Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L65A. Cannibal sister, ATU 315A.

.13.14.17. (.21.) .23.26.-.40.

A daughter is born, or people find a girl; she is a monster or turns into a monster, devours everyone. Her brother escapes (usually leaves, marries, returns), she stalks him unsuccessfully.

Nubians, Berbers of Morocco, Kabila, Tunisia, Arabs of Egypt, Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, Yemen, (Amdo Tibetans), Kannada, Koreans, Croats, Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Russians in Ukraine (Kalmyks), Abkhazians, Abazins, Karachays, Stavropol Turkmens, Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars, Lezgins, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Turks, Lurs, Persians, Baluchis, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks, Bukhara Arabs, Uzbeks, Pashais, Eastern Sami, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Dungans, Chelkans, Altaians, Khakas, Mongols, Dagurs, (Mongors), Eastern Khanty, Kets, Central (?) Yakuts, Sym and Yerbogachen Evenks, Nanais, Japanese, North Ryukyu, Tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Aleuts (Unalashka).

Sudan - East Africa. Nubians: von Massenbach, No. 30 in El-Shamy 2004, No. 315a: 142-143.

North Africa. Moroccan Berbers [childless spouses asked God to send them a child; a daughter was born; at night she turned into a cannibal, ate a camel, then returned to the cradle; one day a mother saw how her baby girl spit out a camel, but very young; the father did not believe that the daughter was a cannibal; but stayed overnight to spy; heard how, after eating a camel, the cannibal promised to eat her parents as well; they They advised her to leave her daughter in the desert and see what would happen; she ate shepherds, sheep, parents, then went to other places, eating cattle and people everywhere; the cannibal's father's nephew went to kill her; dropped the cake, someone resembling a hound appeared, asked him to give him all the cakes; carried him far away with the horse; the young man was accused of stealing grapes, he turned those people into chickens; returned to his native village; there is only a sister, she ate everyone; she wants to eat the horse first and then the young man; the horse fights back; while he went to the tower, the young man sat on his horse and rode away; the flame burned the tower with the cannibal; the horse told him let go: he is the leader of the spirits; the young man did not agree; then the horse lowered the whole village underground; this place is now a spring that makes people blind]: Stumme 1895, No. 8:92-98; Tunisia [a woman has seven sons and daughter; the daughter is very thin, does not want to eat anything; the woman went to the doctor, who said that in order to cure the girl, she must give the liver of a young child; the woman saw a baby coming back from kuttab, started playing with him, called him home for sweets, turned into a predatory beast, fed her daughter's child's liver; she ate a herd of sheep, then her father, brothers one by one to others, then his mother; his youngest brother ran away from home on a horse, his sister chased him, he climbed a tree, she ate his horse and began to climb a tree; the boy had two sparrows, he called them, they flew in and picked it up, and the sister rushed at the boy and fell down; he went down and beat her with a stick]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 81 in Korovkina MS; Egyptian Arabs, Kabila: El-Shamy 2004, No. 315a: 142-143.

Western Asia. Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 315a: 142-143; Palestinians [the couple has three sons, the wife asks God to give a daughter, even if they are guli; gives birth girl; every night a sheep disappears; brothers take turns guarding, falling asleep, the younger one sees his sister devouring a sheep; parents do not believe, the young man leaves, lives with an old woman, helps the lioness to be born, she gives he has two lion cubs; he decides to visit his native places, where his cannibal sister ate everyone, chases the last crooked rooster; eats away the horse's leg, his brother replies that he came on a three-legged horse, then two-legged, on foot; he is going to eat his brother, he asks him to bathe, he ties the rope from his belt to the stone, runs away, climbs a palm tree, she saws it with his hand, he calls his lions, they tear the cannibal apart; the merchants ask them to guess what they are taking, otherwise they will take the lions; the sister's blood screams that they are carrying sumac, the young man takes the lions given back]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 8:93-98; Syria [like the Palestinians, Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 7]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:334; Yemen [The Sultan has many children; one son and one daughter have already grown up; the daughter leaves the palace at night, devours babies, then returns; people followed her, said to the Sultan's son, who was convinced of the veracity of the story, said to his father, but the Sultan drove his son away; he rode to a country where the Sultan has seven daughters; Afrit has closed the water, gives out every year only in exchange for the Sultan's daughters; he has already eaten four; the young man stays with a poor old woman; comes to the mouth of the wadi, sees how another girl in clothes was brought brides; hides behind a rock; Afrite puts his sword on the ground, the young man grabs it, cuts off Afrita's head (Afrit can only be killed with his own weapon); he asks to hit again, the young man refuses; the palace believes in saving a girl after seeing that the wadi is full of water; a feast; a young man is found with a poor old woman, the sultan marries him to his rescued daughter; the young man decides to travel; enters the castle; there are two girls hanged by the hair; the third explains that Afritis will appear, fall asleep on her lap; you have to wait until he releases gases with a terrible rumble means he sleeps deeply; killing Afrit with his own sword at once ; a young man kills an Afrit, frees the hanged, calls the girls sisters; each gives him a magical object: a needle (will become a mountain), a salt crystal (a salt mountain), a cage with two pigeons (if with a young man trouble, they will rush, turn into winged horses, come to the rescue); the young man returns to his wife, leaves her a cage with pigeons, admits that he is the son of the Sultan, goes to visit his native places; there, the werewolf sister ate everyone; says they are dead; goes to the stall, eats her brother's horse, he runs himself, throws a needle (mountain), salt (salt mountain), but the sister overcame them; just as the sun went down, at home near the young man's wives were worried, she released them, the horses flew in, the young man sat on one, the second ran behind, the young man returned to his wife]: Daum 1992, No. 4:38-55.

Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Amdo Tibetans [the king has two wives, one is childless, hates a son and a daughter, the other; pretends to be ill, asks her to eat the hearts of the children; the servant tells his brother and sister to run, brings dogs hearts; brother almost died of thirst, sister left him with the old woman, she sold him to the traveler; he turned out to be kind and rich, his sister came to him; brother and sister grew up, brother came to his father, he was barely alive; 9- the head monster (it was his wife) sucks his blood; the young man cuts off 8 heads, sets fire to the forest, the monster runs, burns]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:254-255).

South Asia. Kannada [a seventh girl was born in the family of an oil merchant; at night she turned into a monster, walked around the city, ate people; brother saw, they did not believe him, he left; in one city they offered jump through a hole; the young man succeeded, he got a wife; got a lion cub with a tiger cub; decided to visit his native places; told his wife to release his animals if they showed signs of anxiety; young man I came home, not a soul there, my sister ate everyone; left him in the kitchen, and she goes out, eats one leg of his horse and, when he returns, asks if he came on three-, two-, one-, legless horse; he every time says yes; while she was eating her torso, the young man ran away, climbed the tree; the sister released the animals and they tore the monster; the young man returned to his wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 7:27.

China - Korea. Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 101.1 [a daughter was born in a wealthy family; when she is six years old, a cow dies every night; three brothers consistently remain guarded; the older, the middle tell father that his daughter eats the liver of cows; the father does not believe them, drives them out of the house; the younger brother lies as if nothing happened, stays with the father; two older brothers receive magic bottles from a Buddhist priest, they return home; the sister has already eaten everyone there; turns into a fox, rushes at the brothers; they run, throw a white bottle, thorny thickets appear; the red is the sea of fire; the blue one is the sea, the fox is drowning in it (=Z& #335; ng 1952, No. 74:171-174; =Cho 2001, No. 90:153-156); Var.: A rich man asks God for a second child, even a girl or a fox; brother returns after a year of absence; when his sister is going to eat it, he puts her on a donkey, promises to show something, leads her to people; she was beaten, she became a fox, she died], 101.2 [the couple has three sons, parents want another daughter; 10 years after the girl was born, people in the house one by one they die of anemia; the last brother left watches over his sister; throws her into a pile of burning straw; she became a fox, burned down, the ash became mosquitoes; therefore, mosquitoes are afraid of burning grass]: 28-29, 29; Park 1991 [a rich man asks to send him a daughter in temples; when she is five years old, cows begin to die; a rich man sends shepherds to guard, everyone sees a girl pulling out, eating the liver of cows; a rich man does not believe executes shepherds; sends a son, does not believe, drives them away; the daughter has eaten everyone; the brother receives red, white, blue bottles in the monastery, returns home; asks her sister to pick onions, she, when she leaves, ties him with a thread, he bandages to a pole, jumps away; throws bottles (fire; needles; sea); sister drowned]: 210-212.

