Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

L5i. Many skulls. (.11.12.20.)

Lots of rolling heads or skulls are trying to pick up a woman.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Congo (Angolan zombo) [Makenga goes to marry, paying a ransom to the girl's parents; on the way, a rolling head tells her to be allowed to carry calebass with wine; the girl's parents eat food, offered to the groom; on the way back, demands to give her a woman; other heads roll up; the king of birds Ngumbe promises to resolve the dispute, demands a drink, sends two heads to bring water in a leaky calebass; those they try unsuccessfully to get water, do not return; other heads go for the missing; when the last one rolls, M. safely takes his wife home]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:61-66.

West Africa. Hausa [Mother, daughter of King Garun Gabas, rejects suitors; promises to marry someone who says where the dry and wet seasons wait for each other; one of the rejected princes comes to the dodo (rolling cannibal heads); promises that if King Dodo gets a woman, she will carry it in the basket; King Dodo's grandfather explains that seasons wait for each other on acacia trees (she is green in dry weather and dries up during the rains); the prince brings the dodo to the city gates; he rolls after the old woman; tells her to call the genie, he gives her money; the dodo sends her to marry the princess for him, reports an answer to question; gives a rich ransom; the tsar and his daughter are happy; when they see the dodo, they mourn, but it's too late; other dodos join the king dodo, take the girl away]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 138:332-346; ekoi [Chief of the Heads (not with torso) in the Land of Heads learns about the girl {further, apparently, like ibibio and other bands}]: Talbot 1925:275 in Colldén 1979:407.

(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) [husband goes fishing; skulls come to his wife's house, tell him to eat one child, otherwise they will eat her own; so several times; then the husband sends his wife to catch fish, stays at home; pretends to be afraid, does not give up the child; skulls enter the house, he cuts them with a sword]: Koru, Gullivan 1986:5-8).