L52. The hero flies off the top of the tree.
A person escapes from a pursuer by climbing a tree and then flying away from it by himself or on the back of a bird, or a bird otherwise helps the hero escape.
{In Uther 2004, El-Shamy refers to numerous Arabic versions, but it only refers to the motive of the changed voice of a witch/ghoul, no boy flying off the tree}
SW Africa. Hottentots [one wife has two crippled children and the other has 4 eggs; the husband loves the first, but when 2 boys and 2 girls hatched from the eggs, they immediately got to work, the husband fell in love with the other; the son of a blind woman Sees an older sister named Lutanga, gives her a ring; L. asks her sister to remain silent, she takes her food for it, then tells her mother anyway; the mother laughs; the young man takes L. away in a bull, sister accompanies her; on the way, L. leaves out of need; the spirit of the dead throws at her from the tree, takes her clothes, takes her place; at night the false wife pricks her, the husband stabs her with an awl in response; the bull finds the mistress in the velda, she is brought to her husband, who understands the deception, his mother has seen the light; the imaginary wife is pushed into a hole with fire; the people of her husband's village are jealous of him, prepare to cut off their sisters while dancing; her mother-in-law tells her to run, leaving the calebass and the blanket to answer for themselves; the sisters run, climb the tree; the pursuers cut the trunk, L. calls his father, the bird, the tree becomes intact; when the tree is cut down again, the bird takes the sisters under the wings, a tree falls, crushed everyone but one boy; at the request of (earthly) father L., husband and mother-in-law move to L.'s parents]: Schmidt 2007, No. 17:45-54.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975 [three girls went to the ma-kishi; the girl got involved with them; the ma-kishi were going to eat the girls; the girl did not sleep, the ma-kishi answered for three nights that they did not sleep, but wanted to still eat and drink; on the third night, the girls run away; the river overflows, they climb the tree; the ma-kishi begin to cut it; the girls ask the hawk for help; he takes all four in turn from tree to another shore; the tree falls; as a reward, the hawk is entitled to the best chicken meat]: 182-188; Nekrasova 1975 [two sisters go to an old woman to get a tattoo, their younger sister Muyongo followed them; does not drink wine , hears and sees at night how the old woman turns into a two-headed monster; answers her that she will not give fire, pipe, etc.; the next night the sisters fill the hut with brushwood, run away, climb a tree above the river; an imaginary old woman and other monsters burn a hut, resort to a tree, gnaw on it; a big bird takes the sisters to the other side for the promise of the middle one to go beyond it; turns into a human; after three years again flies to her native country in the form of a bird; his wife and children run after her, her husband decides to stay with them]: 41-46; Knappert 1977, No. 16 [four girls went to get water; handsome young men invite them to their place; the youngest notices the young men's second mouths on the back of their heads, realizes that they are cannibals; tells them to run; the river has risen, the girls are climbing a tree; the quiches are trying to knock him down; the youngest asks the eagle for help, the eagle carries her across the river; drops the second girl into the water; the other two quiches are eaten]: 155-157; pedi (Transvaal) [children run away from the ogre, climb a tree; a bird with beautiful feathers saves them, brings them home]: Werner 1933:199; chwana [Masilo and his wife dig up the plot; when they go home, a bird arrives, tells the field to go untreated again; the same the next day; on the third evening M. remains to guard, catches the bird; it asks not to kill it, makes the site again cultivated, promises to create milk at M.'s request; at home M. tells the children not to tell anyone about the bird; but other children they ask M.'s children why they are so well-fed, they tell them; children ask the bird to dance, take them out of the house, it flies away; children are afraid that their father will kill them, they go look for a bird; during a storm, one boy tells the house and hearth to appear with fire, everything appears; the cannibal comes up, demands yam roots; the boy throws them away to him, the children run, climb the tree; the cannibal comes running, begins to cut off the trunk with his fingernail; the boy tells all children to shout, "Tree, be strong"; a bird arrives, tells the children to sit on it, brings them home]: McCall Theal 1882:39-46 (=Radin 1970, No. 37:146-149, but the text is mistakenly referred to as a braid).