The Balkans. Croats: Uther 2004 (1), No. 315a: 203; Bulgarians [a woman who used to have only sons or is childless asks God to give her a daughter, even a lamia (vampire, plague); gives birth to a daughter, she is a lamia, eats horses; the younger brother, when he herds horses, injures them (cuts off his finger); leaves home, gets helper dogs along the way, lives in another village; decides to visit his native village; there the lamia ate everyone; the sister consistently eats the horse's legs, asks her brother if he came on a three-, two-, one-legged horse; The mouse answers his sister instead of his brother (hits the drum, sings); running away, the hero consistently climbs on three trees (poplars, oaks, they were planted by him); when his sister had almost gnawed through the trunk of a third tree, the hero's wife, after learning from the behavior of dogs or by another sign that her husband was in trouble and was releasing dogs, they they tear a lamia]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 315a: 117-118; Albanians [the king has three sons, his wife is dead, he took another, she gave birth to a daughter, she is Kutschedra (werewolf); someone steals apples; elder , the middle sons fall asleep, the youngest cuts off his little finger, does not sleep, wounds K. with an arrow in the chest; the daughter complains to her mother, the king orders the execution of his youngest son; the hangman lets him go, teaching him magic words, brings a bloody sword to the king; the young man runs, meets K. again, climbs the poplar; K. knocks him down, then the second; when the young man climbs the third, he remembers the words taught by the hangman; two dogs came running and killed K.] : Lambertz 1952:49-55; Greeks: Civian 1973 [9 brothers have a striga sister; her dangerous properties are exposed by her younger brother; brothers flee from her, sometimes running away and only escaping younger, striga kills the rest; after a while, the younger brother returns home and kills his sister; in some cases he fails to kill her, he barely escapes with the help of wonderful helpers ]: 96; Paton 1900, No. 12 [a woman has a son and daughter, a daughter gives birth to a girl; at night a monster devours cattle; a young man shoots his little finger, in the morning a baby girl cries, her little finger is torn off; the young man demands sisters to kill the monster, she refuses; he takes the mother, leaves; they stop in the cannibal's cave; he agrees with the young man's mother to kill him; the mother pretends to be sick, asks for her 1) milk cannibal doe, 2) the melon of life, 3) the water of life; each time the fairy helps to get what she is looking for, replaces horse urine, plain melon, plain water; the sister asks what her brother's life is like; he replies that a broom, in a joint (she adorns them); in golden hair on his head; she pulls out her hair, she and the cannibal eat it; the fairy sends two young doe cubs (they are described as dogs) brought in to bring all the bones eaten; first the little finger is missing, then it is found; revives with milk, melon, water of immortality; the young man kills the cannibal and mother; comes to his sister, she ate everyone, tells him to ring in the bell while the water is boiling; the mouse rings instead, it runs away; climbs three trees that grew from the nuts given by the fairy; the deer cubs come running, eating the monster; the young man marries a fairy]: 340-344.

