Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L72h. Abandoned flint. .28.31.34.-.

Fleeing, the character throws behind him a firefighting tool (flint, chair, match, tinder), which turns into an obstacle in the path of the pursuer. (Abandoned flint counts when used to carve fire, not if it's just a hard rock that turns into a mountain).

Russians (Teresky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Moscow), Finns, Eastern and Western Sami, Kumandins, Tundra (?) Nenets, Northern and Southern Mansi, Northern Khanty, Northern and Southern Selkups, Dolgans, Nanais, Tundra Yukaghirs, Itelmen, Taltan, Western Swamp Cree, Northern, Western and Eastern Ojibwa, Kickapoos, steppe crees, assiniboine.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 44 [Ivan, a peasant son, went hunting; Pavá's birds sits on dry land, asking not to shoot, but to feed a year, collecting sheep from all over the world; a year later Pavá sat on the oak tree, the oak did not sway: feed for another year; the oak swayed; three years later it shattered into chips; Pavá put I. on his back, they fly; the sun is not burning in front - my brother's house; ask for rotten box; "Give me the rotten box, then I'll tell you about the PAVA bird. "Don't tell us surfactant birds, and we don't give us rotten boxes!" ; at my father's house: take it, take a rotten box, just tell me about the PAVA bird! Pavá turned out to be a red girl: do not open it until you come home, but if you come, go out into a big meadow; on the way, the bird does not tell you to open it, but I. could not stand it and opened it; there was a house and gardens, food and drink enough, but nowhere to go; three days later, outside the window: give me what you don't know at home, I'll collect a rotten box; at home my wife gave birth to a son; once she caught it, thundered - give it back, man, promised! on the way, 40 girls are swimming, the boy hid the belt alone; gave it when she went out to him; their father is Cosó Kolesó, let I. hire him; KK only has this daughter, others are stolen; KK: choose a bride from 40 sisters; girl: I'll brush a fly off my face; next time I'll wave my handkerchief; on the third, a fly again; wedding; my mother was Christian, tells me to run; three days later my father chased a braid wheel; the girl threw a lash: dark forests from earth to sky; father went for a shovel to make a road; kraebag: a stone mountain from earth to sky; the same; flint: a river of fire; KK could not cross; I. s reached home by his wife], 59 []: 146-151, 206-211; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, 1907, Ust-Tsylma, Lower Pechora) [The tsar goes to look for a bride, sees a house in the open field, there are 3 girls in the house, he asks what they can do, the elders answer, sew and cook, the third promises to give birth to 2 sons elbow deep in gold, knee-deep in silver, a month on the back of the head, stars "braided", sun in the forehead, the second has golden arms up to the elbow and silver legs knee-deep. He takes the younger king as his wife. When she becomes pregnant, the king leaves for another state, ordering her to report the birth of the child. The queen gives birth to her promised sons, and a messenger is sent to the king, ordering them not to enter the house from which the queen was taken on the way. The messenger loses his way and enters the house while he is steaming in the bathhouse, the royal letter is replaced, now it says that a dog and a female have been born. The messenger delivers a letter to the king and the king learns that the messenger has visited the house of the queen's sisters, he orders his wife and children not to do anything or enter the house again on the way to the house. The messenger loses his way again and enters the house, the letter is replaced again, and a new letter orders the children to be killed. One of the sons, Ivan, is sent to the kingdom of far away to live with a "terrible king, a fiery spear", and Fedor and his mother are sent to sea in a barrel. When the king returns, he executes the messenger. After a while, he marries a girl who "sewed with silk". Fedor feels that he is no longer shaking the barrel and tearing it apart. Once on Buyan Island, they made a tent from "fox da kunich", Fedor Tsarevich went with the merchants on the ship, taking his fly from his mother. Merchants sail to the kingdom of Father Fedor, talk about the tent of Queen and Fedor, a wonderful squirrel (she rises up the pine tree - she sings songs, goes down - she tells fairy tales, she has a bathhouse on her tail, under sea tail). The king orders merchants in this city to trade without paying tribute. When he returns, Fyodor asks his mother for a blessing and goes across the blue sea for a squirrel. He brings squirrels to Buyan Island. Merchants and Fedor again go to the state to Fedor's father, talking about the squirrel. The Queen talks about a servant of a "terrible king, a fiery spear from the rear of fire", whose arms are in gold, legs in silver, etc. Fyodor's mother says that this servant is his brother, warns that no one has returned from the terrible tsar, but gives a blessing and Fyodor goes after his brother. On the way, he meets the fighting, offers to resolve their dispute: they share the flying carpet and the girl, they deceive them (arranges a competition, whoever gets to the arrow first will get the carpet), himself picks up the girl and gets to the kingdom of the terrible king on the carpet. It turns out that the grandmother's backyard (the "God-given mother" refers to her) in a small hut, where Servant Ivan "comes to slurp porridge", she helps when Ivan comes, all three and the girl sit on the carpet -plane, fleeing from the terrible king. They are caught up, and their grandmother throws the brush - a dark forest appears. Flint throws - a stone wall appears, a "flint" - a fiery river. The terrible king stops the persecution. They return to Buyan Island. Merchants tell Father Fedor and Ivan about the island's wonderful people. The king sails to the island, asks where they came from (brothers in gold, etc., and a squirrel), and they tell him the truth. He takes them to his kingdom, "put his new wife on the gate and shot them", Fedor Tsarevich marries the girl he found]: Onchukov 2008, No. 5:90-96; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Severnaya