Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L73. Drink the river! G522


Trying to drink the river, lake, sea, the antagonist bursts.

Songhai, Egyptian Arabs, Bretons, Scots, Palestinians, Moldovans, Poles, Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Ryazan, Oryol, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Kiev, Cherkasy), Belarusians, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Lucks, Georgians, Estonians, Setu, Veps, Karelians, Finns, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Swedes, Western Sami, Kazan Tatars, Ents, Kereks, Older Koryaks, Itelmen, Tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Asian Eskimos, St. Lawrence, Chugach, Mackenzie Estuary, Copper, Caribou, Netsilic, Labrador Eskimos, Baffin Land, Polar, Angmassalik, Ingalic, Chol, Ferreñafe, Chillon, Hakaru, Huanca, Tarma, Huancavelica, Puno, Quechua and mountainous Bolivian aymara, chipaya.

West Africa. Songhai (zarma) [Mariama's royal daughter is the most beautiful; suitors marry only her, but she can't make a choice; the sorcerers only see that her husband will be big; others who are overlooked girls go with M. to the forest, offer to go down to the well, leave it there; at home they say that M. is lost; the cannibal Doodobéri is going to eat M. first, but then marries him; M. lives in luxury; the Fulbe shepherd sees her, she asks her to tell her mother that she is alive; her mother comes, M. sends a rich caravan with her, teaches the words to say in response to D's appeal if he meets them; D. misses the caravan; the king's other wife also wants to get wealth, comes to M., but on the way back she forgets the words, D. ate her; after giving birth to D. a little cannibal, M. runs, leaving the amulets responsible for herself; D. runs up to the river when M. has already sailed; she throws her son D. into the water; D. tries to drink the river, bursts, dies, takes his son to sea; the girls who left M. were scolded by the grioli; M. went beyond that fulbe, who was the first to find it]: Mariko 1984:26-36.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [the wife of a childless king promises to fill three wells with honey, oil and rose water if God sends her a child; Yousif is born, the king forgets the promise; God reminds in a dream the king prepares wells, calling people, the old woman comes when everything is dismantled, collects drops of honey on the walls of the well; Yu played ball, got into the old woman's vessels, the honey spilled; she wished him to fall in love with Louliyya , Morgan's daughter; the servant explains that L. is beautiful; Yu goes in search; the cannibal sends him to his brother, the latter to the other, the other to his sister; if she has red chickens and she is tidy up, You can't talk to her, and if her hair is green, her hair is in a mess, and your breasts are thrown over her back, then you can; Yu sees red chickens first, is silent, then green; the cannibal sister tells me to roll the ball, he leads to a palace in the desert; the cannibal asks L. to lower her hair, climbs it; Yu also asks; L. decides to run away with Yu; hides it, turning it into a pin; returning to its former appearance, tells things in the room responsible for her, throws a needle (field of thorns), a comb (bamboo fence), a mirror (lake); the cannibal and his dog drink, the cannibal bursts when he has time to throw pins at L., she turns into a dog, Yu. lark; they come to mother Yu's house; she finds pins in the dog's head, takes it out, L. takes her shape, takes the needles out of the lark's head, which turns into Yu; wedding]: Scheub 2000:131-132.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the magician sees a doe, her udder is sucked by a boy and a girl; this is Arzyur and Azenor; brings children to his wife; Azenor reads the sorceress's magic books; she seeks to lime Arzyura, her sister gives a magic wand, it does everything; 1) cut down an oak grove, 2) make spoons out of oaks, 3) build a bridge of feathers; brother and sister run, turn 1) into two golden frogs at the bottom of the reservoir, their horses - into the water; 2) horses into trees, fugitives into birds at them; the wife tells the sorcerer about it, but he forgets, does not recognize the fugitives; she chases them herself, the sister throws 1) a straw tourniquet (stacks of straw, sorceress flies by like a hawk), 2) a brush (a pond, a sorceress, a cloud drinks it; option: drinks in the form of a bulldog, bursts), 3) a scraper (city); the sorceress flies by in a cloud, stops at the strait; sister creates a rich castle; two princes fall into the swamp, Azenor pulls them out for promising the elder to marry her, give his sister to her brother; Arzyur, who falls into the swamp, loses his memory, at his sister's wedding everything recalls when two golden frogs tell the whole story]: Luzel 1995:93-107; Scots [the widow's three daughters go on a journey; the elders choose big bread with a curse, the youngest Maol a Chliobain is small with a blessing; the elders tied M. to a stone, to a pile of peat, to a tree; every time a mother's blessing sets her free; they came to the giant's house, who put them with with her daughters; M. took off her amber necklaces, wore them for herself and her sisters, put her horsehair necklaces on the giant's daughters; the giant's servant killed not those who came, but his daughters; M. told the sisters run, took the giant's golden tablecloth; made a bridge of hair across the river, the giant cannot cross; they came to the peasant; he marries his eldest son to his older sister if M. brings gold and the giant's silver crests; the middle one on the middle one (the giant's glowing sword); the youngest on M. (giant bull); every time M. brings everything, the giant not to cross the river; the last time the giant caught M., hung it in a bag, went for batons; M. persuaded the giant's mother to climb instead of her, because she was in a bag golden city, the giant beat the bag, turning his mother into porridge; chased M., she offered him a drink of the river, it burst; M. married the youngest son of a peasant]: Campbell 1890, No. 17:259-264.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the king promises that if his son grows up safely, he will fill one watercourse with honey and the other with ghee; every day the boy meets an old woman, she tells him to remind his parents about the promise, otherwise he threatens to kill him; he forgets, she puts pebbles in his pocket, his mother finds it, he remembers, the king builds watercourses, fills him with honey and oil; the old woman comes when almost everything has been dismantled; takes the last drops, the boy throws a pebble, breaking her vessel, she tells him to fall in love with Lolabe, Lolabe's daughter; he goes looking for L., she lowers her hair out of the window, he climbs it; when her the witch mother gets up, the daughter turns the young man into a pin, she senses the human spirit, tells her to give her the pin to take out the splinter, the daughter gives another, turns the young man into a melon, the mother tells her to give the melon, the daughter hides one a seed, revives the young man from it, tells him to run, spraying all objects with henna except a mortar and a pestle; everyone replies to the mother that the daughter is here, a mortar and a pestle give her away; the witch pursues the fugitives, with her a dog; the daughter throws a comb (the forest, the witch and the dog chew), the brazier (the fire, the witch and the dog extinguish the urine), the mirror (the lake, the witch and the dog drink, burst); at the house, the young man tells L. to wait for him to cook everything for the wedding; L. climbs a tree, the maid takes her reflection in the well for her own, throws a jug (such a beauty should not serve); L. laughs, the maid asks her to go down, pierces her pins, turning her into a dove, puts on her clothes, explains to the groom that she cried while waiting for her, so she changed; the dove cries in the palace kitchen, tears turn into pearls, corals, the cook picks them up, every day the food burns, the prince calls him, finds out about the dove, catches him, takes out his pins; the maid from behind now stabs them into him, turning them into a dove; the third time L. catches him, takes out his pins; wedding; maid burn]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 18:159-166.

South Asia. The Sinhales [translated to Volkonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 113:276-288; the husband clears the plot, the wife is weaving the basket; the husband saw a wild melon vine (Cucumis callosus); ate the fruit; and when the wife came, There were many fruits; she began to eat and gave birth to a girl; husband: take the girl or the bag? wife: a bag; a pair of black storks carried the girl to her nest; she grew up; storks went to bring her bracelets, telling her not to let the fire go out and not let the Parrot, the Dog and the Cat in; but on the third day the girl let the cat in and it extinguished the fire; the girl sent the Parrot to find out where the fire was; smoke rises above the Rakshasa house; the girl came there, only Rakshasi at home; she gave 7 baskets of rice, 7 pots of water, 7 bundles of firewood and a leaky coconut shell, where she poured coals; an ash trail remains on the way back; Rakshas came to the girl's house; says he brought gold; Parrot: don't unlock; the next two once the same (Dog, then the Cat does not tell); Rakshas caught up and killed the dog and cat, and the parrot flew away; for the fourth time he does not order to unlock the Noringa pterygosperma tree; Rakshas knocked him down, cut him down; then the log speaks; the rakshas burned logs and branches - ash says; the rakshas poured ash into the river, but now the water is talking; the rakshas tried to drink it and burst; and just as the storks arrived, brought gold bracelets]: Parker 1910, No. 12:120-124.

