L72i. Abandoned soap.
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Fleeing, the character throws soap behind him, which turns into an obstacle for the pursuer (slippery mountain, river, etc.).
Cordofans, Corsicans, Sicilians, Spaniards (?) , French, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Albanians, Greeks, Russians (Tver, Moscow), Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Pashais, Mordovians (Penobscot, Guajiro, Cañar, Quechua from Lambayeque to Cusco).
Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (no language specified) [the king laments that he is childless; the sorcerer gives two lemons; let one be eaten by an Arab wife, she will give birth to a daughter, and the other a concubine, give birth to a son; when he grows up, he must come to the sorcerer; the boy's name is Shatr Mohammed (SHM); the sorcerer met him, told him to remind his father of the promise; he cries; the sorcerer became an eagle and took away the CMM; in his palace he gives the CMM the keys to all rooms, but forbids unlocking one of them; treasures everywhere; in the forbidden room, the CMM is a beauty suspended by her hair; on one side there is a horse on chains, bloody meat in front of him; on the other, a lion, hay in front of him; floor strewn with the old and recently cut down heads of young men; the CMM freed the girl, swapped hay and meat, the horse and the lion broke their chains; the horse: put on armor, take the sword and the girl and jump; the lion is with them; the sorcerer catches up; the horse tells you to throw a comb (a thick forest), a piece of glass (a field covered with glass fragments), soap (a river); the sorcerer swam, drowned; the horse tells you to take his hairs to summon him and go to the city ; he hired a gardener; the youngest of the 7 princesses sees him swimming, calling a horse and putting on armor; she sends him food every day, but the gardener picks them up; princesses send his father 7 melons: them it's time to marry; everyone throws a handkerchief to the one she has chosen as her husband; the youngest with the CMM is settled in the slave quarter; the king is sick, she needs gazelle milk; the CMM gives it to his older sons-in-law, who allow them to stigmatize them in the ass ; sons' milk does not help, milk brought by the younger princess healed the father; enemies have attacked; sons-in-law are fleeing, CMM smashes enemies on his horse; to celebrate the savior, the king inflicts a slight wound on him with a sword on her hand and bandages him with her handkerchief; the wife recognizes her father's handkerchief, tells the mother; the king begs the CMM to return to the palace; the older sons-in-law have to show the stigma, now they are slaves to the CMM]: Frobenius 1923, No. 19: 216-224;
Southern Europe. Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 20 [the witch has a daughter with Blood and Milk; she is so beautiful that her mother keeps her locked for fear of being kidnapped; every time she returns, she says, "Blood and milk, open the door, I'm dying of the cold"; the daughter lowers her braid from the window, the mother goes up; the prince saw it; said the usual phrase, the girl lowered her braid, he got into her; when she heard her mother's voice, hid it in an orange; the mother began to sniff: I feel human flesh; wanted to eat an orange, but my daughter slipped her another one; the same next time (the prince is hidden in a nut); they decide to run; girl tells the prince to choose a thin skate, but he took a well-fed one; girl: he flies like the wind, and the thin one flies like trouble (souci); the witch chases her husband, the girl tells him to throw soap (smooth mountain, sorcerer) comes back, says that there is only a mountain, the wife explains, tells me to chase again), a comb (thorny thickets; same, the wife chased herself); the girl {throwing a thread? she took it along with soap and comb} creates a river, turns herself into an eel and the prince is on the other side; witch: if your husband hugs someone at home, he will forget you; one of his aunts hugged the prince, he forgot his wife; she became a dressmaker, set up an inn; each of the three young men who came wants to spend the night with her; she asks the first to close the door below, he sticks and stays at the door until morning; in the morning the hostess is surprised: why did he fail to close the door? the