Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L72j. An awl (needle) turns into many awls (needles) .

Fleeing, the character throws an awl or needle behind him, which turns into many awls or needles.

Gagauz people, Persians, Baluchis, Bellacula, Menominee, Western and Eastern Ojibwa, Assiniboine.

The Balkans. Gagauz people: Anikin 1986 [Sindika's girl asks her father to buy a doll; he has no money, he promises to make a doll himself; instead of a doll, he made a bear out of iron; S. began to play with him once blew in her mouth, the bear came to life and began to grow; ate the old men, and S. made a servant; the eagle offers S. to carry her away; carries it, but the bear blows and the eagle falls; the calf carries away; the bear is chasing; the calf tells me to throw stone (mountains),

igloo (needle forest), knife (field of knives), water jug (lake); bear drinks, drowns; S. and calf live in friendship]: 89-92;

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the dervish gives a pomegranate to be eaten by the Shah's childless wife, and the apple is the vizier's wife; the vizier gives pomegranate to his wife, she gives birth to a daughter Bibi-Mehrnegar (B.), the Shah's wife, a son in the guise of a black snakes named Mirza Pust-Humar (M.); the shah orders the vizier to give his daughter for his son; at night, the serpent sheds its skin and becomes a young man; at the request of his father-in-law B. burns his skin; M. says she will not find it first , which wears out seven iron dresses, a pair of shoes, staffs, chews seven boxes of chewing gum; on the way she meets seven divas, throws a box each; throws a ring into a jug that the maid carries for M.; she pours water into M.'s palm, he recognizes the ring; to prevent his aunt from eating B., M. disguises her as a maid; opens it, promising the divas not to kill B.; the aunt demands 1) sweep the yard with a broom covered with pearls so that no one falls (M. performs); 2) water the yard with a sieve (the same); 3) take the "play-dance" box to the aunt's brother, bring "grab and plant" from him; on the way she opens the box, cannot put the dancers back; burns the hair, M. comes, puts it back, tells them to do everything contrary to his aunt's order; accordingly, B. throws straw to the horse, bones to the dog, calls a hole with mud and blood with honey, opens a closed door, closes an open door, greets everyone, leaves one box, grabs another, runs, doors, etc. refuse to detain her; M. marries her daughter aunts, cuts off her head at night, B. says goodbye to all objects, forgets about the stone (a measure of weight); B. and M. run, the stone wakes up her aunt, she pursues; the fugitives throw 1) the reed (reed thickets), 2) igloo (needle forest), 3) salt (salt marsh), 4) sea foam (sea); aunt asks how they crossed; M. replies that she steps on foam flakes, sinks]: Osmanov 1958; baluchi [the old man went for brushwood, saw a jug, smashed it, from there buzlangi; ordered him to give his daughter; the old man married his youngest; took her away, ate her buzlangi a day or two later; told the old man that his wife was ill , let him let the eldest take care of her; the eldest told her to be left on the roof of the house; filled her old shirt and pants with earth (a scarecrow), ran away herself, taking various items with her; the buzdangi returned from hunting, he pulled his wife by the edge of his shirt, the ground fell into his eyes; he went up to the roof, looked like a girl, ran after her; she threw a needle (many needles), a large needle for bags (the same, the buzlangi crossed again), salt (the whole earth is covered with salt, the buzlangi crossed again), poured water out of the fur, and put it on the sides on the millstone, a river formed; buzlangi: you're like crossed? girl: tied a millstone to her back; tied the buzlangi, drowned; the girl came to live with an old woman; the prince saw the girl, married her]: Zarubin 1949, No. 8:64-67.

NW Coast. Bellacula [at night, her brother comes to her sister's hut for ritual solitude; she stains him with paint, identifies him in the morning, leaves; goes to Pnya, who takes her as his wife; a legless old woman in his house tells her what to do, gives her the right items; the wife must take out the lice from the Stump and bite them; these are toads; the girl kills them with a knife, snapping her teeth, as if she is biting through; holes in the vessel that her guards; he is silent, does not raise an alarm; throws oil, a comb, a needle, a whetstone behind; they turn into a lake, a thicket, a lot of sharp needles, a mountain; he resorts to the Sun, he burns his pursuer with his heat]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 489-494.

The Midwest. Menominee [see motive F34; a woman has a bear lover; her husband kills her, buries her under the hearth; goes to the ground, tells her sons to run, take a sharpener and an awl; a dead mother stalks her sons; abandoned the sharpener turns into a mountain, the awl into many awls; the crane asks to remove its lice; these are toads; a young man bites through cranberries; two Cranes stretch their necks like a bridge; mother disgusted refuses to bite through toads; cranes remove necks, she sinks; see motive K27]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II.14:364-366; Western Ojibwa [returning from hunting, husband finds children abandoned, the wife is just beginning to cook; the eldest son says that the mother dresses up in the morning and leaves; the husband watches her, sees her copulating with snakes; puts the cradle with her youngest son on her back the eldest, tells him to run west; pierces his wife with an arrow, throws her into the fire; when she falls silent, he runs east; the children consistently reach two old women; the first gives an awl and a comb, the second flint and tinder; thrown behind, they turn into a mountain of shilles, a mountain of ridges, a flint ridge, fire from end to end of the world; Toadstool transports children across the river; stalker tells him not to step on him while sitting on his back; she steps, throws off, sinks]: Jones 1916, No. 33:379-380; Eastern Ojibwa (Southern Ontario)] [the hunter notices that the wife is embellished; The eldest son tells him that every time he goes hunting, his mother also leaves home; the hunter watches his wife; sees her come to the tree, knock, and a handsome man comes out; when he returns home, the hunter taught the children (both boys) what they should do; when his wife returned, her husband killed her, burned her body; told the children: if there is a red sunset, it means that her mother's lover killed her; when he saw red sunset, the children ran; mother (i.e. her spirit?) pursues; they threw a pebble (mountain), a thorn (thorny thickets), an awl (many awls pointing upwards); the mother overcame everything; by the river, the children asked for a large snail transport them to the other side; she stretched out and they crossed; when the stalker asked for the same, the snail clenched in the middle of the river and the woman drowned; the brothers settled by the lake; a man swam in boat; asked the younger to shoot, the arrow fell into the boat; asked the elder to pick it up and sailed away with him; kept it in his house; once offered to roll down the mountain in a sleigh; the young man refused to sit in front, sat down from behind; sleigh rides over stumps and stones, a young man picked up a stone and killed a man; came to where he left his younger brother; he turned into a wolf (or half wolf); this is how wolves appeared]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 7:6 -7

Plains. Assiniboine [husband sees the wife knock on the stump, calling the snake lover; kills all the snakes, makes soup from their blood, feeds his wife; she finds dead snakes; the husband tells his six sons and daughters run away; when the wife looks into the house, cuts off her head; her head catches up with the children, gathers them in a tipi, tells her not to look at her when she treats the skin of an elk killed by one of her sons; one looks the head haunts the children; the awl, the flint, the stone they throw turn into many awls, into fire, into a mountain; two Cranes lay their necks like a bridge across the river; children they cross; the Cranes push their heads into the water; she continues to chase; children play ball and rise to the sky, turn into the Big Dipper; the head cannot jump to the sky]: Lowie 1909a, No. 22: 177-178.