The Balkans. Moldovans [the hermit gives the childless queen grapes, she conceives a son; the king hunts, enters the fortress; he releases the king when the king promises to give what he does not know at home; son Dafin grew up, the hell takes him away; D. learns the language of birds from him; overheard the birds talking, they say that the unfortunate Arap has been drawing water from a bottomless well, where the one stolen by the Vester feature bathes; old man A. teaches D. to steal the clothes of bathing V., run without looking back; A. blesses their marriage, gets rid of the punishment, the devil disappears; hell agrees to let D. and V. go if D. 1) plows the field to the horizon in a day, will harvest, bake bread (V. orders the demons); 2) shoot a hare in the garden a devil (this is the devil himself, V. drives him in the form of a hound, D. beats him, his wife asks to give the devil to fry, in the evening the hell bruised); 3) identify among hundreds of girls (tears in V.'s eyes); hell puts D. and V. in prison, they fly away in midges, hell sends demons in pursuit, V. turns 1) himself into a garden, D. into a gardener; 2) wheat field and reaper; 3) duck and river; devil trying to drink water, bursts; D. and V. come to live with parents D.]: Botezat 1981:293-300.

Central Europe. Poles [the poor man leaves his children in the forest; twice they return according to the signs left, the third time they have not found the way; they come to the gingerbread house, there is a witch; she fattens them, they they show a bone or wand instead of a finger; push a witch's daughter or cook into the oven, or change hats with the witch's children and she kills her children at night; children run away, throwing magic objects, a mountain, a forest, a river appear; a cannibal tries to drink the river and bursts; the children have returned home]: Krzyżanowski 1947, No. 327A: 35-36; Russians (Karelian Pomorie) [contrary to the owner's order, workers they left a few grains on the field; the mouse and the bird argued over them, the war between birds and animals began, everyone died, the eagle remained wounded; the prince pointed his gun at him three times, the eagle asked not to shoot, but ordered feed for three months; tried to fly - three more; then more; ordered him to sit on it, took the reward; on the way he threw it and picked it up three times so that the prince would feel as afraid as he did when the prince pointed his gun; tells him to take a multi-colored box from his worn sister, a self-shaking purse from the middle sister, the youngest has a key to a multi-colored box; the eagle orders not to open it along the way; he opened, everything up flew away, the road became difficult; a tall man: I'll bring everything back if you give it back that you don't know at home; he was a magic king; people came out of the box at home, began to uproot, harrow, etc.; wife for it time gave birth to a son; Ivan Tsarevich grew up, shot, hit his grandmother's window; grandmother: you won't break windows for long, in a year the magic king will pick you up; father denies; for the second time - the same; grandmother gave drink a cup of water, I. became a mighty handsome man; tells the most beautiful of the 12 swans to hide the dress when they arrive and become girls; she promises to be faithful to Ivan; the king orders to rebuild the palace overnight; Elena Korolevna flew in like a bee, tells I. to go to bed, orders the spirits to do everything; to work the ship from a gun that is 30 years old under the window; E. gives a lash, I. hit the head, soon she returned by ship; cut down the forest, etc., and by morning bake pancakes from flour; the same, everyone does the perfume; choose E. from 12 mares (one hair on the face is slightly longer); the same from 12 pigs (red speck in ear); out of 12 girls (fly above her right eye); E. and I. are running, E. left saliva in the bath to be responsible for herself; chase; what can you see? - The cloud is high behind; turned into a chapel and an old man; two pigeons on a pile of manure; himself with a ruff, I. - a ring, swallowed the ring, dived into the lake; the king became a pike, but he could not catch the ruff; drank water, but the ruff became a duck, the duck flew away; the king followed, hit the rock, burst with the water he had drunk; E.: I'll stay in the field as a pebble, and you go to the house, don't forget to say hello to your older sister, otherwise you'll forget me; I. did not say hello, forgot, a new wedding is being prepared; two pigeons came out of the cake, talking about the forgotten E.; at first E. does not want to get up: I. has already been blessed; but he persuaded her, she came out of the pebble, I. became live with E.]: Nechaev 1938:85-110; Russians (Ryazan) [the man has three daughters; in the village they cast lots on who to recruit, the choice fell on this person; the eldest daughter offered to go instead of her father; dressed as a man, took a gun; towards the hare - she got scared and returned; the same middle daughter (towards the wolf); the youngest to meet the bear; she shot his finger and moved on; served for many years, not arousing suspicion among friends; the owner of the room, which the imaginary young man shared with his friend, suspected that it was a girl; let a friend put hay under the mattress; under the woman the hay would turn black, and under the man will remain green; the girl got up early and replaced the blackened hay with fresh hay; hostess: go to the bathhouse together; girl: oh, we forgot the soap; while a friend went to get soap, the girl had already washed herself; the service was over and the girl returned home; and her friend became a cat and began to meow under the window; the girl's father: honey, let the cat in; the cat grabbed the girl and carried her away by the Oka; becoming human again, the guy married the girl; her mother-in-law tells her to bring gray sheep out of the forest; husband: they are wolves; the girl climbed onto the spruce tree, told the wolves to pack up and fill the birch bark box with their wool; then she went down, took the box and brought the wolves mother-in-law; she gives a windowsill and tells them to milk dark brown cows; these are bears; daughter-in-law tells them to milk, brings milk; mother-in-law: go to my sister and bring a yarn comber (Weberkamm); husband: this Baba Yaga; give oil to the cat, he will bring a scratcher; Baba Yaga's hut on a chicken leg, on a spindle leg; Baba Yaga kindly let him in, and went to sharpen her teeth; her daughter-in-law gave the cat oil, he told him to spit on threshold, saliva will respond; taking the scratcher, the daughter-in-law ran away; Baba Yaga sat down in an iron stupa, took an iron pestle and set off in pursuit; daughter-in-law threw her brush, thick reeds grew; the comb was birch; the stone is a river; Baba Yaga tried to drink it and burst; now the mother-in-law sent her daughter-in-law and son to fish; they caught a ring that the girl threw into the river when the boy was carrying her to the other side; she said at the same time]: Khudyakov, 2, No. 60:81-85 in Löwis of Menar 1921, No. 31:176-181 (in Uther 2004 (1), No. 514:301-302, for some reason, the fairy tale is called Belarusian); Russians (Voronezh) [tsar three times aims at the eagle for an oak tree; agrees to feed it for three years; every year the eagle tries its power; after the third, it puts the king on its back, carries it, throws it into the sea three times and picks it up again, so that the king he was as afraid as he was when the king aimed at him; the eagle's younger sister refused to feed the king, let the dogs down on him; when the eagle carried the king further, the younger sister's house was burning behind him; the same middle sister; the elder feeds generously; after that, the eagle gives the king a ship and two chests: the red one in the backyard, the green one in the front; but the king opened the red one along the way, and the cattle came out of it; a man came out of the water, put the cattle back for promising to give what the king of the house did not know; at home, the tsar unlocked both chests, a garden appeared from the green one; Ivan Tsarevich was born at home; when he grew up, he was left on the shore seas; Baba Yaga's hut nearby; she teaches: 12 spoonbills will arrive at sea, take off their clothes, start swimming, it is necessary to hide the clothes of the eldest, Vasilisa the Wise; gives for a promise to help when I. comes to her father, the Water King; I. met, took Obedala, Opivala, Frost with him; the water tells him to build a crystal bridge overnight (the VP servants did everything); plant a garden (the same) recognize the bride from his 12 daughters (that will wave a handkerchief; fix the dress; the fly will fly); tells you to eat a lot; drink; survive in a hot bath (assistants helped); the young are running, the VP turned the horses into a well, herself into a bucket, the prince in old man; pop and church; honey river with jelly shores, prince - drake, VP - duck; waterman began to drink, burst; VP tells you to go forward to parents, but not to kiss his sisters; I. kissed, forgot VP; beret another wife; VP chipped in as a beggar, brought a pie with a dove with a dove in it; dove: you will forget me like I. Vasilisa Premudruya; I. remembered that everything is fine]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 219:171-177; Ukrainians (Uman in Kyiv region) [Mouse and Lark quarreled over a grain; gathered birds and animals for war; Mouse told ants to bite the wings of the birds at night; the birds fell, killed by animals; the eagle remains in the tree, asks the hunter not to shoot; he points