same with the second (prevent the coals in the hearth so that the fire goes out faster; he does this until morning), the third is a prince who has forgotten his wife, she tells him to pour out the night pot, he does it until morning; he is going get married; the sorceress sews a dress for the bride, but in church it turns into rags; next time the sorceress takes out the dress the prince wore for the first time; he remembered everything and stayed with the first wife] (translated to Shustova 1994:300-306), 25 [the gentleman marries the girl, takes her away, nothing is heard about her; takes her sister; when she leaves, she goes down to the cellar; there is meat in front of the donkey, straw in front of the donkey dog; girl shifts; hears her grandmother's voice from hell: don't do it! the girl shifted it as it was; the grandmother tells me to find the room in which the other sister is locked; the girl finds it, promises to make a box, put it locked there and send it home; teaches her sister to say, "I see everything!" , if the husband wants to see what's in the box on the way; the grandmother sticks her hand out of hell, gives soap, glass, a razor, tells me to run; the girl runs away, throws objects, two slippery mountains appear, and the last with sharp edges, the pursuer stops chasing; the girl ran to her parents], 102 [the prince lost cards; when he lost his soul, the sorcerer returned his money and crew, but ordered him to arrive a year and day later Seven Golden Mountains; the old woman teaches the sorcerer's youngest daughter to seek help; he gives tasks: to demolish the mountain in a day and sow wheat in this place (according to the girl, everything happens instantaneously); get the ring that the sorcerer dropped in the Red Sea; the girl tells her to be slaughtered at the seashore, collect all the blood in the pelvis, pour it into the sea; because one drop fell to the ground, the girl, bringing the ring, returned from the sea was later left without a little finger; the sorcerer tells you to tame the horse; girl: the horse is himself, the saddle is her, the stirrups are her two sisters, you must hit the horse on the head with an iron stick; the sorcerer promises a daughter as a wife, but the young man must choose a bride with his eyes closed; the girl: feel the hand, it does not have a little finger; after the wedding, the wife tells you to run; one horse is like the wind, the other is like a breath, you must take the one who is half asleep; the young man took the cheerful one; the sisters chase the first two times, the young man's wife throws a bottle of cologne (river), the comb (thorny thickets), the pursuer returns; the sorcerer himself rides, the wife throws soap, the sorcerer unable to climb a slippery mountain; spouses escape, feast]: 43-47, 56-58, 227-223; Sicilians {what magic ball is is unclear, but it turns into a mountain of soap, as usual if abandoned the object is a bar of soap} [seven pregnant women steal yuyuba in the witch's garden; she hides, one notices her ear, takes it for a mushroom, the witch grabs one of the women; lets her go for promising to give her the child through 7 years old; Angiola is born; the witch asks her to remind her mother of the deal; the mother advises her to answer that she forgot to remind her; so many times; the witch injured A.'s finger, the mother had to send her daughter; the witch loves A., keeps him in the tower without entering; when he comes up, asks to lower his braids to climb them; the prince sees this, calls A. in the same words, climbs to her; they give food to all the items in the room, forget a broom; run, taking three magic balls and a dog; a broom tells the witch about what happened; the witch chases, A. throws balls, they turn into a mountain of soap, a mountain of nails, a river; a witch stops persecution, orders A.'s face to become doggy; prince settles A. in a forest hut, occasionally visits; the dog promises to restore A. beauty; comes to the witch, caresses, she agrees to give a bottle of water; after washing, A. becomes more beautiful than before; wedding]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 7:47-51; Spaniards [the corresponding Spanish texts could not be found, but the "soap" in the texts, recorded in the 20th century among Creoles and Indians in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru can only be a Spanish borrowing].
