L65b4. A tooth as a weapon. .29.30.32.-.34.
A demonic character pulls out a tooth to use it as a weapon or tool (often an ax).
Stavropol Turkmens, Tajiks, Bukhara Arabs, Uzbeks, Maris, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Buryats.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Stavropol Turkmens [the old man pulls the human liver out of the well, throws the dog; pulls out the old woman; she demands her liver back; does not agree to take the liver of the old man's wife, agrees to take his son's liver; the old people migrate, leave golden alchiki in the old place, send their son for them; a stunted foal is called to take him, turns into a horse; teaches him what to do; the young man says he can't get down, the old woman cannot serve; the young man says that his father is coming, he will give it; while the old woman looks around, grabs the alchiki, jumps away; stops three times, each time the owner's dog is born a puppy, the young man takes it; not knowing whether he stays with the old woman's son; he asks to leave the dogs at home; an old woman appears, the young man climbs a tree, the old woman pulls out two a tooth, turns them into an ax and a chisel, cuts a tree; a fox calls to cut for it, carries an ax and a chisel; an old woman pulls out two teeth, they turn into an ax and a chisel; the same episode with the Wolf; an old woman cuts again; the boy ties bells to the crane, tells me to fly to the camp; three dogs come running, tear the old woman apart]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 114-119.
Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [the old man sees fresh sheep's liver on the road; an old woman touches it, jumps out, threatens to kill her if he does not give her his son Khaidar-Kokul; tells him to cut firewood continuously; to HC a horse, a bull, come, they cannot escape from the old woman, she throws her torn tooth under their feet; the calf takes HC to the fortress where the diva has a girl languishing; on the way he picks up two puppies, they turn into powerful dogs, the girl hides them; the divas reluctantly promises not to kill HC; the girl gives HC a comb, a mirror, three arrows, tells them to run; objects turn into a forest, a river, three poplars; when the divas knocks down the last, dogs come running, pushing him into the river, fighting him underwater; first red blood rises, HC wants to run, but then black blood means that the divas is killed; HC and his wife return to their parents]: Amonov, Ulug- back 1957:145-150 (=1960:164-171); Tajiks (Samarkand district) [the padishah has three sons, his wife is dead, the new one has given birth to a daughter; someone steals apples from an apple tree; the eldest son guards, falls asleep; the same middle; younger Kenjaboy sprinkles salt on a cut, shoots a winged demon, who flies to his stepmother's chambers, K. finds a peel next to the cradle; the padishah does not believe, he kicked him out; he left, married, and his sister is a diva ate all the people and animals in his country; K. takes care of two lions; wants to visit her parents; gives his wife a jug of milk; if the milk is redder, let the lions go down; K. comes to his sister; she eats her legs horse and consistently asks if the horse was three-legged, two-legged, legless; K. replies what it was; mouse: leave your boots to make it seem like you are sitting, take three needles, salt, a mirror, a comb; and she will hit the strings of the vestibule; sister chases, K. threw the comb (forest); sister: how he went; K. raise the hem; the same with other obstacles: mirror (river), salt (salt mountain); K. plunged three needles, they turned into three boxwood trees; the sister pulled out her tooth and began to saw the trunk with it; K. jumped to the second tree; to the third; the milk turned red, the wife lowered the lions, they tore the diva, K. returned to wife]: Amonov 196:376-381; Bukhara Arabs [the youngest son tells the king to slaughter his sister, she will become a witch; he does not believe; three sons take turns guarding horses; the elder, the middle son falls asleep, the witch eats the horse; the father does not believe; the youngest does not sleep, he sees that the king still does not believe; the youngest leaves, marries; after 20 years he tells his wife to release his two lions if the milk turns red, yogurt is black; comes to his sister, she hugs him, weans his ears; she has already eaten everyone; tells him to beat the drum, goes out to the horse, eats his leg; the brother replies that the horse had three legs; the sister goes out to eat the horse again; someone tells you to run under the walls, taking a comb, a mirror, salt, a spindle; abandoned objects turn into thorny bushes, a river, a swamp, two trees; a brother climbs a tree, a sister takes out her tooth, cuts down a tree with it like an ax; begins to cut the second; the wife releases lions; the witch rushes into the river; lions say that if blood rises to the surface, they win, if blood and wool are dead; they throw themselves into the water for the witch; hair pops up first, but then blood; lions bring a piece of skin from their sister's head to the owner; drovers promise to give camels if the lion owner guesses what their load is; a piece of leather suggests that almonds; a person receives camels; distributes them in his father's city, he is