L72D. Abandoned scissors. .15.16.28.-.30.34.36.
Fleeing, the character throws scissors behind him, which turn into an obstacle in the path of the pursuer.
Spaniards (Ecuador), Germans (Austria), Russians (North), Luzhitans, Kabardians, Ossetians, Nogais, Georgians, Persians, Uzbeks, Buryats, Central (?) Yakuts.
Southern Europe. {Ecuador, but clearly Spanish borrowing}. Kanyar [when she saw a pregnant snake, the girl became pregnant herself, gave birth to a girl and a snake; left the snake where she became pregnant; the daughter rejected her suitors for a long time, married an unknown rich man; her husband left visit relatives; the serpent warns the human sister that he will come for her, take her (to hell); tells her to take wool, scissors, cotton wool, soap; must ride on a donkey; a snake has become a donkey; a woman goes behind; came to the village is hell, she runs on a donkey; her husband is chasing a horse; she throws cotton wool (fog), soap (rain), a comb (a thorny bush), wool (a forest with vines, the stalker is entangled in them); scissors (green cross) blocked the way, the devil left chasing); the donkey became a snake again, she warns not to marry rich strangers anymore; she married a poor man; the devil took her form, came to live with her husband instead of her; husband dazzled her, left her in the mountains; the snake told her mother to leave a jug of water overnight, the water became blood; the snake found her blind, rubbed her eyes with leaves, regaining her sight; brought her to her husband's house, then told her to spend the night in chicken coop; hears his wife's voice; the snake shows his real wife and the true appearance of his wife (hell with a tail and horns, he runs away); turns into a dove, flies to heaven; it was an angel]: Howard Malverde 1981, No. 24 : 167-173.
Western Europe.
Germans (Tyrol) [fugitives throw a comb, scissors, mirror (hedge, thorns, sea)]: Pancritius 1913:854Central Europe. Russians (North) [The brother calls his sister to marry him, she puts dolls in the corners, asks if it is good to live with her brother. 4 times the dolls say that it is bad and the last time they say" go underground", the girl falls through the ground and finds herself in the meadow. It stops the hut, which is spinning on a chicken leg, covered with pancake, and backed up by pies. The girl in the hut looks like Annushka, wraps human hair around her bone, warns that Egibova will arrive and want to eat Annushka, and orders the girl to wrap her hair around her bone. She wraps Annushka in a ball and throws her under the bench. Egibova senses the Russian spirit, but the girl says it smells like a bone that was dropped into a pipe by a bird flying from Russia. Egibova eats and lies down on the stove. The girl takes a comb, a scissor and scissors with her, oils the door so that it does not creak and runs away with Annushka. Egibova catches up, the girl throws a creamer, a hill grows, Egibova gnaws, breaks her teeth, threatens to eat the blacksmith, if he does not miss her iron ones, he forges. The same is repeated with the scallop (a forest appears). The girl throws her scissors, a fiery river appears, Egibova cannot pass. Girls run to Annushka's house, her brother marries a second girl and they live together]: Karnaukhova 1934, No. 70:151-153; Luzhitans [fugitives throw comb, butter, scissors behind them]: Ehrenreich 1905:89 (quoted in Jochelson 1913:163).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian people [when dying, the father tells three sons to guard the mare once a year, whose foals are kidnapped; the older brother falls asleep, the middle brother does not dare to fight the seven-headed frost; the younger Zaur repulsed a foal, cut off one head; on a hunted horse he follows the trail of a frost; the old woman says that the hoarder kidnapped her daughter, gives scissors, a mirror, a comb; Z. takes the girl, throws a comb (barbed fence), scissors (seven fortresses), a mirror (the ground is covered with ice); a hoarder fell, Z. cut off his heads; married a girl]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:98-99; Ossetians [sister of three brothers goes to play with seven daughters of the Sun; they detain her, throwing a bead into her hearth, she sparkles like a fire; returning to the extinct hearth, the girl comes to the giant for fire; he pours coals into her sieve; the giant comes to the brothers on an ash trail; the brothers go away supposedly to look for firewood, the giant goes to bed; the mouse gives the girl scissors, a comb, a mirror, tells her to run; abandoned objects turn into a mountain, sea, forest; the woman in the tower tells her to fill the tubs with tears (she fills her), throws her a simple rope, she rises; the giant spits, demands a silk rope, the woman lowers a simple one, but cuts her with scissors, the giant breaks; the girl works diligently for the hostess; violates the ban on entering the seventh room; the women from the first room are petrified; in the seventh room, a whirlwind rose, carried away the one hanging there shirt; Aldar's son finds her, comes for the girl; petrified ones come to life, the hostess passes the girl off as Aldar's son]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:164-172; Nogais [a long time ago, when the goat is swollen with satiety, when the starling became a kadiy, when the khan's daughter was a sorcerer, when the lark lived in the water... the khan's daughter was married by a young man; on the way home, the groom turned into a wolf, began to slaughter camels; tulpar Heavenly Hoof told the bride to jump on him and run, teaches him what to do; she throws the comb, says "Let the sunlight flow in front, the fog spread behind"; the mirror (the same, behind the bottomless lake); scissors (same , behind a thorny bush); tulpar says that they have arrived in the other world, lets the hair call him, tells them to pretend to be a man; the owner of the yurt calls the guest (i.e. the girl) to the top of the mound; attacked, but the girl threw him to the ground and he fell through the ground; she called tulpara; he told him to cut off his right leg, rip his stomach open and get inside; in the morning she is in a yurt, two boys next to him; her father arrives with her people]: Kapaev 2012:366-359; Georgians (Imereti) [the eldest daughter asks her father to buy a dress, the middle daughter asks her father to buy an all-seeing mirror, the youngest is a rose of paradise; the father steals a rose from Davy, he tells give her youngest daughter in return, calls her "Rose of Paradise"; in Davy's house, she hears him telling her sister to slaughter PP; she cuts and cooks sister Davy herself, runs away, throws a mirror (glass forest), a comb (forest) combs), scissors (scissor forest); RR hides in a house whose doors do not open to Davy; there is a coffin with the prince coming to life at night; servants bring him food; RR cleans the house, the prince finds her; when it is time for her to give birth, he sends her with his ring to his father; she gives birth, the prince comes at night, his parents catch him, in the afternoon he dies again; the wife goes to the Sun, to which her sister is married; the road meets the suffering (the king's wife is suffering from childbirth, a man is standing in the middle of a burning bakery, a deer rests its horns on the sky); she rises its horns to heaven; the Sun does not kill the visitor when it learns that she wife's sister; gives water to buy the prince, tells the woman in labor to be put on straw, the man to leave the burning bakery, the deer bend his head; everyone is happy]: Glushakov 1904, No. 3:27-35 (=Dirr 1920, No. 7:27-35).