Dvina) [Tsar does not I knew that my wife was pregnant, wanted to get drunk from the well, was grabbed by the beard: give someone you don't know at home; Ivanushka was born; (grew up, came to the sorcerer); he told Mary Tsarevna to know; she flies in like a bird: tomorrow 12 ducks will be released, she has a white feather; found out; new task: sew shoes while a seed with gunpowder is burning; Marya: we must run; a flint threw: a river of fire from heaven to earth; (the sorcerer crossed); threw a baton: ldes (cut through); M. became a chapel, I. a deacon; the pursuer did not recognize, returned; reached the city; M.: they will give the child in their arms - don't take it, you'll forget me; I. took it, forgot him they marry; M. became a flower, the old man tore it off, brought it to him, put it on the window; in the morning everything was tidy; on the third night the old man waited for her, gave her clothes; at the wedding, a pigeon and a dove flew out of the pie, started conversation; dove: forget me; I. remembered, married M.]: Mitrofanova, Fedorova 1966, No. 6:113-114; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [found a louse in the princess's hair, put it on a sheep, she became the size of a sheep, a ram - a ram; the skin was made, shoes were sewn; the king promises to give his daughter for someone who guesses what they were made of; Damn it; the king left the key in the princess's clothes, sent her to {?} goat; Damn it, the goat replies that the princess is at home; The devil overturns the key, rushes in pursuit; the princess tells the goat to fall to the ground, listen; throws a comb (forest; cut through the road), flint (mountain, Damn made his way), flint (river of fire); Damn asks for a towel, pull it; the princess let go in the middle, the devil drowned; the princess married in another kingdom]: Onchukov 2008, No. 56:181- 182 (=1906, No. 56:147-148); Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Well done, he can't find a better bride than his sister. She agrees, but her backyard grandmother gives her four spindles, puts her in four corners, and orders the girl to wait four nights before getting married. The first night she hears the voices of the spindles: "ku-ku", the second night: "Where are you?" , third: "brother marries sister", third: "sank" and the girl sags through the ground. It turns out at the big house, he comes in A girl meets her, warns that Baba Yaga will appear and eat her, wraps Katya in a needle and sticks her collar, Yaga does not see her, but smells her. The girl covers the throat of Baba Yaga's son, he has seven. The girls run away, take a brush, flint and flint with them, and the son licked one throat, the mother calls. She arrives when her son licks all seven, chases girls. They throw the brush - the thicket, the flint - the river of fire, the flint - the mountain. The girls run to the hole through which Katya sank and go out into the white light. Katya marries the girl to her brother, and she brings her brother to Katya, because she also wanted to marry him, which she sank to]: Onchukov 2008, No. 71:213-214; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, b. Kuloy, 1921) [Tsar Carthaus goes for a walk in an open field, the horse is caught knee-deep with his hooves, K. comes to the white tent, the horse eats wheat next to him; K. thinks: since the horse does not allow him horse to wheat, then he will not defeat the hero whose horse; he enters the tent, there is a sleeping hero, K. falls asleep next to him, does not want to beat the sleeping one. The girl wakes up, scolds K., they go to the field to fight, the hero wins, K. asks to leave a mark, but not to kill him. The hero gouges out his eyes and puts him on his horse, who brings the owner home. K. tells his sons about the hero, the sons go to her, first the eldest two (Fedor and Vasiley), then Ivan the Fool. Blessing, my father measured I. with his hands - two arshins, big, can ride. I. does not meet anyone on the way for a long time, drives up to a crossroads, reads, "save yourself to the right, lose your horse", to the left, on the contrary, goes to the right. He drives up to the house, meets him, feeds him, drinks him, leads him to the bed, he is the first to throw her - she falls into a hole, she is torn apart below. 33 fellows are sitting in the pit, including Ivan's older brothers. They advise cutting the belt out of cowhide and lowering it into the hole, I. pulls it out one at a time. Brothers eat a cow, everyone takes their goods and a horse, and burns the house. I. goes on, and the brothers return home to their father. Ivan comes to the hut, the old woman feeds and drinks him, he asks him to be guided to his "mind", in response to politeness, she gives her "thin" horse, Ivan rides it to her sister, drops his glove on the way, the horse replies that during this time he rode two hundred miles. The old woman's sister also gives a horse, Ivan rides it to his third sister, drops his hat, and the horse slips three hundred miles. The third one tells you how to get to the hero, gives Ivan his clothes and a bayunka cat. I. goes to the hero instead of the old woman, bows and keeps silent so that she does not recognize her voice. There is a sleeping hero in the lady, he copulates with her, leaves an inscription on his forehead, scoops up living and dead water and leaves. The horse jumps over the city wall and hits it with its hoof. The hero sees the inscription "for your ridicule back", understands what happened, chases I. She asks the old woman about the passers-by, she replies that I. goes slowly, it is not difficult to catch up, sends the girl to the bathhouse. The next old woman has the same thing, after the third hero she began to catch up, I. threw flint, a mountain appears, the girl began to beg her to stay with her, I. refuses. The hero brings sawflies and walks through the mountain. I. throws a flint - a fire, the hero again asks to take her, promises to be a submissive wife. He refuses, she promises to marry him by spring. I. comes home, with the help of dead and living water, the brothers restore their father's eyesight, walks in taverns and drinks. A hero arrives with her youths on three ships (yellow, blue, blue), Fedor and Vasilya come to her, she does not recognize them. They send