Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L70. Discarded fruit. .10.-. (.23.) .24.26.29.


The character is killed or maimed by an object dropped from above that he expects to fall, but he has the wrong idea of character or gravity (fruit, piece of bark, turtle, log, etc.).

SW Africa. The Hottentots [the lion and the jackal agreed to hunt together; the jackal suggested that the animals be hunted by a lion, and he would carry meat to his family; the lion found the lioness and the lions slightly alive from hunger; ran to kill the jackal; he carried everything to the top of the cliff in advance; hits the skin with a stick, says that he hits his wife, it is her fault, his wife and children are pretending to scream; invites the lion to lift him up to the rock; twice cuts off the rope, the lion is barely alive; offers to open its mouth - drops a piece of meat; drops a red-hot stone wrapped in fat; the lion is dead]: St. Lys 1916:145-148.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Angola (no band specified) [girl finds a hyena egg (so!) , brings, bakes; Hyena demands her egg, the girl promises her the baby she will give birth to; a son Kachirambe is born from an abscess on her leg as an adult with a gun; a mother, trying to fulfill her promise to Hyena, sends him to where Hyena hides; K. is cautious, unfaithful; asks Hyena to open her mouth, throws a sharp branch into her mouth from the tree, she dies]: Werner 1933:127-129; Herero: Estermann 1961, No. 2 [on Migrating, a pregnant wife returns for a forgotten needle, meets a monster, hides from him in a hole; gives birth to twins; they kill bigger game, the mother explains who it is; meets a monster, they hide on the baobab; the younger brother relieves himself, the monster under the tree drinks it, eats it; looks up; the brothers throw him pieces of meat with stones wrapped in them; the monster suffocates; the brothers go down, see the old man, he advises to fresh the monster from behind; there are many people and cattle inside]: 176-178; Radin 1952, No. 23 [The wolf is the master, the Fox is the servant, the cattle are grazing; the wolf tells the Fox to go bring the sheep back, otherwise they are not visible; Fox ties a pair of sheep to a tree; the wolf goes, sees it, hits the Fox; he complains that he is hurt, the Wolf lets him beat him, he hits him terribly with branches; they see black and white cows, Fox says that black is his; he pokes her with a knife, fat is pouring, the Wolf pokes his own - there is a syphilis; he says that the Fox deliberately slipped him one; the Fox offers to change, but the Fox still has fat, the Wolf has fat syphilis; then the Wolf offers to kill his mothers so that there is someone to cry for; kills his own, and the Fox hides his fox in the cave; the Fox goes to get water, but the Wolf one day insists that he will go; sees in the cave mother Fox kills her; Fox finds her; tells Wolf that he cries because of smoke; Wolf says it's because of his mother; leaves Fox to cook meat; he takes the meat, puts crap in the pot, leaves an insect responsible for himself; The wolf hits the place where the voice is heard, but there is only an insect; the fox on the rock, greased it, the Wolf cannot climb; the fox asks him to open his mouth, throws a stone there, knocking out the Wolf's teeth; in In the village, the Wolf shouts not to be missed; the Fox explains that he tells him to be released; the Leo has the same; the Fox plucked his hair, the Wolf says he looks like the Fox, but the Fox denies, leaves]: 100-103; tonga (Zambia) [a woman stole a piece of dried meat from the barn; when she was caught, she promised to give her child (she may have promised an unborn child); sends the child to where he should be captured, but he feels the catch and runs away; he is finally captured; he asked permission to climb a tree and throw berries from there; both men got hit in the throat and suffocated]: Torrend 1921, No. 9:183-185; sakata [the young man was hunting, Mulua came up, he has a second mouth on the back of his head, he demanded that the dead monkeys be handed over to him, the young man ran away; the next time he climbed a palm tree, offered to throw off the nut; he ate, asked for more; the young man threw a whole bunch into his mouth, M. died]: Colldén 1979, No. 12:164-165; Songe [Buffalo's mother is dead; Leopard says everyone must kill their mothers now; The Kaseshi antelope hides its own, comes to eat food prepared by the mother, other animals are losing weight; the leopard has found and killed K.'s mother; K. raises a stone in a bag on the tree, promises to throw a fruit into the Leopard's mouth; the stone knocked out his teeth, almost killed him; the animals chased K., who asked the Lizard for help, she killed the Leopard; K. refused to pay her, only offered to be friends]: Frobenius 1983:270-171; Radin 1952, No. 23:100-103; kikuyu [The leopard picked up mushrooms, wrapped it, carried it home; Hyena asks where so much meat comes from; The leopard leads to show; the hare offers Hyena to rest, promises to bring meat; Hyena waits, with his mouth open and his eyes closed, the Hare rolls a stone down the mountain, the Hyena dies; the same trick with the Leopard fails, he opens his eyes and dodges; pretends to be dead, the Hare comes up, but the Leopard tries grab him, the Hare rushes into the hole, the Leopard grabs his tail; the hare says he holds the root, the Leopard lets him go; stays on guard; the crow offers to watch him; the hare offers to watch him; the hare offers her open your eyes wide to watch him vigilantly; catches the ground, runs away; the leopard tells the Raven that the Hare must die]: Gagnolo 1853, No. 21:20-21.

West Africa. Limba [The Spider agrees with Firefly that he will pull out the big rough fish, and the Firefly will pull out the tender and small ones; the Spider will get all the fish; the Firefly left, turning off the lantern; the Leopard wants eat the Spider, who says he carries fish to his children; the leopard ties bells to the children to know if the Spider attacks them; the Spider removes the bells, eats the Leopard's children, shouts their voices, when asking for fish, the Leopard throws them; the Spider runs away, the Leopard grabs it; the Spider asks for permission to get nuts from the palm tree; the Leopard likes them, the Spider throws the prickly one, he covers the Leopard's mouth; His monkey frees; in the yam field The spider cooks a hole with hot coals, the Leopard falls through, since then he has stains on his skin]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:176-179.

Sudan - East Africa. Kalenjin (nandi) [when the Monkey eats fruits on the tree, the Crocodile eats what falls down; they become friends; the Crocodile offers to visit him, he will take the Monkey himself, let him sit on back; in the middle of the river admitted that the sick crocodile king needs a monkey heart; Monkey: but all monkeys keep their hearts on the treetops - let the Crocodile take it back, she'll take the heart and he would return; after climbing the tree, the Monkey took a stone with him; told the Crocodile to open his mouth wider - she would throw his heart to him; threw the stone, breaking the Crocodile's teeth, called him a fool; he swam away crying]: Chesaina 1997:75-77; the nuers [the jackal and the hawk went to the jackal's bride; along the way, the jackal quietly picked up the shell to serve as a spoon; then found 4 little ones, gave two to the hawk; and then offered throw away the spoons: the owners may be offended that the guests took their own; the jackal knew that the young man going to the girl must take his spoon, but the hawk did not know; on a visit, the jackal slowly said that the hawk eats only porridge right from the fire; they served food, the hawk cannot eat, the jackal invited him to run away for a spoon (the jackal still has that large spoon); during this time he poured sand into his plate; said that with or without sand, you should eat what they give; at night, the jackal stabbed, fried and ate the goat, and smeared the hawk with blood; in the morning he was almost beaten to death; when he learned how he had been let down, the hawk offered go to God's judgment, gave the jackal a wing and the second from another bird; God limited himself to censure, then the hawk took his wings and left the jackal in the sky; gave the jackal grains; then got angry and shoved the jackal down; he prays to fall into the pond, but fell to solid ground, the grain crumbled, the ants took it away; the jackal came to his mother, said he was dying; ordered him to dig the grave, slaughter the bull and leave it in meat and water; cover the grave, but so that the clay does not fill it; if you hear a noise, this flesh falls off my bones; three days later the jackal ate everything and came to my mother, saying that he had recovered; Now the jackal and the hawk came to heaven for the bride; the jackal stole and ate the goat again, but the hawk demanded a test; God: jump over the hole - whoever falls ate; the jackal refused; once on the ground, the jackal and the hawk threw darts at each other; the jackal missed, the hawk wounded him; then the jackal climbed the tree, threw the hawk's fruit; he bent over to pick it up, and the jackal threw the other one on his head and killed]: Fergusson 1925:108-111; Zande [the leopard caught rats and began to fry; Thure put a torch of wood resin by the fire, it hissed; he says rats burn; let the leopard on people's backs and he will open his mouth, fat will drip into it; pours burning resin on the leopard's face, carries rats away; when he dies, the leopard asks his children for revenge; Thure climbed the tree with his wife; when he left and he came back, sang a song about a burnt leopard, his wife lowered the rope; the leopard's son's amulet advised him to contact a duker (Sylvicarpa grimmia); he brought him to the Thura tree and taught him a song; Thur's wife she picked up the leopard; he told her not to show it or she would eat it herself; when Thure got up and saw the leopard, he told his wife to feed the guest elephant skin; pretended to cut it and cut off the branch himself, which the leopard was sitting; he fell into the water and fell into a fish trap; the man brought him home, but the leopard ran away; the amulet told him to call everyone to dance, hide under a pile of dry leaves and wait for Thur; Thuru his amulet advised him to take a knife with him; when he stood above a pile of leaves, Thur swung a knife, the leopard jumped out and ran away]: Evans-Pritchard 1966:270-273.

North Africa. Morocco [one wife is childless, the other has a daughter and is pregnant again; the husband brings two pigeons every day, tells them to cook one or the other; the daughter accidentally releases her mother's pigeons ; the shepherd catches them for promising to give one, the woman does not give them, he releases them again; the woman and daughter follow them, find themselves in the forest; the mother does not pay attention to the dog, cat, donkey (the daughter says that they come to show the way back); sees a lion; tells her daughter to climb a tree; if the lion starts eating her on the right, then she has a son, let her daughter cover the child with leaves; if on the left, she has a daughter again; the lion eats on the right, the girl sheds her leaves, the lion does not notice the baby; the crow promises to help if the girl gives her half of her mother's clothes; brings the red-hot share of the plow; asks the lion to open its mouth, she will jump into her; throws a share, a lion dies; a girl gives her promise to a crow, takes a baby; helps to give birth to a she-wolf, tigress, lioness, monkey, bear, leopard, hedgehog; each feeds her brother, gives birth to her newborn's companions; on the mountain, a girl and animals ask God to make the boy an adult; so it happened; they met a ghoul, called them to live with him; the young man fell in love with a shepherdess; the sister is jealous, promises Gulya marry him if he kills her brother; ghoul asks the young man not to take animals hunting today; at home, his sister puts them to sleep with singing; the ghoul wants to eat the young man, he asks for permission to say it before he dies three words; the ghoul allows you to say seven; the young man calls his seven animals; at home, the sister rubs the grain, accidentally shoved the hedgehog into the eye, he woke up, woke up the others, they rushed to help the young man, the gulya was torn; at home, the sister cries, says that the hedgehog pricked her, asks her to show where he buried the ghoul's bones; his brother married, his sister put seven ghoul bones in his bed, they pierced him to death; he buried, animals dig up the body, take out the bones, the young man comes to life; the chief, his wife's father, orders his sister to be buried along with the ghoul's bones]: El Koudia 2003, No. 2:7-14.