elected king]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 58:324-326; Uzbeks [pursuing a pheasant, the youngest of the old man's three sons enters a cave, spends 40 days with a peri; when he returns home, Peri tells him to ask his father to build a house for him, build a yurt; when he comes to his son, the old man sees only a cat next to him; secretly peeks, sees a beauty; before a relative's wedding, the old man tells his daughters-in-law to sew dresses, bake cakes; other peri do everything on the orders of the young man's wife; peri replies to other daughters-in-law that the clothes He will sew out of paper; they also make paper dresses, peri sends rain, dresses get wet; peri cakes are much better than those made by other daughters-in-law; the old man asks his son where he keeps the cat's skin; When he finds out, he throws her into the fire; peri flies away, telling her husband to wear his iron boots and staff; the young man comes to the house of Almauz Kempir (AK), where his wife and boy are also; the young man asks the boy for water, he does not give it the water in the jug turns into blood for the first time, pus the second time; peri tells the boy to give water to a stranger; the young man throws a ring into the jug, recognizes it, goes to her husband; when AK is at home, turns it into a flower, hides it in her hair; then marries her husband to his younger brother; AK tells her to look for hay in her hair, sucks the young man's blood; peri tells her husband to give the dog meat, the camel hay (AK did vice versa); when AK falls asleep, tie her hair to a pole, take a comb, scissors, a mirror, run; the doors, the camel and the dog refuse to detain the fugitives; they throw the comb, answer AK that they must be pulled out two teeth, make axes out of them, cut the road; the same is scissors; AK has only four teeth; they throw a mirror, it turns into a river; the fugitives say that stones should be tied to the neck and put stones in their sleeves, walk along the bottom; AK is drowning; young man and peri live in their home]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1) 415-425 (=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:166-178).
Volga - Perm. Marie: Chetkarev 1948 [the old man leaned over to the river for a drink, the waterdevil grabbed his beard, let him go for promising to give a lamb with a silver head; at this time he had a son silver-headed Pazi; grew up quickly, rode a horse, does not stop when meeting girls, men (that's all hell), climbs a pine tree; the devil made an ax out of his tooth, an ax out of his finger, began to cut; The bear offers to chop it for him, throws an ax into the lake; the devil drinks it, cuts it again; the same episode with the Wolf, the Fox; the squirrel climbs with an ax on a pine tree; the devil makes a new one from another tooth and finger; The squirrel tells P. to ask Aktavia to lower the iron chain; P. climbed into the sky, left one hair; hell ate it, said it was tasty, but not enough, went into the water]: 8-10; Genetz 1889, No. 3 {it's not entirely clear, this is the one the same text as Chetkarev's, or very similar} [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old man went to the forest, leaned to the water for a drink, grabbed him by the beard; let him go for promising to give him a silver-headed Pazi; When he returned home, the old man found out that he had a son; in three days he grew up as a young man; the young man chooses a thin skate among his father's horses, leaves; meets many women, but does not pay attention to them; meets a crowd of men - the same; to get away from the water, he climbed onto the fir; the waterman made an axe out of his finger, an ax out of his tooth, began to cut; tired, the bear offers to chop it for him; the water fell asleep , the bear threw the ax into the lake; the waterman woke up, drank the lake, found his ax, began to cut it again; the wolf offers to chop it (the same); the fox (the same); the squirrel; the water does not believe her, but she does not believe it persuaded; did not throw the ax into the water, but climbed with it on the fir; the water drank the lake, did not find an ax, made a new one in the same way as the first ax, began to cut, the fir is ready to fall; the squirrel says do not wait for the silver-headed Pazi, but pray to Aktβi; the young man asked A. to lower the iron chain; the young man climbs under it, leaving a lock of his hair on the fir; the fir fell, the water ate his hair, said that tasty, but not enough and returned to the lake]: 83-84.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ethnographic materials 1898, No. 1 (Turgay) [rich Ablai had a daughter, Ai-Khanym, when he was 42 years old, and his son Khudaibergen 10 years later; Zhalmaauz Kempir grabbed A. at the well; refused to take horses, daughter, wife, agreed to let her go for promising to send her son; A. specially left the golden alchik at the well, with whom H. played, migrated; H. sat on the foal, he became argamak; teaches you to approach the LCD on foot, say "here's a red mouse running", grabbing an alchik, running up to the horse and jumping away; the LCD knocked out its tooth, threw it at the horse, he limped on one leg; the same - the second tooth; the horse went quieter, fell; next to an ox with a golden saddle; the LCD could not catch up with him, the