Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L50. Cannibal on the trail, G321.


The character kills travelers passing by him. He usually does not attack them unexpectedly, but distracts attention beforehand. He often pushes his victims down somewhere.

SW Africa. The Hottentots [someone dug a large hole, sat with her, asked passers-by to throw a stone at his forehead; the stone bounced, killed a passerby, he fell into a hole; Gatesey-Abil does not throw a stone, turns the villain's attention to something in the other direction, he turns around, GE kills him with a blow behind his ear, throws him into a hole]: Bleeck in Koropchevsky 1874:28; nama: Hahn 1881 [Gamagorib, How-Gai- Gaib and Lev lived at a crossroads; Heitsi-Eibib people disappear; GG collides those passing into the hole; GG sends the Hare for HE, offers to run around the hole; pushes him into a hole, but HE tells the hole to throw him away outside; so twice; the third time HE pushes GG into the pit, tells the hole to return the missing people; curses the Hare, let him eat only at night; Hau-Gai-Ghaib held a stone on his forehead, offered passers-by to take throw this stone in his forehead; the stone bounced, killing a passerby; HE invited HGG to close his eyes, hit him with a stone behind his ear, killed him, threw him into a hole; the lions were flying; HE noticed a lion in a tree, burned a tree, the lions remained on the ground; alone rushed from the sky at the bull, ate it, got overweight, HE cut off his wings]: 65-66 in Scheub 2000:54, in Kotlyar 2009, No. 6:38-39.

Australia. Mara [a beautiful woman with emu legs lures hunters to a rock, kicks her foot off a cliff into the water; two men find the bones of the dead, smell decay; kill a woman with her stone axes victims; these axes are now basalt pebbles on the shores of a lake whose water smells unpleasant]: Massola 1968:31-32 in Waterman 1987, No. 3505:90.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Historical Library" by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): "First of all, Theseus killed the so-called Corinet (Baton), who received this nickname from the club (k & #959; r): Using this defensive weapon, he killed passers-by. Theseus won the second victory over Sinid, who lived in Isma, who bent two pines and tied his hands (captive) to them, immediately let go of the pines. Thus, /pine/ tore bodies with terrible force, and the unfortunate died a terrible death. The third feat was the murder of a wild pig living in Crommion, which, being huge and powerful, killed many people. He punished Theseus and Skyron, who lived in Megarid on the Skyron Rocks, which got its name. Skyron forced the travelers to wash their feet at the top of a steep cliff, and then kicked them into the sea to Turtle with an unexpected kick. At Eleusis, Theseus killed Kerkion, who forced travelers to fight him, defeated them and killed them. After that, Theseus dealt with Procrust, who lived in Corydall in Attica and forced travelers passing by to lie down on a bed, and then those whose bodies were longer, cut off the protruding parts, and those whose bodies were shorter stretched (prokroω) legs, which is why he was nicknamed Procrust (Stretcher)" (trans. O.P. Tsybenko)]: Diod. Sic. IV. 59. 2-5; [Vatican epitome to the "Mythological Library" of Pseudo-Apollodorus: "The third Theseus killed a Crommione pig, named Fairy after the old woman who fed her. Some say about this pig that it was the product of Echidna and Typhon. He was fourth to kill Corinthian Skyron, the son of Pelops, or Poseidon, as some say. Skyron lived on the land of Megar among the rocks called Skyronides by his name, and forced passers-by to wash his feet; when they started washing, he pushed them into the abyss to be eaten a huge turtle. But Theseus grabbed him by the legs and threw him into the sea. Theseus was the fifth to kill Kerkion, the son of Branch and the nymph Argiope, in Eleusis. Kerkion forced passers-by to fight him and killed them in battle. Theseus lifted him into the air and threw him to the ground. Sixth, he killed Damask, whom some call Polypemon. Sitting by the road, he made two beds: one small and the other large. He invited passers-by to come to him and put small people on a large bed, then beat them with a hammer to stretch their bodies to the full length of the bed; he put tall people on a small bed and sawed off parts of the body that did not fit there. So Theseus, having cleared the way, arrived in Athens" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Epit. I. 1-5; ["Myths" attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: Aegeus put his sword under the stone and told Ephra to send his son to him when he could easily pick up a stone and take his father's sword; the sword will be a sign for Aegeus to recognize his son; Ephra gave birth to Theseus; he took a sword and went to Aegeus, killing those who attacked him on the way; "Pitiokampt ("pine flexor" ) forced the travelers to bend the pine tree with him and, while they held on to it, let it go, so that it straightened up forcefully and they crashed to the ground. Procrusto offered the tall guest a small bed and cut off the rest of his body, and if the guest was short, he gave a long bed and, putting anvils, stretched his body with blows until he equaled the length of the bed. Skyron, sitting on a cliff above the sea, forced passers-by to wash his feet and then threw him into the sea (Theseus threw him himself)" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 37-38 (Hygin 2000, No. 37-38:61-62); [Pausanias's Description of Hellas (2nd century): "The Rock of Molurides is considered dedicated to Levkothea and Palemon; those who rise behind it are considered cursed, because the one who lived near them, Skyron threw all the foreigners he met into the sea, and the turtle swam to the rocks and devoured those thrown off the cliff; sea turtles, in addition to the size and shape of their legs, look like living ones on the ground, but their legs look like seals. For this, Skyron suffered (God's) punishment at the hand of Theseus, who threw him into the same sea" (trans. S.P. Kondratyeva)]: Paus. I. 44. 8; ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): "It is said that Skyron, sitting on a high cliff, forced those passing by him to wash his feet. While they were doing this, he suddenly threw them into the abyss" (taken from Lact. Plac. ad Stat. Theb. I. 333; per. V.N. Yarkho)]: I Myth. Vat. II. 65.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Kakheti) [the husband went to war, the mother gave birth to a son, called Orphan; he comes to serve two robbers, is incredibly strong, they are afraid of him, they make him in charge; the old merchant falsely accuses him stealing a magic bowl; S. left the robbers hostage, promised to bring two more of the same; stays with an old woman; it is her son's turn to guard the dead prince in his coffin, no watchman is alive returned; S. goes instead of the old woman's son; the dove became a girl, she revived the prince with a whip, killed her again in the morning; S. grabbed her, she threw her whips and flew away; S. revived the prince, asks for her instead of a bowl, the king does not have a cup, he goes on; by the sea, people cannot change their bread for overseas clothes, the ship sinks every time; S. sails, grabs a woman's hand stretched out of the water, tears off the golden hoop; These people also did not have a bowl; a beautiful woman was hung from the willow by her hair, asking her to take it off, for this purpose; S. jumped on her shoulders, began to trample into the ground, so she killed men; S. escaped, the girl flew away, S. had a golden shoe left; old lady: I was stolen by three sisters, there was their castle; she hid S. under the table; each of the three girls tells how S. defeated her and how good he was; S. went out , he was presented with 40 such bowls he was looking for; one of the kings summoned Pashkunji to take S. to hostages; the execution was stopped, the merchant was executed]: Chikovani 1954, No. 18:104-110.