Western Europe. French: Shustova 1994 [parents keep the girl Blood and Milk (KM) locked up; every evening her mother calls her, KM lowers her braid, her mother goes up to her; the Queen overhears, calls her voice mother, KM lowers her braid; hides the young man in an orange; the mother says that she smells like a human spirit, the daughter lets her eat another orange; the next evening, a nut; KM offers to run, tells her to take a skinny horse ( runs like care), the queen takes a smooth one (runs like the wind); KM throws soap (soap mountain), a comb (thicket); the pursuer-father comes back both times; the mother says that these fugitives were a mountain of soap, chases herself; KM throws a thread - the river; the mother says that when the Queen hugs someone, he will forget the KM; the Queen's aunt hugs the Queen's house, he forgets everything; KM works for a tailor; three fellows they ask for a date, she tells one to close the door, the second to turn off the stove, the third to take out the garbage; the door not to close all night; the same with the other two fellows; the Queen tells me to sew a dress, KM sews this The first time he saw her, he remembers getting married]: 300-306.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [brother and sister (boy; girls) run away from their pursuer, throw objects (comb, soap, razor, clay, water vessel) behind them that turn into obstacles (mountain, mountain range) , sharp stones, mud, river or sea, etc.)]: 112; Karaliychev, Valchev 1963 [the girl has a younger brother; she overheard her mother negotiate with her father to kill them; children run away, father and stepmother pursue; brother throws soap (slippery), sister throws a comb (many combs block the way), {apparently they pour something out), then they throw a razor, the pursuers cut their legs; in the forest, the sister does not tell her brother to step on the trail a bear (will become a bear), a wolf (a wolf), he steps on a deer trail, becomes a deer; a sister climbs a tree; the prince sees her reflection, then notices her; the servants cut down the tree, go to rest, the deer licks the trunk, the felling overgrows; to lure the girl, the old woman harnesses a cat and a rooster into the cart; the girl goes down to explain that this cannot be done, she is grabbed; the deer breaks the wall of the house with a run where she is kept; his horns were gilded, his sister married the prince]: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, № 313h*: 281-283; Macedonians [all daughters died, son Kostadin remains; mother is stuck in a swamp; wolf pulled her out for promising to give him his unborn child if a girl is born; Tentelina was born, grew up, the wolf meets her, asks her mother to remind her mother of the promise; she first really forgets, then her mother told her To answer again that she forgot; under the threat of being eaten, T. goes to the wolf; he put her on a tall poplar; when she comes in the evening, calls, she hangs her hair, he climbs it; K. tells his mother discover the truth, goes after T.; the old woman teaches what to do; T. is afraid that 12 elves tell the wolf about the escape; the old woman tells everyone to give a piece of bread; forgot about the wolf sitting in the boot; the wolf brings other wolves to eat T.; they chase children; they throw a lump of clay (swamp), comb (thorny thickets), soap (mountain); other wolves angrily ate kidnapper T.; the children returned to their mother]: Martin 1955:7-14; Albanians [younger brother ate his inheritance and was hired as a farmhand to his elder; he went to the forest every day to cut wood, brought it to dinner; one day he forgot to bring it and came back; there was a woman in the forest chops wood; the woman says she is Ora (~guardian spirit) of her older brother, and Ora the Younger is in chains in the seventh room of the evil spirits that stole her; Ora the elder teaches what to do; the youngest comes to those spirits , is hired by an employee, gains trust, frees her Ora and runs with her; she takes a comb, a mirror, soap with her; when Ora of the brotherly spirits screams and the spirits chase, Ora Jr. tells throw a comb (forest), mirror (sea), soap (smooth, slippery surface, pursuers have stopped chasing); Ora leads the young man to another world; gives a crooked foal, then promising to give a wonderful horse , puts rags on him and half pumpkins on his head instead of a hat; the king tells him to break three pumpkins and guess what each means; only Half pumpkins (i.e. a young man) can do it; three pumpkins are three daughters of the king in varying degrees of readiness for marriage (the youngest is just right); everyone must pass by the princesses, the youngest throws an apple at Poltykvy; the enemy attacked, Poltykva turned into a mighty rider on the beautiful horse, defeated enemies; gave his older sons-in-law the right to be considered winners, for which he carved signs on their backs; but he told the king everything, his older sons-in-law were shamed, Poltykvs received the throne]: Lambertz 1952:83- 91; the Greeks [in one fairy tale, an abandoned comb turns into a forest; in another, a demon in the form of a cloud pursues a young man; he throws a bowl of salt (fire and smoke), soap (river); the pursuer turns into a boar, a young man throws a comb, a swamp appears, a boar gets stuck]: Pancritius 1913:854.
