L72G. Abandoned salt.
. (52.)
Fleeing, the character throws salt behind him, which turns into an obstacle in the path of the pursuer.
Spaniards, Portuguese, Yemen, Viets, Loda, Tinghians, Macedonians, Albanians, Greeks, Abkhazians, Kumyks, Dargins, Lezgins, Rutulans, Armenians (?) , Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Bukhara Arabs, Baluchis, Pashayas, Norwegians, Karakalpaks, (Veracruz Nahuatl).
Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002 [childless king and queen want a child, even if the Devil gets it in 20 years; the young man grows up, loses his soul to the Devil, goes to him; the old woman advises hide the clothes of Blancaflor, the youngest of the Devil's three bathing daughters, pigeon girls; the other old woman, the mistress of the birds, sends to her Moon Sister, she to the Sun Brother; only the Limp Eagle is summoned take her to the Castle Where There Is No Return, tells her to feed her meat on the way; the meat runs out, the Queen is ready to cut off from himself, but the Eagle still arrives; The devil tells 1) to process the plot in a day, bake it from harvest bread; 2) grow grapes; B. does everything; 3) bring the ring dropped by his grandmother into the sea; B. tells her to kill, collect blood in a jug, throw her body into the sea; the young man sheds a drop of blood; B. goes out from the sea, carrying a ring, she lacks the edge of her little finger; 4) recognize B. among the sisters; the girls put her little finger in the crack, B. has a scar; B. tells the Queen to take a bad horse, a rusty sword, to run; leaves responsible for saliva, puts two wineskins on the bed; the devil pierces them, thinks he has killed his daughter and son-in-law; the Queen has taken a good horse, a steel sword, the Devil catches up with them; B. throws a comb (forest), salt (mountain) ); the horse is made a chapel, B. a statue, the husband a hermit; the devil does not recognize them, at home the wife explains that they were fugitives; the Queen leaves B. at the source, comes home, is hugged by an old nanny, he forgets B.; prepares to marry another; B. is hired as a maid, asks for a stone of sorrow, a dagger of love; the Devil sells them to the Queen; B. asks them if she helped the Queen; those confirm, the Queen recalls B.; the dagger tells B. to plunge it into her heart, the Queen stops him; the wedding]: 268-276; the Portuguese: Braga 2002:111-114 (Extremadura - Algarve) [at the king The Moors have two daughters, the youngest meets the teacher, orders him to flee to his country, takes a bag of ash, salt, coal with her; when the father's army catches up, she throws ash (fog) first, then salt (sea), coal ( night and thunderstorm); having reached her lover's country, the princess says that now he will forget her; dressed as a widow, pretended to accept lovers; the teacher invited three friends to visit the woman; first spent the whole night undressing and dressing; the same second; the third stood at the well all night to fetch water; the fourth closed the door to the street all night; the teacher was preparing for the wedding, arranging before the wedding dinner, that widow is among the guests; she creates a dove and a dove and they talk about the fate of a forgotten beauty; the teacher remembers everything, marries her beloved], 126-128 (Eixo - Distrito de Abeiro) [branch - forest , stone is a mountain, a handful of sand is the sea]; Cardigos 2006, No. 313 [the prince goes to hell, he gives him difficult assignments; 1) plant a vine in the morning, wine is ready in the evening; 2) get the ring from the bottom of the sea, for this purpose it is necessary to dismember the girl; 3) sow wheat in the morning, bake bread in the evening; 4) tame the horse (that's the devil himself); 5) build a palace in a day; 6) disassemble the mixed seeds; and something else; he denies that the girl helped him; must identify the girl among several identical ones (only on the hand; the girl does not have enough finger, so he recognizes her); the spouses run, the wife leaves the saliva responsible for herself; in bed the wineskin is left; the young man chooses a fat horse, he is like the wind, he should have chosen a skinny one, he is like a thought; the horse turns into a church, a girl into an image, a young man into a hermit; a garden, a salad (flowers) and a gardener; a river, boat, boatman; throw objects: ash (fog occurs), needles or pine needles (prickly thickets), salt or water (sea), sand (hill); the devil's wife cast a spell: kissing, against will, mother or grandmother, the hero forgets his wife; she attracts his attention (many options), he recognizes her]: 68-69.
