Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L72E. The stalker returns for the axe.


To overcome the obstacles created by the fleeing hero, the pursuer is forced to return home for the necessary tools.

Loma, Italians (Naples), Scots, Tuvalu, Russians (Terek coast, Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Moscow, Voronezh), Icelanders, Danes, Norwegians, Western and Eastern Sami, Finns, Karelians, Estonians, Seto, Lithuanians, Forest Yukaghirs.

West Africa. Loma [mother reproaches twins Zine and Sele for breaking dishes because of their strength, it would be better to return her sister, kidnapped by the evil spirit of Nyanwole; they come for her, Z. creates a harp, N. dances, the brothers run away, put a stone on the road, it turns into a hill; N. runs home for a knife, cuts the hill in half; spits, a river forms, N. runs after the ax again, cuts the river, crosses (dry); brothers create fire, N. cuts it; Z. turns into a dog, she bit to death N.; brothers come back for their sister, bring them home]: Schwab 1947:459.

Southern Europe. Italians (Naples) [retelling in Aarne 1930:13; an orc (cannibal) guesses whose skin (fleas) it is; gets Princess Porciella, takes her to the forest; brings meat to humans and wild boars; P. doesn't want to eat it, complains to the old woman; she promises that her 7 sons will help; the first hears everything; the second, if she spits, will be a soap lake; the third, if she throws a piece of iron, there will be a field covered with sharp knives; the fourth will throw a splint, a forest will appear; the fifth will splash water, there will be a river; the sixth will throw a stone, a tower will appear; the seventh is a sharpshooter; the brothers run away with P., each creates obstacles; when the runners hide in the tower, the cannibal runs home and returns with a stepladder, but the seventh brother hits the orc with an arrow, his head is cut off with a knife; P. runs to his father, who rewards his brothers and their mother]: Basile 2018:86-93.

Western Europe. The Scots [the sparrow and the mouse quarreled over the grain; the war between birds and animals began; the Queen of Tetertyne came when the battle was over, the Raven and the Serpent remained; the Queen killed the Serpent, when she was ready to kill the Raven in a duel; the grateful Raven puts him on his back and carries him across valleys and lakes to his first, second, third sisters, and the third becomes a young man (he was cursed); gives a bag, tells him not to open it on the way; the young man opens, a palace with a garden appears; the giant puts everything back for promising to give his son, who will be born when he is seven years old; the young man becomes king, marries, seven years later the son is a giant; the boy's mother gives her son to a cook instead of her son; the giant asks what his father would do if he received the rod; he replies that he drove away if from the treats of dogs and cats; the king has to give his promised son; a young man grows up in a giant's house, who offers him a choice of one of two daughters; the young man demands a third, Red-haired Mary; a giant requires 1) cleaning the barn (M. does everything), 2) cover the house with bird feathers (the same), 3) get magpies out of the nest and cook magpies (M. cuts off his fingers and toes, they turn into steps of the stairs, the young man pulls out eggs, his fingers grow, except for the little finger, which the young man did not touch when he climbed); 4) recognize the bride among her sisters (she does not have a little finger); M. tells him to run, leaving answer apple slices; M. tells you to take the mare out of the mare's ear, throw behind 1) a sprig of thorns (thorny thickets; the giant runs home for the ax, then carries the ax back, because the crow promises steal an ax), 2) a pebble (a mountain, a giant runs home for a pickaxe and a hammer), 3) a bottle of water (the lake, the giant sinks); M. tells not to kiss anyone at home, the young man is kissed by a dog, he forgets M.; M. hides on wood, the wife, the shoemaker's daughter see her reflection, take it for their own, refuse to carry water, since they are so beautiful; the shoemaker takes M. into the house, says that the Queen marries, takes M. with him to a feast; Two pigeons fly out of the glass, tell the story of M.; Korolevich marries M.]: Campbell 1890 (1), No. 2:25-38 (translated to Shustov 1994:363-373; =Kharitonov 2008:383-394 with minor differences; no quarrel mice and sparrow, magpie's nest on spruce rather than pine; episodes of escape-persecution in Clouston 1887:440-441).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Niutao) [5 girls went to pick flowers from a tree owned by Ulimatata, the daughter of the spirit; the spirit hid, grabbed them, made them say their names; the girls returned home; their mother told them throw a comb behind if you have to run, and let only two climb the tree and the other three stay below; the spirit came, the girls ran, the girls who came down from the tree lagged behind; abandoned the comb, the forest grew out Pisonia grandis (typical for atolls); the spirit ran after the ax; another girl threw the comb, a forest grew out of Ficus tinctoria; the third was a forest from Cordia subcordata Lam; the fourth is Calophyllum inophyllum; then they threw coconut oil, a lake appeared, the spirit returned, the girls ran home]: Koch 1966:67-68.