The Arctic. Polar Eskimos [people are constantly tearing the boy's clothes; his grandmother teaches him to become a seal, to lure hunters into the open sea; Kiwiok was kind to the boy, stays alive, gets to various strange creatures; the woman has a sharp tail, she tries to sit on K., he dodges, leaves (var: she pierces herself); the man invites K. to look down the cliff; K. has time for him collide himself; sees numerous victims at the bottom of the bones; the girl and her mother consider the husband of females with thickened penises; when they throw him into the water, he brings them seals; K. marries a girl, female trembles with jealousy; the girl's mother kills her, wears her skin; K. discovers the deception when she sees that his wife cannot lift the seal; returns home; the first wife thought he was dead, married to another]: Holtved 1951a, No. 33:104-120; 1951b, No. 33:41-45 (per. Menovshchikov 1985, No. 227:434-438).

Subarctic. Helmet [Mountain Sheep pushes people off a cliff; his wife below barks with a dog, luring them, finishing them off with a club; the Beaver persuades Ram to be the first to bend over the cliff, confronts him; his wife mistakenly hits her husband with a club; Borb kills her by throwing a stone at her; therefore, the heads of wild rams are small; their tongues are black because they used to eat people]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:430; southern tutchoni: Cruickshank 1992 [the old man marries Beaver; asks his son-in-law to push a mountain ram off the cliff, intends to push his son-in-law himself; he confronts his father-in-law; mother-in-law thinks it's a son-in-law, kills her husband ; Beaver and his companion Raven let the old man's daughter go, make her a bear]: 291-292; Workman 2000 [Äsúya (Beaver, clever) walks on the ground, correcting animals that ate people; spends the night in the forest with Wolverine; he offers to dry the moccasins; Ä. quietly changes the moccasins in places; at night Wolverine gets up, pushes her own moccasins into the fire; in the morning Ä. leaves on the ice of the lake; Wolverine stalks but freezes; Ä. throws a corpse into the water, says wolverines will no longer kill people; Ä. comes to a huge Bear; he turns his daughter into a pretty girl; offers hunt a grizzly that takes and eats any prey; gives Ä. arrows with sedge tips; the grizzly is the Bear's daughter; sedge arrows bounce off her, Ä. hits her with his with a flint arrow, but she is only injured; Ä. turns into a beaver, hides in the middle of the lake; she tells Kulik to drink water, looks for a beaver in the mud with her Bear Father; Ä. asks yellow legs (snails yellow-legged, Tringa flavipes, long-legged bird) to hole Kulik's stomach; Ulit asks Kulik for permission to collect worms for his kids, holes, water pours out, Bear and Bear drown; (eagles episode - p. 85-96); Ä. comes to the nest of cannibal eagles; asks the chicks which one is the biggest talker; female and male nod at each other; Ä. knows that the male is lying, piercing his sharp stick; the eagle arrives with snow; the female chick replies that her brother has a headache, he went down to look for cold water, disappeared; that the foreign smell is half brought by the mother human; Ä. pulls the Eagle down, kills; The eagle arrives with hail, the same; Ä. teaches the female chick to eat rabbits, partridges, etc., no longer eat humans; (tendon extraction - p. 97); Ä. asks the Mouse where to get the tendons for the bowstring; she shows a huge animal lying in a clearing; Ä. asks to climb from below, gnaw the hair on his chest; Ä. hits the beast with an arrow at this place, takes tendons; a huge worm in the mountains kills hunters; Ä. lures him out of his lair, cuts him apart with a spear, throws him off the mountain, blood turns into ocher; the cannibal offers hunters hunt a mountain sheep, leads to a cliff, collides, his wife downstairs finishes them off with a copper stick; Ä. collides him, his wife mistakenly finishes off her husband; at night, Ä. comes to her plague, kills her]: 91-100; beaver [Tumashale comes to the beaver dam; a girl cries there; says that a giant beaver can only be pacified by people who give it to him, now they have given her; T. kills The beaver with an arrow, cuts into small pieces, from which the current beavers emerge; T. puts a trap, the Sun falls into it; it becomes dark; T. cannot approach because of the heat; other animals also fail, only The mouse gnaws through the fetters; T. meets an old man who eats lynx meat, they spend the night in the forest; T. replaces moccasins drying by the fire in advance; the old man throws his own into the fire instead of T.'s moccasins; in the morning T. gives him one a moccasin from his pair; an old man gives him an arrow; T. shoots, follows her, ends up in the sky; an old woman lowers him on a rope; he thinks he has reached the ground, gives a signal, the rope falls; in fact, he's in a large nest; kills two chicks; the third replies that the father will arrive with hail, the mother with rain; T. kills adult birds, turns the chick into an ordinary bird, teaches how to fish; T. comes to a woman, she says that inside her three daughters are bad creatures that kill men; T. destroys these creatures (without details), marries girls; father-in-law consistently orders to bring various materials for making arrows, the old woman warns of dangers every time; 1) bring saskatoons (probably reeds) to make poles (there are snakes, T. puts on stone moccasins, brings reeds); 2) get a grinding stone; on the edge of a cliff, an elk man throws down those who come, his wife kills them; T. throws off the Moose himself, the wife takes the falling for a stranger; T. kills her with a stick, brings her stone; 3) bring feathers for arrows; T. kills huge eagles, brings feathers; 4) bring the tendons of a huge bison; he has two snipes sitting on his horns, warning people of approaching; T. turns into a rodent, digs passages in different directions, gnaws hair from the bison's chest (shoulder), pierces it in this place, brings tendons; 5) bring resin, it is between two collapsing trees; T. puts on stone mittens, brings resin; 6) hunt bears; father-in-law turns his daughters into bears, T. kills them; chases his father-in-law, he jumps into the water; T. tells the pelican to drink the lake; father-in-law drowned; T. meets an old man who turns out to be his little brother, they tell each other about their adventures]: Goddard 1916:232-237.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [women pick berries; one girl brings nothing, says the bears messed up everything; the next day, her basket strap breaks off; everyone goes home; two approach her Black Bears in the guise of young men; when she opens her eyes, she finds herself in a large village; all the animals take turns dancing and saying what they will feed their wife; Muskrat, Raven, Laska, Frog, Caribou, The marten is rejected, she marries the Grizzly; in the spring he says that the youngest of her four brothers will kill him; this is what happens; the brothers ask what part of the carcass she will take home; she drags her skin and head , turns into a Grizzly on the way, kills brothers, then other people; the youngest brother and sister return from squirrel hunting; the boy tells his sister to run between the Grizzly's legs; then she takes off bear skin, promises not to harm the girl; the girl asks where the Grizzly's heart is; she shows what's in the palm of her hand; the brother kills the Grizzly by hitting the palm of his hand with an arrow; says that if they run around the mountain with different sides and jump between two trees at the