Western Asia. Yemen [The Sultan has many children; one son and one daughter are already grown up; the daughter leaves the palace at night, devours babies, then returns; people followed her, said the Sultan's son, that he was convinced of the veracity of this story, told his father, but the Sultan drove his son away; he rode to a country where the Sultan has seven daughters; Afrit closed the water, every year he gives it only in exchange for the Sultan's daughters; He has already eaten four; the young man stops at the poor old woman; comes to the mouth of the wadi, sees how another girl in the bride's clothes has been brought; hides behind a rock; Afrit puts his sword on the ground, the young man grabs it, cuts off Afrita's head (Afrit can only be killed with his own weapon); he refuses to ask to be hit again; the palace believes in the girl's salvation after they see that the wadi is full of water; a feast; a young man found in a poor old woman, the sultan marries him to his rescued daughter; the young man decides to travel; goes to the castle; there are two girls hanged by the hair; the third explains that Afrit will come and fall asleep on her knees; you have to wait until he releases gases with a terrible roar means he sleeps deeply; killing Afrit with his own sword at once; a young man kills Afrit, frees the hanged, calls the girls sisters; each gives him a magic object: a needle (will become a mountain), a salt crystal (a salt mountain), a cage with two pigeons (if the young man is in trouble, they will rush, turn into winged horses, come to help); the young man returns to his wife, leaves her a cage with pigeons, admits that he is the son of a sultan, goes to visit his native places; there the werewolf sister ate everyone; says that they are dead; goes to the stall, eats his brother's horse, he runs, throws a needle (mountain), salt (salt mountain), but his sister overcame them; just as the sun went down, the pigeons at the young man's wife's house were worried, she released them, the horses flew in, the young man sat on one, the other runs behind, the young man returned to his wife]: Daum 1992, No. 4:38-55.
Burma - Indochina. The Vieta [Magical Escape: Thrown Salt Turns Into the Sea]: Landes 1886:184 in Dixon 1916:239 (note 49).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda (Halmahera) [the woman ate the giant's mango and her dog the peel; the woman gave birth to seven sons, the dog seven puppies; the giant demanded the seventh, Badabangisa, to give it to him; in his B.'s absence freed the prisoners in his house; taking the treasures, they all ran away; the ashes from the burning house fell on the giant, he understood everything; B.'s companions threw salt, it became the sea, the giant drank it; ash, she blinded him temporarily; forest fruits, the giant was surrounded by thorny vines; millet, the giant stopped to pick him up; B. asked the giant, calling him father what it was on his body; he replied that his life was there; B. hit this place, the giant died; people made B. king]: Van Baarda, p.394 in Dixon 1916:236-237.