his gun three times; feeds the Eagle with a cow, a bull; he carries it by air, drops and picks up three times that a person was afraid like the Eagle when he was targeted; the Eagle teaches the hunter to promise to return the Eagle, ask for an egg for it; Eagle's uncle, brother, refuse, the father agrees; orders to break only houses; the hunter breaks on the way, cattle come out of the egg; the Snake promises to return the cattle to the egg if they give what was not at home; son Ivan grows up, goes to the Snake; she requires 1) to uproot the forest overnight, etc., harvest, bake pies; the daughter of the Snake is walled up in a stone pillar; promises to do everything if I. marries her; 2) turn the Dnieper, arrange a shopping harbor; 3) catch a golden hare; the snake's daughter tells me to grab everything that comes out of the hole; I. misses the viper, the old woman; it was the hare; the girl turned to the hare herself, I. carried her; both run away; The snake sends her husband to chase, fugitives turn into wheat and grandfather; into a monastery and an elder; for the third time the Snake chases itself; the river and perch; The snake becomes a pike, did not catch it, began to drink the river, burst; the bride tells the house not kiss his uncle's child; I. kisses, forgets the bride; is going to marry another; Snake's daughter makes doves out of dough, they tell their story, I. remembers everything, marries Snake's daughter]: Pankeev 1992: 297-307; Ukrainians (Cherkasskaya - Chigirin) [the youngest son goes to sow, the grain ripened on the same day; the father became rich, married the eldest son to a peasant woman, the middle son, the youngest to the daughter of a general; the youngest son is seven years old motionless; the old woman tells him to be taken to the forest, tied to an oak tree with an iron rope, and leave without looking back (if he looked back, the Seven Year Old would break off the entire forest); in 7 days, the Seven Year wakes up, comes to an old woman, takes the name Superfumb; her two snake sons take him as brothers, give him the keys, tell him not to look into the stable; he opens, there are two horses, one eats gold, his head and the hand also turns gold; the old woman tells you to run, otherwise they will eat it; gives a brush, a comb, a handkerchief; the Serpent chases, the Superfumb throws a comb (forest), a brush (a mound), a handkerchief (the sea, the Serpent drinks, bursts); hires the master to herd pigs, leads them to the land of the Serpent, frees three heroes from under the cliff; marries the master's daughter; the Serpent demands her to be eaten; the Superoak kills the Snake]: Pankeev 1992:202-216; Belarusians (Mogilevsky, m. Belyshichi, 1888-1891). [The merchant and his wife live; they have no children. Someone tells a merchant that if you catch and eat one fish, you'll have children. The fisherman is fishing for him. The hostess and maid clean the fish, splash water from under it into the yard. A mare drinks it and gets pregnant. The maid cooks fish, tastes it and gets pregnant. The hostess eats fish and gets pregnant. A maid, a housewife and a mare give birth to sons one by one. Sons grow by leaps and bounds. Their father sends them to study, the kobylin's son serves them, but he understands science better. They're coming back to live with their father. Kobylin's son wants to go on a journey with his brothers and asks his father to make them a supply: three clubs (for his son a mace of 3 pounds, for the hostess at 4, and for himself 5 pounds). Kobylin's son checks maces, throws them into the sky and breaks everything (with his palm, knee and forehead). Asks you to forge new ones (5, 6 and 8 pounds). He throws them one by one, they fly away, no one knows where. The sons are going to look for them. They find the first and second. A third is found in the tenth kingdom at the house of a filthy king. Kobylin's son takes his supply. They spend all day walking in this house, drinking and playing cards. Kobylin's son sends his maid's son to watch the bathhouse (spa), says not to fall asleep, otherwise they will lay down their heads. The servant's son falls asleep. Kobylin's son is hiding under the bridge. A filthy king with six heads is coming. Kobylin's son defeats him and takes his six horses. Again, they walk all day, drink and play cards. The next night, the son of the mare sends him to the bathhouse to watch his owner's son. He also falls asleep, and the mare's son hides under the bridge again. A filthy king with seven heads is coming. Kobylin's son defeats him and takes his seven horses. Again, they walk all day, drink and play cards. The next night, the kobylin's son goes on patrol himself, and leaves a towel for the brothers. He says if he gets blood dripping, he needs help. The brothers are falling asleep. A filthy king with nine heads is coming. Kobylin's son cuts down eight of his heads, and the ninth grabs him by the forehead. Blood flows from the towel, the brothers wake up and come to help, defeat the ninth head, and take nine horses. The next day, carts are shared: with six horses, the maid's son, the family goes to the mistress, and nine to the mare. They're going to see their father. Kobylin's son recalls that he forgot gloves (fingers) in the filthy king's house, returns for them and sees three women (two are wives of filthy kings, and the third is a mother). They're talking about how to kill their brothers. One is going to turn into a bed, the second into a jar, gold and silver cups, gold and silver apples, and the third wants to open her mouth, put one jaw (zapa) on the ground, the other under heaven and swallow your brothers. Kobylin's son returns to his brothers, says nothing, they move on. They see it's worth three beds. The servant and the owner's sons want to go to bed, and the mares cut the beds and blood flows from them. They go further, see a pot, gold and silver cups, gold and silver apples. The servant and the owner's sons want to take an apple for a gift to their father, the mare's son does not have time to stop them, they die. Kobylin's son cuts a pot, cups and an apple tree, blood flows from everywhere. He puts the dead brothers in wagons and moves on. There is a woman with her mouth open. Kobylin's son cuts off her upper jaw and drives on top. Baba is chasing him. He hides in the forge, the woman licks the wall and pulls it out. The blacksmith grabs her tongue with ticks, and the son of the mare hits her tongue with a mace. He is exhausted and breaks his mace. Baba offers to compete in singing to see who sings longer. First, she rides it and sings and sings all her songs. Then he rides it and sings. He goes towards his father, and wagons follow them. They drive up to the river. Baba drinks the whole river, bursts, the river flows back. Kobylin's son returns to his father, buries his brothers and lives there]: Romanov 1901:248-254.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [The eagle flies to the poor man three times to steal chickens; each time he asks not to kill; on the fourth day he asks him to sit on his back, carries him to his sisters; on the way, he pretends twice that leaves on the rock so that a person also experiences the fear experienced by the Eagle; the first and second sisters do not give away a magic object; the youngest gives birth to a childless woman; on the way home, a man falls asleep; does not find a bandage; the sorcerer returns her from the water, demands that the boy be handed over a year after he is born; he becomes a young man in a year; the sorcerer's daughter teaches him to complete his tasks, gives a magic whip; 1) build an iron bridge; 2) sow the field and harvest in a day; 3) choose one horse out of a dozen (these are the sorcerer's daughters, the bride will stand still); 4) one goose (the same); 5) a pigeon (same); after going to the bathhouse, the young man and the bride run away, leaving a spit to answer for themselves; the girl turns into a bush, the young man into a bird; into a church and a priest (the sorcerer's wife explains that they were the fugitives); the sea and the swan; the sorcerer's wife pursues herself, becoming an eagle; trying to drink the sea, bursts; hitting the young man's parents with a whip, the girl makes them young]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:88-94; Terek Cossacks ( art. Ardon) [the old man has two sons; one dies; the old man goes hunting, finds a well; a cup swims in it; the old man drinks water; the cup sticks to his lips; the old man asks him to let go; the cup: "Give it back, What do you have, then I'll let you go!" ; the old man agrees; the cup gives him a sealed letter and falls into the well; the old man's son Ivan grows up, finds a letter; it talks about 12 beautiful sisters; I. comes to the house of the Snake King; he says that he has 12 daughters; he is ready to give his youngest, Elena, for I. if he guesses her among others (he eats her otherwise); E. wants to help I.; warns that he will put a piece of black thread in his bosom; thanks to this, I. identifies her among her sisters; CZ says he will release his daughters as doves; E. presses the middle toe; I. identifies her; CZ gives the task: to teach his dashing horse to ride; E. advises I. to he ordered the CZ to buy 12 tires and the same number of half-tires; I. does so; E. puts on a man's dress, sits on a horse, hits him on the hips with tires and half tires; I. hands over the horse to the CZ; after the wedding E.'s feast tells I. that you need to run; on the way he asks him: "Lie down, my darling, on the ground sideways and listen with your eye to see if they are catching up with us"; I. lies down, listens, says