West Africa. Mamprusi [mischievous brother Nanzu-bishi (NB) and calm Nanzu-kara (NK) were born from a bump on the woman's leg; leaving their parents, they went on a journey; a woman with a baby asks to fry for he is a grasshopper; the NB roasts the baby, tries to feed the meat to the grasshopper; the old man asks to take the threshed millet to the house by the stream, the NB sprinkles it into the stream; the brothers climb the tree under which the naba rested ( ruler), the NB spits on the naboo; he orders the tree to be cut down; when it is ready to fall, the lizard raises its head and the tree straightens up; the NB kills the lizard with a knife; the tree falls, but the vulture picks up and takes the brothers away; The NB tells him he stinks, the vulture drops them; where the NB fell, small hot peppers grew, and where NK is large sweet]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 12:22-24; mosi [parents, daughter and son hid see what Naba Ouende (God) looked like; the girl looked out of the calebasa where she hid, NO, on pain of death, told her where her father (except) killed him, baked him, made the girl eat his meat; then But with her mother; the girl told her brother not to go out, they ran away, climbed the tree; the boy wrote the chief sitting under the tree into the beer; the leader's men cut down the tree, but the boy clicked his tongue and it recovered; finally fell, the children took off, became thunder; booming peals - brother's laughter, deaf whistle - sister's whisper]: Frobenius 1986:91-92; Dagari [the blind father's eldest son Solid Heart ( TS), younger - Soft Heart (MS); MS always objects to the TS's decisions, but he threatens to kill him and he is forced to agree; TS tells his father's cows to tear out their eyes, fry them, tell their father what they are (bird's) eggs; when there was only one cow left, the mother discovered what was going on; the brothers climbed the tree, spoiled the vessel from which the father was drinking; people began to cut down the tree; when it was ready to fall, the hawk saved the brothers, carrying them away on their wings; the TS broke the hawk's wings to plan for them, the brothers fried and ate the hawk]: Métuolé Somba 1991:184-186; Hausa [couple live in the woods; eldest daughter Ssara, the youngest, tenth, the child is the son of Dan-Auta; when dying, parents tell S. to take care of D.; the children have large stocks of grain, D. deliberately burns everything; S. carries him to the king's palace, where they live, D. gouges out with a stick of his eye to the king's son; S. takes D., they flee the city; they climb a tree; D. urinates on the king's head; he orders to cut down a tree; when it falls, the falcon picks up, takes the children; D. grabs the bird by the tail, she throws them off; the whirlwind picks them up, gently lowers them to the ground; they come to the city; it is surrounded by a wall to protect them from Dodo; at night you can't answer Dodo's scream, otherwise he will enter; D. calls him, that climbs into the city, D. throws hot stones into his mouth, Dodo dies; D. cuts off and hides his tail; the king asks him to know who the hero is; rejects the liars who bring the tail of a horse, a cow; the king gives D. a hundred wives, cows, sheep, camels, horses, slaves, and half a town]: Frobenius 1913 (2): 483-493; kpelle [two brothers had the means to kill people; killed their father; came to the king, who gave them two chickens and two girls; they killed their wives, climbed a tree, shouted that they were murderers, asked people to cut down a tree; they knocked him down, but the hawk picked up the brothers and carried them to the rock; the younger brother killed a hawk with a knife, the brothers fell and crashed; the turtle revived them, the eldest went down the river and the youngest went up; he came to a woman working in the field, asked her to kill and eat the turtle {the one that saved him}, they are they did; the woman asked to look after her child, fry the frog and give him a leg; the younger brother killed the child, fried the leg and gave it to the frog; came to the blacksmith, the woman's husband, asked him to sharpen the knife, cut off their blacksmith's scrotum; his wife came running, both began to cry; the husband took a basket of peanuts, went to look for the boys playing; asked who "did the great job" of them; one said he once stole them from mother's rice and fish; blacksmith: not you; here the villain boy spoke about his deeds; blacksmith: I adopt you, go into the basket so as not to walk; closed the basket; brought it to his wife to burn the villain in the field; their daughter asked that peanuts, opened the basket, the villain locked the girl in it; she screamed, but her father did not believe it and burned her; angry went out to her father and ran away]: Westermann 1924, No. 5:129-130; jukun [ Fatsumate is beautiful; when leaving, parents mix seeds with clay, tell their daughter to sort them out; other girls deliberately call her to the forest for brushwood; tell the ants to do the job, F. has to agree; Dodo appears, the girls climb the tree; each one goes down, says that she is not F., passes; F. is left alone, asks the hawk, the vulture to help, they refuse (she did not let the chicken be carried away, drove it away, when the vulture pecked carrion); the dove agrees to help; F. leaves him clothes and jewelry, goes down, says that F. stayed upstairs, runs away; Dodo runs after the pigeon that has flown away, falls into the river, drowns ; F. gives a black thread to the pigeon, since then it has been around his neck]: Meek 1931:477-478; dark [one of the three brothers slept so long that when he snored, a girl came out of his nose, three days later an adult, gave birth to twins Fearless and Cautious, fell ill; dying, told them never to argue with each other, gave them a pair of shoes that could quickly take them to the afterlife of Rokerfi; through for many years, B. offered to go there; old Dundukulma transported them across the Sirathi River; the one going to Rockerphy must pass 12 cities; in one of them, a man received them in a gold house, stabbed them for them two cows; B. offered to kill him, but O. could not argue, promising his mother to be unanimous with his brother; they killed the owner, took the valuables, moved on, climbed the tree; the victim's brother raised the alarm, told the king; spread a prayer rug by the tree; B. wrote on his head; people began to cut down the tree; when it had already bent down, the lizard hit the trunk with its head and the tree recovered; B. killed the lizard; the bird picked up the brothers and their property and took them away from danger; it has two wings, English and dark; B. killed a bird, they fell on a rock and crashed; at that time, the sorcerer revived people, revived O.; he asked to revive the bird, but not his brother, but the sorcerer revived everyone; it turned