L75. Flint kills a mother at birth. 44.-.46.
One of the two brothers is the epitome of evil; at birth, he cuts his mother's body, killing her.
(Wed. India. Rigveda [Indra refuses to be born in the normal way but comes out of her mother's side]: Lang in Cooke 1931:113).
(Wed. The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Typhon was born breaking his mother's god]: Plutarch in Cooke 1931:113).
The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 66 [an old woman warns her daughter not to face north; she gets up, gets pregnant, gives birth to a white rabbit and all animals; her mother puts the rabbit under a wooden vessel , he turns into Menapus ("big rabbit"); grandmother says that his mother killed Flint; M. swims across the sea in a coryam boat, sees Flint breaking off pieces from his own shin; arrows bounce off his body; Woodpecker tells him to mark his hat; Flint dies, M. throws fragments everywhere, now people use them], 67 [the old woman does not tell her daughter to face north; she breaks prohibition, breaks, gives birth to a rabbit, then all animals; Flint comes out last, cutting through the mother's body; rabbit - M.; as in (67)], 68 [The creator raises the Earth from the depths, which has a human form, people are the grandchildren of Earth; she has a daughter; the Creator wants animals; the old woman does not tell her daughter to turn north when she leaves the house; she turns around, the wind enters her bosom, she gives birth to M., then everyone birds and animals; Flint is the last to come out, kills her mother at birth; the old woman buries her; her fire goes out; she tells M. that the owners of the fire live overseas; M. swims across the sea in a dolblenka, turns into a rabbit, picked up by the two daughters of a blind fire master; they plant him by the fire to warm up, he runs away, carrying the fire, the owner chases him; the Big Hairy Fish with horns transports him across the sea; he brings fire home], 69 [the girl turns to the side forbidden by her mother, gives birth to M. and his younger brother Flint; he kills her mother; the fire goes out; first M. is a rabbit, then a man asks her grandmother about her father; she says that he is angry and cannot be killed; M. swims to him, water becomes like glue, M. greases the boat; his father gives him a porcelain knife, M. cuts his throat with it; asks his grandmother about his younger brother, she sends it south; M. breaks Flint, throws fragments; turns into a rabbit, the daughter of the fire owner picks him up; he takes the burning smut, brings the fire home]: 133-135, 135-137, 137-147, 147- 153; Hoffman 1896 [The Creator has four sons; Nanabuju has an intermediary between him and humans; Wabosso goes north, turns into a rabbit; Chakekenapok eats flint, kills his mother at birth; his older brother Nanabuju chases him, breaking him to pieces; shards turn into rocks, entrails into vines of all kinds; Chipyapus sinks into the lake. Michigan, when the evil beckons break the ice under him; N. pursues Manita, they give him tobacco, return his brother; N. sends him to be the master of the land of the dead]: 207-209; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 1a [in At the beginning of time, a single woman tells her daughter, digging roots, to look only south; she violates the ban; the wind hits, she becomes pregnant; gives birth to Myanyabush, Wolf and Flint; Flint cuts at birth mother, she dies; the wolf goes to the forest], 1b [Mother Earth finds her daughter under an inverted bowl; four Winds enter the girl; she gives birth to twins, who tear the mother's body to pieces; the grandmother covers these pieces in a bowl; a rabbit emerges, he turns into Myanyabush]: 239-242; chippewa: Barnouw 1977, No. 5 [someone comes to the young man at night; he stains his mistress's thigh with something; in the morning his the sister is sitting on the ground; he wants her dress to catch fire; the girl jumps up, he sees his mark; if he wishes, the sister falls through the ground; falls on the Turtle in the middle of the sea; gives birth to a daughter, The turtle takes her as his wife; she gives birth to twins Flint and Venebo; Flint kills mother at birth, V. kills Flint; in Jones 1917, 1919, pt. 1:431: Grandma V. is Mother Earth; often referred to as Toad Woman], 6 [V. and Flint argue in the mother's womb about who to go out first; V.: If you go out, you'll kill your mother; brothers jump out, disappear with their mother; (in de Long 1913:507: three brothers they fight, the mother and they are blown away by the wind); the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with birch bark; under her is first a rabbit, then V.; asks where his mother is; Swallow by a whale; V. takes a knife, swallowed with the boat; inside the whale finds the Squirrel and the Blue Jay; cuts the whale's heart; the corpse is washed ashore, crows peck him, V., Squirrel, Jay come out; Brother V. sits on a rock in the middle of a resin lake, cuts pieces from the legs, they turn into shells; Chickady advises V. shoot his brother's braid; V. kills his brother with an arrow]: 73-74, 75-77; Ojibwa: Jones 1917, No. 1-3 [the old woman does not tell her daughter to sit on the street faces west; she sits down, gets pregnant; the youngest of the twins wants to be born first, the twins quarrel, tear the mother apart; the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with bark, he turns into Nanabusha ; he freezes the sea, turns into a hare, runs across the ice to where the firemaster lives with his two daughters; the youngest picks up the bunny, puts it to dry; the father warns that this may be beckons; the hare sets fire to his hair, brings fire to his grandmother; since then, the hares have been dark in the summer; the grandmother admits that N.'s mother killed his brother; the brothers shoot at each other; Laska tells N. to mark the hair knot, N. kills an enemy, makes him master of the dead]: 3-23; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 7-8 [the old woman's daughter hears a voice not to sit facing north, west, east or south; she sits facing the young, becomes pregnant; the children in her womb are arguing who will be the first to come out; she explodes; her mother finds a blood clot that turns into a white rabbit; he goes through the water to the owners of the fire; the girl picks it up, her sister warns that it may be a newly born Nenabojo; the rabbit grabs fire, leaves his pursuers, runs across the surface of the water, brings fire to his grandmother; after spending time in the steam room, grows up, then turns into a boy; asks his grandmother about her mother and father; she replies that his brother North (Flint) probably killed his mother at birth; N. goes to his brother, sees how he breaks pieces off his leg without harming himself; N. asks what can kill him; Little pebbles; N. lies that he, N., can be killed by arrows with cedar bark tips; throwing pebbles, breaks off Flint, killing him; brother's arrows do not harm him]: 5-9; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 18 [woman warns daughter not to look at the sun at sunset; she accidentally breaks ban; the wind takes her clothes, she gets pregnant; her four sons argue in her womb about who will come out first; tear her mother to pieces; they are the winds, Manabozo is the chief, strong east wind]: 106-108 ; Ottawa [the girl lives with her grandmother; gives birth to two sons; the youngest is Flint, kills her by going out through God; the elder Na-nav-bo-ju and his dog (this is a wolf) chases him, chipping off pieces ( the origin of flints); where it kills, a rock appears; the "god of the depths" knocks the Wolf down out of jealousy, water monsters gather for a holiday; N. pretends to be a stump, they pull it, cannot move it, they believe that this is a stump; it kills the "god of the depths"; the flood begins; the Beaver dives, pops up dead; the muskrat too, but the earth is on its paws; N. sends the Raven to fly, the earth dries up]: Chamberlain 1891:204-205.
Northeast. See motive B1. The first woman falls from the sky; two twins in her or her daughter's womb quarrel over the best way out; an angry brother comes out of the mother's side, killing her; creates monsters, ferocious and harmful animals. Hurons; Tuscarora; generally Iroquois; oneida; seneca; onondaga; mohawks; mikmaq [Gluscapa's evil younger brother in his mother's womb does not want to wait the right time to be born, goes out through her side, the mother dies; asks the good elder what to kill him; G. lies that he will be killed by a ball or a handful of feathers; the youngest admits that he can be killed with a cane (cat-tail); brothers beat each other with matching objects; the older one kills the youngest; their mother is the Turtle]: Leland 1968:106-107; malesite [Gluscap and his evil little brother came out of his mother's womb through her side, she died; G. lied to his brother, saying that he could be killed with bird's hair, and his brother admitted that reeds were fatal to him; G. was only slightly stunned in peace, and his brother was killed by reeds]: Jack 1895:196-197; the Abenaki [Glooskap and his younger brother Malsumsis ("wolf") argue in the womb about how to be born; G. wants to get out the usual way, M. goes out through his side (var: armpit), killing his mother; G. replies to Malsumsis that he would be killed only by a blow with an owl feather; he admits that a fern root blow is fatal for him; M. hit sleeping G. with a pen, he woke up and said what will kill the pine root; the same; G. says to himself that it is actually a blooming reed; the Great Beaver hears this, reports M., asks for wings as a reward; M. laughs refuses; Beaver reports all G.; he kills M. with a fern root; M. turns into mountains on the Gaspé Peninsula]: Leland 1968:15-17; delaware (Mansi) [husband in heaven is jealous of his wife for the Comet; throws her into a hole on the spot an uprooted sky tree; when she falls, a woman grabs a blackberry bush, the Comet gives her corn seeds, a pot, a beaver bone, a mortar and a pestle; the pike offers to support her, but the beckons only laugh at him; the Turtle becomes a support; a woman gives birth to a daughter; she becomes pregnant from the wind, gives birth to twins, these are Flint and Moskom ("hare", "rabbit"); Flint comes out through the mother's navel, killing her; the grandmother buries her daughter head west, marking the path that the souls of the dead should follow]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 44:38.
Plains. Dakota (Sioux, band not specified; identification from Dakota in Thompson 2000, No. 92:299) [recorded from members of the secret society; Bubble and Monster are twins, sons of the Turtle; the Monster's body was from stone, he killed his mother at birth; The bubble was everywhere looking for him to kill]: Meeker 1901:161.