Central Europe. Ukrainians, Russians in Ukraine [Witch and Sun Sister. Ivan Tsarevich nem; when he reaches the age of 12, the groom tells him that his parents had a daughter who will eat everyone; advises him to ask his father for the best horse to ride and leave; on the way I. meets characters who say that they have a little left to live, that they will die when they finish their work; two old seamstresses will break the chest of needles and sew a chest of thread; Vertodub will pull out all the oaks; Vertogor - all the mountains; Solntseva's sister accepts I. as a son; from the mountain he sees his house, there is desolation; Solntseva's sister sends him, giving him a brush, a comb, two youthful apples; he throws a brush, mountains grow, Vertogor is happy; comb - oaks; gives apples to seamstresses - they get younger, give I. khustochka {?} ; at home, the sister asks me to play the harp; The mouse says that she went to sharpen her teeth, tells her to run, she stays running along the strings; I. waves the khustochka - the lake; Heltodub throws oaks in the way of cannibal oaks, Vertogor - mountains; I., Sun, open the window; jumps into the house on horseback; witch: Whoever weighs on the scales will eat it; when he steps on the scales, Ivana throws him to heaven; the witch remains on land]: Afanasiev 1985 (1), No. 93:110-112 (1958:136-138); (cf. Ukrainians [a person is haunted by Death, he goes to the wolf; then to the pannochki; they answer that they will live until they break all the needles in the baskets; comes by the Month, he replies that when a month is not the sky is getting old, and when he is young, he is young; a person lives by the Month for a hundred years; Death comes, demands a person, the Month invites her to take a person by the legs, and he will take her by the head where he will fly, that's what he will get; the man flew up, became a star for about a month]: Afanasiev 1994 (3): 271-272).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. (Wed. Kalmyks [shulmus kill a girl, one shulma takes her form; Khan Umke shot a duck, sent servants for her; they do not return; senior adviser: there is a girl in a kibitka who can't take your eyes off; Khan married her; she pretends to be sick, asks her hearts and kidneys to feed her children from her first wife, son Ayu-Chikte and daughter Avha Tsetsen; Khan sends a servant to kill children; the deceased mother in the guise of a cloud threatens that the murderer will die in agony; the servant brings the hearts and kidneys of dogs; Shulma says she has recovered; the children come back, everything repeats itself; this time the children come to their maternal grandfather; grow up there, the young man gets married; AH goes to visit her native places; the sister tells her grandfather to take the metz and bow; the black bird attacks, the AchN cuts off her paw; the copper-billed witch with her foot severed clings, he wounds her neck with a sword; at home he sees hooks with human hearts and kidneys; only his father is alive; the witch feeds him human, then sucks blood; AH killed her, threw her into the cauldron, she flew out as a bird, he pierced her with an arrow, ashes scattered; transports his wife, sister and people to their native places]: Vatagin 1964:160-167); Karachays: Aleinikov 1883, No. 5 [the prince had a daughter Jelmouth; on the very first night a bucket of water disappeared and calf, all the cattle gradually disappeared; one of her brothers, Kyyynly (Goremyk), went to the Black Sea coast; found puppies in the caught fish and raised them; when he went home, he found only a sister and a blacksmith there; sister tears off one leg from his brother's horse, then the other, etc.; the mouse advises K. to run while J. sharpens his steel teeth; the mouse points J. three times in the other direction, the fourth time she runs on the right track; K. calls on their dogs, they tear J. apart, the head remains; one dog grabs its head by the hair, the other by the lower jaw, the head rises with them to the moon; once a year, dogs fall asleep, their heads devour moon, an eclipse occurs; at this time people are making noise to wake dogs]: 157-162 (=Jurtubayev 1991:78-79; =2007:372-375; briefly similar text in Potanin 1883:775-776); Dzhurtubayev 2007:367-370 [after eight sons are born a daughter; the youngest son demands to kill her, when refused, leaves; grazes the cattle of the elderly, wins and kills the five-headed emegen, then the emegensha, having received from her previously stored in mercury her parents' eyes; she goes to visit relatives; only a sister in the village, she goes out to sharpen her teeth, her brother runs, throws a whetstone (rock, sister gnaws), a knife (an iron rock, gnaws), an awl ( ironwood); the young man hides at the top; the crows refuse to convey the message to adoptive parents, the pigeons pass it on; dogs come running, the sister takes off, the dogs behind her; the yellowmouth girl is the reason eclipses of the moon and sun (dogs protect the stars)], 370-371 [the son, seeing his newborn sister, tells her to be killed, parents refuse, he leaves; helps the female leopard to be born, she gives him one the cub, the second one he takes himself; they leave him a hair by the hair; he comes to his native village, where the blacksmith says that the young man's sister ate everyone; the sister consistently eats the horse's legs, each time asks how many legs the horse had; the brother confirms that three, two, one; the sister tells me to knock on the pelvis, she goes to sharpen her teeth; the mouse starts to knock, gives an awl, a comb, a mirror, tells me to run; objects turn into a bone castle, an iron fence; sister catches up; brother burns hairs, leopards come running, cling to her jaws; a girl rises into the sky, pounces on the sun and moon, leopards interfere with her swallow them]; Balkarians (c.1965) [The man has an adult son, then a daughter was born; when he saw her, the son asked his parents to destroy her, but they asked him to clean up himself; he helped the tiger; she gave him one tiger cub and the other he himself stole; when they grew up, they let them call them by a hair if necessary; the boy came to his native village, there was only one blacksmith; the dragon left him alive to sharpen her teeth; the dragon sister consistently gnaws off her brother's horse's legs and each time asks how many legs the horse he was riding had (three, two, one); gave a pelvis and told her brother to knock on it until she returned; the mouse tells him to run, taking an awl, a comb and a mirror, remains to hit the pelvis; the guy throws a mirror (sea), a comb (bone tower), an awl (iron fence); if the sister catches up again, ask permission to do two parts of the prayer; before praying, the guy burned her hairs; tigers rushed, tore the girl, but could not tear her cheek off; the dragon girl flew to heaven with the hunters; she wants to eat the moon and the sun, but hunters (i.e. tigers) interfere (eclipses of the stars)]: Malkonduev 2017:125-127; Stavropol Turkmens [the tsar has three sons with his first wife; she died, he remarried; the new one gave birth to a daughter; in a herd mares disappear at night; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest comes and cooks dinner; an old woman comes, then leaves; disappears under a rock; the young man goes down there; 40 robbers sleep there; a young man hit one with his boot, hid; then said that he was the son of a thief and wanted to steal with them; promised to get the king's three daughters; killed the guard, went to the princesses; each had a sword; he hit his own, the first two cut, hitting the youngest's sword crumbled; the young man took this sword; called the robbers and killed each one at a time, strung his ears on a string; killed the old woman, taking the keys to the pantry; shot black a cloud, a shot child's finger fell to the ground; at home, the queen says that her daughter's finger was cut off; the young man gave his finger and found it in the steppe; the king (the one who is the father of three princesses) convenes people, looking for a hero, only a sword the young man went to the sheath; three princesses were presented as three princes; the stepmother ordered the youngest to be driven away; he came to the tree; the snake crawls to the eagle's nest, he killed her; for this, the eagle gave him two eagles out of three; the young man went on, took the splinter out of the lioness's paw, who gave him two out of six lion cubs; left the lion cubs and eagles to guard the horse, put on lamb skins and tripe himself, went to town; the youngest of the three the king's daughters understood that it was a prince; invited the sisters to send three apples to the king: green, half-ripe, ripe; the king ordered all men to walk outside the window, let each daughter throw an apple at the one for whom wants to marry; the elders threw viziers at the sons, the youngest in an imaginary beggar; the king lodged them at the stable; the king is sick, he needs chicken meat; the imaginary beggar in his true form, with the help of his lions and eagles, obtained kulana, gave the meat to his older sons-in-law, who allowed them to be stigmatized on the sacrums; what his older sons-in-law had brought to the king became worse; and from the kulan guts cooked by his youngest daughter, he recovered; at a feast The prince truly said that two slaves had run away from him, his older sons-in-law had to show stamps; the prince gave slaves to the king; everything was clarified; the prince decided to visit his home; let the eagles go, but the lions said they would still be useful, stayed with the prince's wife; the city is intact at home, there are no people; the werewolf sister has a thin father, stepmother, brothers and wives in her hut; the sister consistently asks if he has come a brother on horseback with three, two, one legs, whether he came on foot; tells me to play the balalaika; the fox volunteered to play for him, and let him hang his boots, which can be seen from the kitchen, as if he were still sitting; the sister is chasing, the prince turned three arrows into trees, climbed the first one, his sister gnawed, it fell, the prince moved to the second, then to the third; the lions feel something, their wife released them, they they tore up the cannibal; brought a lot of cattle; at home, the prince handed over power to his elder brother; he himself began to live with two wives (it is not said how he married the first one)]: A.K. 1875, No. 1:1-13; Ossetians: Bagriy 1930 (2) : 191-193 [(zap. A.N. Gren, from materials from L.G. Lopatinsky); the old woman's three sons went to work; a daughter was born, she grew fangs, ate her parents; found two older brothers, offered to herd cattle for them, ate them themselves; the youngest quietly got out from under the burka, ran away; the shepherd hid him; he began to herd the herd, drove him into the gorge, killed the hero who attacked him; the same in two more gorges, took three huge dogs; came to his father's house; his sister began to treat him, ate half of his horse, asks why he came on half a horse; the mouse tells him to run, promises to play the harmonica himself; his brother hid in a tree, whistled, his dogs tore his sister apart]; Miller 1882 [seven brothers mowed, at which time their mother gave birth to a fanged girl; she immediately followed her mother to her brothers; the youngest saw that she ate the floor- horses, left; met a girl in the tower, began to live with her; went to visit her family; the wife brings with her a comb, coal, a whetstone; the sister greets her brother, gives a fandyr (string instrument), goes to sharpen her fangs; the mouse tells you to run through the back window, runs along the strings of the fandyr; the sister returns, swallows the mouse many times, it jumps out from behind her; the brother throws objects, they turn into a bush, a forest, a mountain; the sister gnaws through the road; the brother runs to the tower, the wife gives him a hand and the sister grabs from below; the women agree that each should own the young man for two weeks; it has become the Month; when in her sister's hands, she gradually eats it, and his wife feeds him again]: 297-299; Abkhazians: Bgazhba 1983 [the prince has three sons; he begged God for a daughter; he shot off a finger to the wolf, the daughter is crying at home, he put his finger to her hand, she was a werewolf; her sister chased her younger brother; the woodpecker complained that the tree would soon fall, he would have no place to eat for the children; the young man made the rotten tree young, hard; the witch Arupap sent him along the way, he came to the moon, got married; went to look for parents and brothers, Luna gave a ring; everything is desolated at home, only his sister lives; consistently eats the horse's legs, goes to the blacksmith sharpen his teeth; the rat tells the young man to run; the woodpecker, A. send the witch along the wrong path, but she catches up again; the young man throws the ring to his wife in heaven; dogs rush at the witch, the young man climbs to his wife on the moon path; a witch tears her brother's leg to his knee; a one-legged man is visible on the moon]: 33-35 (=2002:39-41); Ochiauri, Surguladze 1980 [Amra's sun is a beautiful woman, her husband is Amza, he is haunted by his sister- the devil; having caught up, begins to eat; at this moment Amza appears, pulls in his direction, the sister in her own direction; the deity resolves the dispute between them: for 15 days he gives Amza to his sister, who during this period is almost entirely devours the moon, and Amre for 15 days]: 604; Chursin 1956:149-150 [A. Joakimov, 1874, No. 54; the family has three brothers; a daughter was born; on the same day she took her younger brother to the cloud, but he cut off her finger and escaped; after getting married, the sister ate her husband; the younger brother came to visit; sister ate his horse's leg, the other, third, the whole horse; tied her brother in a leather wineskin, went to sharpen her teeth; the rats gnawed at his wineskin, his brother ran away; threw a handful of wheat (forest), salt (sea) behind; sister she snuck in, swam across, grabbed her brother at the house, and her brother's wife began to pull him towards her; they decided that the sister would eat Brother of the Month, and the wife would fatten him], 150 [N. Janashia; 7 rich brothers wanted a sister, she was born, cattle began to disappear; younger Amzu (Month) offers to kill her, others disagree; he leaves, marries Sun-Amra; comes to visit his brothers ; there was only one sister, his horse ate him, went to sharpen her teeth; brother ran, Amra was pulling towards him, sister to herself; God gave the Month for 15 days to the Sun Wife, and the devil's sister for the other 15 days], 150-151 [ Gudauta County; two single brothers, the third eldest is married; sees an invisible force carrying a ram from the sky every day; the middle one shoots, a bloody finger falls from the cloud; at home the older brother's daughter's finger in the cradle is torn off; the brother put a finger on her, he has grown up; the brothers are gone, the youngest is the last; asks the woodpecker to detain the witch; he replies that he needs to get food; the brother hits the tree , it becomes young; Baba Yaga tells you to go straight, he comes to the Maiden Moon; lives with her; goes to look for brothers, the Moon gives a ring; at home niece (var.: sister); eats one, two, third, fourth the horse's leg, the whole horse; puts the young man in a wineskin, goes to sharpen his teeth; he runs away; woodpecker, Baba Yaga help; he throws a ring to the moon, dogs rush at the witch; she manages to tear off his leg; on the moon he can see a man with a leg torn off below the knee], 151-153 [Gudauta County; the prince's 7 sons want a sister; a girl was born; at night the wolf took the lamb, the 4th brother cut off his finger on his hind leg; saw that he was lying a finger is cut off in the girl's cradle; leaves home; got married; went to visit her homeland; father-in-law ordered to take a boxwood branch, walnuts, coal; the husband gave his wife a ring; only her sister is at home, she eats consistently the horse's legs, the whole horse; went to sharpen his teeth; the rat began to play the violin; the brother throws a branch (forest), coal (mud), a nut (wood); the brother hides at the top; the witch gnaws on a tree; the wife looks at the ring, releases dogs, they tore the witch; the man stepped on her tooth, died; the Raven pecked his eyes; God gave the Hawk powder, he sprinkled it, the dead rose]; Abaza [after seven sons, a daughter is born; the younger brother is not happy, he is driven away; the girl eats cattle and people, when the younger brother returns, goes to sharpen his teeth; the younger woman gives a mirror, a comb, a thimble, tells them to learn the names of their dogs; Mouse tells him to run, he just has to pull the strings of the Pyartsa so that his sister thinks he is here; his sister devours the mouse, chases his brother; he throws objects, they turn into an ice field, a forest, an iron a pole to the moon; he rises to the moon, calls the dogs, they eat the stalker, the head remains; during eclipses, he tries to eat his brother on the moon; people shoot, wake up dogs to save the moon, dogs drive their heads away]: Tugov 1985, No. 36:91-93; Ingush: Malsagov 1983, No. 45 [=Tankieva 2003:209-211; after her husband's death, a woman gives birth to a toothy girl; she eats cattle; her mother refuses her kill; her brother takes her to the forest; later comes to visit; she looks like a scary cat; she consistently eats away the horse's legs, her brother agrees that he came in a three-legged, etc., legless, half; cat gives a comb, a jug of oil, three needles; the brother runs, throws objects, thickets appear, a sea of oil, three cast-iron poles; when the din gnaws on the third pole, the mother releases her son's hounds, they kill the din; mother believed that her son was alive and returned only when he put his finger into the crack; "danced on the surface of the porridge without leaving a mouse mark"], 138 [the family has seven sons; everyone wants a girl; after birth girls lose apples; the thief is wounded in the finger; everyone is checked, the girl's finger is injured, the mother asks her not to kill; then the younger brother leaves; returning after many years, finds an empty village; an ant says that the girl ate everyone, tells them not to agree to eat, ask her to bring a sieve of water; the sister eats her brother's horse's legs one by one, each time asks how many legs the horse had; brother replies that three, two, one, that the horse crawled; that he came on foot without a horse; while his sister carries water, the ant tells me to take a comb, vitriol, coal; the brother runs; the crest turns into a forest, vitriol in vitriol field, coal in the black mist; brother asks the Month to save him; The month picks him up, the witch manages to tear off one leg of the horse; the month and brother are now together]: 181-183, 297-299; Avars [wife gives birth a son; after her death, the second gives birth to a daughter; she carries food to her brother in the pasture, eats everything herself; her brother sees her swallowing a sheep; asks her parents to drive this hart away, he is driven away; he lives with old people, whom Ajdaha blinded; kills Azhdaha, pulls two little ones out of his womb, brings up, calls Tavus and Havus; comes to his native village; his sister tears off his horse's leg, asks why his brother came to three-legged; so all her legs; after eating a horse, chasing his brother, T. and H. tore her apart]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 205-207; Lezgins [the Shah has three sons with his first wife, she died, the second gave birth to a daughter; someone eats away the horse's legs; the eldest, middle sons are guarding, they do not notice anything; the youngest cut his finger, sprinkled salt, shot the monster's finger, it turned out to be his sister's finger; the shah decided to kill the daughter, the sons did not agree, they leave; the eldest rides along the road "from which they return", the middle one - "I don't know", the youngest - "don't return"; changes his rich clothes for a lion cub; kills one-, two, seven-headed azhdakh, freeing three princesses, promises to pick them up on the way back; comes to the mother of seven Azhdah, makes friends with them; they want to get a golden cockerel and a golden sieve, get a girl for them; the young man goes to them to extract; the Azhdaha brothers give a fat tail, carpet, cotton wool; the young man gave the lion tail, sent it back; laid the carpet on the bridge, which goes down and rises; cotton wool on thorns; he jumped over the interpreting mountains on horseback, only the hair from the horse's tail was cut off; in that country there were only women; a young man stole a cockerel and a sieve, came back, took three princesses, found brothers; they pushed him into a well; the merchant pulled him out; the queen of women the kingdom came to the brothers, they said that they had obtained a cockerel and a sieve, she killed them; found a young man, made sure that he had obtained the items, became his wife; the young man was going to visit his father, there was only his sister; asked Did the brother come on horseback about three, two, one horse, on the horse's carcass; she had already eaten them all; the brother became a dove, the sister became a fox, the dove sat on a tree, noticed a lion cub, he tore the fox to pieces; the dove became a young man, noticed a leaf with a drop of his sister's blood, the leaf became a beetle, the young man threw the beetle to the chicken, she ate it; the young man returned to his wife; feast]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 31:301-304; Georgians [a daughter is born after a son, she has two teeth; brother watched the sister get up, devour cattle; warns the mother; she does not want to kill her daughter; the brother leaves, gets to the one-eyed maiden; at night the ram orders to dazzle the deva with a hot skewer, slaughter sheep, pull on her skin; dev lets the sheep between his legs, the young man goes out; the devil promises to adopt him; tells not to herd on the mountain of the black maiden; the young man kills the one, his dev is grateful; the same with the red devo; with an eagle; she asks to give birth to her; the young man hides the male; the eagle gives him both eagles; the young man comes home, sees his sister holding the heads of his parents in her hands; she gnaws off the horse's legs one by one brother, he agrees that he came in three-, two-, one-, legless, came on foot; the sister goes to sharpen his teeth; the mouse wakes up his brother, talks about danger; he leaves a stone in bed, a bag of ash above him, climbs the poplar; the sister cleans her eyes of ash, gnaws on the poplar; the fox offers to throw off the young man, touches the poplar with a branch, the gnawed one overgrows; the same is with the Bear; the young man calls the eagles, they eat the cannibal; three drops of blood fall on the leaf, the leaf says that the young man will regret taking it and regret not taking it; the young man hides it in his bosom, his side dries up; merchants offer to guess what they have in chests; the young man does not guess, he must give his eagles; the sheet says that in one cotton wool, the other is beautiful; the young man catches up with merchants, gets chests and eagles, marries a beauty]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 46:182-187; Megrels [a girl was born, turned out to be a giantess Mdevi, devoured her parent's cows; the elder, middle brothers were guarding, did not notice anything; the youngest shot; the girl in the cradle from his right hand bleed; the parents drove their son away; M. ate everyone; the youngest went home, taking three dogs; they fell behind, the brother gave his sister a horse to eat; then got drunk, her sister fell asleep, her dogs bitten to death; brother shot, sister came to life; so twice; third time did not shoot, sister did not live, brother stayed at home]: Mashurko 1894:392-393 (retelling to Chursin 1956:154); Armenians [in the family son, daughter was born; dough disappears; brother watches, sees how the baby got out of the crib, swallowed the dough, came back; parents refused to kill their daughter; brother left, saw a herd of sheep, his blind husband and wife; for several days the young man slowly feeds on milk; they notice that milk is disappearing; the young man confesses that he stays with these people; they do not tell them to drive sheep east and west; in the west they live the devils that dazzled them, and in the east a cannibal lioness; the young man goes to hell, splits a log, offers to stick his hand, knocks out a wedge; demands that the devils return their eyes and teach them how to insert them; then kills all of them; lioness: if I face one lion cub, you can pass, or if more, I'll kill them; the young man hides two lion cubs in a bag, raises them like dogs; the lioness believes that she gave birth to only one; the young man decides to go see native places, leaves a saucer of milk: if it turns black, it's in trouble; the house is empty, one sister; says she will go cook, eats the horse, asks if the brother came on foot; he says yes; she leaves again; rooster: she went to sharpen her teeth; brother runs away leaving a sandbag; sister thinks that her brother is in a bag, bites her, sand in her eyes; brother climbs on a plum that has grown from a bone that has grown from a bone that he left home when he left home when he was young; his sister chews on the trunk, the brother moved to the second plum; the milk turned black, the Zangi and Zrangi lions were lowered, they ran, tore the cannibal; the young man took the lions, returned to old people]: Gardner 1944:165-168 (=Ioannisian 1968:78-84); Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 148 [after birth, a poor daughter eats a donkey, then eats people; brother runs away with his fiancée, is hired as a servant, the owner gives him a daughter; the young man asks for wives (?) release the red horse if the salt becomes water and the water becomes blood; the cannibal sister catches up with her brother, who climbs five cherry trees, the sister knocks them down one by one; at the last moment, the red horse comes running, killing a cannibal]: 161: Stebleva 1986, No. 15 [the poor man has a young son; a daughter is born; immediately eats his father, then his parents; the brother runs, lives well, has two wives; leaving to visit the house, leaves wives have water and salt; if salt turns into water and water into blood, his stallion must be released; the sister greets his brother when she recognizes him by the ring; goes to his horse every day, says that she has three legs, two , one leg; that there is no horse; brother climbs a tree, from him to the other, third; sister gnaws and knocks down trees; water turns into blood, wives release a foal, he lies down the cannibal, kills her; young man returns to wives]: 45-46; Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 9 [the couple has three sons, they want a daughter; they say, even with their heads like a cauldron and teeth like axes; sheep disappear; brothers take turns guarding; elder, the middle one falls asleep, the youngest sees his sister coming out of the cradle; they do not believe him; he leaves, throws date seeds on the way; lives with a shepherd, who does not tell him to herd cattle by the mountain, there are dangerous animals; he regretted Leo, Bear, Tiger, they gave him a cub; he misses home; tells the owner to let the animals down if they regurgitate blood; at home, the sister eats one leg of the horse after the other; the brother replies that he came to A three-, two-legged horse, came on foot; the sister is looking for her brother in his head, is going to bite her off; he asks her to open her mouth, jumps into it; throws a stone roller from the roof to roll clay; runs away, hides on grown date palms, his sister chews one tree after another; he asks for permission to play the flute before she dies; his pets come running at her sounds; she advises cutting off her tongue, put it in his pocket; animals kill her; the owner of the caravan asks what the name of his rod is; if the answer is wrong, he will take the Bear, the Tiger and the Lion; the sister's tongue suggests, the Magic Wand; the young man gets a caravan, lives richly]: 86-90.