out that the sorcerer was a snail; B. was going to fry it, went to get the fire, but O. let them go; the brothers went on; there was a monster Kamyoko on the tree, a slit gong tree; B. began to beat him; O. ran to hide in the cockroach's house, and B. cut off the monster's head; O. went to tell the king; he promised the killer K. half the kingdom and half the property, including his wives; B. came when O. was already on the throne; the king told him to bring the head of a monster if he was victorious (O. brought his head); B. brought the heads of his seven sons, but they did not fit; O. remained king and B. poor] : Turay 1989:165-191; Songhai [when dying, father, then mother tell daughter not to let her younger brother cry; boy beats other children, kills animals; brother and sister run into the forest, climb into a tree; the king's men cut it down, the Lizard tells the felling to overgrow every time; the brother kills the Lizard, but the Eagle picks up the children, takes it away; the brother kills the Eagle, the children fall, break; the Turtle revives a sister made of bones; she asks her not to revive her evil brother; the turtle does not listen, the brother comes to life, kills the Turtle]: Hama 1967:258-259; background [Sagbo and Zinzu brothers found themselves in the forest without fire; saw smoke; Z. came to a giant (Yehwe) named Zogbano with 32 horns; saw that all parts of YZ's body were lying separately and eating; when YZ noticed Z., he gathered into one person; Z. got fire, left, began to play on the flute about how YZ was watching; he went to look for the player, Z. denied it was him; put out the fire, came for him again; so three times; a girl came to the village, promised to marry whoever fell into the village a pea on a calebass on her head; only Z. hit, the girl became his wife; at night she turned into a giant, wanted to swallow it, but Z.'s 42 dogs barked; Z. saw a tree in the forest, wanted it to be his wife instead of that monster; the tree turned into Djeluba's girlfriend; she made a condition that he would not remember that she was a tree; she did not cook; Z. came home, had nothing to eat, went to To his first wife, he said that the second was just a tree; when Z. was in the forest, the first tree, she returned to the forest, became a tree; the second went to the forest to live with her relatives; the mother gave Z. a drum, did not tell beat him; the man asked to beat him, all Yehwe Zogbanu ran to the noise, Z. climbed a tree, they knocked him down, he flew away with a partridge; the mother hears him telling his wife that he could use the partridge turn into an ant, a leaf, a river, sand; then his mother told him to be silent; in the morning his wife took Z. into the forest; he told his mother to let the dogs down if the water turned red; Z. climbed the tree for leaves, ran into YZ, the water turned red, but the mother was not at home; friend Z. found himself in the forest, drove away the monsters; the wife said that everything happened without her knowledge; at home she told friend Z. that Z. was dead; the friend hanged himself; getting rid of him, his wife took Z. into the forest again; the friend's wife told Z., who found the body, brought it home; went with his wife to the forest; she asked him to climb the baobab to get leaves; the monster gathered and began to cut, Z. He broke 7 calebas successively, the felling overgrown every time; when the tree collapsed, Z. became an ant, a partridge, etc.; again a man, ran, climbed a tree that was his wife; on it the notches were immediately overgrown; the mother let the dogs down, they tore the monsters; the tree wife refused to return, but sent her four tree children, who are now human; the chief of Dada Segbo ordered so that dogs become man's best friends; Z. sacrificed his deceased friend; Adiku tree, Z.'s wife, is still honored]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 65:275-284.
Sudan - East Africa. Somalis [the man brought the camels to the well to get water; at the well, the hyena in human form offered to fight, killed him, took his form, returned to his wife; when she came out, the werewolf threw away the food offered because he did not eat what people eat; asked his wife's parents to allow her to take her to his parents; on the way he tells his wife to get off the camel, sits down on his own, gnaws off pieces of camel fat, says that the camel is anxious because the woman's jewelry and skirt are ringing; she takes off her bracelets, but refuses to walk naked; sits on the camel again, notices the wounds; asks to drive up to the tree supposedly forgot something there; climbs a tree with a vessel of clarified oil (ghee); the hyena gathers other predators; the woman asks the crow to fly to her parents and tell her about the trouble; the crow demands that the woman first oil her feathers, deceives her, flies away; the same is an eagle; a little bird flies to the woman's brother, who does not understand anything, threw a stone, breaking the bird's wing; with difficulty flies to the woman's mother, she throws her head; to her maternal uncle; he realizes, along with others, she runs to wood, the predators have fled; the woman refuses to get down at the request of her parents, brother; uncle orders that the branch break, and the niece broke only her finger when she fell; so it happened; a lamb was stabbed to death in honor of the rescued woman]: Hanghe 1988:198-202; moru [after taking water, Kide met a man and asked for help to carry water; when she entered the hut to start cooking, a snake fell off the roof; K. ran; the Elephant could not help her; the Bat hid K. in his house and killed the Snake with an ax; married K.; they have a daughter Ariawa; she fell into the river; Hyena pulled her out of the water, raised her, and then invited other hyenas to a feast to eat her; the girl was placed on a platform, she turned to Eagle and To the vulture, they picked it up and brought it to her mother, K.]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 34:82.
North Africa. Tunisia [the woman has seven sons and a daughter; the daughter is very thin and does not want to eat anything; the woman went to the doctor, who said that in order to cure the girl, she must give the liver of a young child; the woman saw the baby returning from kuttab, began to play with him, called him home for sweets, turned into a predatory beast, fed her daughter's child's liver; she ate a lot and ate a whole herd of sheep, then his father, brothers one by one, then his mother; his youngest brother ran away from home on a horse, his sister chased him, he climbed a tree, she ate his horse and began to climb to the tree; the boy had two sparrows, he called them, they flew in and picked him up, and his sister rushed at the boy and fell down; he went down and beat her with a stick]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 81 in Korovkina MS.
