Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L63. Eats with her anus or vagina .

The character eats food with his bosom or anus. See F9A motif.

West Africa. Mamprusi [seven brothers do not have fire to fry a lizard; only the elder agrees to go for the fire; goes to the old woman, sees her pushing the grain and devouring the porridge not only with her mouth, but with her whole body - her belly , the back of the head, chest, elbows {the vagina and anus are probably lowered by the interpreter}; she asks if he saw her, he denies it; gets fire; sings at home, the witch hears; turns into a beauty, promises to marry the brother who sings better, recognizes the one who comes from his song; at night he asks what he can become; he says that his mother stops him from behind the partition; in the forest, his wife turns into a lion, he turns into a tree, water, a flower, a needle; the witch did not have time to find out about the needle, he leaves]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 41:71-74.

China - Korea. Yao [the progenitor is called the "Huge Woman"; she is depicted sitting with her legs wide apart; she is believed to have magical powers and can draw in a special stream of air your insides through the genitals of birds and animals]: Riftin 2011b:67 (citing a personal message from Vietnamese Professor Dang Van Loong).

The coast is the Plateau. Skagit [Norka and his family sail in a boat; his wife offers him caviar; he first refuses, then dives and eats greedily with his mouth and back; the wife throws their son into the water, sails away]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 14: 394.

California. Oriental pomo [the flying monster's sister is the Ritual Drum; he feeds her people; she opens her legs, chews the victim (with vaginal teeth?) , spits out bones]: Angulo, Freeland 1928:246, 248.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes; Western Shoshones; Goshiyutes; Southern Payutes.

The Northern Andes. Kogi: Preuss 1926, No. 9 [Niuálue came down from the sky, began fishing with poison, went downstream, and when he returned, he saw that Taimú had eaten the catfish he had already picked up; he ate them raw - with his mouth and backwards and (S. 85) he had a second set of eyes on the back of his head; N. climbed one of the four trees nearby; T. asked the fish where N. was silent, he ate them; finally, one looked at the tree; T . began to gnaw trees, a day later he knocked down two out of four, butterflies flew out of the trunk, worms crawled out, T. ate them; he could no longer gnaw, broke his teeth; called squirrels, mice, hedgehogs and other animals, those they knocked down the third tree; N. tied the last tree with 9 threads to the sky; when the trunk was gnawed, it did not fall; asked the eagle for help, which carried it to his nest to watch the chicks; the tree, meanwhile, fell, T . ate butterflies and worms that fell with him, thought N. was eating; N. decided that the eagles smelled bad, threw them on the ground, went down and ran away; the eagle asked his sister Saumá (a female forest demon, crazy) catch N.; she put T. in her bag, N. started playing with her, so twice; the third time she carried the bag, but put it down and walked away; N. tore the bag and ran away]: 194-201; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2 ), No. 7 [Kashindúkua was the brother of Noána-sé, Búnkua-sé and Ambuambu; they were all born by the Mother; he was a great healer; he removed black cockroaches (these are diseases) from a sore spot and ate them; Mother gave him a blue stone (= a jaguar testicle); when he took it in his mouth and put on a mask, he turned into a jaguar; once he did it in front of a woman; she seemed like a pineapple, he ate it (note 89: informants added that K. ate anus); began to do so intentionally; B. killed him many times by touching him with a stick to extract lime from the vascular, then revived him; K.'s people followed him they became jaguars at night, others were killed; B. made a tree trap; at night she appeared to be a woman, but crushed K.; he was shot with arrows, he promised that his every suffering would become a human disease; his head and claws were cut off, hidden in a cave; at the end of the world he will come out of there and kill everyone; K. is good, he is our father, because the Kogi are the Jaguar People, and he is the Father of the Jaguar; we ask him permission to live on this on the ground; for him we dance with masks of wind, water and earth], 10 [Teimú is the mistress of the fish; Andu started fishing with T.; noticed that she was eating vulva fish; climbed one of the four that grew up there trees; T. began to ask the fish where A. was; they were silent, but the catfish looked at the top of the tree; T. called various rodents to cut down the tree; they could not gnaw through the trunk; she gnaws on the trunk with her vagina, gives animals two teeth from their vaginal teeth, since then rodents have two large teeth; the tree fell, A. moved to another, and T. ate cockroaches and other insects falling off the tree, thinking it was T .; T. opened her stomach, the cockroaches replied that she did not eat A.; so with three trees; A. asks Vulture for help, replies that he did not call him smelly; Vulture puts him on his back, carries him away; tells you not to look down when villages are dancing and playing musical instruments; for the third time A. watches Vulture's wing breaks, they fall; A. repairs his wing with his digger inserted; they fly more], 10A [Teimú (male character) has teeth in the anus; Nyiueldue goes fishing with T., hides in a tree; further as in (10); T. finds N.; fights Vulture]: 43-46, 53-55, 55.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 9 [old woman eats fish with vagina; son-in-law creates piranhas, they eat old woman], 10 [Kuwei is trapped by Kwemeini (it's a snake); became a turtle; Kv. carried her, she falls out all the time; told his daughter to bring the prey; Ku. became a young man, then a tick, the daughter hid it in her genitals; when Kv's wife. Tsikiririwa eats with her mouth, food goes down when her vagina goes up; seagulls brought a vessel of fish food, Kv. eats at night; Tsamani people threw what was left into the river, so the fish appeared; Q. and his wife were killed Brother Koo, who came in the form of agouti; a piece of Dali Kv., who made him male and female eagles; began to train; created leaf-cutter ants to lure Kv. out of the cave, the eagles took him to a flat rock to get him No more people]: 60-61, 61-63.