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [Ivan, a peasant son, went hunting; Pavá sits on dry land, asking not to shoot, but to feed a year, collecting sheep from all over the world; a year later, Pavá sat on an oak tree , the oak did not sway: feed for another year; the oak swayed; three years later it shattered into chips; Pavá put I. on his back, they fly; the sun is not burning in front - my brother's house; ask for a rotten box; "Give me back a rotten box, then I'll talk about the surfactant bird. "Don't tell us surfactant birds, and we don't give us rotten boxes!" ; at my father's house: take it, take a rotten box, just tell me about the PAVA bird! Pavá turned out to be a red girl: do not open it until you come home, but if you come, go out into a big meadow; on the way, the bird does not tell you to open it, but I. could not stand it and opened it; there was a house and gardens, food and drink enough, but nowhere to go; three days later, outside the window: give me what you don't know at home, I'll collect a rotten box; at home my wife gave birth to a son; once she caught it, thundered - give it back, man, promised! on the way, 40 girls are swimming, the boy hid the belt alone; gave it when she went out to him; their father is Cosó Kolesó, let I. hire him; KK only has this daughter, others are stolen; KK: choose a bride from 40 sisters; girl: I'll brush a fly off my face; next time I'll wave my handkerchief; on the third, a fly again; wedding; my mother was Christian, tells me to run; three days later my father chased a braid wheel; the girl threw a lash: dark forests from earth to sky; father went to make a road for a shovel; krabek: a stone mountain from earth to sky; the same; flint: a river of fire; KK could not move; I. and his wife reached home]: Balashov 1970, No. 44:146-151; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, b. Kuloy, 1921) [Tsar Carthaus goes for a walk in an open field, the horse is caught knee-deep with his hooves, K. comes to the white tent, the horse eats wheat next to him; K. thinks: since the horse does not allow him horse to wheat, then he will not defeat the hero whose horse; he enters the tent, there is a sleeping hero, K. falls asleep next to him, does not want to beat the sleeping one. The girl wakes up, scolds K., they go to the field to fight, the hero wins, K. asks to leave a mark, but not to kill him. The hero gouges out his eyes and puts him on his horse, who brings the owner home. K. tells his sons about the hero, the sons go to her, first the eldest two (Fedor and Vasiley), then Ivan the Fool. Blessing, my father measured I. with his hands - two arshins, big, can ride. I. does not meet anyone on the way for a long time, drives up to a crossroads, reads, "save yourself to the right, lose your horse", to the left, on the contrary, goes to the right. He drives up to the house, meets him, feeds him, drinks him, leads him to the bed, he is the first to throw her - she falls into a hole, she is torn apart below. 33 fellows are sitting in the pit, including Ivan's older brothers. They advise cutting the belt out of cow leather and lowering it into the hole, I. pulls it out one at a time. Brothers eat a cow, everyone takes their goods and a horse, and burns the house. I. goes on, and the brothers return home to their father. Ivan comes to the hut, the old woman feeds and drinks him, he asks him to be guided to his "mind", in response to politeness, she gives her "thin" horse, Ivan rides it to her sister, drops his glove on the way, the horse replies that during this time he rode two hundred miles. The old woman's sister also gives a horse, Ivan rides it to his third sister, drops his hat, and the horse slips three hundred miles. The third one tells you how to get to the hero, gives Ivan his clothes and a bayunka cat. I. goes to the hero instead of the old woman, bows and keeps silent so that she does not recognize her voice. There is a sleeping hero in the lady, he copulates with her, leaves an inscription on his forehead, scoops up living and dead water and leaves. The horse jumps over the city wall and hits it with its hoof. The hero sees the inscription "for your ridicule back", understands what happened, chases I. She asks the old woman about the passers-by, she replies that I. goes slowly, it is not difficult to catch up, sends the girl to the bathhouse. The next old woman has the same thing, after the third hero she began to catch up, I. threw flint, a mountain appears, the girl began to beg her to stay with her, I. refuses. The hero brings sawflies and walks through the mountain. I. throws a flint - a fire, the hero again asks to take her, promises to be a submissive wife. He refuses, she promises to marry him by spring. I. comes home, with the help of dead and living water, the brothers restore their father's eyesight, walks in taverns and drinks. A hero arrives with her youths on three ships (yellow, blue, blue), Fedor and Vasilya come to her, she does not recognize them. They send I. to figure out why the ships are near the city, he gets on the ship, the hero puts him to sleep and takes him with his youths to him. They are getting married]: Ozarovskaya 2009, No. 36:312-319; Russians (Pskov, Pushkinogorsky districts) [grandfather and woman have a mill with 12 gates; she took flour, grinded, closed and opened by the hour; she hysterical, the man is