I. to figure out why the ships are near the city, he gets on the ship, the hero puts him to sleep and takes him with his youths to him. They are getting married]: Ozarovskaya 2009, No. 36:312-319; Russians (Olonetskaya) [chicken and mouse quarreled over a grain, the mouse called animals, and the chicken called birds; the eagle's wing was torn off; he asks the man for him feed for three years; he wants to throw it away, then feeds again; the eagle put the man on his back, they fly to the eagle sisters; tin and silver did not give the box, but gave the gold box; ordered not to open it on the way; he discovered, Koschey the Immortal put the good back for promising to give what he did not know at home; his son returned at home; once broke the window; grandmother: oh, you, mother-born, fatherly promised; said that he was given to Koshchei; gave a ball; 12 swans - Koshchei's daughters - flew to the lake; the guy took the youngest's clothes; the girl promised to marry; Koschey tells me to go around the horse; the bride: hit the club between his ears; this is Koschey himself ; tells me to choose a bride among 12 sisters; bride: a fly will sit on me; they ran away; they threw flint (mountains), flint (fire river); the bride made the guy a lake, a duck herself; Koschey shot, missed, left; swore not to pursue anymore]: Vlasova 2011, No. 51:86-88; Russians (Moscow, Bronnitsky y.) [Trofim is a bad man; his aunt Malania persuaded a young widow to marry him; she has sons Ivan and Gregory; T. beats his wife, tells him to get rid of the children; the brothers have left, they went from the fork along different roads ; some rider, he is the Spirit, took I. into his service; when leaving, he tells him not to feed one horse, to beat him; the horse asks I. to give him grain, but to beat the camel standing next to him; take 3 bowls of water, 3 combs; I. he combed his hair with them, his hair became copper from one, silver from the other, gold from the third; the horse told me to take a brush, soap, flint, flint, combat harness; remove his shackles; they galloped away; the spirit flew in, the camel told him everything, the Spirit rides him in pursuit; the horse asks what I. sees: I.: There is a cloud on the left; the horse is a spirit, throw the comb (forest); the spirit returned for the magic hatchet, cut the way ; soap (soap mountain; returned after the spade); flint and flint (the flame, it devoured the stalker's thunderstorm); the Spirit fell at the horse's feet, promised not to meet him again; the horse tells to be hired by a king whose army was beaten by another king and wanted to marry his youngest daughter; I. works for a gardener; while sleeping, the princess noticed his golden hair; on her horse and in his real form, I. smashes enemies; older sons-in-law said it was them; now the queen demands a 9-headed serpent; I. defeated him; defeated the enemy again, wounded in the arm; the king identified him, gave his daughter; the horse said goodbye and rode away; wedding; at this time G. went into a dense forest; there is a tower, an old man; he must serve him for 12 years; he tells him to groom 12 horses and beat a chained camel; the camel says that he is a magician himself, and the horse who helped I. He was also here; he teaches him to take a worthless sword, only it will cut the chains; they jump, the old man chases, G. hacked him with that sword; the camel leads to his father for a reward; there is a heroic horse in the dungeon; G. drank strong water, became a hero; the Queen easily defeated 12 heroes, and G. defeated her himself; other heroes were going to her; N. won everyone, recognized them among his defeated brother; married the queen]: Chudinsky 1864, No. 3:7-41.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [the childless king sails, the waterman stops the ship, releases for a promise to give back someone who was born home in the king's absence; this is his son and daughter; the king secretly dug an underground shelter for them; the waterman who came tried to give him a foal, a calf, a lamb; he himself began to look for children; in the forge, a hammer ordered him to take him and walk; fell where the shelter was, the water took the children away; they grew up with him, the girl married him; her brother shed tears, a wolf appeared, told him to sit on him and run; the young man enters the room where the waterman and sister sleep, grabs his sister, sits on the wolf; at the direction of the wolf, takes a stone from under his tail, throws it, grows a mountain to heaven; the water returns for a hammer and a chisel, breaks through the passage; wants to leave the tools, but begins to shout for them forty; the waterman takes them home, comes back, catches up and returns the fugitives; the young man cries again, the bear comes, everything repeats; the young man throws the bear's bristles, wooded mountains appear to the sky; more the same episodes; for the third time, brother and sister run away on a fox, she tells them to throw flint; the water cannot overcome the sea of fire, he stops pursuing; brother and sister build a house for themselves a bubbling river; a wolf, a bear and a fox come to live with them; the sister throws stones into the river, the current calms down, the water crosses the river, lives with the girl; during the day she turns into a pin, the girl hides it in the cracks in the wall; the animals feel it; the sister asks to lock the animals behind 9 iron doors for the night; the water grabs the young man, throws him into a hot bath; the animals tear, breaking one door after another; the raven tells the young man hold out a little longer; at the last moment the animals break in, tear the water to pieces; the young man forgave his sister; she found a water bone in the ash, put her brother under his pillow; the bone pierced his head, sister buried the deceased; the animals dug the body; the bear put its head on it, the water bone passed into it, the young man came to life; the bone passed from bear to wolf; the fox put its head up, managed to pull it back, the bone was stuck in a pine tree; they all came to the brother and sister's parents, the young man rejuvenated them with live water; the father expelled the traitor daughter, his son became king]: Goldberg 1953:170-186; Eastern Sami [the beloved disappears; the girl