abandoned tooth did not hit the ox; H. got off the ox and walked to the holy mountain, where the LCD could not climb; the ox disappeared; the LCD began to dig in the mountain; the fox offered to work for it, buries the dug it herself; H. asks the San Kar falcon to fly to his father to send dogs; Kara-It and Ak-It ("black dog", "white dog") came running; they bit to death LCD]: 1-9; Miropiev 1888 (Syr-Darya region) [the rich man went to water his horses, his lung swam on the water, he pushed him, it became a zhalmaus kempire ("voracious old woman"), she grabbed his beard, ordered to give her youngest son; taught him to leave the golden grandmother in the old place when migrating; the boy came for his grandmother on horseback, grabbed him, galloped away, the LCD after him, pulling out his tooth, turned him into an ax, cut off the horse's leg, pulling out the second or second; the boy climbed a tree, the LCD began to cut it; the geese agreed to call the boy's two dogs, they ran, killed the LCD]: 32-35; Potanin 1972, No. 1 (east) [at Bulat- Paya were horses that ate people; people avoided him, he took a hundred horses, migrated, leaving nine sons at home; horses flew away like birds, he held one by the tail; his 70-year-old wife became pregnant. ate the tostyuk (brisket) of this mare, gave birth to a son Yer-Tyustyuk; people ask why he is not looking for his nine brothers and nine thousand horses; he clamps his parents' thighs, makes them tell the truth ; comes to nine brothers, takes an eight-legged horse; the youngest, then the rest of the brothers recognize E.; the brothers return to their father, now he is rich again; they put him on a sixth horse, tell him to find ten sisters brides; the old woman indicates where to look; B. and nine sons take the brides home; the youngest is Kenjackay; the old woman warns not to stop at the Bai-Terek tree; B. stops, sees on the water light, hits with a stick, it turns into an old woman (kempir), grabs B. by the beard, lets go for promising to give E.; K. asks E. where his goldmoney is; he thinks he is left by the Bai-Terek tree; K. talks about an old woman, gives a chain mail she took from home, a horse; E. grabs the money, the old woman chases him, he falls into the ground with the horse, there 80 old women promise to let him go if he brings gold Khan's braid; on the way, E. takes as companions a mountain raising, drinking a lake, finding out fate; the khan tries to burn them in an iron house, drinks the fire; in another house, the knowledgeable says that they are wearing them they will throw the iron mountain, catch it; the khan tells him to get the cauldron out of the well; they take it out, he gives his daughter; E. cuts off his head, brings him to the old women, they let him go; the young birds of the Alyp-Kara-gush bird cry for Bai-Terek tree; the dragon (Azhdagar) is approaching, E. kills him with a sword; the cubs say that his mother will arrive with the storm; she swallowed and regurgitated E.; raises her to the upper world, he gives her water and feeds her, at the end cuts off the meat from her thighs; on the ground she regurgitates the meat, puts it back, gives a feather; the man in whose house E. stopped dug a hole, E. fell through there; burned the feather, the bird carried it upstairs; E. returns, his wife is the first to recognize him, everyone is happy]: 104-116; Sidelnikov 1958 (2) (southern Kazakhstan) [Mundybay sees blood in the well, the old man grabs it, tells him to give his son; deliberately leaves gold and the boy's silver grandmother on an old nomadic; the horse helps the boy grab the money, the old woman throws a braid under the horse's feet, cuts off one leg, then all the legs; takes the boy underground, tells the cattle to herd; the cow reports that the witch's strength is in her braid; he asks the braid to drive the heifer, runs away, climbs ashore; Mystan pulls out his tooth, digs the ground for them; the magpie offers help, takes it away; the same with the other three with his teeth, they are carried away by a wolf, a fox, a hare; the boy kills the witch with her scythe, frees the prisoners]: 25-28; Tursunov 1983 [by brought the horses to a watering hole, there is a lung in the water, he shoved it, it turned into Zhalmauz- Kempir, she grabbed his throat, demanded a son; he promised to leave the boy's golden bat at the place to sleep, he would come back for it; the boy takes a two-year-old scabies, he turns into a heroic horse; becomes low, the boy grabs the bat without getting off the horse, jumps away; the LCD pulls out one or the second tooth, throws one or the other leg, the horse on two legs jumps to the bayterek (poplar), the boy climbs on it; the LCD digs up a poplar using the third tooth as a spade; The fox offers to work instead of the LCD, throws the tooth into the river; so twice (Lisa says she is another fox); the LCD digs fifth tooth; the boy asks the crows, the ducks to convey the message to his wolfhounds, they refuse; the swallow transmits; the dogs tore the LCD; her daughter went to look for her, the boy killed her with arrows, knocking out her eyes]: 143-145; Kyrgyz [three naughty girls went to the forest; the father gave the elder comb, the middle needle, the younger mirror; they ended up in the witch's house, where the little girl had previously been kidnapped; taking her, they