Western Europe. French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 1 (Gascony) [the goat tells the goats to unlock only when they hear her song; the fox overhears, sings, the goats unlock, the fox carries the cheese; seeing a wolf, climbs a tree, taking a stone; the wolf asks to drop the cheese, the fox throws a stone, breaking the wolf's mouth; promises to tell you where to get the cheese; the wolf goes to the goats, sings a song, but they recognize someone else's voice; the fox advises you to go to to the blacksmith; the wolf is coming, the blacksmith has thinned his tongue, the goats do not unlock; the wolf goes again; this time the older goats warned that it was not his mother, but the younger ones unlocked; the wolf rushed to the cheese, and the goats hid; the wolf fell asleep, the goats boiled water, poured it on the wolf; he ran; the goats: a scalded wolf! wolf: only on one side! The goat returned soon]: 32-40; Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 155 [the fox in the tree promises to throw fruit or cheese into the wolf's mouth, but throws stones]: 475; the walloons [the wolf and the pig have agreed to go eat peas, but the pig ate it all alone; the wolf says he knows where the apple tree is; the pig goes there alone, climbed the apple tree; the wolf comes over and is going to eat it; demands that it throw off its leg (un de vos jambons); a pig tells the wolf to open its mouth, throws a prickly branch, the wolf is dead]: Laport 1932, no.*136:32.

Melanesia. Vatut [the spirit heard two women agree to go for fruit in the morning; takes the form of one of them; the woman leaves her imaginary friend a baby, climbs a tree; she devours the child, he cries, she says he was bitten by an ant; the child paused, the mother came down, saw what happened, managed to climb back; put it in a sheet of sticky resin, threw off her spirit, supposedly the fetus, the resin covered him eyes; while her spirit washed her eyes in the river, the woman ran home]: Fischer 1963, No. 46:192-193.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the frog became friends with the monkey, invited her to her lake; the monkey sat on her back and found himself in the underwater world; the frog said that her mother was sick, only her heart would cure her monkeys; monkey: we keep our hearts in trees; the frog took the monkey ashore, she climbed a tree, told the frog to open its mouth and threw its crap there]: Coyaud 2012, No. 7:38-39; best [stepmother rushes to a pile of wood, tells her husband that her stepsons beat her with logs; the father takes her sons to a distant forest, throws her; the elder climbs a tree, swallows a hornbill egg, turns into a bird, flies, showing the way to the younger one; he loses his shadow, climbs a tree, the cannibal asks her to shed fruit; he tells her to give him her staff, open his mouth, throws the staff into her mouth, killing her; With this staff, he revives the old woman's dog; revives the leader's deceased daughter, gets her as a wife; becomes a bird, flies away with her brother]: Shakespear 1909:409-411.

(Wed. South Asia. North India (Hindi) [wolf and donkey play tag; boy laughs at wolf: what a coward he is if he runs away from a donkey; wolf promises to punish a boy for insulting him and come for him at night; the boy put a sharp stone in his pocket; late in the evening the wolf came and carried the boy to his hole; followed his friend a donkey; at that time the boy climbed the tree; the wolf looked for him, opened his mouth, the boy threw a stone at her and killed a wolf; returned to his mother]: Rouse, Crook 1899:55-57).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja: Teselkin 1959 [Pottori Tondon tells her husband that if a lizard living in the house screams, he must run; she screams herself, the husband comes running in panic, hits his wife on the head with a dagger, she rushes into the river pool; every day her daughters come to the shore, she gives her youngest breast; the eldest explains to her father that she fed the youngest mulberry; he follows, tries to grab the PT, she slips out; sisters they leave, the eldest climbs the mango, puts a knife in one fruit, throws the boar that comes up, he dies; when she goes to look for fire, the eldest comes to the witch Indo Orro-Orro; she makes her confess that fire is needed fry the wild boar, divides the meat so much that she takes everything for herself; the sisters follow, quietly replace the meat in the witch's basket with stones; she brings the basket to her husband, he scolds the IOO; the sisters eat wild boar meat, the IOO finds them , fattens; the lizard warns the sisters that the IOO wants to eat them, tells her to leave a louse, a bug, a flea in the house to be responsible for themselves; the sisters climb a palm tree, tell it to be tall, throw it where their mother is; fall east; the PT does not recognize them, gives them a pig talker; they see a dagger scar on her head, they cry, everything turns out; PT is married to a boa constrictor; PT tells daughters to throw nuts off the roof, says it mice; the boa constrictor stops paying attention, falls asleep, PT throws it under the house where buffaloes trampled on it]: 23-31 (=Braginsky 192:138-144); Adriani in Bezemer 1904 [(bare toraja); leaving to work on the field, parents tell their son Tandani and his brother to prepare food for their return; but they play all day long; finally, the mother kept the children from entering the house, pushing T. down the stairs; the brothers ran away; the mother tried them to catch up and asked me to come back; T. threw peas behind several times, his mother picked them, wasting time; T. asked for the "gaping rocks" {gähnenden Felsen: obviously, the crushing rocks} let them pass, the rocks missed them; the mother of the rock was cut in half: one half became a goat, the other a pig; the brothers reached the fruit tree; T. climbed upstairs, began to throw fruits to his brother, drive away the pig that came up; he did not know that it was his mother; threw her a fruit with a sharp leaf stalk; the pig swallowed it and died; the brothers came to the old man and the old woman; T. spoke about the killed pig, asked for food for his brother; the old man smeared the boy his mouth in blood, took the meat for himself, left his bones for his brothers; on the way to the old man, T. quietly put the meat in his basket, and put stones in the old man's basket; at home, the old man began to dump the contents into the cauldron - he it flows; the old man thinks his bone has pierced; so with all the cauldrons; then he noticed that there were stones in the basket; in the morning, the old men with two dogs rushed after the boys; they climbed a tree above the river; the old man noticed their reflection; climbed a tree, saying to his wife: if the "hrums" falls, it's me, and if it "flop", it's T., let the dogs down on him; T.: open your mouth, I'll throw something; the old man opened his mouth, T. threw hot at him stone, the old man fell, the wife thinks it was T., let the dogs down, they bit to death the old man; she climbed herself, hurt herself against thorns and died]: 348-352; tetum or kemak (Austronesians of Timor) [throwing at the shores are a net, the brother pulls out a singing coconut, seven sisters like it; their mother finds it, cooks it; the brother promises to find another one like it; climbs a palm tree, there is a seven-headed snake, in exchange for a coconut demands seven girls; takes them away, goes to fetch water, the kite raises them to the tree; when the snake has almost gnawed through the trunk, the kite invites it to open its mouths to throw the girls at them, throws pieces of iron; girls returning home]: Pascoal 1967:319-321.

China - Korea. The Chinese [The Tiger stole the girl; the official's men found her, she agreed to become his second wife; the Tiger goes to her house; she says she was stolen, asks her to open her mouth to jump into her, throws a pumpkin; Tiger chokes, dies]: Riftin 1972:51-52; lolo (buy) [a witch eats a woman; knocks on her children; they say that the voice is rude, the hand is hairy; the witch puts on clothes and shoes women, children let her in; at night she eats a boy; a girl asks to go to the yard, ties a rope to the dog's paw, climbs a peach tree; a witch asks to throw her a peach, a girl throws a knife; the witch dies, turns into nettles; merchants spread white and red carpets, the girl jumps, misses, falls into nettles, turns into wormwood; wormwood heals nettle burns]: Cherkasova 1961:360 -364; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:167-179 [father did not return from hunting; mother goes for roots, tells daughters Amìma (eldest) and Alěma not to open the door; cannibal (t'ishüma, category of evil spirits) ate her, came, asked her to open it; Amima talks to her; her mother always brought a herd of cows; the cannibal brought it; show her ear; the cannibal picks up a mooing cow; the same herd of sheep; pigs; a basket of roosters; the mother always has a spinning wheel in her hands spinning hemp; show; slips; the mother's hand is not shaggy; the cannibal pulls out her hair; not bloody; licks blood; younger sister: if you are mother, break constipation; cannibal rips off, comes in, sends sisters to fetch water; Amima brings dirty, Alema is clean; cannibal: the one who brought clean will sleep with me; at night, Amima hears the cannibal suck Alema's blood, eats it; she says she drinks water, gnaws hemp seeds; in the morning, Amima pretends to believe, calls the cannibal for breakfast, offers to wake Alema up; cannibal: let her sleep; the cannibal wants relieve the need; Amima tied a ball of thread to the fence: when you unwind, you can do your business; after a little reeling, the cannibal asks if it is possible; Amima replies that her mother is at this time (all episodes of hemp processing and making clothes), then the father at that time (episodes of preparing a bow and arrow, a knife); finally, the ball unwound; Amima ran into the house, found her sister's bones, ordered all the items in the house to be responsible for her; then sticks and wooden balls on the road; runs away; the cannibal consistently devours all the objects that answer her; chases; under the apricot tree notices Amima's shadow; how climbed? throwing her left breast to the left and right; the cannibal ripped her breasts off the bark, cannot climb; Amima promises her apricots if she brings her father's gold-silver spear, burning it in the fire; tells her open your mouth, close your eyes; misses for the first time, tells her to heat her again; pierces the cannibal, her blood floods the valley; Amima asks Grandpa Month to pick her up, then Grandma Sun; everyone says that busy; blood rises; at the last moment the Sun picks up Amima; when the bloody flood has passed, the Sun wants to bring Amima back; she is afraid of cannibals; the Sun gives four dogs to protect Amima from her head , from the feet, on the sides; three times a night it is necessary to change the place of sleep; when dogs killed almost all cannibals, the Sun decided to take them away; Amima begged to leave the male and female to defend themselves from the remaining cannibals; these couples happen today's dogs], 409-426 [an orphan girl and her younger brother live with her grandmother; went to chase birds to the site; someone mimics their words; grandmother does not believe, she goes by herself; she does not mimic; children: tease so that the grandmother believes; now someone repeats the grandmother's words; the cannibal t'ishüma appears; invites the grandmother to look in her head; she takes ticks out ticks from the cannibal's head; the cannibal is the brain, ate the grandmother; the children saw it, ran home, locked themselves; the cannibal comes disguised as a grandmother; the girl repeatedly says that everything looks different for her grandmother; the cannibal consistently changes her teeth, cuts off her long breasts, etc., dresses; girl: grandmother came carrying a trough; a cannibal with a trough; this time the boy said a formula to open the door; pretending to be her a grandmother, a cannibal, sends her children for water, then for fuel; the girl brings dirty water, raw branches, the boy is clean, dry; at night the cannibal takes it to her place; she ate it, crunches her bones, supposedly a crunch magic beans that give immortality, which she chews; first the cannibal gives the girl beans, then her brother's finger; in the morning she asks where to relieve her need; the girl rejects all places (her mother or father is there something they did); we must go to the mountain, she will let the ball down the mountain, where the thread runs out, relieve the need there; and then wind the ball back; the girl tied the thread to the tree, ran home, found her brother's intestines, wrapped it in cloth, took it with her, hid under the bridge; then climbed a tree; wet herself; the cannibal thought it was raining; the girl laughed; the cannibal: how did she climb? legs forward; the cannibal climbs; not like this: throw your legs around your neck; then: bring my father's spear, hot in the fire, knock down the fruits for you, throw it in your mouth, open it wider; throw the spear, missed; bring a spear my grandfather with two points; the same; great-grandfather: with three points; the spear fell into the mouth of the cannibal, she died; the flood began; the girl consistently asks for deer, dogs, hunters, bushes, knife, leaves, people who carry meat, flies to drink water; everyone refuses, is busy with each other (cumulative story); a frog drinks for a promise to give her a needle; the girl pierced her stomach with this needle, the water spilled out again; the same is another frog, but the girl pierced her back; since then, the frogs have a stain behind them; the girl got off the tree, picked up the remnants of yarn that the women had thrown, began to weave them; the moon came down She does not know how to drink from the stream; girl: sideways; the grateful moon took her along with the tree under which she was sitting; you can see her weaving on the moon; if only half of the moon is visible, the moon drinks; people are mortal, for can't eat magic beans anymore]; yao [Battleship promises Tiger to roll down the mountain into his mouth; Tiger opens its mouth, Battleship pierces him through]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:186; Chuan Miao [the woman was eaten by the witch Na Bo Ntsong; her two daughters went to the forest and called their grandmother; the NBN answered her in a voice; when she came, she sat on a vessel, not on a chair, to hide her tail; said she would sleep with that granddaughter who does not have lice; the eldest specially poured sesame seeds into her clothes; shook her clothes over the fire, the seeds cracked, the imaginary grandmother decided to sleep with her youngest granddaughter; the eldest in the attic hears the witch devouring the youngest; she replies that she is eating beans; to give it to her, she gave her younger sister's finger; in the morning the witch noticed the shadow of the eldest in the well, found her sitting on a pear tree; she says that the witch will be able to climb the tree wearing leather shoes that are at home; she could not climb into them; the girl asked for a spear to knock down pears for her; the girl asked her to open her mouth , pierced with a spear; the witch turned into a thicket of blackberries surrounding the tree in a ring; fabric merchants were passing by, the girl promised to marry someone who would help her descend; the merchant covered the thorns with cloth, let the girl down]: Graham 1954:276-277; Hani [the cannibal Milaominao swallowed the sun and the moon; a 30-year-old woman lived on the mountain with two daughters, Apei, 12, and Aniu, 6 years old; one day, a mother went to get water and M. swallowed it and took its form; the youngest believed that the mother had come, and the eldest told me to show her hand; it was black and clawed; M. rolled her hand in ash; again they did not believe it; M. hears the youngest say: the mother would come in through a hole in the wall; says that the one who would rather wash her feet would sleep with her; at night, the eldest dreamed of an old man predicting her victory over M. in the mountains; she woke up and heard chewing; M. says she is chewing peas; the girl felt blood and saw M. devouring the youngest; said she wanted to go to the yard; refuses to write in the room: the spirit of this place lives in every place; M. allowed her to go out, the girl climbed a pear by the pond; in the morning M. asked to drop the fruit, threw it right down her throat and another vuk from above, M. died, turned into a thorny bush; an old man came up, the girl asked he spread out his cape, she will jump off and become his granddaughter; old man: I have a granddaughter; girl: I will be second; and so on until 12; went down, the old man disappeared, she went to look for the youngest; herding buffaloes, ducks, chickens they don't know where she is; the frog tells her to wait for her to drink the sea; when she drank, the youngest appeared; they began to think who would be the sun and who would be the moon; the youngest was afraid of being the moon, afraid of the dark; therefore The eldest became the moon, and the youngest was given needles to prick the eyes of people who would look at the sun immodestly]: Coyaud 2012, No. 1:9-19.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [nine poor brothers go to work as laborers; younger Khutkunchula asks the old woman for water; she sends brothers to a maiden who needs shepherds; he only lures workers to have them eat; the brothers fell asleep, dev asks who is awake; H. replies that he, the geese, are screaming; dev swallows the geese, asks again; the cows are mooing (the same); the horses are laughing; H. wakes up the brothers, they run, he locks up outside the door, the brothers and H. have time to cross the river, the devil is afraid to step on the shaky bridge; H. carried the talking goat away from the deva; the king took her away, demands a flying carpet in return; H. returned to the maiden, stuck the carpet with needles, dev lay down, pricked, threw away the carpet, H. took it away; the king only awarded H. a hat; envious brothers persuade the king to send X. to bring all the deva's treasures; H. says to the deva that the king told him make a flying chest, but H. pulled out all the nails; dev asks him to make a chest; H. offers to try it on, brings the chest to the king, hides in a tree with a piece of salt; the chest is open, the devil eats the king and viziers; H. replies to the deva that he flew up a tree with a block of salt on his chest; dev agrees to lie under the tree, let H. shed his salt; killed by dropped salt]: Chikovani 1986:64-68.