looking for a help; the naked promises to do everything, but tells them to give it back, which the man does not know at home; the wife gave birth to twins: Nastya and Vanya; the father gave them a needle without ears and told them to run; said naked that They ran to him; N. threw her comb (the forest, the naked came back for the ax, cut through the course); N. waved her handkerchief, they flew across the lake; they came to the hut: turn back there, here in front; an old man came with a gun and a dog; told them to serve I. and died; N. came to the river, naked with an accordion on the other side, offered to marry, told them to wave his handkerchief; she waved, he flew to her; advises ask I. to get hare's milk; the hare fed up and gave the bunny; N. poured out milk; the same with the fox, the she-wolf, the bear, the lioness; naked: let him go to your father's mill, his animals will remain locked; while walking, naked and N. weaved three ropes: silk, hemp, hair; N. suggests I. tear them; hair I. could not tear them; hair I. could not tear; asks permission to heat the bath before death; the raven is flying, reports how many doors the animals gnawed; the animals came running, tore her naked, N. tied two naked teeth in a handkerchief; I. chained her to an oak tree, put two barrels; let her cry naked in one, and two times over him; not far from the lake, an underdog with seven heads came out; he was just convicted of the Tsareva's daughter; (hereinafter in square brackets: I. saves her, marries; his wife feels sorry for N., asks to dismiss; N. throws them to the head - they die; animals revive with living and dead water; N. was torn, tied to the tails of horses)]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 43:86-89; Russians (Moscow, Bronnitsky y.) [Trofim is a bad man; his aunt Malania persuaded a young widow to marry him; she has sons Ivan and Gregory; T. beats his wife, tells him to get rid of the children; the brothers have left, they went from the fork along different roads ; some rider, he is the Spirit, took I. into his service; when leaving, he tells him not to feed one horse, to beat him; the horse asks I. to give him grain, but to beat the camel standing next to him; take 3 bowls of water, 3 combs; I. he combed his hair with them, his hair became copper from one, silver from the other, gold from the third; the horse told me to take a brush, soap, flint, flint, combat harness; remove his shackles; they galloped away; the spirit flew in, the camel told him everything, the Spirit rides him in pursuit; the horse asks what I. sees: I.: There is a cloud on the left; the horse is a spirit, throw the comb (forest); the spirit returned for the magic hatchet, cut through path; soap (soap mountain; returned after the spade); flint and flint (the flame, it devoured the stalker's thunderstorm); the Spirit fell at the horse's feet, promised not to meet him again; the horse tells you to hire the king, whom another king beat his army and wants to marry his youngest daughter; I. works for a gardener; while sleeping, the princess noticed his golden hair; on her horse and in his real form, I. smashes enemies; the elders the sons-in-law said it was them; now the queen demands a 9-headed serpent; I. defeated him; defeated the enemy again, wounded him in the arm; the king identified him, gave his daughter; the horse said goodbye and rode away; wedding; at this time G. went into a dense forest; there is a tower, old man; he must serve him for 12 years; he tells him to groom 12 horses and beat a chained camel; the camel says that he is a magician himself, and the horse who helped I. was also here; teaches take a worthless sword, only it will cut the chains; they jump, the old man chases, G. hacked him with that sword; the camel leads to his father for a reward; there is a heroic horse in the dungeon; G. drank strong water, became a hero; the queen easily defeated 12 heroes, and G. defeated her himself; other heroes were going to her; N. won everyone, recognized everyone among his defeated brother; married the queen]: Chudinsky 1864, No. 3:7-41 ; Russians (Voronezhskaya, 1964, p. Kamenno-Verkhovka of Novousmansky District) [The sorceress marries the poor beauty three times for her son, and receives consent for the third time. There is no groom. Makes a girl milk her cows. The girl has never done this, she asks her mother, she replies that she should say "cows, milk yourself", the sorceress is surprised how her cows did not tear the girl apart and gave her milk. She orders the girl to shear her sheep, everything repeats itself, the wool is collected in a bag by itself. The girl is allowed to rest, she hears a noise, realizes that the sorceress wants to "tear" her apart, turns to the old sorceress, who gives her a bar, a comb, butter and grain. The girl puts a piece of bread on her head, the birds take it and do not touch the girl, sprinkles grain - they peck the grain, do not peck her eyes out. The girl lubricates the lock with oil and the doors dissolve easily. She hears the sorceress chasing her, "brushing her teeth." She throws a bar, a mountain appears, the sorceress returns for an ax, cuts a mountain, throws a comb - the sorceress cuts down a dense forest. The girl swims across the river when the sorceress is in the middle, throws resin, the river boils and she dies. The girl returns to her mother]: Kretov 1977, No. 26:42-43.

