Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L4A. The meat responds to the owner .15.27.29.-.32.


demon requires the hero (heroine) to eat food that they should not eat. When the hero reports that the food has been eaten, the demon asks the food where it is and the food answers him.

Spaniards, Sicilians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Tatas, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Turkmens, Danes, Swedes, Bashkirs.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [the logger has three daughters; he cuts down a tree, his tree owner, a giant, appears; gives gold and orders his eldest daughter to be sent to him; a girl comes to a tree, and a staircase opens in it to an underground palace; when leaving, the giant leaves the girl a human hand; if she does not eat her by his return, he will kill her; she threw her hand on the roof; the giant returned, called out his hand, she answered, he killed a girl, threw her body into a closet; the same with her middle sister (threw her hand into the latrine); younger Mariquita hides her hand under her apron; the hand replies to the giant that it is in the girl's stomach; the giant calls M. his wife; gives the keys, forbiding to unlock one of the rooms; she unlocked her murdered sisters there; she found a vessel with living water, revived her sisters; the father came, the daughters packed gold in a bag and left with him; moved to another village]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 311:67-71; Sicilians [the lumberjack has three daughters, the youngest Maruzza; he sighs, Oh, my! , Ohmy appears, offers to give him his daughter as an assistant and wife; the eldest comes; O. shows her the corpses of women who have violated orders; leaves, ordering him to eat the hand of the deceased during this time; the girl throws away her outside the window; O. asks, the hand answers that she is here; O. kills the girl, gets the middle sister; the same with her; the mother's spirit teaches M. to burn his hand, collect the ashes in a bag, attach it to her belt; O. thinks that the hand responds from M.'s abdomen; shows the ointment to revive the dead; tells me not to go into the same room; she finds a young man in her body with a dagger in his body, revives him, he is a prince; they agree that she will kill him again and this time finds out how to kill O.; O. says that if you break off this twig and put it in his ear, he will fall asleep; M. put him to sleep, revived everyone, everyone came back, she married that prince; a few years later the twigs rotted, O. woke up, found M., made a silver statue, ordered it to be worn, played musical instruments inside; the statue was brought to the palace; O. went out, put everyone to sleep except M., and began to boil cook it; the potion bottle fell, everyone woke up, O. cooked it in oil]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 44:287-294.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 311C [a cannibal (vampire, snake, damn arap) marries the eldest of three sisters; or an arap (giant) named Oh takes away the eldest of the sisters; tells her to eat raw meat (human), she hides meat, it responds to the ogre's voice - it's not in the girl's stomach; the cannibal kills her; the same with her middle sister; the third sister feeds the bird cherries, she advises how enter; in the ogre's house, the girl gives meat to the cat (or carves a heart, a cross on a piece of meat), the meat replies that it is warm; the girl unlocks the forbidden room, there are her killed sisters, treasures, chest; she hides in a chest, the cannibal sells it to the prince; he finds a girl in it, marries him]: 109-110; Klyagin-Kondratyeva 1951 [the widower sat down and sighed, Oh! a toothy head leaned out of the well; asks to bring one of her daughters; in her palace she feeds human beings, the girl throws meat under the table, the vestibule (plucked tool) answers Okha, where is the meat, that locks the girl for fattening; Oh tells the old man that he married his daughter to a rich man, he brings the middle one, the same with her; the youngest picks up the kitten, takes it with her, keeps it in his bosom, he eats all the meat the vestibule replies that the meat is under his heart; Oh falls asleep, the girl leaves the kitten with him, takes off the key from his neck, unlocks the door leading to the rooms where the slaves work; they say her sisters are outside the door with another key; the girl brings another, but this door key to the outside; the slaves run away, one advises to hide in a lantern; yunak buys it, keeps it in the kitchen; at night she goes out, sprinkles salt into the pots; yunak carries the lantern to her, the girl appears, the yunak promises to marry her when she returns from the war; the princess, whom the Yunak rejected, finds out about her; tells her to dazzle, take her to the forest; the old woman returned her herbal vision; the returning yunak is ill with grief; everyone brings him cooked meals; when that old woman brings him, he finds the ring given to the girl in it, recovers, finds a girl, she asks free the sisters; he hits Okha on the neck with a sword, the saber breaks; the trees come to the rescue, kill Okha (they are grateful that the Yunak did not burn the forest into which the king fled); the yunak unlocks the dungeon, brings out sisters of the bride; wedding]: 14-25; Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters; he sees 40 thieves open the rock, saying Ach