Iran - Central Asia. Yazgulyam [stepmother does not love her five-year-old stepson, carries food not to her husband, but to her lover; stepson overheard, collected an eggshell, which the lover crumbled on the way to his field, put it on the way to the father's field; the wife brought scrambled eggs there; the stepson hides in the mazar, answers his stepmother that if she wants to get rid of her stepson, let him feed him fried lamb, he will go blind; the stepson gets fat and pretends to have bad eyes; puts boiling water in a snag where his lover hides, he dies; stepmother and husband decide to leave, stepson hides in the basket in which they carry property; urinates, those they think that the butter has melted; they regret that the stepson is not able to climb the apple tree; he gets out of the basket, climbs the apple tree, throws not an apple into his stepmother's mouth, but a stone, the husband barely took it out of her throat; they decide to push the boy into the river at night; he changes places with his stepmother, the father pushes his wife off the cliff; returns home with his son]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 58:454-459; Sarykoltsy [y the older brother has three children, the youngest has none; he asked for his nephew to help him; that job, but the uncle decides to torture him more; tells the donkey to go to the forest so that his nephew can bring firewood himself; he sets fire to the forest, the donkey returns; the uncle and wife decide to move; they regret that there is no nephew: he would pick apricots for them; he appears, climbs a tree, invites his uncle to open his mouth, throws the unripe apricot, and raw and hard, the uncle screams in pain; agrees with his wife to push his nephew into the river at night; he changes place with his aunt, the uncle drowns his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 60:461-462.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Maskaev 1967 (Erzya) [parents are dead, seven sisters and younger brother are left in the forest hut; the dog brings them prey; the older sister went across the river, went into Baba Yaga's house; her caressed them, asked where she lived; the girl called her to them, otherwise she was afraid, BYA promised to come; going to the river: make a raft of cane, linden bark; but the dog ran out, barked, promised tear up, give the meat to the wolves; the next day the girl asks why the BU did not come; she: I'm afraid of the dog, break her legs; brother cries, but her sisters broke; the dog still barks; BYA: gouge your eyes out - the same; kill and bury it; then the raft formed, the BYU swam across, told stories to the girls in the hut, and the brother hid on the stove, taking a lime log; when the girls fell asleep, the BYA swelled and swallowed them; boy: open your mouth, I'll jump into it myself; threw a log into her mouth, she died; the boy cut her stomach, took her sisters out alive]: 102-110: Pomerantseva 1973 [six girls have a brother; one comes to the woods to Viryava's house, invites the old woman to his place; her brother's dog does not let her cross the river; for the fourth time V. persuades the girls to take the dog away; spends the night in the house, swallows her sisters at night; brother from the stove asks V. to open his mouth, throws a log at him, V. dies; he cuts her stomach, lets her sisters out]: 85-88; Paasonen 1941 (Erzya) [on the way from abroad, the old man leaned over for a drink, the devil grabs his beard, tells her to promise to give what she does not know at home; she meets her daughter at home, her front tooth is silver, waxed; parents decide to send her to her older sister; she meets young devils, then middle-aged devils, replies that she did not see a girl with a silver tooth; laughs at the old ones, the wax falls off, the devils are chasing, the follower girl throws back parts of the spinning wheel; grows lime, maple, birch forest, devils gnaw through them; when she throws a spindle, a tin mountain grows up, the girl climbs it, calls her older sister who is in heaven; that follower replies that she is already plowing the field, sowing, collects, flutters hemp, winds a rope, etc.; the devils have almost gnawed through the mountain, the girl climbs the rope to her sister, that follower hides her from her bear husband, making her a needle in moss, a coal among coals, garbage in a pile of garbage; The bear eats it, but does not find the girl; the sister turns the girl into a pea, hides it in a cake, tells the Bear to take the hotel to her father; The silver tooth from the box says I see every time the Bear wants to eat a cake; the Bear was attacked by dogs near the house, he ran away, the father found his daughter; at home The bear is looking for a wife to eat; she tells him to open his mouth on the roof, throws him there millstone, Bear dies]: 282-291; Marie: Beke 1938, No. 7 [a man has a wife, she has a lover; he is dead; the devil took his form and began to come to the woman; she decides to get rid of her husband; pretends the patient consistently asks him to bring milk from a wild dog, a hare, a she-wolf, a bear, a lioness, a tigress; an old man in the forest gives him a horn; if you blow, animals come; each female gives milk and the cub; the animals grew up, entered the house, sniffed the line under the floor in the hallway, tore it; the man told them and his wife to tear apart]: 20-30; Sabitova 1992 (meadow) [seven orphan sisters went out of fire; sent the eldest to Wever-Kuve (them.: V.-Kuva); the girl invites V. to their house; V. gives fire, says that the sisters have an angry dog, asks her to hit her in the leg; going to her sisters, she sings that her tow is like a calf, a spindle is what rolling pin, spinning - like a millstone; the dog barks, V. is afraid, leaves; so with all the sisters in turn (break every next leg to the dog, burn it, scatter the ashes); at the invitation of his younger sister, V. comes lies down on the stove, with her six sisters, except the youngest; at night, one after another, the skulls of the eaten fall to the floor; V. each time replies that the curtain, spindle, etc. have fallen; in the morning the youngest suggests that V. open her mouth, to jump into it; throws boots full of hot coals into V.'s mouth; runs, taking a comb, a bar, a canvas; an abandoned comb turns into a forest; The hare is called to cut, throws an ax into the lake; V. drinks it; the bar is the mountain; the same, the Fox supposedly cuts; the canvas is the river, V. drinks; the girl climbs the birch tree, V. cuts; the girl asks her older sister to lower her spindle from the sky; she replies that she sows, then pulls hemp, etc.; at the last moment she descends, the girl goes up to heaven; the sister hides her from her husband; he promises not to eat the one who comes; the girl stays with her sister]: 153-158.

Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 98 (b. Agan) [the woman does not tell her nephew to shoot killer whales; he shoots, misses, tries to pick up an arrow, sticks to the ground; Iron-nose-stove-nose-woman takes him home in a basket, nails him to the wall, goes to get the cauldron; the young man tells the son and daughter of the cannibal to let him go, promises to make spoons, kills, cooks, climbs a tree himself; the cannibal cuts a tree, goes to rest, the young man asks her to open her mouth, promises jump into it, sprinkles sand into her eyes, runs away]: 89; Lukina 1990, No. 34 (b. Wah) [(Quail from Shatilov 1982:79-81); Alvali hit a teal with an arrow; cannot pull an arrow out of his body; hits with a bow, the bow sticks; etc., until his head sticks; the teal was Savs's trap -iki; he brings A. home; he asks him to feed him first, then sends him to bring a larger pot; A. persuades his daughters to let him go, promises to make spoons to sip his soup; kills both cooks, puts meat on sticks along the path; climbs a tree with sand in his shoes; S. eats meat; vomits axes, cuts wood, axes break; remains alone; A. asks S. to open his mouth to jump there; sprinkles sand, kills it with an ax, burns it, ashes turn into mosquitoes]: 134-136; Soldatova 2008, No. 16 (b. Wah, 2008) [Alva's grandmother does not tell Alva to hunt on the other side, father and grandfather did not return from there; A. goes, shoots a duck, it does not move, he takes an arrow that has hit the duck, sticks his arms and legs; Savs-Iki brought A. to him, put him on a rope, tells his daughters to fatten, went to get a large cauldron himself; SI's daughters pierced A.'s cheeks, they were swollen; A. suggests making SI's daughters spoons, they untied him, he killed them with a hatchet, cooked it, climbed a tree, leaving two crows in the canopy; SI decided that he ate meat in his daughter's canopy, found earrings in the cauldron, was going to cut down a tree on which A.; he offered to jump into his mouth - let SI spread his eyes and mouth with chopsticks; A. covered SI's eyes and mouth with garbage, cut it into pieces, burned it, midges and mosquitoes appeared]: 124-125; Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 139 [Ekva-pyris lives with his grandmother; loses an arrow, a woman with an iron body takes him away; he drills a tiny hole, runs away; so twice; the third time the body is copper, the knife breaks, the woman brings E. to her daughters, goes to kick birch bark; E. asks the girls to release him, he will make them a wooden ladle the size of their skull; cuts off their heads; taking hot ash and hot crowbar, climbs a tree; a woman cuts a trunk ; The fox, the Hare, the Wolverine offer help, the axes are blunt against the stone; E. asks the woman to open her mouth to jump into it; throws ash and crowbar, finishes off the cannibal with an ax; returns to the grandmother]: 373-376; Popova 2001, No. 7 [Grandma does not tell Ekwa Pygrisu to walk towards the north wind; he walks, sees a boat, shoots ducks, a boat takes him to old Kirp Nölp; carries him in birch bark in the body, he cuts a hole with a knife, runs away; everything repeats, KN carries it in an iron body, he drills a hole, falls out with a needle; the third time, the copper body, the EP knife is broken, KN brings it to his two grandchildren, goes to make birch bark scoops; EP promises KN's grandchildren to make wooden ones, they release it; he asks to put their heads on a log to measure, cuts off, cooks meat, climbs larch; in the corner binds mice to squeak like children; KN eats grandchildren; Lisa offers KN to help cut a tree, breaks an ax against a stone; the same is Deer; EP suggests that KN open his mouth to jump there; throws a hot walk; KN dies]: 59-69; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 25 [Ekva-Pygris lives with her grandmother, fires an arrow, goes looking for her; the woman invites him to climb into her birch bark body, promises herself look for his arrow, takes him away, he drills a hole along the way, gets out; the next day it's the same with an iron body; on the third day he can't drill a stone one; a woman brings it to her home, tells his son and daughter to watch, goes to get firewood; E. asks them to release him, makes them drink his blood; cuts off their heads, cooks meat, climbs larch; a woman eats her children; begins to cut larch, the Hare offers to cut for it, blunts the ax against a stone; the same Fox; Wolverine; E. invites her to open her mouth, throws hot ash with him, then red-hot scrap; she dies, E. returns to her grandmother]: 237-245; Northern Selkups: Kazakevich 1998, No. 2 [(208: the storyteller edited the fairy tale without mentioning the death of an unlucky woman); the first the woman has one child, the second has three, the husbands have gone fishing; Kunama enters; the first gives him dog feces to eat, he threatens to eat everyone; the second feeds well, runs away unnoticed with his children, meets fishermen; son is the first to hide in a tree; invites K. to open his mouth and eyes wider, throws sand at them, runs away; men killed K.]: 210-211; Prokofiev 1935 [Icha lives with his grandmother; shoots an arrow at teal, she flies by; tries to take an arrow, sticks with her fist, heel, etc.; hell brings it to his daughters, goes after the cauldron; I. promises his daughters to make a wooden spoon, kills them, climbs on larch; devil eats his daughters; cries; an ax vomits to cut larch; Bear, Wolverine, Fox consistently offer to help cut down a tree, run away with an ax; I. promises to jump off the line in his mouth, he lies face up; I. falls asleep with ash, the line jumps off a tree, kills it, burns it; sparks turn into mosquitoes], No. 1:101-102; southern (?) Selkups [boy Icha, an ant, lives with his grandmother; his parents were eaten by an evil spirit; I. got out of the boat, stuck to the ground with his foot; the spirit brought him home, began to fatten him; I. killed the daughters of the spirit, cooked tongues and eyes, climbed the larch himself; the spirit ate his tongues and eyes, thinking it was I.; I. tells him to open his mouth, promises to jump into it; throws sand in his eyes, kills with an ax; burns, the ashes turn in mosquitoes]: Sangi 1989:132-135; chum salmon: Alekseenko 2001, No. 125 [=Dulzon 1966, No. 5], 138 [the woman went for firewood, noticed a rumble (from a "heretic" - four-toed, hairy); warned another, who has children, climbed a pine tree, told the rumble to open her eyes, mouth, threw sand; runs away on a sledge pulled by a deer; masks an ice-hole with branches, little nerats fall into it; the chief catches up, she lets the deer go, the rumble rushes after him; the woman gets to people]: 222-225, 249-250; Dulzon 1966, No. 5 [when Baba Yaga comes (translated by the storyteller), Casket and Totabol hides behind the olatina and under the focal chock; Kleinitsa gives them out, B. puts them in his pants, carries them to their daughters; tells them to eat more; K. fills his sleeve and throws them out, T. eats, becomes fat; while B. hunts bears, K. asks her daughters to give him a drill, drills a hole in the wall of a stone plague; kills daughters, hangs their meat, runs away through the hole; T. gets stuck, K. carries his head; B . mistakenly eats the meat of his daughters; pursues K., who creates larch trees, climbs to the top of his head; B. regurgitates an ax, cuts the trunk; the hare calls to help; puts chips back while B. sleeps; when wakes up, K. asks her to open her mouth and eyes; throws sand in her eyes; goes down, kills with a horn, burns her; puts T.'s head, he comes to life]: 23-27 (quail in Alekseenko 2001, No. 125:222-225); Dulzon 1969, No. 62 (Sym River; {the text is almost identical to the South text in Werner 1997, No. 20}) [the devil took Erulya and Tuta to her; E. eats a lot, T. little, thin, made a hole out; E. tried it crawl in, stuck, because fat, T. pulled him, his head came off; the devil ate E.'s body, T. took his head away, placed it on a tree, ordered him to shamanize, many larches grew, T. climbed on them; devil swallows a lot of objects, pulls out an ax, a scraper, a saw, knocks down all the larches; T. with the latter tells her to put spacers to her eye, mouth and ass, he will jump into her mouth; throws sand in her face, kills with a hammer]: 205-207; Nikolaeva 2006 (village. Pakulikha, western in 1959 R.V. Nikolaev) [{exactly like Osharov 1936a, but the name of Chuuta's hero]: 158-162; Osharov 1936a: 101-105 [Damn it, this is his trap; Ichekochko stuck; asks the Devil not to eat him, but to take it to his daughters on toys; asks him to untie his daughters, he will cut out spoons for them; killed the girls with a knife, cooked them, placed the fried pieces on sticks on the way to the plague; ran away, leaving the little birds in the canopy as if the girls were having fun; Damn ate meat, released the birds, found the heads of his daughters; counted the stars, missed the grains of sand, realized that I. ran away on the ground; I. climbed the tree, the devil began to cut, the Hare offered to cut for him; when the Hell fell asleep, hit him with the butt of an ax, as if the forest had fallen, ran away with an ax; Damn a new axe (he swallowed it once, swallowing seven cities); the same episodes with wolverine; with a bear; I. suggests Close the devil, open his mouth, he will jump there; threw sand, killed Devil, burned it, mosquitoes, spiders, midges appeared out of it], 167-170 [Erul's elder brother catches crucian carp, younger Tuta whines what we give him only tails, not heads; E. tells me to be silent, otherwise the devil will hear; E. began to give Tuta his heads; T. still screams, the devil hears from behind the lake; the brothers hid in a hole from the tagan; the devil took from a louse put her pants on her head, told her to see where the brothers would run, went across the lake herself; the louse said that she did not see anything because she was flooded with water; the devil ate the louse, and the brothers became everyone in the plague ask; they did not say a cauldron, a cup, a spoon, the glue cooker gave out; the devil brought the brothers to her stone house; brought a bear, told her daughter to cook; T. ate a lot, E. little, the devil is unhappy that E. did not getting fat; E. made the hell of his daughters hot meat forks, asked them for a drill, drilled a stone wall, told T. not to eat up; skinny E. crawled in, T. got stuck, E. pulled, tore off his head; placed it on the top of the tree, told me to creak in the wind; climbed one of the 7 larch trees, taking a handful of sand; the devil cuts the larch trees one by one, E. jumps; at the last one asks the devil not to blink, open his mouth, throws sand in her eyes, cuts off her head with an ax, burns her body]; Nikolaeva 2006 (pos. Kellogg) [Sataka and his younger brother Betaka hear Dootam skiing, becoming ermines, hiding under logs; D. asks all the items in the house, each replies that S. and B. treat him well, will not give them away; Kleister gives them away because he was often fried; D. tells the brothers that he will not eat them, brings them to his house inside the mountain, leaves them with his daughters, leaves, closing the exit; S. told D. sleep, drilled a hole, went out with an ermine; B. ate a lot, got stuck; S. told him to become a worm, he also went out; B. came back, killed the girls, cooked them, put their heads to bed as if they were sleeping; the brothers ran away, D. ate her daughters; D. catches up with the brothers, they climbed the tree; ask D. to open their eyes and ears, throw sand there, run away; D. fell behind, froze to death]: 75-79; yugi [{the text is almost identical Simsko-Ket in Dulzon 1966, No. 62}; the devil took Erulya and Tuta to her; E. eats a lot, T. little, thin; found something iron, made a hole out; got out; E. climbed after him, stuck, because he was fat, T. his pulled, his head came off; the devil ate E.'s body, T. took his head away, placed it on larch, ordered to shamanize, many larches grew, T. climbed on one; the devil took out an ax, a scraper, a knife, knocked down larch; T. climbed to the next one, the devil knocks down all the larches one by one; T. tells her to lie on her back, he will jump into her mouth; throws sand in her face, breaks her head with a hammer]: Werner 1997, No. 20:267-269.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (b. Corcodon) [the three sisters were left alone; they take turns buying firewood; they threw a mouse to each other, laughed, saw human meat on their elder sister's teeth; when she left, the sisters burned her their wings, put on their own, flew, saw the eldest chew on their father's skull; the eldest threw a knife into the middle sheath, they pulled her to the ground, she ate it; the youngest married the old man's son, gave birth to a son; two the older sisters came, scratched the boy's cheeks; the mother took him, went up to the platform; the older ones began to gnaw on the platform supports; the youngest's husband jumped on a spear to the platform, told the elders to open their mouths, promised to throw his sister there; one threw a spear in his mouth, the other arrows, killed them]: Jochelson 1900, No. 94:202-206; coastal Koryaks [children look into the Kamak woman's house; she catches them; the Fox frees them and hides them; Kamak comes for them, Lisa pushes her off a cliff; Kamak asks to leave her at least one child to eat before she dies; Lisa wraps a stone in the boy's clothes, throws Kamak in her mouth, killing her; see motif K44]: Jochelson 1908, No. 56:212-216.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [Caribou agrees to transport Porcupine across the river; D. sits on his back, kills him with his tail in his back; Ducks throw D. a knife to cut the carcass; Wolverine says she herself cuts; tells D. to wash giblets for her in the river; D. eats all the fat; R. beats him, thinks she killed him, follows the family; D. carries the meat to the tree; tells R. and her household to cover themselves with a blanket when he throws meat at them; throws a sharp bone himself; R. sees what he throws in the hole, bounces; D. agrees to help R. climb the tree; R. chases D., jumps, falls, breaks]: Jenness 1934, No. 70 : 250-252; chilcotin [Caribou agrees to transport Porcupine across the river; D. sits on his back, kills him by stabbing a needle into his anus; looks for a knife to remove his skin; Wolverine helps to remove his skin, demands fat; D. eats fat himself; R. beats him, thinks she killed him, follows the family; D. carries the meat to the tree; tells R. and her household to cover themselves with a blanket when he throws meat to them; throws a sharp bone himself; R. sees bounces into the hole he throws; D. agrees to help R. climb the tree; R. eats meat, wants to relieve himself; D. tells him to sit on a thin branch for this purpose; R. falls, breaks]: Farrand 1900, No. 25:40; shuswap [Moose agrees to transport Wren across the river on his back; he cuts him with a knife, says he takes out ticks; kills; looks for a large knife to cut the carcass; Wolf {Coyote?} takes the carcass for himself, cuts it with a knife; Wren offers to take the meat to the Wolf's children, takes the pieces to the top of the cliff, cooks the meat; the Wolf asks to throw off a piece; Wren throws hot meat into his mouth The wolf dies; the Wolf kills the Cubs in the same way; birds feast]: Teit 1909a, No. 60:751-752; Thompson [a man marries a Grizzly and a Black Bear; each gives birth to three or four sons; jealous Grizzly asks her husband to help carry the dug up roots; says that there are many insects in his head, kills by biting his neck; calls the Black Bear to look for her husband, kills in the same way; Black's youngest son The bear notices that the Grizzly first roasts their father's genitals, then their mother's breasts; the Grizzly tells her children to drown the Black Bear's sons, who drown them themselves; the Skylark tells her that she is eating her own a fried child; Black Bears run away, climb a tree; ask the Grizzly to open their mouths; they throw not their younger brother at her, but an old branch with ants; grandfather Cubs transport them across the river in a boat; tells Grizzly gets to the bottom of the boat to plug the hole; fish eat her insides; Coyote finds her corpse, roasts meat]: Teit 1898, No. XXII: 69-71; lillouette [like Thompson; daughters instead of sons]: Teit 1912b, No. 19:322-323; quinolt [young man catches fish, someone cleans salmon he catches; he hides, sees a woman coming out of the forest; takes her as his wife; she does not laugh or open her face; Blue Jay makes her laugh; she throws away the veil; she has the face of a monster, pieces of man between her teeth; those who hear her laugh fall dead; she devours them, hides the genitals of her eaten husband in the basket; gives birth twin sons; they find their father's genitals, see an empty village; they set fire to their house, run away, climb a tree; the mother rushes in pursuit; they ask her to wrap her around the trunk, tell the bark to fall on her, mother killed; brothers travel further killing monsters]: Farrand 1902, No. 1:81-82; catlamet [The raccoon rejects all kinds of food offered by his grandmother, wants acorns; eats all supplies; grandma beats him smut, he climbs on the hawthorn tree; she asks to throw berries at her; he throws a ball of berries with thorns in her mouth, she turns into a partridge; the Grizzly asks to paint it just as beautifully; the raccoon pours him over hot resin, runs to Coyote; he says he has already swallowed the Raccoon; invites him and Grizzly each to swallow five hot stones; inserts an empty reed, the stones fall out on the other side ; The Grizzly dies; in winter, the Raccoon steals Coyote's supplies; he dresses up as an enemy warrior, injures him; under the guise of treatment, pulls the Raccoon's intestines out; eats it]: Boas 1901a, No. 17:142-154; ne perse [ A porcupine kills a bison; a Coyote kills Porcupine, leaves his son to guard him, goes after other children; Porcupine comes to life, kills Coyote's son; raises meat to a tree; kills the Coyote family with a heavy bone ]: Spinden 1908, No. 9:21-23; sanpual [Woodpecker kills an elk or a deer; he needs a knife; Wolf {Coyote?} offers to cut the carcass for a fee; while he is gone, the Woodpecker takes the meat to a cave on a rock; throws Volka and his five tribesmen hot stones instead of meat; they die]: Ray 1933, No. 12:154-155; tillamook [The raccoon leaves his grandmother Wild Woman; on the river bank she dives for his reflection, then notices her grandson in the tree; he throws berries at her, asks her to close her eyes; kills her by dropping her branch]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 19:70-72; Kalapuya [An old pheasant woman sends a raccoon grandson to fetch water; he eats shrimp, does not return for a long time; she is thirsty, she hits him (now raccoons have stripes on their bodies); he calls her to eat fruit (crabapples), climbs a tree, asks her to open her mouth, throws thorns, she dies; he eats it]: Jacobs 1945, No. 11:130-132; Klamath [porcupine wants to cross the river; the bison (elk) agrees to transport; offers to sit on its back, between the horns, cling to the tail; the porcupine refuses, climbs the bison in the ass, eats the liver, kidneys; when the bison has reached the opposite shores, ate the heart; there is no knife to cut the carcass; the coyote heard, offered his own, but the meat will go to the one who jumps over the carcass (who runs faster); after winning, the coyote follows his family, leaving, leaving his hat (the informant is not sure - maybe something else) as a watchman; the hat beeps three times, the coyote comes back and hits the porcupine; the fourth time he threw the hat into the fire and lifted the meat to the tree; when the coyotes gathered under the tree, the porcupine killed them by dropping the bison's spine; the coyote's youngest child survived, and today's coyotes are descended from him]: Barker 1963, No. 3:19-21; upper coquill [Puma and Grizzly are enemies; Grizzly killed Puma, but Puma's grandmother found a drop of blood, he has revived; five grizzlies take turns coming to Puma, offering to go down from under the roof; Puma has prepared five bags of sharp flints; every time he asks the Grizzly to close his eyes, open his mouth to step there (the Grizzly hopes to swallow it), instead pours out flints, the Grizzly dies; the latter is a shaman, sees with his flints closed eyes; Grizzly and Puma fight, climb the mountain, then the moon; you can see a grizzly and a puma fighting on the moon]: Jacobs 2007:193-200.