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the serpent asks the lumberjack to marry him; agrees the youngest of three, Mehrnegar; the groom is the enchanted Snake King, who takes the form of a young man at night; the sisters ask ask the youngest how to burn his skin, steal, burn; the husband tells M. to put on his iron shoes, take an iron staff, flies away in the form of two pigeons; M. comes, throws his ring into a jug of water, the husband recognizes her; tells her to pretend to be a maid; mother-in-law is going to marry her sister's daughter, tells M. to bring water with a sieve (the husband makes sure that the water does not spill out); sends a letter for her sister to bring scissors; the husband tells me to call everything differently on the way (dirty water is clean, etc.); M. grabs scissors, runs, objects do not hold her, because she praised them; the husband kills the snake bride, runs with M.; throw needles (forest), salt (salt mountain), wineskin with water (sea); pursuers died in it, the couple returned to M.'s house]: Osmanov 1987:43-48; Uzbeks [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:166-178; pursuing a pheasant, the youngest of an old man's three sons, enters a cave and spends 40 days with a peri; when the young man returns home, peri tells him to ask his father to build a house for him, build a yurt; when he comes to his son, an old man He sees only a cat next to him; secretly peeks, sees a beautiful woman; before a relative's wedding, the old man tells his daughters-in-law to sew dresses, bake cakes; other peri do everything on the orders of the young man's wife; peri replies to other daughters-in-law that he will make clothes out of paper; they also make paper dresses, peri sends rain, dresses get wet; the old man asks his son where he keeps the cat's skin; when he finds out, he throws it into the fire; Peri flies away, telling her husband to wear his iron boots and staff; the young man comes to the house of Almauz Kempir (AK), where his wife and boy are also; the young man asks the boy for water, he does not give it, the water in the jug turns into the first time in the blood, the second time in pus; peri tells the boy to give water to a stranger; the young man throws a ring into the jug, peri recognizes it, goes to her husband; when AK is at home, turns it into a flower, hides it in herself in her hair; then pretends to marry her younger brother; AK tells her to look in her hair, sucks the young man's blood; peri tells her husband to give the dog meat, the camel hay (AK did the opposite); when AK falls asleep, tie her hair to the pole, take the comb, scissors, mirror, run; the doors, the camel and the dog refuse to detain the fugitives; they throw the comb, answer AK to pull out two teeth, make axes out of them, cut through the road; the same is scissors; AK has only four teeth; they throw a mirror, it turns into a river; the fugitives answer that stones must be tied to the neck and put stones in their sleeves, walk along the bottom; AK sinks; young man and Peri live in their own home]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 415-425.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Burchina 2007, No. II.3 (Unghinsky, Nukut District) [Uliger Episode: Altan Sharga's Horse Tells Khan Sagta Abhay that Aturi Black Mangadhai will arrive soon; tells her to pack faster , take his father's hammer, mother's gold comb and scissors with him; Khan Sagta Abhay, taking it all, leaves home; mangadhai chases; Altai Sharga tells the hostess to throw the comb with with a spell to turn it into a thicket; she does so; mangadhai, taking out her front tooth, makes an ax out of it and cuts the way; Altai Sharga advises the hostess to throw the scissors; they turn into sea; mangadhai takes out another tooth and makes an ax out of it, cuts trees for a raft, then swims across the sea; Altai Sharga advises the hostess to throw a hammer; a steep mountain grows out of it; mangadhai, having made an ax from a tooth, cuts a rock; Khan Sagta Abhay hides in an impassable thicket, builds a palace and lives hunting animals]: 110-111; Ulanov 1974 [in fairy tales and uligers, running away from the monster, girl throws hair, scissors and other objects; they turn into forests, lakes, mountains]: 28.
Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (a summary of several texts, including archival ones; at least central ones?) [parents take their girls to the forest to leave them there; sisters find the Iron Child (a doll, a stone) in the forest; when they learn that this is an abaasa child, they decide to kill him, but the Iron Child pursues himself them; sisters manage to escape by throwing a comb, scissors, needles that turn into a mountain, forest, etc.; on the way they meet a river, they cross it with the help of a lynx (old woman); walk along on the forbidden road, they get to Baba Yaga; the eldest dies in prison, the youngest, using a spell, escapes; comes to a man married to a frog, marries him; the older sister has come to life and married the son of thunder, from him she receives wealth, and the frog-wife brings water insects and dies]: Ergis 1967, No. 213:217.