that they are running and catching up; E. turns into a strip of millet, and I. is the watchman of this millet; sisters E. come running, asking the watchman if he has seen the fugitives; the watchman: "Live, live, sparrows from millet!" ; the sisters decide he is a fool and return home; the CZ tells them they were fugitives; chases himself; E. becomes a duck and I. turns him into a drake; they fly to the sea; the CZ runs to the shore drinks water; duck: "Don't drink, dad, or you'll burst!" ; CZ does not listen, continues to drink, bursts; I. and E. turn into people and go to his parents]: Gusev 1893:354-358; Lucky [Batsulay warns three daughters not to open door; the witch Katsulai speaks her voice, takes the eldest, then middle, younger girl with her dog; the hermit teaches B. to enter K.'s home in the rock, to release all the children while K. and dog sleeps; B. throws flint (rock), thorns (thorns), splashes deer milk from the jug (milk lake); K. and the dog drink and burst]: Kapiyeva 1991:267-271; Georgians (Kartli) [eagle spread out on three oaks, asks the hunter not to kill him, cure him; carries him to his parents, tells them to ask them for treatment only a box; on the way, the hunter feeds the eagle, cuts off the last piece from the leg; When he arrives, the eagle heals him; the eagle's mother tells him not to open the box on the way; the man opens, the whole city comes out of it; Dev puts him back for promising to give what you don't know at home; this is a newborn son; he grows up, goes to the maiden to be eaten; the old woman tells the youngest of the deva daughters to hide the dress when they swim; she becomes his wife; dev tells him to cover the house and yard with gold cloth; put to palace in the morning; wife's people perform; to drive around the horse, this is the dev himself, the wife gives a bit and a hammer; the spouses run; the wife turns into a field, the husband into a reaper; into the forests and the old man; into a lake and a duck; the first two times pursues mother, third, both; they drink the lake, they burst]: Chikovani 1954, No. 31:167-172.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Järv 2016 (Otepää) [brother and sister went for berries, got lost, climbed onto the Christmas tree, saw a house; peninukid live there; the old woman began to feed her children, although she their brother would let them go - too thin; the old woman told them to show their finger; the boy showed a stick, and the girl once gave a finger; the old woman swallowed it; the cannibals left, leaving the old woman to cook the children; the boy pretended not to know how to sit on the baking sheet; the old woman testified, he shoved her into the oven; the children put on their bast shoes backwards, ran to the lake, climbed the spruce tree; the cannibals came back, ate the old woman, did not found traces of the fugitives, but noticed their shadows in the lake; thought the children were in the water; they tried to drink the lake, they burst]: 21-24; Kippar 2010, No. III.5 (Karksi) [Hans hides the pipe of the Old Devil (Vanapagan) on the Christmas tree above the lake; he sees the reflection, thinks that the pipe is at the bottom, tries to drink the lake, bursts]: 59-60; Juhan Kunder in Raud 2004 [the landowner has Big Peter and Little Peter; the landowner sends them to cut them down forest; BP eats half of the food taken by the MP three times, refuses to share its food; MP promises to complain to the owner; BP says that MP boasted to make a wax church, an earthen fence, in three days, bring keolocol by 12 votes; bees make a church, mice make a fence; a hawk brings MA to hell (Vanapagan), who has a bell; VP unties the bell rope, takes it, flies a hawk; throws it behind a rod (a forest grows), a whetstone (mountain), a drop of water (sea), the devil tries to drink all the water, bursts; MP receives a lot of money from the owner; says that the PSU boasted to sleep in a hot stove; he burns]: 144-153 ; in Talvet 1991:47-58; Järv et al. 2009, No. 36 (Väike-Maarja) [a person saws a tree in the forest, it becomes whole again; the spirit allows sawing for promising to give what he will be the first to meet at home; A three-year-old son comes out; the boy is given his spirit; he leaves with his son, gives the boy the keys, forbids him to unlock one room; he unlocks, there is a horse and a dog; meat in front of the horse, oats in front of the dog; When he returns, the spirit scolds the boy, but does not kill; next time the boy asks the horse for advice; he tells him to take a piece of gold from under the spirit pillow, a drop of water, a grain of sand and a knot from the window; the boy sits on horse, dog jumps away, with them; the horse tells them to throw a grain of sand (a sandy mountain; the spirit sends a son for a shovel; they hide a shovel, the crow screams what it sees, the spirit sends the son to take the shovel home), a knot (forest), a drop of water (lake; the son of the spirit drank, burst; the spirit rushed into the water, drowned); The horse tells him to remove his hooves, hit him three times with a rod; the horse and the dog turn into the same boys; all three live with the boy's father ; since then, tree felling has not overgrown]: 153-154; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 50 (Hargla) [the king held a feast, brought a beautiful bird as a gift, he put it in a cage; a man came out of the cage, he is king A transcendent (the one behind, Tagutsemaa) country; invited; became a bird, carried our king over the Front Country (Editsemaa), the Middle Country (Keskpaigamaa); in the Beyond Country, he gave it the box, ordered not to be opened on the way back; the king opened, a city appeared, but without people, and you can't leave the city; the old man puts the city back in the box and takes the king out on the road for promising to give his son; a young man is needed to be placed under the fourth corner of the house, three Christian souls are already there; the old man tells 1) to plow the field in a day, etc. and ready-made bread on the table; a captive girl gives a silver whistle; a young man whistled, everything appeared; 2) overnight the bridge over Lake Peipsi (the same; the old woman came to destroy the bridge, the girl tells me to grab the old woman by the hair, throw her into the lake); 3) tame the black stallion; girl: do iron tools in the forge and beat the horse with them; the old man is ready to give his daughter, must be identified among the three doves; the girl: I'll swing with the left wing; three horses: gray hair in the tail; three girls under black blankets (the veil on her face moves slightly); wedding; a young man and a girl are running; she turns herself into a herd, him into a shepherd; the old man's sons did not recognize them; into a church and a priest (the same); into a lake and a duck; the old man comes running by himself, trying to drink the lake, tells his sons to shut his ass, bursts; the king brings his wife to his home], 58 (all over Estonia, but more in southern Estonia) [the girl rejects the grooms and dreams marry a man with a golden nose; he appears and takes her away; on the way they stop three times, the groom enters a house; the second time the bride spies: he eats a dead dog; the third time, dead man; when they reach the groom's home and the girl is left alone, the deceased mother tells her that her husband is the devil; one of the guys who likes the girl goes to the healer; he tells her three times on Thursday take a ball and go to a crossroads; the third time a whirlwind brings a line to the house; he hired him as a worker, but since it is winter, there is no job yet; the girl comes to him, gives him a chip, a grain of sand and water in a glass: let her throw it when she says; takes a broom: if he moves, the pursuer is close; the grain of sand has become a mountain (the devil sends his son for shovels), the sliver in a dense forest (sends for axes) splashes of water - by the sea; hell sends her son for his grandmother, she tries to drink the sea, but bursts; hell stayed overseas, boy and girl got married]: 114-120, 151-154; set: Järv et al. 2009, No. 33 (Satserinna; recorded in Estonian) [the man went to sell linen, came back a year later, leaned over to the water for a drink, someone grabbed his beard, let him go for promising to give what he did not know at home; for this while the wife gave birth to a son; (he grew up); one girl told the young man to take with him two loaves, two belts and a ball of yarn; the ball rolled, the young man followed; threw two lions on the waist, the other two on bread, they were his missed; Damn (vanahalb) tells you to plow the field, etc., bake bread; 2) build a church; 3) build an iron bridge; daughter Devil tells you to go to bed, does everything; 4) choose a wife among him daughters turned into mares, turtles (the assistant will bite and bite other horses, pigeons); the young man gets a wife; she tells him to run, leaves saliva responsible for herself; the devil sends in pursuit sons, the wife throws bark behind (forest grows; sons Devil chop down, hide axes, lark says he sees where, they have to hide), clay (mountain; same: lark, shovels), water from glasses (lake; Devils drink, burst); young man brings his wife home], 35 [mother dies, father married a witch (vanapatu), she has two sons; one of them wants to marry her; she goes to dress in the barn, the witch's sons leave the dogs at the exit so that she does not leave; the mouse asks for bread, the girl gives her, the Mouse gnaws a hole in the wall, tells her to take a whetstone, a brush and a cat with him; the girl runs, the cat listens, reports on the chase; the girl throws