Melanesia. Vogeo [boys send ants to bite the old man's testicles; he makes the boys small, puts a gong in the crack, lets them into the sea; the gong nails to the coast of New Guinea; the cannibal is going to eat them; the youngest hides in a tree; answers the cannibal that he has climbed upside down; his nose is bleeding; a hawk saves the boy, brings him to the sky above Vogeo Island; he sees his mother, throws she has a coconut, a palm tree grows out of it; the boy's father wakes for it, forgets to feed two orphans, who climb a palm tree, reach the sky when they are old; together with the young man they go down to land, bringing ornaments, bananas, tarot, areca palm nuts (agricultural origin)]: Hogbin 1970:32-33.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Niutao): Koch 1966:72-73 [11 boys were collecting shells to play with (they put them in a bowl); one found a nice stone bowl; the boys carried it with them, but it got heavier, and then rolled into the forest; the boys followed her, there was the cannibal Taukinotoe; he went for firewood, the boys climbed the tree; T. noticed the boys when they saw their reflection in the water; grimaced to make them laugh, but they didn't laughed; began to cut the tree with an ax, but one of the boys immediately overgrown the felling; the boys asked the birds to carry them away, but for the youngest the bird was too weak, could not pick him up; T. caught him, began to feed him at home; the boy asked for time off because of need, refusing to relieve himself of the need for a house; T. tied a rope to him, the boy tied it to a tree; the bird brought him home; parents happy], 74-75 [~ (72-73)]; Tokelau [the cannibal Nautoa caught five brothers; at night they got out of his house and climbed a tree; N. began to cut it; each brother has a pet gannet of his own kind, each offers to take him away, but N. scares them away; the bird of the youngest brother, Hape, takes everyone at once; however, H., who grabbed his tail, fell; N. brought him home, began to fatten him; H. asked for time off relieve himself, offered to tie him to a rope, tied her to a branch and ran away; his gannet carried him to his house; N. angrily swallowed the tree branch to which the rope was tied and died; now the bark of this tree is N.'s skin]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 185-186; Rennel [three orphans run away from the cannibal, climb a tree; large birds frigate Ariel and then gannet are unable to carry them away; a little tern takes all three away]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 186 (-2019 (2), No. 106C: 70); (cf. Gilbert Islands [{the text seems to be authentic, but most of the other texts in the European collection origin}; all three sisters were named after their mother - Ikuiku; their parents live in the south of the island, they do not tell them to go north; they go to the house of old Atutababa; she tries to put them to sleep by taking them out insect heads to then decapitate and eat; the eldest is the first to understand the danger; A. does not let the girls go, otherwise she will kill them immediately; they ask them to go to the beach to relieve themselves; A. goes with them, too relieves the need, asks for leaves to wipe themselves off; at this time, the sisters run away, climb a tree above the water; A. sees a reflection, dives, then hears laughter, notices the sisters; sings to cut the trunk and the tree has fallen; the youngest I. pees and sings her song, the tree recovers and grows taller; next time the tree restores the middle I., then the eldest; A. tells the heron to shake the sisters off the tree with its tail; the heron is forced to obey, the eldest falls, rushes to run, runs to the men; they tell A. to listen to their song first, lift it high into the air with a song, throw it on the rocks, she crashes; the heron brings two younger sisters; everyone is happy]: Koru, Gullivan 1986:81-93).
South Asia. Muria [Rakshasa's daughter has teeth in her vagina; as a girl, she bit off her penises; as a tigress, she ate her penis and gives the rest to her 10 or 12 tigers; this is how she killed six brothers; The youngest seventh deity was told to put an iron rod into his vagina, he knocked out their teeth; he climbed from the tigers to mangoes, became small, climbed inside the fruit, the parrot brought it to the Raja's house, he married a princess; Rakshasa's daughter was told to become a bat that has a single hole in her body, i.e. eats, copulates, defecates through her mouth]: Elwin 1949, No. 26:386-387.
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Vladimir, Moscow, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov), Ukrainians (Volyn, Galicia, Grodno, Podolia, Chernigov, Kherson), Belarusians [boy (Ivas, Zhikharko, Lutonyushka) and a witch: a witch lures a boy to her, imitating his mother's voice; instructs her daughter to fry him or shows him how to sit on a shovel; a boy puts a witch's daughter or witch in the oven; climbs a tree; swan geese bring him home: in a fairy tale like 327F, a fisherman boy catches fish while sitting in a boat; a witch forges her rude voice into a thin one and pretends to be a mother who brought food (grabs a boy, brings him to her)]: SUS 1979, No. 327C, F: 120-121; Russians (Vologodskaya; storyteller: "This is in kin they said") [the parents went to the city; the daughters took their brother for a walk; Grandmother Ega sends geese for food; they grabbed the boy, brought it to her; she tells her daughter to fry him; he pretends not to know how to sit down Grandki-Ega's daughter shows that he pushed her into the oven; Grandma Ega ate her daughter, but thought it was a boy; the same in the second, with her third daughter; the boy climbed a birch tree; Grandma Ega came to the blacksmith, who did it to her an iron tooth, she began to chew on a birch tree; the boy asks the flying geese to carry it away; only the latter put it on his back, brought it to his parents]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 43:108-110; Russians (Tverskaya, g. . Kuvshinovo, 1989) [Ivanushka asks to let him go fishing; for the third time his parents let him go; in the evening his mother calls, I. swam to the shore; Baba Yaga overheard, but she has a rude voice; then asked the blacksmith to give her a thin voice; I. swam up, she took it away, told Alenka to bake it, went to invite the