Guiana. Taulipan [when Makunaima was a boy, his older brothers warned him not to look at women's genitals; he only wanted to; walking through the woods he saw a vulva on a branch dry tree; turned into a monkey, a koati, a snake, a lizard to climb and take a closer look; reached the vulva only as an ant; she swallowed it; the brothers noticed a thick vulva on the tree, cut it down tree, released M.]: Pereira 1980 (1): 73.

NW Amazon. Yukuna: Jacopins 1981:74 [a man falls into a hollow tree trunk; asks a woman Aguchi to release him, promises to lie down with her; she cuts a hole with an ax; they lie down with a jack; at night she bites him with his anus; in the morning he sends her to his garden for cassava; his wife scolds and chases agouti, but gives cassava when she appears as a woman], 88 [in the underworld The month warns the hero do not go to bed with women who sleep near the entrance to the community house; he lies down, the old woman's vagina swallows it; the Month pulls him out].

Montagna - Jurua. See motive F10. Marubo.

Chaco. Maca: Chase-Sardi 1970 [aquatic women live under rivers in the lower world; at first only men lived on earth; during the flood they escaped to the mountain, but the animals drowned; they began to fish, but caught women with nets; one person met a water woman, a piranha in her bosom bit off his penis; men invited women to dance all night, piranhas fell out, then aquatic women can to converge]: 243; Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2 [fisherman (this is a red-legged sania bird; probably Cariama cristata) noticed a necklace in the lake; the next day he caught fish, left it, someone stole it; watched and saw women coming out of the water eating fish with their mouths and vagina; women were accompanied by perfume whistling; Iguana waited and grabbed the woman, lost his penis, but he had two; several men were waiting for women, the Month let its long penis go, it was bitten off; the Sun's penis was also bitten off; the Hawk told the women to dance, the penises fell out of the vaginas, he attached them back to the men; only Months disappeared, but it was so long that the Month was not upset; then big piranhas fell out; the little ones remained, their bites cause monthly bleeding; the female genitals smell piranhas], 3 [caught and fish baked by men goes missing; the red-legged chunga (Cariama cristata) hid, saw women coming out of the water eat fish with their mouths and vagina; each said that the one who caught the fish would be hers husband; Chunga laughed, the women disappeared into the lake; the men caught the women, the Month copulated, his penis bit off; the Hawk ordered to dance, the big piranhas fell out of their vaginas, the little ones stayed, they they cause menstruation; left without a penis, Month did not want to borrow a penis from Iguana (he had two), but rose to heaven; Hawk was the first to copulate, followed by the rest; the river began to rise; the water stopped when men let the women go back]: 19-21, 22-25; matako; toba.