ran; abandoned the comb became a forest (the witch made an ax and saw out of her two teeth), the needle became a mountain, the mirror became a lake; how did you get there? - With a stone around her neck; the witch drowned, the girls returned home]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 193:193-195 (=1981:61-62; 1989:66-68) {perhaps this text is briefly retelling Johelson 1913:160 with reference to Radloff 1870}; Kyrgyz [Kechpesbay first decided to migrate because the cattle ate all the grass; his wife was busy with her luggage for a long time, they set off only at night; Shukurbek's son forgot his alchik in the parking lot, went back; the horse says that the witch Zhelmoguz is there now; S. sees the old woman, she does not give an alchik, let S. dismount; he picked up the alchik, rode away; stopped at the old man; saw J. in a dream, waking up, rode off with three puppies; fell asleep in the parking lot, woke up as an adult, the puppies became dogs named Sensitive, Sighted and Listener; J. was afraid of dogs, offered peace, let S. live with her; persuaded Sh. go hunting without dogs; chased him; S. threw the alchik, which became a poplar, S. climbed onto the poplar; J. pulled out two teeth, turned it into an ax and a saw; the red fox offered to work for J., threw it away an ax and a saw into the river; the same is a white fox; S. asks the crow to call the dogs; they uprooted the tree, ran, drowned J.; S. returned to his father when he was about to wake him]: Ledenyov 1987: 83-88; Kyrgyz [the old man sent three naughty daughters to pick berries, giving them buckets of holes; the girls were tired all day, and when they returned, it turned out that their father had migrated; the girls came to the yurt, in she was a girl; said that her mother was baba yaga {apparently jalmauz-kempir}; baba yaga was happy and in the morning told her older sister to fry her youngest for lunch; the sisters cooked Baba Yaga's daughter, ran away; seeing that the daughter ate, baba yaga set off in pursuit; the older sister threw the comb (forest); baba yaga pulled out two teeth, turned one into an ax and the other into a ketmen, cut the way; the second sister threw a needle (mountain); baba yaga cut through the road; third sister - a mirror (lake); baba yaga: how they swam; girls: tied stones to her neck; the old woman did so and drowned; the sisters returned to their father and never parted ]: Muchnik 1944:70-71; Uighurs: Kabirov 1963 [a woman gives birth to a son with her husband; later a daughter from a neighbor, who has one eye in her forehead; the boy sees his sister reach out of the window to collect water rivers; tells his mother that it is yalmauz; his mother scolds him, he leaves; takes three puppies with him on the way; grows up, marries; decides to visit the house, asks his wife to let the dogs down when they bark; his village empty, only his sister is alive, who has eaten everyone; while cooking, asks him to play the dutar on the roof with his legs hanging; the mouse tells him to pour sand into his hanging boots, run, runs along the strings herself; yalmauz pulls boots, sand falls into her eye, she chases a young man; he climbs one of the five poplars; yalmauz takes out a tooth, cuts the trunk; the fox offers to cut her; Yalmauz falls asleep, the Fox taps, by morning runs away with a tooth; the same with the Wolf; when the last poplar remains, the dogs break off the chain, rush to the yalmauz, she runs to the lake, drowns; the young man scolds his wife for forgetting to let the dogs down right away]: 170-174 (= Kabirov, Shakhmatov 1951:74-77); Malov 1956, No. 14 (Lobnor) [seven-headed Yalmunguz pursued a man named Kaya-Kokul ("black braid"); he climbed into the osokor; Y. took out a tooth, made an ax out of it, became cut; the fox asked to let her chop; I. fell asleep, and the fox knocked with a shovel and an ax for the sake of appearance; asked K. to remove the glue; corrected (glued) the special, leaned it against the others; glued it together in another portion the witch's eyes; ran to K.'s parents; the witch rubbed her eyes, began to cut again; the fox came again, said that she was steppe, and she was from sandy places; the fox sealed Y.'s eyes again, told K's parents .; they came with an army; they cut down the seventh head, and the orphan head ran away; they caught up with her and killed her too]: 86-88.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Burchina 2007, No. II.3 (Unghinsky, Nukut District) [Uliger Episode: Altan Sharga's Horse Tells Khan Sagta Abhay that Aturi Black Mangadhai will arrive soon; tells her to pack faster , take his father's hammer, mother's gold comb and scissors with him; Khan Sagta Abhay, taking it all, leaves home; mangadhai chases; Altai Sharga tells the hostess to throw the comb with with a spell to turn it into a thicket; she does so; mangadhai, taking out her front tooth, makes an ax out of it and cuts the way; Altai Sharga advises the hostess to throw the scissors; they turn into sea; mangadhai takes out another tooth and makes an ax out of it, cuts trees for a raft, then swims across the sea; Altai Sharga advises the hostess to throw a hammer; a steep mountain grows out of it; mangadhai, having made an ax from a tooth, cuts a rock; Khan Sagta Abhay hides in an impassable thicket, builds a palace and lives hunting animals]: 110-111.