same time, they can marry; he manages to catch up with his sister, jump; she gets pregnant at the touch of his foot; gives birth to a son; she is killed by an ogre; brother kills an ogre, burns both bodies; goes to the village, carrying a baby on his shoulders; he kills him by spreading his throat and pulling out his tongue; in the village takes out the tongues of sleeping people; two girls who were in ritual isolation; they push the baby into the fire; its ashes turn into mosquitoes; one girl conceives from a stone and dies, the other conceives from a pen, gives birth to Ahlnuk and his three brothers (Ahlnuk, Tachandalkan, Taslas and one more); they kill a large snake that drowned people passing by; in the village they are allowed to chew willow branches: there is no water, two grizzlies kill people who come to to the source; brothers kill a grizzly; A. asks the man what he is doing; "I cut out a club to kill A., said the old man, turning around and raising his eyelashes to see who asks him"; A. touches his finger his lips, he falls dead; brothers come to people who cry because they are going to cut a woman to extract a child; A. teaches childbirth; man harpoons fish with his pointed tibia; A. turns into salmon, a person misses, breaks a bone against a stone; sharpens again; A. makes him a normal leg, gives him a jail (the origin of the jail)]: Jenness 1934, No. 6:129-136; chilcotin [ the boy is carried on an ice floe down the river to the country of salmon; an old woman tells him to kill and bake a local boy, who is actually salmon; after eating, an earthly boy throws his bones into the water, the salmon boy comes to life; he is blind because his eyes have fallen to the ground; an old woman finds them, lets him swallow them, he sees them again; an earthly boy in the guise of a salmon comes home, caught by his father, regains his human form; at home his sister says that his brothers died matchmaking the daughters of the Sun; the young man collects feathers, tells his sister to blow, flies to heaven on feathers; there the old woman helps him with advice, gives him amulets (porcupine gut, full of cold, beaver intestine, full heat, arrowheads); 1), 2) The sun places the young man first in a hot steam room, then freezes it; the young man is alive; 3) asks to get a fallen axe from the bottom of the lake, covers the surface with nets; becoming a fish and hair, the young man squeezes into the cells of the net, brings an ax; 4) two daughters of the Sun in the guise of bears stand at the entrance to his house; a young man kills them with arrows; their Sun revives; 5) hunting mountain rams, the Sun invites the young man to look down the cliff, collides him, the young man turns into a flying squirrel, does not break; 6) The sun offers to compete who will challenge more heavy rain, loses; the young man marries the daughters of the Sun; returning with them to earth, he forgets to thank the old helper; on earth, his wives are surrounded by fire, they rise back to heaven]: Farrand 1900, No. 10:24-26; lower chinook [the girl is taken away by the Bear; she gives birth to a son and daughter; her four brothers take turns coming to the Bear's house; his son asks to take out his lice, kills young men; the younger fifth brother does not shoot at the pheasant on the way, does not enter the bear house; together with the Bear's daughter, he burns the Bear and his son in their house; the Bear's wife revives the brothers; dives into the lake, turns into monster; Bear's daughter is married by Chief Blue Jay; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he gets on all fours in the forest; laughs, devours all men; her husband's legs below his knees disappear; she keeps it in a basket; gives birth to two sons; does not tell them to go down the river; they go, find the bones of people their mother regurgitated; they find the basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster ; brothers turn her into a dog, put her father under water; go wandering; see a double-headed swan on the lake {perhaps a swan with heads at both ends of the body}; the younger one shoots, swims to the bird, disappears; the elder throws hot stones into the lake; the water boils away; he rips open the bellies of all monsters; in the latter he finds a brother holding a swan; revives him; the man dances with an oar, at this time in his boat is jumping fish; his brothers taught him how to catch a net; another man shoots in the rain because his house has no roof; his brothers taught him how to make a roof; they wash dirt off his skin, make people out of it, blow it on them, people have come to life; a man sharpens knives, promises to kill those who fix things; brothers turned him into a deer, tying his knives to his head, these are horns; a woman throws people into the abyss on sharp ones flints; brothers throw her, cut her body to pieces, throw it in different directions; Indians who live where their legs fall have strong legs; those who live where her hair has fallen have long hair; and etc.]: Boas 1894a, No. 1:17-21; Kalispel [Mountain Sheep pushes passers-by off a cliff; asks the Coyote to shoot a ram below, collides him; the Fox, as always, revives the Coyote; next time the Coyote asks Mountain Sheep to show him the target, collides him, he crashes to death]: Teit 1917 d, No. 3:116; Western sachaptine: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 5:151-153 [(var. 1); 1) two The hummingbird brother was killed by the Coyote, thrown into the river; when Magpie flew to peck at him, he came to life (and in future); said that the Hummingbird's hearts were white feathers on the hill; the Coyote ran, broke his feathers, told The hummingbird be a hummingbird; 2) the girl on the rock invited Coyote to look down at the mountain sheep, threw it down with a horn stick; the magpie advised her to kill; the Coyote pushed her, told her to be a mountain sheep; 3) the girl offered to lie down with her, bit off Coyote's penis, threw the corpse into the river; Magpie ordered the girl to insert a bone into her bosom; having broken her vaginal teeth, Coyote turned the girl into an oyster; 4) the girl asked carry her across the river, refused to get down; when she realized it was a Coyote, she threw it into the water; Magpie told her to ask if it was cold to throw her into the fire; she became a leech], 153-155 [(var 2); 1) The Coyote hears barking, a woman on a rock calls him to help get the shot deer; when he bends down, she pushes him into the abyss with a horn; seeing that it is a coyote, she throws him into the river; Magpie (flies in to peck his eyes, like in var. 1) advises to push the woman herself; she flew and became a butterfly; 2) a woman on the trail offers Coyote to give him food; when he unfolds the blanket, there are lice; another woman is wearing her crap in the blanket; on for the fifth time, dried bison meat in a blanket; Coyote runs four times on the trail in front of her, gets meat; the fifth time she passes by, he kills her with a stone; all this meat and what was soiled by the Coyote first, disappears]; ne perse [Mountain Sheep asks Coyote to help shoot a mountain ram; when she looks over the edge of the cliff, she clamps his neck with a horn, throws it down; when she sees that's all just a coyote throws him into the river; the magpie goes down to peck at him, he comes to life; asks the Sheep to show him how to bend over the cliff, throws herself off; the oyster woman invites the Coyote to lie down with her, bites off her penis; ( revival like the Sheep episode); Coyote puts a bone in her vagina, she dies, he tells her to be just an oyster]: Spinden 1917, No. 1:180-181.