Central Europe. Russians (Tverskaya) [the merchant began to drink from the river, he was seized by Miracle Yudo the Lawless, tells him to give him that he does not know at home; while the merchant was away, his wife gave birth to a son; he grew up, went to CHU; baba yaga gives a balloon, he rolls to her sister, she gives another to Chu's daughter, her ball rolls CHU; there are 77 ducks on the sea, followed by a fence with heads on poles; the girl tells you to take three steps back, the young man ends up in Chu's house; he gives tasks 1) put a barn overnight, 2) grow up overnight, collect wheat in a barn; Vasilisa Premudraya does everything; 3) recognize VP among his 77 daughters (waving a handkerchief, shifting a ring); wedding; young run, VP leaves 4 dolls responsible for himself; throws a comb (forest), soap (mountain), ubrus (sea); VP warns her husband not to kiss the child when he comes in; he kisses, forgets her, gathers marry another; VP makes a cake, a dove with a dove comes out of it at a feast, the dove asks the pigeon not to forget her, as Ivan VP forgot; Ivan recalls]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 225:205-208; Russians ( (Moscow, Bronnitsky district) [Trofim is a bad man; his aunt Malania persuaded a young widow to marry him; she has sons Ivan and Gregory; T. beats his wife, tells him to get rid of the children; the brothers have left, they went from the fork along different roads ; some rider, he is the Spirit, took I. into his service; when leaving, he tells him not to feed one horse, to beat him; the horse asks I. to give him grain, but to beat the camel standing next to him; take 3 bowls of water, 3 combs; I. he combed his hair with them, his hair became copper from one, silver from the other, gold from the third; the horse told me to take a brush, soap, flint, flint, combat harness; remove his shackles; they galloped away; the spirit flew in, the camel told him everything, the Spirit rides him in pursuit; the horse asks what I. sees: I.: There is a cloud on the left; the horse: it's a spirit, throw the comb (forest); the spirit returned for the magic hatchet, cut the way ; soap (soap mountain; returned after the spade); flint and flint (the flame, it devoured the stalker's thunderstorm); the Spirit fell at the horse's feet, promised not to meet him again; the horse tells to be hired by a king whose army was beaten by another king and wanted to marry his youngest daughter; I. works for a gardener; while sleeping, the princess noticed his golden hair; on her horse and in his real form, I. smashes enemies; older sons-in-law said it was them; now the queen demands a 9-headed serpent; I. defeated him; defeated the enemy again, wounded in the arm; the king identified him, gave his daughter; the horse said goodbye and rode away; wedding; at this time G. went into a dense forest; there is a tower, an old man; he must serve him for 12 years; he tells him to groom 12 horses and beat a chained camel; the camel says that he is a magician himself, and the horse who helped I. He was also here; he teaches him to take a worthless sword, only it will cut the chains; they jump, the old man chases, G. hacked him with that sword; the camel leads to his father for a reward; there is a heroic horse in the dungeon; G. drank strong water, became a hero; the Queen easily defeated 12 heroes, and G. defeated her himself; other heroes were going to her; N. won everyone, recognized them among his defeated brother; married the queen]: Chudinsky 1864, No. 3:7-41; Poles [stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter; she herds cattle; a mistress appears from the spruce, gives magic dresses; the heroine wears them three times to church, runs three times in a hurry; throws soap and thread behind me, creating fog; I smear the threshold with resin, the shoe sticks; all girls are told to try it on; the heroine is hidden on the roof of the barn; the rooster screams about it (then the story goes to another story)]: Cox 1893, #57:24.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians ["the young man threw soap behind his back (the cannibal began to slide)"]: Gullakyan 1983:215; Turks: Stebleva 1988, No. 27 [the younger sister's horse secretly turns into a young man from others; she does not go out marries, meets an imaginary horse at night; burns his skin; he flies away as a dove, says she will find him when she wears out her iron shoes and staff; at the spring, the maid says she is collecting water for Chamber-Tiara; his wife, disguised as a beggar, throws her ring into the jug; THU recognizes him, comes for her; the devas want to eat her, THT's mother gives tasks; 1) sweep - do not sweep the room (collect garbage in the middle); 2) go to a neighbor behind a sieve (give meat lying in front of the horse to the dog, grass from the dog to the horse, venerate the neighbor's