to eat; the hero sees how dirty and ugly the monster's children are, tells them be Payut Indians]: 122-123; O'Bryan 1956:94-95; Zunyi: Benedict 1935 [(about defeating Cloud Absorber at p. 51); people live in Itiwana; Cloud Swallower (hereinafter Cloud Absorber, PO), like an elk, swallowed all the clouds in the east, drought has come; the Ahaiyute twins lived with their grandmother on Corn Mountain; she does not tell them to go east, they are coming; the gopher leads them down his hole, dug it under Po, under his heart, gnawed at the wool in this place, he woke up, the gopher said he needed fur for the nest; the brothers shot his heart with a bow; the PO began to dig the ground with a horn but fell dead before he caught up brothers; she threw his heart into the sky, it became the morning star; his liver was the evening star; his lungs were Seven Stars (Ursa Major); his intestines were the Milky Way; they returned to their grandmother; she did not tell them to go south where are the owls; they went; owls sit without blinking, at the corner there is an owl boy and an owl girl; younger A. threw salt into the hearth, it scattered, fell into the eyes of owls; A. told Owls to become owls, kill not people, but rabbits; grandmother: on SW in Noponikwi, an old giant Hakisuto with a horn on his forehead, don't go there; A. go; H. pushes passers-by with his foot off a cliff and his daughters at the foot devour them; H. pretends to have him a cramp, trying to push A. three times, they bounce back; the fourth time younger A. throws off H. himself; his daughters ate it; when they see the horn, they realized that it was their father; A. they were killed; grandmother: in the north a woman and a granddaughter kill people; there are two sisters; at night the youngest lay down with the eldest A., and the eldest with the youngest, with red bandages over her head; the youngest A. changed their bandages to his white ones; their father came in and he stabbed not A., but daughters; A. returned home; grandmother: in the west, 8 girls with their mother (hereinafter: with their grandmother), they have teeth in their vaginas; A. took 6 more young men with their grandfather with them; ordered to make wooden penises - one from oak, the other from hickory; lay down with 8 girls, their grandfather and their grandmother, broke all their vaginal teeth with wooden penises at night; when the brothers left, Coyote came, met with everyone who slept, put each one in hair from his mustache, blew there; so women's pubic hair and genitals smell like coyote; grandmother: a dangerous girl lives in the Snake's Place; A. got together with her and killed her; the same with the girl in the Badger's Place; in The place where Hopi is; where is Navajo; when A. went back, these girls chase them, A. the heads of the dead roll; A. hid among the dancers in kiva hopi dressed as hopi; the same is the Navajo; the dead woman followed all the time; A. asked the sunflowers to cover them; under the wings of bluebirds, the stalker finds; in the Knife Society house; Polar Bear gives a knife to scalp her; A. come out of the kiva, kill the stalker with a club and an arrow, scalp off, tell me to count the stars to the last; then the story of how the scalp dance appeared]: 51-56; Cushing 1901:65-92 [the girl does not leave home, does not look at the young man; rain enters her room, she gives birth to a boy; in a few days he grows up; throwing stones, hunts small game; sees bows in men; the mother admits that a tree for onions and arrow reeds grow near a cave in which a terrible bear; a young man goes there; his divine father closes the entrance to the cave four times when the young man wants to enter it, but then decides whether to let him does what he wants; the bear meets him, grabs the young man; he says that his mother is beautiful; the bear chose the material for his bow and arrow himself, taught him how to make a bow; they agreed that the bear would come for his wife in the evening; the young man equipped his arrows with obsidian tips; the bear says it's just black coals, lets you try it for himself, is pierced by an arrow and killed; the young man hangs his heart outside the house; the mother admits that there are terrible lizards whose spit burns; the young man goes to them, but their spits are harmless to him, because he has a divine nature; he himself throws a large piece of salt into the hearth, it explodes, lizards die, he brings their hearts; the mother admits that on the path there is a giant pushing those who walk into the abyss with his foot; under the rock, his children devour the fallen; the giant straightens his leg, but the young man jumps off; kills him with a club, throws him down, the giant's children ate him; the young man carved the giant's heart; went down to kill his children, leaving two; thus twisted his necks, turning him into a falcon and an owl; mother admits that there is a huge bison or elk; the gopher made an underground passage under the lying monster, gnawed at the hair where the heart is; the young man pierced the heart with an arrow, the monster plunged his horn into the ground, but the young man ran away; brought home a heart and part of the skin; the mother admits that there is a nest of cannibal eagles at the top of Shuntekia; when he went to the nest, the young man put on a monster-skin hoodie, attached his gut with blood; the eagle brought it to nest for their chicks, the gut burst, blood has poured; the chicks respond that their mother arrives when there is a shadow from the clouds (actually from her wings); the father arrives when it starts to rain (on actually dew); the eagle brought the dead girl, the young man killed the eagle with an arrow; the eagle brought the killed young man, the hero killed him with an arrow; killed the chicks, took their feathers for the feathers of the arrows or for use in the time of rituals; he cannot go down; his bat grandmother puts him in a basket, does not tell him to open his eyes; he does not like her song and for the fourth time he opened his eyes; they both fell but did not break; the bat leads, feeds, but it does not see well, it does not have berries, but lumps of clay, etc.; it tells you to go home, avoiding sunflower; first went around, then went straight; the feathers taken with them turned into summer birds - goldfinches, sparrows, etc.], 424-418 [turn twins - gods of war].