(Wed. Northeast. Mikmak: Rand 1894 [an old woman finds a child in the forest; he grows up asking him to make a bow and arrow; a huge Culloo bird wants to grab him, but he hurts her with arrows; goes where she goes flew away; says that if his pipe and mat show blood, he is dead; meets girls, then men; both say that the culloo chief will kill his parents and sister; he goes there Where parents are, everyone cries waiting to die; comes to a wounded Culloo, asks him to treat him, but he instead finishes off the enemy; kills all culloo except one chick that becomes his assistant; wears him to hunt; brings him to the old woman who picked him up; brings him to beautiful girls; those who take her eldest daughter, the old woman always offers to fight on the edge of the abyss; the girl warns about danger, the hero throws off the old woman himself; the wife gives birth to a son, he is carried away by enemies; culloo brings his master there; the boy is already an adult; when the father grabs him, he becomes small again; enemies kill]: 83-93; Whitehead 1988 [an old woman finds a baby in the forest; he kills larger game; despite her prohibition, she crosses the swamp, finds an abandoned camp; they move there; Kulu arrives, a young man wounds him with arrows; he flies away, the young man goes looking for him; comes to the village where his real parents live; everyone cries waiting for Kulu to eat everyone; Kulu's son comes in and calls a stranger to heal his father; a young man tells him to kill Kulu; kills all Kulu with an ax; saves the cub for promising to carry it by air; a kulusi brings a young man to the upper world to get wives; the old woman has two daughters; she cooks what she scrapes off her moccasins; a young man pours it into her face; one of her daughters marries him, warns that his mother always kills men; an old woman offers to fight at the edge of a cliff, the young man himself she is thrown off; a son is born; he is kidnapped, a couple and a young man take the child back, kill enemies; Kulusi lowers the owner, his son and wife to the ground to his parents; everyone is happy]: 192-204).

Plains. Arapaho [man and wife do not give meat to father-in-law; a blood clot turns into a young man, kills an evil son-in-law and his wife; kills other dangerous creatures; a man pushes passers-by off a cliff; A clot Blood collides him, he turns into a vulture; a Blood clot rises to heaven]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 130:298-304; Kiova-Apache [see J19 motif; a monster chases a girl, The thunder kills him, takes the girl as his wife; his first wife The sun kills the new one, takes the babies out of her womb, throws one into the ash, the other into the river; the Thunder revives his wife, with the help of one son lures the second one out of the river; does not tell them to walk in certain directions; they go, defeat monsters every time; defeat the Deer, the Bison, who were killed with their eyes; turn them into hunting objects; woman plays, always wins, knocks people off a cliff; brothers win, push her own; hurt Thunderbird by killing its wing; Thunder hasn't killed many people since then]: McAllister 1949, No. 6:30-44.

California. Vintu [the old man calls Tulchuherris to walk past him along the path; the little man Winishuyat warns of danger; T. kicks the rock with his foot, it collapses with the old man, the old man turns into gopher; another old man asks to be carried across the river, this is how he drowns his victims; T. pierces it with a bone tip, turns it into an eel]: Curtin 1898:130-133; horse [no fruits, no berries, no berries, no grasshoppers; Piu'chunnuh sends a boy to Hai'kutwotopeh ("the great") and Woan'nomih (the killer), which are far north in the land of ice; when the boy enters their teepee, both sleep on high platforms , the hair hangs to the ground; it is said that they know everything and will appear as soon as it gets dark; they never go out; people gathered in a community house, both old men spread the roof and descended among the audience; one has a shamanic rattle in his hands, the current ones come from it; W. tells the boys to be initiated (first initiation); for three days everything should pass silently and in the dark; P. rejoiced; but on the third day, two boys decided to look at the visitors and came in with torches; only P. covered his face not to see; and a curious woman looked in; W. says nothing terrible, they are being removed, now there will be fruits and grasshoppers, rituals must be performed in the community house; boys and women fell dead; in the afternoon, a fire came down from the sun and burned everyone except P., because only he did not see W. and Hai'kutwotopeh (H.); H. came to play sticks in one of the villages; there was a cavity inside him through which he could quietly throw chopsticks from one hand to the other; he won all the residents and took them to his land of ice; only the old woman and her daughter Kiunaddissi were left; P. went to live with them; K. met a young man who was the Red Cloud at sunset; became pregnant and gave birth to a boy, he grew up immediately , his name is Oankoitupeh; the old woman asks people to lie on their stomach, fix their backs, throws a heavy stone; O. saw what was behind his back, dodged, killed the old woman herself with a stone; the eagle takes people away, O. did trap, killed an eagle; both times the grandmother advised his grandson not to go where the monsters are; O. came to play with H.; at first he lost everything except his mother; at the last moment he closed the hole in the body of H., played back his people ; after giving him law and order, O. went to heaven, last appearing in the form of a rainbow]: Powell 1877:294-305.

