Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L72k. Abandoned oil bottle .42.43.

Fleeing, the character throws a bottle of oil behind him. When it spills out, it turns into a lake or river. (Only North American materials are taken into account. In the Old World, the motive is rare and unsystematic. In North America, we are most likely talking about hair oil in all cases).

Haida, Heiltzuk, Uvikino, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Nootka, Quileout.

NW Coast. Hyda [five girls pick berries; the fifth strap breaks the basket, two men take it to their house; a woman half turned to stone warns her not to eat these people's food, otherwise she will also turn into stone; the girl works around the house, runs, taking a bag of objects given by a semi-stone woman, throws them behind; a piece of wool turns the forest into a windbreak, oil turns into a lake, another piece of wool causes a landslide; a man in a boat swims into the sea, she has animal heads on both ends; he takes a girl when she calls him husband; this is Saradilaw; his club kills herself pursuers, they were grizzlies; she looks for frogs in his head, she throws them into the water; at home S. tells her old wife not to offend the young woman; she does not tell the young woman to spy on her eating; the young sees that she throws a whole seal into her mouth; the old one immediately choked, killed a young woman; her husband revives her; more about the adventures of her young son (his name is Real Man) motive K52]: Barbeau 1953:286-289; hyda (Skidgate) [the chief's daughter picks berries, steps into bear droppings, swears; bears take her away; in a bear house, a woman half turned to stone warns her not to eat bears, bury her excrement; instead, the kidnapped woman leaves brass bracelets; grizzlies believe that her excrement is copper, forgive her swearing; the stone woman gives her a comb, hair, butter, whetstone; kidnapped runs away from her grizzly husband, abandoned objects turn into a windbreak, a thicket, a lake, a cliff; she promises copper to a man in the boat; the boat bites off the heads of pursuers - wolves and bears; the new husband tells me to look for in his head; there are frogs, the woman bites her nails instead of them; at home, the husband tells me to look at his first wife when she eats; the woman sees her swallowing a whole cat; the piece gets stuck in her throat she dies; husband cuts and powders her body, revives his wife; new wife gives birth to a son; see motive M21]: Swanton 1905a (Skidgate): 336-338; Swanton 1908a, No. 36 (Masset) [girl's parents and relatives her suitors are constantly rejected; picking berries, she steps into bear droppings, swears; her basket strap breaks off, she falls behind, two men take her to the village of Bears; there is a woman sitting there glued to the ground with resin; warns that the Bears collect not dry, but raw brushwood; she collected dry wood, for which it was glued; tells her to pretend that her bowel movements are copper bracelets; Bears eat raw fish; taking oil, whetstone, hair, runs, abandoned becomes a lake, mountain, windbreak; it is surrounded by birds (snowbirds), it throws them ocher, they pick it up, since then their faces are red paint; a woman throws a comb, it turns into a mountain; a man in a boat takes a woman, puts a club into the water, she kills all the bears herself; a man does not tell me to watch his first wife in his house will eat seals; a woman watches, sees her put a whole seal in her mouth; the first tears it apart with her claws; the husband cut his first wife in half; the halves no longer converge when he puts it between they are whetstone; revived a new one; she visits her father, lives with her husband]: 500-508; bellacula [at night, the brother comes to her sister's hut for ritual solitude; she stains him with paint, identifies him in the morning, leaves ; gets to Stump, who takes her as his wife; a legless old woman in his house tells her what to do, gives her the necessary items; the wife must take out the lice from Stump and bite them; these are toads; the girl kills them with a knife by clicking with his teeth, as if biting through; the vessel that guards her holes; he is silent, does not raise anxiety; throws oil, comb, needle, whetstone behind; they turn into a lake, a thicket, many sharp needles, mountain; comes running to the Sun, which burns the pursuer with its heat], 495-498 [four sisters leave home, go to the Sun; they want to return; the Sun and his wife lower them to the ground in a basket, give them a whetstone, comb, eagle down; explain which path leads to the house and which path leads to the ogre; the younger sister follows the