Taiwan - Philippines. Tinghian [Magical Escape: Thrown Salt Turns to Sea]: Cole 1915:75 in Dixon 1916:239 (note 49);
TheBalkans. Macedonians [a young man comes to a blind old man at his house in the mountains; he promises to adopt him if the young man can withstand three blows with a baton; he puts a bag of straw in his place; the old man gives the keys to 10 rooms (they contain treasures), but does not give two; the young man came to three fairies who stole the old man's eyes; they will dance if the young man plays the flute; if he gets tired before them, they will take his eyes; his fingers tremble; he replies that he remembered looking for an old man in his head; they ask him to look for them; he ties them by the hair, hangs them on a tree; they say that the old man's eyes are in two golden apples; the young man frees the fairies, gives the old man one apple; the second gives after he has allowed the last two rooms to be unlocked; one has a winged horse and a gold spring, the other has a winged mule and a silver spring; the young man becomes gold above the waist, silver becomes lower; runs away on horseback, the old man chases a mule; the young man throws a comb (thorny thickets), salt (mountain), oil (river); the old man cannot cross the river, he advises to hide his appearance from people; the young man dresses as a poor man, draws a bubble over his face like a leper, is hired as a gardener; the youngest of the king's three daughters sees him in his true guise; princesses must throw an apple at those they want to marry; the youngest throws a leper at an imaginary leper three times; the father in anger drives them to live in the chicken coop; the king is blind, they need fairy milk; the imaginary leper pretends that stuck in the swamp; in true form, he brings fairy milk and wild pig milk on a winged horse; gives pork under the guise of fairy milk to his older sons-in-law, stamps them on their hips; pork milk makes the king even worse; the youngest daughter gives fairy milk, the king sees the light; the imaginary leper in his true form smashes his enemies, the king bandages his wound with his handkerchief; then sees the leper's handkerchief; the young man opens shows stamps on the body of his older sons-in-law; the king puts the youngest next to him, the elders under the table]: Martin 1955:18-31; Albanians [the sorcerer promises children to the childless king if he gives his first child to him; when his second son was born, he took the first one; treated him well, taught him; allowed him to enter all rooms except the last 99; the sorcerer sleeps for 24 hours, stays awake for 24 hours; once a young man unlocked that room: in A sorcerer sleeps her, and around there are various animals that screamed; but the sorcerer did not wake up; in front of the mare's bone, in front of the dog, the young man shifted hay; the sorcerer woke up and rushed to kill the young man; but the mare tells take a basin and a jug for bathing, salt, a comb and ride it away; the sorcerer is chasing, the young man has thrown salt (mountain), a comb (a dense forest), a basin and a jug (sea); the sorcerer has stopped the persecution]: Meyer 1994, No. 5:108-110; Greeks [in one fairy tale, an abandoned crest turns into a forest; in another, a demon in the form of a cloud pursues a young man; he throws a bowl of salt (fire and smoke), soap (river); stalker turns into a boar, a young man throws a comb, a swamp appears, a boar gets stuck]: Pancritius 1913:854.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [A. Joakimov, 1874, No. 54; the family has three brothers; a daughter was born; on the same day she took her younger brother to the cloud, but he cut off her finger and escaped; after getting married, the sister ate her husband; the younger brother came to visit; sister ate his horse's leg, the other, third, the whole horse; tied her brother in a leather wineskin, went to sharpen her teeth; the rats gnawed at his wineskin, his brother ran away; threw a handful of wheat (forest), salt (sea) behind; sister snuck in, swam across, grabbed her brother at home, and her brother's wife began to pull him towards her; decided that the sister would eat Brother of the Month and the wife would fatten]: Chursin 1956:149-150; Kumyks [the snake crawls into the old man's shoe, demands to give her daughter; only the youngest agrees; the father sends her to the snake in the barn; the snake sheds her skin, becomes handsome, the barn becomes a palace; the sisters ask the youngest, out of envy they put a knife in the crack from where the serpent crawls out; he is wounded, returns to the lower world; the wife goes to look for him, puts the ring in the jug of the maid who has come for water; the snake husband recognizes the ring; his mother and aunt - Azhdaha, their aunt's daughter wants to marry him; his mother tells the girl to sweep the way to her sister's house, the Serpent arranges everything himself; tells her to bring yeast from her house; the Serpent tells her to praise the black thorns, pin to the chest; drink blood and pus from