brushes (the forest, the devils run after the axes; then they hide the axes, the bird says they see, they take the axes home, rush to catch up again), whetstone (stone wall; the same, they run for crowbars and hammers), a handkerchief (the sea, the devils drink, they burst)]: 139-141, 148-152; Finns: Konkka 1993 [after the death of the parents, the brother took the cat and the sister took the goat, they went to look for happiness; the goat had to be stabbed and fried; they came to the giant; he agrees to fatten them first and then eat them; the horse offers brother and sister to take them away from the giant, the giant easily caught up with him and killed; the eagle is the same, the giant shot; the bull tells you to take a branch, a stone and a tin bottle of water, throw it behind when the giant catches up; the branch turns into a forest; the giant cuts through the passage, the fox promises to steal an ax, the giant spends time taking the axe home; stone (mountain; same; fox promises to carry the hammer); bottle (sea, the giant tries to drink it, the fox advises you to gird yourself with hoops, gnawed them, the giant burst); the bull is about to die; tells them to keep the horns to summon it; brother and sister came to the copper castle, the dog got involved with them; the cat and the dog are scratching the chest, but the brother did not open it; when he left, Satan came out of the chest as a boy; the girl fell in love with him; he advises to pretend to be sick, send your brother for wolf's milk; the she-wolf gives milk and a wolf cub; the same is a bear; Satan advises to send the boy to the mill for living and dead water, he will poison the springs along the way; the first was drunk by a cat and a dog, from the second by a wolf and a bear; the guy revived them with living water; they tore Satan; the sister begged her brother to take her with him; they came to the silver castle, the boy married the mistress princess; Satan came to life, brought his sister a tooth, told his brother to put him in bed; he died; the animals broke the hoops coffin, but they fell dead themselves; two crows brought living water and revived the boy, and he the animals; hitting the horn with his horn, the guy summoned the bull, he brought him to the silver castle, Satan and his sister killed; spell, the one hanging over the princess fell apart; everything is fine]: 67-81; Salmelainen 1947 [hell turned the prince into a fast horse; told the groom guy to live in the stable and not go into the house; when the hell was gone, the conb told the guy go into the house; there he saw a bottle of blood, a huge sword on the wall, and in the chest in the corner there was a white stone, a green branch and a cup of water; hell knew that the guy went into the house, he promised him next time for it is to kill; but as soon as the hell is gone again, the horse told me to go try to raise the sword and if it is too heavy, sprinkle blood from the bottle; the guy felt a surge of energy, easily raised his sword; the horse ordered take items from the chest, sit on it, gallop away; hell chases, the horse tells you to throw a stone (rocks; hell ran for an ax, cut through the passage; fox: if you throw the ax, I'll take it; I had to lose the line time, taking the axe home), a green branch (a copper forest; the same episode with an ax and a fox), a bowl of water (lake; hell tried to drink it, girded himself with a hoop so as not to burst, the fox had a snack on the hoop, hell burst); they rode to the king, the father of the enchanted prince; the horse ordered him to be hidden in the beech forest; war broke out; the guy rode on an old mare, and then changed clothes, sat on his horse, hacked it with a sword enemies; was wounded and the princess noticed him bandaging the wound; he told the king everything; the horse ordered his head to be cut off, the prince came out of his horse's body; he inherited the throne, and the king married the boy to princess]: 47-52; Veps [the fisherman leaned down for a drink from the lake; the waterman grabbed his beard, ordered him to give the most precious thing; the fisherman promised a daughter; did not tell his wife and daughter; in the evening there was a knock on the door, the old man tells to come tomorrow, the daughter has not yet been born; told his daughter that he forgot her scallop and mirror by the lake, asked for her; the girl comes to Baba Yaga; she warns of water, sends it to her sister; she hid the girl in straw, drove on a sleigh, the water was chased; the old woman and the girl turned into a priest and a church; then into a lake and a ruff; the waterman tried to drink the lake, grabbed the ruff from the tail, choked and burst; the old woman took the girl to her parents]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 8:60-62; Karelians (Kalevalsky district) [the husband went to the forest, took aim at the vuoka bird; she asks not to shoot, but to bring and feed him a year; so three times; explains that it was wounded when it fought with a capercaillie; when the bird recovered, ordered the cow to be slaughtered, to take meat with it, it will bear it for a reward; over the sea it dumps and picks it up three times man so that he would feel the same fear as she did when he aimed at it; the bird consistently stays with its three sisters in a copper, silver, golden house; only a sister from the golden house agrees to give the box with the key; flying away, the veika hits its wings, the copper, silver houses burn down; the man opens the box on the way, countless goods fall out; the giant demon puts everything back for a promise to give what was born in his house during the man's absence; it turns out that a boy was born and has grown up; the boy accidentally broke a pot of soup on the old woman's window; she says that he is promised to an Arab guest, even if he goes to him; the boy (now more like a young man) leaves; sees three swans come to swim, take off their clothes, become girls; he hides clothes alone; the girl agrees to take him as a groom; says that she was cursed to be the daughter of an Arab guest; the swan took the young man under her wing and brought him to an Arab guest; the young man spent the night with the girl, in the morning she gave him a drink of live water, told him break all the axes and saws that the father would give to harvest a huge amount of forest; after that, the devil gave his ax, the young man told the demons to do the job; the second task was to dig a giant rock field (the same is to break hoes and shovels); hell tells you to choose a bride among three identical girls; chickens; mares; the girl teaches that she will have a longer tie on her apron; puts her finger aside; puts her finger aside; puts her finger aside back leg; hell offers to ride a horse, it's himself; the girl teaches you to whip a horse with a whip and a sledgehammer in the forehead; the beaten devil is sick, the girl tells me to run; they turned into a shepherd and a cow; the priest and the church; the demons did not understand, they came back; when they became a lake and a ruff, the devil himself ran, tried to drink the lake; the ruff ripped open his belly, the water flowed out, the devil died; the girl sends the guy home, and she must be three more years old with water; the young man became a rich merchant, forgot his bride, is preparing a wedding with the princess; the girl comes and offers to buy buns from her; the buyer wants to sleep with her; she tells her to come in the evening; the girl sent boyfriend for firewood, she stuck to the doorknob all night; the next evening she was the same with the second one who went out to bring a bag of flour; on the third evening the merchant himself came; she lay down with him, said who she was; they stayed together]: Onegin 2010, No. 16:182-193; Latvians [Children and a dog. The dogs caught the children, fed them nuts to eat. The kids roast the dog's wife and run away. The dog chases them, sees the reflection of children in the water, laps the water until it bursts]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 327:277; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 42 [12 brothers have a sister; the elder was looking for a wife, I did not find anyone more beautiful than my sister, she is preparing a wedding with her; the sister says that she forgot the ring in the cage, asks God for help, falls into the ground, finds herself on the path, comes to the hut, there is the same a girl like her; she smeared her with sourdough and covered her with sauerkraut ("deja"); the witch flew in, the hostess said that the human spirit, because that human leg was stuck in her teeth, picked up her poker; the witch flew away in a mortar, the girls ran; threw the brush (the forest; the witch cut it with an ax, ran to carry the axe back so as not to disappear), the towel (the sea; the witch began to drink, and tells the stupa drink, burst); the girls got to the cage, but the floors were already there, they started screaming; brother dismantled the floors; sister: here's your bride; brother married that girl], 44 [the old people have two daughters (only one beautiful) and two son; younger brother decided to marry a beautiful sister; in winter she went out to rinse her scarves and the door was locked; she consistently addresses all members of the family; everyone answers the same way: if you don't name it mother, but mother-in-law (not father, but father-in-law, not sister, but sister-in-law, not older brother, but brother-in-law, not younger brother, but sweet), I will open it; she has to call her brother sweet; when she enters his room, she asks in order for the earth to open, one hair remains in