Karakiz, closing, saying Kapka Karakiz; after the robbers have left goes into a rock, takes jewelry from each pile; next time he takes one whole pile; robbers leave one as a watchman, kill a person; one pretends to be a merchant, others sit in bags; an imaginary merchant comes to sell, that man's daughter pays with a diamond; when he finds out where the thief lived, the imaginary merchant stays in the house for the night; the girl burns bags of robbers and the drunk in the oven the imaginary merchant; the sisters took all the treasures; the angry neighbor borrowed a sieve, smeared it with honey, a gold coin stuck to it; the neighbor's husband went to the cave, the rock crushed him; the neighbor took a new one, the same with him ; she lured the sisters' husbands, they took the treasures and went to her; the devil met her older sister, left her in the cave, told them to eat the leg of an animal on which the meat had deteriorated; she hid the meat in ash, the meat answered the devil, he turned the girl into a broom; the same with her second sister, she turned into a jug; the third takes a cat with her, the meat replies that it is in the stomach (without saying whose); the devil is torn to pieces , the younger sister revived the elders; the sisters free suspended sinners, find three young men, take them as husbands; the youngest's husband agreed only to be engaged, took the girl to her parents, despite The warning went ahead, spoke to his mother, forgot the bride; she built a mansion, forgot to go there, she told the lion to tear him to pieces; the ruler acquitted her]: Rouse 1896, No. 3:155-159.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Taty [the merchant's eldest daughter asks for an onion peel dress, the middle daughter asks for a mirror, the youngest a fluffy cat; the merchant cannot find a dress; the young dervish promises to marry him off daughter; in her palace asks his wife to get barbecue and wine; the wife smells human, does not eat, the pieces fall to the floor; the cannibal hangs her by the braids in the fortieth room; the middle sister comes for the eldest but the youngest realizes that the dervish is a cannibal, quietly feeds meat to the cat; the cannibal thinks he has got a suitable wife; when he leaves, he does not tell him to enter the fortieth room; she comes in, frees the sisters; tells the jeweler makes a chest on wheels, together with his sisters goes to another padishah; shahzade takes the youngest as his wife, who orders to put a lion and a spider as guards; the other two sisters marry the son of a vizier and another nobleman; a cannibal put a lion and a spider to sleep with meat and a sleepy potion, grabbed his younger sister, but the lion and spider had already woken up and tore the ogre]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 37:346-352; Turks (Ankara, Istanbul , Kars, Malatya; various options; see motif K118) [an old man selling spindles (skewers, beads, broomsticks, a Jew selling pins) locks one of his three sisters; or poor people in need in money, they sell the daughter to a sorcerer; either the padishah gives his daughter to a giant; or the father leaves and promises gifts to three daughters; a gift for the eldest can only be purchased with the help of a dervish, to whom the father promises daughter; or childless spouses want a daughter; they must throw all the peas into the sea, but forget one and the sorcerer finds a girl; or three sisters look for a chicken or cat and go to a giant; old man offers the girl a human being; she does not eat, says she will eat his finger (ears, chest, hands, donkey tongue); the old man cut it off, but the girl threw her finger away; the finger does not give a voice from the girl's belly, her old man kills; the same with the second girl; the third feeds the cat's finger; the finger says it's in a warm stomach; or the girls should take care of the sorcerer's children (these are snakes) and only the youngest does not cry, but does what he needs to do; after that, the old man trusts the girl, but forbids her to enter the 21st room; she goes there, there is a young man hanging there; he advises cutting off his hair, then he will fall asleep for 14 days; the girl hears a voice: remove the bottle from the young man's head; then he wakes up, kills the old man; or when she enters the room, the girl sees corpses (the old man eating them) there; appears on the key an indelible drop of blood; or the girl's finger turns gold; the girl sees the corpses of her sisters, revives them with a whip; putting the sisters in a bag or chest, asks the old man to take the gift home; then she sits in a bag herself, the old man carries her too; either the girl is released by her brother, husband, prince; or she kills the old man herself when he falls asleep; or the sorcerer (der Böse) comes to the house of the girl who ran away from him in in the form of a horse or a ram, in the form of a midwife; puts everyone to sleep, but still thrown into the oven and burns; sometimes a sorcerer kills a girl's two children]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 157:170-173; Kurds [dervish three times gives childless spouses an apple, they have three daughters, the dervish himself gives a name to each of them: Basé, Havs, Kolilk; leaves live fish, tells them not to eat; the mother cooked fish for the girls, the dervish takes B., gives it to her eat raw meat, she throws away a piece, the meat responds to the dervish that is in the dust; the dervish hangs B. upside down; asks to give H. to help her sister, supposedly expecting a child; everything repeats; the same with K. , but she gives meat to the cat, the dervish likes it; he sleeps for 40 days, at which time K. finds and frees his sisters; they run away, marry three brothers, give birth; the dervish cut off the boys' heads, told the brothers, that their wives did it; they tell them to kill their wives, the servant leaves the women in the forest; one dove explains to another that a pen soaked in a spring can revive the dead; K. hears this, the sisters revive their sons, they live with them in a forest hut; brothers find them, cut the dervish into pieces]: Rudenko 1970, No. 55:197-202.