rejects the other suitors, says she will marry a man with a golden nose; Ravk comes, she is forced to fulfill her promise; he leaves her keys, does not tell her to open one door; there is a weak elk; she feeds him, three days later they run away; they throw a comb (forest), a mirror (lake), a shard (a mountain), a match (fire); The elk brings the girl to his mother, turns into a sliver underground, roots the pine tree up, runs away; Ravk did not find a sliver, could not pull out a pine tree; The elk shows the girl a pine tree, she recognizes the betrothed, the elk turns into a guy, takes girlfriend for wife]: Czarnoluski 1972:80-83; Western Sami: Klaus 1995:39-46 [the Swedish king has lost three daughters, the man volunteered to find them; on the way he meets two more consistently; each cooks one by one; the Legless Handless (BB) comes, presses down the cook's hair with a log, eats everything; when the hero stays, he offers BB food himself, he promises to help; all three want to move the stone upon the hero's call, BB shifts, under the stone, the hero descends; the kidnapped queen orders to change barrels of strong and weak water; hell comes, the hero defeats him; the same with the second royal (double-headed hell), with the third (three-headed); the hero sends the queens upstairs; gets up, sees that the companions are arguing about who will take which one; seeing the hero, they cut off the rope, he is again underground; hired an employee, the owner does not tell you to enter the same room; the hero comes in, there is Thunder, he tells you to take an iron chair, a flint flint, a comb with him; they run away, damn chasing, an abandoned crest turns into a forest, the devil returns for an ax; the flint is a mountain, behind a drill; the chair is a river of fire; Thunder brought the hero to where the companions quarreled, took the most beautiful Queen, others are arguing who to get who, so far], 55-63 [the giant {probably Stallo in the original} has a lion to whom he gives hay and a horse to whom he gives meat; worker S. changes food; says that cut down the poles to poke out S.'s eyes; they carry a tree home, S. is afraid to look back, does not see that the worker is not carrying a tree, but is sitting on it; the worker pretends to throw S.'s axe on the cloud, what can break his boat and oars, he brings an ax, rows himself; suggests punching trees with his head; the worker makes holes in the trees in advance, S. gets stuck with his head; the worker replies that he is fast asleep when looks like a bag, like a stone, puts a bag, a stone on his bed instead of himself, S. hits them at night; replies that he is fast asleep when frogs jump out of his nose; the worker cuts off S.'s head; the horse tells you to run, taking a comb, a flint, a wet rag; S. (obviously alive) catches up, abandoned objects turn into a thicket, mountain, lake; S. returns for an ax, for a drill, then loses time carrying them back, as the sparrow threatens to pick them up; S. tries drink the lake, tells the maid to close his ass so that the water does not pour out; the fox tells him to hold it tight, the maid laughs, S. bursts; the young man washes his hair, it turns silver; he hides it under his hat, but the princess notices, takes him as her husband; the horse tells him to cut off his head, he also becomes a young man, he was bewitched before]; Poestion 1886, No. 21 [the guy was hired as an employee for a giant; chose the biggest tree; the giant climbed to the top, the guy sat on the butt; replies that he is not tired at all; bringing the tree, the giant tells the guy to go into the barn, but not to the stable; horse: tomorrow you will be asked to launch boat; say that if you venerate it, the boat will fall to pieces; the giant lowered it himself; asks to take the oars; guy: if I take it, they will break; the same goes on (all fishing gear will tear); when They came back, the horse tells us to go into the barn, slaughter the cow, cut the heart in half; the cow is the life of a giant; if not dead, cut it into small pieces; then they will gallop away with the box (Bühse) a sword, a piece of sulfur, a flint, a comb; when they gallop, the horse asks if the guy hears and sees anything behind him; as if the wind is whistling; horse: this giant has come to life; throw sulfur: water area; giant I ran home for a ladle, drank water with the help of a ladle; wanted to leave it to pick it up on the way back, but the bird: if you leave it, I'll take it; I had to run home again; flint - mountain; giant runs after the storm (again about a bird); the crest is a forest, ran after an ax (bird); the guy on horseback rode to a world where the giant does not go; there is a copper forest ahead, you can't break branches; guy broke the last one, a giant in copper clothes appeared, the horse defeated him; the same with the silver forest and the giant; with the gold one; now the horse told the young man to hire the king; he always wears a copper hat so as not to be visible gold (Goldhut); told the king that he had scab; became a gardener, the youngest of the three princesses saw him take off his copper hat; she asked her father to pass it off as a young gardener; her sisters chose noble young men; the youngest son-in-law called a horse, shot a lot of birds, gave them to the elders, and brought them only an owl; wedding; horse to a young man: you forgot about me, cut off my head; he cut off, the horse itself turned into Prince Charming {the end without the details common in one-story fairy tales}], 22 [the guy was hired as an employee for a giant; he suggests first testing his strength by hitting his head against a pine tree stump; guy I made a hole in him in advance, his head went into a stump; the giant only scratched the bark; now: who shouts louder; the guy makes a wooden hoop: you have to put it on your head, otherwise my scream will burst; the giant refuses to compete; who will throw the hammer higher; the guy looks at the sky: which cloud is better to throw it at; giant: don't throw it at all, this hammer is my grandfather's legacy; at night, the guy he put wooden blocks on his bed instead, and lay down elsewhere; at midnight, the giant began to hit the bed with an iron hammer; when he left, the guy threw away the logs and lay down; in the morning the giant asks how he slept; guy: the louse bit; the next night the giant set fire to the bed; the guy in the morning: the sound of the wind seemed to be heard; the giant decided to send the guy away, gave him a bag of silver, and then more gold; going to the house, the guy left half because he could not convey it; when he saw this, the giant and his wife set off in pursuit; the guy threw a leaf behind, it turned into a forest; chair: mountain; the giant ran after the storm; piece sulfur is a lake; the giant, along with his wife and daughter, tried to drink it; there is little left, the giant tells his daughter to shut his ass; then the crow began to jump so ridiculously that the daughter laughed, the water from her and from the giant himself spilled out and they all drowned]: 84-92, 93-97