Plains. Assiniboine [I n ktumni invites the Black Bear to take a steam bath; closes the exits from the steam room, finishes off the Bear with a club; calls all the animals to a feast; The Rock grabs I. and keeps two days; animals eat all the meat; I. promises daughters to fly by; they produce the wind, breaking the Rock; I. says he has no daughters; the fishing marten (Fisher) dragged the meat to the tree; I. sees a reflection in the water, dives; noticing Marten, asks to drop some of the meat; he throws a flintlock knife, I. is killed]: Lowie 1909a, No. 11-12:108-109; crowe [Bison agrees to transport Porcupine through river; he says he will fall off the back of Bison's head, back, thigh, agrees to get into his ass; when Bison reaches the opposite bank, pierces his heart with needles, crawls out, looks for a knife cut meat; Coyote gives Porcupine a blunt knife, let whoever jumps over the carcass take the meat first to cut it; loses but still leaves to call his family; Porcupine carries the meat to the tree, makes a fire on a branch, roasts meat; Coyote jumps into the river, seeing its reflection, thinks it's too light, ties rocks, can't float, defecates, his children think it's ash; the Coyote pops up slightly alive; the cub notices Porcupine laughing, who sheds pieces of meat, killing four young one by one; Coyote says that the fewer coyotes, the better, he will get more; tells porcupines now eat bark, don't eat meat]: Lowie 1918:34-36; yankton [Iktomi cooks fish soup; Muskdatra comes; I. does not share it properly with him, but offers to race: who will win, he will eat his ear; agrees to carry a heavy stone to slow down his run; the muskrat returns, drags the pot to the tree, eats his ear there; I. first sees a reflection in the water; then asks him to throw it off bone; Muskrat throws a sharp bone without meat I. down his throat]: Zitkala-Ša 1985:27-33; Kiova-Apache [Bison offers Porcupine to transport him across the river; he is afraid of clinging to his wool, wants for Bison to take it in his mouth; on the other side he pierces his heart with thorns; looks for a knife to fresh the carcass; the Coyote pretends to be chrome, offers to jump over the carcass; wins by getting all the meat; while he's gone, A porcupine carries meat to a tree by the river, cooks it; the Coyote sees a reflection, jumps into the water with a rock, sinks; Porcupine asks the Coyote's children to lie down with their eyes closed; throws ribs instead of meat; kills everyone but the youngest, who opens his eyes; calls him to the tree, feeds him to the dump, tells him to sit at the end of the branch; it breaks, the Coyote falls, crashes to death]: McAllister 1949, No. 17:62-64.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [The turtle shows the Wolf a fruit tree; the Opossum throws fruits from the tree into the Wolf's mouth, then sharp flint; the wolf dies]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 1:398-399; catavba [Opossum advises the Deer to get the fruit by hitting a tree; The deer dies; the Opossum looks for a knife, the Wolf hears it, takes the meat; the Partridge frightens the Wolf, helps the Opossum transfer the meat to tree; The wolf sees the reflection of the Possum in the water, dives; the Opossum laughs, his drools down; the Wolf asks him to drop the meat; he throws larger pieces; throws the bone, the Wolf swallows it, breathes]: Speck 1934, No. 115:87-88; choctaw [The Opossum asks the Puma not to eat him, invites him to pretend to be dead, brings the Deer, the Puma jumps up, kills the Deer, the Opossum gets the spinal cord; climbs into a tree above the river, the Wolf sees the reflection of the reindeer ridge, dives; Opossum tells him to open his mouth, throws his spine down the Wolf's throat, he dies; Opossum cuts off his head, carries it in the basket, says to the Wolves that goes to the mother to make a clay pot; the lame Wolf opens the basket, the Wolves offer the Opossum to choose the type of death himself; he sends them for a tree growth to beat him; remains The lame Wolf, his Opossum sends after another growth, hides in a hole; the Wolf puts his paw in there, the Opossum pierces a thorn into it, the Wolves believe that there is a rattlesnake in the hole, they leave]: Mould 2004:213-217.

California. Pomo [The Coyote marries one of the two Skunk sisters; the other has a leg ache, he takes her to the forest to heal, roasts her; the Eagle takes the meat to the tree; the Coyote asks him to throw something; he tells her to throw something to him; he tells The coyote closes his eyes, throws inedible, the gallbladder bursts in the Coyote's mouth]: Barrett 1933, No. 60:242-243; screw [a man does not feed his wives well; they go to another; the husband comes for them; wives or their new husband hide in a tree; throw resin in the eyes of their first husband; he goes blind but then makes holes with pine needles to see]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 30 [The Bat gives wives have fat from their entrails; they go to the Hawk; throw tar], 31 [Vulture does not give wives salmon; they go to Squirrel; he sheds tar]: 337-340.