Baltoscandia. Icelanders [the king's wife died; he was sitting on the grave, a woman came up, named Ingijörg, the king married her; when he goes hunting, I. advises his son Sigurd to go with his father, but he refuses; she hides him under the bed; the giantess enters, this is sister I.; I. treats her; when she enters and then leaves, the giantess asks if S. is here; I. says that he has left with his father; the same the next once (hides under the table); on the third (hides against the wall), the giantess will cry out that S. is here and let him now remain half-burnt, half-dried until he finds her; I. reproaches S.: she warned him that you have to go with my father; gives a ball, he rolls, S. follows him to I.'s first sister; she sits on a rock, pulls S. up with a hook, but he gives her this I. gold ring; she is happy, tells her to fight her, and when S. gets tired, gives a drink of strong water to restore vigor; sends her to her second sister (all the same); she gives a third; the third, giving a golden ring, sends her to the lake, where the girl Helga plays with with a boat, tells her to give her a ring; she takes S. to her father's house when he leaves; when he returns, H. touches S. with a glove, turning it into a bale of wool; as soon as the father leaves again, he returns it to him former appearance; unlocks doors except one; S. insists to unlock it; behind her is a horse and a precious sword with the inscription: whoever sits on this horse and girds himself with this sword will be happy; girl: the name of the horse Gullfaxi (Golden-Maned), and the sword is Gunnfjödur (Kampffeder); there is also a branch, a stone and a stick; the branch will become a dense forest in the pursuer's path, and if you knock on the stone with a stick, a terrible hail will begin; H. allowed S. to ride around the house once, but S. rode away altogether; Father H. came and saw that his daughter was crying; when he found out what was going on, he followed him; S. threw a branch, and the giant was forced to return for the ax; summoning hail, S. killed a giant; to meet S. a dog in tears; S. rode home, where 9 warriors tied I. to burn them; S. hacked them with a sword; met his father; went after H. and married her; became king; happy with H.]: Poestion 1994, No. 18:143-152; Danes [=Grundtvig 1878:45-58; two princes sailed on a boat, a storm began; an old woman appeared in kvashna, demanding to promise her someone who would soon be the queen would give birth, otherwise she would drown; I had to promise; when the boy grew up, the old woman came for him, brought him to her place, ordered him to clean the pile of feathers, then split the logs into firewood; both times the dove did everything; the young man kissed her, she turned into a girl; said that the old woman had kidnapped her and bewitched her until the first kiss; let her tie a red thread around her finger to identify her later and ask the old woman for her to his wife; she brought a donkey, a pig, but the young man sees a red thread; after the wedding, the wife tells her to run, left two logs in the room to answer the old woman; in the morning the old woman broke into the room and rushed in pursuit; the girl threw a flower pot (the lion, the old woman returns for an ax), a glass of water (the lake, the old woman runs after her sauerkraut); when the young reached the palace, the girl blew, a cloud of pigeons enveloped witch, she's shattered into small pieces; all is well]: Cramer 1919:100-108; Danes, Norwegians [every time a stalker uses tools to break obstacles, he forced to take them home or the bird threatens to steal them; this episode is in several Danish and one Norwegian version from southern Norway; {Christiansen believes that this episode borrowed from the Germans but provides no data}]: Christiansen 1959:100; Western Sami:: Klaus 1995:39-46 [the Swedish king lost three daughters, a man volunteered to find them; along the way meets two more successively; each cooks one by one; the Legless Handless (BB) comes, presses down the cook's hair with a log, eats everything; when the hero remains, he offers BB food himself, he promises help; all three want to move the stone, when the hero calls, BB shifts, the turn under the stone, the hero descends; the kidnapped queen orders to change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes his hero wins; the same with the second royal (two-headed feature), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; gets up, sees that the companions are swearing who will take which one; seeing the hero, they cut off the rope , he is underground again; he is hired as an employee, the owner does not tell him to go into the same room; the hero comes in, there is Thunder, he tells him to take an iron chair, a flint flint, a comb with him; they run away, the devil pursues, the abandoned crest turns into the forest, the devil returns for the ax; the flint is the mountain, behind the drill; the chair is a river of fire; the thunder brought the hero to where the companions quarreled took the most beautiful queen, others are arguing who to get who, so far], 55-63 [from the giant {probably Stallo in the original} a lion to whom he gives hay and a horse to whom he gives meat; worker S. changes food in some places; says he cut down the poles to poke out S.'s eyes; they carry a tree home, S. is afraid to look back, does not see that the worker is not carrying the tree, but is sitting on it; the worker pretends to throw the axe C . to a cloud that can break his boat and oars, he brings an ax, rows himself; offers to pierce trees with his head; the worker makes holes in the trees in advance, S. gets stuck with his head; the worker answers who sleeps soundly when he looks like a bag, like a stone, puts a bag, a stone on his bed instead of himself, S. hits them at night; replies that he is fast asleep when