rivers, praise them; close the slanting gate; take the bone from the horse, give the dogs, the hay from the dog to the horse; the girl takes yeast, runs away; the dog, the gate, etc. they refuse to detain her, because the Azhdaha hostess treated them badly and the girl well; the snake brought her to the bride, he cuts her to pieces, runs with the girl, both ajdaha chase; The serpent throws the comb ( thorny forest), salt (salt swamps), needles (turn into two trees); A serpent and a girl climb on them, azhdaha next, the Serpent throws two spinners, they turn into millstones, crush azhdaha; a boy and a girl achieved their wishes]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 11:175-179; Dargins [Bizbizi, "daughter of seven mothers" (i.e. seven women took care of her) goes with three girls to the forest for grass; falls asleep, girls they tie her braids to the thorns, leave; crows, pigeons refuse to help, eagles free her; a huge bull appears, B. is afraid, climbs a tree; the bull tells him to take silk clothes and shoes out of his ears, takes you to the fork; B. asks loudly which road to take, the old biazhuk (witch) guides along the one that leads to her; goes to sharpen the knife, the mouse tells you to run, taking a jug of water, a needle, salt; B. throws jug (sea), needle (thorny forest), salt (mountain of salt); runs into mothers' house; cotton wool runs up, she is given poisoned honey, she eats, dies]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 71:584-586; Lezgins [the snake asks the poor man give him one of his three daughters; the eldest, middle refuse, the youngest Tawat Khanum agrees; the serpent asks him to step on his tail, turns into a young man named Sad Eskander; the old woman persuades TX ask her husband how to burn his skin; the third time he replies, TX burns it on the onion peel, SE disappears; three years later she comes to the spring, SE's sister gives her water, she throws her ring in a jug, SE recognizes him; explains that the locals are Azhdaha, the old woman wants to marry him off as her daughter; on their wedding day, SE and TX run on a wind horse; throw razors (a mountain of razors), salt (salt mountains) behind them, barley (barley to the sky); TX mistakenly pours water from the jug forward, the sea overflows in front of them; the horse carries them to the other side, the old woman drowns; SE leaves TX in the cemetery, is hired by a merchant for two hours; he cuts the horse, puts SE inside, the parrot bird brings the horse's carcass to the rock where there are gold and yakhonts; SE frightens the bird, does not throw gold to the merchant, comes to the old man; he tells huge birds to attribute SE to wife; SE finds TH, the king is amazed at his wisdom, gives him the throne]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:158-164; Rutultsy [a childless woman gives birth to a donkey; he asks his mother to marry the padishah's daughter; he demands build a golden bridge, bring 7 pairs of clothes for the bride in one eggshell; everything is done; at night, the donkey sheds his skin, turns into a young man named Rizwan; the old woman persuades the padishah's daughter to the night puts the skin at the door, burns it; Z. flies away as a dove; the wife goes to look, throws the ring into the jug of the maid who collected water, R. recognizes the ring; Aunt R. gives them horses, they gallop away, azhdaha pursues, R. spills water, a sea is formed, Azhdaha asks how they crossed, the fugitives reply that after hanging a stone around her neck, Azhdaha drowns; Azhdakhi's sister is chasing, R. throws salt, a salt hill grows; R. and his wife are returning home]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 60:523-526; Armenians ["the horse advised the young man to take with him a sharpener, comb, razor, salt, a bowl of water"; {it follows from the list that everything he took was successively thrown to create obstacles in the path of the pursuer}]: Gullakian 1983:170.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1958 [the dervish gives pomegranate to be eaten by the Shah's childless wife and the apple by the vizier's wife; the vizier gives pomegranate to his wife, she gives birth to daughter Bibi-Mehrnegar (B.), the Shah's wife - son in in the form of a black snake named Mirza Ustu-Humar (M.); the shah orders the vizier to give his daughter for his son; at night, the serpent sheds its skin and becomes a young man; at the request of her father-in-law B. burns the skin; M. says that she does not finds it before she wears out seven iron dresses, a pair of shoes, staffs, chews seven boxes of chewing gum; on the way she meets seven divas, throws each one in a box; throws it up a ring in a jug that the maid carries for M.; she pours water into M.'s palm, he recognizes the ring; to prevent his aunt from eating B., M. disguises her as a maid; opens it, promising the divas not to kill B. ; the aunt demands 1) sweep the yard with a broom covered with pearls so that no one falls (M. performs); 2) water the yard with a sieve (the same); 3) take the "play-dance" box