guests himself; I. pretends not to know how to sit on a shovel; A. shows that he shoved her into the oven, climbed on wood; the guests ate meat, began to ride bones; I. from the tree: to the Alenkins; Baba Yaga gnaws on the trunk, broke her tooth, asked the blacksmith to make her two iron ones; the tree is about to fall, asks his geese pick up; the first pack points to the second, the second to the third, the third picked up and brought it to parents]: archive of the Center for Tver Local History and Ethnography, sent by V.E. Dobrovolskaya; Russians ( Moscow) [my grandfather brought a log, put it behind the stove; from there the voice: dad, mom, take me; they called me Ivanushka, he is riding in a boat; mother comes up: Ivashka, Ivashka, swim to the shore, eat porridge; Baba Yaga overheard, called, he swam, she took him away; told daughter Alena to fry; I. pretends not to know how to sit on a shovel; she showed I. put her in the oven herself; I. climbed a tree, shouts to Baba Yaga, that she ate her daughter; she began to nibble on the trunk; I. asks the geese to take him to her parents; each pack is responsible that they are flying for them (and they will take them); picked up the last goose; the tree fell on Yaga and nailed]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 33:83-84; Russians (Ryazan) [Tereshechka was swimming in a boat, fishing; grandparents came to the shore, called T.: they brought food; Baba Yaga overheard and called; took T. away; went fishing, told her daughter to fry; T. pretends not to know how to sit on a shovel; BYU's daughter sat down by herself, T. put her in the oven, ran out, climbed a tree; shouts to Baba Yaga that she ate her daughter; BYA began to gnaw a tree, broke a tooth; the blacksmith repaired it; the tree is swinging; T. asks the swans to pick it up, everyone points to the next one, the last one picked it up lame, brought it to his grandparents]: Samodelova 2013, No. 76:85-87 (same No. 77 [geese instead of swans]: 87-88); Russians (Kursk) [childless old men wrapped the deck in a diaper, Tereshechka's son appeared; made a shuttle, fishing; his mother calls him, he swims to the shore, she gives him milk; the witch Chuvilikha calls in a terrible voice, T. sails away; next time she sings in a voice he has learned, T. swam, she took him to her place, told her daughter to fry it; he himself put the witch's daughter in the oven, climbed the oak tree; C.: take a ride, eating tereshechkin's meat! T.: ate her daughter; C. asks the blacksmith to tie her ax; he tells her to cut her butt; the tree is unharmed; then C. dug into the trunk with her teeth, he swung; swan geese are flying, each pack replies that they will take next; the last plucked goose agrees to take T. home; the goose was fattened, released]: Afanasiev 1958, No. 112:183-184; Russians (Voronezhskaya, 1968, p. Aleksandrovka, Pavlovsky District) [Ivashechka asks her parents to give him a shuttle and goes fishing. At lunchtime, the mother calls Ivashechka and Baba Yaga, and he says that this is not Mother's voice. Yaga comes to the blacksmith and asks him to shackle his subtle voice. Another time she calls Ivashechka, he swims to the shore, she grabs him and takes him to her hut. Orders her daughter to fry Ivashechka. He cannot sit on a shovel, Baba Yaga's daughter shows how to sit, he throws it into the oven, goes outside himself, sits on an aspen tree. Baba Yaga comes back and eats her daughter with her friends. She goes outside, rides underwire, Ivashechka says that these are her daughter's bones. She chews on aspen, Ivashechka grabs a migratory goose, who brings the boy to the roof of his house. He hears parents drinking tea and crying for it. Shouts to them that he is alive, they take their son off the roof]: Kretov 1977, No. 18:35-35; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky, etc.) [my brother was sailing on a boat, and my sister came to the shore and called him: Iwasyk Tulesyk, brought you a cake; the witch heard, went to the blacksmith to make her a thin voice; she called the boy, who swam, she grabbed it, brought it to her daughter and told her to bake it in the oven, and went to invite the guests himself; I. asked the witch's daughter to sit on the shovel herself, pushed it into the oven, baked it, and climbed into the sycamore himself; the witch ate the meat she took out the bones and said: I'm lying around, I'll ride on ivan bones; I. repeats from above, but together she calls her name her witch daughter - Aunt; the witch brought an ax from the blacksmith, began to cut sycamore; I. asks geese to take him; the first say that the hind goose will take it, the rear goose brought I. to his sister; the goose was drunk and fed]: Malinka 1902, No. 10:272-274; Western Ukrainians (Podolia) [boy asks his grandfather to make him a pack (?) crows shoot; killed two, the third took away the fart; the boy asks for their return; crow: if you go over that mountain, I'll give it back; lords go, offer the boy to sit in their carriage, plant it on an apple tree; a snake flew in: Ivasik- Kutasik, give me an apple; IK: the lords did not tell me; snake: bend the branch, he bent over, the snake grabbed it and flew away; IK calls the pan for help; the pan took the IK, planted it again on the apple tree; the snake asks for an apple with his left hand, grabbed IK and took it to her place; went to call the guests, and told him to sit on the wagon so that the snake's daughter could put it in the stove; he sits down wrong, the snake's daughter shows, he put her in the oven himself; guests they ate meat, throw IK bones; he shouts from the top of the hornbeam: these are Olenka's bones; the snake gnaws on the hornbeam, broke its teeth, went to the blacksmith to forge new ones; IC asks the flying swan geese to take it on its wings and take home; front: the middle ones will take you; those: back; back: crooked gander will take; he brought IR home]: Levchenko 1928, No. 466:302-303; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava) [in old age a childless woman asks her husband to cut down a chock, put it in a cradle; the chock turns into a boy named Telesick (Russ. Telepen); he asks his father to make him a golden shuttle, a silver oar, will fish; every day his mother brings food, calls T. with a song, tells him not to respond to someone else's voice; the Snake overheard, twice she sang, her