frogs jump out of his nose; worker cuts off S.'s head; the horse tells him to run, taking a comb, a flint, a wet rag; S. (obviously alive) catches up, abandoned objects turn into a thicket, mountain, lake; S. returns for an ax, for a drill, then loses time carrying them back, as the sparrow threatens to pick them up; S. tries to drink the lake, tells the maid to close his ass so that the water does not pour out; the fox tells him to hold it tight, the maid laughs, S. bursts; the young man washes his hair, it turns silver; he hides it under with a hat, but the princess notices, takes him as her husband; the horse tells him to cut off his head, he also becomes a young man, he was bewitched before]; Poestion 1886, No. 21 [the guy was hired as an employee for a giant; chose the most a big tree; a giant climbed to the top, the guy sat on a butt; replies that he is not tired at all; bringing a tree, the giant tells the guy to go into the barn, but not to the stable; horse: tomorrow you will be asked to go down water to the boat; say that if you venerate it, the boat will break to pieces; the giant lowered it himself; asks to take the oars; guy: if I take it, they will break; the same goes on (all fishing gear will tear); when They came back, the horse tells us to go into the barn, slaughter the cow, cut the heart in half; the cow is the life of a giant; if not dead, cut it into small pieces; then they will gallop away with the box (Bühse) a sword, a piece of sulfur, a flint, a comb; when they gallop, the horse asks if the guy hears and sees anything behind him; as if the wind is whistling; horse: this giant has come to life; throw sulfur: water area; giant I ran home for a ladle, drank water with the help of a ladle; wanted to leave it to pick it up on the way back, but the bird: if you leave it, I'll take it; I had to run home again; flint - mountain; giant runs after the storm (again about a bird); the crest is a forest, ran after an ax (bird); the guy on horseback rode to a world where the giant does not go; there is a copper forest ahead, you can't break branches; guy broke the last one, a giant in copper clothes appeared, the horse defeated him; the same with the silver forest and the giant; with the gold one; now the horse told the young man to hire the king; he always wears a copper hat so as not to be visible gold (Goldhut); told the king that he had scab; became a gardener, the youngest of the three princesses saw him take off his copper hat; she asked her father to pass it off as a young gardener; her sisters chose noble young men; the youngest son-in-law called a horse, shot a lot of birds, gave them to the elders, and brought them only an owl; wedding; horse to a young man: you forgot about me, cut off my head; he cut off, the horse itself turned into Prince Charming {the end without the details common in one-story fairy tales}]: 84-92; Eastern Sami [three hunting brothers take turns cooking; an old man came in, tied the youngest by his hair to the ceiling, himself ate everything; the same with the middle man; the eldest beat the old man; then came to him in his hole, said that he had come to help; the old man is happy with the worker, but tells him not to unlock some doors; the guy opened the doors - there is Thunder in chains ; asked to cut the chains, the young man did it, there was a thunder; the young man tells the old man that this roar from cow's hooves when the cows ran; Thunder to the young man: when you finish the third chain, sit on me; old man pursues, Thunder tells him to take his hair and throw it back; a rock appeared to the sky; the old man returned home, brought a drill, drilled a hole; when the young man threw his second hair, a stormy a river and a fire above; an old man fell into them and disappeared]: Yermolov 1959:69-71; Finns: Goldberg 1953 [the childless king sails, the waterman stops the ship, lets go for a promise to give the one who was born at home in the absence of the king is his son and daughter; the king secretly dug an underground shelter for them; he tried to give the foal, calf, lamb to the waterman; he himself began to look for children; in The hammer told the forge to take him and walk; fell where the shelter was, the water took the children away; they grew up, the girl married him; her brother shed tears, a wolf appeared, told him to sit on him and run; the young man enters the room where the water and sister sleep, grabs his sister, sits on the wolf; at the direction of the wolf, he takes a stone from under his tail, throws it, grows a mountain to heaven; the waterman returns for with a hammer and a chisel, breaks through the passage; wants to leave the tools, but forty begins to scream for them; the waterman takes them home, comes back, catches up and returns the fugitives; the young man cries again, a bear comes, everything repeats itself; the young man throws the bear's bristles, wooded mountains appear to the sky; then the same episodes; the third time brother and sister run away on a fox, she tells us to throw flint; the water does not overcome the sea of fire, he stops pursuing; brother and sister build a house for themselves across the bubbling river; the wolf, bear and fox come to live with them; the sister throws stones into the river, the current calms down, the water crosses the river, lives with a girl; during the day she turns into a pin, the girl hides it in cracks in the wall; the animals feel it; the sister asks to lock the animals behind 9 iron doors for the night; the water grabs the young man, throws him into a hot bath; the animals break in, breaking one door after another; the raven tells the young man to hold out a little longer; at the last moment the animals break in, tear the water to pieces; the young man forgave his sister; she found in she put a water bone under his brother's pillow; a bone pierced