to my aunt's brother, bring it from him" grab and plant"; on the way she opens the box, cannot put the dancers back; burns the hair, M. comes, puts it back, tells her to do everything against her aunt's orders; accordingly, B. throws the horse's straw , bones to the dog, calls a hole of mud and blood honey, opens a closed door, closes an open door, greets everyone, leaves one box, grabs another, runs, doors, etc., refuse to detain her; M. marries her aunt's daughter, cuts off her head at night, B. says goodbye to all objects, forgets about the stone (a measure of weight); B. and M. run, the stone wakes up her aunt, she pursues; the fugitives throw 1) a reed (thickets) reeds), 2) needle (needle forest), 3) salt (salt marsh), 4) sea foam (sea); aunt asks how they crossed; M. replies what rocks; she steps on foam flakes, sinks]: 15-24; Osmanov 1987:43-48 [snake asks the lumberjack to marry him; agrees the youngest of three, Mehrnegar; the groom is the enchanted Snake King, who takes the form of a young man at night; the sisters ask the youngest to ask how burn his skin, steal him, burn him; the husband tells M. to put on his iron shoes, take an iron staff, flies away in the form of two pigeons; M. comes, throws his ring into a jug of water, the husband recognizes her; tells pretend to be a maid; mother-in-law is going to marry her sister's daughter, tells M. to bring water with a sieve (the husband makes sure that the water does not spill out); sends a letter to his sister to bring scissors; husband tells you to call everything differently on the way (dirty water is clean, etc.); M. grabs scissors, runs, objects do not hold her, because she praised them; the husband kills the snake bride, runs with M.; throw needles (forest), salt (salt mountain), wineskin with water (sea); the pursuers died in it, the couple returned to M.'s house], 250-256 [a childless woman promises to stump that if she becomes pregnant, her son or daughter will serve him; the girl Bibinegar was born and raised; walks past a stump with two others; a stump tells her to stop; her mother sends her to the stump, a young man Maisaskabar comes out of it; with him carpets and a wheel from which they fall emeralds and yakhonts; M. gives B. a fur coat - if she disappears, they will part; her aunt overheard; hopes to pass B. off as her daughter; put B. to sleep and burned her fur coat; B. has only a turquoise ring; B. goes to search; shepherds answer her rude: these are herds of M., ransom for B.; the boy did not let her drink, she told the water to turn into blood and pus; M.: what is this? ordered to let me get drunk; B. threw a ring into the jug, M. realized that she was nearby; M.: everything around the diva; B. was hired as a maid in the house of M., whom Aunt B. married to her daughter; at night M. cut off his wife's head, rode away with B.; aunt chases, M. threw a piece of sheepskin (mountain); a piece of iron (iron mountain); salt (salt sea); aunt: how did you swim across; M.: stand on that pebble (it's a sunny glare); aunt drowned; a few drops of her blood splashed ashore, became a gazelle; M. brought her home; in her absence she butts B.; when everyone was sleeping, the gazelle became an aunt, gathered everyone in the house to sleep in a vessel, gathered throw B. into boiling water; B. asks for permission to pray; a virgin appeared, taught her to break a bottle; M. appeared, threw the gazelle into boiling water; gives B. a bottle of her aunt's life, tells her to go to her house, pick up those lying in front of her give bones to the dog with a camel, and straw on the contrary; praise the dried garden, which the aunt calls thorns; clean the dusty carpet and bed; agree to comb your aunt, and when she falls asleep, hit her head to the ground and run; the bed and everyone else refuse to hold B., the dog tore his aunt; B. ran to M., he ceased to be a diva, became human, everything is fine], 267-278 [the dervish gives the childless The padishah should eat an apple in half with his wife; a son was born, but he is breathless; the same dervish tells him to make a hole in the sword that fell out of the womb with the child and hang a sword around the boy's neck; he came to life, and if the sword was removed, lost consciousness; the boy was named Jantig ("life by the sword"); he grew up, he was given the keys to all gardens except one; he broke the door, in that garden there was a portrait of beautiful Chelgis ("forty braids"); D. went to pick her up; he was joined by Minutochetr and Stargazer, who also want to marry C.; a girl with a boy met him; every day the dragon demands one young man to eat, otherwise he does not give water, girl hopes to appease the dragon with food; D. cut the dragon, a dove flew out of it; the impostors tried to attribute the feat to themselves, but the girl smeared D. with a hand soaked in dragon blood and identified him; D. married the girl on the Stargazer and went on with Minupoint; elsewhere, ships carrying grain from across the sea die; this time the ship must have the only son of the padishah; D. sailed