the brother's hand; in the hut, two daughters of a witch sew, hide the girl under a needle (more often they turn it into a needle); the witch arrives, believes that the smell of a person is because of her hand or leg left between her teeth; the witch comes back, finds the girl under the bed; the girl asks her to show her how to sit on a shovel, pushes the witch into the stove, the witch's daughters give her a brush, a whetstone, towel; the witch gets out of the stove, chases, the girl throws objects, they turn into a forest (the witch tells the blacksmith to tie an ax, cuts a path), a mountain (shovel), water (the witch drinks, bursts); a girl hired to work on the estate, married a panych]: 97-99, 102-107:97-99; Lebite 1965:149-153 [the fisherman didn't catch the fish, says let the hell cling, Damn gives fish for promising to give something what you don't know at home; a son was born at home when he grew up, his father sent him to the old man of Gray Mountain Kostya (SGC); the young man comes to one, then to another old woman; the first calls birds, the second to animals, no one knows the way to SGC; the old man sends three swans, the daughter of SGC, to the river, bathe, tells the youngest to hide the wings; he hides the wings of the eldest, middle, the swans take their wings, fly away; then the youngest, she asks return the wings, puts the young man on his back, brings him to SGC; he promises him a daughter if the young man 1) uproots the forest, plows the field, collects wheat, bakes pies for the wedding (by order of the Swan, devils do everything); 2) go around one of the three stallions (this is SGC himself, the Swan tells him to stab him in the neck with a knife); 3) identify the bride among the crows (she will sit on the edge, scratch his beak); identified him three times; 4) swim in boiling milk (wife the vat was stabbed, the husband is unharmed); the wife leaves drooling responsible for her, runs with her husband; 1) turns into rye, the husband is old, the devils come back; 2) the church and the priest (the same); 3) the lake and the pike; SGC itself chases, becomes a bull, tries to drink the lake, bursts], 154-158 [same or very similar text in Kerbelite 2014, No. 43:100-101; after the death of his parents, the Queen wants to marry; messengers say that his sister is the most beautiful; he tells her to prepare for the wedding; she replies that she puts on her shoes, puts on a dress, a wreath, falls into the ground, finds herself in the lower world; comes to her daughter The sun, that witch captive, pierces a needle into the wall, so the witch does not see the queen; both girls run, throw a ball (mountains, the witch digs with a shovel), a brush (forest, cuts with an ax), a towel (lake) , the witch drinks, tells the mortar to drink, she does not drink, the witch bursts; the girls come to the queen, the same; he puts a bubble of blood under his clothes, pretends to have killed himself; the sister cries more bitterly, Queen marries the daughter of the Sun, the brother of the daughter of the Sun marries the Queen)]; Norwegians [the widow's son is hired by a stranger; he feeds him, but does not require work; when leaving, he forbids entering a certain room; for the first time, the young man does not find anything there, the owner forgives him, beats him, heals him; the young man sees a boiling pot, bathes in it, becomes a strong handsome man; frees the horse, which has hot coals under his nose, and food behind his back; the horse tells you to wear rusty armor, take a rusty sword; they run, throw a blackberry branch (thorny thickets), a stone (mountain), pour water from a jug (lake, one drop fell side by side, but the horse swam out); the troll and his entourage are trying to drink the lake, burst; the horse tells him to let go for now, wear rags, a moss wig, hire the king; he is driven out of the kitchen, the stables, he works for the gardener; the princess sees him without a wig; when he learns that the young man is sleeping with his daughter, the king threw him into prison, his daughter is locked; enemies have attacked, the young man asks for permission to go to war on an old nag; summons his horse , smashes enemies, kills their king; slightly wounded, the king bandages the wound with his handkerchief; everything is explained, the young man marries a princess; the horse tells him to cut off his head, turns into a man; he was the former king of the country whose king a young man has now killed]: Dasent 1970:311-322; the Swedes [the giant has settled across the lake; the king tells the thief to get his gold items: a chicken, a sword, a lamp, a harp, promises to marry a princess; the young man swam across the lake in sauerkraut, lured the golden chickens a grain, put one in a bag and returned; the sword hung on the wall of the barn; the young man throws pebbles at him three times through a hole in the roof; the giant is angry that the sword is ringing, throwing it away, the young man carries it away; the third time he quietly poured salt into the dough; the giant began to scold his wife why the bread was salty; the wife went for With water to the well to knead the dough again, and took the lamp; the young man pushed it into the well, carried the lamp; for the fourth time, the giant caught the young man, began to fatten it; two weeks later he told his wife to cook it; the young man pretended not to know how to sit on the baking sheet; the giant's wife began to show, he shoved her into the stove; stuffed her robe with straw as if she were standing, took the harp and ran away; seeing a boat in the distance, the giant tried to drink the lake but burst; the young man married a princess]: Schier 1971, No. 16:75-79; Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [the giant {probably Stallo in the original} has a lion to whom he gives hay and a horse, to whom he gives meat; worker S. changes food; says that he cut down the poles to poke out S.'s eyes; they carry a tree home, S. is afraid to look back, does not see that the worker is not carrying a tree, but is sitting on it; the worker pretends to throw S.'s axe on the cloud, which can break his boat and oars, he brings an ax, rows himself; suggests piercing trees with his head; the worker does it in the trees in advance holes, S. gets stuck with his head; the worker replies that he is fast asleep when he looks like a bag, like a stone, puts a bag, a stone on his bed instead of himself, S. hits them at night; replies that he is fast asleep, when frogs jump out of his nose; the worker cuts off S.'s head; the horse tells him to run, taking a comb, a flint, a wet rag; S. (obviously alive) catches up, abandoned objects turn into a thicket, mountain, lake; S. returns for an ax, for a drill, then loses time carrying them back, as the sparrow threatens to pick them up; S. tries drink the lake, tells the maid to close his ass so that the water does not pour out; the fox tells him to hold it tight, the maid laughs, S. bursts; the young man washes his hair, it turns silver; he hides it under his hat, but the princess notices, takes him as her husband; the horse tells him to cut off his head, he also becomes a young man, he was bewitched before]: 55-63; Pollan 2005, No. 14 [Sisseløna is the youngest of three sisters, did not wear clothes, but was covered with hair like a goat; the older sisters did not take her with them; the king promised a prince and half the kingdom to the one who would steal three things from the troll; 1) a golden chest; S. came at night and took the chest; 2) a bull with with a bell on which the troll rides like a horse; S. took the bull out, put grass in the bell, took him across the river; the troll saw S., brought him to him, put it in a bag, hung it in the kitchen, went to look for a stick himself beat her; at this time, the troll's wife began to cook porridge, S. laughed, said that she saw something beautiful in the bag; the troll changed with her, fell asleep in a bag; S. brought the bull to the king, and the troll killed his wife , thinking that S. was in the bag; the troll chased S. again, saw the river on the other side, tried to drink the river, burst; S. got the prince and half the kingdom]: 75-76.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [the horseman did not follow a good road, but along a narrow path; two doves flew in to swim, took off their clothes, he hid his clothes alone; returned him for his promise and make him a dove, lead to to his father; he gives difficult assignments, his wife does; 1) uproot the forest in a day, do the rest of the work, including baking bread; 2) pave the way with trees around the edges; 3) tame the stallion (this is the diva himself, the wife teaches what to do); the wife tells the horseman to run; he flew away as a dove, the youngest daughter of the diva chased, the dzhigit became a mountain, she returned; the eldest daughter (bottomless pool); wife (waterfall and downpour); flew himself; the dzhigit became a fish, a diva became a pike; then a bull, tried to drink the lake, burst, died; the dzhigit returned home]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 5:51-56.

Western Siberia. Entsy (Madu dialect) [Damn (Çuse), becoming a bear, killed the old man's son Amulk; the shaman tells us who did it, Damn hears, kills, lowers the old man and the old woman into the ice-hole; them children ask the Devil where the mother is; he tells me to guess the riddle (not given), they guess; Damn sleeps in their plague, they run away, throw a comb (lake), ring (forest); Damn drinks water from the lake, bursts { the ring and comb are clearly confused}]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 83:297-298.