chest thrown behind her back); 3) fill the cauldron with tears (add salt to the water); 4) fill the bag with peace (the birds gave); during the wedding, Thu tied the daughter of the devas to a pole instead of the padishah's daughter, runs with his wife; she throws a comb (thorns), soap (slippery), a jug (water); Thu became a gardener, wife - in a garden; with a tree and a snake wrapping him (the devas broke the net - they tore off their little finger); into flowers at the feet of the padishah; he gave them to the devas, they bite into grains, the chickens peck, two grains remain, turn into a young man with girl playing a wedding], 33 [stepmother wants to throw children into the oven; boy and sister go to his mother's grave; a voice tells them to take a comb, brush, soap; stepmother sent soldiers in pursuit; the abandoned comb became thickets of thorns, a brush with snakes covered the ground, soap with the sea; children walk along the steppe, the boy is thirsty; the sister does not tell you to drink from a deer's hoof, he drinks, turns into a deer; the girl climbs on poplar, shahzade sees her reflection; tells her to cut; during the night, felling overgrows; the old woman begins to bake bread, putting the baking sheet upside down; the girl goes down to help her, shahzade takes her and the deer, marries; while bathing, the arapka pushes her into a deep place, puts on her clothes, says that she has turned black while waiting for her husband to return; asks her to slaughter the deer; the deer brother tells his sister how knives are sharpened to slaughter him; the sister replies that she is in the stomach of a fish, her son is at her chest; people hear, the shahzade is eavesdropping, the sultan and the child are taken out, the arapka is tied to the tails of 40 mules]: 105-109, 131-134; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 4 [padishah and vizier check whether everyone extinguishes the fire at night, as the padishah ordered; three girls have lights on; if the padishah marries her, the older sister promises to cook, average weave a carpet, the youngest to give birth to a golden-haired boy and girl; the padishah takes everyone, loves the youngest; while he is at war, the sisters told the midwife to replace the children with puppies, throw the children in a box at sea; padishah He orders to put his wife in a kennel on a chain, beat him with a truncheon; the box was washed ashore, the gazelle fed the children, their names are Hesain and Gulizar; while hunting, the padishah sees his son, admires him, does not recognize him; the midwife persuades Gulizar to ask her brother for a magic tablecloth; she is from a witch who throws her breasts by the shoulders; the old man teaches her to fall to her right breast, take her soap, comb and bowl, and steal tablecloth; an old woman chases G., he throws soap (slippery rock), a comb (a prickly thicket), a bowl (sea); G. brings a tablecloth; the padishah sees him again; the midwife advises Gulizar to marry his brother Sharikhubar; she turns everyone who calls her into stones; sister comes, S. answers her, Honey, petrified ones come to life; brother takes S. as his wife; when the midwife comes, S. kills her with a sling; padishah and courtiers come to visit, S. tells a story, mother G. and G. are released, evil sisters are torn apart by horses]: 71-80; Rudenko 1970, No. 50 [padishah hears three sisters talking; first, if will marry a padishah, promises to fly like a bird, the second to cook deliciously, the third will give birth to a gold-haired son and daughter; when the youngest gives birth, the sisters tell the old woman to throw her children in a box into the sea, replace them with two puppies; padishah orders to tie his wife with puppies at the entrance to the palace, beat, feed them with scraps and bones; the fisherman picks up a box, the boy is called Mirza-Mamur, the girl is called Golizar; when dying, the fisherman gives a magic a stick; she creates a palace; helps to catch up with the doe chased by the padishah on foot; the sisters send the old woman to G., who persuades her to ask her brother to get Zardukhubar; the old man tells M. to approach the old woman in the garden, venerate her right breast; she gives Z.; Z. tells her to run, taking a comb, soap, a vessel of water; an old woman chases, an abandoned comb turns into a forest, soap into an icy mountain, water in the sea; an old woman drowns; the sister again sends the old woman to persuade her to get Khezaran-Bolbol; Z. kills the old woman with an arrow; the old man explains that the caller HB is stony, G. must come to spell; when G. for the third time HB will call out, the stones will become human again; M. and G. are returning from HB, the old adviser becomes a young man; HB tells the padishah the truth, evil wives were torn apart by camels, mother M. and G. were returned]: 147-155.