ogre's path, the rest have to follow her; the cannibal pursues them; abandoned objects turn into mountain, thicket, fog; cannibal stops pursuing]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 489-494; Heiltzuk [three options; white, black, rainbow, bloody smoke rises respectively above the Mountain Sheep's house, Black Bear, Grizzly, Ogre; four brothers come to the Ogre; his son greedily licks blood from one of the brothers's leg; the Ogre stalks the brothers; they throw whetstone, hair oil, wool, comb , they turn into a mountain, a lake, a fog, a thicket (var: a grain grater turns into a mountain, urine into a lake, broken arrows into a windbreak); brothers and their father dig a hole in their house, make a fire at the bottom, push there the Ogre, his wife and son; pieces of flesh or ashes of the Ogre turn into mosquitoes and biting flies]: Boas 1928b: 49-65; uvikino [the sons told their father they would go up the river to hunt mountain goats, they themselves went to look for the missing leader 'Paasalath; the father's name is Nuúwaqaqa; he does not tell you to go where there is bloody smoke, Bàxvbakvalausiwa lives there, who ate most of the villagers ( Boas is a similar designation for cannibal spirit in Quakiutl); if the smoke is brown, there is a brown bear, if black, a black bear; father tells you to take a comb, hair oil, whetstone and palem (a ball of wool or cotton wool); the brothers came to the place where the bloody smoke went into the dugout; B.'s youngest son notices blood on the leg of his scratched youngest son N.; he lubricates the stick with blood, son B. licks it; the elder brother lets arrows outside, each time telling one of B.'s children to run after another arrow; they ran away, but B.'s wife called him; brothers run, B. chases, the younger throws behind 1) a whetstone (mountain), 2) a comb (thicket) ), 3) a lump of fibers (fog), 4) oil (lake); while B. goes around the lake, the brothers run home, the father hides them; says B. that he killed and cooked them, let B. call his ena and children; N. and his sons dug a hole ; when the cannibals arrived, N. put them to sleep, telling the story of the flood, pushed them into a hole, filled them with boiling water; they turned into mosquitoes]: Hilton, Rath 1982:47-68; quakiutl [at the Cannibal at the North End- The world's body is covered with mouths; the smoke above his house is multicolored; the wisest's grandmother gives Full the Fool (the eldest of her four grandchildren) a comb, a bottle of oil, cedar sticks, a stone; in the Ogre's house, brothers find a missing sister; her child licks blood from one of her uncles's wound; a woman rooted in the ground tells her brothers to run; their sister calls her husband to catch meat; a fool throws objects, they they turn into bushes, a mountain, a lake, a thick cedar; brothers run into their house; their father calls the Ogre to come with his wife and child to eat his sons; they prepare a hole with hot stones; they pretend to be dead, their father covers their bodies with giblets of dogs; puts guests to sleep with a story; they are pushed into a hole, the ashes turn into mosquitoes and gadflies; in the Ogre's house, the Wisest and his sons find a box with masks (Cannibal Head, Cannibal Head, Cannibal Head, Cannibal Head; also whistles, cedar bark jewelry); the Ogre's wife teaches her husband's songs and customs; Full Fool becomes the first impersonator Ogre at the Winter Festival]: Boas 1910, No. 29:385-401; Nootka [Woodpecker, Chief of the Wolves, owns fire; another leader sends a Deer to steal it; gives him bottled oil, comb, stone; binds bast to his elbows; The deer comes to dance at the Wolf's house, sets fire to the bast, jumps out of the smoke hole, runs, throws objects; the stone turns into a mountain, the comb into the thicket, the oil into the lake; hides fire in the sink; Wolves ask the Shell where the Deer ran; he is silent because there is fire in his mouth; Wolves are losing track, the fire is spreading in the world]: Boas 1916, No. 3:894-896.

The coast is the Plateau. Quileut [The wolf falls asleep at Trickster, he kills him; other wolves chase the killer; he throws oil, the comb that turns into rivers, into hills; the wolves stop chasing]: Andrade 1931 [ Trickster promises wolves to discover a murderer in a shamanic trance; runs away], No. 17 [trickster - Raven], 32 [trickster - Quety; the origin of rocks and rivers]: 49-51, 95-99; Farrand, Mayer 1919 [Kwity creates hills by piercing its comb into the shore; makes a river out of hair oil; lake. Osetta emerges from his urine]: 253-254; Reagan, Walters 1933 [Trickster Quatee; throws one crest after another, creating hills]: 305-306.