Big Pool. Northern Payut: Curtis 1976 (15) [mother goes missing, Pamáqasu's older brother takes care of his youngest, Hanínanu; he immediately goes from a baby to a man, killing larger and bigger game ; marries; mother-in-law does not tell you to hunt gophers in the swamp, there are snakes; he goes to the swamp, is bitten by a rattlesnake, his mother-in-law revives him; brother does not tell him to go for arrows to the fat man; H. goes, he goes to him falls down, the lark suggests a vulnerable place, X. rises to the sky, it disappears; two female Rattlesnakes stab H. with awls, his brother revives him; H. goes to the Wind, he offers to look from the cliff at the deer, pushes H. down; H. clings to the rock, returns; offers to look from the cliff to the Wind, collides, he dies; the old man invites H. to climb into the hole behind the groundhog, plugs the hole with his with snot; P. tears off his brother; Aunt Bear shakes H. on the swing, lets them go, he lands on the sand; now H. rocks, the aunt and the rest of the bears break (H. prompted them to repeat "stones, stones") ; both brothers kill Moose, one of whom killed their mother; The Spider chases H., the Skunk hides him; replies to Spider that he has already eaten H., will now throw his heart to him; throws a red-hot arrow straightener; The Spider swallows, dies; H. is angry with P. for not helping him against the Spider, does not give meat; P. turns H. a tornado, eats meat]: 135-143; Kelly 1938, No. 18a [Nümüzóho sits by the path; tells passers-by that there are mountain sheep below, collides off a cliff; Coyote dodged, N. fell down himself; Coyote pretends to be sick, another Nümüzóho comes, Coyote refuses to play with him, says he is weak; N. suggests pounding each other in a mortar; Coyote asks his worms for advice; they tell them to sit down so that only the skin is touched; Coyote jumps out of the mortar alive; pushes N. with a stone to death], 18b [same, but first the Coyote kills the one with the mortar, then the cliff collider]: 410-411, 411-412; Northern Shoshones: Lowie 1909b, No. 13 [the youngest of the two Lasok Brothers notices how the giant Dzō'avits looks down the cliff; hits him on his huge testicles; D. invites Laske to look down and see the girls; tries to throw him off; Laska dodges, unnoticed behind D.; he looks down, looking for Laska who has broken; at this time Laska pushes him down, D. crashes], 15 [D. looks down the cliff and barks like a dog; Laska quietly stands behind him, hits with a stick on his huge testicles; D. invites Laske to look down at the mountain sheep; when Laska bends down, D. tries to push him; Laska himself is behind D., kills him (obviously by colliding )]: 260, 262.

The Great Southwest. The cannibal's children are eating their father. SV yavapai [people lived underground at the bottom of a deep hole; there was a pine tree ("dog-tail tree") wrapped in a vine; people climbed it to the ground, their leader was Hanyiko' (Frog); his daughter- the shaman made him sick; before he died, he ordered him to be burned and watched for the stars; when two stars appeared in the east before sunrise, they would be feathers adorning his head; in 2 months there would be 5 the stars are his right hand; in 3 months it will be cold, his whole body will be visible; the red star will celebrate 4 months; corn will grow on his grave; when the corpse is burned, everyone surrounds the fire, but the Coyote jumps over a short Badger, grabs, carries away, eats his heart; before that, people said that the deceased would be reborn in four days; Coyote: let him die forever; H. died forever; with Coyote agreed; his daughter died, people refused to change their minds; it snowed; people: the mountains were covered with cornmeal; Coyote: snow; so the snow does not consist of cornmeal; when it rained, a dry tree did not get wet; Coyote: let it get wet; because Coyote took possession of H.'s heart, water poured out of the hole from which people came to the ground; people put all kinds of seeds and the girl in the hollowed out trunk pine trees, sealed; after the flood, the girl went out, the others died; she lay down so that water dripped into her vagina, the sun was shining on her; conceived and gave birth to a girl; she grew up, her mother placed her in the same place But the Water and the Sun did not want to get along with her daughter; then the mother covered her with her body and the daughter became pregnant; her son Skatakaamcha; his mother took the eagle and fed her chicks; he interrupted the partridge's leg; when he fixed it, she spoke about the fate of his mother; S. decided to kill a monstrous bull (bison?) ; The badger dug an underground passage under him, S. stabbed the monster with a hot knife, killed him; put on a blood-filled stomach; the eagle brought it to the nest; the eagles say that the prey is alive, the eagle does not believe; the eagle flew away, the eagle flew in, S. killed her with a hatchet; told the eagles to remain silent; killed the eagle when it returned; threw the eagles out of the nest; made the rock half as low, but no more; The Bat lowered it into basket; he opened his eyes, they fell, the Bat was injured, S. cured her; came to his grandmother, who was crying; he threw eagle feathers at her, said he killed both eagles; married; The Wind stole his wife; Spider warns that Wind offers to compete, kills losers; S. beat him in a ball and ring game; won a competition whose hair is longer; Wind stabbed S. 4 times without causing harm; S. killed him with a knife; threw one hand to the east, the other to the south, one leg to the west, the other to the north: let the wind blow from different directions; S. brought his wife back; grandmother: there is a bad Chewasistesikkaamcha; S. came to him into the house, slowly throws food away for fear of being poisoned; killed C. with a knife; Bear's arrow reeds; S. invites him to marry his grandmother; he gave reeds; believes that the best tips are coal ; S. killed him with flint; the tree for the ends of the arrows at the Owl; S. and offered him his grandmother as his wife; she found the heart of the Owl, it was on the sole; S. shot there, killed the Owl; an bow tree in the canyon with converging and diverging walls; S. put a deer horn between them; went east to his father the Sun; the Sun's wife warns that the Sun will try to kill S. in the steam room; but S. is not afraid of the heat; the Sun recognized his son, let him choose a horse; a man at the cliff pushes passers-by with his foot; he grew up with his back to the rock; S. lets a chanterelle first, it dodges; then a rattlesnake, the man is afraid of it; S. disconnected him with an ax from the cliff, threw it into the abyss; below 6-7 women devour the fallen; S. threw that man's stomach into the fire, he burst into the eyes of the women, S. hacked them; there was a boy, he ran to the cave, S. did not I could get it, left the snakes to guard, but they fell asleep; the boy left, creating new ones like him; grandma: you can't handle them]: Gifford 1933a: 349-364; hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 8 [sitting on the path, kicks his feet off a cliff