Iran - Central Asia. Lura [when the seven brothers were told that their mother had given birth to a girl, they were happy and returned home; and if a boy were born, they would go on a journey; that same night the girl got out of diapers and ate two sheep; thought it was a wolf; six brothers took turns guarding; they did not notice anything, although the demon girl ate a pair of animals every night; the youngest cut his finger and rubbed salt into the wound; saw a gulya, one tooth drank, the other an ax; the young man told his parents about this, they did not believe it and he left home; on the way he picked up two puppies; settled in the city with an old woman, calling her mother; once said he wanted to visit his home; let the old woman let the dogs down if they started howling; there was only one chicken alive in his parents' town; the ghoul sister came to kiss and snatched a piece of meat from her face; bit off a horse's leg: did you come on a three-legged horse? then: on a bipedal? She ate all her legs so much, then swallowed what was left; the young man asked his gulya sister to bring him water; let him bring him in a sieve; the sister left, the young man ran; the crow taught him to cover the holes in the sieve with clay; the sister chased the young man, he climbed onto the plane tree; called the dogs; they ate the gulya, but one drop of blood fell to the ground, became a sparrow, he flew away; the young man got off the plane tree, met the caravan; he offered bet: if he gives the name of the caravan {apparently says that the caravan is lucky}, then the caravan is his; if they name the dogs, they will take them for themselves; the young man did not guess, the caravan said that the dogs were Salan and Dalan took them; a sparrow sister from the sky: the caravan carries resin, indigo and ginger; the young man caught up with the caravan, the caravan had to give both the caravan and the dogs]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 14:67-70; Persians : Osmanov 1987:342-344 [The youngest daughter is born in a large family; the kneaded dough disappears; the mother asks her youngest son to see his sister come out of his diapers; the young man leaves on the way He plants three peaches; the tigress asks him to help give birth, he leaves her one tiger cub, takes two, calls Zangi and Zarangi, lives with an old woman; goes home, tells her foster mother to let the tiger cubs down, if the milk in the jug turns blue; only her sister finds herself at home; she leaves, each time she comes back and asks if his horse had three (then two, one) legs; he replies yes; the Rooster says sister went to sharpen her teeth; tells her to hang her pants full of sand and salt on the edge of the chimney, run; the sister bites her pants, salt and sand fall into her eyes; the brother climbs the peaches he planted, the sister gnaws, the trees they fall one after another; the milk turns blue, the cubs eat the cannibal, the young man tells a drop of blood to fall on a box of cotton; the man tells him to guess what his club is made of, otherwise he will take one of the cubs; the young man hears a voice that is made of a jar-jar tree; the man disappears; there is a snake in the young man's pocket, the cubs eat it; the young man with the cubs return to his foster mother], 345-348 [the healer gives the childless padishah an apple to he ate it with his wife; the wife gives birth to a girl; it turns out that there is also a son who was previously stolen and now returned; the girl has iron teeth; she bites off her mother's nipples, then the cows, then eats the animals and people; the rest are running, among them Shahzade; marries; tells his wife to let down his beloved cat when the water in the basin turns red; on the way he throws date bones, palm trees grow out of them; he finds only at home sister, she rushes after her brother, he hides on a palm tree, she gnaws trunks one by one; the water turns red, the cat bites the monster sister in the brain; shahzade and his wife move to Shahzade's homeland, the city again filled with people]; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 4 [a newborn rips open the bellies of cattle at night; her brother has second eyes on the back of his head, he sees everything, asks to kill her sister, they don't believe him, he leaves; returns, on the way he meets three blind girls sucking milk from three goats; sucks milk, they catch it; he kills buzlangs, brings magic leaves, restores the girls' eyesight; leaves two dogs, tells them to let go if the feeder is covered with rust; a dead city finds him at home, his sister leads his horse to drink, eats up one leg, his brother in fear agrees that he came on a three-legged horse; he the same episode with other legs, head, harness; he asks his sister to bring water with a sieve, his sister tells him to hit the cup; the mouse hits instead of him, he runs away; the sister eats the mouse, chases; he throws one or the other gold hearth supports, the sister hesitates to pick them up; throws an antimony brush, it turns into a tree, he's at the top, she gnaws on the trunk with her teeth; he calls the dogs, they kill his sister, she says The bead in her throat should be crushed; with this powder he revives the dead], 5 [option; the king has three sons, including Lalu four-eyed; sees her sister getting up from the cradle, gutting the camels; to the house three blind girls fall from the sky bread; L. bites off them, drinks goat milk, catches him; he goes to the buzlanga, he whips him, L. pretends to be nice; beats the buzlangi, who dies tells him to crush three beads in his throat, the powder makes the girls' eyes sighted; further as in (4); L. leaves his ash-filled clothes; three hearth supports; L. hides in date trees that have grown from seeds he planted earlier; end as in (4)]: 52-60, 60-68; Tajiks (Samarkand district) [the padishah has three sons, his wife died, the new one has given birth to a daughter; someone steals apples from an apple tree; the eldest son guards, falls asleep; same middle; younger Kenjaboy sprinkles salt on the cut, shoots at a winged demon, who flies to his stepmother's chambers, K. finds the peel next to the cradle; the padishah does not believe, he kicked him out; he left, got married, and his sister ate all the people and animals in his country; K. takes care of two lion cubs; wants to visit his parents; gives his wife a jug of milk; if the milk is redder, let him lower the lions; K. arrived to the sister; she eats away the horse's legs and consistently asks if the horse was three-legged, two-legged, legless; K. replies what it was; mouse: leave your boots to make it seem like you are sitting, take three needles, salt, a mirror, a comb; and she will hit the strings of the vestibule; the sister is chasing, K. threw the comb (forest); sister: how he passed; K. raise the hem; the same with other obstacles: mirror (river), salt (salt mountain); K. pierced three needles, they turned into three boxwood trees; the sister pulled out her tooth and began to saw the trunk with it; K. jumped to the second tree; to the third; the milk turned red, the wife lowered the lions, they the diva was torn apart, K. returned to his wife]: Amonov 196:376-381; mountain Tajiks (Vanj) [the son of a rich man has the gift to predict; when a sister is born, he tells her to cut off her head, throw it in river; parents do not listen; he goes to another city, gets married; a dragon girl bites her mother's lips, kissing her, then eats her parents, swallows property; her brother tells his wife to let the dogs down if the soup will turn into blood; comes to his sister; she greets him, devours the last ram; he runs, asks the poplar to grow to the sky, climbs to the top; the sister gnaws on the trunk; the wife pours dogs have soup, she turns red, the wife lets the dogs down, they tore the dragon; the survivor lives with his wife and children]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 11:55-56; Pashayas: Elwin 1944 [the young man's sister turned out to be cannibal; he ran, got married, had two dogs; when he returned home, he saw that all people were eaten; asked his sister to bring water in a sieve and sharpen her teeth before eating him; she went to the river, told his brother to beat the drum; the rat began to beat him; the sister chased, the brother climbed the tree; when she almost grabbed him, dogs came running; the young man told them to kill the cannibal without drops of blood did not spill on the ground; they tore it]: 373; Morgenstierne 1944, No. 3 [the prince has a cannibal sister; he runs, lives with a woman with two dogs; decides to visit the house; there is only a sister, says he will eat him; he asks her to bring a bucket of water and sharpen her teeth; she leaves the drum and tells her to hit it; her brother lets the mouse run on the drum so that her sister can hear the shot; the brother runs, throws behind a needle, a ball of salt, soap; every time thrown turns into a mountain, the sister overcomes obstacles; the brother climbs a tree, calls the dogs, tells them to eat the cannibal so that not a drop of blood spills on the ground; dogs tore the cannibal], 4 [the king has 7 sons, he asks God for a daughter, a cannibal is born; at night she gets up from the cradle, gnaws off the legs of all horses; the youngest son has watched, the king does not believe, expels him; he gets married in another city, has dogs named Hangir and Bangir; wants to visit his home; the guest leaves a drop of blood and a drop of milk; says that if blood turns into milk and milk into blood, dogs must be unchained; gives seven grains of wheat, they must be abandoned in case of danger; the houses are all eaten; the sister asks how many legs the brother's horse had; eats two, then eats the whole horse; promises go get water and eat brother; mouse tells brother to run; sister finds mouse, eats, chases; brother throws grains, 7 plane trees grow out of them, he climbs one, sister gnaws on a trunk, a tree falls, brother moves to another; when the last one is left, dogs come running, brother tells them to tear up his sister]: 18-19, 19-23; Bukhara Arabs [the youngest son tells the king to slaughter his sister, she will a witch; he does not believe; three sons take turns guarding the horses; the eldest, the middle fall asleep, the witch eats the horse; the father does not believe; the youngest does not sleep, he sees, the king still does not believe; the youngest leaves, marries; After 20 years, she tells his wife to release his two lions if the milk turns red, yogurt is black; comes to his sister, she hugs him, weans his ears; she has already eaten everyone; tells him to beat the drum, goes to the horse, eats his leg; his brother replies that the horse had three legs; the sister goes out to eat the horse again; someone from under the wall tells him to run, taking a comb, a mirror, salt, a spindle; abandoned objects turn into a thorny bush, a river, a swamp, two trees; a brother climbs a tree, a sister takes out her tooth, cuts down a tree with it like an ax; begins to cut down the second; the wife releases lions; the witch rushes into the river; lions speak that if blood rises to the surface, they win, if blood and hair are dead; they rush into the water for a witch; hair first floats up, but then blood; lions bring a piece of skin from their heads to the owner sisters; drovers promise to give camels if the lion owner guesses what their load is; a piece of leather suggests that almonds; a man receives camels; distributes them in his father's town, he is chosen tsar]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 58:324-326; Uzbeks (Tashkent) [after the birth of his third son, the tsar drove his wife away, took a young one; someone kidnaps foals from his beloved mare; the eldest, middle prince fall asleep, Yalmauz-Kampir takes a foal every time; the youngest shot her little finger; that same evening the young queen gave birth to a daughter and fled; the prince noticed that she did not have a little finger; her father did not listen to him, drove him away; he stays with an old woman, she has a daughter for marriage; he goes to look for his mother, the old woman gives a comb, a razor and a whetstone; gives the merry wand, where he turns with a blade, to go there; he found his mother, redeemed from slavery; she died; he went to visit the house; sees his sister in the crack in the guise of Yalmauz-Kampir, she goes through the heads of the parents and brothers eaten; the fox tells him to run, remains to beat him in drum while the YAK goes for poison; the prince runs away, throws a comb (thicket), a razor (mountain), a bar (the sea; the YAK swam, but the fish dragged it to the bottom, and then transported the prince ashore; ordered to protect the stick- merry; the young king finds that old woman's daughter, marries her; when he sails across the sea over the place where the monster-fish crushed the YAK, the storm sinks the ship, but they sail out on fish; feast]: Ostroumov 1990, No. 3 : 13-20.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami: Szabó 1967, No. 41 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 315a: 203

