Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L71. The end of a thin branch. (.13.) .

The character kills an animal; the trickster tries to pick up the meat; the character raises the meat to the tree; helps the trickster or his cub climb too; after eating, the one who has risen wants to fix need or (less often) a drink; the character indicates that this can be done at the end of a thin branch; the trickster or cub of the trickster climbs, falls, crashes to death. See motif L70.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Truck [fox brought a hoe to the blacksmith, asked him to fix it; blacksmith: first I'll fulfill the lion's order; fox: lion is my father's slave; when he found out what the fox said about him, the lion came to him furiously: let's go to elders; fox: I'm sick; lion: sit on me; fox: can't bareback; lion allowed himself to ride; put on a bridle, stirrups and take a whip to drive away flies; everyone saw a fox riding a saddled lion and whips him, believed that the lion was a slave; the fox hid in his brother's hole, the lion began to dig; the fox got out through the other exit, called himself another fox and offered to dig instead of a lion; hit the lion with a shovel head and disappeared into the hole; the lion went to drink, leaving the rhinoceros bird to guard the hole; the fox asked him to open his eyes wider, threw sand at them, ran away; the lion returned, the rhinoceros bird claimed that the fox was in the hole; the fox hole He dug up the whole thing, but the fox was not in it; the lion was told that the lion was on a palm tree; a rope was hanging from it, the lion pulled; the cubs thought that the father had returned; they told the lion that the father was in the cotton field; the lion climbed the palm tree instead of foxes; the fox pulled the rope, the lion picked it up; the fox asked the foxes to serve the meat, the cape with a knife; while the lion cut off and ate the meat, the fox, hiding the saw under his shirt, sawed the branch; the lion fell into the pond; no one wants to help him - he will also eat his savior; finally, one baboon pulled out a lion; he does not let go of his tail; fox: let's pray, bless the food - but we must raise both hands; the lion picked up, the baboon ran away; the lion died of Hunger]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 20:274-277).

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [Caribou agrees to transport Porcupine across the river; D. sits on his back, kills him with a needle into his anus; looks for a knife to remove his skin; Wolverine helps to remove his skin, requires fat; D. himself eats fat; R. beats him, thinks she killed him, follows the family; D. carries meat to a tree; tells R. and her household to cover themselves with a blanket when he throws meat to them; throws a sharp bone himself; R. sees in the hole he throws bounces off; D. agrees to help R. climb the tree; R. eats meat, wants to relieve himself; D. tells him to sit on a thin branch for this purpose; R. falls, breaks]: Farrand 1900, No. 25 : 40.

Plains. Kiova-Apache [The bison offers Porcupine to transport him across the river; he is afraid to cling to his hair, wants Bison to take it in his mouth; on the other side he pierces his heart with thorns; looks for a knife fresh the carcass; the Coyote pretends to be chrome, offers to jump over the carcass; wins by getting all the meat; while he's gone, the Porcupine carries the meat to a tree by the river, cooks it; the Coyote sees the reflection, jumps with a stone in the water, drowns; Porcupine asks the Coyote's children to lie down with their eyes closed; throws ribs instead of meat; kills everyone but the youngest, who opens his eyes; calls him to the tree, feeds him to the dump, tells him to sit on the end of a branch; it breaks, the Coyote falls, crashes to death]: McAllister 1949, No. 17:62-64

Big Pool. The Coyote tries to steal bison meat from Porcupine; he takes the meat to the tree; drops a heavy bone to the Coyote's children instead of meat, killing everyone but the youngest; helps him climb a tree; when the youngest coyote wants to relieve himself, Porcupine tells him to do so by sitting on the end of a thin branch; he falls and breaks. Northern Payutes; Western Shoshones; Utah; Southern Payutes; Chemewevi.

The Great Southwest. Like the Great Basin Indians. Hicarilla; Navajo; Havasupai; Zunyi [younger Coyote is thirsty; The turtle sends him to the end of the branch where a drop of water is visible; the Coyote falls, breaks]); teva [two option; the Coyoticha asks the Dicabrasion to catch rabbits by climbing into their holes; picks up the prey, closes the exit from the hole with a stone; the Coyoticha finds another way out; asks the Moose (Deer) to transport it across the river; not wants to ride on her back, on horns, climbs into the anus; pierces the Moose's heart, killing him; the Coyoticha comes, sends her to wash pieces of meat, the Porcupine eats them; the Coyoticha kills her, goes after the cubs; The porcupine comes to life, carries the meat to the tree; invites the Coyotiche and the cubs to lie in a row, throws not the meat, but the spine; only the youngest cub remains alive; the Coyoticha lifts him up to the tree, feeds him , offers to move; the branch breaks off, the Coyote crashes to death]: Parsons 1994, No. 25:285-290.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [the merchant's eldest daughter asks for a scarf, the middle daughter is an unprecedented fruit, the youngest is a cat; the merchant cannot find the fruit, the Sheikh gives his middle daughter to him as his wife; asks his wife serve meat and eat with it, there is a man in the cauldron; the wife does not eat, hides it in her bosom, the Sheikh asks to dance, the meat falls out, he hangs his wife by the hair in the 41st room; the same with the older sister; the youngest feeds meat to the cat, dances, the Sheikh recognizes her as his wife, tells her not to look into the forbidden room; she unlocks it, frees her sisters; they take out a flying boat and precious stones from the chest, fly away; The youngest is married by the prince, the eldest sons of the vizier; the prince's wife asks to build a tower, she is guarded by a lion, a tiger, a wolf and a bear; the Sheikh put them to sleep, came to his wife; she hears a whisper: give your beloved, you will be saved! She pushes the Sheikh down the stairs, awakened animals kill him; a woman gives birth to a daughter, gives her to someone who does not understand; tells her traces to be gold and silver, laughter roses, crying to fire; this girl is her stepmother takes the prince as his wife, gives water in exchange for his eyes, pushes him into the sea, replaces her daughter; the prince is disappointed; an old man finds a blind man in the forest, she sends him to sell roses to the palace, he exchanges them from angry stepmother in front of a girl; prince marries her, stepmother's daughter tied to a horse's tail]: Barag 1989, No. 8:65-69.