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (multiple records; Khorasan, Isfahan, Azerbaijan [a dervish marries three princesses successively]) [Namaki, the youngest of 7 sisters, forgets to lock one of the 7 doors for the night; enters divas, N. is forced to obey him, he takes her away in a bag; on the way she runs away, putting a stone in return; the diva finds her again and brings her home; lets N. eat the human ear and nose; she quietly finds them throws it away, but they answer the diva when he asks where they are; the diva puts N. in the basement; the same consistently with the other sisters; the latter feeds the cat's ear and nose, they respond to the wonder that they are in stomach; a girl finds wonderful objects in the diva's house, including a vessel with his soul; breaks it, the diva dies (or he falls into a hole with knives and fire); happy return home]: Marzolph 1984, No. 311A: 66-68; Turkmens [the merchant promises to bring gifts to his three daughters; the youngest wants beads, he is nowhere, he is advised to pick up beads in the diva's house behind Black Hill; the diva sprinkles beads on his hem, adds ash, she burns a hole; on this trail, the diva finds the merchant's house; demands her eldest daughter as his wife; tells her to eat a human nose by her return; she gives it to the cat, the nose answers the diva of cat belly, diva hangs his wife in the closet by the braids; the same with the middle sister; the youngest asks where the soul is, he gives her a bottle for storage; the girl does not throw her nose to the cat, but does not eat it either; breaks bottle, frees sisters; beads were the tears of all former wives]: Annanurova 1980:18-22.

Baltoscandia. The Danes [translated from Grundtvig; the king asks his daughter to see what is in his hair; she takes off the big louse; they put it in oil, it grows; when the barrels are too small, the louse is stabbed and skinned; the king is unhappy that the princess rejects all suitors; promises to pass her off as saying which animal the skin has been removed from; the wolf sniffs and tells the king that it is the skin of a lice, tells her to give it back princess; brings her to a luxurious castle, forbids lighting a fire; at night the wolf turns into a man, but the princess does not see him; when she gave birth to a son, the wolf immediately took him away; allows him to return for three days to the parents on condition that they do not take anything with them from their house; but the mother gives the knife to put on the bed; the husband will be scratched; if he screams, he is a troll, and if he moans, the man; he groaned; forgave his wife, but since then he has been limping on his right back leg; when the wife gave birth to a daughter, the wolf also took her away immediately; the wife visited her parents again; the mother gave a box of matches and a candle; the wife lit a candle; the husband said that she was a witch bewitched him for 7 years because he refused to marry her daughter; became a wolf and ran away; she came to Sister Wolf's castle, where her son was; the second sister had a daughter with a wet nurse; the wife went to the glass grief, saw how the Wolf climbed it; she also slides; the old man gave iron shoes to climb the mountain and ointment, heal the cuts; on the mountain in the castle, a woman was hired to the kitchen; a local young housewife would soon come out for the Wolf; the witch orders to wash the daughter's white flannel and white black (the old man performs); tells him to bring jewelry from his sister for the bride; a young man gives a ball to follow; a rod - put it in a door that slams all the time; give a bag of grain to geese; tongs to two people who move the heat with their bare hands; give ladles to girls who interfere with the cauldron with their bare hands; two loaves bread to guard dogs; a pot of fat to lubricate the door hinges; the witch's sister can't eat anything, don't look back on the way back; the witch's sister gave her leg to a calf, the woman threw it under the bench, she answers from there; the second time she hid it under her clothes, the witch's sister believed that the woman had eaten her leg; when the woman runs back, the witch's sister tells the guards to hold it, but everyone refuses, because she treated them well; the witch's sister warned them not to open the box on the way, but the woman opened it, the bird flew out and disappeared; the young man asked for the calf leg that remained with him the woman under her clothes, sent her to bring her jewelry again, her leg ran and brought it; having received the box, the witch allowed the woman to attend her daughter's marriage; the witch gave the woman two torches; she can't move, she can burn; the prince grabs them and hands them into the