into the river; the hero dodges four times, throws him off, the monster's children eat his father]: 202-203; Opler 1938, No. 9 [Enemy Slayer (UV) hears about monsters; every time his mother asks him not to go; he goes, wins; a giant elk lives in the east; a woman gave birth to him masturbating with a moose horn when women separated from men; Moose paralyzes victims looks, kills; UV wears four sets of hot clothes according to the number of directions and colors, each time the heat neutralizes Moose's gaze; Gopher digs passages in four directions; asks Moose to allow gnaw his hair off his chest to make a nest for the young; UV gets a rainbow bow from the Rainbow, a lightning arrow from Thunder; shoots at Moose from below, sends four arrows in four directions; Moose every time he runs, smells of dug passages with a horn; at the end of each, the spiders placed flints; the elk is exhausted, dies; UV takes its right horn, fills its stomach with blood, lets the huge Eagle grab himself; The eagle throws the victim onto the rocks; when he sees the blood, he thinks it has broken; the chicks tell their father that the prey moves and frightens them; the father does not believe, flies away; UV asks the chicks how their mother will arrive - with a quiet in the rain; father - with hail; kills both parents with a horn, turns the chicks into ordinary eagles; the old Bat lowers him off the cliff in the basket, tells him not to open his eyes; UV gives her Orlov feathers, tells her not to open her eyes do not go to plants and little birds; she goes, feathers stick to plants and birds (this is their fluff); The Bat gets a black skin; the UV returns to its mother; the colliding water shoves into boiling water passers-by from the trail to the hot spring, where his daughters devour them; UV pretends to pass, collides the monster himself, daughters eat him; UV descends to them; the father used them to lure them men; these girls are the only ones with a vagina, they are vaginas themselves; they want to have sex; UV lets them swallow a drug made from sour berries; it brings them to orgasm, their vaginal teeth, which they use they devoured their father's victims, fall out; vaginas hang everywhere on the wall, girls guard them; UV takes the biggest and smallest, brings them to the mother, she gives them to two girls; others offer place vaginas on the head, then on the chest, arm, knee, foot; when vaginas are placed between the legs, everyone, including UV, decides that it will be so; four vaginal girls come and tell UV that they suffer without him; he refuses them; they say that people will have sexually transmitted diseases, and those who touch menstrual blood will get sick; UV is going to destroy two rolling Rocks, black and white, that kill humans; UV runs away from them as fast as his gaze as a word like sunlight, but they catch up; the crane, hawks, hummingbirds are also too slow; Spiders catch the Rocks in the web, break them; male and female mountain sheep inside; UA tells them to be simple mountain sheep; black stone fragments are used to cut blades, white stone is used to terochnik]: 57-77; Western Apaches (San Carlos) [Black Tornado rubbed his chest, rolled a lump out of skin scales, made earth out of it, placed it on 4 supports; made coyotes and birds, destroyed it with a flood; a woman (in hicarilla she is Earth) became pregnant from the Sun, gave birth to a girl; she got pregnant from water, gave birth to a boy; he has membranes on his fingers, no hair, ears, etc.; grandmother does not want to say where his father is; Spider showed how to get to the Sun (on his web); Sun's wife tries in vain to hide it; the Sun smokes a pipe, tries to burn it, his son is unharmed, the Sun has recognized him; the Sun's relatives give his son a completely human appearance, placing him in a hot steam room; The sun brought obsidian clothes with him, the grandmother made a bow and arrows; he consistently asks her about dangerous creatures; 1) sitting by the cliff pushes passers-by down; the young man first sent a fox, then killed with a club; 2) killed the killer with his gaze; 3) the grandmother tells not to cut the deer under the tree, the grandson cuts; the girl sitting on the tree calls him husband; she has a toothy womb; he runs, throws a scar, mountains grow up (the same as hicarilla); the grandmother hides it in a hole by the hearth; the girl finds it; he says he is only ready to sleep with her in the house on the bed; while she runs after the tree, he makes penises made of white stone, sand, resin, wax; knocked out her teeth with a stone, she cries in the morning; 4) kill a horned beast; gopher dug a hole under a lying beast, raised wool, where the heart, the young man pierced the monster with obsidian with a point; 5) hung a bag of blood and manure, let the bird carry itself away; thrown on a rock, the bird saw splashes, thought it was dead; threw away three chicks, asked the fourth how the parents would arrive; those flew in with the rain; he killed everyone, left parents and chicks in different parts of the world; the Raven gave him his clothes, he went down, returned to his grandmother; the boiling water pushes passers-by off the path into the hot the source where his daughters devour them; UV pretends to pass, collides the monster himself, the daughters eat it; UV descends to them; the father used them to lure men; these girls the only ones who have a vagina are vaginas themselves; they want to copulate; UV lets them swallow a drug made from sour berries; it brings them to orgasm, their vaginal teeth, which they used to devour their victims father, fall out; vaginas hang everywhere on the wall, girls guard them; UV takes the biggest and smallest, brings them to the mother, who gives them to two girls; others suggest placing vaginas on her head, then on the chest, arm, knee, foot; when vaginas are placed between the legs, everyone, including UV, decides that it will be so; four female vaginas come and tell UV that they suffer without it; he is from them refuses; they reply that people will have sexually transmitted diseases and those who touch menstrual blood will get sick; UV is going to destroy the Rolling Stones]: Goddard 1918:7-19; Navajo: Haile 1938 [ the hero turns children into owls and a hawk]: 125; Klah 1960 [a monster on a rock throws people passing into the river, kicking them; the hero kills the cannibal's children, turns two into a crocodile and a turtle]: 15; Matthews 1994 [the monster lies on the path on a cliff, shoves those who pass with his foot into the abyss; the hero kills him with a knife, but his body does not fall; then cuts off his hair, which has grown like roots into the rock; hears the monster's children torment the fallen body, screaming which part of the body someone will get to eat; the hero sees how dirty and ugly the monster's children are, tells them to be Payut Indians]: 122-123; O'Bryan 1956 [one episode exterminating monsters by the eldest of the twins; the monster on the rock throws the passers, kicking them; below his children devour the falling; Big Brother kills the monster with a knife, throws the corpse down, hears the children