L77. The girl looks like a pineapple. .22.23. (.27.52.) .
The character devours people because he sees delicacy instead of them.
Burma - Indochina. Karen [(cf. Abkhazians); Ná (an evil spirit with which man is possessed) sees other people as animals to hunt and their eyes as fruits; sometimes it is told about a stomach that goes and eats people]: Mason 1865:208.
South Asia. Santala: Bodding 1952, No. 2 [Baijal plays the flute and violin, Bongo (spirit, deity) fell in love with him, appeared as a girl, led him to the bottom of the reservoir; bongo snakes serve with benches, tigers and leopards by dogs, Phyllantus emblica L. leaves are their taben cakes (thick crushed rice), bread is dry cow cakes; his wife's brothers lead him to hunt pheasants; a man cuts a tree , they say that this is the pheasant; the young man is forced to let the dog down, the lumberjack manages to kill it with an ax, the wife's brothers are dissatisfied; the young man returns to the ground, the bread he takes with him turns into cow manure; his bongo wife continues to visit him, they have two children; a young man is going to marry an earthly girl; if a daughter is born, the bongo asks to name the girl by her name; one day a young man tries to prevent his wife from letting his wife- bongo into her world, she and her children fly over the roof; he does not name his daughter by her name, she dies; so several times; when she called it, the daughter is alive], 9 [as text No. 2; the wife's brothers tell me to take the dog tiger, kill a pheasant, i.e. a man, a lumberjack in the forest; the young man deliberately speaks loudly, the man hears, prepares, hacked the tiger with an ax; the wife's relatives order to take such a husband back; on earth, Bongo continues to visit him]: 55-58, 107-111.
(Wed. The Balkans. The Greeks [one of the Moirs told a childless woman to go to the cave, walk along it to Charon's Garden, pick the grass at the spring, eat it - there would be a child; in the garden, a woman saw petrified people of different kinds sex and age; there are also sickles, skulls and bones; birds flew over the garden; Charon caught one for lunch; Charon and his wife Haronissa ate while eating; after eating, cut off pieces from petrified ones children and smelled like roses; and ate adults like fruit; the woman gave birth to a son; when she told him about the circumstances of his birth, Charon appeared, took the boy to make him a gardener, and his mother turned him into another stone figure]: Schmidt 1877, No. 21:116-117).
(Wed. Mesoamerica Chol [animals eat plants in the peasant's field; the Jaguar helped him wear jaguar skin; but taking the form of a jaguar, man saw animals in human form, was frightened; battleships are humans carrying bundles of firewood (palos); Aguti - loud old men; deer - Tseltal Indians (enemies of the Chol) with spears; wild pigs are ferocious people with machetes; Jaguar told him not to be afraid, to kill those he sees; 8 days the man ate raw meat and almost died of an upset stomach; the Jaguar took his skin because he realized that he could not be a jaguar]: García 1988:35-36).
Honduras-Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989 [see motif J16; Olotvaligipileler secretly visits his sister Magiriyay; she tells a lice, a tick, a sand flea to wake herself up; a flea wakes up, M. smears her lover his face is a genipa, dries up rivers; in the morning he sees his brother's face; he runs away in shame; M. runs after him, returns to get his baskets, loses his way; on the way he copulates with many animals; brother goes up to Sky A Month, spots are visible on her face; on the river bank, old woman Mu Quelopunayai invites her into the house, hides her in a vessel; her sons are iguanas, wild pigs, tapirs, fish; they say they smell pineapple ; the next day, Mu hides M. under the roof; the third day he turns it into a part of a loom; sons find it, devour it on the river bank; her sons avenge her]: 33-42.
The Northern Andes. Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 11 [Kashindukwe, Nuánashe and Námaku used blue and green stones to turn into jaguars at night; so did their people; Núnkasha trapped K.; Magri, turning into a jaguar, he ate his daughter and wife, they seemed like pineapples to him; Aluseye and Mulkwehe killed Nuánashe. but his spirit is only asleep; when all the Mamas (shamans and priests) are gone, K. and N. come to life, the sun will go out, the world will end, trees and mountains will disappear, the sea will flood everything]: 485-486; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 7 [Kashindúkua was the brother of Noána-sé, Búnkua-sé and Ambuambu; Mother gave birth to them all; was a great healer; he removed black cockroaches (these are diseases) from a sore spot and ate them; his mother gave him a blue stone (= a jaguar testicle); when he took it in his mouth and put it on a mask, he turned into a jaguar; once did it in front of a woman; she looked like a pineapple, he ate it (note 89: informants added that K. ate anus); began to do so intentionally; B. killed him many times by touching him with a stick to extract lime from the vascular, then revived; K.'s people followed him as jaguars at night, killed others; B. made a trap tree; at night it seemed like a woman, but crushed K.; him shot with arrows, he promised that every suffering he suffered would become a disease for people; his head and claws were cut off, hidden in a cave; at the end of the world he would come out of there and kill everyone; K. is good, he is our father, for the Kogi are the people of the Jaguar, and he is the Father of the Jaguar; we ask him for permission to live on this land; for him we dance wearing masks of wind, water and earth], 8 [Noána-sé was the son of Kashindúkua; after death He became the head (priest, Máma) of the Jaguar People; inherited his mask and blue stone, ate women; asked his sister Nukasá for her two daughters, became a jaguar, ate them, then their mother; B. and the priests killed him with clubs, but his Jaguar Spirit went out and disappeared into the cave; together with Kashinduqua and Námaku, he will leave at the end of the world to devour people]: 43-46, 46-47.
Western Amazon. Kofan [shaman turns into a jaguar; woman carries her daughter; jaguar shaman sees a huge flower on the girl's head, wants to take it to show others; scalps the girl; her parents too turn into jaguars, chase him away]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 115:170-171.
NW Amazon. Letuama [one of the five brothers has (does he apply to himself?) jaguar eyes; sees a tasty caterpillar instead of another brother, eats it; he and the other three brothers turn into jaguars]: Palma 1984:40; yukuna [Yurupari tells the children to fast if they they want to see it; some break the ban, eat fruits; in their place, Yurupari sees the fruits himself, devours them]: Mich 1995:490.