Big Pool. The Coyote tries to steal bison meat from Porcupine; he takes the meat to the tree; drops a heavy bone to the Coyote's children instead of meat, killing everyone but the youngest; helps him climb a tree; when the youngest coyote wants to relieve himself, Porcupine tells him to do so by sitting on the end of a thin branch; he falls and breaks. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 16a [Porcupine asks Moose to transport him across the river; prefers to climb not on his back or neck, but under his tail; climbs inside; when Moose reaches the shore, kills; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote suggests that whoever jumps over the carcass gets meat; wins, kills Porcupine; leaves his hat to guard, follows his wife and children; Porcupine comes to life, throws the hat into the water; cuts the carcass (with a Coyote knife?) , carries meat to the top of the juniper; Coyote asks him to drop a piece; Porcupine asks the Coyotes to stand in a row, kills everyone by dropping a heavy portion of meat], 16b [Porcupine asks Moose to transport it across the river; replies that he is afraid to fall, sitting on his back, ear, nose; climbs into the anus; when the Elk goes ashore, kills him with thorns; looks for a knife, cut the carcass; Coyote hears, offers to jump through the carcass; wins, takes all the meat, kills Porcupine, leaves the hat to guard, goes to bring the family; The porcupine comes to life, the hat screams but the Coyote does not hear; The porcupine throws the hat away, transfers the meat to the top of the juniper; the Coyote comes, climbs the juniper, asks where to relieve himself; the porcupine points a thin branch, it breaks off, the Coyote breaks; the Coyote cubs wait for the Porcupine will shed their meat; killed in large chunks]: 407-408, 408-409; Western Shoshones [bison killed by an arrow]: Smith 1993:59-62; Utah: Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah), No. 17:30-31; Smith 1992:8-9 (Utah), 87-89 (White River Utah); Mason 1910 (Wintah), No. 16:317; South Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (Shivwitz): 119-121; Sapir 1930, No. 17 [Porcupine (D.) asks buffalo to transport him across the river; the last female agrees; D. does not want to sit on her back, between her horns, in her ear, agrees in her mouth; while crossing, asks where they are; when he finds out what is on the shore, he pierces needles into Bisonicha's heart; looks for a knife to cut the carcass; Coyote (K.) says he recently wounded a bison, isn't it his prey; whoever jumps over the carcass will get a skin; cuts the carcass, tells D. to bring firewood, kills him with a stick; hangs the meat on a low one pine tree, leaves his excrement to watch D., goes to call his wife and children; excrement shouts that D. has come to life, K. kills him again; for the third time D. tells the tree to rise tall; K. asks to throw them off spine; D. asks coyotes to lie in a row, close his eyes, kills with a thrown spine; K.'s youngest son opened his eyes, bounced; D. asks him to climb a tree, feeds him, sends him relief to the end of a thin branch; K. falls, breaks]: 457-463; chemeuevi [The South Fox comes to the river, asks one of the geese girls to transport him; each asks if he wants it, he replies that the other; so to the last one, it is the biggest; he gets inside it; asks if the water is deep; she replies: to the calves, to the hips, etc., and then in reverse; when it is clear that they are on the other side , YuL breaks her heart; when she falls, the Goose girl turns into a killed bison; YuL sings that he is looking for a knife to cut meat; Coyote hears; runs away for a knife; in fact, the YuL had a knife; after cutting the carcass, tells grow a pine tree; pine understands it and meat; Coyote brings his family; LE tells everyone to lie under a pine tree, he will shed meat; sheds bones, killing everyone but the Coyote girl; tells her to climb to the end thin branches, shakes off, it breaks to death]: Laird 1974b: 220-221.

The Great Southwest. Like the Great Basin Indians. Jicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 32:229; Russel 1898 [Porcupine asks Bison to transport him across the river; afraid to sit on his head, agrees to climb into the anus; on the other side he gnaws through vital ones organs; looking for a knife to cut meat; Fox: whoever jumps over the carcass will get meat; Porcupine cannot; Fox runs away to invite his own to a feast; Porcupine carries meat to a tree; tells the Foxes to lie down with his eyes closed and covered with skins; throws not meat, but sharp ribs; The fox peeks on the edge, dodges, stays alive; The porcupine lifts him up to the tree, feeds him; he asks where to relieve himself; Porcupine sends it to the end of a thin branch; The fox falls; comes to life when his corpse begins to decompose]: 263-264; Navajo [elk meat; Porcupine]: Haile 1984, No. 8:43; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 14:328-330; havasupai [deer meat]: Smithson, Euler 1994:92-96 [throws hot bowels; younger coyote blood turns into cactus fruit], 97-98; zunyi [Turtle kills deer, looks for a knife to cut the carcass; the Coyote wants half a deer for help, the Turtle does not agree; the Coyote tries to kill the Turtle, which pretends to be dead; while the Coyote runs to call his wife and children, the Turtle fills its stomach deer ants, carries meat to the top of the pine tree; ants bite Coyotes; the turtle sheds heavy ribs instead of meat to the Coyotes; all Coyotes are killed except two puppies; the turtle asks one to climb on a tree giving him meat; after eating, the Coyote is thirsty; the turtle invites him to drink dew at the end of the branch; it's actually tar; the Coyote falls, crashes to death]: Cushing 1901:244-254; teva [two option; the Coyoticha asks the Dicabrasion to catch rabbits by climbing into their holes; picks up the prey, closes the exit from the hole with a stone; the Coyoticha finds another way out; asks the Moose (Deer) to transport it across the river; not wants to ride on her back, on horns, climbs into the anus; pierces the Moose's heart, killing him; the Coyoticha comes, sends her to wash pieces of meat, the Porcupine eats them; the Coyoticha kills her, goes after the cubs; The porcupine comes to life, carries the meat to the tree; invites the Coyotiche and the cubs to lie in a row, throws not the meat, but the spine; only the youngest cub remains alive; the Coyoticha lifts him up to the tree, feeds him , offers to move; the branch breaks off, the Coyote crashes to death]: Parsons 1994, No. 25:285-290.

Mesoamerica {It is not clear whether the L70 motif in Mesoamerica should be considered local or whether it is borrowed from Europeans. Many texts include European borrowings}. Puebla Creoles [the coyote asks God to allow him to eat people; God requires that the coyote will not eat at all for six months; three months later, the coyote meets an opossum, who promises to feed him fruits; throws a delicious prickly pear fruit; then the other, unripe, prickly; the coyote maimed his face; opossum: you can eat me if you overtake the grasshopper; the coyote could not overtake; reconciled with the opossum; God does not allowed him to eat humans]: Parsons 1932b, No. 1:342-343; Nahuat (Milpa Alta) [an opossum throws a ripe fruit to the coyote and then hard, unripe or prickly]: Boas, Haeberlin 1924:350-354; Nahuatl Veracruz: Mechling 1916 [Fox throws prickly fruit, Coyote injured]: 553; Munch 1983a [Coyote asks Rabbit to drop chicosapote fruit; he throws a heavy, unripe fruit stuck in Coyote's throat; pretends to hold the mountain, asks the Coyote to replace it; the Coyote is exhausted, the mountain does not fall]: 290-293; Sayula is poloka [Rabbit throws green fruit; Coyote is crippled]: Clark 196:158-159; masateki [The opossum hides in the mamei tree; throws an unripe fruit into Jaguaru's mouth, the Jaguar is barely alive; next time, Opossum pretends to hold a rock that could fall and crush the world; leaves him to hold Jaguara, runs away himself]: Portal 1986:45; Tricky [The rabbit eats the prickly pear fruit; the Fox comes up; the rabbit asks her to open her mouth, throws the peeled fruit; then the prickly peeled fruit; runs away while the Fox takes thorns out of his mouth]: Hollenbach 1980, No. 8. 22:462; Zapotecs [like a polo]: Radin 1929, No. 11:26; chooh [Rabbit throws prickly fruit, Coyote is crippled]: Kunst 1915, No. 3:356; wawe [Rabbit throws green fruit, Coyote crippled]: Radin 1929, No. 5, 8:14, 18-19; pipili [fruit; rolling head crippled]: Hartmann 1907:144-145; tseltal, tzotsil, mopan , kekchi, kakchikel, pokomam, achi, acatek, chontal, chorti, mom, mocho [The rabbit throws an unripe fruit down Coyote's throat; the fetus gets stuck in his throat or breaks his teeth]: Peñalosa 1996, No. 74C: 53; chontal [the fox asks what the coyote is doing under the rock; he says he is holding it so as not to fall; asks the fox hold while going to eat; the fox waits for a long time; bounces off, the rock does not fall; the fox finds the coyote and reproaches him; he claims that the fox was deceived by another coyote; climbed the cherimoya, threw off the ripe fruit; and then green, it got stuck in the fox's throat; the ants pulled it out; the same with the prickly pear; the coyote threw off the ripe fruit; then told the fox to open its mouth, threw off the raw thorns; the ants took it out again; the fox tried to find the coyote but did not find it]: Pérez Gonzälez 2013:92-96; chontal [the jaguar works in the field; the fox offers help; jaguar: better go to my old woman, let her give me salt ( fermented corn drink); the fox asks the wife of the jaguar not only for salt, but also for a turkey for her husband, takes it away and eats it himself; the jaguar found a fox, and he offers to throw the fruit of the sapote off the tree; the first fruit is ripe, then the fox sheds the unripe heavy one, the jaguar rolls on the ground in pain; on another tree, the fox says that it will not go down, because it maintains peace, otherwise it will collapse; the jaguar also climbed tree; fox: touch it and say "end of the world"; it's a hornet's nest, the jaguar is bitten; found a fox in a sugarcane field playing guitar; says he's cooking tamal for his brother's wedding; jaguar agreed to make sure it doesn't burn; fox: if you hear a noise, it means the bride is driving; the fox set fire to the reeds, noise is heard, the fire surrounded the jaguar; it jumped out but burned]: Pérez Gonzälez 2013:102-108; chorti [the coyote asks the rabbit to throw the fruits of the sapote from the tree; the rabbit throws ripe fruits into his mouth, then the hard one, and the coyote is killed]: Anónimo s.a.; juice: Sulvarán Ló pez 2007:69-70 [the fox threw the ripe sapote fruit to Jaguar, he wanted more; then he threw off the green one, he got stuck in the jaguar's throat, the fox went down and ran away; told the jaguar he was preparing the party, told him to wait for food will be baked; if he hears thunder, let him open the vessels; the jaguar opened, birds flew out and began to peck at it; the thunder turned out to be the noise of a forest set on fire by a fox; the jaguar has rushed through the fire since then its skin stained], 71-73 [melons are disappearing from the garden; the hostess consulted with the priest, made a wax doll, the opossum came for melons, asked the doll, hit it, stuck; the priest advised me to stick it A hot head in his ass; the hostess tied the opossum and left it; he told Ocelot that they wanted to force him to marry; the ocelot agreed to change with the opossum; the opossum told him to open the vessel, when he hears the noise; the hostess untied Ocelot, he opened the vessel, the bees flew out, the noise came from the fire, i.e. the hostess set fire to the vegetation around him; the ocelot was burned; the opossum said that the pond was not the moon, And the cheese, offered to drink water, the ocelot almost burst; the opossum threw the ripe fruit of the sapote off the tree, and then the green one, which got stuck in his throat; the ocelot wanted to eat the opossum, he gave him a banana, said that he was deceived by another opossum; the possum advised the hostess not to throw it whole into boiling water, but to chop it into pieces first; the pieces fell out of the pot, turned into all kinds of possums and rats.]