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Kumandins [the old man and the old woman went to work, their three daughters stayed at home; Djellbegen came; they boiled water, went up to the roof; D. began to search, looked into the chimney, they poured it on him boiling water; they ran to their father, D. then, they threw flint (stone rock), flint (iron rock), crest (forest); each time forty following D. indicates where the girls ran; they reached the river, D. fell into the water (and drowned?)] : Baskakov 1972:129-130.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [two women live together, one has two daughters; the childless woman asked the other to go to tear the grass on the insoles, stabbed her, fried it, ate it, left her head until another time; she told the daughters of the victim that the mother is tearing the grass and returning, went to bed at the exit from the house herself; the eldest girl found her mother's head; realized that the childless would eat them too; leaves two birds in the plague, and ran with her sister; after 7 For days, the cannibal woke up, set off in pursuit; the eldest throws a whetstone, a river with high mountains appears on both banks; after 7 days the river has dried up, the cannibal chases again; the eldest girl threw her chair (mountain for 7 days); crest (dense forest for 7 days); girls run to the freaky, there are 7 crows; the eldest politely asks about the way to people; the crow sends to the blue sea, there you should ask 7 seagulls; the eldest is polite and with seagulls, the seagull sends her to the strait where the old woman has; the old woman asks what her face, arms, legs, etc. are; the girl praises her (face like the sun, arms and legs fat and shiny, etc.); the old woman screams, the beaver comes, transports the girls across the strait; the cannibal comes running, scolds the old woman, crows and seagulls (the old woman's face is like an animal's ass, crows and seagulls pecked carrion, etc.); an old woman calls a beluga, a cannibal sits on her sharp back, a beluga drowns her; the girls ask the old woman how to get to people; she teaches her how to find a copper boat near the shore, she will bring it herself; but let the younger sister not pick up knives, axes and drills, of which there are many at the bottom of the boat, otherwise she will die and the boat will stop; when it reaches the goal, you must tell the boat to return; after crossing the seas, the boat sailed up the river; in one place two larches close branches above the water; the younger sister took an ax to cut down a branch, but fell dead and the boat stopped; the older sister sent the boat back, began to hit a tambourine and ask the youngest where to bury her; she tells me not to leave her on the fir - people will go, I'll be frightened; in the birch tree - the same; in the spruce tree - the children will break branches; the eldest is tired of carrying the youngest's body, left in a wolf's lair under a birch tree; she goes on, sees colorful and white deer grazing; two men came, the eldest with a white deer put the girl on his sledge, brought her to the camp, married her; one day I went to look for the missing deer; at the wolf's lair I heard the howling of cubs and the girl crying; told his wife, who realized that it was her sister; they killed the cubs, brought their sister, put them by the fire, and she woke up; married a younger man who had a motley deer]: Castrén 1857, No. 2:164-169; southern Mansi (Kondinsky District) [Mosh-ne has a boy and girl and Por-ne too; both go to tear grass for insoles, P. offers to roll down the mountain, kills M. by riding it with iron skis; M.'s children see their mother's intestines; run to her sister; P. does not tell another Por-ne to kill M.'s children, she will kill herself when she returns; she accidentally kills P.'s children, thinks they are M.'s children, and M.'s children are hiding; they run, throw a comb (forest), a bar (stone mountain), matches (fire); three P. jumped out from under the stump, one of them became friends with M.'s children; M.'s son pricked his finger with an awl, he was buried; girl P. leaned down for a drink, girl M. began to drown her, she had to give her sable clothes; P. sits in a sledge pulled by black ones, married the mayor (Usyn-Otyr-Oika), M. went into a sledge with white deer, married Tonton-Oika; went to remember her brother, found him alive with his wife, they gave a lot of deer; P. hid the sun, the Hare promises that the sun will appear, it's back]: Kuzakova 1994:110-112; Northern Mansi: Kupriyanova 1960 [Mos-ne and Por-ne live together, both have two children, a girl and a boy; P. calls M. for grass for insoles, offers a ride down the mountain; kills M. by riding on M.'s back with iron skis; M.'s children find their mother's intestines in the grass, run to her sister; P. tells another Por-ne to kill M.'s children, but she kills the children of P. herself; M.'s children run, throw a comb, a whetstone, matches, a thicket, a mountain, a fire appear; M.'s children sit on the bed, it falls apart, three Por-ne appear; one became friends with them, goes on with them; the boy pricked his finger with an awl, died; P. got into a sledge with whites (this is the Usyng-Oyr-Oiki sledge), and M. with black deer (Tonton-Oiki sledge), come to city; M. finds his brother, he kisses his wife; leaves with him, does not wait for P.; she hides the sun; the hare says it will appear again; grandfather tells P. to let go of the sun, it's light again]: 109-112 (=Lukina 1990, No. 128: 