hands of the witch and her daughter; they burned down along with the castle; the meadow on the site of a glass mountain; the couple took the children, returned to their parents women]: Mulley 1878:225-236; the Swedes [king and queen are childless; the queen loved boat trips; the ship stopped suddenly; voice: give what is under her belt; she agreed not knowing what pregnant; the ship sailed again; when he found out what was going on, the king assured his wife that he would protect her from the siren (Meerweib); the prince grew up playing with two cousins, the sons of the neighboring king; his horse was carried him at sea and they disappeared into the waves; the prince at the bottom of the sea walks along the path to the golden castle of the siren, the lady of the wind and waves; the siren designates him as his page; if he serves well, he will return to his parents; first task: wash my daughter's white yarn and white black yarn; princess: my name is Messeria; if you promise to remain faithful to me, I will do everything; but don't tell anyone; called my mother's little men, everyone took one hair and washed it properly; the second task was to separate two types of grain (wheat and Korn); the little men separated; the third task was to clean the barn in which oxen had been standing for 20 years; now the young man must choose one of her daughters; they all look like different animals; the princess warned that she would be a cat; the siren sent a young man to her sister to borrow her wedding dress for his daughter; M.: at the gate there will be a grille, grease it with ointment from this horn, you can open the gate; then two men will cut the oak tree with wooden axes, give them iron axes; then the other two threshing with iron flails - give them wooden; give meat to two eagles; sister sirens don't eat anything; prince did everything; quietly hid the food offered; but the food answered the siren's sister's question: I'm here under the bed; next time the prince hid the food in the oven - the same thing; the third time he hid it under his clothes on his body; the siren's sister believed that the prince ate everything; gave a box with wedding dresses; when the prince left, the siren's sister consistently ordered the guards (eagles, woodcutters, etc.) to detain him, but they say that he helped them and they would not detain him; on the way to the siren, the prince opened the box slightly, although M. did not order to do so; a sheaf sparks burst out; the prince remembered the little men M. had called; knocked on the stone, asked them for help; they jumped out, each grabbed a sparkle and returned it to the box; the siren asked for a luxurious the prince's weddings with M.; then the young went to the prince's homeland; when he arrived at the king's city, the prince insisted on going alone first; M. ordered nothing to eat; but he succumbed to persuasion and ate the cookies ( Pfefferkorn); immediately forgot M. and everything that happened to him; they decided to marry the princess next door; during the wedding feast, M. came in as a maid and released two doves; the dove speaks three times pigeon that he would forget her as Prince forgot M.; Prince remembered everything, hugged M. and called her his only bride]: Hyltén-Cavallius, Stephens 1848:255-274; Swedes [girl enters the house demonic creature; there she is either told to eat a human (human leg) or is not allowed to enter a specific room; the human being responds from the cat's belly; blood from a dropped key is impossible wash off; the owner kills the girl; the same with the middle sister; the youngest is helped by a cat; she finds an ointment to revive the sisters; sends them home in the chest as a gift and saves herself in the same way; sometimes she flies away in a feather dress, leaving a doll in bed]: Liungman 1961, No. 311:56-57

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [the merchant's eldest daughter asks for a scarf, the middle daughter is an unprecedented fruit, the youngest is a cat; the merchant cannot find the fruit, the Sheikh gives his middle daughter to him as his wife; asks his wife serve meat and eat with it, there is a man in the cauldron; the wife does not eat, hides it in her bosom, the Sheikh asks to dance, the meat falls out, he hangs his wife by the hair in the 41st room; the same with the older sister; the youngest feeds meat to the cat, dances, the Sheikh recognizes her as his wife, tells her not to look into the forbidden room; she unlocks it, frees her sisters; they take out a flying boat and precious stones from the chest, fly away; The youngest is married by the prince, the eldest sons of the vizier; the prince's wife asks to build a tower, she is guarded by a lion, a tiger, a wolf and a bear; the Sheikh put them to sleep, came to his wife; she hears a whisper: give your beloved, you will be saved! She pushes the Sheikh down the stairs, awakened animals kill him; a woman gives birth to a daughter, gives her to someone who does not understand; tells her traces to be gold and silver, laughter roses, crying to fire; this girl is her stepmother takes the prince as his wife, gives water in exchange for his eyes, pushes him into the sea, replaces her daughter; the prince is disappointed; an old man finds a blind man in the forest, she sends him to sell roses to the palace, he exchanges them from angry stepmother in front of a girl; prince marries her, stepmother's daughter tied to a horse's tail]: Barag 1989, No. 8:65-69.