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 19 [the elderly have three sons and a daughter, the youngest is a bald lazy man; cattle disappear at night; brothers take turns guarding, the elders fall asleep; Bald sees the fire falling down, shot, shot his finger; in the morning his sister has a bandaged hand; his parents do not believe him; he leaves, marries two princesses in different kingdoms; they advise him to visit his family; he comes to Kuk-Tulpara, leaves at a distance, rides a mare, desolation is everywhere; by the stove, the sister flew down the pipe, returned, asked if the brother came on a three-legged horse; then on two-, one-legged, he came on foot; brother rushes away, rides Kuk-Tulpara, sister next, wives ready with sabers, hacked her down], 31 [the widower has a son, he married another, a daughter is born; the young man sees how the fire that descends has become a girl, she sucks blood from the mare's heart; he rushes at the girl, chews off her finger; in the morning he sees that the baby does not have a finger, throws the girl into the oven, the stepmother snatched it out, the young man has left; a month later he saves a white snake from the fire ; this is the son of the king of snakes, becomes the hero's companion; leads to his father, advises him to ask for a red pillow as a reward, this is his sister; the widower's son is happy with his wife, the vizier sees them, the king demands to give his wife either to get a girl from across the sea; the wife says she is her friend, gives a letter, the young man takes her as his second wife; the king is furious; the king demands another girl, the young man himself takes her third wife; the king sent an army his wives destroyed him; the king gathers a new army, his wives teach him to ride a winged dragon, he kills the king; the young man decides to visit his relatives, his wives tell him to take two horses with him; only a witch sister eats at home the horse's legs, then the torso; the brother leaves his boots (the sister rushed at them, swallowed them), rode to his wives on the second horse]: 116-117, 159-164; Bessonov 1941, No. 28 [when the boy is 6 years old, her mother has An abscess burst in his left hand, a girl came out; immediately all the mares were thrown away; in a dream, the brother saw her sister turn into fire and flew away; the next day he took her from his mother, hit the fire, ordered her to be killed; the parents refused; the son left in a thin foal, which turned into a mighty horse; on the way he extinguished the burning bush; there was a snake in it, led him to his father, ordered him to ask for a lame goat as a reward; the serpent tells slaughter her, put her feet to her feet, head to your head and wish her whatever you want; in the morning around the palace and the farm with workers, the wife is in bed; the king is envious, sent to bring the golden bunny; the wife teaches how to create a bridge across the sea, catch a bunny; the husband caught and did not give it to the king; he tells me to bring the girl from the bottom of the ninth sea; the wife gave a paper: hit the seas, the water will split in two; the man brought a girl, made a second wife; the king tells me to bring food with no; the eldest wife was the queen of birds and reptiles, she called everyone, no one knows; the old frog came last, saying that there are no foods with none, but she doesn't know where; they went, the frog jumped into the water; well done, went into the house and hid; some man came in; Sarbyay! Serve food; the invisible brings everything; when he is gone, the person invites S. to the table; he agrees to go with him; tells you to poke the house with a stick, it will turn into an egg, put it in your pocket and go home; king tells them to go to their deceased parents; wives took her husband away from the fire; tell the king to bury gold under the king's threshold; tell the king that his parents are in paradise calling to them, talking about gold; the king found gold, ordered to burn himself, the man became king; decided to visit his parents, his wife gave tulpara; at home the old woman, his sister; asks if the brother came on a three-legged, two-legged, one-legged horse, and came on foot; rushes at him, he asks for a break, she ties him by the leg with a rope, he tied the rope, ran to the horse; the aspen fell in the way of the old woman and turned into a mountain; well done, returned to his wives]: 160-166.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [there is a birch tree next to the old people's yurt, it gives them food; the old people want a son; a beautiful woman comes out of the birch tree, promises a hail of fire; then a black stone will appear in the clearing, split, out of it a gold-haired boy will come out; he grows fast, a great hero; he demands a horse from a birch tree, he takes him 70 miles away, he puts a bridle on a half-alive foal, which turns into a heroic horse; an old woman I saw a golden cradle in the lake, wearing a silver girl with golden hair; the hero tells me to take her back, the old people are angry; she is a hero in the guise of a one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged witch in an iron fur coat; the hero cut her ear for the first time, the second cut off her finger; the old people do not believe, tell her son to clean; the hero fights with the spirit riding a two-legged, one-eyed, iron horse; the last episode: the hero takes the form of a falcon, the spirit is an eight-headed eagle; a falcon kills an eagle; a woman on a liberated beauty; returning to visit her parents, finds them in a hole, everything around is burned; a beauty in a birch tree became an old woman; a hero forgives her parents; kills an evil spirit sister and her husband]: Muchnik 1944:75-87; Uighurs [a woman gives birth to a son by her husband; later a daughter from a neighbor, who has one eye in her forehead; boy Sees her sister reach out of the window to the river to get water; tells her mother that it is yalmauz; his mother scolds him, he leaves; takes three puppies with her on the way; grows up, marries; decides to visit house, asks his wife to let the dogs down when they bark; his village is empty, only his sister, who has eaten everyone, is alive; while cooking, asks him to play on the dutar on the roof with his legs hanging; the mouse tells him to pour into the hanging ones boots sand, run, runs along the strings herself; yalmauz pulls her boots, sand falls into her eye, she chases a young man; he climbs one of the five poplars; yalmauz takes out a tooth, cuts the trunk; Fox offers to cut for her; Yalmauz falls asleep, Lisa taps, runs away with a tooth in the morning; the same with the Wolf; when the last poplar remains, the dogs break off the chain, rush to the yalmauz, she runs to the lake, drowns; the young man scolds his wife that she forgot to let the dogs down right away]: Kabirov 1963:170-174 (=Kabirov, Shakhmatov 1951:74-77); Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 16 [the emperor's wife gives birth to seven sons, but parents they want a daughter; a werewolf fox hears their conversation, throws up their daughter, they are happy; when a girl reaches seven years old, horses begin to breathe out; on the advice of the teacher, the imperial son spies, sees how the sister turns into a white fox, sucks the horse's blood; the next night the brother hits the fox with a sword, but only cuts off her fingers; the girl tells her father that at night her brother tried to rape her, and received the refusal wanted to hack her; the emperor is preparing to throw stones at his son in the well; the teacher tells him to run; he helps the little tiger cub and the little golden eagle, which the older cubs push away from food; the young man becomes a scribe, accountant, son-in-law of the emperor; the emperor allows him to visit his relatives; the young man leaves his wife a cup of tiger milk; if she turns red, she will lower the tiger and the golden eagle; the young man finds her country empty; the sister says that the cannibal ate ate everyone; eats up the horse's leg, asks why his brother's horse has three legs; goes out to boil tea; the mice tell him to escape; the young man climbs the poplar; the sister turns into a white fox the size of a camel; the sister gnaws on the trunk, the brother moves to another poplar; the wife releases the tiger and the golden eagle, after a long struggle they kill the fox; the emperor gives up the throne young man]: 126-133; Yusupov 1970 [a greedy rich man named Lihyn gets a hue in a pile of garbage; first eats ducks and chickens, then eats the owner's daughter Lihua, takes her form; devours sheep; the father tells his son named Lisyn that he does not protect them well; the sister says that the brother drinks and walks; at night the brother sees his sister turn into ë., drinks sheep's blood; hits the monster with a spear in the forehead; In the morning, the sister explains that her brother stabbed her in an attempt to steal jewelry; her brother predicts everyone's death, leaves; marries the gardener's daughter; when going home, he tells his wife to take care of his eagle and dog; in an empty village, the brother finds his sister; while she is making tea, he finds salted human heads in barrels; the brother runs, climbs the poplar, he chews on it; the last fifth poplar remains; the dog and the eagle worried, the wife releases them, they kill the monster]: 30-35; Shujang Li, Luckert 1994 (g. Bogda in northern Xinjiang) [Luguma has Meinai's younger sister; sheep go missing; L. sees M. put on wolf skin, turns into a wolf, carries his father; he wounds a wolf in the front leg; M. complains in the morning parents that her brother shot her; they drive her son away; L. stays in the same village, marries; tames a hawk chick and a tiger cub; decides to visit his father's house; tells his wife to release the hawk and the tiger, if they are worried; at home there are only bones eaten; M. eats L.'s horse's leg, asks how many legs there were, the brother replies that there were three; then two; he climbs onto the roof, M. tells him to sit with his legs hanging; he hangs up her shoes, must play a string instrument; red and white mice promise to play for him, tell him to run; M. comes, sees only mice; rubs her forehead, she has a third eye, she sees in the distance brother running barefoot; turns into a wolf, chases, brother climbs one of the three trees; M. says she is a wolf, ate M. and takes her form; she gnaws on the trunk, but L. jumps to the other a tree; the wife releases a hawk and a tiger, they tore the werewolf; L. brought his wife to the ruined village, other people also returned]: 112-126.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkans: Kandarakova 1988 [after calling a shaman, the wife of childless Ak-Kaan gives birth to seven sons; after the second vocation, six-eyed Karagys; eldest son Maka-Maatyr Sees a girl get up from her cradle, devour animals, lie back; MM runs away, marries the youngest daughter of a great khan; two other sons-in-law are persuaded to give MM difficult tasks, the wife explains how to do them; 1) get the golden eagle's feather; MM cuts off the heads of a seven-headed snake coming out of the lake to devour the golden eagle chicks with an arrow; they hide it from their parents; their father arrives with rare snow mother - with heavy rain (these are the tears of golden eagles), carry deer in their claws; the chicks explain that MM saved them, the golden eagle does not kill MM, but gives a feather; 2) get the tooth of a monstrous wolverine (one of her horns is stuck in the ground, the other supports the sky; MM jumps between horns, wolverine runs under the clouds, cannot shed it, gives two teeth); sons-in-law do not know how, MM makes a cauldron, working these teeth as tools; 3) lead Altyn-Tana, daughter of God; wife gives MM fur coats to have them, the AT brothers ask her to show MM face, drink araks from a thimble; AT loses consciousness, MM takes her away; brothers catch up, she sends them back; turns the khan into a fox, his people and property into black ground; MM climbs the mountain, sees his camp, cries; says that the branch, the pipes, the wind have damaged the eye; AT punishes them, the mother of the wind explains, in what's the matter; MM gets home on a six-legged horse; six-eyed K. ate everyone, chases MM, tears off all the horse's legs one by one; AT tells her not to touch her husband, K. leaves]: 44-72 (retelling Sadalova 1989:86-87); Sadalova 2002, No. 20 [after turning to a shaman and sacrificing a horse, the wife gives birth to seven sons, the eldest Maka-Maatyr; next time she asks the girl, but donates not to a mare, but a dog, gives birth to a six-eyed Karagys; MM sees K. getting up from the cradle, eating a calf, lying back; then a foal, a goby; MM says that he will leave for a while, leaves altogether; is hired as a servant to Ulug-Piu; marries the youngest of three daughters, Ulug-Piya; other sons-in-law say, UP, that his youngest daughter was going to marry a better man and married a servant; advise MM to bring 1) the feathers of the bird Purush; the wife says that her nest is on top of one of the seven larches; a seven-headed snake crawls from lake to nest, MM kills seven heads with arrows, climbs into the nest; chicks it is said that this snake always eats chicks; Father P. flew in with wind and light snow, then the mother, with wind and rain (these are her tears), gives two feathers; 2) the tooth of a wolverine living at the confluence of seven rivers, to make a tagan; the wife says that one horn is stuck in her ground, the other is raised to the sky, you have to cling to both; wolverine gives two teeth; 3) Kuday's youngest daughter Altyn-Tana; wife teaches how to do the dwelling is where K. takes water; his three sons will come; for a fur coat made from the mountains, ask for half of his sister's face; for a button under his arm made from the meadows; let him drink from the rivers thimble araku; AT is intoxicated, MM takes her away; brothers who have received fur coats catch up, AT sends them; turns UP cattle into black ground, them into fox; MM marries AT; she says that at MM's father's camp only the six-eyed K. remains; AT gives him a six-legged trotter; K. swallows his parents' bones, sees MM on the chimney, chases, cuts off, eats the horse's sixth and fifth leg, fights with his brother; AT tells her to leave, she returns home; AT and MM live on]: 173-201; Khakas [Altyn-Tabatay is a young man; his two brothers are married but no children; the brothers went to collect tribute with cattle; AT stayed with his daughters-in-law; under crying through the window; the eldest daughter-in-law found a baby girl; she was adopted; she was constantly crying, exhausted both women; when she started walking, AT woke up and saw her go out into the yard, and when she came back into the house, her mouth is bloody; goes to bed with his foster mother; the next time AT noticed a girl running to the mountain range at night; an all-knowing old shepherd wonders who is eating cattle; realizing that he no one would believe it, AT decided to run; her younger daughter-in-law persuaded her to take her with her; she could not drive fast; AT tied her to a poplar, left gold and silver on the branch, wrote to take the woman good man; AT comes to the house with a stone barn; inside there is a beautiful girl with big breasts; she says she was waiting for AT and that she is Tuner-Khys, the owner of this taiga; he has to stay with her although he wanted to go further; when he leaves, TX follows a ball of white thread; if anything, they will tie the horse; but AT invites the ball to travel around the world with him; AT comes to another house with a stone barn, there is a girl Chanar-Khys; he stays with her; the same (she is the mistress of the water; a ball of blue threads); AT comes to the old man, he has a daughter; the old man gives AT araka until he loses consciousness, his daughter Chibek-Aryg goes to bed with AT, he stays with her; loves her, she is pregnant; the great khansha Khan-Khys sends to tell her that AT go to her; she tells him to get a fiery red fox, then he will marry him and he will become khan; he did it ; wedding; he misses his homeland, cries; tells his wife that the wind brought dust in his eyes, because they are red; XX summoned the owner of the wind and began to scold him; he explained what was going on; XX will soon give birth; at AT the eyes are red again - says that the branch knot hit; XX called the tree owner, who explained what was going on; XX asks AT not to deceive her; AT is going home; there are no people or cattle; only in one yurt Chelbegen -girl; her lower fangs are 6-quarters, her upper fangs have grown by three quarters; she is guessing her father's jaw - nothing; by her mother's jaw - finds out that AT has arrived; AT flees; chelbegen his dog, the youngest horse, caught up and swallowed him; on the ground, Chanar-Khis AT threw her white ball to tie the chelbegen; she tore it up, chased on; Tuner-Khys released a white hero from the barn stone, but the chelbegen ate it; AT threw a blue ball - the same; Chanar-Khys released the hero from the blue stone, the chelbegen ate it; caught up and ate the AT horse, AT himself climbed one of the seven larches; chelbegen can't look up, only down; begins to gnaw larch, it fell; AT jumped to another; the white bird, the daughter of Tuner-Khys from AT, flew to her mother, she sent two bears, but their chelbegen ate; the same was eaten by a blue bird, daughter of Chanar-Khis, two tigers; when AT on the last larch, two Khan Kira birds descended, raised the chelbegen to the sky and threw it to the ground, the chelbegen fell apart; for AT The winged horse Hees-Khan has arrived; XX already has two sons from AT; she is angry with AT for going home without consulting her; she sent two Khan Kira birds to him; she forgave him, all is well]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 15:287-321; the Mongols [the cannibal sister's story is also known in Mongolia (Seihoku Mokoshi, p. 313)]: Ikeda 1971:82; Dagurs [7-year-old girl she wanted the spirit of the vulture to take over her; at night she began to strangle the chickens and drink their blood; the mother accused her daughters-in-law, they followed her, told their husbands; the parents did not believe it, drove both sons and their wives away; A month later, the brothers secretly returned, saw the sister throw her head up, saying: if she falls face down, then the brothers have arrived, and if they did not come face up; the brothers let them down the werewolf of their dogs, they tore their sister, the brothers burned the corpse]: Stuart 1994:164; (cf. The Mongors [after the death of their father, an unkind younger brother and especially his wife abuse his older brother, decide to resettle him; the spotted bull tells him to ask for him, a cart and two apricots consecrated in Buddha niche; tells you to eat apricots on the way, plant seeds; goes to the wedding of an official's daughter, turns into a goby with golden horns, silver hooves; the bride wants to ride it, he takes her away, her older brother marries her; the bull is old, tells him to bury his kidneys under the threshold, throw his bones into the barn and chicken coop, place a pelvis of blood and a basin of water in the Buddha's niche; if the water begins to bleed, it's all right, if the blood is in the water, you have to open the kidneys; a herd of cows and a herd of sheep emerge from the bones; the older brother goes to visit the younger one; the wife ate everyone, she has a red face; the elder runs, climbs on an apricot that grows from a planted stone; his stalker chews on him, he jumps on another apricot; the wife sees blood splashing into the water, digging up the buds, they turn into two tigers, killing cannibal]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:122-124).