334-336); Rombandeeva 2005, No. 41 (Khoshlog village, written by the author from his mother) [Mosne and Porne live, each has a daughter and son; P. calls to collect firewood, invites M. to be the first to ride wooden skis, presses her with her iron ones; daughter M. looks in, sees how P.'s children ask them to eat M.'s eyes, P. promises them the eyes and ears of M.'s children; daughter M. puts her brother in the back, runs, throws a comb (thicket) behind them, flint (flame to the sky), whetstone (mountain); P. could not climb the mountain; daughter M. eats cloudberries, does not pay attention to her brother, who falls into the ground at that time; daughter M. comes to the lake, there daughter P. invites her to swim, takes her clothes, gives her her corn clothes; daughter M. asks her to return her bag, whose clothes are better than before; Toyton-Toika's son and son Usyn-Otyr-Toika shoot at the arrow, daughter P. mistakenly grabs TT's arrow, marries him, daughter M. marries WOT's son; daughter M. goes to a wake for her brother where she left him; there is a house, a barn; a woman tells dogs to let their man ice and snow licked; M.'s daughter sees her brother, he married Misna; when she tried to pick him out of the ground, she poked him in the eye, now one eye is gone; M.'s daughter was given a wagon of deer; she arrives where she left her daughter P.; daughter M. replies that she was given an iron chain to encircle the city by her father-in-law, a copper cauldron, white deer; daughter P. says that she was given a bast rope, half a clay pot, a magpie, harnessed crucian carp, clothes made of the bark was given; asks her husband to make an ice-hole, otherwise the magpie, the crucian carp will die; they went into the ice-hole, the sledges got up; the bast rope breaks; you won't fall far on half the pot; M.'s little son says that he has Uncle's arrow in the house bounces off with a ringing ringing, grandfather's father with a knock; daughter M.'s husband's father is offended, goes to war against her brother; daughter P. advises to remove the sun and moon from the sky; daughter M. takes off, attaches it to the sledge, does it's dark, father-in-law cannot go to war; says he was joking, daughter M. returns the stars to heaven]: 289-301; Northern Khanty: Aksyanova et al. 2005, No. 1 (b. Son) [Porne has a daughter, Moshne has a daughter and a son; P. calls M. to roll down the mountain, puts a knife on the mountain, carries the corpse home, eats; promises her daughter that she will eat M.'s children; M.'s children run away, throw a firestone (fire to the sky), a comb (forest), a sharpener (river); P. cannot cross it; contrary to the ban, the brother drinks from a puddle, sinks into the ground, his sister has time to grab only his eye; touches a rotten birch a stump, a new P. comes out from under it; offers to swim, puts on the girl's clothes, gives her hers; both come to the house, P. marries Voshan-Kurtan's son, an old man, a young M. for Tonton's son; daughters-in-law they go home; where his brother is gone, M. sees a house, there is a woman; a brother comes, M. gives him his eye; sending his sister home, his brother tells him not to look back; she looked back, when her gaze fell, those deer were gone, the rest follow her; argish P. does not carry deer, but fish, she lets them go into the lake; at night P. puts a nail in her husband's ear, he dies; M. hears P. singing about it, talks about it; they extract the nail, man comes to life, P. was torn apart by deer]: 236-239; Steinitz 2014, No. 28 (Sherkal dialect) [husband and wife bought their son and daughter a toy - an iron horse; the horse destroyed the city and killed the couple; children hid under the floor; the horse asks where they are; the comb, the flint, the skin scraper do not answer, it breaks them; leaves; the cow tells me to sit on it, takes it to the sea, tells her to slaughter it there, wrap it with guts, get into her stomach; the horse chases, the sister throws flint (fire), the crest (the forest), the whetstone (the mountain), the flint again (the horse burned down); the brother and sister killed the cow, woke up in the house, there is a lot of food; they live on an island; a dog jumps out of a ball of foam; tells his brother that his sister will send him for fox milk; his sister sends him - he will recover from milk; the fox gave milk: if my sister doesn't drink, give it to my cub; my sister didn't drink, the fox drank; the same with the blue fox; the dog to the young man: the sister hid the iron horse under your bed, lie down on the side; next time - milk and baby wolverine, you have to lie back to bed, and under the bunk there will be an iron horse; then a wolf; a bear; a horse under the threshold; in front of the threshold; the sister sends him to the house behind seven locks; there the old man lets the animals in, closes the door; the young man returns alone; the sister tells him to wash in the bathhouse, and then the iron horse will kill him; the bird reports three times that the animals are digging an underground passage; the animals have come they killed an iron horse; the brother nailed his sister's hands to the floor, vessels near his eyes: if necessary, his vessel must be filled with tears, and if an iron horse, then hers; the brother married the king's daughter; took sister to her; she put an iron horse's tooth in his bed, his brother died; he was buried in an iron coffin; the animals dug, broke it; the dog found a crow's nest: bring the grass of life, otherwise I'll eat eggs; the crow brought it, the dog crushed one egg, restored it with grass; revived the young man; he let the animals go, left only the dog; tied his sister to two sledges, tore it with horses; threw one leg into the forest, grew out of it marsh willow, the other on a hill, a forest tree has grown; brother lives well (with his wife)]: 169-185; Nikolaeva 1999, No. 1 (Obdorsk) [Mos woman and Por woman live together, each has a daughter and a son; in the spring P. leads M. drink water, drown in the river, gets fresh, brings meat home; daughter M. tells her younger brother that their mother was eaten; hears P. promises her children that they will get young fat, not old; daughter M. takes an iron flint, a whetstone, a crest, a brother, runs away, leaving two birds under the canopy so that P. thinks