they shout who will get what part of the body; Big Brother tells them to change, they go west, some turn into Payut Indians]: 94-95; Zunyi: Benedict 1935 [(about the victory over the Absorber Clouds on p. 51); people live in Itiwana; Cloud Swallower (hereinafter referred to as Cloud Absorber, Software), like an elk, swallowed all the clouds in the east, drought came; the Ahaiyute twins lived with their grandmother on Corn grief; she does not tell them to go east, they go; the gopher leads them down his hole, dug it under the PO, under his heart, chewed the wool in this place, he woke up, the gopher said he needed wool for the nest; brothers they shot his heart with a bow; the PO began to dig the ground with its horn but fell dead before catching up with his brothers; she threw his heart into the sky, it became a morning star; his liver was an evening star; his lungs were Seven Stars ( Ursa Major); guts - Milky Way; returned to their grandmother; she does not tell them to go south, where the owls are; they went; owls sit without blinking, at the corner of an owl boy and an owl girl; younger A. threw salt into the hearth, she scattered, caught owls in the eye; A. told Owls to become owls, kill not people, but rabbits; grandmother: on SW in Noponikwi, the old giant Hakisuto with a horn on his forehead, don't go there; A. went; H. collides passers-by foot off a cliff, and his daughters at the foot devour them; H. pretends to have a cramp, tries to push A. three times, they bounce back; the fourth time younger A. throws H. himself off; his daughters ate it; when they saw the horn, they realized that it was their father; A. they were killed; grandmother: in the north, a woman and a granddaughter are killing people; there are two sisters; at night the youngest lay down with the eldest A., and the eldest with the youngest, tied up red headbands; younger A. changed their headbands to his white ones; their father came in and stabbed not A., but daughters; A. returned home; grandmother: there are 8 girls in the west with their mother (hereinafter: with their grandmother), they have teeth in vaginas; A. took 6 more young men with their grandfather; ordered to make wooden penises - one from oak, the other from hickory; lay down with 8 girls, their grandfather and their grandmother, broke everything with wooden penises at night vaginal teeth; when the brothers left, Coyote came, got together with everyone who slept, each one put her hair out of his mustache, blew there; so the women's pubic hair and their genitals smell like coyote; grandmother: dangerous the girl lives in the Snake's Place; A. met her and killed her; the same with the girl in Badger's Place; the Place Where Hopi is; where Navajo is; when A. went back, these girls chase them, A. hid among dancers in kiva hopi, dressed as hopi; same with Navajo; dead woman followed all the time; A. asked sunflowers to cover them; under the wings of bluebirds, the stalker finds; in the house Knife Societies; Polar Bear gives a knife to scalp her; A. come out of the kiva, kill the pursuer with a club and arrow, scalp her, tell her to count the stars to the last; then the story is how scalp dance appeared]: 51-56; Cushing 1901:65-92 [the girl does not leave the house, does not look at the young man; the rain comes into her room, she gives birth to a boy; in a few days he grows up; throwing stones, hunts small game; sees bows in men; mother admits that a bow tree and arrow reeds grow near a cave in which a terrible bear; a young man goes there; his divine father four times closes the entrance to the cave when the young man wants to enter it, but then decides whether to let him do what he wants; the bear meets him, grabs the young man; he says that his mother is beautiful; the bear chose him material for bows and arrows, taught me how to make a bow; they agreed that the bear would come for his wife in the evening; the young man equipped the arrows with obsidian tips; the bear says they're just black coals, allows him to try it for himself, is pierced by an arrow and killed; the young man hangs his heart near the house; the mother admits that there are terrible lizards whose spit burns; the young man goes to them, but their spits are harmless to him, for he is divine; he himself throws a large piece of salt into the hearth, it explodes, lizards die, he brings their hearts; his mother admits that on the path there is a giant who pushes those who pass into the abyss with his foot; under the rock, his children devour the fallen; the giant straightens his leg, but the young man jumps off; kills him with a club, throws him down, the giant's children ate him; the young man carved out the giant's heart; descended killed his children, leaving two; thus twisted his necks into a falcon and an owl; his mother admits that there is a huge bison or elk; the gopher made an underground passage under the lying monster, gnawed at the wool where heart; the young man pierced his heart with an arrow, the monster plunged his horn into the ground, but the young man ran away; brought home his heart and part of his skin; the mother admits that at the top of Shuntekia there is a nest of cannibal eagles; going to the nest, the young man put on a monster-skin hoodie, attached his gut to blood; the eagle brought it to the nest of his chicks, the gut burst, blood poured; the chicks reply that their mother arrives when a shadow appears from clouds (actually from her wings); the father arrives when it starts to rain (actually dew); the eagle brought the girl dead, the young man killed the eagle with an arrow; the eagle brought the killed young man, the hero killed him with an arrow; killed chicks, took their feathers for feathering arrows or for use during rituals; he cannot go down; his bat grandmother puts him in a basket, does not tell him to open his eyes; he does not I like her song and for the fourth time he opened his eyes; they both fell but did not break; the bat leads to her, feeds her, but she can't see well, she doesn't have berries, but lumps of clay, etc.; she tells me to go home avoiding sunflower; first went around, then went straight; feathers taken with them turned into summer birds - goldfinches, sparrows, etc.], 424-418 [turn twins, gods of war]; Quam 1972, No. 37 [two Brothers (Gods of War) live with their grandmother; she consistently warns them not to go to a certain direction of the world, but the younger brother suggests going; the Rodent digs a passage to the lying Cow; gnaws off her hair skins under the heart; the older brother kills the Cow with an arrow, she manages to kick the younger one; the rodent gives him medicine; a creature kicks passers-by off a cliff; the older brother dodges, the brothers throw the creature from the cliff into the abyss; old woman Ahdoshla offers to take insects out, puts her brothers to sleep, kills, cooks; they come to life, kill A., make a scarecrow out of her; come to another world where they are eternally mature corn, vegetables, melons; dwarfs live there without mouths; brothers cut their mouths, dwarfs eat for the first time; they are afraid of a boiling pot of corn porridge falling