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (R.Vakh) [the daughter of an old man and an old woman swallows everyone; the son asks his mother who she likes best; she replies that her daughter; the son put on a swan skin, came to the lake where they flew the daughters of the Sun swim; they took him home, he married alone; in the afternoon he leaves and cries; answers the daughters of the Sun that he hit something; the Sun angrily asks the one (not named) why he hit his son-in-law ; he explains that his son-in-law is homesick; his wife gave him a comb and a pebble; at home, his sister plays with the skulls of her parents and neighbors she ate; wanted to eat the horse's leg; brother rides away on horseback, throws a comb, a stone; they turn into a forest, into a rock; sister and wife grab it, the wife gets a part without a heart; the wife heals her husband, he dies and then comes to life; this is the Month]: Lukina 1990, No. 5:65; chum salmon: Dulzon 1965, No. 47 [the old man does not tell his son to kill the seventh burbot - this is the daughter of the devil; he killed; married the Sun; went to visit his parents; the devil ate them and his sister, put on her skin; cut off her leg his horse; he pulled this leg out of the fire, stuck to the horse, drove to the well of the Sun; the devil grabbed the horse by the leg; the young man dived into the well, the devil pulled it out, ate half where the heart was; his sun revives, but every time he dies again, becomes a Month]: 113-115; Osharov 1937 [the hero caught a colorful burbot, let his daughter eat, she gave birth to a daughter, Haze-Ham, she grew up at night, ate people , became young with her mother in the morning; the hero's wife tells her son and daughter to be hidden in a hollow, fires an arrow, let the children put a chum where she falls; brother grows up; shackling an iron horse, comes to an old woman, she promises to send wolves to help her; a young man comes to the camp, looks into the plague, where XX asks the skull where his children are; asks what to feed you, goes to sharpen his teeth; the young man jumps on an iron horse, XX grabs it, but the old woman sends wolves, they tear off half, bring it to the old woman, XX tears off the other; the old woman sends the wolves to take half of the young man to his sister, puts a trap, XX gets into it, dies; the sister nurses her brother, but as soon as she stops, half of him is again; they go to heaven, she becomes the Sun, Brother Month]: 142-144; Sangi 1989 (Prokofieva's recording) [brother goes further away from the plague, where his sister lives; the Sunwoman takes him to heaven; a week later he asks him to let go; she gives him a whetstone and a comb, sends him down on a winged horse; during this time Hosyadam ate his sister, takes her form; he realizes this when he sees her cooking the leg that she tore off his horse; he sticks his leg back, rides his horse away, throws a whetstone, a comb, they turn into a mountain, a forest; X. overcomes obstacles; The sun grabs him by one leg, X. by another, torn in half; the Sun gets a part without a heart, it puts coal instead of a heart, revives a person , but he dies again and again; she sends him to the other side of the sky, turns him into a Month, sees him once a year, they see each other's eyes; the month is cold because without a heart]: 142-144; (cf. nganasana [{the first part of the text does not agree with the second}; the sister of the seven brothers in the plague is alone; the cannibal comes and offers to dance; she dances with him, says that troops are coming, he looks around, she kills him with a knife, cooks meat; throws his jaw: if he falls up with a notch, he eats his older brother; the older brother arrives, she stabbed him, cooks him in a cauldron; the same with other brothers; the younger one senses unkind, goes away from the plague, the cannibal (the cannibal who comes to the girl, and the girl who has not become an ogre} chases; the brother comes to the shaman, he puts on his horns, rips open the cannibal's belly, 6 brothers and sister they go out alive; the shaman gives his seven daughters to the girl's seven brothers, the son marries a girl]: Porotova 1980:5-7).

