Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L65C. The elder cannibal sister. (.23.) .36.37.39.

The eldest of three or more sisters turns out to be cannibal, devouring younger sisters and others.

Evens, Orochi, Udege, forest and tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Chuvans, Koryaks.

(Wed. South Asia. The Sinhalese [two sisters went to the temple, the youngest wished wealth, the eldest wished her relatives to eat; the eldest was married to another village; she ate all the inhabitants, ate her father and brothers, who came to visit her; the youngest and her mother run away, the mother turned around and petrified; the younger sister disappeared into the cave; the king found her and married her; when a midwife was needed, the older sister offered her services; at night she took the bed with her younger sister; she clung to the branches, stayed in the tree, became invisible to her older sister; the eldest returned, began to guard under the banyan; the king found his wife and child; arranged fire, as if my wife died and he was burning her remains; older sister: since I can't eat my sister, I don't want to live; I threw myself into the fire]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 110:270-273.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [5 sisters live, older Naruk takes care of younger Chimcheng; turns into a cannibal giant, devours people and deer; C. talks about this to his older sisters, they don't believe it for a long time; when N . appears, each of the older sisters tries to fly away on one of the household items (board, stick, etc.), they fall into N.'s mouth; C. flies away on a teal, flies to Ergagen, remains a wife, has a son; N. appears, C. sticks ticks into the ground, a solid table appears and she is at the top, N. can not reach it; E. comes up, tells her to open her mouth, shoots, N.'s head splits, N. herself comes out alive, which was before, and all people and animals swallowed; N. marries a man she had previously eaten as a monster]: Lavrillier, Matic 2013:79-118; (cf. Evens of Kamchatka [three sisters live with their mother or stepmother (the narrator gets confused); the youngest sees her leave that night, brings a human leg and eats it; the youngest tells the sisters to dress lightly so that fly, but they put on beautiful clothes, the cannibal catches up with them, swallows them; the youngest is in heaven, married, gave birth to a son; he violates his father's prohibition to go in a certain direction; the log turns into the old woman, who tells the boy to come, she will kiss him; he tells his parents about it, the mother tells the old woman to be brought in; the husband asks the old woman to open her mouth, throws the child and wife there, then throws the old woman in bonfire; (did the wife and child revive?) ; they migrated and lived happily ever after] Kasten, Avak 2014:22-33).

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 56 [six sisters live in heaven, the seventh eldest in the house; sisters come to her, the youngest smears her ass with coal, camlates; the eldest laughs, others see her human teeth; they run away on skis; the older sister chases them, kills everyone but the youngest, dies, turns into a gnat; see motif J35, L72]: 204-206; Bereznitsky 1999, No. 19 [(=2002, No. 2:106; 2003, No. 23:448; 2005, No. 50:477-478); father dies; mother tells six daughters to run away before she dies, because the seventh, the eldest is a cannibal; sisters dance to make her laugh; the seventh dances naked, the eldest laughs, they see human veins on her teeth; they run away on skis; five have mounts made of rags, ropes, elkskin, wire, iron plates; they tear, the cannibal eats them; the sixth, the youngest iron chain mounts; she throws a comb, a mirror; a forest, a lake appear; the eldest gnaws through the forest, drowns in the lake; the youngest comes to a young man, gets married]: 151; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995:179 -180 [seven girls refused to marry; the eldest was going somewhere; the others decided to make her laugh; the youngest took off her pants, threw them into the fire; the eldest smiled, everyone saw her hair in her mouth; decided that she was eating people; six sisters ran away, she caught up with them and ate them; gave birth to six Nengui, red wolves; this fairy tale is told only during the day and is considered the most terrible; (quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 3:107; in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 109:476-477)], 180-181 [the same; the youngest throws chips into the fire, not pantaloons; to catch up with the younger sisters, the eldest tells the straps to break on their skiing; the souls of the younger ones, and then the eldest, went to heaven, became stars (possibly the Pleiades; quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 4:107-108; to Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 110:477-478)]; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [evil the spirit flies into the mouth of Ege, the eldest of seven sisters; the sisters create figures that jump and grimacing; when E. laughs, the sisters see a man on her teeth; the sisters run away, E. tells the ski belts to break , catches up, swallows the sisters; the youngest escapes, she had fasteners with an iron chain; throws a sharpener (mountain), a comb (thicket), ash (fog; it takes E. a year to overcome each obstacle); the old woman lets the girl cross the bridge, hides the bridge; E. demands it, the old woman puts it, in the middle he collapsed, E. fell into the rapids; says that her hair will become mud, her teeth will become boulders, bones - with tree creases, blood by mosquitoes and midges]: 156-157.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Jochelson 1900, No. 94 (b. Corcodon) [the three sisters were left alone; they take turns buying firewood; they threw a mouse to each other, laughed, saw human meat on their elder sister's teeth; when she left, the sisters burned her their wings, put on their own, flew, saw the eldest chew on their father's skull; the eldest threw a knife into the middle sheath, they pulled her to the ground, she ate it; the youngest married the old man's son, gave birth to a son; two the older sisters came, scratched the boy's cheeks; the mother took him, went up to the platform; the older ones began to gnaw on the platform supports; the youngest's husband jumped on a spear to the platform, told the elders to open their mouths, promised to throw my sister there; threw a spear into one's mouth, the other arrows, killed them]: 202-206; Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 19 (p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia) [the three sisters lost their parents; the eldest began to go somewhere, stopped talking and smiling; the sisters decided to make her laugh; caught a mouse, sewed up her eyes and released; the older sister smiled, the younger ones saw hair in her mouth; then they followed her and found out that she had become a cannibal - she went to her parents' graves and gnawed on their heads; the younger ones ran away from it, reached the seashore and flew away on ninbah (leather and fur cutting boards)]: 157-158; Russified, probably, tundra yukaghirs (p. Nizhnekolymsky District) [the youngest of the three sisters is hungry, the eldest advises her to eat dried fish, laughs, two sisters see meat on her teeth; find that she has dug and ate their corpses dead parents; ask geese to throw feathers at them, fly away; the middle sister looks around, hearing the voice of the elder, falls into her open mouth; the youngest is saved, marries, gives birth to a son and daughter; the eldest comes, bites off children's lips, devours a girl; mother and boy hide in a box, make it iron; father kills a monster, burns the remains]: Bogoras 1918, No. 11:67-69; Chuvans [Lived three sisters. The eldest would disappear all the time. She went to the tundra and ate the dead there. {Upon learning about this}, the younger ones decided to flee. Before that, we fed all the holes in the yaranga poles so that they could talk. The older one caught her middle sister and then attacked her younger sister. Suddenly, the youngest found herself in the Upper World, where there were only men. They started asking her questions. The girl was confused, but did not say what her older sister was doing. The girl was still up there somewhere. And then a lot of people were added. They say it's us!] : Brodsky, Innecay 2018, No. 22:48-49; Koryaks [zap. A.N. Zhukova; five sisters wander alone; the eldest offers to live by the sea; the youngest notices that at night the eldest leaves the yaranga, when she returns, she smells bad; younger sisters find human remains in the eldest's bed; sisters leave, locking the eldest in the house; she flies out through the chimney; catches up, eats up the next in seniority; the youngest makes the eldest fall into the fire; in At the fire, a man with a knife kills her]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 142:149-155.