Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L62. The Stone Man. .


stone man kills people but then kills himself.

Australia. Victoria [a stone man lived in the mountains; he and his men killed many real people; the best sorcerers went to find out how to defeat him; all his spears broke against his body, but he was hit to death in the eye and nose]: Waterman 1987, No. 3750:97.

The coast is the Plateau. Tillamook [five brothers make a flint-tip man to watch the fire and cut carcasses; his name is Shcherbaty Nose; in the absence of brothers, a girl comes; Shcherbaty says that he is in charge, takes her for himself; the brothers find the girl, run with her; Shcherbaty catches up and kills them; the Triton woman revives them; Chief Ice offers Shcherbaty a steam room; He can withstand it himself, because he is ice, Shcherbaty explodes; people disassemble the flints into tips]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 12:36-42; modoc [five Yaukul brothers, whose bodies are covered with five with layers of stone, men are killed, women are made slaves; five brothers Tkpun are forced to hunt for them; orphan Rabbit, T.'s nephew, meets one of T., who says that Y. killed his father. and other relatives; Rabbit's grandmother covers him with five layers of stone, gives him a lightning spear; he kills four I.; to kill the youngest, gives him spears and five T.; turns Y. and their mother into waterfowl. birds that feed on dead fish, marries their sister, frees their mother and other women; kills other monsters, see motive I3]: Curtin 1912:169-182.

Northeast. Seneca [the bodies of cannibal giants are covered in stone; a young man flees from a giant on the other side of the river]: Cornplanter 1938, No. 5 [she finds his ax and, thanks to her strength, easily splits it with it stone; thinks that a young man can cut stones; promises that giants will no longer harm people; giants go to kill people; the wind brings mountains down on them, burying them under the rubble]: 58-66; Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 12 [the hunter steals a finger from a stone woman pointing to the object; promises to return it, she reaches out to take it, falls into the river, drowns; wielding a finger, the hunter always brings loot]: 106-111; mikmaq [giants were lying on the sand, their bodies became stony; the Heaven Holder took them to the ground; one ran north]: Leland 1884:73.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [Iron Man kills four sons of the Wind; he kills him with his magic tobacco; sons turn into a wolf, dog, crow, crow, crow]: Speck 1909, No. 10:147-148; Chirokee: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 11 [a stone man hunts people; his baton tracks them like a dog; a cannibal loses his power when people show him seven nudes menstruating women; while it is burned, it tells the secrets of all drugs against diseases]: 397-398; Mooney 1900 [like Kilpatrick]: 319-320; Ten Kate 1889 [cannibals man and woman dressed in flint, have pointed steel hands; their hearts are in their hands; on the advice of a bird, people kill the cannibal by hitting her with arrows in her hands]: 54; screams [the stone man helps enemy warriors; the shaman advises shoot him in the ear; he's killed]: Swanton 1929, #32:38.

California. Southern mountain mivoks: Barrett 1919, No. 1 [a stone giant kills people; a fly is one of the few left; fits into the mouth of a sleeping giant; bites every place; finds out that only the heel is vulnerable; people stick awls in his way, he steps on them and dies]: 2-3; Merriam 1993 [a stone giant lived in the north; goes south, kills and eats people; people send Fly to bite him and find out the vulnerable place; this is the heel; people stick sharp chips and flints in his way, he dies; the healer tells him to burn the corpse; turns the First Humans into animals and birds]: 169-172.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Vatoavik is a stone man, but covered with resin, if lit, he will burn; his soles are made of vulnerable flesh; he walks in his arms; children except one two follow him, he kills them; people kill him with arrows, aiming at the soft soles of his feet; a man crumbles him with a big stone]: Smith 1993:165; northern payut [man in stone clothes kills people, arrows don't hurt harm him; Tobats (the eldest of the two creators) tells the younger Shinob to send a poisonous snake against Stonewear; she notices that when Stonewear sits down, he exposes part of his thigh; the snake has bitten Stone Clothes died; people have been dancing snake dancing ever since; the victim left children wearing the same clothes, but S. turned them into turtles]: Palmer 1946:76-79.

The Southern Cone. Yagani [a girl finds a stone that looks like a baby; he comes to life, bites off his chest; kills several women so much; turns into a stone man; makes him his wives lots of women; they pierce his soft soles, he can't stand up, people burn him]: Gusinde 1937:1209-1210; Wilbert 1977, No. 33:93-94.