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (place of registration not specified; central ones?) [rich elderly spouses are childless; an old man begs for a child from Icci (a woman who is the spirit of a birch tree coming out of his trunk); a boy falls from the sky; he grows up to be a hero; an old woman picks up a golden cradle floating on the lake with a beautiful girl; the young man knows that these are abaas, they do not believe him; he asks Icci for a horse, finds a bad foal, which becomes a heroic horse; iron abaas with He approaches his brother with one hand, one leg, one eye, he whips her; his parents drive him away; he lives with old people; pretends to be dying, digging a passage from the grave to another world; from the Raven he learns about a prisoner languishing with the abaasa Hara Bekerdian, whose wife Nagei-Tugut lives by the tar sea; he defeats both in their iron world; all abaas are half a man, their cattle are bipedal, the cows have the same horn; with his wife and born on the way, the hero returns to the old people who sheltered him; visits his parents, they were sheltered from the abaasa by the aged Icchi, everything around was burned; the Abaas sister was NT; gradually life recovering, the wife gives birth to the hero eight daughters and eight sons]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:47-64; Sym Evenks [the girl cut her hand with a knife, the bird advises her to lick blood; the girl I like the taste, she eats the mother, the younger sisters; the older brother runs away to the Nemelon 'e (the decapod deer); the sister throws the axe, which consistently cuts off all the legs of the deer; the brother continues to run, becoming a moose, bear, wolverine, fox, ferret, ermine; when she becomes a mouse, the sister loses track; breaks her scrapers and tanners, dies]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 45:55-58; Yerbogachen Evenki [the giant has a wife and daughter; in his old age, his wife gave birth to a son Manga-Döromgo with three eyes in his forehead; he curls the beasts' necks, brings them home alive so that the meat does not deteriorate; her sister asked me to take her on hunting, dull, MD twisted her neck, brought it like prey; her father wanted to cook her for dinner, but her mother straightened her neck, and MD ran away from home; decided to go up to heaven; skis to the hole in the transparent cap above the ground, walks across the sky; catches up with two hunters; Hurried (extreme star B. Bears) hurries Khvastun (middle star B. Bears) to catch up with the moose (four stars of the bucket) before it disappears from view in the morning; The bragger, with a bowler hat (Alcor) behind his back, says in advance that he will be the first to catch up with the moose, will cook meat; Mangy- Döromgo (Orion) walks with them, overtakes them, crosses the sky on skis, kills a moose with an arrow (three stars from Orion to B. Bear) under the shoulder blade; calf (first star B. Bears) fell, found himself on the ground, the current moose come from him; MD comes to the tent in which the old woman and daughter; marries her daughter; misses the earth; walks to the edge of the sky and cries; answers his mother-in-law that his eyes are red because the peaks of the earth's forest hit his eyes; his mother-in-law goes to punish the forest, the trees explain that they are not to blame; the mother-in-law gives MD to an eight-legged horse with sharp hooves, who brings him to to her native camp; there is sister MD, who ate her parents and became a cannibal; at night she hides an ax under her headboard, but MD sees it with her third eye; sealed her sleeping sister's eyes, galloped off, but sharp the horse's hooves get stuck in the ground; manages to slip into a hole in the sky, where it jumps easily along the smooth surface of the sky, and the pursuer slides; the mother-in-law melted metals in the boilers, pushed the giantess into them- the pursuer, kept in everyone; she rushed to the ground, crashed; since then, there have been placers and deposits of gold, silver and other metals on earth]: Pezhemsky 1936, No. 2:273-275.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanai [six brothers found a girl in the hollow, the youngest warns that it is not good; he was beaten, he left, began to live with Fudin; the light flickers in the distance, Mergen fires an arrow there, comes; the old man: your arrows knocked out a bone stuck in my throat, I give two cubs, don't tie them to strong poles; M. decided to visit the house, tells his wife not to tie the cubs, but she tied them with chains to a snag; there the cannibal girl ate her older brothers, looks for the younger skull, notes M.; he asks to bring bast from the forest, runs away, the witch then; M. turns the arrow into an iron tree, the witch gnaws it away; the same second , third, there are no more arrows; cubs come running, dragging a snag, M. frees them, they kill a witch; he hits F., lies down alone, two girls next to each other in the morning - former cubs; they revive M.'s dead brothers] : Chadaeva 1990:64-68.