SV Asia. Kereki [Grandma tied the ogre, fell asleep; he asks the two sisters to untie him; the eldest agrees, the ogre runs away, comes to the dugout of two old women; tries to crochet them; they they slip him a bale of dry grass, run away, break through the wall of the dugout; the mistress of the sea Ankanpinav stretches her legs across the sea, the women cross them to the other side; the cannibal comes running, A. advises him drink the sea, it bursts; his iron body turns into various products: his head into a kettle, his legs and arms into guns, his brain into beads]: Leontyev 1983, No. 7:100-104; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 113:352-356; reindeer Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 8 [the son of the Creator Ememkut marries a blade of grass; feces come out of the hearth, takes it away; E. hears Spider's daughter telling her mother about this; shoots at the hearth, opening the way to the lower world; returns with his wife; becoming a crow, carrying his wife and children across the river; telling his dogs to tell feces that he drank the river to cross to the other side; drinks feces, bursts, dies]: 140-141; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 145 (Penzhinsky district, village. Boy) [parents leave naughty brother and sister in the tundra; they are chased by a bear, kele; a seagull carries them across the river; a little bird tells Kele that the children have drunk the river; keles drink, burst; children return to their parents]: 460-461; itelmen: Jochelson 1961, No. 9 [Elthehenai's children ask for a fairy tale; she replies what old woman Ivlikelhen will tell; I. sings, trying to put E. to sleep and then eat; she digs a dig from home, runs away with her children; the youngest knot stays, lives with I.; contrary to the prohibition, she unties the bags, all birds and animals fly away and scatter from them ; I. chases a knot; she turns herself into a woman caught by an ermine into a baby; I. does not recognize her, stays overnight; the knot cuts off the back of I.'s pants, pierces star holes in them, covers I.'s face, I. sees the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Orion, thinks it's still night; the hat falls, I. continues to pursue; the cuckoo Kekukemtalhan carries the knot in a boat across the river, takes wives; I. says that she crossed after drinking water in the river; I. drinks, bursts; when she finds out that his wife eats crap, the Cuckoo kills her]: 71-74; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 201 [=Jochelson], 203 [=Orlova]: 583-586, 587-590; Orlova 1999 [Goose's baby was born without wings; parents fly away, leaving him on the lake; Lisa tries to drink the lake to get Goose, bursts; Ememkut and Sinanevt take care of Kazarka, S. makes her wings; Geese come back, thank]: 155-158; Russified, probably tundra Yukaghirs (from the Russian-speaking mestizo, p. The campaign of Nizhnekolymsky district)) [when Yagishna comes, old parents run away, leaving their little daughter; Y. catches old people, finds a girl in the house, agrees not to kill her yet, if she watch the fire; does not tell you to open a closet full of crap; the girl finds half-alive deer in it, takes it outside, throws a rope across the river, crosses it to the other side herself and drags it deer; Y. asks how she crossed; Drank the river; she drinks, the river does not dry out; I ask why the girl held on to the water from the cliff; To the tree, then to the bush, then to the bush, then to blade of grass; blade of grass breaks, I burst, carried downstream; shouts to the girl: My head on your cup, My fingers on your forks are thick, My joints are on the stands, My ass on your foot, Mine your feet on stone trees, My back and bone on a chipboard]: Bogoras 1918, No. 3:112-114.

The Arctic. Except for chugats: a man pretends to be dead; a cannibal carries it to his children; on the way, a man clings to grass and bushes, exhausting the ogre; the cannibal's children are frightened to see that a person is alive; he kills The cannibal with an ax, returns home. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino): Menovshchikov 1988, No. 12 [five girls went to the tundra; Mayyrahpak put them in a camley, hung them on a tree; Bear, Raven refuse to help, Fox tells bend down the tree, frees four girls, could not wake up the fifth; four ran away, filling the camley with berries; M. pierces a knife, thinks that her eyes are falling; the girl agrees not to kill, brings her to her house; two men free her, run with her; a stone thrown by a girl turns into a mountain; she draws a line with her cut little finger, a river appears; M. drinks it, bursts; teapots fall out of it, cups, plates, buckets, other things]: 67-68; Rubtsova 1954, No. 5 [girls pick berries; the giantess catches them, puts them in her camley, leaves them on the tree; Ermine, the Hare refuse to help; The fox tells the tree bend down, frees the girls; they fill the camley with berries; one girl gets stuck in her sleeve; the giantess takes berries for human eyes; brings the girl home, adopts; two men come the girl runs with them; throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; draws a line on the ground, a river appears; the giantess drinks it, bursts; metal tools and utensils fall from her womb]: 117-120; island St. Lawrence [the girls roll down from the Giantess's dugout; she shoves them into her park, hangs them on a pole, tells him to straighten up; the birds refuse to help, the Fox tells the pole to bend down, tells the girls put moss in her place; the youngest fell asleep, stayed in the park; while ripping open the park, the Giantess cuts off the girl's finger; agrees to look for her in her head; there are mice, beetles, squirrels; the Giantess tells them gnaw, the girl just pretends to throw it away; The fox pretends to have blood from her nose, as if all the buckets are full of blood, in fact they contain red clay; the Giantess agrees to empty the buckets on top of the mountain; The fox is on her heels like a spirit, pushing the Giantess off a cliff; going to bed, taking out her eyes, telling her to guard; The Giantess comes up, her eyes jump, calls, the Fox is still sleeping; the Giantess bites through eyes, ties animal vertebrae to Fox's tail; The fox runs, then realizes what's going on; makes new eyes from kaavlaks berries, they are good, but fall out of the eye sockets; then from aamaks berries; they fit, but They mow a little, since then slightly cross-eyed; releasing the girl from the dugout, the Giantess puts her in a bag, ties a rope to it; the girl's two brothers release her, put the walrus skull in the bag, run away; The giantess pursues; the girl throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; runs her finger across the ground - the river; answers the Giantess that she crossed on a shell; the Giantess cannot; then advises a drink the river; the Giantess's belly is inflated, the girl offers to dance on the mountain; the Giantess bursts, she makes iron pans and boilers]: Slwooko 1979:14-20; chugach [Raven Kitu: My partner said that you have a big ugly tail; Whale opens its mouth, the Raven jumps inside; a bag hangs from above, this is Keith's heart; a little woman smokes herring swallowed by the Whale; a raven cuts his heart with a copper knife; the woman disappears, Keith dies, he is washed ashore; people are refreshing him, the Raven flies outside; returns as a man, warns not to eat a whale, you can die; people go away, Raven, Magpie, The Jay eat the whole carcass; Magpie and Jay are thirsty; the Raven advises them to drink the lake; they burst, they die]: Birket-Smith 1953:171-172; McKenzie's estuary [Bear chases hunter; optional a mountain, a forest, a river appear behind him; the bear asks how he crossed to the other side; the hunter advises to drink the river; the bear drinks, swims to the other side, bursts]: Ostermann 1942:114-115; copper [1) The Brown Bear dragged a man named Upaum to the den to feed his children; he pretended to be dead; the cubs noticed him opening their eyes; when they went out for firewood, he stunned the sleeping Bear with a stick, ran away; she chases him; he hides in a willow; runs on, draws a line on the ground; a pole of steam came out, turned into a river; How did he cross? - I drank; The bear began to drink, burst; steam rose from her body, became clouds, there were no clouds before (translated in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 190:402-403); 2) The bear killed a man, brought it to him; wife a man followed, killed a sleeping Bear; another Bear rushed after her; she drew a line along the ground, the Sarawaktok River ("raging stream") appeared; further as in (1)]: Jenness 1924, No. 68:79; caribou [A bear in human form carries the dead and the living; a man lies down in the grave, pretends to be dead; the Bear's wife pursues her husband's murderer; he draws a line on the ground, creating a river; The stalker tries to drink it, bursts; the water from her womb turns into fog]: Rasmussen 1930b: 80-81; netsilicone: Millman 2004 (Fr. King William) [Glutton spirits steal the dead from their graves; the Puagssuaq shaman tells them to bury himself alive; the glutton tears up the grave, brings loot to the family; the wife goes for firewood, the children say the prey is alive; the Glutton just in case, P. stings, he jumps up, tells the Gluttons to fall through the ground; goes to look for Glutton's wife, pokes her with a knife, but she is so fat that she feels nothing; chases P., he goes over the river, tells her to become wide; the woman asks how he crossed, P. explains that he drank water; the woman drinks; P. asks what it sticks out of her vagina; the woman bends down, bursts, drunk water turns into mist]: 24-25; Rasmussen 1931 [Kiwiok hides in a meat vault to see who is stealing meat; Black Bear drags him into his house like a seal carcass; goes to bed; his children they see that the prey has opened his eyes; K. kills the Bear with a knife; the Bear is chasing him, he creates two mountain ranges and a river behind him; advises the Bear to drink the river; the Bear bursts]: 375-376; Labrador Eskimos [when a giant sees a giant, a man pretends to be dead; he carries him on his back, a man clings to branches; the giant's children notice that the prey has opened his eyes; a man has hacked a sleeper the giant runs with an ax; the giant's wife follows; the man creates a river by hitting the ground with an ax; answers the pursuer that he drank the river to cross to the other side; the giant drinks, bursts; fog forms (the origin of fog)]: Nungak, Arima 1969:1-5, translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 181:397-398; Baffin's Land [corpses disappear from graves; alive lets themselves be buried; Narrey's cannibal takes him home; N.'s children notice that the prey has opened their eyes; the man beats N., runs away, N. chases him; he creates berries behind him taller, N. eats them; creates a river; advises N. to drink the river to cross to the other side; he drinks, bursts, turns into fog]: Boas 1901b, No. 12:176-178; the polar Eskimos [corpses disappear from their graves; the living let themselves be buried; the mountain spirit takes him to him; on the way, a man clings to a willow tree; at home, the spirit falls asleep, his children notice that the prey has opened their eyes; the man runs away, the wife of the spirit pursues him; he makes the mountain behind him higher, the river faster; advises stalker to drink the river; she drinks, bursts, turns into fog]: Holtved 1951, No. 42:186-193; angmassalik [the corpse of a deceased child disappears from the grave; the father lets himself be buried; mountain spirit takes him to him; on the way, a man clings to stones; children of the spirit notice that the prey has opened their eyes; a man kills a spirit, his wife Kooopayek pursues it; asks how it crossed the river ; he offers her a drink of the river; K. bursts]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 222:423-425.