that the children are there; P. chases children; M.'s daughter throws a comb (thicket), a whetstone (rock), flint (wall of fire, P. stops persecution); magpie, crow tells children not to spend the night in the forest; brother feels bad, sister is preparing for the night, brother dies; sister buried him, moved on, from the larch stump daughter P. jumped out; they went together, saw a white and black sleigh, a white and black man; a white arrow fell next to M.'s daughter, a black arrow next to P.'s daughter; P.'s daughter wants to become a white wife, promises to give birth to golden children, but black did not let her in; both gave birth to a son; daughter P. says that M.'s son has eyes and ears on the back of his head; white looks - there is a golden child; they took daughter P. to the forest, threw her in fire; daughter M. went to the tree where she buried her brother; there is a beautiful house, the brother went out to meet her in fur clothes; everything is fine]: 133-137; southern Selkups (Ivankino, Ob, 1967) [mother tells Ida go where she went; while walking, carrying fish, first he walked, then tired, sat down; Pönehessa brought it for himself; while living with P., Idya found the keys to the seven barns; in one skin, meat in the other, and a girl in the seventh; offers to run; P. is chasing, she threw a comb (became a stone bone mountain), a stone chair (a stone mountain), an iron chair (an iron mountain); Going home, he spat on top of fire; Aldiga to her husband: because of you the fire went out; they started fighting; Going in with the girl, everything is fine]: Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 34:143-145; northern Selkups [thrown by a hero running away from hell crest, flint and flint turn into mountains]: Tuchkova 2004:286.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [to have children, the old woman turns to ayyi, the old man turns to Abaasa; ayyy gives a boy and a girl, the abaasa threatens to swallow the old man, makes him give up what she does not know at home; spouses they hide children under the hearth; the abaas eat their spouses, do not find children; they grow up, a horse descends from the sky, takes them away, gives them flint, flint, an ax, they must be thrown at the Abaas pursuer; they turn into fire, mountains, sea; abaas remain overseas; the horse tells him to kill by crushing a louse on his head; parts of his body give rise to a city, buildings, property; his kidneys turn into a dog bear and a dog wolf; in the absence of a brother, the abaas come, the sister agrees to become his wife, lures his brother's handkerchief, gives it to her husband; the brother hurries, the crushing rocks crush his dogs - the bear and wolf; the horse brings his brother to the old woman, she gives a bow; the hawk fights the yokshokyu bird; the brother shoots the yokshokyu in the wing; for promising to cure him, he helps open the mountain, freeing the bear and the wolf; those Abaas are killed; the brother hangs his sister by the legs, puts two plates under his eyes; during the night, the left one fills with tears, which means that the sister cries for her husband, not for his brother; he leaves, leaving the bear and the wolf; one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged abaasa fights with another over a woman; Er-Sogotoh (brother's name is given for the first time) frees the woman, takes her away; the abaas pursues them, E. throws the comb, grows up forest; E. kills abaas, marries a rescued woman]: Popov 1937:208-237 (quail. Efremov 2000, No. 2:79-135).

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanai [Yangoki girl went into the barn for the yukola, dropped the jug hanging under the roof, it crashed, and the balloon-like old Boko Mafa jumped out; said that for the first 20 years he promised to thank him who will release it, and the next 20 eat it; but he can only eat it after sunrise; I let go until morning; she made a straw scarecrow, dressed it in her clothes, left it in the house, took a chair, the comb, the sharpener, ran; crossed the river on the ice, melted it with its tears; the BM rolled to the upper reaches, went around the source and returned; I. threw the comb (thicket, BM gnawed), the chair ( fire, BM flooded), sharpener (huge mountain, Y. hid inside, you can still hear her singing from the crevice)]: Medvedev 1992:244-247.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs (Russified, probably tundra) [three sisters are wandering, the eldest wants a baby, finds a stone one by the cliff; at night the youngest rocks him, hides; he speaks to men in a voice, Chumo, Chumo, get big, grows up, eats all the supplies in the house, becomes small again; the same episode with the other sisters; they throw C. into the boiling pot, run away; he chases them, they throw a comb, then flint, they turn into mountains, C. gnaws at them; the eldest throws iron from the chair, it becomes a river of fire, C. burns down, promises that his mother will avenge him; sisters they resort to the river, persuade an old woman on the other side to transport them; she stretches her leg like a bridge, they cross it across the river; when they learn that they killed her son, the old woman promises to punish them; the fox saves sisters, leaving behind bags of branches and ash that the old woman swallows]: Bogoras 1918, No. 9:61-64; itelmen [Kuth wants a tolkusha, Miti calls her daughter Sinanevt to make her out of old meat, from S.'s smell died; the wolf dragged her up the mountain to eat, she rolled down the mountain, came to life; the wolf brought her to the wolf's house to marry her; her brother Ememkut put on wolfskin, demanded S. To himself; at night he explained that he was her brother; they run away from wolves; E. throws flint, spits, S. throws a comb, thereby creating fire, river, forest; they run home]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 182:541-543.

Subarctic. Taltan [see motive F33; two sons kill their mother's new husband/lover; mother stalks them; a) they throw caribou giblets behind them; they turn into a gorge, mountain, water, fire; mother burns; b) caribou hair, caribou stomach contents, intestines, bones, caribou meat; abandoned becomes a caribou herd, moss swamp, deep gorges, mountains, lakes; flint turns to fire, mother burns]: Teit 1921a, No. 45:239-241.

