Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L73B. A drawn feature. (.26.40.46.)

The runner draws a line along the ground, resulting in an obstacle to the pursuer's path.

Chinese (province not specified), Asian Eskimos, St. Lawrence, copper, caribou, arpaho.

China - Korea. The Chinese (province not specified) [the shepherd (Kuhhirt) always has well-fed cows; in the mountains, a cow tells him that nine daughters of the Jade Emperor are swimming in a sky lake this evening; The seventh is spinning cloud silk for the Heavenly Lord and his wife, so she is the Weaver (die Spinnerin); the one who hides her clothes will become her husband; the cow brings the Shepherd to heaven, there are jade trees, jasper grass; the Shepherd hides the Weaver's red robe; she agrees when, on the advice of a cow, asks the willow if she can marry; the willow replies that yes, it is the seventh evening; seven days later the Weaver runs away prepare clothes for the Heavenly Lord; the Shepherd pursues, but she runs a hairpin (Haarpfeile) across the sky, a heavenly River appears - the Milky Way; every seventh evening they converge again, this time crows are not visible on earth, they all form a bridge across the heavenly river; the rain at this time was the tears of the Shepherd and the Weaver; once the Shepherd became angry with the Weaver that she did not cross him, threw a yoke at her; it can be seen as stars under the Weaver's feet; she also threw a spindle at him, it's under his feet]: Wilhelm 1921, No. 16:31-34.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos (Chaplino): Menovshchikov 1988, No. 12 [five girls went to the tundra; Mayyrahpak put them in a camley, hung them on a tree; Bear, Raven refuse to help, Fox tells bend down the tree, frees four girls, could not wake up the fifth; four ran away, filling the camley with berries; M. pierces a knife, thinks that her eyes are falling; the girl agrees not to kill, brings her to her house; two men free her, run with her; a stone thrown by a girl turns into a mountain; she draws a line with her cut little finger, a river appears; M. drinks it, bursts; teapots fall out of it, cups, plates, buckets, other things], 84 [The eagle takes five sisters to heaven one by one, feeds her well; the fox tells the youngest that after feeding her, the Eagle will drink her blood; the girl finds half-dead sisters; they weave a rope from their tendons, go down to the ground; the Eagle chases them; they create a river, freeze it when the Eagle is in the water]: 67-68, 194-198; Asian Eskimos (Chaplino) [lucky whale hunter, he has 5 daughters; a ceremony must be performed to kill a whale, but the hunter's wife is missing; the following year, the eldest daughter went to pick up the roots, she was taken to heaven by an eagle; when he took the last two daughters, began to fatten them; fox: he feeds you to eat, weave a rope out of your tendons; look into the pantry: there are sisters who have already been taken away, their eagle has sucked their fat, but they are still alive; to distract eagle, sisters tell them to bring prey from afar - they say, their father did so; the fox lowered the girl on a rope to the ground; when the eagle chased, the girl drew a line with her little finger, a river formed; the eagle dammed the river, getting up in the water and spreading her wings, but the girl told the river to freeze, the eagle froze in age, the girl killed him with a knife; the youngest went to find someone, got to a brown bear; he told him to beat him when wakes up with a scraper handle so as not to bite; sends her to those who are playing ball over the hill; there she was married by a young man; she gave birth twice, both times a boy; guests arrived; she won everyone on the run and wrestling; returns to the bear for a while, taking the braided rope; then to his parents; then throws the rope up again and goes up to the northern lights; {it is obvious that those who play ball are flashed}; twice again gave birth; overtook and overcame everyone; then returned {to earth} and then went under water; got married and stayed there]: Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 41:555-576; St. Lawrence [the girls roll down the Giantess's dugout like a hill; she shoves them into her park, hangs them on a pole, tells him to straighten up; the birds refuse to help, the Fox tells the pole to bend down tells the girls to put moss instead; the youngest fell asleep and stayed in the park; while ripping open the park, the Giantess cuts off the girl's finger; agrees to take her in her head; there are mice, beetles, squirrels; The giantess tells them to gnaw, the girl just pretends to throw them away; the fox pretends to have blood from her nose, as if all the buckets are full of blood, in fact they contain red clay; the Giantess agrees empty the buckets at the top of the mountain; the Fox is on her heels like a spirit, pushing the Giantess off the cliff; when she goes to bed, takes out her eyes, tells her to guard; the Giantess comes up, her eyes jump, she calls, the Fox is still sleeping; The giantess bites her eyes, ties animal vertebrae to the Fox's tail; The fox runs, then realizes what's going on; makes new eyes out of kaavlaks berries, they are good, but fall out of the eye sockets; then from berries aamaks; they fit, but mow a little, since then slightly cross-eyed; releasing the girl from the dugout, the Giantess puts her in a bag, ties a rope to it; the girl's two brothers release her, put her in a bag a walrus skull, run away; the Giantess pursues; the girl throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; runs a river on the ground with a stump of her finger; answers the Giantess that she crossed on a shell; the Giantess cannot; then she advises you to drink the river; the Giantess's belly is inflated, the girl offers to dance on the mountain; the Giantess bursts, she makes iron pans and boilers]: Slwooko 1979:14-20; copper [1) Brown The bear dragged a man named Upaum to the den to feed her children; he pretended to be dead; the cubs saw him open his eyes; when they went out for firewood, he stunned the sleeping Bear with a stick, ran away; she chases him; he hides in a willow; runs on, draws a line on the ground; a column of steam came out, turned into a river; How did he cross? - I drank; The bear began to drink, burst; steam rose from her body, became clouds, there were no clouds before (translated in Menovshchikov 1985, No. 190:402-403); 2) The bear killed a man, brought it to him; wife a man followed, killed a sleeping Bear; another Bear rushed after her; she drew a line along the ground, the Sarawaktok River ("raging stream") appeared; further as in (1)]: Jenness 1924, No. 68:79; caribou [A bear in human form carries the dead and the living; a man lies down in the grave, pretends to be dead; the Bear's wife pursues her husband's murderer; he draws a line on the ground, creating a river; The stalker tries to drink it, bursts; the water from her womb turns into fog]: Rasmussen 1930b: 80-81.

Plains. Shayena [every morning, the husband paints his wife from head to toe with red paint; when he returns from hunting, he finds no traces of paint; he watches his wife; she undresses on the lake shore, says: I'm here ; the water serpent crawls out, licks the paint from it; the husband cuts lovers into pieces, throws his wife's head, arms, legs into the water; brings meat from the ribs to his son and daughter under the guise of antelope meat; leaves; the boy feels the mother's taste; the mother's head haunts the children because they ate her flesh; the girl throws yellow, white, red porcupine needles; they successively turn into three types of thorny bushes; conducts a furrow with a digger; a gorge appears at this point; puts the digger as a bridge; when the Head crosses it, the daughter shoves the digger; The head falls, the abyss closes behind it; see motif K43]: Grinnell 1903:108- 115.