voice was rude; went to the blacksmith, he forged her a thin voice; T. swam, she grabbed him, brought him home, told her daughter Olenka to bake it; T. asks to show her how to get into the oven, fried O., climbs on sycamore; The snake ate her daughter, T. shouts to her about it from the sycamore; she gnaws on the trunk; tells the blacksmith to tie her good teeth; many geese fly by, only the last goose picks up T., brings her home]: Pankeev 1992:331-336; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Romny Utilities) [Ivashko's son goes fishing, his mother brings him lunch, calls him a song, the snake hears her and calls Ivashka, grabs him and takes him to his hut, asks Olenka's daughter to heat the stove and fry the boy, he asks show how to sit on a shovel, shoves it into the oven itself, it is eaten by the snake "I'll swing, fall, find some meat," Ivashko replies. The snake nibbles the sycamore, the boy asks migratory geese to carry it, the last group of birds picks up the boy. He hears his parents remembering him and asking him to treat him to a pie. They bring their son into the house and treat geese. Preverb (This is a fairy tale, and meni bublekiv vyazochka)]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1480:10-12; Eastern Ukrainians (c. 1878, St. Gadyach, Poltava Gubernia) [A childless grandfather and woman dream of a child, she asks him to make a wooden stroller, puts a "tree" in it, treats it like a child, sings, the next morning the "tree" turns into a boy Telesica. He asks his grandfather to build a golden boat to fish. Telesick catches fish, his mother calls him to the shore with a song, picks up his catch, brings him lunch. The snake tries to lure the boy, sings like his mother, but he does not recognize his voice and does not stick to her shore. The snake asks the blacksmith to reforge her thick voice into a thin one, the boy takes her singing for his mother's, the snake brings it to his hut, tells his daughter to fry it, and flies away to visit. He does not fit on a shovel, says he can't, Olenka shows how to sit, he puts her in the oven, climbs onto the sycamore. The snake returns, eats its daughter: "I'll ride, fall, Telesicovoy imagining!" , sees a boy, chews on a tree, breaks a tooth, a blacksmith puts new ones. The boy asks the swan geese to carry him away, and the first and middle groups of birds say he will be the last to pick him up. He is picked up by the last goose that has fought off and puts him on the roof of his parents' house. He hears his parents sharing pies, asks what he will get, they bring him into the house, feed him, and rejoice. The saying "they live, they chew, they wear good at the table, carry water with a rocker. And I was bula there, I drank honey wine: it flowed down my beard, but it wasn't bulo in my mouth!"] : Rudchenko 1870, No. 15:38-43; Belarusians [the woman tells his grandfather to cut down a stump, make a cradle and pump it in the forest; the stump has become a boy; asks him to make him a shuttle on the river to catch fish; when his mother brings food for him, she sings a song (Ivanka, son, golden shuttle, silver merry man); the snake found out, told her daughter Alenka to melt the stove, went to call I.; he did not hear mama's voice; the snake told the blacksmith to forge her tongue to make her thinner did not help; she threatened the blacksmith, who made his tongue very thin; I. swam, the snake dragged him into the bag, brought him home, told A. to fry, went to invite guests; I. pretends not knows how to sit in the oven, A. began to show it, he fried it himself; the guests ate A., ride on bones; I. on the roof, asked the geese to throw it on the feather, they threw it off, he flew with them; tired, sat on an oak tree; snake already here, she brought an ax from the blacksmith, began to cut it; the oak is ready to fall, the bunny is fart! cutting down the thicket; the snake cuts again, the ax broke; the snake ran after another, cuts again; ducks are flying, I. asks to throw it off, they threw it off, I. flew away with ducks, returned home]: Romanov 1887, No. 49:268 -269; Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 327F: 215; Poles [the widow gave her son a golden shuttle with a silver paddle, tells him to approach the shore only three times a day at her call, she will bring him food; the witch overheard the song, repeats it in a rude voice; the boy does not recognize his mother's voice, swims back into the sea; the witch told the blacksmith to reforge her tongue; the voice became thinner, but the boy understood the deception; the blacksmith explained that it was necessary to shake his throat; this time the boy swam; the witch took it to his daughter, told her to wash it, comb it, cook it; the boy pretends not to know how to get into the oven, asks his daughter show the witches, shoves her into the stove, climbs on the maple himself; the witch ate her daughter, starts rolling on the grass, the boy from the tree sings along with her, saying who she ate; the witch chews maple, breaks two teeth, the blacksmith makes her steel; the boy asks the geese to carry it; the first two flocks refuse, the last short tail takes it, gives it a stone, he throws it at the witch's forehead, killing her; the tail brings the boy to mothers]: Dombrovsky 1992:158-166.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [Lipnickelis's parents (from the word "linden") let him fish in a boat to the lake; bringing porridge, his mother sings a song, L. swims up; laume sings in a low voice; then asks the blacksmith make her a thin voice; L. swam up, grabbed her laume, brought her home, tells her daughter to fry; L. asks her to show her how to sit in the oven, baked her himself, hung her braid on the hook; lauma and the guests ate their daughter lauma; L. from an oak tree she shouts about it, she sees her daughter's braid; laume gnaws on an oak tree; only a third flock of geese picked up L. and brought it home]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 58:131-134; Latvians [A witch carries a boy in her bag , is going to fry it at home. The boy puts a witch's child in his place (puts a witch's daughter in the oven), and climbs a tree himself. Returning home and seeing that the boy has run away, the witch chews or cuts down a tree, tells him to forge his steel teeth. Birds throw feathers to the boy and he flies home]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 327C: 277.