himself, from the sea the dragon appeared, D. cut him, the dove flew out; D. married Minutochet to the daughter of the padishah, went on; the man invited him to dinner; his mother was C.'s wet nurse; the old woman would tell C.'s secret, if not her they hear, otherwise she will petrify; D. overhears the old woman talking alone; you have to climb a tree, throw 7 dates to seven divas, they will eat and fall asleep; C. in the ear of one of the divas; you need to throw a lollipop, C. will come out to pick it up; D. grabbed C., they jump away, D. gives C. an armful of swords (as the old woman taught), they turned into a mountain of swords; then salt is a mountain of salt; the divas cut themselves, their wounds are eaten away by salt, they died, only the White Diva continues to chase; a jug of water - the sea and a rock with a cave; D. advises the diva to put her head into the cave - then he will take off; instead, the diva fell, drowned; C. washed her hair, two hairs fell into the well, D. did not pick it up; from the well they sailed to the garden of the padishah; he smelled C., sent the old woman to pick her up; the old woman began to serve C., found out the mystery of the sword, threw her sword into the well, brought C. to the padishah; she demands to postpone the wedding for 40 days, a time of mourning; the Stargazer sees that the star D. goes out, goes in search with Minutochet; they took the sword out of the well, returned D., he came to life; killed the old woman , took C. away; she gave Minutochet and Stargazer her hair - if you want to eat, they create any fruit they want; D. brought C. to his father; she warns that father wants to kill D.: will be covered a trap pit with a carpet, poisoned tea and pilaf; D. jumped over the carpet, changed dishes, his father died himself; D. reigned], 322-336 [the dervish gives the childless Shah an apple; let him eat it in half with his wife, she he will give birth to twins, let him give one to him; the boys Abrahim and Esmail grew up, the dervish took Abrahim; the dervish went ahead, and a stone rolled up to Abrahim (E.) with the inscription "these are divas"; then with instructions ask the dervish to dance around the boiler of boiling oil himself to teach him how to push the dervish into the cauldron; when the dervish died, E. unlocked the rooms, freed the gazelles, and revived petrified people and horses; the wind horse tells us to leave soon - the dervish has a brother; E. touched the golden water, his hand and hair turned golden; the diva's brother is chasing, the horse tells him to throw needles (a field of thorns), salt (salt desert), water from the wineskin; water spilled out in front; the horse swam across the sea, and the divas died in the whirlpool in which the mill; E. hired a gardener in the palace; three daughters of the padishah ask for bouquets; a bouquet for younger E. bandaged with his golden hair; E. and the princess opened up to each other; daughters sent watermelons to the padishah: barely ripe, ripe and overripe; padishah: let everyone throw an apple at the chosen one; E. pulled on the head was a lamb's stomach; the youngest chose E., they were placed in a stable; the elders chose the sons of the vizier and the vakil; the padishah fell ill, he needed gazelle meat; E. summoned those rescued gazelles; sold one to the elders to his sons-in-law, asking him to give him his head and legs; the meat given to his sons-in-law is bitter; from the broth brought by his youngest daughter, the padishah recovered; moved her from E. to the palace; enemies attacked, E. defeated them, opened padishahu; E. went to visit her parents; the old woman invited her, he fell into a hole with swords and spears; only the ointment that the old woman had would cure; she was the mother of those two divas; brother E. saw that planted E . the tree withers; Brother E. met a rolling stone, instructing her on how to defeat the sorceress; he killed her when she became a cat; pulled her out and cured E.; their mother went blind, helped by the same ointment; feast and celebration] ; bakhtiyars [every day a person brings seven partridges from hunting for himself, his wife and seven daughters; invites his wife to take his daughters to the mountains, and they will get the partridges alone; the father took his daughters to the forest and left; from now on he can't get a single partridge; the girls have come to the diva Alla Zingi; he waits for them to fall asleep to eat them; to stay awake on his own, he cuts his leg and sprinkles salt on the wound; asks are girls sleeping; older Tamti: I'm awake; AZ: what do you want? seven horses with saddles; divas bring horses; then seven bags of jewellery, ten bags of salt, ten bags of needles and shoetails, ten bags of syrup and melted butter; sisters sit on horses, they take what the diva brought with them and jump away; throw salt, needles and awls, then a wineskin with syrup; AZ licks the syrup, thinks it's T.'s blood; sisters crossed the pond; divas: how did they cross? T.: leave your foot on a white stone; but it's just