his head, his sister buried the deceased; the animals dug the body; the bear put his head on it, the water bone passed into it, the young man came to life; the bone passed from bear to wolf; the fox put its head up, managed to pull it back, the bone got stuck in the pine tree; they all came to the parents of brother and sister, the young man rejuvenated them with live water; the father kicked the daughter out traitor, his son became king]: 170-186; Concca 1993 [after the death of his parents, the brother took the cat and the sister took the goat, they went to seek happiness; the goat had to be stabbed and fried; they came to the giant; he agrees to fatten them first and then eat them; the horse offers his brother and sister to take them away from the giant, the giant easily caught up with him and killed him; the eagle is the same, the giant shot; the bull tells him to take the branch, a stone and a tin bottle of water, throw behind when the giant catches up; a branch turns into a forest; a giant cuts through a passage, a fox promises to steal an ax, a giant spends time carrying an ax home; stone (mountain; same; fox promises to carry the hammer); bottle (sea, the giant tries to drink it, the fox advises you to gird yourself with hoops, gnawed them, the giant burst); the bull is about to die; tells me to keep the horns to summon it; brother and sister came to the copper castle, and the dog got involved with them; the cat and the dog scratched the chest, but the brother did not open it; when they left, Satan came out of the chest in the form guy; the girl fell in love with him; he advises to pretend to be sick, send his brother for wolf's milk; the she-wolf gives milk and a wolf cub; the same is a bear; Satan advises sending the guy to the mill to be alive and with dead water, he will poison the springs along the way; a cat and a dog drank from the first, a wolf and a bear from the second; the boy revived them with live water; they tore Satan; the sister begged his brother to take it with him; they came to the silver castle, the boy married the mistress princess; Satan came to life, brought his sister a tooth, told his brother to put him in bed; he died; the animals broke the coffin hoops, but fell dead themselves; two crows they brought live water and revived the boy, and he the animals; hitting the horn with his horn, the guy summoned the bull, who brought him to the silver castle, Satan and his sister were killed; the spell hanging over the princess fell apart; all good]: 67-81; Salmelainen 1947:19-25 [the young man is going to shoot the capercaillie, he asks not to do so; so three times; the young man agrees to take the capercaillie home and feed him for a year; the capercaillie has grown up on his tail copper feather and when it fell out, he flew away; in the evening he returned, asked for food for another year; a silver feather grew; after the third year, a golden feather; the capercaillie told me to sit on it; they fly across the sea, capercaillie He throws off and picks up the young man three times so that he feels the same fear that the capercaillie felt when he was aimed; they fly to the copper castle of the capercaillie's younger sister; he tells me to ask her for a chest without a key, but she did not give it; the middle sister had the same in the silver castle; the eldest in the gold castle gave it; on the way back, the capercaillie was tired and left the young man on the mountain; he did not want to drag the chest, he left it and a palace, a household, people, etc. appeared; the old man promises to put everything back if the young man promises to give him what was born at his house; the young man knows that his wife did not expect a child and promised; the old man allowed leave the baby for a year, told him to be named Krummdreher; in a year the boy grew up, became a young man, went to an old man; between the sea and the lake there is an oak tree, he climbed on it, saw girls sailing on the ship ; they began to swim, he hid the clothes of one of them; gave it for a promise to marry and help; this is the daughter of an old man; she gives her handkerchief, he makes him invisible and offers any food; before entering the castle, it is necessary to pull an iron stake out of the ground with a ring at the end; the young man easily pulled it out; the young man knocked on the lock door, the old man went out but saw no one, and the invisible young man entered the bride's castle; the old man tells 1) create a castle neither on earth nor in the sky; 2) cultivate the field, harvest and bake bread in one night; 3) bring three iron-billed capercaillies from across the sea; bride: bribe 7 out of 9 horses, and we will buy two we can ride away; the old man is chasing; the girl waved her handkerchief, a mountain arose, the old man ran after the ax; cut through; the girl turned her horses into a church and bell tower, herself into a priest, a young man as a clerk; they told the old man that the fugitives were already across the river; he was chasing again, but the girl had created a river with a handkerchief; the old man had stopped pursuing; everything was fine], 47-52 [damn turned the prince into a fast horse; told the groom boy to live in the stable and not enter the house; when the hell was gone, the Konb told the guy to go into the house; there he saw a bottle of blood, a huge sword on the wall, and in the chest in the corner there was a white stone, a green branch and a cup of water; hell understood that the guy came into the house, promised to kill him next time for it; but as soon as the hell was gone again, the horse told me to go try to raise the sword and if it was too heavy, sprinkle it himself with blood from a bottle; the guy felt a surge of energy, easily raised his sword; the horse ordered to take objects from the chest, sit on it, galloped away; hell chases, the