Honduras-Panama. Sumu [The rabbit throws the green fruit; the Jaguar is crippled]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (4): 48; kuna [Agouti promises the Dog to help split the nut; the stone bounces into the Dog, Agouti climbs the tree; offers the Dog a sweet fruit, asks him to open its mouth; the fetus gets stuck in the Dog's throat; Agouti hides in his hole; throws hot ash into the Dog's eyes]: Wassen 1934b, No. 3:7-8.

Southern Venezuela. A foetus. Piaroa [forest spirit killed]: Boglar 1977, No. 15 [a man climbed a tree for fruit; the wife of the Redio spirit tried to kill him; he killed her with a dropped fruit; together with the Turtle, they cooked liver and pepper and They gave R.; he was thirsty, he was not given; he went to the river himself, and when he returned, he was killed by a blow from behind]: 272-273; Costanzo 1977 [fruit turned into stone]: 149; maquiritare [fruit and honeycombs; jaguar killed] : Civrieux 1980:63.

Guiana. Varrau [the mistress of the fire (this is a toad woman) killed by a fruit]: García 1993, No. 20 (variant 1) [people lived in heaven; the hunter's arrow pierced a hole, fell to the ground; he went down a rope, He liked the land, but there was no fire, he was cooking in the sun, which was hotter than the current one; he sent a parrot to bring fire from the Toad; he pecked her, but only burned its beak; the man climbed a tree, threw it there was a fruit on the Toad, she began to smoke; threw off a heavy bunch, she crushed it, fire all over the earth; the man returned to heaven, called the others to go down to earth; when his pregnant wife climbed, she got stuck in holes; people behind her began to beat her, pushed her, her gut fell out, now you can see it's the Morning Star], 20 (option 2) [they baked fish and starch in the sun, which was hotter than they are now; she owned the fire a woman who did not give to anyone, if anyone approached, swallowed; she was invited to the forest for rare and tasty fruits; the man began to throw fruit from her tree; threw off a heavy bunch, she crushed it, fire came out of a woman, got into trees; now they get it, it doesn't go out]: 90-91, 92; Wilbert 1970, No. 165, 190, 209, 209 [The toad swallows all the fire; people cook fish in the sun; man drops fruit from a tree for the Toad; throws a heavy bunch at it, the Toad explodes; since then, fire in the wood]: 355, 441, 485; vapishana [turtle kills a jaguar by throwing a stone]: Wirth 1950:186, 187; macushi [The Jaguar invites the Turtle to race; its relatives placed at a distance are responsible for the Turtle; the Turtle claims to hunt tapirs; the Jaguar suggests comparing their excrement; The turtle shows the Jaguar stars, at this moment replaces the secretions; the Jaguar believes; the turtle is the first to hunt tapirs; says Tapira that it can only drink from a vessel; this vessel is Tapir's penis; Tapir lets her take it in her mouth, the Turtle bites it off; pierces poisoned arrows into a tapir that is already dead; throws poison into a portion of Jaguar, he dies; the turtle sings that she has a necklace from the teeth of the jaguar; Jaguar's wife wants to kill her; the turtle replies that he will die only in the water; swims away; next time she tells Jaguariha that a tapir is running down the slope; lowers a stone instead of a tapir, Jaguariha is killed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 15:88-92; oyana [The Jaguar and the Turtle agree to paint each other; The turtle covers the Jaguar with beautiful spots, which roughly smears its back; the Turtle kills Tapir by biting off his penis; gives the Jaguar tapir meat when he wants to kill her; pushes him into a boiling pot; the monkey helps her climb the tree; another Jaguar comes, demands that the Turtle go down and he can do it eat; she rushes from above, flattening the Jaguar; another Jaguar takes it to the river, cuts it; it turns into a river turtle]: Magaña 1987, No. 44; 43; emerillon [capuchin monkey eats fruit ( pois sacrée) in the tree; the turtle also wants fruit, the monkey picked it up; when she saw the eagle, ran away; a jaguar came, told the turtle to go down to eat it; the turtle asks to come closer, rushed Jaguar on her nose, ran away; the jaguar went away and cried]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 4:153.

Ecuador. Imbabura (part of European motives): Chávez 1989:78-80 [The rabbit promises the Wolf to throw a sheep off the mountain; drops a rock, the Wolf dies], (cf. 115-116 (entire European episode) [fool climbs a tree, dragging the door from the house with him; devils are killed by the door]); Kanyar [Rabbit throws a stone from a cliff instead of a lamb; Fox injured]: Zaruma 1993:292-293.

Western Amazon. Napo: Mercier 1979:202-203 [Rabbit throws fish off house roof; Jaguar killed], 214-215 [Turtle falls; Puma killed]; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 11 [Turtle teases Jaguar; offers throw himself from the tree into his mouth, the Jaguar dies from the blow; the Turtle sings about the listener, the Jaguariha wants to kill her, the Turtle offers to rush from the tree into the mouth of Jaguariha, kills her]: 34-36.

NW Amazon. Carijona: Schindler 1977b, No. 2 [the fisherman saw Itutara splashing water into his boat; thought he had big testicles; What did you say? I. demanded to bring him wax and rubber glue; the man promised, went home; three days later he climbed a tree in the forest, I. noticed him; the man threw the fruit, taking out the bone; then a heavy bunch, killing him demon; many plants with edible fruits (but not cassava) grew in this place]: 68; 1979, No. 15 [the good hunter Račaike (from rača - wind gun) always relieved himself in one place; The Dung Beetle put a noose there; R., out of curiosity, sticks his foot in a noose, gets trapped; pretends to be dead; The beetle tries to cut off his head, hits the tree; the juice flows, the Beetle thinks it's fat mixes with crap, takes it as a side dish for meat; carries prey in a basket; puts his wife on the ground near the house, sends his wife for her; R. runs away, grabbing Beetle's axe; The beetle took the form of a leader, came to R. to ask R. he gives an ax; the beetle takes his form and flies away; R. continued to defecate in the same place, wiped his ass against the tree; it turned out to be a forest line - Itutari; R. shot a poisoned arrow when the poison reached his head, the tree fell, but R. bounced; bananas, sugarcane and lulo grew at this place; R. cleared the area, planted them; climbed onto a palm tree for fruit; I. appeared with a club; R. threw it off to him soft, offered to lie down with his arms and legs apart; killed I. with a heavy bunch, finished him off with a club; arranged a shelter, hunting birds; (another) I. appeared, saw that R. was relieved, asked him to make an anus too; R . pierced his hole with a stake; I. glad, since then they have been less annoying to people; (two plug-in episodes before the previous one); the motmot bird flew through a hole in the hollow; R. wanted too, the bird closed both holes; R. became fluff, flew through a hole; killed birds with a wind gun, then revived; Parrots reply that they are flattening their testicles; R. also flattened, died; came to life, killed parrots, revived]: Schindler 1979, No. 15:128-138 (episode with fruit No. 15c: 134-135); Tariana: Brüzzi 1994:74 [the turtle hears a jaguar coming; asks the monkey to save her; she raises the turtle to the tree ; when a jaguar asks him to shed his fruit, the monkey asks him to close his eyes and throws a turtle at him, killing him; the turtle makes flutes from the bones of the killed jaguar, calls its relatives; the tapir buried jaguar corpse], 177-178 [the turtle asked the jaguar to pick up the fruit; he threw off a couple of fruits, the turtle wanted more; the jaguar invited her to climb the tree herself; she did not know how, he picked it up, he cried himself, refused lower it; then the turtle jumped on the jaguar and killed it; hid in a hole; the other jaguars asked if it had killed their comrade; one grabbed the turtle by the paw, and the turtle said that he had grabbed the root; the jaguar let her go; the other jaguars scolded him]; the yukuna [the hero climbs the tree for fruit; his wife is waiting downstairs; Wolves {it is not clear who it is in this case} take her away, replace the Mother of the Mosquitoes; the hero sees deception, kills her by throwing a shamanic stone instead of fruit; takes his wife from the Wolves, hides with her in a seiba; throws a stone instead of fruit to the Wolves, they turn into wolves]: Jacopin 1981:148-154; barasana [snake spirit wife]: Torres Laborde 1969:43; letuama: Palma 1984:46-47 [cannibal father-in-law and his daughter are stoned (the hero says he will throw a larva; he will jump himself]; desana [ a tortoise falls, a jaguar killed]: RD 1968, No. 13:204; 1971:262; Yagua [like a desan]: Powlison 1972a: 73.

Central Amazon. Rio Negro [the wife of the forest spirit killed by fruits]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:57-58; mestizos in the lower reaches of Jurua [The turtle wants to eat fruit; the monkeys pick it up and leave it on the tree; walks by Jaguar; The turtle asks him to close his eyes, promises to shed the fruit; jumps himself, killing the Jaguar]: Tastevin 1927:395; katavishi? (Lake Teffe) [The turtle kills the tapir by biting it on the testicles; the Jaguar steals meat; the turtle asks the monkeys to raise it to the tree; the Jaguar tells the Turtle to go down; she asks him to close his eyes, jumps, breaking his head with a shell; making a flute out of his tibia; hiding in a hole from another Jaguar; makes him believe that the leg sticking out of the hole is the root of a tree; the Jaguar leaves, leaving the Frog as a watchman; The turtle throws sand into her eye, runs away; the Jaguar eats the Frog]: Tastevin, p.265-268 in Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 284:249; the uniform [cannibal (future caiman) neutralized]: Kruse 1949, No. 20 [with a bird smeared with sticky juice]: 627; Murphy 1958, No. 37 [with a lump of chewed seeds], 46 [Monkeys lift the Turtle to the tree, leave it; Jaguar asks it to get down, show it how to climb; waits under with a tree; a turtle rushes at his head, killing him]: 117, 122-123.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [The Sun had dark skin; in the morning he wore a crown of macaw feathers, day came; secretly killed, fried and ate people; they decided to kill him; one man climbed the anage palm tree, became throw fruit to the Sun, killed with a heavy bunch; the sun sank up to the neck into the ground, it became dark; the four sons of the Sun had light skin, the fifth youngest had dark skin; only he could withstand the heat, trying on the crown father; became the current Sun]: Nimuendaju 1920:1010; juruna [Kuadê Sun had a trap hole in the rock; man got caught, pretended to be dead; K. carried him in a basket of ants; he jerked, when the ants began to eat their eyes; K.'s stick wanted to hit him, but K. did not tell him, said that the prey was dead; outside the house he hung the basket on a branch; the next day his son found nothing in it; K. let him chase a stick, but she mistakenly chased the deer, killed him; K. found a man in a tree hollow, wounded him with a stick, missed it, filled the hole with a stone; at night tapirs, wild pigs, deer, monkeys, paki, agouti gnawed the stones, breaking his teeth, freed the man; the next time the young man cut his hair, painted his face so that K. would not recognize him; climbed onto a palm tree for nuts; threw off a small bunch of K.; killed a big one; K.'s stick became boa constrictor; blood with spiders, ants, snakes, centipedes; they covered the whole ground, the young man had to jump on trees to go out into a clean place; darkness came; K.'s three sons, by order of his mother, began to try wear his father's feather crown; only the youngest could withstand the fever; his mother told him to walk slower so that people could do their business; told him to rest at noon and before sunset]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:94-97; tenetehara [tortoise falls and maims a jaguar]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 30:155; urubu: Ribeiro 2002:548 [the jaguar caught the turtle, stepped aside, the monkey picked it up a turtle on a tree; the jaguar returned, began to shake the tree, the turtle fell on his head with a sharp edge of its shell, the jaguar died], 554-556 [the husband went to bring turtles to his wife, Curupira tied him with a snake, brought him to him; Kurupira's wife promised to eat it; ordered her to get coconuts; the man threw off the whole bunch, killing her; the monkey sapajou, Kurupira's nephew, cooked Kurupira's wife's meat, told the man to hide in a tree ; Kurupira ate the meat, realized that he was eating his wife; pointed his mirror in all directions, but not upwards (curupirs walk looking at the ground), did not find a person; when he left, the monkey brought the man to his house], 561- 562 [the monkey raised the turtle to the tree in advance; when a jaguar came for the turtle, the turtle fell on its head and killed him].