Japan. Japanese (Honshu Center and South Kyushu North Ryukyu): Ikeda 1971, No. 315A: 80. I. Cannibal. The young man learns that his sister is a cannibal (G30) (at night his sister turns into a snake or cannibal). He tells his parents about it, but they only scold him and kicks him out of the house. On the way, he helps animals. She's getting married. II. Coming home. After a few years, he returns home. He leaves his wife an object that can be used to tell if he is alive (E761.4.3). He finds his native village empty, only his sister lives in it. She says the others died from the disease. It goes out to sharpen his teeth to eat it (G83.1). Before that, he leaves him with a tambourine and asks him to hit him (this way she will know that he did not run away). III. Parental help. Appearing as mice, his parents say that all the inhabitants of the village have been eaten (G71; G346) and tell him to flee (B313.1). They hit a tambourine instead of it, hitting it with its tails. IV. Tree rescue. The young man runs away, climbs a tree, his sister starts to nibble on it. When a tree falls, it moves to another tree. The wife learns from the sign that her husband is in trouble, releases animals that her husband once helped. They save him, the cannibal is killed.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs (p. Rusk, Kolyma Delta; west in 1896 from Anna Korkina's Russified Yukaghirka) [the wife wants pike, the husband brings it, the wife cooks and eats it, discovers that she has iron teeth; gives birth to a girl, she grows up hours; her brother hears her promise to eat everyone; parents don't believe him, he runs alone; comes to the house, there's a naked girl; he marries her; wants to visit his parents, she gives him a six-legged deer; at home, he finds his sister playing with her parents' skulls; runs away, she chases him, tears off and eats two extra legs first, then the fourth leg of a deer; his brother turns his arrow into an iron pole, climbs upstairs; she gnaws at the pole with iron teeth; he asks the kuksha to give his wife a request to send dogs; the kuksha refuses; the snow-bunting, petishka agrees; the sister sends bears and wolves; the girl The pike turns into an ermine, wolves and bears catch it; brother cuts it to pieces, burns it]: Bogoras 1918, No. 10:65-67.

Wed. The Arctic. Aleuts (Unalashka; the motives of the cannibal sister and the mouse jumping on the tambourine are probably from Russians) [the newborn bites her mother's nipples; the mother buries her alive; she turns into a cannibal, devours the inhabitants of the village; her older brother is afraid of being eaten too, leaves; comes to women who have not seen men; they are surprised at his penis; hunting, he ends up in his native village, everything is there died; he lies to the female chief that his face turned red because birds flew at him in a big way; she calls all the birds, they explain that his face is red with tears; next time he looks into dugout, sees his sister cooking human arms and legs; she invites him, leaves, telling him to beat a tambourine; the mouse explains that his sister sharpens her teeth, tells him to run through the mouse passage, stays to jump on tambourine; sister sees a mouse, chases her brother; a female chief takes her hand, she falls dead; a woman marries a young man]: Jochelson 1990, No. 13:139-143).