Subarctic. Inhalic [The giantess puts the children in her park, ties them up, goes home for a bowl and spoon; the bird tells the captives that they will be eaten; unties the park when a boy promises to paint The bird carries feathers; carries him across the river; the giantess comes, opens the park, finds sticks and stones put in there by children; hears one boy laughing; trying to drink the river, almost reaches the goal, but it bursts; beluga whales and various fish jump out of it; children turn into birds, fly to look at the Giantess's house, find bones eaten there]: Chapman 1914, No. 23:96-98.

Mesoamerica Chol [The Jaguar is about to eat the Possum; he asks the Jaguar to hold the rock while he goes to get his own food; hides in a tree; the Jaguar leaves the rock, it does not fall; the Jaguar sees the reflection of the Possum in water, trying to drink water, dies]: García 1988:50; (cf. celtal [The possum pretends to flatten its testicles with a stone, gives Puma fruits under the guise of testicles; the cougar agrees to flatten his own, dies, the Opossum calls two more, they eat Puma meat; invites two Pumas, they understand that they ate their older brother; Opossums hide in a tree by the pond, Cougars see a reflection, try to drink water, are slightly alive; Opossums run, hide under a stone; Cougars do not recognize them, agree to hold the stone for a while; Possums run away; Cougars jump out, the stone does not fall; the Opossum muddies the river, tells the person that it is deep, offers to move it to the other side; at this time another takes his wife away; man and wife come back, seeing that the river is shallow]: Stross 197:19-23).

The Central Andes. Ferregnafe (dep. Lambayeque) [The fox wanted to whistle like a bird, sewed up his mouth; all the animals gathered to listen and dance; when they parted, the Partridge hid on an island in the middle of the lake; to get to it, the Fox tried drink the lake, burst]: Narvaez Vargas 2001:343-344; Sierra de Canta, Chillon River Valley [Fox and Duck are friends; when going hunting, Lisa asks Duck to look after the foxes; returns without prey, tells the Duck to open the bag if the meat supply runs out; when the duck opens the bag, finds birds in it; releases them, considering them his brothers; when the cubs ask for food, the Duck kills them, puts them in a boiling pot, swims to the middle of the lake; finding the foxes dead, Lisa tries to drink the lake to grab the Duck; bursts; foxes have been chasing birds ever since]: Jimenez Borja 1937: [No. 17, without pagination]; hakaru ( Tupe District, Prov. Yaujos, dep. Lima [The fox invites the birds to get into the bag, ties it, asks the Duck to watch while she is away; despite the warning, the Duck unties the bag, the birds fly away; she puts thorns instead; carrying the bag, the Fox thinks that the birds are pecking it through burlap; after opening the bag at home, she runs to the lake where the Duck swims; tries to drink all the water, bursts]: Farfan 1952, No. 1:79; wanka (dep. Junin?) : Tello 1923b: 424-429 [The fox catches birds in a snare, puts them in a bag, carries them home; gives it to the old duck Vachva for a while; she opens the bag out of curiosity, the birds fly away; V. puts it instead of them thorns, covers with grass; The fox takes the bag, feels the injections, first thinks that it is the birds pecking; chases V.; she swims to the middle of the lake; the fox tries to drain it by pulling the channel away, then begins drink water; water pours out of his anus; he plugs it, bursts], 430-421 [The fox catches the Duck; she promises to give him the cheese she has at home; her house is on the other side of the lake; the fox takes the reflection for cheese moons; trying to drink the lake (hereinafter referred to as pp. 424-429)]; Onores County, Dep. Junin [The fox asks the Duck to guard the bag with the birds he has caught; the curious Duck opens it, the birds fly away, she puts thorns in their place; the fox brings the bag to the children, the thorns scratch them; A duck swims in the middle of the lake, Lisa drinks water to drain it, bursts]: Farfan 1949, No. 39:133-135; Tarma (dep. Junin): Farfan 1949, No. 38 [The fox asks Duck where her children got their red legs; I baked them in the stove; The fox bakes her children, they die; The duck swims in the middle of the lake, the Fox drinks water to dry it; water pours out of her ass, she plugs it with a stone, bursts; Duck dances]: 123; Metraux 1935b [The duck tells Lisa that she baked her children to make their paws red; the fox agrees advice, her children are dying; Duck and ducklings move to the other side of the river or to the middle of the lake; Fox drinks water to drain the pond; stumbles upon a blade of grass piercing its belly, bursts]: 413-415; Toro Montalvo 1990 [The fox traps birds, puts them in a bag, asks the Duck (Huachua) to guard; she opens the bag out of curiosity, the birds fly away; W. fills the bag with thorns, leaves; the fox brings it to the family everyone is scratched against thorns; he chases W., she swims on the lake; first the Fox tries to drain him, breaks through the canal, then wants to drink the lake; bursts]: 400-401 by Tarmapap Racha Huaranin, Fabulas Quechuas, in Azacenas Quechuas, Tarma, 1906: Imprenta "La Aurora de Tarma": 107-117; Santa Barbara, dep. Huancavelica [Lisa asks Duck where her children got red legs; I baked them in the stove; The fox bakes her children, they die; Duck swims in the middle of the lake, Lisa drinks water to drain it; water pours out of her ass, she plugs it with a corn cob, bursts]: Farfan 1947: No. 19:115; aymara (dep. Puno) [The fox catches the birds, puts them in a bag, asks the Duck (Huallata) to guard him; curious W. opens the bag, the birds fly away; W. fills the bag with thorns, leaves; the fox carries the bag home, his the pets are scratched; he chases W. swimming on the lake; first tries to drain the lake by removing the canal from it, then wants to drink all the water; it pours out of his ass, he plugs his anus on the cob; bursts; another lake, Kamake-kota, forms from the spilled water]: Lopez, Sayritupa Asqui 1990:28-31; Aymara, Quechua of Mountain Bolivia [as in Tarma in Farfan and Metraux; one Fox or all foxes trying to drink water]: Paredes Candia 1953:32-34; Aymara [Chaika replies to Lisa that her children became so white after she baked them in the oven; when she saw the corpses of the children, she ran after Seagull; she began to swim on the lake; the fox tried to drink it, burst]: La Barre 1966, No. 2:134; chipaya [The fox wants his children to be as beautiful as the Duck's children; The duck tells them to burn them in stoves and dance around; after sending the Fox for a new portion of firewood, runs away and swims on the river; when he sees the dead children, the Fox tries to drink the river; tells the straws not to prick the yango in the stomach; one sharp one pierced him, Fox burst, water spilled out]: Metraux 1935a: 77-79.