The Central Andes. San Miguel Village, Aruay District, Prov. Kant, dep. Lima [Skunk invites Lisa to drive a lamb from Mount to her; lowers a rock; Fox grabs it, gets killed; Skunk invites Vulture to eat a fox together]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rnos 1989:32-33; Quechua mountainous Bolivia [Rabbit throws stone instead of fruit, Fox killed or maimed]: Paredes 1953:30.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana: Ottaviano 1980 [The Jaguar wants to eat the howler monkey; he offers to throw the fruit off the tree; the Jaguar is almost killed; next time he jumps for cheese; it's the reflection of the moon, the Jaguar sinks]: 19-21; Nordenskiöld 1924 [The forest spirit takes a girl as a wife; climbs a palm tree, tells her to catch nuts; kills by throwing a nut on her head; also kills her sister; third sister finds the bones of two First, runs away while the husband is in the tree; he cuts and eats flesh from his calves and thighs; his wife kills him with a club]: 287-288; chacobo [Balzano 1984 [see motive J16; a woman goes to the Jaguars; a Jaguar marries on her, kills; Old Jaguariha finds four eggs in her stomach, including Kako, Mashutsai, Nyanya, Kurachyo (Ka. and Ku. boys, M. and N. girls); Kako climbs a tree, throws fruit to his father, Jaguar, kills him with fruit; Jaguar grandfather offers to put a sliver in the ass, take it out through his mouth; he dies]: 29-31; tupari [Waledad could not get his son back witchcraft to life, became angry; caused rain, it flooded the ground; V. threw the survivors on the hills back into the water; Arcoanyo invited V. and his brother Wap to collect resin; climbed a tree, began to throw the resin down, covering the brothers' faces and hands; ordered two forest hens to lift the brothers into the air, they could not; the other two smaller ones carried the brothers far north, built them a stone hut; when V. is furious, it's raining here]: Caspar 1975:191; surui [Jaguar is going to eat Tinama; she asks him to wait under the tree, defecates from the tree to his eyes]: Mindlin 1995, No. 19:50; synth larga [see full text in motif J12; Sunkip kills Jaguariha in revenge for his mother's death; Jaguars chase him, he asks the Turtle for help; the Turtle invites the Jaguar to write in his mouth, bites off his penis, The Jaguar dies; another Jaguar wants to kill the Turtle, who advises to drown it in the lake; the Wild Cat tells the Jaguar that the Turtle did not drown; the Jaguar goes to kill the Turtle, he asks the Squirrel for help; the Squirrel suggests Jaguar chop nuts, injures his penis; Inambu offers him to jump from tree to mouth, throws a nut, Jaguar is killed; The monkey offers Jaguar {another?} jump, he crashes; Jaguars grab the Monkey by the tail, tear it off, now these monkeys are tailless; they grabbed the Anteater's tail, ripped off his hair; the Jaguars did not catch up with S.]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988 : 63-69.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [jaguar killed]: Duas lendas 1982 [female]: 71-73; Pereira 1973, No. 6 [a group of men went to war with Sintas Largas; one recently married, put his hand in all holes; put his hand in a hole in Black Jaguar termite mine, could not pull it out; Jaguar came, called the Owl to fry the prey; the owl tied it up and began to fry; the fire was weak; the man wrote and pumped it, the Owl ate it, the fire went out, the man unleashed the vine, ran away; the Jaguar began to chase; the Spider, the Snake, the other Spider hid the man; the man climbed into the hollow of the Toad; she sprayed poison into Jaguar's eyes, the Jaguar ran to wash them; the man returned home; went to the forest for fruit, climbed a palm tree, a Jaguar came, the man asked him to close his eyes, threw a bunch instead of the fruit, killed him; the corpse rotted, his finger remained; the man took it, killed animals with it; climbed a tree, gave her finger to his wife, who pointed a macaw at the parrot, pressed too hard, killed both the parrot and her husband; told others that her husband fell off the tree; then confessed; the finger lost its strength, the widow was left alone]: 40-42 (=1994 , No. 5:67-73); 1994, No. 8 [see motif M42; a blind Jaguar caught a curiango (Caprimulgídeos) bird; he asks to pull out only short feathers, leave long feathers, promises to jump into his mouth; sent him there in need]: 93-99; kayabi [sitting in a tree, a bird asks a jaguar to open its mouth; defecates into it, flies away]: Pereira 1995, No. 18:77; paresi [killed]: Pereira 1986, No. 7 [forest spirit with a piece of bark], 17 [the mother of frost came from the south, began to fish with poison; for her, fish is firewood, Erone eats fish, she is frightened; E. met the forest spirit of Toloa; he does not like to be seen from behind, he has a gut sticking out there; E. from a distance he shouted what he saw, made a deer, T. thought it was E., took it home; E. killed people who were frying fish, left the old woman; went out on the road of lost souls; they wanted to eat it, he says salty, they They go to the river for a drink, he hides in a tree; How did he get in? - Feet forward; he killed the first arrow, screams, Here E falls, they ate theirs; E. came to people without an anus, defecate through their mouths; put fried fish under them, saying it's crap; asked them to make anuses; E. pierced them with a stick, they died, the old woman remained; one blind man in the tree pulls out honey, the other below; E. catches honey, gives wax to the lower one; the upper one threw an ax down, E. his took it away, threw it into the water, he became a fish; E. met a tapir family, his daughter was sick; sent his parents for edible leaves, cooked and ate his daughter; tapir and tapiriha chase E., hides a nightjar under his body, the pursuers look into his mouth, tearing him up, now he's big; the female saco-boi swallows E., tells the tapirs she has a sore throat; the tapirs are gone, E. stayed overnight with the woman saco - boi, burned the man's boat; in the morning he was chasing; E. to a tree, telling him to grab the fruit, hit the head, killed; at the house cabore-do-sol hid in shallow water, covered himself with a piece of bark, like fish, children they shoot arrows, throw them at fish and onions, E. took it all away, in the evening he came to this house, the children recognized the arrows, E.: No, these are mine; they go swimming, the children wash it, everyone says, My hand, leg, ass and etc.; Father will come, kill you with this spear, we will eat; E. swapped spears (one hits, the other always passes by); killed the owner who came; the same episode with spears in the turtle house; in the marten house ( irara), they went for honey, ordered them to look after the children, did not order them to untie the parcel; E. untied it, the children died, their parents revived them; the owner of the forest came, E. turned the fruit into stone, threw it from the tree, killed her child; she wants to spray milk from her chest into him, but E. does not look at her; called for other spirits, but E. did not get it; E. returned to his mother, was absent from April (when it was frozen) until September]: 141, 261- 282; bororo [The Jaguar wants to eat the Snail; she asks to be thrown into the air to fall into the Jaguar's open mouth; when he falls, he hits his teeth with his shell, the Jaguar dies; the Jaguar's tooth marks are visible still on the shell]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 91:164.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [animals quarrel and fight at the festival; Jaguar kills Tapir, Hawk kills Porcupine; another Jaguar tried to grab the Battleship, but he escaped, asked the Woodpecker to throw an ax at Jaguara mouth; Woodpecker invited Jaguar to sit under a tree, open his mouth; threw off his honey first and then his ax; the Jaguar died]: Henry 1941, No. 4:144-145.

Chaco. Chamacoco [Doxóra and Jaguar agree to shoot two tapirs; Jaguar missed, D. killed a tapir, Jaguar changed arrows, began to fry meat; told Butterfly to bring water; D. told her carry water in a leaky vessel; Jaguar has to go by himself to drink; D. puts meat on a platform on a pole, tells the pole to grow; the Jaguar makes a fire, floods it, tries to cut down a pole, breaks it axe; D. wounds Jaguar with a bone, saying he is throwing meat at him; Jaguar is dead; D. pulled out two fangs for him, revives the Jaguar; Kingfisher dives for fish screaming ëlebiché, offers to catch Jaguara; he too ëlebiché screams, falls his head into the clay, gets stuck, the Kingfisher takes out two more fangs from him; the Jaguar takes the crab for an eel, tries to dig it out of the mud, decides to kill it by defecating on it; The crab grabs it with its claws, pulls out his ass {penis?} , then pulls out a few teeth; the monkey pretends to be sick, the Jaguar agrees to carry it; before that, the Monkey wanted to get along with Jaguar's wife Deer, said that the Jaguar is her horse; the Jaguar agrees to put a harness on him; the monkey leaves with Jaguar's wife, but he remains attached; the monkey tells Jaguar that he climbed the tree backwards, pours boiling water on it; the Jaguar guards at the watering hole, but The monkey is covered with honey, pasted over with leaves, the Jaguar does not recognize it; the monkey says that the whirlwind will take everyone away, the Jaguar allows itself to be tied, the Monkey hits him; the Fox unties it, the Jaguar eats it; The monkey hid in the hollow, the Jaguar grabbed her tail, the monkey says he grabbed the root, the Jaguar let go; he went after the stick, leaving the Vulture to guard; the monkey threw dust into his eyes, ran away; the Jaguar found a Toad in the hollow, telling me where the Turtle is; the Toad says he is not afraid of fire, he is afraid of water; the Jaguar threw it into the water, it swam away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 98:385-392; caduveo [ like a chamacoco; a jaguar kills an anteater. refuses to share with an ant]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 34, 35:42-64; nivacle [cannibal and cannibal killed by honey with a heavy fruit inside]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 187:458-459; a pilaga [an ogre kills one of the two hunters; the other, Kakadelachigi, climbs a tree, invites the ogre to open his mouth, promises to throw honey there; throws a branch, killing him]: Molina 1988:67; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 159 [the hero throws a wasp into the mouth of a jaguar, it explodes]: 304; 1989a, No. 331-333 [a cannibal killed by a heavy female in a clot of honey] : 425-429.