The Midwest. Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [the hunter's wife leaves all day, telling the children that she is looking for firewood; household chores have not been done by the husband's return; the sons answer that the mother meets snakes; the husband goes, cuts off the snake's head, brings it into the house; runs away; gives his sons an awl, flint, a towel (?) , tells me to run; the wife finds the head of a snake, goes to the forest, finds the body of a snake; chases her husband, they go up to the sky, she kills him, he turns into the Big Dipper (that's the way she killed him up in the air, that's where the Dipper now); the husband managed to cut off his wife's head; the head is chasing the children; they throw an awl, prickly thickets appear; the head promises two snake-like creatures, worms to become them wife, if they make a move underground; she makes her way, pursues her sons again, they throw flint, fire behind her; she promises marriage again, overcomes the barrier; Wisahkicahk throws a third object, he falls in front, turns into a river; the Swan carries them, tells them not to touch his neck; his head touches his neck, the Swan sheds it, it turns into a sturgeon]: Brightman 1989:9-13; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [a hunter meets a woman in the forest, gets married; she goes to the stump, undresses, calls Machi-manita; snakes crawl through all holes in her body; her husband watches after her, sends her prey, kills snakes with an ax, gives them their blood instead of bear blood; tells their two sons that if the sky turns red, he dies; gives her a bone awl, a sharp stone, flint , a beaver tooth, a stone chisel, tells her to run; the wife runs to the stump; when she returns, her husband cuts off her head, cuts her body, throws half into the sky, they can be seen now (constellations?) ; her Skull kills and devours him, pursues her sons; the sky turns red; the elder carries the youngest on the back; throws objects, they turn into thorny thickets, a rock, a wall of fire, a blockage poplar stumps, river; Beaver makes a passage through the thickets when the Skull promises to allow it to copulate in its eye sockets and nostrils; the lost soul leads the Skull through the crack through the rock; Toadstool agrees Carry the Skull across the river, telling you not to touch the sore spot on the neck; the skull touches, dumped into the water; sons smash it with a stone, it drowns; see motif K27]: Ray, Stevens 1971:48-52; Western Ojibwa [returning from hunting, the husband finds the children abandoned, the wife is just starting to cook; the elder son says that the mother dresses up in the morning and leaves; the husband watches her and sees her copulating with snakes; puts the cradle with his youngest son on the elder's back, tells him to run west; pierces his wife with an arrow, throws her into the fire; when she falls silent, he runs east; the children consistently run to two old women; the first gives an awl and a comb, the second gives flint and tinder; thrown behind, they turn into a mountain of shilles, a mountain of ridges, a flint ridge, fire from end to end of the world; Toadstool transports children across the river; tells the stalker not to step on him while sitting on his back; she steps, throws off, goes to the bottom]: Jones 1916, No. 33:379-380; Eastern Ojibwa (southeast Ontario) [the hunter returns empty-handed; his wife's lover supplies her with meat; one day her daughter brings meat to her father; he cuts off his wife's head, gives his son and daughter an awl and flint, and rises to heaven; the mother's head chases the children; they throw an awl and flint, creating a forest, a big fire; the Kingfisher agrees to transport the children across the lake if they remove his lice; when carries his head, pushes it into the water; the sky turns red, the children understand that their father is dead]: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 40:142-143; kickapoo [a giant from heaven kills all people; one man hides his son and a daughter in the hearth; a young man rises to heaven, becomes a web; becomes a baby, a giant and his wife adopt him; he grows up, cuts off the heads of his own sons of a giant, saves himself on horseback; a giant chases him on horseback on a cougar; a young man throws flint, a wicker rope, a whetstone; they turn into a wall of fire, thickets of cacti, vines, a boulder; smashes a bottle of liquid; a giant unable to overcome a water barrier, stops chasing]: Jones 1915, No. 11:89-103; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [woman knocks on dry wood; crawl out of the hollow snakes, she caresses them; the husband watches her; calls the snakes with the same signal, cuts off their heads; leaves the smallest (the origin of snakes); tells the eldest son to take the youngest on his back and run; gives them awl, stone, flint, beaver tooth; sends his wife for meat, curtains the entrance to the hut with a net; a woman finds dead snakes, rushes to the house, gets entangled in the net; her husband cuts off her head; runs to heaven, her The body pursues him, he turns into the Big Dipper, his wife's body into Malaya; the wife always pursues her husband, but is afraid to approach the North Star, which guards him; his head chases sons who run to the west; the elder throws an awl (barbed fence), a stone (a mountain, a huge worm gnaws through the gorge for the Head), flint (a wall of fire), a beaver tooth (a river); he accidentally throws his tooth forward, the river blocks the road; two old bitch men stretch their necks like a bridge, brothers cross it; their heads step, causing pain, they throw it into the river; the elder brother throws a stone at it, the Head turns into sturgeon]: 309-313; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [the wife adorns herself every time her husband goes hunting; he watches her; she goes to the forest, hits the tree, says Husband, I'm here; The Serpent crawls out, they copulate; the husband puts on his wife's skirt, calls the Snake with the same signal; cuts off his head, cooks the meat, gives the broth to his wife; says what the soup is made of; the wife runs to the tree, sees that the lover killed; returns, her husband cuts off her head; hides his two sons underground, tells utensils not to answer the Head's questions, flies away, turns into a star; the head asks where her children are, the stone answers; Visakechi's elder brother carries (first?) under the ground, the youngest is on the back; they throw objects {not named, but probably like in Ahenakew 1929}, which turn into fire, a thorny forest, a mountain; the Serpent makes a passage for the Head through forest; a beaver with iron teeth gnaws through the mountain; the fourth object falls in front of the brothers, turns into a river; the Serpent carries them; when it carries the Head, it says it swims too slowly; he dumps it into water, it turns into sturgeon]: 14-16.

Plains. Assiniboine [husband sees the wife knock on the stump, calling the snake lover; kills all the snakes, makes soup from their blood, feeds his wife; she finds dead snakes; the husband tells his six sons and daughters run away; when the wife looks into the house, cuts off her head; her head catches up with the children, gathers them in a tipi, tells her not to look at her when she treats the skin of an elk killed by one of her sons; one looks the head haunts the children; the awl, the flint, the stone they throw turn into many awls, into fire, into a mountain; two Cranes lay their necks like a bridge across the river; children they cross; the Cranes push their heads into the water; she continues to chase; children play ball and rise to the sky, turn into the Big Dipper; the head cannot jump to the sky]: Lowie 1909a, No. 22: 177-178.