Mesoamerica Mountain Shelters [The hero hides under the roof, the old man climbs to kill him, the bat cuts the old man's throat, the blood drips, the old woman drinks it]: Elson 1947:199-201; Foster 1945a, No. 1:192; Veracruz Nahuatl: González Cruz 1984:217; Law 1957 [see motive J25; Tamakasti lives with her grandmother; her husband asked her to eat it; T. told the bat to kill her grandfather; she dripped from the attic blood, the grandmother decided that it was her grandson's blood, began to drink; called her husband, found him dead; T. brought water, said that he did not kill his grandfather, because he went to get water; the grandmother wanted to cook T., he threw it into the cauldron himself; He burned the bones along with his grandfather's corpse, told the Toad to throw the ashes on the other side of the sea; the Toad reached the shore, threw a deck of ashes, it burst, mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes appeared from the ashes; the lizard was also only said that she carried the deck with ashes; took Skunk overseas; T. (or someone else?) split the lizard's tongue in half; T. told his mother that he would go to his father; on the way he sat on a stone, he swallowed it; he cut the heart of the stone with a sword; T. came to his father, brought Fox and the musicians; then European a tale of matchmaking and marriage trials; T.'s rival is South Wind]: 345-355; tsutukhil [husband does not know that his wife is a characotel (witch); goes to another village to sell fruits and vegetables; stays overnight in a woman's house; she agrees to leave him in the attic on the condition that he sleeps at night and does not go down; he sees women, including his wife, gathering into the house; each tells how many souls of the sick she took to the cemetery so that they would die to the delight of the Master of Death; the man's wife did not find the sick, promises to get her husband's soul; to do this, she will pretend to be ill, send the husband is outside at night, the characolers will attack him, beat him, she will take possession of his soul, he will die; a man quietly pees in a pot of soup, only one characostel notices the taste of urine; the man returns home; when his wife leads him to the door, he pushes her out himself; the characolers hit her thinking they are hitting her husband; she dies soon]: Sexton 1992:132-139.

Llanos. Kuiva [Aiwoné and his sister come to live with the cannibals kaodi; A. marries a cannibal, his sister husbands an ogre; sees one of them kill a woman, she is a capybara for them; understands that he is eaten, turns into a monkey, hides in a tree, bewitches the kaodi waiting below; he cuts off and roasts a piece of meat from his thigh; A. and his sister run away; other kaodi devour a friend]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 138:204-206.

Guiana. Varrau [one of the forest spirits climbs a tree, the hero kills him, his body falls, others believe he is a hero, they devour him]: Wilbert 1970, No. 186, 187, 204:418-419, 426, 471-472; taulipan: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 26 [Piamang has holes in the earlobes; invites the fisherman to stick his legs in them, grabs them; at home he tells him to swing on the vine, hits, the wife finishes off the fallen; so did to many; the younger brother refused to stick his legs, but P. forced him, took him away; the man asked to show how to swing on the vine, hit P., P.'s wife finished him off, thinking that it was another victim; sent darkness, the man spent the night in the woods but still made it home; the butterfly is the shadow of P.]: 79-81; pemon {arecuna?} [Piaimá met a bird hunter, put his feet in the holes in his earlobes, brought him to the mountain to the edge of a deep ravine; below his wives and daughters are waiting for prey; invited the man to swing on a vine, he replied that he could not, P. would show the way; he began to swing, the man cut off the vine, P. fell, the daughters thought that the man had fallen, finished it off with a stick, then saw that it was the father; they shouted to the man that he would die, getting to his mother's house and drinking carato de cambures; P.'s spirit became a butterfly, invited the man to show where to go down the mountain, brought him home; the mother cooked carato, the man drank, lay down in a hammock, died ]: Armellada 1988, No. 46:119-120; carinha (Guyana) [the man was trapped in epo (dangerous forest spirits); the bird advised him to smear himself with crap; epo still put it in the basket, carried it; on the road, the man ran away, climbed a tree; the epo began to cut the trunk with axes from the turtle shells; they sent ants, the man threw them off; one of the epo climbed his feet forward; the man pierced him, threw him off, the demons it was eaten for a man; the man goes on, falls into the hollow, there are snakes, the man is smeared with crap again; snakes blow the wind, ask what they smell like; the man answers, big, like a deer, small - like a rat; he sees the snake-eating hawk, the "uncle" addresses him, he answers, calling the person "nephew"; the snakes are frightened, trying to crawl away, the Hawk pecks out their eyes, the man finishes them off]: Gillin 1936, No. 7:196-198; oyampy [the hero hides from the spirits of the dead on the roof of an abandoned house, the spirits send a snakehead turtle to get it, he pushes it down, the spirits believe it is a hero and they devour a turtle]: Grenand 1982, No. 31:215-216.