Iran - Central Asia. Pashai [the prince has a cannibal sister; he runs, lives with a woman who has two dogs; decides to visit the house; there is only his sister, says she will eat him; he asks her to bring a bucket of water and sharpen her teeth; she leaves the drum, tells him to hit it; brother lets the mouse run on the drum so that her sister hears the shot; brother runs, throws behind needles, a ball of salt, soap; every time thrown turns into a mountain, sister overcomes obstacles; brother climbs a tree, calls dogs, tells them to eat the cannibal so that not a drop of blood spills on the ground; dogs tear the cannibal]: Morgenstierne 1944 , NO. 3:18-19.
Volga - Perm. Mordva (Erzya) [mother died, children are small, husband married Baba Yaga's daughter; she has 7 daughters - One-eyed, Two-Eyed, etc., to Seven Eyes; stepmother does not feed her sister and brother, tells her to row manure from under the cow; the cow tells her to milk; the stepmother is surprised that the stepdaughter and stepson are getting fat, sends Seven-eyed to watch; the girl looks in her hair, says, "Sleep a peephole, sleep the second one..", etc. The seven-eye falls asleep; so with everyone; the last one is One-eyed, her huge eye does not fall asleep, she tells her stepmother everything; she tells her husband to slaughter a cow and kill the children; the cow agrees with the children that the moment when they start slaughtering her, she will run, let them jump on her back, taking a stone, soap and a spindle; her stepmother is chasing, the cow tells her to throw the spindle (thorny thickets), stone (mountain), soap (soap the mountain, it is slippery, the stepmother has stopped chasing); they drive through an iron, copper, silver, golden forest; every time the cow tells her not to break off the branches, but her sister tells her every time that they are her they will come in handy, take it with them; they settled in a mushroom leg house covered with nettles; one day a silver bull came and demanded that a cow come butting at silver for breaking the children silver branches; the cow won, the bull fell to pieces; the same with the copper bull; but the plain iron goby broke it into pieces himself]: Paasonen 1941:236-257.
(Wed. Northeast. {The story is local, but "soap" is probably borrowed}. Penobscot [a shaman chases a man; he throws a whetstone, soap, pink mushroom, awl; they turn into a stone wall, a quagmire, a burning path, a thicket; the shaman gets stuck in the thicket]: Speck 1935b, № 46:87.
(Wed. The Northern Andes. Guajiro [(the set of items reflects European borrowings); a young man hides a bathing girl's clothes; marries her; her father Rain loads him with work; the young run, the Rain haunts them, riding the winds; the girl throws down and thread, then soap, oil, lipstick; prickly thickets, cacti, vines, then a quagmire appear on the way of the pursuer; throws a needle, it turns into a thicket; fugitives hiding inside the mountain, Rain stops pursuing]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 105:297).
(Wed. Ecuador. {Clearly European borrowing}. Kanyar [when she saw a pregnant snake, the girl became pregnant herself, gave birth to a girl and a snake; left the snake where she became pregnant; the daughter rejected her suitors for a long time, married an unknown rich man; her husband left visit relatives; the serpent warns the human sister that he will come for her, take her (to hell); tells her to take wool, scissors, cotton wool, soap; must ride on a donkey; a snake has become a donkey; a woman goes behind; came to the village is hell, she runs on a donkey; her husband is chasing a horse; she throws cotton wool (fog), soap (rain), a comb (a thorny bush), wool (a forest with vines, the stalker is entangled in them); scissors (green cross) blocked the way, the devil left chasing); the donkey became a snake again, she warns not to marry rich strangers anymore; she married a poor man; the devil took her form, came to live with her husband instead of her; husband dazzled her, left her in the mountains; the snake told her mother to leave a jug of water overnight, the water became blood; the snake found her blind, rubbed her eyes with leaves, regaining her sight; brought her to her husband's house, then told her to spend the night in chicken coop; hears his wife's voice; the snake shows his real wife and the true appearance of his wife (hell with a tail and horns, he runs away); turns into a dove, flies to heaven; it was an angel]: Howard Malverde 1981, No. 24 : 167-173.