white foam, the divas are drowning; the sisters dressed as men, came to town; seven princes offer them to play ball; the sisters lost, the princes got them in property, but when they find that they are girls, they marry them; parents are looking for sisters, they come, they don't recognize them; daughters open up and keep them]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 51:317-320; Tajiks (Samarkand district) [the padishah has three sons, his wife is dead, the new one has given birth to a daughter; someone steals apples from an apple tree; the eldest son guards and falls asleep; the same middle son; the youngest Kenjaboy sprinkles salt on the cut, shoots into a winged demon, he flies to his stepmother's chambers, K. finds a peel next to the cradle; the padishah does not believe, he kicked him out; he left, married, and his diva sister ate all the people and animals in his country; K. takes care of two lions; wants to visit their parents; gives his wife a jug of milk; if the milk is redder, let her lower the lions; K. came to his sister; she eats away the horse's legs and consistently asks if the horse was three-legged, two-legged, legless; K. replies what he was; mouse: leave your boots to make it seem like you are sitting, take three needles, salt, a mirror, a comb; and she will hit the strings of the vestibule; sister is chasing, K. threw comb (forest); sister: how he went; K. raise the hem; the same with other obstacles: mirror (river), salt (salt mountain); K. pierced three needles, they turned into three boxwood trees; sister pulled out her tooth , began to saw their trunk; K. jumped to the second tree; to the third; the milk turned red, the wife lowered the lions, they tore the diva, K. returned to his wife]: Amonov 196:376-381; Baluchi [the old man went after him with brushwood, saw a jug, smashed it, from there buzlangi; ordered him to give his daughter; the old man married the youngest; the buzlangi took her away, ate it a day or two later; told the old man that his wife was sick, let him give the eldest for take care of her; the eldest ordered her to be left on the roof of the house; filled her old shirt and pants with earth (scarecrow), ran away herself, taking various items with her; buzdangi returned from hunting, pulled his wife by the edge of her shirt, the ground fell down; he went up to the roof, looked like a girl, ran after her; she threw a needle (many needles), a large bag needle (the same, the buzlangi crossed again), salt (the whole earth was covered with salt, buzlangi crossed again), poured water out of her fur, and put it on a millstone on the sides, a river formed; buzlangi: how did you cross? girl: tied a millstone to her back; tied the buzlangi, drowned; the girl came to live with an old woman; the prince saw the girl, married her]: Zarubin 1949, No. 8:64-67; Bukhara Arabs [the youngest son orders To slaughter his sister to the king, she will become a witch; he does not believe; three sons take turns guarding the horses; the elder, the middle fall asleep, the witch eats the horse; the father does not believe; the youngest does not sleep, he sees, the king still does not believes; the youngest leaves, marries; after 20 years tells his wife to release his two lions if the milk turns red, yogurt is black; comes to his sister, she hugs him, weans his ears; has already eaten everyone; tells beat the drum, goes out to the horse, eats his leg; the brother replies that the horse had three legs; the sister goes out to eat the horse again; someone tells him to run from under the wall, taking a comb, a mirror, salt, a spindle; abandoned objects turn into thorny bushes, a river, a swamp, two trees; a brother climbs a tree, a sister takes out her tooth, cuts down a tree with it like an ax; begins to cut down the second one; the wife releases lions; a witch rushes into the river; lions say that if blood rises to the surface, they win, if blood and wool are dead; they throw themselves into the water for a witch; wool comes first, but then blood; lions bring a piece of skin from their sister's head to the owner; drovers promise to give camels if the lion owner guesses what their load is; a piece of skin suggests that almonds are; the person receives camels; gives them away in his father's city, he is elected tsar]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 58:324-326; Pasha'i [the prince has a cannibal sister; he runs, lives with a woman who has two dogs; decides to visit the house; there is only a sister, says he will eat him; he asks her to bring a bucket of water and sharpen her teeth; she leaves the drum and tells her to hit it; her brother lets the mouse run on the drum so that her sister can hear the shot; the brother runs, throws behind a needle, a ball of salt, soap; every time thrown turns into a mountain, the sister overcomes obstacles; the brother climbs a tree, calls the dogs, tells them to eat the cannibal so that not a drop of blood spills on the ground; dogs tore the cannibal]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 3:18-19.
Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the youngest of the king's two sons leaves, is hired by a giant; he tells him to clean the stable in a day, not to go into other rooms; the young man comes in, one cauldron boils without fire, that gets into it, becomes copper; in the second, the cauldron makes silver, in the third it is gold; the young man lowers a curl into each; in the fourth room there is a girl; she teaches, cleaning the stable, to dig a shovel with a handle, the work will be done immediately; the giant suspects that the maid taught him; the next day, to bring a horse; girl: the horse is full of fire, we must throw bits in his mouth; on the third day: bring him from hell payment for the borrowed fire; girl: knock on the rock with a club, the door will open, ask for as much as you can carry; on the fourth day, the giant himself brings the young man to the maid, tells her to cut him throat, cook broth; she puts three drops of the young man's blood to cook with the old rubbish, both run away, sail across the sea on a ship; drops of blood are responsible for the giant for the girl; when he understands the deception, he calls I drank (stream-sucker), he drinks the water of the sea, the ship is already visible; the young man throws a piece of salt, a mountain appears; the giant drilled it, Drunk wanted to start drinking, but the young man drips into the sea from a flask, it fills again; the fugitives reach the shore; the Queen goes after the horses, the bride tells her not to speak to anyone; the brother's bride's sister gives an apple, he bites off, forgets the bride; she goes to the old woman, makes a house gold; the constant brings money, wants to marry; she tells him to throw hot coals at himself all night; then a lawyer tells him to push in the door; the sheriff drags a calf by the tail; the young man must take wife's sister of the bride's older brother; the carriage falls apart, manages to ride thanks to the magic items borrowed by the giant's daughter; she was invited to a feast; she puts a golden rooster and a chicken on the table, they are fighting over the golden apple; the Queen remembers everything; the witch who gave him the apple was torn apart by 24 horses]: Dasent 1970:71-90.
Turkestan. The Karakalpaks [elderly spouses are childless; the beggar promises the old woman that she will have three sons, but she will have to give one to him; after 10 years he takes the youngest; in the garden, the skull asks him to bury, promises to help; the sorcerer falls asleep for 40 days, tells not to open the fortieth room, feed the piebald horse, beat the black horse; the young man opens, there the girls argue who is fatter (the sorcerer will eat that sorcerer); the skull tells me to feed a black horse, beat a piebald, take a jug of water, a comb, salt with him; a young man rides a black horse, a comb becomes a forest, salt becomes salt springs, a jug of water on the sea; a sorcerer sinks; a young man disguises himself as a shepherd, takes a piece of horse hair; is hired by a blacksmith, lives with an old woman; the khan's daughters choose suitors; the young man puts on his lamb's stomach, the youngest still throws an apple at him; the other two the son-in-law is defeated, the young man burns the horse's hair, he appears, they smash enemies; the khan moves his younger son-in-law and daughter from the hut to the palace]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:14-20.
(Wed. Mesoamerica European borrowing. Nahuatl Veracruza [the hunter sees two pigeons turn into girls, swim in the river; hides one of them's clothes; gets married; her cannibal father demands to clear the area with a weaving sword; the wife does this, harvests the next day; the cannibal chases them; she throws a rag, a comb, salt; vines, thorns, the sea appear; the cannibal stops persecuting; the wife turns into a flower, the husband becomes a stalk the plants that people eat (corn?)] : Münch 1983a: 162-163).