horse tells me to throw a stone (rocks; hell ran for an ax, cut through the passage; fox: if you throw the ax, I'll take it; the devil had to waste time taking the axe home), a green branch (a copper forest; the same episode with an ax and a fox), a bowl of water ( the lake; the devil tried to drink it, girded himself with a hoop so as not to burst, the fox ate the hoop, the devil burst); they rode to the king, the father of the enchanted prince; the horse ordered it to be hidden in the beech forest; war broke out; the boy rode on an old mare and then changed clothes, sat on his horse, slaughtered enemies with a sword; was wounded and the princess noticed him bandaging the wound; he told the king everything; the horse ordered him to be beheaded, a prince came out of his horse's body; he inherited the throne, and the king married the boy to a princess]; Karelians: Cox 1893, No. 199 (Varpakylä) [the man wants to marry his daughter; she asks for permission to go to her mother's grave; the mother advises to ask her to melt the bathhouse to wash before the wedding, and when she goes to the bathhouse, run; when she goes to church, take dresses, a brush, a comb, a mirror, sword; father chases, daughter throws her brush (wall; father runs after the sword, cuts a hole, the bird screams that the daughter will see where the sword is hidden, the father runs home again to carry the sword), comb (wall made of bones (same); mirror (glass wall; same); when she reaches the royal pigsty, the girl puts on a pig skin, hides in the prince's pigsty; in the morning she secretly puts the farm in order; prince goes to church, asks her sister for soap, a pig brings it, the prince throws soap at the pig; in church, the beauty replies that she is from the palace, where they throw soap; next time, a basin of water; a shirt; the first once the girl loses her hat; then the prince orders to smear the door with resin, the second time the glove sticks; the third time the shoe; the prince tells everyone to try on, promises to marry; sees a pig in a hat, with a glove and with a shoe; on the way to church, the heroine takes off her pigskin; wedding]: 392-394; Onegin 2010, No. 32 (Kalevalsky district) [wife has a blue finger; when she dies, she tells her husband to marry again only blue-eyed; blue the daughter still has a finger; she demands a star-embroidered outfit from her father (the father bought it); embroidered for months (the same); the suns (the same); the daughter takes dresses, a brush, sulfur, goes to the bathhouse; runs away, leaving spits to answer for himself; when he discovers the deception, the old man rushes after him; the daughter throws a broom (a mountain covered with birch forest, the old man returns for an ax and hoe, cuts through the road, wants to hide an ax and a hoe under the birch tree, the tit says he will tell, the women will steal; the old man takes them home, runs again; the girl throws the comb (resin mountain; the old man runs again for the ax and hoe; then same); throws a bar (a stream of fire; the old man can't cross, he threw his eggs around his daughter's neck, let them mimic her); the girl was hired as a pigsty for the king; is silent, because the eggs will mimic her; prepares ball, maids send a dumb man to carry water to the king, who with a bucket on her forehead; the late mother gives a staff to hit the stone crosswise, a horse will come out; the girl came to the ball in a sunny dress; replies that she came from where they hit her forehead with a bucket; the prince followed the girl, threw the pigsty's clothes into the fire; but the girl is afraid to say a word; the prince married her, she gave birth to a son, he was stabbed to death on her lap, to her gouged out their eyes and drove them away, since they did not want to speak; the pigsty cooks food again, the soup is cooked in the pot; the pigsty: delicious; the pigsty hangs the ladle around the neck below the eggs, suggests that try the soup; the eggs flopped into the ladle, she brought them into the boiling pan; the pigsty brought soup to the guests; the new bride: look, the hem is carrying soup; the pigsty: you spoke early, I was silent, even when my baby was slaughtered; my new bride was driven away, the pigsty was dressed in a sunny dress]: 300-304; Estonians: Järv et al., No. 36 (Väike-Maarja) [a man saws a tree in the forest, it becomes again whole; the spirit allows you to saw for the promise to give what he will be the first to meet at home; a three-year-old son comes out; the boy is given his spirit; he leaves with his son, gives the boy the keys, forbids him to unlock one the room; he unlocks, there is a horse and a dog; meat in front of the horse, oats in front of the dog; when he returns, the spirit scolds the boy, but does not kill; next time the boy asks the horse for advice; he tells him to take it from under Spirit pillows are a piece of gold, a drop of water, a grain of sand and a knot from the window; the boy sits on a horse, jumps away, a dog with them; the horse tells them to throw a grain of sand (a mountain of sand; the spirit sends his son for a shovel; they hide a shovel, a crow screams what he sees, the spirit sends his son to take the shovel home), a knot (forest), a drop of water (a lake; the son of the spirit drank, burst; the spirit rushed into the water, drowned); The horse tells him to remove his hooves , hit three times with a rod; a horse and a dog turn into boys like him; all three live with the boy's father; tree felling has not overgrown since then]: 153-154; Mälk et al 1967, No. 51 (Rannu) []: 121-126; 58 (all over Estonia, but more in southern Estonia) [the girl rejects her suitors and dreams of marrying a man with a golden nose; he shows up and takes her away; they stop three times on the way, the groom enters a house; the second time the bride peeks: he eats a dead