(Wed. The Central Andes. {The motive is clearly of European origin}. Lambayeque Valley (northern coast of Peru) [fleeing persecution, the hero throws a comb, soap, a bottle of flower water]: Narvaez Vargas 2001:154; the mountains of Peru (Ancash depots, Junin, Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Cusco, Puno) [two dozen versions; 1) a boy and a girl get in touch (often incest); 2) for various reasons, they move away from people; 3) a young man returns home to get food, money, etc.; 4) one of his relatives (usually his father) kills him, mistaking him for a thief or a stray dog; he is mourned and buried; 5) he returns to his beloved in in the form of a living dead person or spirit; 6) seems strange (does not eat, he has a fire in his mouth, etc.); 7) calls the girl on a long journey; 8) they come to a lonely home, whose owner (old or young) warns the girl about who her lover is; 9) gives objects, usually soap, comb, mirror, needle, ribbon; 10) the girl runs and throws objects, they turn into a mountain, a thorny forest, a lake, a river, a long road; 11) a girl runs to a monastery, church, wagon, etc.; 12) finds out that the woman in the hut was the Holy Virgin]: Morote Best 1958:799-800; Quechua (Arequipa) [famine came, stepmother tells her husband to get rid of his stepson and stepdaughter; the father sent them to the forest to seek food; they came to the witch's house; she fed the boy better than the girl to make him fat; ate; the sister found her brother's bones , fled; the old woman followed, a gust of wind carried the girl forward; the old woman catches up again; the girl threw a mirror (the lake, the old woman swam across), a needle (thorny thickets), a thread (the road became winding ); a rope from the sky, the girl also clung to it; the girl took a rat out of her bag, it gnawed through the rope, the old woman fell and crashed]: Weber, Meier 2008:161-167; Quechua (dep. Ayacucho, prov. Victor Fajardo) [the young man goes to a party in a neighboring village to meet a girl; on the way he came across a corpse, kicked it; moving on, he saw the girl, hardly caught up; they spent the night in a cave; when the young man I wanted to unite with her, I realized that she was condenado and he would always have to follow her; when he came to the village, he prayed at St. Carmen; St. The virgin gave him a broom, soap, a horn; said that they would pass by two lakes and the condenado girl would want to take it on her shoulders; he should take it himself, throw her into the red lake (this is hell), not in blue; he threw but condenado pursues; he throws objects, they become rocky mountains, slippery clones, a herd of sheep; the young man escaped, condenado went to hell]: Lammel 1981, No. 16:137; prov. Tracing paper (dep. Cusco) [a ten-year-old girl loses her way, comes to an old woman; sees human bones in her cauldron; sent for water; breaks and heals Hummingbird's foot; he advises her to run; she meets a beautiful a woman; she gives her soap, a towel, a comb; abandoned objects turn into a swamp, a thorny bush, a dense forest; a woman lowers a vessel for the girl from the sky, raises her to the sky in it; the cannibal asks pick it up too; the vessel chains break, the cannibal falls, breaks, her ashes are devoured by dogs]: Morote Best 1958, No. 5:836-837; Langi and Urubamba districts, dep. Cusco [one example for Morote Best 1958; a young man returns to rob his father; he kills him, buries him, never knows he is a son; eight days later, a lame llama is slaughtered at the wake; he leads her to beloved; the owner of a secluded house, Skunsikha, reveals to the girl that her lover was her brother, and now he is dead, he has worms in his nose; gives a comb, a mirror, a needle; the girl sits on a cow, that brings her to church, she is baptized again]: Pantigozo Montes 1992:165-175).