Ecuador. Colorado [a man hides from the forest spirits in a tree; they climb after him, he pushes one of them down, others think it is a man, then they recognize his friend; they try to cut down a tree, but their axes are fish bones; the spirits go away in the morning]: Mix 1982:71-72.

Western Amazon. Shuar [A bear brings a man to the edge of a cliff above the lake; aquatic predators wait below; a person pushes the Bear down; snakes and crocodiles eat her thinking they are eating a person]: Pelizzaro 1961, No. 28:16; 1993:86-87; Rueda 1987, No. 41:173-174; Aguaruna [The bear defeats the man, carries the Jaguars to the cave to throw their prey; the man confronts him, the Jaguars devour the Bear ]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (2), No. 59:525-529.

NW Amazon. Kabiyari [The star descended to earth to a young man named Maraji, who didn't know any women before; the star and her father decided to kill him; he climbs a tree for fruit, father-in-law in front; warned his daughter that" game" will fall, it must be finished off; M. pushed his father-in-law down himself, his daughter killed him thinking she was hitting M.; then drove her husband away]: Correa 1989:107-113; letuama [man hides in a tree; demons frogs wait downstairs for an anteater to follow a person; he pushes him down, frogs kill an anteater believing it is a human; he runs away, hides; takes the form of a frog, kills frogs]: Palma 1984:131-133.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinaua [shomani forest dwarfs steal prey from a hunter; he invites them to dance before eating, pours hot broth over them; paints his head, says that in order to become just as beautiful, you have to scalp yourself; scalps off one of the tracks; the hunter's arrow gets stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; they see him, cut the tree with their axes from crab shells, then with a turtle shell ax; they cut down a tree, but a person moves to a palm tree; its trunk is stronger, cannot be cut; sh. climb the palm forward, the person pushes them down with a stick; falling comrades w. they mistake them for a person, kill them and devour them; at dawn, a person descends, runs away; sh. take a deer trail as his trail, but a deer also leaves them; a man hides in an battleship's hole; they breed at the entrance fire - two leaves are set on fire; they put a log in the hole - a vine that a person can easily break; a flying bird screams yuha, yuhoo; sh. think that help has come to a person, they run away; man returns to his wife, goes hunting with her brother; brother ambushes parrots and monkeys in a tree; sh. get there earlier, cut off the man's head, throw his wife's brother; people cut off the head wood, w turn into white monkeys (origin of white monkeys)]: d'Ans 1975:266-275; characterbet [forest cannibals dad kill many people; two hide in a tree; one of n climbs after them, they throw a nut at him, he falls; the rest rush at the fallen to drink his blood]: Gray 1996:203.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [two cricket brothers spend the night in a forest hut; forest spirits arrive; brothers kill two with wooden swords and climb a tree; others burn the hut, find and devour charred bodies comrades, believing they are hunter bodies]: Pereira 1983, No. 38:56-57 (=1973:16-18); paresis: Pereira 1986, No. 8 [having quarreled with the rest of the men while playing ball, brothers Zumizoré and Zonewa They left the village; each has two sons, raised by their grandmother Alawrir; the meat they brought goes somewhere; the brothers find a dwarf hidden in the basket who wants to eat them; they try Kill him, he dies only in the anthill of the hottest ants; A. pretends to be upset about losing the spindle; at night she revived a dwarf or made a new one; the brothers hear A. talking to himself about them dead parents; they force her to confess that Jaguar and Jaguariha ate all the men in the village, and the Eagle ate all the women; Jaguariha opened her mouth, people entered it; the brothers train in archery, you need a reed to make arrowpoles, it is owned by Otyueré; A. taught you to take a new knife from the battleship first; they took it when the battleship was lying with his wife; blind old woman Yualoreroawsé took the knife away; they made her sighted, rewarded her with a knife, dazzled her again; O. and his cunhado (wife's brother or sister's husband) Alalaymaré smeared the branches with glue to catch bats; brothers turn into bats, gradually cut off O.'s limbs, throw them down from the tree, shout that a branch falls, a second one, etc.; O.'s body turns into a nest of honey bees; his head is stuck to A.'s shoulder, he became a forest spirit with two heads (whoever hears him howling will die); the brothers killed Eagle with arrows; see motif F36], 17 [the forest spirit climbs the tree for Enora (hero's name); he drops him down, screaming, Here's Enore falling; others devouring comrade]: 149-169 (episode with falling limbs: 157), 266-267.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [a mutum bird kills a bat, disguises it as mutuma; other bats devour a friend]: Nimuendaju 1946b:112.