on them; brothers eat porridge; they find in a cave who produce lightning, thunder and rain stick and stone; bring them home; drag the effigy A. with them, pretending to run away from it; a frightened grandmother hits a scarecrow with a stick, the brothers laugh; pick up a stick and a stone, a thunderstorm begins, the grandmother almost drowns; the brothers think they killed her, but she returns from hiding; tells her older brother to go west, younger brother to go east; she goes to Halonaava herself]: 182-194; Hopi: Fewkes 1895 [woman conceives twins - Young man (Tuyu, aka P üüko ñhoya) from sunlight and Echo (Palu ñhoya) from the jet waters; brothers destroy monsters (see motif J60); go to visit the Sun Father; the rocks at the entrance to heaven move and then diverge; an old man sits on a rocky cornice near the abyss into the lower world by the path; collides passing by with their legs straightened; the Twins bounce, magically make him sit quietly; the same with other guards - the Bear, the Puma, the Snake; the Sun puts the twins in the oven, they are neurodym, he admits their sons]: 132-137; Mullett 1993:54-61 [Spider has two grandchildren: Puukonhoya ("young man") and Palunhoya ("echo"); their father Tawa (The Sun) gave them a lightning weapon; they killed her giant Tcaveyo; decide to go west see his father; a spider warns of guards on his way to his house, gives a magic remedy; an old man sits on the edge of an abyss, trying to push the twins into the abyss; they spit out the remedy on him The spiders, his legs pressed against his chin, they passed by; they also pacified the snake, the bear and the cougar; the sky is hitting the ground; the twins spit, the rock froze for a second, they slipped; they came to the turquoise kiva father and mother; their mother greeted them; The sun came, threw them into the hot furnace; when opened, they are alive; he recognized them as his children]; Stephens 1929, No. 8 [Pyüükoñhoya and Palüñ twins ahoya live with their grandmother, go to their father the Sun; the guards of the Sun House are the Bear, the Puma, the Rattlesnake, the Passage in the Rock, the walls of which close and then disperse; the twins throw this to the guards The spider is a magic remedy, they miss them; the path goes along the edge of the abyss in which the lower world; the old man sitting with his back to the wall suddenly stretches out his legs, the twins jumped back, pacified him with the same magical means]: 18-19; oriental ceres (Sia) [Yellow Woman gets pregnant from the Sun, gives birth to twins; mother tells them who their father is; their grandmother Spider gives them a bow and arrow; weaves a web like a bridge over river; in the center there is a hole leading to the house of the Sun; he tests his sons; 1) a turquoise steam room (they cool it by spitting out the shells); 2) locked in a room with moose, bison, deer, antelope; 3) in another with bears, cougars, rattlesnakes; the Sun gives them bows and arrows, hunting sticks for rabbits (they can't throw them before reaching home); mother and father warn them not to go to dangerous places, the twins go; the cougar throws those following the arrow poles into the abyss, they throw him off themselves; 2) the bear guards the arrow feathers; they kill the bear, pull the scarecrow on a rope, scaring the mother; they turn into the skin of a dead deer, let the eagle carry themselves away; they kill eagles, throw them out of the nest; they kill eagles that have arrived; the marmot plants a seed near the rock, the pignon pine grows, they descend it; the giantess puts them in the basket, carries them behind her back, they grab a tree, run away; she catches them again; sends them at home for fuel; they push her into the fire themselves; they fire lightning arrows; the mole digs under an antelope; twins pierce it from below; tell antelopes to eat grass, not humans; a mole is promised its giblets]: Gunn 1917:43-52 in Boas 1928a: 251-252; lipan [see motive K27; Enemy Slayer marries daughter of the Big Owl; he sends him to the mountain, where a woman sits, pushing passers-by off a cliff; I.V. pushes her]: Opler 1940, No. 6:33-36.

Chaco. Toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 168 (pilaga) [Carancho hawk (a monster slayer) was told that residents of one village lure travelers and, when they eat and fall asleep, throw them into a hole, where a cannibal bird eats them; Carancho also fell asleep, but his hands were tied to his hands with jaguar shards tied to his hands, he stabbed the bird with them; she screamed, and now the hawk himself screams like this; Carancho got out of the hole, left the bird's feather at the hearth and left; when he saw that the bird was dead, the chief ordered Carancho to be chased; they thought they had surrounded Carancho three times, but they were only feather-covered stump and pillars ; Carancho attached the feathers plucked from the bird to his head], 169 (pilaga) [as in (168); first it refers to one person who put passers-by to sleep with food and then threw it to a bird; then it's about all people villages]: 319-320, 321-322; 1989a, No. 324 (western toba) [the people of the village fed the travelers, and when they fell asleep, they threw underground animals into the pit; it was maepolio (a mythical bird); when they were thrown into the pit A hawk killed a bird by stabbing a sharp jaguar bone into its mouth, which serves to scarify; plucked the bird and took feathers with him; the owner of the bird wanted to grab the Hawk, but people saw him from afar and catch up with him could not], 325 (eastern toba) [the big bird is the father of all birds; the villagers threw travelers into the pit; the hawk only pretended to be sleeping, covered the body with thorns; the thorns were stuck in the beaks of both large ones birds; in the morning people realized that the birds were dead and the Hawk was a great trickster], 326 (Western Tobas) [a bird lived in the pit by the path, devoured travelers, maybe it was Nanda; the tribe made this bird their leader; The hawk came, pretended to fall asleep, and when he was thrown into the hole, he killed the bird with a sharp (dart?) , got out of the hole, left a bird's feather on the path; people wonder why everything is quiet; the woman noticed the feather and said that it was not the bird that killed the shaman, but the shaman killed the bird], 327 (Western Tobas) [the tribe's chief bird- cannibal; she lived in a deep hole; the Hawk came, ate, pretended to fall asleep; when he was thrown into a hole, he killed the bird himself with a sharp stick; getting out of the hole, the Hawk blew to prevent people from seeing him; left the bird's feather, the old woman saw it and said that the Hawk killed the bird; the Hawk confused his tracks, left a feather on the tree, people thought that the tree was the Hawk, but they were mistaken; the Hawk came to his He also told his son that there was a cannibal woman; passers-by were blown away by the wind into her lair; when the Hawk fell there, he pierced the woman's throat with a point; as soon as she died, the wind stopped; the Hawk returned to son]: 412-413, 414-415, 415-417, 417-420.