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Dzun-Khemchik District) [the boy raised two golden eagles, received two dogs from his father's friend, began to understand their language; when he returned, he did not find a yurt; where his mother slept, he found a needle and a fragment of a crest , where the father is a whetstone; the six-headed mangys Kalchaa-Mergen came out of the ash; cut off the boy's horse's legs; the boy threw a whetstone, a comb, a needle, they became a rock, a thicket, an iron poplar; K. climbed the rock, made his way through the thicket, began to cut the poplar; the young man was sitting at the top; the axe flew to the side, K. fell asleep, the Frog threw his axe into the lake; K. drank the lake, began to cut further; the fox offered to cut for beat him with the blunt side of the axe, threw it into the lake; K. drank the lake again, sharpened his axe; the boy asked the crows to call his golden eagles, who carried the boy on their wings to his father; he gave him the name Deer-Më ge (Heavenly Strongman); Cher-Aldy Khan gives his daughter to someone who wins archery, horse racing, wrestling; D. wins, kills K. in a duel, marries]: Vatagin 1971, No. 11:112-117; khakas [Altyn-Tabatay is a young man; his two brothers are married but have no children; the brothers went to collect tribute with cattle; AT stayed with his daughters-in-law; crying outside the window; the eldest daughter-in-law found a baby girl; her adopted; she cries all the time, exhausted both women; when she was walking, AT woke up and saw her go out into the yard, and when she returned to the house, her mouth was bloody; she went to bed in front of the waiting room mother; next time AT noticed a girl running to a mountain range at night; an all-knowing old shepherd wonders who is eating cattle; realizing that no one would believe him, AT decided to flee; younger daughter-in-law persuaded her to take her with her; she could not go fast; AT tied her to a poplar, left gold and silver on a branch, wrote that a good man should take the woman; AT comes to the house with a stone barn; there is a beautiful girl with big breasts inside; she says she was waiting for AT and that she is Tuner-Khys, the mistress of this taiga; he has to stay with her even though he wanted to move on; when he leaves, TH lets followed by a ball of white thread; if anything, they pull the horse; but AT invites the ball to travel around the world with him; AT comes to another house with a stone barn, there is a Chanar-Khys girl; he stays with her; the same (she is mistress of water; a ball of blue threads); AT comes to the old man, he has a daughter; the old man gives AT arakoy until he loses consciousness, his daughter Chibek-Aryg goes to bed with AT, he stays with her; loves her, she is pregnant; great khansha Khan-Hees sends him to tell AT to go to her; she tells him to get a fiery red fox, then she will marry him and he will become khan; he did it; wedding; he longs for his homeland, cries; says to his wife that the wind brought dust in his eyes, so they were red; XX called the owner of the wind and began to scold him; he explained what was going on; XX would give birth soon; AT's eyes were red again - says that the branch knot hit; XX summoned the tree owner, he explained what was going on; XX asks AT not to deceive her; AT goes home; there are no people or cattle; only one yurt is Chelbegen girl; lower fangs by 6 quarters, upper fangs on three-quarters are grown up; she wonders by her father's jaw - nothing; by her mother's jaw - she finds out that AT has arrived; AT is fleeing; Chelbegen is caught up, swallowed by his dog, the youngest horse; on earth Chanar -Hys AT threw her white ball to tie the chelbegen; she tore it, chased it on; Tuner-Khys released a white stone hero from the barn, but the chelbegen ate it; AT threw a blue ball - the same; Chanar-Khys released the hero out of the blue stone, the chelbegen ate him; caught up and ate the AT horse, AT himself climbed one of the seven larches; the chelbegen cannot look up, only down; begins to gnaw larch, she fell; AT jumped to another; the white bird, the daughter of Tuner-Khys from AT, flew to her mother, who sent two bears, but the Chelbegen ate them; the same was a blue bird, daughter of Chanar-Khys, two tigers; when AT on the last larch, two Khan Kira birds descended, raised the chelbegen to the sky and threw it to the ground, the chelbegen fell apart; the winged horse Khys Khan flew behind the AT; the XX already has two sons from AT; she is angry at AT for going home without consulting her; after all, she sent two Khan Kire birds to him; she forgave him, everything is fine]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 15:287-321; Mongols Ordos ["Ordos Ardyn Ulger". - Hohhot, 1992, p. 311; Goadagur's eldest daughter, middle Shirbigul, younger Davigur; mother went to her sister for flour; G. advised to follow the shepherds' road, Sh . - for the one she likes, D. - along the path of dogs and birds; towards the old mangas woman; offered to take out her lice, asked about her daughters, swallowed her, put on her clothes, began to knock on the house; G.: ours mother has a black mole on her cheek (mangas smeared mud on her cheek); S.: our mother does not have hair on her back; D. opened it; G. asks how much water to pour and cook rice; mangas: how much you need; G.: this is not a mother, that I always knew for sure; while G. called her sisters, mangas ate all the rice alone; G. and S. refuse to lie down with their imaginary mother, D. goes to bed; G. at night: what do you eat? mangas: old cheese; G.: give it to us too; she gave it is D.'s little finger; G. asks for permission to go out of need, ties a rope, but on the street she ties it to two roosters; the sisters are running; in the morning the mangas chased I saw them in the tree; how did you get there? G.: they coated the tree with oil and grease; the mangas did it, slides; G.: they tied a millstone and a stone from the stove to the feet; the mangas fell again, threatens; Sh.: cut down the steps with a chisel and an ax; G. pushed mangas, she fell, injured her back, took on its monstrous appearance; a white swan, Tangry's messenger, flew, turned her legs into gold and silver hooks, carried it to heaven; a black swan flew, turned its legs into iron hooks, the mangas grabbed them; white: we curse the black crow and the evil mangas; they fell and crashed; Tengry tells G. to become the Dagina of the Sun, and S. to become the Dagina of the Moon]: Egupova 2012:27 -31.