dog; the third time he is dead; when they reach the groom's home and the girl is left alone, the dead mother tells her that her husband is the devil; one of guys who like a girl go to the witch doctor; he tells him to take a ball three times on Thursday and go to a crossroads; the third time a whirlwind brings the young man to the house; he hired him as an employee, but because it's winter, there is no job yet; the girl comes to him, gives him a chip, a grain of sand and water in a glass: let her throw it when she says; takes a broom: if she moves, the pursuer is close; the grain of sand has become a mountain (hell sends his son for shovels), a sliver in a dense forest (sends for axes), splashes of water by the sea; hell sends her son for his grandmother, she tries to drink the sea, but bursts; hell stayed overseas, boy and girl got married]: 151-154; setu: Järv et al. 2009, No. 33 (Satserinna; recorded in Estonian) [the man went to sell flax, came back a year later, leaned to the water for a drink, someone grabbed him by the beard, let him go for promising to give what he did not know at home; during this time his wife gave birth to a son; (he grew up); one girl told the young man to take with him two loaves, two belts and a ball of yarn; the ball rolled, the young man followed; threw two lions on the waist, the other two on bread, they missed it; Damn (vanahalb) tells me to plow the field by morning, etc., bake bread; 2) build church; 3) build an iron bridge; daughter Devil tells me to go to bed, does everything; 4) choose a wife among his daughters, turned into mares, into turtles (the assistant will bite, bite others horses, pigeons); the young man gets a wife; she tells him to run, leaves saliva responsible for herself; The devil sends sons in pursuit, the wife throws bark behind (the forest grows; sons The devil is cut down, hidden axes, a lark says he sees where they have to hide), clay (mountain; same: lark, shovels), water from a glass (lake; Devils drink, burst); a young man brings his wife home], 35 [ the mother is dead, the father has married a witch (vanapatu), she has two sons; one of them wants to marry her; she goes to dress in a barn, the witch's sons leave dogs at the exit to prevent her from leaving; Mouse asks for bread, the girl gives her, the Mouse gnaws a hole in the wall, tells her to take a whetstone, a brush and a cat with her; the girl runs, the cat listens, reports the chase; the girl throws brushes (forest, devils they run after the axes; then they hide the axes, the bird says they see, they take the axes home, rush to catch up again), whetstone (stone wall; the same, they run for crowbars and hammers), a handkerchief (sea, devils drink, burst)]: 139-141, 148-152; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 42 [12 brothers have a sister; the elder was looking for a wife, found no one more beautiful than his sister, is preparing a wedding with her; sister says she forgot in the cage, asks God for help, falls into the ground, finds herself on the path, comes to the hut, there is a girl like her; she smeared her with sourdough and covered her with sauerkraut ("bowl"); a witch flew in, the hostess said that the human spirit, because that man's leg was stuck in her teeth, picked it up with a poker; the witch flew away in a mortar, the girls ran; threw the brush (forest; the witch cut through it with an ax, ran to carry the axe back so as not to disappear), a towel (the sea; the witch began to drink, told the mortar to drink, burst); the girls reached the cage, but there were already floors, they became scream; brother dismantled the floors; sister: here's your bride; brother married that girl], 49 [iron wolf (not just an ogre wolf) in 10 versions; father has two children; he gave them a toy - an iron wolf; the father died, and the wolf came to life; brother and sister rode off on horseback, the wolf caught up, tore the horse, returned the children; flew away on the voron, the wolf caught up again and returned; the goby put the children on his back, ordered them to take the ball (mountain, wolf gnawed), brush (forest; wolf ran for an ax; the crow screams that he would take the axe, the wolf had to cut the path and carry the axe back) and a sharpener (the sea ahead; the goby created a bridge, who was disappearing behind, the iron wolf drowned); the goby ordered him to be cut in half, two dogs appeared; brother and sister came to the robbers' house, killed those who came with a sword as they entered; at 16 options below are the plot of the insidious sister]: 97-99, 113-116.

Eastern Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (b. Corcodon) [the old man looks into the ice-hole where he put the net; the Mythical Old Man (MS) grabs his beard, lets him go for promising to give his son and daughter; the old man puts them into the ice-hole; the MC puts them on his raft, tells him to clean his pants from lice, falls asleep; Falcon takes the children to the roof of the house; MS throws up his lower jaw, she falls on horseback, the children are immediately back on the raft, the MS hits them; the same with Eagle; for the third time, the Cow (Russian borrowing) puts them on her back, carries them to the top of the mountain; MS throws her jaw down and up the river to the sky; each time it falls with its upper end down; throws them to the shore, she falls right; he leaves the raft, almost catches up with the Cow; she tells the children to throw the scraper that scrapes her neck, a mountain appears; MS returns to the raft for a drill, drills through mountain hole; children throw the comb with which they scratched the Cow, a forest grows; MS returns for an ax, cuts down the forest; children throw silver women's jewelry from the Cow's chest, a lake appears; MS sinks; children returning home]: Jochelson 1926:304-305 (=Jochelson 1900, No. 19:42-45).