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [younger sister Pudin invites the eldest to take turns picking berries so that someone is always in the house; the eldest is walking, Taka (an arrow with a blunt head) falls next to her, tells her to leave, because Inda Khochiani will come (a dog's leg with a tail from the waist down); the eldest returns; the youngest comes the next day, does not listen to Taka, they tell him to allow him to look for lice from her; says that he has found a gold one, brick, stone, cannot be crushed on a stone, the ground will not stand it, tells you to stick out her tongue, crush her tongue, pulls out her tongue, runs away; at home, the eldest puts the dog's younger tongue; an old woman girded alive snakes, in a dream tells the youngest to go back her tongue, leaves three silver tōro rods, a white horse; the youngest takes rods, a needle bed, a scallop, a knife, flies on horseback to the house of dog people, does The appearance that she agrees to marry THEM, cleans the house, finds his tongue in a bunch of others, takes it, leaves the dog's tongue, flies away on horseback; THEY tried to grab the horse's tail, Pudin cut it off; the horse asks whether to fly home or to people, P. says that he marries people; the husband goes hunting on a horse, P. does not tell her to be tied to a tree, only to grass; gives birth to a son, her husband's parents they send a maid to him with news, THEY tell her to return, tell her daughter-in-law to be expelled, she supposedly is homeless; P. leaves, chases THEM, she throws a comb (thicket), a needle (thorny bush), twigs ( turn into three pillars); THEY gnaw at them, P. moves from one to another, calls the horse; when the third pillar is ready to fall, the horse comes, dragging the tree to which P.'s husband tied it; P. flies away on a horse; when she dies, she tells her to take off her skin, cover herself, P. wakes up in a warm house, two roe deer are tied at the entrance; THEM comes, the roe deer tear him to shreds; P. and his son burn the leftovers; P. (Mergen); roe deer fly to heaven; husband takes P. to his place, his parents have repented; sister P. is also married]: Hodger 2011:15-29.
California. Lassik []: Essene 1942:95
Honduras-Panama. Pech [man flees from a cannibal companion; he cuts a gun; monkeys carry a hero]: Flores 1989:55; bribri [boy and girl hide from the cannibal; she cannot cut down a tree and waits below, a boy and a girl fly away (finding wings?)] : Bozzoli 1977:73; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1983:9.
The Northern Andes. Kogi [an ogre or cannibal chews on a trunk with animals; an eagle or vulture carries a hero on his back]: Fischer, Preuss 1989 [cannibal; eagle]: 180; Preuss 1926, No. 9 [Niuálue descended from the sky, he began to fish with poison, went downstream, and when he returned, he saw that Taimú had eaten the catfish he had already picked up; he ate them raw, with his mouth and back, and (S. 85) he had a second set of eyes on the back of his head; N. climbed one of the four trees nearby; T. asked the fish where N. was, they were silent, he ate them; finally, one looked at the tree; T. began to nibble on the trees, and a day later he knocked down two out of four, butterflies flew out of the trunk, worms crawled out, T. ate them; he could no longer gnaw, broke his teeth; called squirrels, mice, hedgehogs and other animals, they knocked down the third tree; N. tied the last tree with 9 threads to the sky; when the trunk was gnawed, it did not fall; asked the eagle for help, which carried it to its nest to watch for the chicks; the tree, meanwhile, fell, T. ate butterflies and worms that had fallen with it, thought that N. was eating; N. decided that the eagles smelled bad, threw them on the ground, went down and ran away; the eagle asked his sister Saumá (a female forest demon, crazy) to catch N.; she put T. in her bag, N. became play her twice; the third time she carried the bag, but put it down and walked away; N. tore the bag and ran away]: 194-201; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 10 [Teimú is the mistress of the fish; Andu began fishing with T.; noticed that she was eating fish with a vulva; climbed one of the four trees that grew there; T. asked the fish where A. was; they were silent, but the catfish looked at the top of the tree; T. called various rodents to cut down wood; they have not been able to gnaw through the trunk; it gnaws on the trunk with the vulva, gives animals two teeth from their vaginal teeth, since then rodents have two large teeth; the tree fell, A. moved to another, and T. began to eat cockroaches and other insects falling from the tree, thinking it was T.; T. opened her belly, the cockroaches replied that she did not eat A.; so with three trees; A. asks Vulture for help, replies that he did not call him smelly; Vulture puts him on his back, takes him away; tells him not to look down when villages are dancing and playing musical instruments; for the third time A. looks at The vulture breaks its wing, they fall; A. repairs its wing by inserting his digger; they fly on], 10A [Teimú (male character) has teeth in the anus; Nyiueldue goes fishing with T., hides in a tree; further as in (10); T. doesn't find N.; fights Vulture]: 52-55, 55.
Llanos. Sicuani [Wereketo's father-in-law asks his son-in-law a new job; after asking for palm starch, he tells the tree to grow; the young man asks the Caracara bird to call him (boys!) for help the grandfather of the Royal Vulture; the Vulture lowers the young man to the ground, and the palm tree falls; the young man returns home in the guise of a water snake, lives in his mother's womb; crawling out of his womb, climbs a tree, drops mother pendare fruits; when the serpent was in the tree, the mother ran away and hid; the serpent came in the guise of a young man; enters the river when she greets her father, thunder is heard; the mother dies, her spirit falls where her son]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 141:476-477.
Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [a jaguar gnaws a gun; a shaman flies away with his son on his back]: Roe 1982, No. 9:67.